2020 - GS Paper Ii - 221109 - 195704

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Vikram Singh join- @vikramvedha5 contact - @onedayago


Q1. “There is a need for simplification of procedure ⚪ Bribery i.e., any gift/offer/promise/
for disqualification of persons found guilty of gratification to any person as a motive or
corrupt practices under the Representation of reward.
Peoples Act”. Comment. (150 Words, 10 Marks) ⚪ Publication by a candidate, any statement of
fact, which is false.
Tags: Salient features of the Representation of ⚪ Promotion of feelings of enmity/ hatred
People’s Act. between different classes of citizens.
Decoding the Question: ⚪ The incurring of expenditure more than the
y In Introduction, try to mention about the stipulated limit.
election’s scenario in India. ⚪ Undue influence i.e., any direct or indirect
y In Body, interference on part of the candidate with the
⚪ Discuss RPA and its Key Provisions. free exercise of any electoral right.
⚪ RPA Provisions for Disqualification on Though RPA has several clear provisions with respect
account of Corrupt Practices. to corrupt practices, their implementation and
⚪ Challenges leading to the need of complicated steps makes it a challenging task.
y Try to conclude with a way forward to Challenges in the RPA:
strengthen the ECI. y Procedure occurs only after elections: The
procedure of disqualification under the corrupt
practices can be started only after the election is
Answer: over and only in an election petition submitted
Elections are a very potent and periodic tool at the in the state High Court in accordance with the
hand of Indian citizens to hold the government provisions of article 329 of the Constitution.:
accountable. Yet this is marred with many issues like y False Disclosures: There are often assets and
criminalization of politics, polarization for vote banks liabilities that are falsely disclosed. For this RPA
etc. Nearly 43 percent of the elected Members of the has been amended with application of Right to
Parliament have criminal cases against them. Information about the candidate but still far from
To tackle them Parliament has enacted laws in all an easy process.
matters relating to elections to the Parliament and State y Dual Responsibility of Administrative Staff:
Legislatures Representation of the Peoples Act 1951 The Election Commission of India does not have
(RPA). However, practically speaking, these issues are independent staff of its own so at the time of
far from being wiped out. elections, it depends upon staff of Central and
State Governments. This responsibility, to the
RPA and its key provisions: government for ordinary administration and to the
y Section 8A of RPA provides for disqualification of ECI for electoral administration is not conducive
candidates on the grounds of corrupt practices. to the impartial and efficient functioning of the
⚪ Criminal Offence: Section 8(3) of the Act Commission.
states that if an MP or MLA is convicted for y Misuse of Official Machinery: The Representation
any other crime and sent to jail for 2 years or of People Act lack clear provisions and guidelines
more, he/she will be disqualified for six years on the matters like the issue of advertisements
from the time of release. at the cost of government and public exchequer
y Section 123 of Representation of People’s Act,1951 highlighting their achievements, disbursements
provides for disqualification on the grounds of out of the discretionary funds at the disposal of
corrupt practices like: the ministers, use of government vehicles for

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canvassing etc. This may give an unfair advantage A law is effective when its understanding reaches to
to the ruling party at the time of elections. the common among commoners. If RPA is made
sufficiently simpler and elaborate on the processes,
Simplification will involve: it will be easy for voters to demand for the just
y Special Election Benches: The Law Commission representation of people.
of India in 254th Report has recommended
Special Courts be set up at the level of the High Q2. “Recent amendments to the Right to Information
Courts (with direct appeal to the Supreme Court) Act will have a profound impact on the
to assess the legality of charges framed against autonomy and independence of the Information
potential candidates and dispose of the cases in a Commission”. Discuss. (150 Words, 10 Marks)
strict time frame. Tags: Statutory, regulatory, and various quasi-
y Stringent application of Section 125A: The judicial bodies.
Commission recommended that the punishment Decoding the Question:
under Section 125A of RPA must be made more y In Introduction, try to write about the Right
stringent by providing for imprisonment of a to Information Act (RTI) along with its
minimum term of two years and by doing away importance.
with the alternative clause for fine. Additionally, y In Body,
conviction under Section 125A RPA should be ⚪ Mention recent Amendments to the
made a part of Section 8(1)(i) of the Representation Right to Information Act.
of People Act, 1950. ⚪ Write impact of Amendments on the
y Expanding Scope of Section 8: Second ARC Information Commission.
recommended that Section 8 of RPA needed to be y Conclude with the Importance of RTI Act in
amended to disqualify all persons facing charges participatory democracy.
related to grave and heinous offences (viz. murder,
abduction, rape etc.) and corruption, where
charges have been framed six months before the Answer:
election. Right to Information Act 2005(RTI) mandates
y False Affidavit Filing: Second ARC also timely response to citizen requests for government
supported the proposal of including filing of false information. The basic object of the RTI is to empower
affidavits as an electoral offence under Section the citizens, promote transparency and accountability
31 of Representation of the People Act, 1950 as in the working of the Government, contain corruption,
recommended by the Election Commission in the and make our democracy work for the people in a real
year 1998. sense.

Recent Amendments of 2019 and comparison with RTI Act, 2005:

Provision RTI Act, 2005 RTI (Amendment) Act, 2019

The Act removes this

The Chief Information Commissioner (CIC)
provision and states that
and Information Commissioners (ICs) (at the
Term the central government will
central and State level) will hold office for a
notify the term of office for
term of five years.
the CIC and the ICs.

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The salary of the CIC and ICs (at the central The Act removes these
level) will be equivalent to the salary paid to provisions and states that
the Chief Election Commissioner and Election the salaries, allowances, and
Commissioners, respectively. other terms and conditions
Quantum of
Similarly, the salary of the CIC and ICs (at the of service of the central and
state level) will be equivalent to the salary State CIC and ICs will be
paid to the Election Commissioners and the determined by the central
Chief Secretary to the state government, government.

The Act states that at the time of the

appointment of the CIC and ICs (at the central
and State level), if they are receiving pension
or any other retirement benefits for previous
government service, their salaries will be
The Act removes these
Deductions reduced by an amount equal to the pension.
in Salary Previous government service includes service
under: (i) the central government, (ii) state
government, (iii) corporation established
under a central or State law, and (iv) company
owned or controlled by the central or State

Impact of Amendments: The RTI (Amendment) Act, ensure the accountability of the representatives
2019 has been criticized on grounds of diluting the Act and the State.
and skewed power towards the central government.
y Threat to Doctrine of Separation of Powers: The The 2nd ARC asserted that RTI is the master key to
amendment allows the interference of the executive governance that must be held carefully along with
in the functioning of Information Commissions, autonomy to the holder. That’s why, it goes without
which are quasi-judicial bodies. This will affect the saying that an informed citizen is better equipped to
doctrine of separation of powers, which is vital to keep necessary vigil on the instruments of governance
our democratic checks and balances. and make the government more accountable to the
y Independent Structures: These are vital governed.
for a democratic state to deliver justice and
constitutional guarantees by ensuring regulation Q3. How far do you think cooperation, competition
and monitoring of the government. and confrontation have shaped the nature of
y Affects the Spirit of Federalism: The amendment federation in India? Cite some recent examples to
also affects the constitutional principles of validate your answer. (150 Words, 10 Marks)
federalism, as now the central government can
change terms of service of the State Information Tag: Functions and Responsibilities of the Union
Commission. and the States, Issues and Challenges Pertaining
y Decline of Participative Democracy: Unilateral to the Federal Structure.
power of the central government will lead to Decoding the Question:
centralization of power, which is not conducive for y In Introduction, define the concept of
the exercise of the freedom of expression. Federation and highlight Indian Federalism.
y Difficulty in accessing Information: The y In Body,
amendment has the potential to make access ⚪ Discuss the following terms in
to information difficult which is a hindrance to accordance with federation of India with

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y NITI Aayog replaced the Planning Commission.

recent examples: One of the mandates is to develop competitive
y Cooperation federalism.
y Competition y An “Ease of Doing Business Index” for the Indian
y Confrontation States, with annual rankings pointing to the areas
y Discuss how cooperation, competition they lag, introduces the sense of competition
and confrontation have shaped Indian among different states, to encourage corrective
Federation. actions and make India, a much better and easier
y Conclude with the suggestive measure to destination for investment.
reduce the confrontations among federal y The Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP) and
units. Swachh Bharat Ranking also helped in promoting
a sense of competition amongst the states for funds
from the central government.
A federation is a political entity characterized by a Confrontation: It may be a result of one government
distribution of power among a union and its units/ transgressing into the powers of the other. This can
states. In India, the Constitution envisages India as a occur between two states or between the centre and
Union of States. This Indian model of federalism the State.
States have no right to secede from the federation. y When the central government decides to enact a
Indian Federalism works with dynamic interaction law which states deem to be in their purview e.g.,
between the centre and the states. Such dynamism New Farm Acts, the National Investigation Agency
gives rise to cooperation, competition and sometimes (NIA) Act.
confrontation in federalism. y The Governor as an agent of the central government
(recently in Maharashtra & Karnataka) creates
Cooperation: Granville Austin describes the Indian confrontations.
Federation as cooperative federalism that produces a y Also, there are many river-waters sharing disputes
strong central government but does not result in week amongst the states. For example- Cauvery river
provincial governments. The Centre and States share disputes, etc.
a horizontal relationship, in which they ‘cooperate’
in the formulation and implementation of national Ways to reduce Confrontation:
policies. This can be reflected in the recent steps taken y First, the contentious role of the governor needs to
by the Central Government: be reviewed and recommended by both Sarkaria
y The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is the result and Punchhi Commission.
of extended consensus among states including the y Second, proper utilization of mechanisms of the
GST Council. Inter-state Council must be ensured to develop
y Collaboration was also evident during the political goodwill between the Centre and the
Covid-19 pandemic when states and Centre acted states on contentious issues.
as one in the fight against the virus outbreak. y Third, the gradual widening of the fiscal capacity
of the states must be legally guaranteed without
Competition: It envisages the competition among reducing the Centre’s share.
states. This is aimed to result in constructive results for y Fourth, adequate electoral reforms for creating
the nation. Competitive Federalism is evident from a level playing field for the regional political
the recent steps like: parties and regional leaders would facilitate more
y With the liberalization reforms of 1991, there has competitive political contests between the national
been a competition among the states to attract and regional political forces.
foreign investment and industries. Indian Federalism is a unique federalism. This has
been strengthened by deepening the power sharing
further at lower levels. Therefore, decentralization of

