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Nama : Yefana Dwi Lestari

NPM : 1823014

MK : English For Young Learners

No.Ujian : 010

1. Yes I agree, because when we teaching we must provide the best learning for our
students and a strong enthusiasm to explain teaching material. So that our students are
also eager to face learning.

2. With ICT we can easily access information from many sources, especially when
learning EYL, we will easily provide material for students because of the vast learning
network that we get.

3. Yes of course, because teach children is very fun and we are also required to master
the nature of children and the discussion of learning is also fun.

4. I choose Margaretha's Video

The tittle is "The Black Colour Pencil". I think margaretha has made a totally of her
videos, she is seen animating what she has to say and she is also animating into being
a teacher.

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