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Week 4
Andres Bonifacio ES

Mr. Alexander James U. Pascua


Ms. Rochiel P. Dela Cruz


1 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

D e p aQuarter
r t m e n4 t-Week
of E 4ducation • Republic of the Philippines

Creating a Project Plan

Written by Ailen H. Paltao

After the lesson, you will learn the following Most Essential Learning Competencies
(MELC) such as:
1.6 Constructs project plan.
1.6.1 Considers deliberate policies on sustainable development in constructing the project
1.6.2 Demonstrates resourcefulness and management skills in the use of time, materials,
money, and effort.
1.6.3 Assesses the quality of enhanced product using rubrics.
1.6.4 Refines products based on the assessment made.

How to Use this Module

Before starting this module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you while
enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the objective of
this module.
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated on every page of this module.
2. Write in your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances learning, which is
important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
5. Enjoy studying!

For this week, you are expected to:

• Construct a project plan by considering sustainable development.

• Make a project plan by refining the product based on the assessment.
• Discuss the health and safety measures to have successful project making.
• Develop resourcefulness and management skills in constructing a project plan.

1 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 4

I. Directions: Read the statements carefully. Choose your answer from the words inside the
box. Write your answer on the blanks.

Effort Materials Money Resourceful Time

__________1. Follow the specific steps to finish the project.

__________2. Set a deadline frame when to finished your project.
__________3. Budget your expenses and make a list of the things needed for your project.
__________4. Know the proper materials that will be needed in the project.
__________5. Ability to find and use clever ways to overcome difficulties.

II. Directions: Arrange the steps in making a project plan. Write A for the first step, B for the
second step, C for the third step, D for the fourth step, and E for the fifth step.
_____6. Sketch or draw the project design.
_____7. List down materials to be used and prepare them.
_____8. Evaluate the finished product.
_____9. Set the criteria.
_____10. Write down the objectives or desired goals.

From your previous lesson, you have learned that different products made of bamboo,
wood, and metal are enhanced, designed, and manufactured are in demand in the local and
international markets for their unique, and creative design, and high-quality craftsmanship.

Some are examples of the enhanced finished product.

Bamboo plant box Furniture Pen Holder

2 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 4

Directions: Answer the questions below:

1. How will you described the pictures above?


2. What are other projects that you can make out of discarded materials? Write at least 5
projects. ___________________________________________________________________

Being able to use materials wisely will save time, money, and effort. Moreover, if you know
to reuse and convert old materials into new and innovative products you can also earn additional
What is considered as one man’s waste, may still be useful to another person. All you
need is diligence, perseverance, and a lot of creativity and resourcefulness to help you come up
with the projects.
Working on a project with careful planning combined with diligent research and
development efforts not only prevents wastage but also ensured the product's marketability and

Sustainable Development and Your Project

Sustainable development means improving people’s welfare not only the present but also
for future generations. When valuable natural resources are used for a project there is always the
underlying issue of sustainable development.
A responsible member of the community must always ensure that his or her actions do
not undermine humanity and the environment.
As such he or she must ensure that:
1. Environmental integrity is maintained and that the health and security of others in the
community and the life-sustaining ecosystems are ensured.
2. Social equity is not compromised and that the development of communities and respect
for diversity is ensured.
3. Economic efficiency is pursued hand in hand with ecological and social responsibility.

Health and Safety measures

It is important to know the necessary precautions to have successful project making.
1. Focus on the task.
2. Use working clothes or wear an apron.
3. Prepare all materials, tools, and equipment required before starting the project.
4. Place the equipment beyond the reach of younger children and keep your things orderly.
5. Read and follow instructions on the use of chemicals.

3 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 4

6. Use safety google to protect the eyes from harsh chemicals.

7. Use appropriate tools for the task.
8. Avoid leaving the containers of glue, varnish, rugby, and other liquids uncovered.
9. Be careful in handling sharp objects to avoid injury.
10. Clean and keep the tools and equipment in their proper storage after using them.
11. Clean and wash your hands after working.
12. If you ever get hurt or injured, immediately inform the teacher so that you can be given first
aid treatment.