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power and the institutionalization of the local self- y Independent Judiciary: In Britain as well as in
government under the 73rd and 74th Constitutional India, the judges can only be removed from the
Amendment Acts in real sense, will make federation office for serious misbehavior and with the consent
more stable and efficient. of both Houses of Parliament.
y Ultra-vires: Courts in both UK and in India can
Q4. The judicial systems in India and the UK seem declare the action of an executive as ultra vires
to be converging as well as diverging in recent i.e., acting or done beyond one’s legal power or
times. Highlight the key points of convergence authority.
and divergence between the two nations in terms y Interpretation of Constitution: The courts in both
of their judicial practices. (150 Words, 10 Marks) India as well as UK, act as highest interpreter of
the Constitution.
Tags: Comparison of the Indian Constitutional
Scheme with that of Other Countries. Structure, Divergence in Judicial Practices:
Organization and Functioning of the Executive y Recent Judgements: The Act of Sedition is no
and the Judiciary. longer valid in the UK while it is often used in India.
Decoding the Question: Further, the Contempt of Court proceedings are
y In Introduction, bring about the general rare in the UK while in India it has been used, as
cause of comparable judicial systems. seen in recent examples of Prashant Bhushan case.
y In Body, y Parliamentary Sovereignty: Under the doctrine
⚪ The points of convergence in the judicial of Parliamentary Sovereignty, the judiciary in
systems. the UK lacks the power to strike down an Act of
⚪ The points of divergence in the judicial the Parliament. This Makes the Parliament as a
systems. Supreme body.
y In Conclusion, write about the significance ⚪ In India, the courts of law have been given this
of such judicial systems. power to strike down unconstitutional laws
to ensure Constitutional Supremacy with the
instrument of the Judicial Review.
Answer: y Judicial Review: While the scope of the Judicial
India and the United Kingdom are Parliamentary Review in the UK is far much narrower than that
Democracies with some shared colonial past. Besides, available to the Indian judiciary, in the UK the
there are differences as well as similarities on how the judiciary can review the lawfulness of actions
executive, legislature, and judiciary function. Under of great public and constitutional importance,
British rule, Indian Judicial System evolved as the converging elements to ensure natural justice.
‘Mayor’s court’ established by the East India Company y Basic Structure Doctrine: The courts in India
in 1726. The judicial system developed, imbibing have come up with the doctrine of basic structure
the features like Rule of Law and recording judicial which prevents executive from making laws or
precedents. amendments, which alter or deviate from the
basic values enshrined in the Constitution. British
Convergence in Judicial Practices: system lacks the concept of basic structure.
y Rule of Law: Both countries follow the principle y Unified Three-tier system: UK does not have a
of Rule of Law, where no individual is granted single unified legal system; England and Wales
any special privilege before the court of law and have one system, Scotland another, Northern
the laws apply equally to all citizens irrespective Ireland a third.
of their social-economic or other difference i.e., ⚪ The Constitution of India has established a
equality before law. unified Three-tier system of judiciary, with
y Writ Petition: Instrument of writ petitions to the Supreme Court at the top-tier.
uphold Rule of Law and that the judiciary of both y Appointment of Judges: In the UK, the
nations can review the acts of the executives. Constitutional Reform Act, 2005 has created

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the Judicial Appointments Commission for gives up all party affiliations and remains in office
appointment of judges. until retirement. Candidates are not fielded by
⚪ However, in India, the judges of the Supreme political parties from the constituency of the
Court as well as High Court are appointed by speaker to ensure his or her election to the house.
the President under collegium system. The British Parliament automatically elevates the
The British judicial system provided the foundation on speaker to the House of Lords, once they resign
which the Indian counterpart was built. But the Indian from the office.
judiciary has evolved and learnt from the best practices y In Ireland, a parliamentary system, the position
from around the world to safeguard Democracy and of Speaker is given to someone who has built
Rule of Law. up credibility by relinquishing his/her political
Q5. ‘Once a Speaker, Always a Speaker’! Do you In recent times, the role of Speaker has come into
think this practice should be adopted to impart contention between the opposition and the ruling
objectivity to the office of the Speaker of Lok parties for its partial behavior.
Sabha? What could be its implication for the
robust functioning of parliamentary business in Issues with ‘Office of the Speaker’:
India? (150 Words, 10 Marks) y Speaker not being an Apolitical entity: Speaker
is appointed from the party/coalition enjoying the
Tags: Parliament and State legislatures— majority in the lower house. Thus, one continues
structure, functioning, conduct of business, to hold the party affiliation even after appointment
powers & privileges and issues arising out of to the post. This often leads to subjective
these. interpretation of issues rather than objectivity
Decoding the Question: needed in a parliamentary democracy.
y In Introduction, try to write about the office y Defection: In deciding the question of
of the Speaker in India in comparison disqualification under the tenth Schedule, the
to other countries with Parliamentary speaker’s decision is absolute. Many times, it has
Democracy. been alleged that the Speaker had acted in a biased
y In Body, manner.
⚪ Issues with the institution of Speaker. ⚪ For example, the instance of suspension
⚪ Instances of partiality on the part of the of almost all the MLAs of the Tamil Nadu
Speaker. Assembly in 2016.
⚪ Reforms to impart objectivity to the
office of the Speaker. Instances of partiality on the part of the Speaker:
y In Conclusion, the significance of having an y Misuse of authority to declare a bill as a ‘Money
established office of a Speaker in Democracy. Bill’: While deciding Money Bill, a party holding
majority often has sway over the speaker’s decision,
minimizing debate and point of view from other
Answer: party members and from Rajya Sabha, even if
The Speaker is the Constitutional and ceremonial the bill is adjudged legally correct. This has been
head of the House, who plays a crucial role in issues evident in the passage of the Aadhar Bill.
like disqualification under the Anti-defection law, the y Apolitical nature and partisan role of the office:
validation of money bill, maintaining the decorum This has been highlighted in cases like Kihoto
in assembly, passing of critical motions like censure Hollohan vs. Zachillhu and Others (1992), Jagjit
motion and no confidence motion. Singh vs. State of Haryana (2006), Keisham
Meghachandra Singh vs. the Speaker Manipur
Comparison with other Parliamentary Democracy: Legislative Assembly & Ors. (2020).
y The UK practice of ‘Once a Speaker, Always a
speaker’ suggests that once elected, the speaker

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Reforms to impart objectivity to the office of the

Speaker: y In Introduction, about social development,
and the present healthcare situation in the
y Adopting the UK System: UK practice of ‘once
the speaker always a speaker’ can be followed in
y In Body,
India to have more comprehensive debates, more
⚪ Relationship between healthcare and
balanced emphasis to opposition parties and bring
social development.
more credibility to the institutions of Speaker.
⚪ Geriatric Healthcare.
y Political Neutrality: It is the freedom from
⚪ Maternal Healthcare.
interference and pressures which provide the
y In Conclusion, the importance of healthcare
necessary atmosphere where he/she can work with
for holistic growth of the nation.
absolute commitment to the cause of neutrality as
a constitutional value.
y Constitutional Impartiality(Security of Tenure): Answer:
Speaker’s removal can only be by an absolute
Social development reflects the improved well-being
majority; the salary is fixed and charged on
of every individual in society. It reduces stress on
Consolidated Fund of India/State; the works
human capabilities and brings in human resource
conduct cannot be discussed except for Substantive
formation, which has the potential to improve the
Motion; Powers within house are not Judicially
economic situation of the country and to bring in
more development.
y Judicial Review: In Kihoto Hollohan vs Zachillhu
and Others, 1992 case, Supreme Court allowed for Healthcare and Social Development:
Judicial Review in case of questions concerning
y Health induced poverty: This is a common norm
disqualification of members under the tenth
due to the high cost of health care which makes
it difficult to address other social requirements
y Independent Tribunal: Independent Tribunal
like education. The increasing expenditure on
for deciding cases of disqualification under
healthcare pushes around 32 to 39 million Indians
tenth schedule as recommended in Keisham
below the poverty line on an annual basis.
Meghachandra Singh vs. the Hon’ble Speaker
y Enhanced Human Capacity: Health care has the
Manipur Legislative Assembly & Ors. (2020), can
potential to enhance human capabilities and can
be established.
aid in economic development which will result in
Neutrality, autonomy, and fairness in decision- further contribution towards growth of the nation.
making are the hallmarks of a robust institution. At a Reducing vulnerability among old people and women,
time when India falls in ranks, in the latest Democracy is a prerequisite in the nation-building process with
Index, it is expected of Parliament to have a major focus on reducing deprivation and ensuring social
revamp in the structure of the office to strengthen the empowerment.
institution of the ‘Office of the Speaker’.
Geriatric Healthcare:
Q6. In order to enhance the prospects of social The National Elderly Policy defines people of 60+ age
development, sound and adequate health care group as elderly. Marking of the UN ‘Decade of Healthy
policies are needed in the fields of geriatric and Ageing (2020-2030)’ highlights the significance of
maternal health care. Discuss (150 Words, 10 elderly population challenges.
Marks) The problems faced by old age population which
includes desertion by family members, lack of
Tags: Issues relating to development and specialized old age care, lack of social safety net to take
management of Social Sector/Services relating to care of health needs, insurance, inadequate old age
Health, Education, Human Resources. homes have been worked upon by the government by
Decoding the Question: the way of following schemes:

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y Schemes for Healthcare: ⚪ Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)

