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Chapter I


Today’s self-esteem as one of the influential factors which affect students’

academic achievement has received increasing attention. It has been declared that high
self-esteem can lead to high academic achievement. Self-esteem can be referred to a
person's global judgment of competency regarding one's self-worth ( Harter, 1988). This
construct emerges when children compare their self-evaluation with actual performance
on a variety of tasks. Moreover, this comparison between the perceived self and the
ideal self is very crucial especially during adolescence because adolescents encounter
the job of developing and challenges of their own age. Hence, the development of self-
esteem is considered as one of the most important developmental processes of
adolescence (Sirin and Rogers-Sirin, 2004).

In general, high self-esteem help individuals to view themselves as active and

capable persons to promote changes through effort and set higher goals which causes
learning new things. Interestingly, numerous researchers have demonstrated that the
best way to improve student achievement is to increase their self-esteem ( Rubie et al.,
2004). Research has also documented that high self-esteem plays an important role in
academic achievement, and social personal responsibility (Redenbach, 1991). Those
who have higher academic achievement tend to feel more confident in contrast those
who lack confidence in themselves achieve less.

Additionally, gender is an important factor that influences the growth,

emergence, and demonstration of self-esteem. Numerous differences have been found
between males and females in their level of self-esteem during adolescence because
they tend to adopt gender stereotypes. Specifically, male self-esteem is thought to be
mis impressed by goals characterized by independence and autonomy, while self-esteem
in female is more influenced by goals related to interdependence and sensitivity ( Cross
and Slater, 1995). The difference in self-esteem can lead to differences in academic
achievement between boys and girls. It has been revealed that girls do better in school,
get higher grades, and can graduate from high school at a higher level than boys ( Jacob,
2002). The previous study, other influential factors in academic achievement ( Kara and
Kahraman, 2008). However, the present study revealed the important role of self-esteem
in academic achievement.

In other words, the present study aimed to investigate the relationship

between self-esteem and academic achievement as well as gain insight into the
differences in self-esteem and academic achievement between boys and girls. This study
endeavored to provide information for educators, counselors, and teachers to apply
strategies to prevent an imbalance in academic achievement and self-esteem between
male and female students in the classroom.

Theoretical Framework
This research is anchored to the theory proposed by Nathaniel Branden in 1969,
Nathaniel Branden introduced his theory of self-esteem in The Psychology of Self-Esteem. The
author proposes an integrated definition and theory of self-esteem that merges models from
developmental, social, and clinical psychology. He identifies optimal, shared sources of self-esteem
that he combines into a multidimensional model called the Intrapersonal Sources of Self-Esteem
Based on this multidimensional theory, he designed a qualitative and quantitative measuring
instrument, the Self-Esteem Sentence Completion Instrument, to assess people's sources of self-
esteem. He discusses research that applies this instrument, which suggests promising results in
understanding self-esteem. Finally, he suggests a clinical application of the theory within a cognitive-
behavioral therapy paradigm. This means that this theory is suitable for this study shows how a lack of
self-esteem affects the academic performance of each students.
Conceptual Framework
Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Self-esteem Performance

Figure 1. The Variables

The research paradigm in figure 1 show that there are two variables, namely the
Independent Variable (Low self-esteem) and the second is Dependent Variable (Academic
Performance). Academic performance is the dependent variable since it is the basis of the lack of
self-esteem which is the independent variable.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this research study entitled “Self-esteem and Academic performance” is
to determine other students experience of academic performance
Hence, the study will answer the following problems:
1. Is there a significant effect on the gender of self-esteem and academic to our
2. What is the level of self-esteem of the respondents?
Statement of Hypothesis
The study will be guided by the following hypothesis tested at .05 level of its
Ho1: There is no significant relationship between self-esteem and academic performance
in selected of HUMMS students of Senior High School.
Ho2: There is a level of self-esteem among the respondent selected of HUMMS students
of Senior High School.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will significantly contribute much knowledge and learning that
will give substantial benefits to the following:
Students. The significance of this study could help the students to know their low self-
esteem that could be affected on their academic performance.

ANHS Teachers. They could help the students to encourage them and give them full
attention in terms of physical, emotional and academic status. This study would the teachers in
such way that they give preventive measures to those students who have a low self-esteem and to
improve student’s academic performance.

ANHS School Administrators. They can also benefit from this study for this can be
their basis in creating a method on how they going to help their students.

