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The Squaw Valley Ski Corporation is determined in its basic philosophy toward

safety to initiate, re-emphasize and perfect a hiring, training and safety program that will

be a model for the industry. By the use of the Corporation's own qualified personnel, in

addition to the use of qualified outside firms and consultants, the corporation fully
intends to follow the included training, testing and safety orientated supervision listed in

the included information. The corporation will also make an effort to constantly upgrade

and improve the program's quality with new workable ideas by both company

employees and the full range of outside firms and consultants under contract to Squaw


1. To have efficient, skilled employees capable of offering the safest operation

humanly possible, to the general public.

2. To insure the fullest knowledge and workable understanding of the employees,

in relation to the duties of their position.

3. To assure the growth of the employees knowledge, understanding and

functions as they continue with the Squaw Valley Ski Corporation.

4. To offer opportunities for job advancement, based on abilities, test results,

attitudes and seniority.

5. To have employees who are personally confident of their knowledge and


6. To have employees capable of reacting to any circumstances, mechanical or

operational in a professional manner.

7. To have an operation that would be a model of safety, efficiency and courtesy.


Requirements for Employment:

1. Shall be not less than 18 years of age.

2. Shall satisfactorily pass an extensive interview meeting the personal

characteristics as set forth in the Squaw Valley General Employment
Hand Book.

3. Shall pass the mechanical comprehension and aptitude test.

4. Shall pass an F. A. A. Class 2 medical test or equivalent with the visual

acuity being equivalent to the requirements of a Class 3 California
drivers license.


1. The employee will be trained so that he/she has a satisfactory

knowledge of the required duties, responsibilities, operating rules and
regulations for Tramway Operators as set forth in this manual.

2. The training course will be not less than 20 participating days and will
include the following:

Duties and Responsibilities of Attendant

1. Shall be supervised by the console operator and shall perform attendant

duties as stated in training manual.

Note: Exception to Entire Point "A" Material

A person hired by the SVSC to fill the position of Tramway Operator, console
operator, Tramway supervisor or Tramway manager can be exempted from training and
certification steps and required time periods as they relate to Tramway positions,
providing his knowledge and experience is sufficient to receive a waiver for the Division
of Occupational Safety and Health.

1. Familiarize trainee with equipment, operation, and regulations.

2. Provide general operating manual.

3. Administer mechanical aptitude test.

4. Schedule DMV physical and record results in trainee file.

5. Provide attendant training checklist.

6. Begin operational instruction with trainee, mainly observing the first day. As
understanding grows, have trainee, under strict supervision, take over some of
the driving tasks.

7. Demonstrate evacuation.

8. Take a tour of the entire Tramway system.













1. In depth explanation of track rope brakes, saddles, haul ropes, rescue ropes,
tensioning devices, and braking systems.

2. Apply and release track rope brakes.

3. Evacuation practice with cabins lowering device

4. Trainee handling all driving responsibilities under close supervision.

5. Another tour of equipment ( a little more in depth).

6. Evaluation from trainer/supervisor.

7. Review attendant training checklist.

















1. Trainee driving under supervision; noting reactions to different situations.

2. Evacuation practice with cabins lowering device.

3. Apply and release track rope brakes.

4. Tour entire Tramway system with trainee explaining what things are and how
they function.

5. Take Tramway Operator written test.

6. Demonstrate the track rope brakes and evacuation lowering device to the Cable
Car Manager.


















1. The proper reporting of each trip on prepared report forms in cabin log.
2. The proper platform gate and cabin doors closing and locking of both
cabin doors before giving the ready signal.

3. Proper signaling according to the Code.

4. That once the ready signal is given the door is not opened again, even if
more passengers appear on the platform.

5. That no trip will be made with an overload.

6. The Tramway Operator shall assign space of passengers. He shall

consider their request when possible. The passengers shall be
distributed to insure that the cabin is hanging vertical, in case of side
wind, the passengers shall be concentrated on the side opposite the
wind direction.

7. If children are carried, two children, not exceeding 90 pounds each, may
be assumed as being one person.

8. Cabin door locks: The Tramway Operator. No doors shall be opened until
both cabins have docked.

9. The cabin roof shall be kept free of snow at all times.

10. Baggage and freight shall be carried inside the cabin. Care shall be
taken not to damage the cabin during loading. Freight shall be carried
with passengers only if passengers are not annoyed or hampered.
Otherwise, freight and baggage shall be carried during "special trips".

