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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Give me a break!

Quarter 1 Week 7 Module 17

Learning Competency: Identify human activities

that speed up or trigger landslides. (S11/12ES-If-33)



Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you
while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy
the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learnings and
skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
• Check your Understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
• Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

Human Activities and
17 Landslides
You will have to recognize the different activities of human that have an
impact on landslide.
Specifically, this module will help you to:
• Identify and understand how certain human activities can hasten the
occurrence of landslides.
• Find possible and practical solutions on how to lessen these identified
human activities so as to lessen or prevent the occurrence of landslides.
• Design an information campaign to inform locals how they contribute
to the occurrence of landslides in their area.
Let us start your journey in learning more about our Natural Hazards and Landslides.
I am sure you are ready and excited to answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

______ 1. What is another name for landslide?

A. Rock Climb C. Avalanche
B. Blocking Rock D. Debris Flow
______ 2. Heavy rain is a condition that can cause landslide?
A. Sometimes C. Always
B. Never D. Most of the time
______ 3. What will you look for to assess for landslide?
A. location C. blocking
B. size of debris D. all of the above
______ 4. What human activities will result in landslide?
A. Construction C. Quarrying
B. Mining D. All of the above.
______ 5. How can humans prevent landslides?
A. Through deforestation C. Proper Waste Management
B. By diverting pathways D. All of the above.

Great! You finished answering the questions. You may request your facilitator to check
your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!


Simple Think, Pair and Share
In Google classroom, learners may pair with a classmate they
just met and answer in the stream the questions below:
1. Have a short exchange of students’ experiences with
the recent landslide they know.
2. Determine from the class what they learned about
landslides and their corresponding hazards.
3. Ask them, based from what they know, if they think
we, in our own way, do contribute to the occurrence of
landslides and in what way.

Natural hazards are naturally occurring
physical phenomena caused either by rapid
or slow onset events which can be
geophysical (earthquakes, landslides,
tsunamis and volcanic activity),
hydrological (avalanches and floods),
climatological (extreme temperatures,
drought and wildfires), meteorological
(cyclones and storms/wave surges) or
biological (disease epidemics and
insect/animal plagues). Technological or
man-made hazards (complex This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

emergencies/conflicts, famine, displaced

populations, industrial accidents and transport accidents) are events that are caused
by humans and occur in or close to human settlements. This can include
environmental degradation, pollution and accidents. Technological or man-made

hazards (complex emergencies/conflicts, famine, displaced populations, industrial
accidents and transport accidents)

Biological hazard
Comment: Examples of biological hazards include outbreaks of epidemic diseases,
plant or animal contagion, insect or other animal plagues and infestations.

Geological hazard
Comment: Geological hazards include internal earth processes, such as
earthquakes, volcanic activity and emissions, and related geophysical processes
such as mass movements, landslides, rockslides, surface collapses, and debris or
Hydrometeorological factors are important contributors to some of these processes.
Tsunamis are difficult to categorize; although they are triggered by undersea
earthquakes and other geological events, they are essentially an oceanic process that
is manifested as a coastal water-related hazard.

Hydrometeorological hazard
Comment: Hydrometeorological hazards include tropical cyclones (also known as
typhoons and hurricanes), thunderstorms, hailstorms, tornados, blizzards, heavy
snowfall, avalanches, coastal storm surges, floods including flash floods, drought,
heatwaves and cold spells.

Note: You can perform the following activities through collaborating with a partner. You can first
answer the activities individually then just communicate your results after.

Activity 1.1: Identifying Impacts of Hazards (25 mins.)
This activity is meant for the learners to think independently and their quick analysis
on the impacts of certain hazards according
to the following factors.
List of suggested factors:
A: Family in concrete house near the
highway far from river and mountain
B: Mountain climbers going up the slope
C: Exchange learners in a local family
home in the barrio near the river
D: Friends in a beach resort
E: Fishermen out on the sea
F: Passengers in a jeep along a road with
moderate traffic
Activity 1.2: Anatomy of Landslide
Offline asynchronous activity: This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
If they so choose, they can meet via zoom or
messenger to discuss the guide question and prepare one creative PowerPoint
Divide the class into 3 groups. For each group, learners should identify 1 Facilitator
to lead the discussion, 1 person to act as Secretary to write the final answers,
another person as Reporter to discuss the results of group discussion. All learners
should write the identified impacts on the metacards. And there should be group
Good luck!