⚪ The National Programme for the Health Care ⚪ Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan
for the Elderly (NPHCE) (PMSMA)
⚪ Ayushman Bharat ⚪ Navjaat Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (NSSK)
⚪ Integrated Programme for Older Persons ⚪ National Programme for Family Planning
⚪ Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana ⚪ LaQshya’ programme (Labour Room Quality
⚪ Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Improvement Initiative).
Scheme (IGNOAPS) ⚪ Matru Vandana Yojana
⚪ Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana y National Nutritional Programmes: Some
y Phased-in Retirement: Phased-in retirement programmes to ensure nutrition have been MAA
suggests a scheme whereby older workers could (Mothers’ Absolute Affection) Programme for
choose to work fewer hours yet remain longer in Infant and Young Child Feeding, National Iron
the labour force. This would ensure continuity in Plus Initiative for Anaemia Control, etc.
tax revenues and reduced expenditure on pensions. y Infant Health: To address the issue of death due
y Robust Healthcare Infrastructure: Good quality to malnutrition and diseases, the health of young
health care infrastructure is of utmost importance children below the age of five should be taken care
to the elderly in an age-sensitive manner. of at priority.
y Strengthen the Family Care System: The preferred y Maternal Health: Pregnant and lactating mothers
source of support for the aged is still the family. are vulnerable to health risks and hence policies
The reciprocal care and support within the multi- are required to address these concerns.
generational families of parents, grandparents and y Midwifery Initiatives: It is aimed at creating a team
children should be encouraged by way of school of skilled nurses for providing their compassionate
curricula and through the media. contribution to reproductive maternal and
y Promoting and rewarding volunteering: newborn healthcare.
Governments could make provisions to promote
and reward volunteering and care work among Social development is about improving the wellbeing
citizens and NGOs. of every individual to help them reach their full
potential. It would help improve India’s ranking in
Maternal Healthcare: global healthcare indicators such as HDI, where
Sustainable development in India can only happen health is a key component. Healthcare plays a vital
when maternal and child care are taken good care of. role in reducing social exclusion at the local level,
The survival and well-being of mothers is crucial to due to its impact on employment, working conditions
solving larger economic, social, and developmental and household income. This can potentially help in
challenges. The Sustainable Development Goal realizing the goal of a $5 trillion economy even faster
III pertains to maternal health where the target is and also aid in sustainable development of the country.
to reduce maternal mortality ratio (MMR) 70 per
100000 live births. Q7. “Institutional quality is a crucial driver of
economic performance”. In this context, suggest
Steps to ensure Maternal Health: reforms in Civil Service for Strengthening
y Healthcare Schemes: Reproductive, Maternal, Democracy. (150 Words, 10 Marks)
Neonatal, Child and Adolescent health are
addressed through following schemes: Tags: Role of civil services in a democracy.
⚪ Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) Decoding the Question:
⚪ Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram y In Introduction, about Institutional Quality
(RKSK) with the focus on Civil Services as an
⚪ Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) institution.
⚪ Universal Immunisation Programme, Mission y In Body,
Indradhanush (MI) ⚪ Challenges faced by Civil Services in

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and meritorious suggestions to the political

India. executive in policy formulation. Impartiality on
⚪ Reforms to overcome the challenges to the account of the Civil Services Board is required
Civil Services. to look after all the aspects related to promotions,
y In Conclusion, about the mission by the transfers, posting and suspensions.
government in this direction. y Politicization of the Institution: Since Civil
Servants are accountable to the political executive
and not directly to the citizens, politicization could
be an issue and can be taken care of by ensuring
“If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly the accountability aspect of the services.
to be found in democracy, they will be best attained
when all persons alike share in the government to the Reforms needed in the Civil Service:
utmost”- Aristotle y Rightsizing the Bureaucracy: It is required to
ensure the availability of optimum number of
Institutional quality is a broad concept that captures functionaries for effective service delivery.
law, individual rights and high quality government y Civil Service Accountability: Measures should
regulation and services. Economic performance of a be made to focus on external accountability
country primarily depends on the policies formulated mechanisms like strengthening and streamlining
by the government. Institutional quality and economic reporting mechanisms, action on audit findings
development reinforce each other over the longer and implementation of Citizens Charter.
term, but it is institutional quality that leads this y Specialist Recruitment: The growing economy
virtuous circle. However, the growth performance not has different sets of needs where a high level of
only depends on the policy measures but also on how specialization is required in various fields and
those policies are implemented and executed and this such appointments cannot be promptly made at
is where the role of an efficient Civil Servant or the the time of need.
Bureaucracy comes in. y Capacity Building Activities and Human
y The Institutional Quality impedes the positive Resources Development: This is required to keep
effects of foreign direct investments (FDIs) and pace with the global development as by the forces
trade openness on economic growth. of new technologies.
y Institutional development unlocks growth y Other reforms: Strengthening meritocracy
potential and does not intrinsically suffer from in promotion instead of seniority along with
diminishing returns. Countries with high introduction of modern reforms like E-
Institutional Quality are said to be more successful Governance could help enhance the proficiency of
in adopting frontier technology and productivity. the service delivery.
Challenges to Civil Services: The recent policy by the government- ‘Mission
y Performance Evaluation: Performance records Karmayogi’ is a great step towards the civil service
being mostly prepared by superiors, leaves a lot reforms to enhance the quality of civil services as an
of scope for personal biases and prejudice. As institution in the country. The Mission Karmayogi
suggested by the Second Administrative Reforms aims to empower the Indian Civil Servant with specific
Commission, reforms can be made to make it role-competencies which would help to ensure efficient
more objective. The Prime Minister of India has service delivery of the highest quality standards.
suggested a 360-degree performance evaluation
for the same. Q8. “The emergence of the Fourth Industrial
y Relationship between the Bureaucracy and Revolution (Digital Revolution) has initiated
Political Executive: The bias of a political executive e-Governance as an integral part of government”.
to prefer loyalty over efficiency in selecting civil Discuss (150 Words, 10 Marks)
servants to higher posts, has impacted the rational

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have helped in bringing new grievance resolution

Tags: Important aspects of governance, techniques to the table, such as bots. This has led
transparency and accountability, e-governance to increased efficiency in reducing public issues.
applications, models, successes, limitations, y Transparency: Technology growth has created
and potential; citizens charters, transparency new opportunities for ensuring transparency
& accountability and institutional and other in the governance. This includes monitoring
measures. misgovernance issues such as corruption or
Decoding the Question: favoritism.
y In Introduction, discuss Fourth Industrial
Revolution. One of the major highlights of this revolution has been
y In Body, e-Governance, that has improved the functioning
⚪ Impact of Fourth Industrial Revolution of society and altered the way the State govern and
on governance. People respond.
⚪ e-Governance and its examples.
y In Conclusion, importance of Fourth e-Governance:
Industrial Revolution in strengthening This has been one of the major highlights of the Fourth
governance. Industrial Revolution, suggesting a process of reform
in the way governments work, share information
and deliver the services. Mumbai Declaration on
Answer: e-Governance has a ten-fold goal to take forward the
The First Industrial Revolution used water and roadmap for e-Governance defined in the Shillong
steam power to mechanize production. The Second Declaration of 2019.
used electric power to create mass production. The y It centres around improving public service
Third used electronics and information technology delivery, exhausting digital platforms, particularly
to automate production. Now the Fourth Industrial concerning health, agriculture, education and
Revolution is characterized by a fusion of technologies land.
in AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT(Internet of
Some examples of harnessing e-Governance potential
Things),quantum computing and others.
in the country are as follows:
Fourth Industrial Revolution and its impact on y Digital India: Through technology improvement
governance: and Digital Revolution, easier access to government
services has been ensured. Technologies such
Fourth Industrial Revolution resulted in an
as cloud computing have resulted in improved
amalgamation of technology and the convergence
connectivity which has been helpful in dealing
of physical, digital, and biological spheres, creating
with connectivity issues of digital governance.
an inclusive growth environment. It includes
y UMANG (Unified Mobile Application for New-
development of new digital technologies like Artificial
age Governance): It is developed by the Ministry
Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning etc.
of Electronics and Information Technology
The changes brought about by the Fourth Industrial (MeitY) and National e-Governance Division
Revolution can be summed up as follows: (NeGD) to drive Mobile Governance in India. It
y Better Policy measures: Newer technologies such provides a single platform for Citizens to access
as Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Mining etc., have pan India e-Gov services ranging from Central to
the ability for better identification of important Local Government bodies.
aspects from a large dataset. This could be helpful y DBT(Direct Benefit Transfer): Under this initiative,
for policy makers to make clear distinction for the scholarships and subsidies are directly credited
the usefulness of data and ensure better policy in the bank account of the beneficiary which helps
measures. to ensure targeted delivery of benefits and also
y Faster Resolution of Grievances: Artificial reduces the instances of corruption in the system.
intelligence and machine learning technologies

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y BharatNet: This is an initiative to facilitate the and disease. The World Health Organization (WHO)
delivery of e-governance, e-health, e-education, defines Global public health security as “the activities
e-banking, Internet, and other services to rural required to minimize the danger and impact of acute
India. The aim is to connect all the 2,50,000 Gram public health events that endanger the collective health
panchayats in the country and provide 100 Mbps of populations living across geographical regions and
connectivity to all gram panchayats. To achieve international boundaries.”
this target, the existing unused fibers (dark fiber) of
public sector undertakings (PSUs) (BSNL, RailTel WHO during Covid-19 pandemic:
and Power Grid) have been taken advantage of and Covid-19 is characterized as a virus induced pandemic
incremental fiber has been laid to connect to the which refers to a new disease for which people do not
Gram Panchayats wherever necessary. possess immunity. The role of WHO has been criticized
in handling the pandemic situation, the reasons for
Importance of Fourth Industrial Revolution in which are summarized as follows:
strengthening governance: y Carelessness on the part of WHO: The WHO
With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has been accused of mismanaging the Covid-19
the world and India, in particular, is witnessing a Digital crisis and failing to vet information and share it
revolution. This is evident from increasing smartphone in a timely and transparent manner. It delayed
penetration, increasing UPI transactions, low internet declaring COVID-19 a pandemic, which resulted
cost, among others. Fourth industrial revolution has a in late actions by countries, aggravating the
lot of potential to harness the converging technologies situations around the world.
to create an inclusive, human-centered future. It y Influence of China on the functioning of
presents the opportunity to help everyone including organization: Today’s global institutions are
the people and the government policy makers. Digital extremely dependent on their contributors for
India mission is a step in this direction ensuring robust funding, and they often become pawns for their
and efficient institutions of governance. political agendas. Regarding contributions,
withdrawal of the USA resulted in inadequate
Q9. Critically examine the role of WHO in providing funds and manpower which further curbed the
global health security during the COVID-19 WHO’s independence and its ability to function.
Pandemic. (150 Words, 10 Marks) Also, when the US cut funding to the WHO,
China increased its contribution. The World
Tags: Important International institutions, Health Organization (WHO) has been alleged as
agencies, and fora- their structure, mandate. “very China centric”, for its negligence to cover up
Decoding the Question: China’s failure to handle the crisis.
y In Introduction, role and responsibility of
WHO. Need for WHO:
y In Body, y Helping countries in preparation and response:
⚪ Response of WHO during the Covid-19 The WHO has been providing critical support
pandemic and issues with performance. through guidelines, convening, and coordinated
⚪ Importance of WHO as an organization. programs.
y In Conclusion, performance of WHO in y Busting dangerous myths and providing accurate
handling similar situations in the past and information : To ensure information is correct
measures to empower its organization and and helpful, WHO provides everyone access to
functioning. timely, accurate and easy-to-understand advice,
from trusted sources. In addition, daily situation
reports and press briefings, as well as briefings
Answer: with governments, are being circulated to keep the
The World Health Organization (WHO) plays an world informed about the latest data, information
important role in the global governance of health and evidence.