11. The Tramway Operator shall maintain a clean floor and clean windows at
all times during operations.

11. The Tramway Operator shall assist elderly persons and children when
entering or leaving the cabin.

12. The Tramway Operator shall always enter the cabin last and leave the
cabin first. When passengers enter or leave, he shall steady the cabin.

13. The Tramway Operator shall ventilate the cabin. In summer windows may
be opened during the trip, if no passenger objects.

14. The Tramway is designed to carry 120 passengers plus one Cabin
Attendant corresponding to a weight of 20,000 pounds in each car. This
load must not be exceeded under any condition or circumstance. If any
goods are transported, they must be spread uniformly over the surface of
the car floor as it is NOT designed to carry heavy loads in a concentrated
space, No material is to be transported or allowed on top of the cabin.

15. The cabin doors shall be checked for ease of operation and
effectiveness of the locking device.

16. Each Tramway Operator shall insure that he/she is in possession of all
required keys for the Tram.

17. The batteries for illumination and signalling shall be checked for condition
of the charge.

18. The Tramway Operator shall check that all equipment required is in the
cabin. Each cabin shall be equipped as follows:

1 radio in a body pack 2 screw drivers; slotted/phillips

1 emergency lamp 1 spare key for cabin door
1 combination pliers 1 TRB hydraulic hose & fluid
1 fire extinguisher 1 first aid kit
1 Oxygen bottle and mask
1 lowering device with associated equipment.

19. There shall be a Tramway Operator in the cabin during each trip when
passengers are in the cabin.

20. The Tramway Operator shall take a position so that he can see the track
in the direction of travel and that he is close to the telephone and signaling
equipment and within reach of the handle for the Track Rope Brake. He
shall not leave his position during a trip.

The first trip every day has to be made with a travelling speed not exceeding 3.0m/s.
No passengers shall be carried on the first trip, this one being considered as a proper
service and inspection trip.

1. During the daily inspection trip, the access to the platform shall be closed for
2. All employees shall report to work in sufficient time to be ready for work at their
scheduled starting time.
3. All employees shall perform all scheduled and any other required tests, in
accordance with the Operating Regulations.


1. Tramway Operator shall inspect the entire line including the slack rope
carriers and sheaves, tower sheaves, and track ropes on first trip on the

2. Tramway Operator shall observe operation of ropes when passing towers,

return of ropes to the idlers, rope movement in wind, and rope behavior
when approaching a station.

3. Tramway Operator shall observe the tilt and wind velocity of the cabin and
the position of the haul ropes in both directions and track ropes.

4. Tramway Operator shall observe the passengers to prevent disturbance of

the operation (leaning out of windows, damage to cars, etc.).

5. If the Cabin swings because of side wind, the speed shall be reduced;
when passing a tower the speed shall be reduced even further.

6. After speed reduction, the Tramway Operator shall notify the other cabin
and Console Operator of the reason for the slow down.

7. Any speed reduction made by either cabin can be changed only by the
cabin which originally reduced the speed.

8. In case of any irregularities on the track or pulling ropes, running gear,

cabin or towers, the speed shall be reduced

9. Tramway Operator shall assure that towers are passed with adequate
reduced speed when lateral winds cause the cars to swing or that Cable
Car operation is completely stopped when lateral winds become too
strong to pass towers or enter terminals safely. (ie. 35mph)

10. Communication shall be established if the cabins decrease in speed or

stops for an unknown reason.
11. Whenever a stop in made, no matter who or what the reason, BOTH
CABINS will notify the console Operator and clear before the Tramway is

12. If the signal and communication equipment breaks down, radios shall be
used. If no systems are operational, no trip or cabin movement will be
initiated until communication is re-established. If communications
equipment fails during a trip, that trip will be completed and no other trip
will be initiated until communications are established.

13. If shutdown or speed reduction has been initiated, the Tramway Operator
shall inform the passengers of the reason.

14. The Tramway shall be stopped when a car approaches a tower or

station and the wind warning signal is given or the operator observes any
irregularities on the track, in the station, on the instruments, brakes, or

15. Tramway Operators are required to participate in evacuation training and

to be familiar, from personal experience, with the use of the cabin's
passenger evacuation lowering device.

16. In case of danger, such as approach to the station with considerable

overspeed, the driver shall first operate the bullwheel brake and as a last
resort the track rope brake.

17. During winter and cold weather operations ice may form on slack rope
sheaves or other running gear. Any ice that interferes with the normal
function of any running gear shall be removed at proper intervals.
During intermittent traffic ice shall be removed from cabin running gear
after each trip.

