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EDUC 205:



Give appropriate answer to the question below:

(1) Explain briefly the influence of different school of psychology on education in our present
educational system? a. Structuralism - Structuralism was the first school of psychology, and focused on
breaking down mental processes into the most basic components. Major structuralist thinkers include
Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener.

b. Existentialism

c. Functionalism

d. Behavioralism - behaviorism holds that all behavior can be explained by environmental causes, rather
than by internal forces.

e. Individualism

2. Explain the principles of hereditary factors below:

1. Human being tends to be more alike rather than different.

All of us are unique individuals, but the purpose of our existence is the same.

Humans are greedy, greed is a feeling where we want more than what most people have in the
world. People are this way because of society and the world in general. People all want money,
we cannot do much unless we have money.

Humans are selfish, if there is one thing that we love the most in this world would be ourselves.
We are no different from each other, we become selfish without seeing or knowing it because
we always want to believe we're right at all costs.

Humans all want freedom, we all want freedom because everything we do has to do with
We may look different, but underneath we are all the same. Whether you are short or tall, thick
or thin, Black or White, it doesn't matter. Humans are family

2. Processes of heredity are slow; the force of environment is continuous. Simply discuss some forms
of social interest both teachers and parent.

Which are:

a. Sympathy

b. Resistant and negative behaviour

c. Competition d. Leadership

GOOD LUCK..........

EDUC 205:



Give your appropriate answer to the different questions below:

1. Descans briefly the factors that affect intelligence?

2 What are the types of intelligence? Explain each.

3. Define learning? What are the factors that affect learning? Simply explain each.

4 Discuss the Thomdikes primary laws of tearing? How do you consider these in your actual teaching?

5. Explain each steps in the learning process

a. Establishing the goal clearly and explicitly.

b. Insight
c. Organization

d. Integration or reorganization of experience

6 Discuss the following:

a. Objective test

b. Essay test

c. Teacher-made test

7. What are the sources of maladjustment's? Distinguish one from the others.

8. Define mental health and mental hygiene?


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