Darkness IN THE WEST

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Darkness IN THE WEST

It had only been a fleeting glimpse, but it was undeniable, it was a raw almost primal
fear. And if there was one thing Jason Smith knew about, it was the look of fear in a
person’s eyes.
During his Ten years as a police he had seen it more times than he cared
To remember, a gallery of nameless faces he had encountered with numbing
Down through the years he’d spent on the force. Victims of violence and hate, loss
Cruelty of every imaginable type which he had always viewed with a professional
Detachment, you had to or you would go insane. But now that he was entrenched in
semi-retirement expected to see that look again. And it had shaken him.
Before him where three bodies gruesomely mutilated including that of a little girl
next to female body which was supposedly her mother…. Her arms reaching out for
the little girl, He had a rush of emotions running through him this was far more one
of the worst murder case he had been assigned to. Well the deed had been done now
it was time for him to figure out who the murderer was and what was his/her
purpose of committing such horrendous crime.

‘Detective smith right?


“Let me introduce. I am Det. Rachel Grey and I am going to be working with you on
this case. I know you’re not the type that needs helps when doing a job and as much
as I hate to say it we have no option but to work together.

He smirks, ‘okay, you seem to have done a little research about me I see ...eh... Well
as much as I hate to admit it I don’t mind the company this time alright… now
without further more due what do we have on this case”?

‘Well they are the Myers ...That’s peter, Laura and Lucy Myers. According to the files
here, Peter was a real estate manager while Laura was an accountant and little Lucy
here was just in grade 7.

“He stared at the bodies and then at Det. Grey, raising his eyebrow... Anything else?
“He asked.
“Umm…yeah I suppose it seems the Myers also had a son named jack he is eighteen
now apparently, the relatives and neighbors say he hadn’t always liked his family
and he had twice tried assaulting his family And killed his sister’s pet out of anger,
which made his family take a decision and send him to rehab and he just got out of
rehab not long ago. Also the CCTV in the street caught a the motion of a figure
around 5ft7 leave the house frantically at 7:45 pm that was about an hour to the
tragic event, making him a prime suspect for now but we would have to wait for the
forensics to examine the prints on their body and the prints on the objects .

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