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Sys Rev Pharm 2021;12(1):1114-1118

A multifaceted review journal in the field of pharmacy

Analysis of C - Reactive Protein (CRP) Conditions as a Corruption

Predictor of Coronavirus Disease 2019
Suci Iriani1*, Aripa Amril2, Irda Handayani3, Uleng Bahrun4
1PPDS Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
2Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
3Installation of the Clinical Pathology Laboratory of the Sayang Rakyat Hospital, Makassar
4Installation of Clinical Pathology Laboratory Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar

Corresponding Authors: Suci Iriani Email:

This study was to analyze CRP levels as a predictor of COVID-19 severity by using Keywords: COVID-19, CRP, predictor, inflammatory markers
medical record data for COVID-19 patients who underwent treatment for the May-
August 2020 period at Sayang Rakyat Hospital, Makassar. The severity level was Correspondence:
classified as mild, moderate, and severe illness based on the Guidelines for the Suci Iriani
Prevention and Control of COVID-19 by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. CRP PPDS Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
levels were analyzed in all three groups. There were 162 patients consisting of 73 Email:
mild illness, 44 moderate illness, and 45 seriously ill people. The Kruskal Wallis test
shows there was a significant difference in CRP levels in the three patient groups,
the highest was in the seriously ill group (p <0.001). The posthoc test showed that
the CRP level in the moderately ill group was also significantly higher than the mild
disease group, but lower than the severely ill group (p <0.001). The ROC curve
analysis shows the CRP level with the cut-off value≥10.0 mg / L in moderate pain
(sensitivity 81.8%; specificity 43.8%, PPV 46.8%; NPV 80.0%) and ≥58.0 mg / L in
severe illness (sensitivity 93.3%; specificity 81.2%, PPV 65.5%; NPV 96.9%). CRP
levels increase significantly in response to injury, infection, and inflammation in
severe disease. This shows that CRP is an inflammatory factor that plays an
important role in worsening COVID-19. CRP can predict COVID-19 patient
progression to moderate pain at a cut-off value ≥10 mg / L (sensitivity 81.8%,
specificity 43.8%) and towards severe illness at the cut-off value≥58 mg / L
(sensitivity 93.3%, specificity 81.2%).

INTRODUCTION with mild illness can be given symptomatic treatment,

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is an infectious such as antipyretic administration if they have a fever.
disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Therefore, management for moderately ill patients is the
Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Common signs and administration of symptomatic therapy for existing
symptoms of Covid-19 infection include acute respiratory symptoms and monitoring functions, implemented until
symptoms such as fever, cough and shortness of breath. the symptoms disappear and the patient meets the criteria
The average incubation period is 5-6 days with the longest to be discharged from the hospital.
incubation period of 14 days. Severe cases of Covid-19 can Severely ill patients are generally treated in the intensive
cause acute respiratory syndrome and even death [1]. The care unit, while patients with mild illness are treated in
majority of patients with mild symptoms do not require hospital isolation wards. One of the main problems in
hospitalization, unless there are concerns about the handling Covid-19 is that some Covid-19 patients with
possibility of rapid worsening and with medical minor illnesses develop severe disease and even lead to
considerations. Patients should undergo an isolation for at death. Therefore, it is important to identify early so that
least ten days from the appearance of symptoms and three therapy can be given that can prevent the patient from
days symptom-free of fever and respiratory disorders. becoming severe and even death.4
The increase in the number of Covid-19 cases is happening A research conducted by Gao Y et al (China) showed that
quite rapidly and has spread to various countries in a short COVID-19 patients with severe illness had a mean CRP
time. As of 17 October 2020, the World Health level of 39.4 mg / L and mild illness 18.8 mg / L. A similar
Organization (WHO) reported 38,789,204 confirmed cases study conducted by Mo P et al (China) stated that the mean
with 1,095,097 deaths worldwide (Case Fatality Rate / CRP level was significantly higher in severely ill patients
CFR 3.3%). The first case was reported in Indonesia on (46 mg / L) compared to those with mild disease (23 mg /
March 2, 2020, then increased and spread rapidly L).5, 6
throughout Indonesia. As of October 17, 2020, there were To the researchers' knowledge, this study was the first to
349,160 confirmed cases of Covid-19 with 12,268 deaths report on CRP parameters on the severity of COVID-19
(CFR 3.38%), while in Makassar the death rate reached patients in Makassar. Based on this background,
256 cases [2,3]. researchers were interested in analyzing whether CRP as
Clinical studies show that changes in the levels of several a predictor of the severity of Covid-19 patients at RSUD
laboratory parameters have an effect on the mortality rate Sayang Rakyat Makassar, which was one of the referral
for Covid-19 patients. One of them is C - reactive protein hospitals for Covid-19 in South Sulawesi Province since
(CRP) which is considered an important marker that May 2020.
changes significantly in Covid-19 patients. C - reactive
protein is a type of protein produced by the liver, which is MATERIALS AND METHODS
an early marker of infection and inflammation, making it a This retrospective study used medical record data of
useful marker for monitoring disease severity [4]. Patients patients diagnosed with Covid-19 who underwent