18. If a passenger should become ill during a trip the speed may be reduced
or in special cases the trip may be terminated and the cabin returned to
the terminal.


1. The car at the Top Terminal lands a short time before the one at the
Bottom Terminal. The Ready button in the upper car must stay on and
the door closed until the Ready button is turned off in the Bottom Station
2. The ready switch is to be turned off before leaving the Cabin.


1. The console operator on duty, a qualified Tramway supervisor or the Tramway
manager are required to receive a current weather forecast for the Tahoe Basin
prior to initiating daily operations.

2. Wind speed and direction information furnished by heated sensors is available

at the operator's console from the Top Station.

3. Wind speed information is available at the operator's console from Tower 1 and
Tower 2. Information from Tower 2 is recorded.

4. Wind speed information and cabin tilt information is to be available in each


5. A wind direction device is attached to both cabins and both towers.

6. With either the Top Station or Tower 2 wind information not available, the Cable
Car shall not be operated in wind speed greater than 25mph.

7. With either Tower 1, Cabin 1 or Cabin 2's wind information NOT AVAILABLE,
the Tramway will not be operated in wind speeds greater than 30mph.


1. Maximum wind speed at the Tramway greater than 35mph.

2. High wind warning forecasts (defined as steady anemometer readings of

35mph or more).

3. With two or more wind information sensors are inoperative, as stated in items
#6 & #7 under wind conditions of operations.

When the Tramway is operating and an irregular gust of wind equals or exceeds
35mph the cabins will slow the trip. The velocity of the gust dropping below 35mph the
speed is then resumed. A gust of wind equaling or exceeding 35mph with the average
daily wind speed below, this is not considered sufficient to close the Tramway down.
Under regular winds equaling or exceeding 35mph the Tramway will be removed from
service, If the winds diminish below 35mph the Tramway may be placed back in
The anemometers located on the Tramway Top Terminal and on Towers 1 and 2
are monitored in the control room by the console operator on duty, a qualified
supervisor or the Tramway manager.
NOTE: The manager of the Tramway is ultimately responsible for the proper
receipt of wind related information in this section and the making of the decision to
operate or not operate the Tramway.

1. The signal "Ready" shall be given by the Tramway Operator only.

2. The Tramway Operator shall make all preparations for the trip, in order to give
the signal "Ready" as soon as possible.

3. The signal "Ready" shall be repeated if automatically canceled.

4. If you are unable to give the "Ready" signal on time, the other cabin shall be
notified of the delay and the approximate length of the delay.

5. The trip shall be started only after both cabins have given the "Ready" signal.
The driver in the Bottom Terminal will initiate the trip. An exception to the
"Bottom Start" rule may be made during strong seat wind conditions when it is
necessary for the Top Cabin to depart the terminal at less than normal speed.
"Top Starts" shall be initiated only after all drivers have been notified of the
change in procedures.

7. The signalling equipment shall be checked daily before the first trip, also after
each thunderstorm. "Button Checks" are the responsibility of the Attendant.

8. If a thunderstorm is expected or lightning is within ten (10) miles, the grounding

switches shall be operated at the terminals. This is achieved by turning off all
power to drive and controls.

1. READY: This button when depressed signals the Control Room and the other
cabin that the cabin doors are secured, and ready for a trip.

2. UP: This button works on remote control to start the Tramway on a trip from
the Bottom Terminal, or to move the cabin uphill towards the Top Terminal at
the preset speed in the event of a slow or stop on the line.

3. DOWN: This button works on remote control to start the Tramway on a trip
from the Top Terminal, or to move the cabin downhill towards the Bottom
Terminal at the preset speed in the event of a slow or stop on the line.

4. FASTER: This button is used to speed the cabin up to the preset speed.
Typically used after a slow for towers or maintenance.

5. SLOWER: This button is used to slow the cabin down in any direction.

6. STOP: This button is used to bring the cabin to a normal stop. The cabin is
first slowed to .1m/sec by electrical motor braking, then the service brakes are
automatically applied.

7. EMERGENCY STOP: This button shall be used ONLY to bring the cabin to an
immediate stop due to an emergency situation or for maintenance use on towers
or slack rope carriers. It is also used to stop the cabin in windy conditions to avoid
striking tower guards or bumper guards at Top and Bottom Terminals. This button
should be pressed until the results of the braking action can be clearly

8. SAFETY BRAKE: This button has a protective cover over it and will only be
used in cases where both normal stop and emergency stop buttons have failed
to bring the cabin to a stop. This stop will kill the power to the motor and
require a reset by the controller.