Resourcefulness and Management Skills

In planning your project for finished products, you must know how to be resourceful in using
time, materials, money, and effort.
Manage time effectively to achieve goals. Set a deadline frame when to finished your project.
Know the proper materials that will be needed in the project.
Money is one of the most important things in running a business. Budget your expenses and
make a list of the things needed for your project.
Take the effort and follow the specific steps to finish the project.

Preparing a Project Plan for Finished Product

In preparing a project plan for enhancing the finished products the things to consider are
to write down the objectives or desired goals, list down materials for use and prepare them, sketch
or draw the project design, set the criteria, and evaluate the finished product. You must make
sure that the policies of sustainable development are followed in making the project. Wise
management of resources and skills should be implemented.

The following is an example of a project plan in enhancing a finished product.

Sample Project Plan

I. Name of the Project: Abaca Heart Shape Fan

II. Objectives:

a. Acquire the first-hand experience in decorating an abaca fan.

b. Apply creativity and skills in decorating the fan.

c. Use appropriate tools and materials.

III. Materials and Tools

a. Materials
Quantity Materials Unit Cost Total Cost
Med.size Abaca Heart Shaped
1 piece 10.00 10.00

4 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 4

1 yard Lace 10.00 10.00

1 yard Ribbon 5.00 5.00
3 piece Artificial flower 10.00 10.00
2 pieces Artificial leaves 10.00 10.00
1piece Glue stick 8.00 8.00

b. Tools Needed
▪ Scissors
▪ Glue Gun

IV. Procedure
a. Sew the lace to form semi ruffles
b. Take the lace and glue it to the abaniko. Cover also the entire handle with lace.
c. Take another ribbon for the lining. Place it on top of the ruffled lace. Continue
putting ribbon until it’s complete.
d. Place the leaves and flowers near the handle.
V. Timetable

a. Time Started: ________________ b.Time Ended: ___________________

VI. Design


VII. Evaluation

Rubric for an Enhanced Product/Project

Excellent Good Fair
Evaluation/Criteria Score
10 8 6
The procedure in
The procedure in The procedure
Procedure in enhancing the
enhancing the in enhancing the
product product are
product are followed product are not
enhancement followed but has
excellently. followed.
unpolished parts.
The enhanced The enhanced
The enhanced
Creative design product is well product is
product is very
made. simple.

5 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 4

attractive and
Wise management Wise
Wise management
Resourcefulness of resources is management of
of resources is
and Management excellently used in resources is not
used well in making
Skills making the project used in making
the project plan.
plan. the project plan.
The product is
The product is
Product The product is not enhanced to
Enhancement created well. be creative or

Activity 1: Project Plan Making

Directions: Use the format below to construct a project plan for your product of choice.
Ask your teacher and parent to evaluate your project plan using the given Rubric above.

6 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 4

A. Use the Rubric above to evaluate your project plan

B. Difficulties encountered (Please put a check)
_____ Lack of time
_____ Project too difficult/complicated
_____ Materials difficult to source /obtain
_____Lack of support (from teachers, parents, etc.)
C. Suggestions
Activity 2: Arrange the project making steps
Directions: Arrange the steps to follow in project making accordingly. Number the items
1 to 5. Write your answer in the blank provided before each number.

_____ a. Evaluate the finished project.

_____ b. List down materials for use and prepare them.
_____ c. Set the criteria.
_____ d. Sketch or draw the project design.
_____ e. Write down the objectives or desired goals.

• Constructing a project plan is important not only to avoid wastage but also to ensure the
marketability and saleability of the product. The assessment of the product is important
before mass production.

• Resourcefulness and good management skills can help a person turn a business into a
profitable venture.

7 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 4

Directions: Read and answer the following questions.

1. What are the three policies and principles of sustainable development when planning a
project that makes use of natural resources?
2. Why is it important to observe health and safety measures in making a project?
3. What is the importance of creating a project plan before making a project?

