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Graduate School
City of Masbate 5400 Philippines
S.Y. 2022-2023

Sustaining The Quality Of Education
In The New Normal

EDUC 211
Educational Statistics

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My Reflection

Learning doesn't only takes place in school, it can be anywhere

such as virtual. Online learning is rapidly becoming one of the most
effective ways to educate the world’s rapidly expanding workforce. With
the webinar that I watched about sustaining quality education through
innovations in the new normal, I have learned a lot from the speakers
and innovation presenter that even at the height of the covid 19
pandemic, we can always find ways to create and provide innovation in
sustaining the quality of education in the new normal setting.
The presented innovations were very inspiring and also we were
given the opportunity to meet people in the field of education that
shares passion in finding ways to elevate education.
The speakers were Dr. Wilbert Perena, Dr. Jemnah A. Macabe, Ric
Gerald F. Tompomg, and Rommel Carl R. Peralta.
The presentation of Dr. Wilbert Perena regarding his innovation in
his school which is the BABEBIBOBU Bahay Aralan project is very inspiring
specially the amount of effort and support from his stakeholders and the
community in making this project possible. This only proves that we can
always make things happen if we help one another. I have also learned
that with his innovation, we can also find ways to deliver quality
education if we explore and think out of the box.
There’s a lot of things I learned in the presentation of Dr. Jemnah
A. Macabe about her INSPIRE (Intensifying Science Performance through
an inspiring and Resource-rich Environment). Her innovations is all about
capacitating learners and learning process in science and technology
highlighting the robotics.
The third day speaker was sir Rommel Carl R. Peralta with his
presentation about his research entitled the effect of PITREX on students
mastery level along critical contents in science and mathematics. He
defines that innovation is an intention to address problem. PITREX stands
for Puzzle for Inventive Thinking and Reflective Exploration in Science and
The last speaker was sir Ric Gerald F. Tompomg were he presented
his innovation called Project HanK sa Gulayan, Hank (Hardin ng
Karunungan). His discussions made me think of ways to create an
innovation in my field of interest.

Overall, if I am going to describe my experience in attending this

webinar, I would say that it is “inspirational”, in a way that I want to be
like them someday.

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