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Circulytics® | Method introduction 1

Circulytics® | Method introduction 2

Executive summary:
How company measurement supports
the transition to a circular economy
Companies around the world are recognising that • Supporting strategy development and target
a circular economy can tackle global challenges setting for circular economy adoption. A
such as biodiversity loss, climate change, company’s Circulytics score is presented in a
pollution and supply chain fragility. In order to scorecard (Exhibit 1), which is confidentially
transform their operations, companies need the shared with each company and is designed to
right data, clear targets to reach, and tools to help increase understanding of strengths and
track progress over time. The Ellen MacArthur areas for further development.
Foundation’s Circulytics measures the aspects
that enable company-wide transformation, such • Enabling companies to engage with their
as strategic importance of the circular economy stakeholders, such as customers and
and ability to innovate for the circular economy, financiers, using a well-informed, holistic view
as well as circular economy outcomes, for of their circular economy performance
example in terms of material flows or the way in
• Providing industry benchmarks. The number
which companies have designed their services.
of industries that will receive benchmarking
The purpose of Circulytics is to support will increase with time as this requires a
companies’ transition to a circular economy sufficient number of companies completing
by, for example: the survey per industry to keep the results
• Measuring the entire company’s circular
economy performance, not limited to just its Circulytics was developed by the Ellen MacArthur
products and material flows. Foundation in collaboration with more than
30 companies and academic organisations.
• Providing an independent assessment, using The assessment is grounded in circular economy
indicators that measure current performance, theory, whilst being informed by company
whilst signposting the objectives that would realities. Circulytics 2.0 was first launched in
deliver full scores. 2020, as an update to Circulytics 1.0, including
an improved methodology.
Circulytics® | Method introduction 3

Example Company Ov era ll S co re B

Circulytics Summary

Ena bler S co re A-
Outco m es S co re B-
Date of Submission 28/10/2020
Scoring Date 12/11/2020

... Circulytics will be a core

Score history Further Resources

Enablers Outcomes
Thank you for participating in Circulytics. This scorecard gives an overview of your company's
progress on the journey towards circular economy, by way of two overarching categories
component of our 2025 targets
A 'Enablers' and 'Outcomes', as well as the eleven themes within these categories.

reporting and tracking.

B We encourage you to dive into areas where your company has opportunity for improvement, and

hope that the theme level scores help you to prioritise activities.

44% Due to team capacity constraints, we only provide bespoke analyst commentary to companies
Marianne Richeux

C- within the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) network, but we invite you to explore the following

D resources to further your company's progress towards being a circular business. Links to these

Zero Waste World Program lead at CHEP/Brambles

D- resources can be found below.
11% f

Browse EMF's extensive library of circular economy case studies for inspiration.

Discover an abundance of resources for the business context in the EMF Learning Hub. We are
constantly working on new content, like hands-on toolkits, podcasts, guidelines, or interactive
webinars, so it is always worth a visit.

Aspiring to commit further? Learn more about the EMF network of organisations that provides a
pre-competitive space to learn, share knowledge, and put ideas into practice. You can apply to
Score breakdown be part of the EMF network by completing the form linked below.
Sc or e

... It’s a great way to have

O veral l
We look forward to seeing your circular achievements and invite you to refresh your assessment
after we launch Circulytics 3.0 in October 2021.

Enablers A-
Strategy and planning

Innovation A
conversations and communicate
with our customers.
People and skills B
Operations A-
External engagement B-

Products and Materials
Resource Links
EMF Case Study Library
Tom Giddings

Plant, property and equipment (PPE) assets

EMF Learning Hub
EMF Network Application Form
Ex-Sustainability Data and Reporting

Manager at DS Smith
Finance N/A

Score chart and industry benchmark*

Score Industry Average (Upstream Materials Producer)

... This circularity measurement


tool is the most comprehensive tool


there is to help businesses lead the


transition to a circular economy...

