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Pate Choux:
60 ml Water
60 ml Milk
1 ½ tsp Sugar
¼ tsp Salt
¼ cup Butter
80 grams Flour
2-3 pcs Egg

2 pcs Egg yolks
50 grams Sugar
170ml Milk
20 grams Cornstarch
1/4 tsp Salt


Pre-heat oven to 180 degree Celsius

1. Combine butter, milk, water, sugar and salt in a saucepan under medium heat. Once butter is melted,
turn heat to high and wait until mixture boil.
2. Turn off heat and add all flour. Mix until it forms into a dough.
3. Turn heat back on into low-medium fire then continuously cook dough while mixing until you form a
thin crust at the botton of the pan.
4. Let it cool completely.
5. Transfer it to piping bag with ½ inch opening.
6. Pipe desired shapes into a pan with baking paper, make sure that you leave 1 1/2” of space between
choux pastry.
7. Tap pointed parts with wet fingers.
8. Bake until golden brown in color and crispy outside, around 30-40mins. Cool it completely.
9. Prepare custard by mixing yolk, sugar and cornstarch. Heat milk until it comes to gentle simmer.
10. Temper egg with hot milk then transfer it back to sauce pan and cook until you reach your desired
11. Cool custard with cling wrap touching its surface. Once cooled, transfer to piping bag with metal tip
12. Poke holes at the bottom of choux pastry and pipe with custard.

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