Previous Year Questions (2020) 11

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y Training Health Workers: The health agency Answer:

benefits from the expertise of a global network According to the report ‘International Migration
of health professionals and scientists, including 2020 Highlights’, by the UN Department of Economic
epidemiologists, clinicians and virologists, to and Social Affairs (UN DESA), India has the largest
ensure that the response is as comprehensive, diaspora population in the world with 18 million
authoritative and representative as possible. people from the country, living outside their homeland
y Financial Aid: WHO set up the COVID-19 in 2020. India’s large diaspora is distributed across
Solidarity Response Fund, with partners, to ensure the United Arab Emirates (3.5 million), the United
⚪ needed care to the patients, States of America (2.7 million) and Saudi Arabia (2.5
⚪ essential supplies and information to the million). The diverse profile of Indian diaspora allows
frontline workers, it to actively shape the polity and economy of the host
⚪ to accelerate research and development for country.
Vaccine and Treatments.
Political impact of Indian Diaspora in America and
While there have been issues like funding from the Europe:
contributors, encouraging favoritism to the countries,
WHO has been striving for mitigating global health y Electoral Power: Many people of Indian origin
security risks during the pandemic through containing hold top political positions in many countries,
emergence and spread of COVID-19, providing such as in the US; they are a significant part
technical guidance on it, working in collaboration with of Republicans and Democrats, as well as the
scientists, business, and global health organizations government. The three ministers have held top
to speed up the pandemic response. It requires a roles in the UK government currently. Recently,
responsive system of governance supported by global the newly elected Vice president of the US, Kamala
political cooperation to strengthen the institution Harris, is of Indian origin.
and to continue its commendable job that resulted in y Diplomacy: Diaspora plays an important role
eradicating smallpox, reduced polio cases and handling in influencing policies and politics of its host
of the battle against Ebola outbreak, in the past. country in favor of its country of origin and also,
development of good ties and relations between
Q10. “Indian diaspora has a decisive role to play both countries. The power to steer bilateral
in the politics and economy of America and relations in case of ‘Indo-US Nuclear deal’ can
European Countries”. Comment with examples. be seen in the context of diasporic mediation in
international relations.
(150 Words, 10 Marks)
y Influencing the World: Some of the top positions
are held by people of Indian origin in IBM,
Tags: Effect of policies and politics of developed
Microsoft, Google, Deloitte, Adobe, Palo Alto
and developing countries on India’s interests,
Networks etc. They have a profound impact on
Indian diaspora.
global economic output and also have a decisive
Decoding the Question:
role in influencing the political dynamics not only
y In Introduction, try to give statistics about
in America and European countries but also across
Indian Diaspora.
the world.
y In Body,
y Soft Power: The spread of Ayurveda, Yoga, Indian
⚪ Political impact on America and
Spirituality, Bollywood, Indian cuisine across the
European countries.
world has made India famous. It has even led
⚪ Impact on American and European
to revival of many lost relationships with many
countries, hence boosting diplomatic relations.
y In Conclusion, try to mention the changes
brought about by the Indian Diaspora in the Impact on of Indian Diaspora American and
world. European Economies:

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y Economic Contribution: Huge investments are

made by many emigrants into their home countries Tags: Indian Constitution—historical
in domestic financial, real estates, services and underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments,
technological sectors, helping in huge inflow of significant provisions, and basic structure.
capitals that boost local economy and result in job Decoding the Question:
creation. y In the Introduction, try to mention the
y Technology Transfer: Since the diasporas are centralizing tendencies of the Constitution.
mostly based in developed foreign countries, they y In Body, discuss the centralizing tendencies
help in bringing the technology and innovations with respect to the:
from these foreign nations to their country of ⚪ Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897
origin through investment and collaborations. This ⚪ The Disaster Management Act, 2005
is economically beneficial for the source country. ⚪ Farm Acts
y Influential Positions: Google CEO Sundar Pichai, y In Conclusion, try to discuss the Importance
Nobel Laureate scientist Har Gobind Khorana and of a Strong Union.
Microsoft CEO Sathya Nadella have left a mark on
American leadership landscape. The President of
Singapore, Governor-General of New Zealand and Answer:
the Prime Ministers of Mauritius and Trinidad The term ‘federalism’ refers to the constitutionally
and Tobago were all of Indian descent. allocated distribution of powers between two or
y Earnings, Taxes and Remittances: Remittances more levels of government in the modern nation-
from Indians abroad make an invaluable state system—one, at the national level and the
contribution, by aiding in socio-economic other, at the provincial, State or local level. The most
development and poverty reduction. Highest salient aspect of a federal form of government is that
remittance of $78.6 billion (this amounts to a the governments at both the national and the state
whopping 3.4% of India’s GDP) was received level function in their respective jurisdictions with
from Indians living abroad. This shows that most considerable independence from one another.
Indians abroad are in significant tax brackets
which act as a reliable source of revenue for their Centralizing Tendencies of the Constitution:
country of residence. Sir Ivor Jennings believed India to be a “federation
with strong centralizing tendencies”. The Indian
The Indian diaspora is the bridge between their Constitution exhibits centralizing tendencies for
nation and India where simultaneous growth could maintaining unity and integrity of the nation:
be ensured for the betterment of the citizens. With the y Union of States: Article 1 in the Constitution states
versatile role its Diaspora could play, India can work that India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States;
better towards the cherished dream of becoming a an indestructible Union of destructible States.
superpower and it could make much headway in its y More Subjects in Union List: As compared to the
international and foreign affairs. The diaspora can also State List, the Union List contains more subjects,
promote Indian culture abroad and help build a good with a precedence to Union Law in a case of
image of India by their intelligence and industry. disagreement between the union and states over
the subject in the Concurrent List. Also, the
Q11. Indian constitution exhibits centralizing residual powers rest with the Union.
tendencies to maintain unity and integrity of y Provisions of Constitution: Centralization is also
the nation. Elucidate in the perspective of the evident by the provisions like All India Public
Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897; The Disaster Services, single citizenship, etc.
Management Act, 2005 and recently passed Farm
Acts. (250 Words, 15 Marks) Recently, the centralizing nature of union has been
evident in dealing with Covid-19 pandemic and also
in reforming the agricultural sector:
Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897:

Previous Year Questions (2020) 13

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y The Epidemic Diseases Bill was tabled on January y The new acts have been widely acclaimed as
28, 1897, during an outbreak of bubonic plague in historic, path-breaking, and a “1991 movement”
Mumbai (then Bombay). for agriculture.
y The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 provides for better y The Centre passed Farm Acts under Entry 33
prevention of the spread of dangerous epidemic (Concurrent List) which mentions “trade and
diseases where the state governments have the commerce in, and the production, supply and
prerogative. Various states have invoked the EDA, distribution of – foodstuffs, including edible
1897, to pass orders and guidelines on social oilseeds and oils”, despite the fact that ‘agriculture’
distancing measures, closure of establishments falls under the State List.
and limitation on activity to contain the spread of y But these farm laws are important as they are
COVID-19. the biggest agricultural reforms ensuring
y The Central government has so far followed market choice, encouraging entrepreneurship,
a mostly top-down approach in tackling the access to technology and resulting in structural
COVID-19 pandemic with directing the State transformation of agriculture.
governments to diligently enforce every new set
of guidelines which included taking steps for Necessity of a Strong Union:
inspecting and detaining persons travelling out of According to K.C. Wheare, in practice, the
or into the country during the epidemic Constitution of India is quasi-federal in nature and
y The States are however, only allowed to increase not strictly federal. It is a union or a composite of a
and not dilute the restrictions. novel type. Indian Federalism is unique in nature i.e.,
‘federation with a centralizing tendency’ which is
The Disaster Management Act, 2005 tailored according to the specific needs of the country.
Social distancing has been the universal solution to In India’s quasi-federal system, centralizing tendencies
the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. The Centre are not absolute. If they divert from maintaining
issued lockdown guidelines periodically under the unity and integrity, the apex court is always there to
Disaster Management Act of 2005. The Centre applied intervene.
and relied more on the Disaster Management Act 2005
under its residual powers even though ‘Public Health Q12. Judicial Legislation is antithetical to the doctrine
and Sanitization’ happens to be a subject under Entry of separation of powers as envisaged in the Indian
6 of State List. The central government could not wait Constitution. In this context justify the filing of a
for states to act and let it become an uncontrollable large number of public interest petitions praying
national health crisis, so the Act had to be used to for issuing guidelines to executive authorities.
make fast policy decisions and impose restrictions on (250 Words, 15 Marks)
Tags: Separation of powers between various
Farm Acts: organs, dispute redressal mechanisms and
y Major agricultural market reforms have been institutions.
introduced by central government through three Decoding the Question:
acts: y In the Introduction, try to mention the
⚪ The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Doctrine of Separation of Powers.
Act, 2020 y In Body,
⚪ The Farming Produce Trade and Commerce ⚪ Judicial Legislation and instances of its
(Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020 implementation.
⚪ The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) ⚪ Judiciary and Public Interest Litigation
Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm (PIL).
Services Act, 2020 y In Conclusion, try to suggest a healthy
implementation of Judicial Legislation.