1. TRAVEL SPEED: Displays cabin speed in meters/second.

2. WIND SPEED: Displays the outside wind speed at the cabins location.

3. CHARGE VOLTAGE: Displays the cabin battery voltage level.

4. CHARGE CURRENT: Displays amperage going to the cabin batteries.

5. INCLINATION: Displays the cabin tilt angle in degrees.


1. UPPER SLACK ROPE: Indicators 1 thur 4 all relate to the TRB's. There are
four conditions that determine the correct application
2. LOWER SLACK ROPE: of the TRB's in the event of a haul rope fracture.
(1)-Ascent + lower haul rope fracture: all four brakes
3. UPPER TRACK ROPE: are set. (2)-Ascent + upper haul rope fracture: valley
-side brakes are delayed. (3)-Descent + upper haul
4. LOWER TRACK ROPE: rope fracture: all four brakes are set. (4)-Descent +
lower haul rope fracture: valley-side brakes are

5. CABIN 1 READY: Indicates that cabin 1 doors are closed and cabin is
ready for travel.

6. CABIN 2 READY: Indicates that cabin 2 doors are closed and cabin is
ready for travel.

7. TRAVEL: Indicates that the Tramway is in Travel mode.

8. FUSE DEFECT: Indicates there is a bad fuse in the panel.

9. WIND ALARM: Indicates wind at 25mph or more.

10. WIND WARNING: Indicates wind at 35mph or more.


1. LAMP TEST: Checks condition of all control panel light bulbs.

2. CABIN HEATER: Turns on the cabin kerosene heater.

3. CABIN LIGHT: Turns on the cabin interior lights.

4. CARRIAGE LIGHT: Turns on the cabin exterior spot light.

5. OUTSIDE LIGHT: Turns on the cabin exterior display lights.

6. GEN START: Starts the cabin generator for 'outside light' power supply.

1. Proper, efficient and safe operation will make the majority of stops

2. During normal operations, run the cabin in a professional manner.

3. At all times plan and watch for emergencies. Know beforehand what you
would do in a given situation.

4. When an emergency stop is necessary, MOVE FAST, BUT SURELY.

Report any equipment in poor condition to the Tramway Manager, Supervisor,
Console Operator on duty. Also watch for and report signs of deterioration of
any kind, as minor repairs made immediately may avoid major repairs later.

THE TRACK ROPE BRAKES: These brakes are activated from the cabin by
means of the TRB release handle. This brake is activated only as a last resort.
This brake can only be released after the cause of the activation is determined
and corrected. The Tramway Operator cannot open the TRB until clearance is
received from the Tramway Manager.

5. After each use of the track rope brake during operation, all parts of the
running gear, the suspension and the cabin shall be examined visually and
by tapping. The normal operation shall be continued only after it has been
ascertained that no part has been damaged through the strain imposed
during braking.

6. The track rope brake shall only be released by means of the hydraulic
pump, after the Tramway Operator has ascertained that the running gear,
the cabin, the hauling ropes and wire rope sockets are undamaged.

7. If the Tramway Operator has applied the track brake, he shall immediately
notify the Console Operator or the Tramway Manager of the reason.



Breakdowns can result from mechanical, electrical or atmospheric causes.

When mechanical breakdowns or problems with line running gear occurs, the
controller shall be notified immediately. The controller will determine the
appropriate course of action and instruct the driver accordingly so that the
problem can be repaired as quickly as possible.


A. Whenever the driving of the Tramway suddenly comes to a standstill

during a run, the technical supervisor shall proceed with the rescue operations.
If the breakdown is of such a nature that the cabins cannot be hauled in by the
auxiliary drive, without endangering passengers, then the following shall take

1. Rescue, by means of lowering devices in the Cabins, shall take

place; or

2. Rescue by the rescue cars will take place.


1. The electric system of the machines shall be disconnected.

2. The number of passengers in both cabins, their sex, age, condition,

etc. shall be established.

3. The exact location of the two cabins must be determined and

whether, after the rope-down, the passengers will need help for their further
descent to the lower terminal.

4. The roping down may only begin when auxiliary personnel are
present on the ground below the cabin. In the meantime, the Tramway Attendant
shall prepare the rescue lowering device, choosing an assistant from the
passengers to help, and instruct the passengers on the procedure.