1114 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 12, Issue 1, January 2021

Iriani et al. /Analysis of C - Reactive Protein (CRP) Conditions as a Corruption Predictor of Coronavirus Disease 2019

treatment at the Hospital Sayang Rakyat Makassar, Data analysis was performed using statistical software
conducted during the period May-August 2020. The study using descriptive statistical calculations, frequency
samples were all populations that had data on the results distribution and Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests. The test
of CRP levels. result was significant if p <0.05. Data were also analyzed
The diagnosis of Covid-19 is confirmed by means of using the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve
examination methods Real Time-Polymerase Chain to assess the accuracy of the CRP in predicting the severity
Reaction (RT-PCR) using nasopharyngeal and oro- of Covid-19. Therefore, this study did not compare CRP
pharyngeal swab samples and detected SARS-CoV-2 with other parameters.
ribonucleic acid (RNA) and examined CRP levels with the The approval of ethical eligibility was obtained from the
fluorescence immunoassay (FIA) method. Health Research Ethics Commission (KEPK) Hasanuddin
The severity of Covid-19 was classified based on the 5th University Medical Faculty Hasanuddin University
Revision of the Guidelines for the Prevention and Control Hospital - Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar.
of Covid-19 by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia (Ministry of Health), which was a minor illness RESULTS
when accompanied by non-specific symptoms such as A total of 162 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were
fever, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, malaise, muscle taken as study samples with ages ranging from 21-79
pain, moderate pain when accompanied by fever, cough, years, the most in the 50-59 years age group (34.6%).
dyspnoea, rapid breathing, and severe pain if there was a Based on gender, most of the subjects studied were male,
fever or under surveillance for respiratory tract infection, and the most common comorbid found were Diabetes
plus one of the respiratory rate> 30 bpm, severe Mellitus (DM) and hypertension. Thirty patients died and
respiratory distress, or oxygen saturation <90% . 132 recovered (Table 1).

Table 1: Characteristics of the research sample

Characteristics n (%)

Age (years)
<30 12 7.4
30-39 23 14.2
40-49 38 23.5
50-59 56 34.6
≥60 33 20.4


Male 86 53.1

Women 76 46.9

Hypertension 32 19.75
Diabetes mellitus 43 26.54
Coronary heart disease 2 1.23
Chronic Kidney Disease 1 0.62
Pulmonary TB 1 0.62
Bronchial Asthma 1 0.62
Mild pain 73 45
Moderate pain 44 27
Very sick 45 28
Healed 132 81.48
Died 30 18.52
Source: Secondary Data

In this study, the average overall CRP level was 70.14 ± test showed that there was a significant difference in the
79.01 mg / L, with the highest mean CRP level in the mean CRP levels between the two groups (p <0.001)
seriously ill group (166.97 ± 73.39) and the lowest in the (Figure 1).
mild disease group (21.57). ± 21.07). The Kruskal-Wallis

1115 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 12, Issue 1, January 2021

Iriani et al. /Analysis of C - Reactive Protein (CRP) Conditions as a Corruption Predictor of Coronavirus Disease 2019

Figure 1: Comparison of CRP levels according to severity

The follow-up analysis (Posthoc test) of the Bonferroni To predict each Covid-19 severity using the CRP
method showed that the CRP level in the moderately ill parameter, a value was determined cut-off using curves
group (51.69 ± 54.35 mg / L) was also significantly higher ROC.
than the mild disease group, but lower than the seriously
ill group (p <0.001) (Figure 1).