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Answer: of casual workers, and petitions from jails

Doctrine of Separation of Powers: complaining of harassment, against police for
Separation of powers is the division of the legislative, refusing to register a case, harassment by police
executive, and judicial functions of government. The and death in police custody, against atrocities
doctrine of separation of powers ensures the system of on women impact the lives of the marginalized
‘checks and balances’ in the Indian democracy system: and disadvantaged to a great extent. It can help
y The power to make policy decisions and implement advance the cause of minority or disadvantaged
laws is vested in the Executive. groups or individuals.
y The reviewing of the functioning of the executive ⚪ Justice is Directly Accessible: In the Asiad
and issuing enactments falls under the purview of Workers judgment case, Justice P.N. Bhagwati
the Legislature. held that anyone getting less than the
y Adjudicating disputes is the responsibility of the minimum wage can directly approach the
Judiciary while also exercising Judicial Review Supreme Court without going through the
over the Executive and Legislative action (Article labor commissioner and lower courts.
32 and 226). y Judicial Intervention: The judiciary has been
compelled to intervene in the domain of legislature
Judicial Legislation and Instances of Implementation: and issued guidelines to the executives in the
Judicial Legislation- The philosophy to depart from the cases of fundamental rights of the people being
traditional precedents towards progression in social threatened by the State, failure in performing
policies. Occasionally, Judiciary has made policies and administrative functions by authorities and failure
also issued guidelines in the cloak of judgements, taking of legislature to make the necessary legislation in
over the responsibility of legislature while making the the changing times:
law. Examples to substantiate the implementation are ⚪ In K.Puttaswamy case(2017), the court
as follows: pronounced that the right to privacy is intrinsic
y Even though there were no laws to the effect, the to the right to life and provided the three step
Supreme Court fixed timings for bursting Diwali test to decide on the constitutionality of any
fireworks, in Arun Gopal case (2017). law infringing privacy.
y In MC Mehta case (2018), the rule 115(21) of the ⚪ In Vishaka case(1997), the judgement
Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 was annulled recognised sexual harassment as a violation of
by the court, when it was directed that only BS-VI the fundamental rights and the guidelines also
vehicles can be sold after March 30, 2020. directed for the Sexual Harassment of Women
at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
Judiciary and Public Interest Litigation (PIL): Redressal) Act, 2013.
y Need for Public Interest Litigation(PIL):
⚪ Social Justice meets Social Ends: Public Arguments in support of Judicial Legislation:
interest petitions are instrumental in bringing The Supreme Court has appropriately responded to
about a new code of something when there its constitutional responsibility under Article 142 in
is no legislative framework for it, nor it is directing the public authorities to find solutions in
possible to have it in the near future. important social issues devoid of functional legislation.
⚪ Non-performance of Duty: Often the Public Interest Litigation has produced astonishing
legislature fails to make the necessary results but the Judiciary should be cautious enough
legislation to suit the changing times and the in the application of PILs to avoid Judicial Activism
executive fails to perform their administrative transforming to Judicial Overreach, that is violative of
functions. the principle of Separation of Power. But in the spirit
⚪ Help to Marginalised Section: PILs falling of democratic governance, all the three organs of the
under the categories such as bonded labour State should discharge their obligations freely and
matters, neglected children, non-payment of independently, entrusted with intervention only where
minimum wages to workers and exploitation required in the larger interest of the citizens of India.

Previous Year Questions (2020) 15

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Q13. The strength and sustenance of local institutions y Three-tier system for the local government with
in India has shifted from their formative phase constitutional status.
of ‘Functions, Functionaries and Funds’ to the y Gram Sabha as foundation of the Panchayati Raj
contemporary stage of ‘Functionality’. Highlight System.
the critical challenges faced by local institutions y Direct election by people of all members of local
in terms of their functionality in recent times. bodies and reservation of seats for SC/ST and
(250 Words, 15 Marks) women at all three levels.
y State Election Commission for supervision of the
Tags: Functions and responsibilities of the Union elections.
and the States, issues and challenges pertaining y Formation of the State Finance Commission every
to the federal structure, devolution of powers and five years for reviewing the financial provisions of
finances up to local levels and challenges therein. local bodies.
Decoding the Question:
y In Introduction, try to write about the Challenges to Functionality of Local Institutions:
Formative Years of Local Institutions. y Limited Reach: The state governments have yet to
y In Body, delegate the actual functional autonomy excluding
⚪ Challenges to the functionality of Local Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh etc., as most
Institutions in India. states have conformed to the 73rd and 74th
⚪ Measures to strengthen Local Constitutional Amendment Acts only on paper.
Institutions. y One-Size-Fits-All Approach: NITI Aayog’s
y In Conclusion, try to comment on the need Aspirational District plan envisions top-down
to strengthen Local Institutions. development of the districts, which undermines
the spirit of Democratic Decentralization.
y Lack of Autonomy: The objectives of local self-
Answer: governing bodies have not been met because of the
“When the panchayat raj is established, public opinion delegation of powers, functions and finances not
will do what violence can never do.”- Mahatma Gandhi being mandated.
Constitutional status was given to the local institutions ⚪ Also, because of unclear coding and
i.e. the panchayats in the rural areas and urban specifications of the functioning of governance
local bodies in urban areas, by the 73rd and 74th in the areas of education, health, sanitation
Constitutional Amendment Acts. and water, the target setting becomes difficult
and hence, its attainment and execution.
Formative Years of Local Institutions: y Funding: Functionality is dependent on
Balwant Rai Mehta Committee in 1957, reviewed financial aid but there have been issues with the
the working of the CDP and suggested a three-tier implementation because local institutions are
PRIs, namely, Gram Panchayats at the village level, excessively dependent on the government for
Panchayat Samiti at block level, Zilla Parishad at the funding and lack their own revenue generating
district level. mechanisms through local taxes and receiving
Ashok Mehta Committee in 1977, recommended intergovernmental transfers.
compulsory power of taxation. y Encroachment by Parallel Bodies: The emergence
GVK Rao Committee in 1985, recommended assigning of bodies like water development bodies, special
a role with respect to planning, implementation and purpose vehicles, etc. has resulted in the overlap
monitoring of rural development programmes. of functioning.
The Gadgil Committee in 1988, made comprehensive ⚪ Parallel Governance: Smart Cities Mission
recommendations on Local institutions. Based on which aims to establish a Special purpose
its recommendations, 73rd and 74th Constitutional vehicle for the execution of the city
amendments were passed which suggested: development has resulted in the parallel
institution vis-a-vis Urban local government.

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This functional overlapping may result in ⚪ The initiative of the Meghalaya government to
decline of local bodies. make social auditing mandatory is a great step
y Lack of Resources and Structural Deficiencies: in this pursuit.
Because of the shortfall of human resource and y Fiscal Freedom: As finances play a vital role in
physical/digital infrastructure, local institutions the functioning , fiscal autonomy along with fiscal
are unable to deliver their services efficiently. Also, accountability can prove to be a long term solution
the low level of penetration of e- governance adds to the problems faced by local bodies. Timely
to the inefficiency. devolution of funds should be ensured.
⚪ Some of the Gram panchayats or urban local y Government Programmes being merged:
governments do not have their own building Convergence of various development programs
or exist but without even the basic facilities could prove to be beneficial. In this context,
like toilets, drinking water, and electricity Mission Antyodaya is a step in the right direction.
connection. y Recruiting and Training Personnel: Recruiting
⚪ Also, there is a lack of support staff and efficient personnel with necessary qualifications
personnel in local bodies like secretaries, and providing capacity building could result in
computer operators, junior engineers, and better functioning of the system.
data entry operators.
⚪ Local planning, development and Need to strengthen Local Institutions:
administration are in need of Standard The governments should be instrumental in making
Operating Procedure (SOP) Culture. required efforts to devolve funds, functions, and
y Corruption: Local bodies being impaired by functionaries to local bodies so that economic
corruption leads to improper functioning and also development and social justice schemes can be
affects the development of the districts. planned out. The focus has to be on the grassroot
development. The fulfilment of the purpose of the
Measures to strengthen Local Institution: 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act will lead to
y Amping up Revenue Collection: There should be Atmanirbhar Panchayats which in turn would help
creation of ways in which local institutions can realizing the goal of Atmanirbhar Bharat.
be self-sufficient in their funding. For Example-
Agro-tourism. Q14. Rajya Sabha has been transformed from a ‘useless
y Knowledge Sharing: Exposure to research and best stepney tyre’ to the most useful supporting organ
practices for sustainable agriculture and disaster in the past few decades. Highlight the factors as
mitigation could be provided. For Example- well as the areas in which this transformation
Hiware Bazar Village (Maharashtra) for drought could be visible. (250 Words, 15 Marks)
control and drinking problem solution.
y Activity Mapping: As recommended by the 2nd Tags: Parliament and State legislatures—
ARC, a clear-cut demarcation of functions of each structure, functioning, conduct of business,
tier of the government should be ensured. The powers & privileges and issues arising out of
principle of subsidiarity should be followed while these.
deciding on the implementation machinery for Decoding the Question:
any programme. y In Introduction, try to mention about Rajya
y Effective Auditing: Audit committees may be Sabha and its Importance.
constituted by the State Governments at the y In Body,
district level to inspect the integrity of financial ⚪ Arguments in support of Rajya Sabha as
information, ethical conduct of all persons involved a supporting organ in democracy.
in local bodies, fairness of internal controls and ⚪ Transformations due to Rajya Sabha’s
the compliance with the applicable laws. proactive role.
y In Conclusion, try to emphasize on the role
of Rajya Sabha in India’s polity.

