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Chapter 2


This chapter presents the results and discussion of the study.

The table below illustrates the Twenty-three chosen songs of Moira Dela Torre
which displayed different messages.
TABLE. Messages of the composition of the study


 Malaya It is all about a lot of things and a lot of

people. Setting one’s self free in the hope
of finding happiness again.
 Tagu-taguan Is a song that escaping back to our
childhood when times got too tough. We
cannot avoid to feel exhausted, depressed
and worry, this song will enlighten us to be
positive just like what we do when we are
still young. Always got to play not minding
those problems in mind. We have to enjoy
 Sad our lives because we only live once.
 My Miracle A song which gives us the realization to
accept everything that happens in our daily
lives. There are things or people just go
with or without a reasons why, because all
of this was a bigger picture and the miracle
was being privileged to spend life with
someone or with the things we around.
 Saglit This song can make you realize that even
the moments you shared are not enough,
but you’re still grateful because it all
happened. Indeed, we have to be grateful
things happens once in our lives only we
could do is to be thankful for who we have
and what we have right now.
 Panaginip Lang This song is all about when you love
someone you have to fight for it, to wait for
it, for it is not easy to dream like it was
never happened. Give your heart a
freedom to encourage things will possibly
 Tagpuan The song is basically about people who
passed away would’ve wanted to say if
they had the chance. The same goes when
you found someone that matches your wish
list it doesn’t always mean it’s forever.
 Paalam, Patawad The message of the song is that in every
two souls, there will always be one who is
seeking and the other one who already
closed that part of the story. The
perspective here is that you try your best to
figure out how to keep a relationship so
that when you decide to put it down, you’re
sure about it.
 Home This song just screams out to people in
long distance relationship. It is about a
person who is stuck in relationships that
never he /she dreamed of. Home is the
person that he or she loved, but didn’t dare
to go for.
 Breath This song is very deep and emotional; it is
about being in love with someone when
you know you shouldn’t be. It’s about
resistance and denial, loving and wanting
someone so badly but also hating them at
the same time because they don’t feel the
same way, or because they can’t be with
you. It could also be about being obsessed
with the person you love, and having them
consume your mind and thoughts. Because
you can’t be with them, your mind turns
everything into something that it’s not.
 Goodbye my love When you have been with someone for a
long time there will always be something
about the memories…or the plans you
made. You are just left hollow and empty.
 Distance Is a song about loving someone at the
wrong time in your life. Maybe it’s too soon,
maybe it’s too late, but nevertheless, it’s
about being around that one whom your
heart longs for without being able to show
your true feelings, without being able to tell
them. So it’s keeping that secret and
building that tension and kind of swimming
in those feelings that come about when
love is brand new but you can’t call it love
 Happily ever after The message of the song is that we are all
eager to know what’s happen in our lives,
since we haven’t lived enough of it.
 Happy Whether it’d be with a potential lover, a
friendship fallout, a parent’s divorce, and/or
your future hopes and dreams. Your life is
a story; you’re just living in the midst of one
of its chapters. You must be happy,
everything is a blessing.
 Safe Is a heartfelt song. Its message is beautiful,
reminding us to not grow weary, for we will
be forever safe with the lord.
 How Far I’ll Go Is a song illustrates that everyone has their
own path that they chose to follow on their
own. We can choose how to live our lives
based on our experiences, our interests,
and our values. Not that other people tell
us the right choice is or the right path is, we
have our own decision, we can do what we
want with our lives.
 Before It Sinks In A song that teaches us that waiting was
never a bad thing, that there is so much
hope when we persevere and when we
brave through life, trusting that the lord can
make beautiful things out of all the mess
we’ve made and/or experienced. Our life is
not only full of happiness but also anger
and sadness.
 Loved
 Torete The song is a love letter of sorts between
two adolescents who long for each other’s
company. This song portrays that when the
two person meant really to each other, their
paths will collide end up to build their
relationship into a stronger one. So we
don’t have to find love, let the love finds us.
 Tuwing Umuulan The message of this song is that
sometimes, problems keep on falling but
when we are together with someone,
severely it stops for a chance to see that
we still embracing each other when it
 Sundo This song is really feels like when we have
finally found the one for us. It says like we
have to obtained our one precious gem
through hardships and tears when it comes
to love.
 Kita Na Kita The song is about finally realizing that the
one you’ve been looking for has been
always right in front of you. The message
of this song is that no matter where life
takes two people who are meant to be,
they’ll still fond each other in the end.
 You are my The message of this song is that God
sunshine knows what he’s doing. His plans, though
we may not understand it at times, it is
always perfect, complete and lacking
nothing. We only need to trust him.
 My sweet escape This song will remind us that no man is an
island, every person in the universe has its
partner, though we can’t find it easily, but
there is time for everything.

 Anger None

 Fear None

This table above shows the number of song composition in every messages.

There are three moods used out of five, in every song has its different moods in order to
know the message whether reflect to the writer’s personality that used each out of

twenty-three chosen song composed by Moira Dela Torre.

There are different messages of the song composed by Moira Dela Torre. In

every message there are also different moods used. There are nine song compositions

in the moods of being love, eleven sad songs and three happy songs and there is no

song composition that portrayed the moods of being fear and angry.

Based on the findings of the study, it is implied that the people who is involved in

the field of music must continue composed song that reflects to their personal life by

using different tone and expresses more feelings and emotions in composing songs to

make the listener more encourage to listen and love the different kind of song. Their

composed music should deeply be felt with the heart so that they can feel the emotion

of a song and can relate to the message behind it.

Chapter 3


This presents the summary of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

Summary of Findings

The following findings are revealed.

1. This study reveals that there are different messages of the song composed by

Moira Dela Torre and in every message expresses different emotions which

the writer experience. Therefore, the messages of the song of Moira Dela

Torre reflects to her personal life.

2. It is implied that the people who is involved in the field of music must

continue composed song that reflects to their personal life by using different

tone and expresses more feelings and emotions in composing songs to make

the listener more encourage to listen and love the different kind of song. Their

composed music should deeply be felt with the heart so that they can feel the

emotion of a song and can relate to the message behind it.


Based on the findings of the study, it is proved that the top twenty songs of Moira

Dela Torre reflects to her personal life.


Based on the findings, and conclusions, the following recommendations are


1. Teachers must help students in enriching the knowledge about music, specially

on how they bring the music based on personal life.

2. Students would be inspiring to the song composition and it will encourage them

to create their own composition based on their personality.

3. Future researchers are suggested to conduct a further study about the message

of the song that composer used in each song. To get more knowledge and

information about the message in composing a song that reflects to their

personal life.

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