GMB Sot Meeting 12-13-2021 - Minutes - Approved

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Meeting 12/13/2021 - MINUTES

Held over Google Meets and in Person: Started @ 3:36 PM - Ended @ 4:54 PM
Next Meeting: 01/24/2022 @ 3:30 PM

Voting Members in Attendance Additional Individuals Present

Taci May - Parent Kelby Robison - Principal

Rachelle McCombs - Parent Veronica Zinovitch - Asst. Principal
Emily Pack - Parent Lindsay Tomlinson - Region 1 School
Denise Hoy - Teacher Associate Superintendent
Michael Lacy - Teacher Meja Hammons - 1st Grade Teacher
Darlene Millington - Staff

I. Introduction of Members

II. Introduction of Lindsay Tomlinson, Region 1 School Associate


III. Approval of Minutes

A. SOT Meeting 11/08/2021
a. Michael Lacy 1st; Darlene Millington 2nd; Vote Unanimous

IV. Public Comment on Agenda Items

V. New member training:

A. Members will share information about a training
1. Had trouble finding site recommended by Lindsay Dalley
2. Podcasts available at SOT website, 6 episodes
3. Denise - How does the SOT function?
a) Consistency in procedures every meeting
b) Agree on voting method
4. Non-Agenda Items should be brought up but not voted on until
next meeting. They will be placed on agenda for the next
5. Keep Review of Norms on Meeting Agenda as a regular item
6. Tips on increasing Parent and Family Engagement
a) Shift support staff hours to accommodate babysitting to
help more parents attend
b) Parent resource center?
B. Advice from Lindsay Tomlinson
1. SOT was her engine to get things done
2. Chair work with Principal on agenda and get it to people
3. Members should be listed on Agenda
4. Lindsay will send Roberts Rules for Meetings and a copy of
one of the SOT Agendas she used
C. Agendas
1. Agenda items will be sent from Chair and Principal to Michael,
formatted, and then sent out to members for review
2. Keep New Member Training on the agenda
D. Additional Resources
2. CCEA does good SOT trainings
3. Participate in other school SOT meetings
a) Mack Lyon MS

VI. School Performance/Continual Improvement planning:

A. View Nevada Report Card
B. Set up meeting to go over Event 6 (Goals and Achievements)
1. 90 minute session or 2 45 minute sessions
C. No major updates or changes
D. Discussed Fall MAPS Reports
E. Working to incorporate goal setting with students
1. What areas of improvement do we want to see?
a) Grade Level Goals including outline for achievement
b) Kelby will speak with Leadership Team about grade level
c) Leadership team being used as a Continuous
Improvement Committee
2. How do we get parents engaged with these goals?
a) Goal setting materials for parents
b) Parent training for goal setting
F. Increasing Parent Engagement
1. Let parents know what they can see on the Parent Portal
2. Community Nights (Math Night, Science Night, Etc.)
a) Small groups in classrooms
G. Focus on Math and Reading
1. Overall growth and achievement
2. What can we do that will allow us to track things via data
H. Roadmap to Becoming/Remaining a 5 Star School

VII. Budget:
A. Follow up on pricing for MAPS Skills
1. Waiting to hear back from NWEA. Will update at next meeting.
B. Discussion on Non-Discretionary Funds
C. Discussion on Per Pupil Funding

VIII. Principal Update:

A. Winter Choir Play
B. Student Council providing service at Senior Center
C. Shop with a Cop and Shoes from Credit Union
D. Reindeer Run
E. Winter MAPS almost complete

IX. Non Agenda Items:

A. Rachelle McCombs moving at end of January

X. Public Comment on Non Agenda Items:

A. Meja Hammons
1. Natalie Nelson on support staff has been doing an amazing job
covering P.E. Is there any way we can get her additional
2. Kelby - We are doing all we can to support her and get some
extra pay.
Meeting Ended - Denise Hoy 1st; Rachelle McCombs 2nd; Unanimous Vote

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