Previous Year Questions (2020) 17

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Answer: y The ruling party doesn’t have a brute majority in

The role of Rajya Sabha has notably increased in recent Rajya Sabha unlike the House of People and this
times due to the increase in formation of coalition balance of numbers upholds the key position held
governments, requirement of well-informed opinion by Rajya Sabha.
on certain important issues and Prime Minister being y It wards off hasty legislation and acts as a ‘check
a part of the Rajya Sabha, among others. and balance’ method.
y It keeps functioning even when the Lower house is
Rajya Sabha and its Importance: dissolved as a permanent house.
The Govt of India Act,1919 introduced bicameralism y It acts as a deliberative body giving a platform to
in India with the Council of States and the House of high quality debates on important issues.
People as two separate houses. The Federal Structure y Government’s decision to pass certain Bills as
was continued by the Fathers of the Constitution, ‘Money Bills’ suggests that Rajya Sabha is not
where Rajya Sabha represents the ‘states’ of Indian merely an Approving body.
Union. While it has been argued as a refuge to those y There is a realization of the Principle of Federalism
who are defeated in popular elections, the reality in Indian polity and the rise of regional parties. It
portrays a different picture of an excellent deliberative protects the interests of the States against undue
medium and a useful supporting organ. Some of the interference of the Centre.
factors suggestive of this are: y The requirement of informed opinion on the
y Growing Regional Politics: The Rajya Sabha issues such as climate change, surrogacy law, DNA
provides a collective voice to the Indian States. bill cannot be understated.
The diversification of ideologies in the chamber
Transformations due to Rajya Sabha’s Proactive Role:
can be attributed to the growth of regional politics.
This has been a major highlight after the 1970s, y Scrutiny of the executive:
succeeding the end to Congress rule in many ⚪ Through Question hour
states. ⚪ Calling Attention Motion: Attention was
y Emerging Populism: Doing justice to its role of a drawn to re-promulgation of ordinances in
‘Deliberative Body’, Rajya Sabha has a tendency to some states.
make unpopular yet necessary decisions since it is y Abrogation of Article 370.
not popularly elected. y Some very important legislations have been
y Cooperative Federalism by Niti Aayog: States have initiated by Rajya Sabha like Bonded Labour
been provided more say in governance which has System Bill, MRTP Act, Gram Nyayalayas Bill, RTI
led to a healthy federal balance, thus reasserting act, etc.
the role of Rajya Sabha as second chamber. y Rajya Sabha has acted as a ‘revising chamber’ with
y Specialists and Experts in the House: The objections to certain bills over the years. This has
continuously emerging domain of legislation led to confrontations, thus forcing the President to
demands Specialist Opinion. Rajya Sabha has call for joint sitting (Article 108). Examples:
provided that platform where the opinions of ⚪ The intervention by Rajya Sabha in the Dowry
Senior Judges, Social Workers, Industrialists etc. Prohibition Bill led to a joint sitting.
have contributed to the revolutionary debates ⚪ Passage of POTA Act in 2002.
which has made the importance of Rajya Sabha y Catalyzing Government’s agreement to important
undebatable. amendments in important legislations like the
Lokpal Act and Food security Act.
Arguments in support of Rajya Sabha as a ‘Supporting y Representation of the interests of the states. For
Organ’ in Democracy: Example- The GST bill was tough to be passed due
y Prime Minister being part of the Rajya Sabha and to resistance from the states.
as head of the government, imparts Rajya Sabha ⚪ The role of the Upper House was essential
with enhanced weightage. in approval of The Constitution (122nd

18 Previous Year Questions (2020)

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Constitutional Amendment) Bill for Goods & Answer:

Services Tax. A total of 4,05,861 cases of crime against women
⚪ This is also true for Bill providing for 10% were registered during 2019, showing an increase
Reservation to Economically Weaker Sections. of 7.3% over 2018 (3,78,236 cases). And, violence
against women (NCRB data) got exacerbated during
Rajya Sabha in India’s Polity: lockdown. Though Articles 14, 15, 15(3), 16, 39(a),
Rajya Sabha has undoubtedly proved to be an excellent 39(b), 39(c) and 42 are of specific importance ensuring
medium for checking hasty decision making and greater gender justice and empowerment, women at
populist policies. But concerns regarding Attendance the grassroots level are still highly vulnerable.
of Nominated Members, Unequal Representation of
States, Bypassing of Rajya Sabha and overall legislative Constitutionalization:
issues like Role of Parliamentary committees remain Constitutionalization is the term used for the attempt
unattended. Some reforms like Appointment to subject the exercise of all types of public power,
Commission for better Nomination of members whatever the medium of its exercise, to the discipline
(based on House of Lords Act 1999 Britain), 2nd of constitutional procedures and norms. When
Administrative Reforms Commission’s (ARC) idea of something is constitutionalized, it is made subject to
compulsory Attendance of Nominated members could the provisions of a country’s constitution.
be incorporated to help achieve the desired goal of
constitution makers. Steps in Constitutionalization of a Commission:
As per Dr. S Radhakrishnan, “The Rajya Sabha no y A bill is introduced under Article 368 to amend
doubt, can’t make or unmake governments, but can be the Constitution, it provides for the power of
an effective deliberative body”. Parliament to amend the constitution.
y Then the Bill needs to be passed by both the houses
Q15. Which steps are required for constitutionalization by special majority.
of a commission? Do you think imparting y After this, the Bill is given assent by the President.
constitutionality to the National Commission y When the bill is passed in each House by a
for Women would ensure greater gender justice prescribed majority, subject to the President’s
and empowerment in India? Give reasons. (250 assent, the constitution stands amended in
Words, 15 Marks) accordance with the terms of the Bill.
Example- 102nd Constitution amendment act,
Tags: Appointment to various Constitutional 2018 provided constitutional status to the National
posts, powers, functions, and responsibilities of Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC).
various Constitutional Bodies.
Decoding the Question: Effects of imparting constitutionality to the National
y In Introduction, try to define Commission for Women(NCW):
Constitutionalizing. y Power of a Civil Court: It will provide the National
y In Body, Commission for Women(NCW) with the power of
⚪ Steps in Constitutionalizing a a civil code enabling NCW to safeguard women’s
Commission. interest in an active manner.
⚪ Effects of imparting constitutionality to y Mandatory Tabling of Reports: The discussion
the National Commission for Women of NCW reports by Parliament would be made
(NCW). binding by the constitutional status, thus
⚪ Issues encountered even after enhancing the reach of women’s voice. The reports
Constitutionalizing. of commission will be mandatorily discussed in
y In Conclusion, try to suggest measures to the Parliament.
Strengthen the Functioning of National y Autonomous Nature: NCW would be provided
Commission for Women (NCW). greater autonomy to act and regulate its

Previous Year Questions (2020) 19

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own procedures. With more autonomy and

independence in its functioning, it would ensure ⚪ United Nations MPI observation on
gender justice and empowerment for women. India’s Poverty.
However, looking at the functioning of other ⚪ Significance of the Report.
constitutional bodies like NCST or NCBC, this y In Conclusion, try to discuss the role of MPI
aspect could still be a work in progress. in identification and policymaking to handle
poverty issues.
Issues encountered even after Constitutionalization:
y Constitutional bodies such as the National
Commission for Scheduled Tribes(NCST) are Answer:
merely recommending bodies. They perform only Defining Poverty:
an advisory role. According to the World Bank, the population living
y The recommendations of the commission have under $1 income/day is considered poor. In India,
been pending for a long time. the Rangarajan Committee suggested in 2014 that
y The problem of lack of independence in the poverty line is estimated as monthly per capita
appointments persists, as they are dominantly expenditure of Rs.1407 in urban areas and Rs.972 in
made by the Executive. rural areas. Based on income, incidence of poverty is
y The effectiveness of commissions are reduced measured by the poverty ratio, which is the ratio of the
by the constraints like inadequate funds and number of poor to the total population. But the extent
manpower, political interference, etc. of poverty is not equal among the poor. Intensity of
poverty estimates the depth of poverty by considering
Strengthening Functioning of National Commission how far, on average, the poor are from that poverty
for Women(NCW): line.
The NCW needs rights available to the NCBC, the NCST However, these income-based estimates are often
and the NCSC to redress the grievances of women. limited at the qualitative level and only suggest quantity
Recently, the National Commission for Minorities based assessment by simply counting the poor below
(NCM) couldn’t act against misbehaving officials the poverty line.
without constitutional status. Governmental action
is truly answerable when constitutionality reflects United Nations Multidimensional Poverty Index
practices, principles and values of the ‘constitution’. Report and its observation on India’s Poverty:
Granting constitutional status to the NCW would help The Global Multi Poverty Index is released by the United
in ensuring greater gender justice and empowerment Nation Development Programme (UNDP). It covers
to the women of the country. 107 developing countries. The index is developed
by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development
Q16. “The incidence and intensity of poverty are Initiative (OPHI) and the United Nations Development
more important in determining poverty based on Programme (UNDP). Global Multidimensional
income alone”. In this context analyze the latest Poverty Index - 2019 (MPI) has revealed that there
United Nations Multidimensional Poverty Index are vast inequalities across countries, and among the
Report. (250 Words, 15 Marks) poorer segments of societies.

Tags: Issues relating to poverty and hunger. Methods to measure Poverty:

Decoding the Question: The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) integrates
y In Introduction, try to define Poverty. two factors of poverty, namely:
y In Body, y the ‘incidence’, which is the percentage of people
⚪ United Nations Multidimensional who are poor. This is the headcount ratio of
Poverty Index Report (MPI). multidimensional poverty (H).
⚪ Methods to measure Poverty.