Definition of Terms
The following terms used in the study are conceptually and operationally defined.

Academic Performance.  Involves factors such as the intellectual level, personality,

motivation, skills, interests, study habits, self-esteem or the teacher-student relationship. When a
gap between the academic performance and the student's expected performance occurs, it refers
to a diverging performance.

Self-esteem. Self-esteem is confidence in one's own worth or abilities and it refers to

the positive (high self-esteem) or negative (low self-esteem) feelings that we have about
ourselves. We experience the positive feelings of high self-esteem when we believe that we are
good and worthy and that others view us positively. We experience the negative feelings of low
self-esteem when we believe that we are inadequate and less worthy than others.
Chapter II

Self-esteem is one of the common factor of a student's in achieving academic

performance and the level to which students feel confident in themselves, valuable, and
deserving of respect is referred to as self-esteem. Researchers have explored the psychological
factors (other than classroom teaching and learning methods) that affect academic performance,
and this scholarship has concluded that academic engagement can effectively predict students’
current academic performance (Hershberger and Jones, 2018) and also influence their future
functional growth (Fredricks et al., 2016).

Gender, is generally asserted to impact upon the growth, demonstration, and

manifestation of self-esteem. Several researchers studied self-esteem and gender among students.
There is a significant difference in self-esteem between males and females (Sar Abadani
Tafreshi, 2006). (Hossaini, 2002). As we look at this research, it is common for girls to graduate
from senior high school at a higher level than boys, and despite the fact that women tend to have
higher self-esteem, this does not necessarily imply that they are smart and engaged in their
studies. Instead, because men are capable of doing what women did, both of them have strong
academics record.

Self-esteem can also have a significant impact on academic success. A student's drive
to learn, her capacity to concentrate, and her willingness to take chances can all be affected by
low self-esteem. Students with low self-esteem are uncertain of themselves. They might decide
not to take part if they believe others won't accept them. They might permit unfair treatment
from others. They could find it difficult to advocate for themselves. They can quit easily or not
even attempt.

On the other hand, having healthy self-esteem is one of the fundamentals of academic
achievement since it creates a solid framework for learning and one of the building blocks of
school success; it provides a firm foundation for learning. Feelings of value and security are
influenced by healthy self-esteem. Positivity in relationships with others is more possible if you
have a good sense of self. You can perform at your highest level at work or school because of
your confidence.

Many elements, such as students learning abilities, teachers' qualifications, and the
quality of the educational environment, have an impact on students' academic achievement. And
teachers have the best contribution of having high self-esteem of the students in academic
performance. Although the educational institution’s ability to meet social expectations depends
on the effective use of a number of resources such as curriculum, hardware, etc., teachers, who
are the human resource responsible for the achievement of the special objectives of education,
are seen to be factors affecting the process. What is expected of the teacher is the upbringing of
healthy individuals responsible for their own learning, which will guide the development of
societies, which is the main starting point of all functions. Therefore, teachers should be able to
produce student-teacher relationships that will ensure the acquisition of behaviors that will
improve the quality of life of the learner by supporting the learning process due to the nature of
development. In this context, with the thought of contributing to the studies aimed at changing
the nature of the student relationship, the main purpose of this study was to determine perceived
teacher behaviors on students’ self-esteem and attitudes towards learning.
Chapter III

This chapter presents the research design, research, environment, research respondent,
research instruments, data gathering procedures, statistical treatment, and the considerations.

Research Design
The researcher’s will use the descriptive research design. A type of research design that
aims to obtain information to systematically describe a phenomenon of self-esteem and academic
performance of Grade 12 humss, student of senior high school. It investigates the relationship
between self-esteem and academic achievement, to understand the socio-economic background,
to assess the level of self-esteem, and to know what could be the reason for having self-esteem
among the gender of a student. The research design used for the study would be descriptive in

Research Environment
The study will be conducted in Senior High School a secondary school that participates in
research. It is located at A.D. Curato street, Butuan City Agusan del Norte of Region XIII
(Caraga). Has a maximum of two hundred twenty-four (224) students of grade 12 humss.

Figure 1. Map of Agusan National High School- Senior High School Highlighting locate of the
Research Respondents
The respondents of the study are composed of students in Grade 12 humss year 2022.
One of the vital processes to keep this study successful. All of these participants was selected
through random sampling. This sampling method is conducted where each section of hums
student has a capability to become part of the sample.
The chosen respondents are containing one hundred forty-two (142) respondents from
selected section. The Grade 12 humss section, Tertullian, Russel, Hobbes, Jung, James. Those
section was chosen by the researchers because they are suitable and applicable to the study.