5. After starting the rescue, the haul rope may not be moved anymore,
or at least only with the consent of the Attendants of both cabins. For instance, if
one of the cabins should have a greater load, they might be run slowly to a more
favorable rope down location by carefully lifting off he brakes, if this should
by possible.

6. For rescue work at night or during darkness, a portable lamp must

be held in readiness in both terminals.

7. Warm drinks and blankets shall be held in readiness for the

lowered and rescued passengers.

8. For recovery over inaccessible terrain and rescue of the

passengers must be carried out by means of the special rescue car. Depending
on the location of the cabins, this might apply to only one of them.

9. Well stocked and continuously replenished first aid boxes are to be

held in readiness for injured passengers at both terminals.


In addition to the points 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 in "B" above, the following steps
shall be taken for this type of recovery:


1. Communication with the Bottom Terminal shall be

established by telephone and transceivers.

2. Communication with the rescue car shall be established by


3. The valley-side window shall be removed.

4. Passengers shall be instructed on how to transfer vehicles.

5. The prospective order of rescue of the passengers shall be


6. At arrival of the rescue car the passengers shall be assisted

with the transfer to it, by Tramway or ski patrol personnel.


1. Ascertain on which path of travel the rescue must be carried out.

2. Place carriage hanger and basket on the proper rope.

3. Place the clamps on the rescue rope and tighten the nuts with the
tension wrench supplied (adjusted to a torque of 8 mkg or 43.4 ftlbs). The
distance between the two clamps of both cars has to be adjusted according to
the drawings.

4. Adjust the tensioning chassis and winch to the in-operation tension

of 900 kg (1.980 lbs ).

5. Drive accordingly to the MFO instructions. Not more than 10

persons may be carried on each run.

6. Warm drinks and blankets or even a doctor must be organized for

the passengers in the main cabin, if necessary.

E. After a completed rescue operation or rescue exercise, all equipment shall

be cleaned and stored in immaculate condition, ready for use.

F. Rescue operations exercises shall be held at least twice each year.



1. Tools required for operation and maintenance shall be furnished and

checked for safety and useability before use.

2. Ladder's and other auxiliaries shall be supplied in safe condition and shall
be checked for safety and useability before use.

3. Main and auxiliary chains of lifting tackle shall be secured in a safe

manner during operations of the tramway.

4. During work in the counterweight pit, one employee shall remain outside
the pit at all times to prevent accidents.

5. The machine rooms shall be entered by employees only for performing

their duty. Other persons require special permission of the Tramway Manager.

6. All employees, when working in exposed locations such as a cabin roof,

platforms, tower, etc., shall use a safety belt and shall have another employee
with them.

7. Any room shall be entered only if properly illuminated.

8. No work shall be done on moving machinery.

9. After major repairs or breakdown,passengers shall be carried only after a

successful test trip has been completed.

10. In case any irregularities are observed during a trip, a test trip, without
passengers, shall be made to check the position of the ropes and to remove the
cause of irregularities.

11. The Tramway shall be put in operation when all equipment is in a

condition to ensure safe operation and there is no danger to passengers.


1. Any fire shall be extinguished immediately with the available fire

extinguisher. (In each cabin, control room, engine room, and location as per
the fire code.

2. The Fire Department shall be notified immediately in case of danger of a

spreading fire.

3. In case of fire in the vicinity of the Tramway, all equipment, such as track
ropes, haul ropes and fittings, splices and sheaves shall be protected from heat
by wetting with water.

4. The Tramway Manager, Supervisor or the Console Operator on duty shall

decide if, during a fire, the Tramway shall be operated for transportation of
persons (fire brigade, first-aid personnel, officials) or fire fighting equipment.

5. In case of fire of electrical equipment or fires near electrical equipment,

the Regulations for Fighting Fires on or Near Electrical Equipment shall be


1. Daily inspections: All daily inspections are the responsibility of the

console operator.

a. A test run including actuation of all emergency buttons and all

control functions shall be performed by the console operator and
the Tramway Operators from their prospective stations. Attendants
shall be responsible for daily button checks.

b. The telephone communication between the console and the cabins

shall be tested by the attendants and the console operator.

c. The radios shall be tested by the attendants and the console


d. The seating of the track ropes on the tower profiles shall be

checked by the attendants.

e. The inspection of all sheaves and rollers shall be checked by the


f. The drive sheave shall be checked by the console operator.

g. The counterweight pit inspection will be carried out by the console

operator in conjunction with the Tramway Operators.

h. The console operator shall daily make the following brake

Service and safety brakes jaw clearances.
Permissible wear of brake facings.
Hydraulic brake pressure, Hydraulic lines/fittings.
Condition of brake disks, drums and linings.

i. The position of the counter-rope weights shall be checked by the

console operator.

j. The functioning of the car position indicator shall be determined by

the console operator.

k. The correct hanging of the rescue rope over the empty track ropes
is determined by the Tramway Operators.