Figure 2: The ROC curve

Based on the analysis of the ROC curve, the CRP cut-off conducted by Yiping Wei et al (China), it was reported that
value ≥10 mg / L can predict moderate illness COVID-19 the most sexes of Covid-19 patients were male (56.2%),
with a sensitivity of 81.8%, specificity of 43.8%, Positive most were aged 50-65 years. The findings regarding more
Predictive Value (PPV) 46.8%, Negative Predictive Value male patients affected by Covid-19 were also confirmed by
(NPV) 80.0%; and Area Under Curve (AUC) 0.665 (95% Dong Ji et al (China). This is because the male sex hormone
Confidence Interval [CI] 0.557 - 0.774, p <0.01) (Figure suppresses the immune response, whereas the female
2a). This analysis also shows the CRP cut-off value≥58 mg hormone estrogen provides a natural protective effect
/ L can predict severe illness with a sensitivity of 93.3%, against infection [7, 8, 9].
specificity 81.2%, PPV 65.5%, NPV 96.9% and AUC 0.942 The results of this study indicate that the more severe the
(95% CI 0.901 - 0.982 p <0.001) (Figure 2b). patient's symptoms, the higher the CRP level in the blood
tends to be. A total of 45% of patients had mild illness, 27%
DISCUSSION moderate illness, and 28% had severe illness with mean
The basic characteristics of this study indicated that more CRP levels of 21.57 mg / L, 51.69 mg / L, and 166.97 mg /
patients were male (53.1%) than female (46.9%), and L, respectively. The difference in CRP levels in the three
most patients were aged 50-59 years. In line with research groups was statistically significant (p <0.001). This is in

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Iriani et al. /Analysis of C - Reactive Protein (CRP) Conditions as a Corruption Predictor of Coronavirus Disease 2019

line with the retrospective cohort study of Fang Liu et al A limitation of this study is that age and comorbid factors
(China) as well as the study by Ruan et al (China), namely may have an effect on elevated CRP levels other than SARS-
that the increase in CRP levels was significantly higher in COV-2 infection itself.
severe illness than in mild illness, indicating that
inflammatory factors play an important role in the CONCLUSION
development of mild disease until weight [10, 11]. C-Reactive Protein can predict COVID-19 patients towards
This study shows that CRP can be a predictor of the moderate pain at the cut-off value ≥10 mg / L (sensitivity
severity of Covid-19 patients with mild, moderate, or 81.8%, specificity 43.8%) and towards severe illness at the
severe illness. At the CRP cut-off value≥10 mg / L can cut-off value≥58 mg / L (sensitivity 93.3%, specificity
predict moderate illness Covid-19 (sensitivity 81.8% and 81.2%). This study also confirm that the treatment
specificity 43.8%) and it is more accurate to predict severe procedures and actions of Covid-19 patients have been in
illness Covid-19 at the CRP cut-off value≥58 mg / L accordance with clinical indication, so that an early
(sensitivity 93.3% and specificity 81.2%). In line with detection of clinical manifestation will provide sufficient
research by Luo et al (China) it is shown that the CRP cut- opportunities for the proper application of management.
off value≥41.3 mg / L (sensitivity 65.0%, specificity 83.7%, Finally, further studies with a larger sample size are
PPV 81.6%, NPV 68.2%) was associated with severe illness recommended, using additional markers and radiological
in Covid-19 patients. Research by Chen et al (China) also findings.
confirms the results of this study, that with a CT scan of the
chest in the form of ground glass opacity (GGO), CRP levels ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
will increase significantly 11.46 times in moderate pain The authors would like to express their gratitude to the
and 23.40 times in severe illness (p. <0.05). The AUC value respondents (subjects) of this research for their readiness
in the study was 0.898 (95% CI 0.835, 0.962, p <0.001). to be interviewed and studied.
This indicates that the higher the CRP level indicates the
more severe the severity of Covid-19 [12, 13]. REFERENCES
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