Table 1.1 Total Respondents of the Population

Sections Total Students Number of Respondents

Tertullian 41 26
Russel 51 30
Hobbes 45 29
Jung 45 29
James 42 28
Total:  234 142

Research Instruments
The study will use a researcher questionnaire as the main-gathering instrument. The
instrument to be prepared focused on answering the statement of the problem. The questionnaire
contains ten (10) questions. The questionnaires will be distributed to respondents.
The data-gathering instrument was structured on a scale ranging from 5-1. Where the
(5) is strongly agree, (4) agree, (3) moderately agree, (2) disagree and last one, (1) strongly
disagree This legend will help the researchers to analyze the result of conducting date-gathering.

Table 1.2 Scaling on the Level of Student’s Academic Performance


5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.41-4.20 Agree
3 2.61-3.40 Moderately Agree
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedures

The researcher’s will undergo three phases of data gathering procedures namely,
preliminaries, actual data collection, and data management.
Preliminaries. In gathering of data, the researchers had sent permission letter first to the
principal. When the letter was signed, the researchers proceeded on the sections of HUMSS
strand to where the respondents belonged.

Actual Data Collection. Research survey will be personally conducted, facilitated and
collected by the researchers The researchers had asked them voluntarily together with the
participant’s consent if they agreed to be involved in this study and when they agreed, the
researchers then distributed the questionnaires to them
Data Management. In case of questions or confusions from the questionnaires given, the
researchers were ready to assist them.The researchers then collected the questionnaires after the
participants had answered and then the researchers went to the faculty to acquire the data of their
General Average (GA) of the students with the consent from both teachers and students
involved. The researchers had analyzed and interpret the data gathered with utmost
confidentiality for their voluntary participation in this study.

Statistical Treatment
To facilitate the statistical treatment of the data, some statistical tool will be used by the
Frequency. P-value is used in obtaining the results as extreme as the observed results of
a statistical hypothesis test, assuming that the null hypothesis is correct. The p-value approach to
hypothesis testing uses the calculated probability to determine whether there is evidence to reject
the null hypothesis.
Percentage. Pearson’s Correlation coefficient or Pearson’s r is used for investigating the
relationship between two quantitative, continuous variables which also measures the strength of
the association between the two variables.
Mean. Is a tool used to get the average from the set of data in question and was
determined by adding all the data points in a population and then dividing the total by the
number of points.

Ethical Considerations
This section presents the ethical issues that will be considered to ensure the respondent’s
dignity and protection before, during and after the conduct of the study. The researcher’s will
observe the following ethical issues and sustain it.
Autonomy. The researcher’s will asked the prospect respondents in a formal way to
become the respondent of the study and to inform them the purpose of the study and to obtain
respondents’ consent. The respondent’s will be assured that they could withdraw at any time and
that their decision is respected. The respondent’s will be given enough time to answer the survey
Beneficence. The rights of the respondents of the study will be conscientiously observed.
The respondent’s will be informed of the expected results of the study, its usefulness and its
benefits to them prior to the respondent’s consent.
Justice. The researcher’s will observe fairness by providing the same attention and
concerns to all respondents, such as giving them the same approach and instructions regarding
the questionnaire for clarity and better understanding of the given questions to avoid
misinterpretations. The respondents will be given enough time to answer the questions.
Privacy and Confidentiality. The researcher’s will inform the respondents that their
personal information would be kept private and that any information they provided would be
confidential. Moreover, the researchers only provide the essential information that is needed in
the conduct of the study. All personal information that will be obtained by the researcher’s
refrain from identifying the respondents, and without their permission, the information will not
be disclosed to others aside from the research team. The researcher’s will also kept collected
information using codes to ensure the confidentiality of the respondent’s identity. The answered
questions survey instruments will be shredded and burned after the data will be collecte, collated,
and checked.
Non-Maleficence. During the conduct of the study, the researcher’s will not employ any
harm to the respondents. The respondents’ will also be ensured that their work status would not
be influenced by their involvement in the study, no matter what the result is.
Veracity. The researcher’s assured the absence of deception and the principle of truth in
the study will be manifested. Al respondents were adequately informed about the study, and all
information will be presented to them clearly and honestly, including the researcher’s objectives
and benefits.

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