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y the ‘intensity’ of multidimensional poverty and in-depth description of global poverty in all its
(A) which considers the average percentage of dimensions but also observes progress towards SDG
dimensions in which poor people are deprived 1 – to end poverty in all its forms. It also provides
y three dimensions of poverty- health, education, policymakers with the information to respond to the
and standard of living. decision of Target 1.2, which is,’ to reduce at least by
y The MPI is calculated as, MPI = H x A (Incidence half the proportion of men, women and children of all
x Intensity). ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according
to national definition’. India ranks 62nd among 107
United Nations Multidimensional Poverty Index countries with an MPI score of 0.123.
Report’s observation on India’s Poverty:
The standard of living, one of the key dimensions of Q17. “Micro-Finance as an anti-poverty vaccine,
the United Nations MPI, is a key representative input is aimed at asset creation and income security
of economic well being since inclusion of income as of the rural poor in India”. Evaluate the role of
an indicator could result in the counting of people’s Self-Help Groups in achieving the twin objectives
deprivations twice. The MPI also takes account of along with empowering women in rural India.
other dimensions of well-being like poor health, lack (250 Words, 15 Marks)
of education, poor quality of work, the danger of
violence, and residing in environmentally harmful Tags: Development processes and the
locations. development industry —the role of NGOs,
SHGs, various groups and associations, donors,
According to the MPI report 2020: charities, institutional and other stakeholders.
y Around 1.3 billion people are still living in Decoding the Question:
multidimensional poverty. y In Introduction, try to discuss Microfinance
y One in every three (under 10) and every second in brief.
child (under 18) is multidimensionally poor. y In Body,
y In 2019, around 19.3% of Indian population was ⚪ Micro-Finance as an anti-poverty
vulnerable to multidimensional poverty. vaccine.
y India lifted around 270 million people out of ⚪ Discuss SHGs Twin Objectives - poverty
multidimensional poverty between 2005-06 and alleviation and women empowerment.
2015-16. y In Conclusion, try to suggest how the goal
y Covid-19 is having a profound impact on the of financial inclusion can be realized by
development landscape in the country. Microfinance
Significance of the report:
y Identification of the most vulnerable and the Answer:
poorest among the poor. According to the 2018 report of the World population,
y Revealing the spatial and regional variations. much of the Indian population resides in rural
y Instrumental in targeted policy making and areas with lack of facilities and knowledge and has a
measures by the Government and the NGOs . minimum amount of development indicator. India,
the second largest populated country, has about 60%
Role of MPI identification and policymaking to
of the population working in the agriculture sector,
handle poverty issues:
consequently leading to underemployment and that
NITI Aayog, as the nodal agency for leveraging the in consequence leading to low income per capita.
monitoring mechanism of the GMPI, along with India’s According to the NABARD report (March 2019), one
performance on social and economic parameters crore SHGs covering 12 crore families had deposits
has helped in driving reforms towards targeted of about Rs 23,300 crore. Around 44.5 lakh women
implementation of schemes. The best thing about SHGs had a gross NPA ratio of 4.5% which is less than
the MPI is that it not only provides a comprehensive half of Gross NPA% of the Indian banking sector. This

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data shows the competence of SHGs in rural India empowerment movement among women across
to create assets, consequently generating income. As the country.
considerable share in it is of women SHGs, women are y Alleviating Women’s Status in Society: They
empowered to scale and replicate it further. Now there provide a significant contribution to gender
are over 66 lakhs SHGs with 7.14 crore rural women in equality and women’s empowerment through their
India. SHGs are formed under ‘Deendayal Antyodaya contribution to women’s ability to earn an income
Yojana-National Rural Livelihood Mission’ aiming at and in turn initiate a wave of change in economic
minimum one woman member from each rural family empowerment, and wider social and political
joining women SHGs. empowerment. This is based on the view that
women are more likely to be credit constrained,
Introduction to Microfinance: have restricted access to the wage labour market
Microfinance is the practice of providing the poor and have limited decision-making and bargaining
with credit, savings and insurance facilities to set up power within the household.
or to expand Income Generating Activities relating to y Reach for Society Building: Aimed at pro-poor
agriculture and its allied activities and non-farm sector, development and civil society strengthening,
and thereby reducing poverty and improving the Micro-finance programmes not only give women
standard of living. The basic feature of microfinance is and men access to savings and credit, but reach
that the loans are given without any security. millions of people worldwide bringing them
y Microloans: These loans are significant as these together regularly in organized groups.
are provided to borrowers with no collateral. y Aid to Small Businesses: Microfinance
y Microsavings: These accounts allow entrepreneurs programmes provide a boost to the initiatives of
to operate savings accounts with no minimum small businessmen or entrepreneurs.
balance. These help the users to instill financial
discipline and develop an interest in saving for the Twin Objective of SHGs- Poverty Alleviation and
future. Women Empowerment:
y Microinsurance: It is a type of coverage provided The SHGs are groups of women in rural areas that
to borrowers of microloans. These insurance plans come together, pool in money, and use it for a common
have lower premiums than traditional insurance purpose beneficial to all. These groups can act as
policies. The intention of microinsurance is to microfinance institutions and help in alleviating the
protect the poor people from all the mishaps that conditions of the rural poor for the following reasons:
might take place in future, for example- accidents, y People will have faith in and among themselves.
chronic disease etc. It addresses all kinds of risks y Rates of interest can be fixed by considering the
that people of low income groups or poor people State of the individual getting finance.
face globally. y Repayment of loans becomes comparatively easier.
y Skill development program taken up by SHGs
Micro-Finance as an anti-poverty vaccine: improves employability of members involved.
y Help to the Underdeveloped Sections: In India, y SHGs work on reducing rural poverty by lifting
the Microfinance scenario, dominated by Self people from below the poverty line and generating
Help Group (SHGs), is an effective mechanism for assets for them. There is positive correlation
providing financial services and to strengthen the between SHGs and poverty can be inferred from
collective self-help capacities of the “Unreached the fact that southern states with high numbers of
Poor”, leading to their empowerment. SHGs (71%) have an average poverty rate at 9% as
y Goal of Self- Reliance: Micro finance is a tool against the nation’s average of 21%.
to overcome exploitation, create confidence
for economic self-reliance of the rural poor, Women Empowerment: SHGs provide for equality
particularly among rural women. Rapid progress of opportunity for women in economic activities. It is
in SHG formation has now turned into an evident that this has resulted in the social upliftment
of women’s status. They are instrumental in building

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Social Capital among the poor, especially women. aids in sustainable development of the nation. India
Some of the initiatives in this direction are as follows: needs such innovative and community based solutions
⚪ Kudumbashree Mission in Kerala: Women to attain inclusive growth.
under Kudumbashree, are organized into
Neighborhood Groups (NHGs). Thrift and Q18. National Education Policy 2020 is in conformity
Credit Societies are set up at NHG level to with the Sustainable Development Goal-4
encourage the poor to save and to avail easy (2030). It intends to restructure and reorient the
credits. education system in India. Critically examine the
⚪ SHG-Bank Linkage Programme (SBLP) was statement. (250 Words, 15 Marks)
launched in 1992 by NABARD. It envisaged
an amalgamation of the formal financial Tags: Issues relating to development and
sector and informal sector. Because of this, management of Social Sector/Services relating to
the formal financial institutions in India have Health, Education, Human Resources.
entered microfinance in a massive way. Decoding the Question:
⚪ SHG development through NABARD: Under y In Introduction, try to define Sustainable
the SHG-Bank linkage programme, NABARD Development Goals (SDG) and link NEP
provides refinance and promotional support to with SDG-4.
Banks for credit disbursement. A full-fledged y In Body,
project enabling SHGs to open bank accounts ⚪ Elaborate about NEP, 2020 in
based on a simple inter-se agreement, was accordance with SDG-4 restructuring
launched by NABARD in 1992 involving a and reorienting the education system.
partnership among SHGs, banks and NGOs. ⚪ Challenges associated with NEP,2020.
⚪ Rashtriya Mahila Kosh: It was set up with the y In Conclusion, NEP, 2020 and SDG-4
intention to facilitate credit support to poor joint impact on improved education-
women for their socio-economic upliftment Gamechanger for the nation
by providing loans in a quasi-formal credit
delivery mechanism. The Kosh lends with a
unique credit delivery model “RMK – NGO- Answer:
SHG Beneficiaries”. In the 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development
⚪ SEWA: The Self Employed Women’s Summit, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Association (SEWA) is a membership-based was formally adopted. The Agenda contains 17
organization created in 1972 combining Goals including a new global education goal (SDG
labour, women, and cooperative movements, 4) that aims to “Ensure inclusive and equitable
aimed at organizing self-employed women quality education and promote lifelong learning
in the informal economy and assisting their opportunities for all by 2030” with seven targets and
collective struggle for social justice, equality, three means of implementation. To achieve SDG-4
and fair treatment. the Indian Government has drafted the new National
⚪ Myrada: MYRADA is a non-government Education Policy (NEP) 2020, replacing the National
organization started in 1968 working in Policy on Education, 1986.
backward and drought-prone areas. The
organization was registered as “Mysore NEP-2020 Complying with SDG-4 to to Restructure
Resettlement and Development Agency” and Reorient the Education System in India:
under the Mysore Societies Registration Act y Promote free primary and secondary education
1960 in the year 1968. and universal literacy and numeracy (SDG
4.1 and 4.6): This aims at universalization of
Both Microfinance and SHGs are interlinked with
education from preschool to secondary level with
each other and are instrumental in reducing poverty,
100% Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in school
empowering women and creating awareness which
education by 2030.

