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Language check – Unit 7

1) Complete the conversation with is, are, isn’t, any, Language check – Unit 7
some or a.
1) Complete the conversation with is, are, isn’t, any,
Mum is at the supermarket. She phones Patrik for help… some or a.
Mum: Patrik. Can you look in the fridge, please? Is there 1 Mum is at the supermarket. She phones Patrik for help…
any milk?
Mum: Patrik. Can you look in the fridge, please? Is there 1
Patrik: No, there 2 . any milk?
Mum: 3 there any vegetables? Patrik: No, there 2 .
Patrik: Yes, there are 4
carrots. And there 5
Mum: 3 there any vegetables?
some tomatoes. Patrik: Yes, there are 4
carrots. And there 5
Mum: 6 there any fruit? some tomatoes.
Patrik: There are 7 apples and there’s 8 Mum: 6 there any fruit?
banana. Patrik: There are 7
apples and there’s 8
Mum: Are there any eggs? banana.
Patrik: Yes, there 9 There are six eggs, Mum: Are there any eggs?
but we haven’t got 10
ice cream, Mum! Patrik: Yes, there 9 There are six eggs,
2) Circle the correct words. but we haven’t got 10 ice cream, Mum!
1 I’ve got …………… sweets. 2) Circle the correct words.
a many b lots of c much 1 I’ve got …………… sweets.
2 How …………… water is in the bottle? a many b lots of c much
a many b not much c much 2 How …………… water is in the bottle?
3 How …………… chairs are there? a many b not much c much
a many b lots of c much 3 How …………… chairs are there?
4 There …………… much information about the a many b lots of c much
4 There …………… much information about the
a aren’t b not c isn’t museum.
5 I haven’t got …………… ideas for my project. a aren’t b not c isn’t
a many b not many c much 5 I haven’t got …………… ideas for my project.
6 Have you got …………… comics? a many b not many c much
a many b not many c much 6 Have you got …………… comics?
3) Listen and complete the text. a many b not many c much
My name’s Stefano. I have coffee and milk with 1
3) Listen and complete the text.
biscuits for breakfast. Then I have a sandwich or 2
My name’s Stefano. I have coffee and milk with 1 some
crisps in the morning break. I have lunch at school. I always biscuits for breakfast. Then I have a sandwich or 2
have 3 of pasta! Then I usually have crisps in the morning break. I have lunch at school. I always
some have 3 of pasta! Then I usually have
or fish. In the afternoon I have a 5
at home. At about 7.30, I have dinner with my
family. We have 6 meat, fish or cheese.
or fish. In the afternoon I have a 5
at home. At about 7.30, I have dinner with my
family. We have 6 meat, fish or cheese.

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