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Course Code and Title: EDUC 217 – MODERN TRENDS AND ISSUES

Title of Video: The VUCA World: Coping Up with the Challenges of the
Changing Time

Summary (Using Your Own Words):

The topic is discussed by Sir Nelson Agoyaoy. VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty,
Complexity and Ambiguity. Our world is constantly changing, full of uncertainty, more complex
and adapting to the changing world. This statement leads to the challenges in education. How our
education is coping up with the different challenges and addressing the needs of the time.

Because of the pandemic, the challenges are the issues of the curriculum, educational
materials, blended learning, internet connectivity and mental issues that everyone in the
department is experiencing.

The system of education’s response to these sudden changes are by capacitating teachers
to learn the digital and technological skills hence this is the only way to adapt with the demands
of globalization.

The speaker has enumerated the challenges such as: technology advancement, increase in
daily productivity, smart and automated classrooms, collaborated and calculated decision
making, reduced workloads, improved engagements and combining education with learning and

In understanding the 21st century learners is a vital blueprint for ensuring our future.

We live in a world that is constantly changing, where changes become unpredictable. As

educator, we need to be flexible in acquiring new skills as response to the needs of the time and
adaptive to the different changes. The system in education have changed so much that one should
cope up because it is our responsibility to deliver quality education that is adaptive and

To help our learners cope up with these challenges, we should be the instrument to
amplify resilience and guide them through providing safe learning environment, inclusivity and
joyful learning experiences.

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