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⚪ By proposing the extension of the Right To y Federal Issues: NEP is suggestive of over-
Education(RTE) to all children up to the age centralization even though education is a
of 18, the policy aims to achieve inclusion in concurrent subject in India’s federal structure.
education. Education is a concurrent subject, and most states
y Eliminate all discrimination in education(SDG have their own school boards. Therefore, state
4.5): NEP focuses on bringing 2 crore ‘out of governments would have to be brought on board
school’ children back into the mainstream through for actual implementation of this decision.
an open schooling system. y Issues with Three Language Formula: Many of
y Equal access to quality pre-primary the states especially in South India have always
education(SDG 4.2): Policy also emphasizes on been very skeptical about it and have seen it as an
the importance of the crucial early stage for the imposition of Hindi. Also, providing education till
development of mental faculties of a child by 5th class in mother language may make it difficult
bringing an uncovered age group of 3-6 years under for students to switch to the global language
School curriculum with 3 years of Anganwadi/ English, suddenly in Class 6th.
pre-schooling. y Lack of Funds and Infrastructure: The effective
y Access for all women and men to affordable implementation of policy coupled with sufficient
and quality technical, Vocational and tertiary financing may become the defining factor of its
education, including University (SDG 4.3): success.
⚪ NEP emphasizes on vocational education
from class 6 with internships. NEP, 2020 and SDG-4 joint impact on improved
⚪ The policy revamps the undergraduate education- Gamechanger for the Nation:
education with a flexible curriculum of 3 y National Education Policy 2020 acknowledges the
or 4 years with multiple exit options and 21st century need for mobility, flexibility, alternate
appropriate certification. pathways to learning, and self-actualization and
⚪ For fostering a strong research culture and seeks to address the entire gamut of education. It is
building research capacity across higher sweeping in its vision and can prove to be a game
education, the National Research Foundation changer for India.
will be created. y A strong focus on reforming the curriculum of
⚪ To promote free exchange of ideas and higher education through a shift towards making
technology, the National Educational educational institutions more multidisciplinary
Technology Forum (NETF) would be set up. would allow education to be made more holistic
y Substantially increase the supply of qualified to meet development needs of the changing times.
teachers in developing countries(SDG 4.C): A y Strong focus on improving teacher quality and a
Common National Professional Standards for dedicated unit to improve digital infrastructure
Teachers(NPST) will be developed by 2022, in would add to the effectiveness of the policy
consultation with NCERT, SCERTs, teachers implementation.
and export organizations from across levels and y Gender inclusion could be targeted to provide
regions. equitable quality education to girls and
But merely drafting the policy is not sufficient to y Scholarship schemes for socially and economically
restructure and reorient the Education System in weaker sections could alleviate the status of
India in real. Following challenges to NEP,2020 are to underprivileged sections of the society.
be tackled:
y Incongruence in Knowledge and Jobs: There is Therefore the new National Education Policy of 2020
a persistent mismatch between the knowledge & that is in conformity with the SDG-4 can ensure a
skills imparted and the jobs available. This has true inclusive education system in terms of aspects
been one of the main challenges that have affected like gender, class, age-group. This has for the first time
the Indian education system since Independence. realized the importance of cognitive development
during the pre-school phase of a child. So, with the

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right implementation of the NEP it can be apt to say of a war, which is not in the interest of members and
that New India’s nation building will happen with the may hamper global peace.
transformed education.
Trade Related Initiatives of the QUAD:
Q19. ‘Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD)’ y Blue Dot Network: It is a multi-stakeholder
is transforming itself into a trade bloc from a initiative (led by the US along with Japan and
military alliance, in present times – Discuss. (250 Australia) to bring together governments, the
Words, 15 Marks) private sector, and civil society for promoting high-
quality, trusted standards for global infrastructure
Tags: Bilateral, regional, and global groupings development.
and agreements involving India and/or affecting y Inclusive Indo-Pacific Region: Long-term geo-
India’s interests. economic interests of all countries in the region
Decoding the Question: and of the world at large, can only be achieved by
y In Introduction, try to mention briefly the idea of a free, open, prosperous, and inclusive
about the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue Indo-Pacific region.
(QUAD). y Supply Chain Resilience Initiative(SCRI): The
y In Body, need for improving the resilience of supply chains
⚪ Highlight rationale for QUAD as a Trade and self-sufficiency has been highlighted because
Bloc. of COVID-19 and trade tensions between China
⚪ Write about Trade related initiatives of and the United States. This threatened global
the QUAD. supply chains and Japan mooted the Supply Chain
⚪ Challenges to overcome. Resilience Initiative(SCRI) as a trilateral approach
y In Conclusion, try to suggest the to trade, with India and Australia as key partners.
implementation of QUAD objectives. y Other Concerns of Global Importance: Quad also
foresees addressing of the common challenges of
terrorism and proliferation linkages impacting
Answer: the region, and would have its focus on enhancing
Recent tensions with China have led to renewed connectivity. It could directly counter China’s Belt
talk in India about using the ‘Quad’ alliance as and Road Initiative (BRI).
countermeasure. Quadrilateral Security Dialogue
(QUAD) is a security dialogue initiated in 2007 as a Challenges to overcome:
forum for dialogue, information exchange, military y Integration: All the trade associated initiatives
drills between India, USA, Japan and Australia. The launched by the Quad nations are independent. A
grouping was conceived as a space to cooperate for joint force in the domain of trade and economy is
safeguarding joint security and other interests in the the need of the hour.
Indo-Pacific region. It is mainly thought of in military y Lack of Cooperation: So far, the Quad nations
terms but with changing times and post-Covid have not been able to sort out their trade related
scenario, there are possibilities of this becoming a differences. For example, India still does not have a
trade bloc. free trade agreement with Australia and the USA.
y Clarity in Vision: Indo Pacific vision needs to
Rationale for Transition to Trade Bloc: In the times be explained by the nations, in an overarching
of complex trade dependency of nations over each framework with the objective of facilitating
other or collective responsibility of global commons, a everyone’s economic and security interests. There
military bloc suggestive of the cold war era seems quite is a need to put military components and economy
outdated. In this context, it is more reasonable that components together for a holistic performance.
Quad member countries envision themselves from a ⚪ This will reassure the littoral states that the
geo-economic prism. Also, a military bloc may bring Quad will be a factor for the regional benefit,
all great powers (US, China, India, Russia) to the brink

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and a far cry from Chinese allegations that it is India has been diversifying its defense purchases over
some kind of a military alliance. different countries. It has been a major defense trade
partner of Russia for the past half a century. But over
Suggestions for better implementation of Quad the years, US, France, Israel have emerged as leading
objectives: defense partners for India. The US is speedily replacing
y Since the members represent one fourth of the Russia as the primary defense supplier to India.
world’s population and $30 million of combined
GDP, fostering their economic strength is a major Rising Defense Deals with the US.
thrust for the Quad being taken as an opportunity y The India-U.S. defense trade has grown to $21
for Trade related efforts. billion in 2021.
y COVID-19 has resulted in the paralysis of the y The US considers India as a ‘Major Defense Partner’
global economy and has increased protectionism. and given Strategic Trade Authorisation-1 Status.
In this context, Quad’s economic cooperation y The signing of the four foundational agreements
would enable increased freedom and swift to enhance military-to-military cooperation
economic recovery and it would also improve between the two countries.
their place in the global value chain if a free trade ⚪ General Security of Military Information
agreement is signed. Agreement (GSOMIA)
y India has exited RCEP and to balance that, it would ⚪ The Logistics Exchange Memorandum of
be an apt alternative. Agreement (LEMOA)
⚪ Communications Compatibility and Security
Thus, the members of QUAD must explore and take Agreement (COMCASA)
action on this trade bloc opportunity that QUAD has ⚪ Industrial Security Annex and the Basic
to offer. This will further the geo-strategic interests of Exchange and Cooperation Agreement
India. (BECA)
Q20. What is the significance of Indo-US defense India’s Partnership with Russia:
deals over Indo-Russian defense deals? Discuss y Because of its trusted age-old friendly relations
with reference to stability in the Indo-Pacific with Russia, India’s partnership with Russia in
region. (250 Words, 15 Marks) defense deals has continued since Soviet Era.
y Military technical cooperation has evolved to
Tags: Bilateral, regional, and global groupings involve the development and production of
and agreements involving India and/or affecting advanced defense technologies and systems such
India’s interests. as Brahmos but step-back from fifth-generation
Decoding the Question: fighter aircraft could be counted as one of the
y In Introduction, try to write about India’s negatives.
emerging defense deal trend. y Dissatisfaction with post sale services and
y In Body, maintenance by Russia, can also be considered
⚪ Rising defense deals with the US. as one of the reasons for India to have desires to
⚪ Discuss India’s partnership with Russia. diversify its defense imports.
⚪ Write the significance of Indo-US y China’s assertive attitude, that is evident in the Indo
defense deals over Indo-Russian defense Pacific region, alongwith the changing dynamics
deals. of the Sino-Russian relationship from enmity to
y In Conclusion, Securing India’s interests entente is a matter of concern because it may be
with defense deals. challenging the sovereignty of Asian countries
while also threatening the free sea.
Answer: Significance of Indo-US Defense Deals over Indo-
Russian Defense Deals:

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y Strategic Significance: There have been a lot of y Safeguarding Economic Assets: South China sea
issues that India and US have been cooperating on being a hub for piracy and terrorism, puts India’s
such as Indo Pacific, terrorism, money laundering, economic assets such as oil fields in Vietnam at
etc and the defense deals would only more risk. The advanced equipment such as unmanned
weightage to this relationship. The US has also drones will help curb such events, if encountered.
sold weapons like Apache, P8I aircraft which have y Restriction-free Movement in South China
enhanced India’s defense capabilities. Sea: The equipment is expected to boost India’s
y Indo-Pacific Region Stability: Indo-US defense offensive strength and challenge Chinese authority
deals have emerged as an important factor in the in South China Sea. It is particularly important for
stability of the Indo Pacific region. The US and India wanting to develop defense relationships
India are both united to minimize the influence of with ASEAN countries.
China in this region and enhance the role of India,
which would prove very beneficial for the internal Constraint with US Defense Deals: India could be put
and external security and territorial integrity of to the risk of sanctions under the Countering America’s
India. Key initiatives in this regard include QUAD, Adversaries Through Sanctions Act(CAATSA) for
Trans Pacific Partnership, etc. continuing defense deals with Russia over and above
y Benefit to QUAD Goals: India and US are a part the US. Example- Sanctions have been imposed on
of Quad and defense deals with US will help in Turkey by the US for the purchase of S400 missiles.
achieving the objectives of QUAD sooner and in a Indo-US defense deals have a wide-reaching
more targeted way. significance in terms of defense and security of India.
y Blue Water Policy: US defense equipment will play In the last two decades, the US and India defense
a vital role in India expanding its naval reach into relations have strengthened due to the sustained
the Indo-Pacific. The aircraft such as Poseidon will efforts from both the countries to iron out differences
enhance our blue water naval capability to tackle and have agreement on protocols in working united
extreme threats. against common threats. But in order to deal with
y Diversity: Deals with different countries will lead security issues due to China and Pakistan, India needs
to diversification in defense equipment and better to balance relations with both its defense partners to
technology with India which would be beneficial gain the maximum benefit in defense related issues.
for its defense goals.

Previous Year Questions (2020) 27

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