Discussion Guide Question:
1) What activities of man that may lead to landslide?
2) What are the roles and responsibility of man to prevent landslide?
3) Do you think progress is equal to natural hazard?

There are natural hazards that can result into landslide. There are also man made
hazards that can affect geologic processes and result into landslide.
• Ground shaking- disruptive up-down and sideways movement or motion
experienced during an earthquake.
• Ground rupture- displacement on the ground due to movement of fault.
• Earthquake-induced landslide- failures in steep or hilly slopes triggered by an
1. Loose thin soil covering on the slopes of steep mountains are prone to mass
movement, especially when shaken during an earthquake.
2. Many landslides occur as a result of strong ground shaking such as those
observed on the mountainsides along the National Highway in Nueva Ecija
and the road leading up to Baguio City during the 16 July 1990 earthquake.


Direction: Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.
Reflection Questions
1. Reinforce, reiterate where / in which environment each of the hazard is
experienced or is more prominent.
2. Ask the learners, based on what they have learned so far, think of their home,
what are the possible impacts/ effects of the 5 earthquake hazards to their
3. Ask the learners to write this checklist in their notebook:
What are the potential hazards that can affect me, my home and my community.
How? Will I be affected by (check all the will apply)
I. Ground Rupture (only if a fault passes through my home) (Note: This will
be important for areas with known presence of faults)
II. Ground shaking

III. Liquefaction (Note, only for areas near rivers, coastal areas, underlain by
soft sediments or water-saturated materials)
IV. Earthquake-induced landslide (if my home is near/ at the base or on the
slope of a mountain side)
V. Tsunami (if my home is near the coast)

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

______ 1. Which of the following is NOT a factor in landslide formation?

A. Living in Baguio City C. Heavy rains
B. Mud flow D. forest fire
______ 2. When big rocks fall down the hillside what type of landslide happened?
A. Translational slide C. A fall
B. Lahar D. lateral spread landslide
______ 3. Which of the following is a factor in landslide formation?
C. Living in Baguio City C. Heavy rains
D. Mud flow D. all of the above
______ 4. Landslides are ___________terms of mass wasting?
A. larger C. faster
B. smaller D. slower
______ 5. What topography of the land is nor very well associated with landslide?
A. slope C. shape
B. elevation D. dry or wet land
Name: ____________________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________

Give me a break!

Directions: Write a reflective learning about what you have learned about Natural
Hazards by answering the questions inside the box. You may express
your answers in a more critical and creative presentation of your great
learning. Have fun and enjoy!

The lesson on Natural

•What learnings have I •What examples can I
Hazards guides me to
found from this lesson? explore and think more?
ponder on...

•What learnings can I •What good character

•What is my conclusion
share with my family have I developed from
on the lesson?
and peers? this lesson?


(1) Alameda County Waste Management Authority & Source Reduction and
Recycling Board. (1997). Do The Rot Thing: A Teacher's Guide to Compost
Activities. Retrieved from

(2) Asian Development Bank. (2004). The Garbage Book. Retrieved from

(3) Biology Discussion. (n.d.). Wastes: Sources, Classification and Impact.

Retrieved from sources-

(4) Carlson, D. H., Plummer, C. C., & Hammersley, L. (2011). Physical

Geology: Earth Revealed. McGraw-Hill.

(5) Department of Environment and Natural Resources. (2003). Metro Manila

Solid Waste Management Project (1). Retrieved from http:// %20Summary.PDF

(6) Desonie, D. (2015). CK-12 Earth Science High School. Retrieved from

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Freddie H. Ecaldre, Master Teacher II
Editors: Rebecca M. Roxas-EPS
Reviewers: Arlen Gatpo-PSDS
Management Team: Malcolm S. Garma, Regional Director
Genia V. Santos, CLMD Chief
Dennis M. Mendoza, Regional EPS in Charge of LRMS
and Regional ADM Coordinator
Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V, Schools Division
Aida H. Rondilla, CID Chief
Lucky S. Carpio, Division EPS in Charge of LRMS and
Division ADM Coordinator

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