Directions: Read and analyze each item. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
provided before each number.
_____1. Which of the following is a part of the project plan where the drawing of the project is


A. Design B. Materials and tools C. Objectives d D. Procedure

_____2. All of the following needs resourcefulness in planning a project plan EXCEPT?

A. Materials B. Money C. Time D. Customer

_____3. What is the part of the project plan that shows step by step process in the construction

of a project?

A. Design B. Procedure C. Materials and Tools D. Objectives

_____4. What should you do if you get a lower mark/grade on the project or work you made?

A. I will do it again and I will exert more effort to improve my project.

B. I will cry and wish my project got a better score.

C. I will ask my mother to help me in making my project.

D. I will never make my project again

_____5. The basis for evaluating a project is the______ found in the scoreboard for judging the

finished product.

A. Criteria B. Description C. Score D. Suggestions

_____6. In the process of checking whether the project followed the standards in making a good

quality project.
A. Planning B. Monitoring C. Evaluating D. Marketing

_____7. It involves thinking about what to do and how to go about making the project.

A. Planning B. Monitoring C. Evaluating D. Marketing

8 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 4
_____8. Which of the following is incorrect about constructing a project plan?

A. We need to consider the benefits that we can get out of the product.

B. Just used the tools that are available in your house.

C. You need to prepare or make a plan before doing your project.

D. Choose the expensive materials.

_____9. Which of the following is a correct reminder in making a project plan?

A. It is good to make a project plan before starting a project.

B. Project planning is done after finishing your project.

C. Write the list of materials and tools before the objectives.

D. Evaluation should be written in the first part of the project plan.

_____10. Which of the following does not show consideration and appreciation in the finished

A. Using recyclables materials C. Benefits of the project

B. Finishing the project on time D. Using expensive materials

Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the blanks provided.
1. What are the characteristics needed by a person to produce an enhanced project?
2. How can you earn money through waste materials?


Congratulations! You have finished all the given activities. Prepare for another week of enjoyable

Mrs. Ailen H. Paltao

Andres Bonifacio Elem. School

Mr. Alexander James U. Pascua

Kalayaan Elementary School

Ms. Rochiel P. Dela Cruz

Pangarap Elementary School

Telesforo B. Ongotan Jr., Ed.D.

Team Leader
Kalayaan Elementary School

9 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 4

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Name: ______________________________________ Section: ________________________
Subject Teacher: ______________________________ Date: ________________________

Answer Sheet
Pre-Test Looking Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3


Activity 4 Activity 5 Check Your Post-Test Reflection



11 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 4

Key Answer:
1. Effort
2. Time
3. Money
4. Materials
5. Resourceful
6. C
7. B
8. E
9. D
10 A
Activity 1
1. The teacher will check or evaluate the project plan using the Rubric for an Enhanced Project
Activity 2
a. 5
b. 2
c. 4
d. 3
e. 1
Check Your Understanding
1. Environmental integrity, social equity, and economic efficiency
2. Any of the following answers:

• To have a successful project making

• To avoid accidents or injury
• To produce marketable and saleable projects

3. To ensure the marketability and saleability of the product/project.

Post Test

1. A 6. C

2. D 7. A

3. B 8. D

4. A 9. A

5. A 10. D

12 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 4

Peralta, Gloria A. Ed.D., Arsenue, Ruth A, Ipolan, Catalina R., Quiambao, Yolanda L., Ariola,
Helenay Ann C. “Life Skills Through TLE 6” (Textbook). Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc. 2016.

Peralta, Gloria A. Ed.D., Arsenue, Ruth A, Ipolan, Catalina R., Quiambao, Yolanda L., Ariola,
Helenay Ann C. “Life Skills Through TLE 6 “(Teacher’s Manual) Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc.
Basbas, Leonora D., Ph.D. Learning and Living in the 21st Century in Home Economics and
Livelihood Education page 266
Bernardino, Josephine C. Self and Family Life through TLE Home Economics
and Livelihood Education
Arsenue, Ruth A. Basics of Better Living 6
Stitch -

13 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 4

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