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-Slide 1: (Introduction)
-Slide 2: (Table of Content)
-And this is the table of content
-Slide 3: (Population growth)
-In the mid 1800s, UK's population was young.
-Half of the population was under 23 and loved in towns and cities 
-Women produced children through their late teen or late 20s
-24% of infants died before 5
-Population increased from 6.5 to 32.5 by 1900

-Slide 4: (Movement of people)

-Many people move from countryside to growing towns and cities
looking for work in mines and factories, new life and new opportunities.
-The migrations often migrate to North America(USA and CANADA),
Africa and Australia.

-Slide 5: (Australia)
-In just 10 years, Victoria alone expand from 76 000 to 540 000 when
gold was discovered in Australia in the 1850s.

-Slide 6  8: (Population & Disease)

-Towns are polluted, damp and overcrowded. The air and water are
polluted because of smoke and pollutants from factories, burning of
coal and by-products. 
-Because the population of the towns & finish cities had grown so
rapidly, It was hard to cope with such numbers
-In 1842, Edwin Chadwick published his report entitled “The Sanitary
Condition of the Laboring Classes” containing high detailed report of
high death rate in cities caused by pollution,…
-In 1848 the government passes the first Public Health Act
-In 1875, the second Public Health Act that made local councils
responsible for public health

-Slide 9  16: (Class and social change)

-In the 19th century, Britain was divided into 3 social classes:
Upper class
-Consisted of aristocratic land-owning families like dukes, earls,
marquises. Whose income came from large family estate
-They rent land from tenant farmers and knights who owned less land
and sometimes employed as officers, judges, senior politicians.
-They do not actually work, they employed others to manage their land
and investments
-They usually marry people in their class
-They spent most of their time hunting, travelling, entertaining and
attending social functions.
Middle class
-The middle class was made up of upper and lower middle class.
-The upper middle class consist of successful businessmen, industrialist,
bankers, lawyers, and doctors who did not have noble background.
-The lower middle class was made up of shop owners, teachers, clerks
and low-ranking officers in the army and navy.
-They find ways to copy the upper classes in fashion, speech, and
-They do not have to do manual jobs
Working class
-Comprised of skilled and unskilled labourers and poor craftspeople
-Craftspeople consisted of carpenters, masons, tailors, mechanics,
engineers, and farmers.
-Unskilled workers were at the lowest rungs of society, they were poor
and homeless

-Slide 17: (The growth of trade unions)

-In the early 18th century. The trade unions was created to protect their
common interest. It was illegal from 1799 to 1824
-New trade unions was established in the 1850s consisted of engineers
and were national organizations.
-1867, A government reform act gave vote to all working men living in
towns and in 1875 strikes were made legal
-From 1870s to 1880s there were campaigns aiming to establish a trade
union for unskilled workers.

Slide 18: (Ending)


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