NOTE: In the event of any established deficiencies, routine operation of

the Tramway shall only be resumed after all defects have been corrected and
with the approval of the supervisor or Tramway Manager.


1. Willingly assist other employees when they request your help.

2. Pleasantly ask other employees for help when it is needed.

3. When answering or calling by phone, give your name and location.

4. Repeat all critical, oral orders received, particularly those received over
the transceivers.

5. Telephones are for business use only, no personal calls except in an


6. Any personal injury, even if minor, should be reported to the Tramway

Manager's office. This is for the employee's benefit.

7. Always conduct yourself with good manner. No smoking is allowed in

contact with the passengers. Naturally, no swearing or spitting when around the

8. To better serve the public, and to observe the rules of safe operation, it
will be necessary to constantly enforce the following personal conduct

a. No drinking on or before duty; or use any drugs.

b. Never read while on duty, or sew, knit or crochet.

c. Always wear prescribed uniform.


1. You are expected to be ready to work at your scheduled time.

2. You are responsible for the test run and all checks required for that test
run, including button checks.

3. You are my first line of defense against breakdowns. If you notice

something unusual report it at once.

4. You are my first line of defense against breakdowns. If you notice

something unusual report it at once.

5. Lunch breaks are one half hour.

6. You are in charge of your cabin. Keep your area clean. Including loading
and unloading areas.

7. The winter schedule of Tramway runs shall never be greater than 15

minute departures. Promptness is not just expected, it is required.

8. Never, ever "Sandbag". It’s not nice and reflects badly on you.
9. The cleanliness of the Tramway is very important to this entire crew. Do
more than your share.

10. It is up to you to ask questions if a task seems unclear. This is a huge

piece of equipment and as such there is much to learn.

11. Pay attention at all times.

12. All riders shall enter the Tramway via the big elevator. Knocks at the door
are to be ignored. Any personnel that have clearance to be in the control area will
have a key.

13. Maximum loads shall not be exceeded.

14. The control room is not a break room.

15. Upon completion of a project, all tools shall be cleaned and put away in
their proper place.

16. Drivers shall assist in the loading and unloading of freight as deemed
necessary to adhere to the Tramway schedule.

17. Drivers shall clear snow from Tramway and related areas to ensure a safe

It is important and necessary when dealing with the public that all personnel
remain polite and courteous, constantly presenting a pleasant public image.

This is a strictly enforced standard rule of operation!

Providing "friendly service" is as much a part of the Tramway personnel's job as

is providing safe and efficient transportation. The public appreciates, and is
influenced by, pleasant services more than any other phase of the operation.

To outline in a handbook, standards of pleasant service, would be very time

consuming, even if possible. Periodically, clinics and on-site checkouts will be
held to go over the subject.

However, the actual success or failure of attempts to improve Squaw Valley's

public image will remain with the individual Tramway Operator (and Tramway
personnel), making a genuine effort to be pleasant and friendly, as best suits his
own individual personality, a subject he knows best.

The following are some highlights of expected Tramway personnel/skier

relations. Tramway personnel are requested to use them as a basis for dealing
with the public; to improve on them and by all means, to add any other of their
own methods of providing a friendlier service to the skiing public and our summer

REMEMBER, if the attendant starts the ball rolling, the visitors will follow through
from there. Treat visitors like we are glad to have their business--WE ARE!

During busy or heavy traffic periods, this will not be possible, but
remember always remain polite and courteous. Do your best to recognize
regular visitors/skiers. Always go more than half way to help visitors, cheerfully
answer their questions, to the best of your ability. Help the visitors with their
problems. Always know the current weather forecast and be honest about it.
Know what lifts are operating.

When visitors seem to have a legitimate complaint, always attempt to

please and be helpful. When doing so, even though you may have to
sympathize with the visitor, never criticize a fellow employee or the company.
Occasionally attendants will have to deal with that very small minority of visitors
who are never satisfied. No matter what is right, they will always find fault. Do
Not Agree or Disagree with this type, simply remain polite and courteous.
Tramway Operators must occasionally be firm to properly carry out their duties.
However, courtesy and politeness still must be the rule, no matter what the

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