Overall Enablers Strategy and Innovation People and Operations External Outcomes Products and Services Plant, property Water Energy Finance
-11% planning skills engagement Materials and equipment
(PPE) assets

* Industry average available when there is data from >10 companies in your industry
Ilham Kadri
CEO of Solvay

A company’s Circulytics score is presented in a scorecard. It features: the company’s

overall Circulytics score and score breakdown by category and theme; the score history;
a benchmark based on anonymised and aggregated results for a given industry or
industry group, once available; further resources; and, for companies in the EMF Network
or those with an annual revenue over USD 1 billion, a custom written analyst commentary.
Circulytics® | Method introduction 4

The method overview:

Circulytics measures the circular economy
performance of a company’s entire operations,
using a comprehensive set of indicators. It measures
this in two categories: Enablers and Outcomes.
Circulytics is structured into two categories: Within the two categories, indicators are grouped into
11 themes. The themes are shown in Exhibit 2.
• The Enablers category features indicators that
look at aspects that facilitate a company-wide • There are five themes in the Enablers category
transformation, from strategic prioritisation of
the circular economy to the development of • There are six themes in the Outcomes category,
systems and assets to support circular operations. but only a subset are relevant for any given
The Enablers category captures the company’s company, depending on the type of company.
potential to become circular in the future.

• The Outcomes category measures actual

circular economy results on a company level,
such as material flows, water flows, energy use,
service and product design, or procurement
and decommissioning of plant, property, and
equipment assets.
Circulytics® | Method introduction 5


Companies are measured using a sum of weighted

indicator scores, resulting in an overall alphabetical
score from A to E. The scorecard will provide tailored
insights by theme.

Strategy and planning

People and skills

External engagement



Products & Materials OUTCOMES
Plant, property, and equipment Assets
(each company is Water
assessed using 4-14 Energy
indicators out of 17,
depending on industry
and type of business)
Tailoring the assessment
to your company:
Circulytics applies to a diverse range of companies. It may
be used by companies in a product manufacturing value
chain as well as service providers, energy providers, and
financial institutions. A pre-assessment stage captures the
characteristics of a company, which then determine which
Circulytics indicators will be used for the assessment.

An overview of how different types of companies are

assessed is shown in Exhibit 3.
Circulytics® | Method introduction 6


The Circulytics assessment is tailored to the company based on a set of company

characteristics (e.g. whether the company has material flows, whether it operates in a
water-intensive industry, or whether it is a financial institution). To understand in more
detail which indicators your company will be assessed on, please refer to Appendix 1.
Theme 9. Water is described in more detail in Appendix 4. = Company

We first ask you

about your company,
to find out how you For company identification and Determine which themes your company Information used for weighting the
will be assessed. statistical analyses will be assessed on in the Outcomes Circulytics indicators, also used for
category. statistical analyses.

Next comes the

Enablers category,
where indicators will
be universally applied

In the Outcomes
category, the
indicators for energy ENERGY INPUT + ASSETS
consumption and
assets will be asked
to all companies.

Some indicators

Recirculation Wind
in the Outcomes Material in

category depend Solar

on company Circular Biomass
characteristics, Material in Recirculation USER services
like industry or
Circulytics® | Method introduction 7

Category: Enablers Category 2: Outcomes

The critical aspects to enable company-wide Measuring how circular a company is today. The indicators have been chosen as
transformation. representative for the company’s progress
Each company is assessed with a subset of towards alignment with the three circular
All themes in the Enablers category are displayed the themes in the Outcomes category, based economy principles: eliminate waste and
to all companies. on relevance. pollution; keep products and materials in use;
and regenerate natural systems. To avoid
Theme 1. Strategy and Planning Theme 6. Products and materials adding unnecessarily to the reporting burden
Have you placed the circular economy at the Are the materials you procure and the products of companies, the number of indicators is kept
heart of your strategy? you design supporting a circular economy? as low as possible, and the survey is designed
for ease of responding. The scope of Circulytics
is strictly kept within the realm of the circular
Theme 2. Innovation Theme 7. Services economy. Where themes unavoidably touch on
Are the conditions in place to support the Are the services you provide supporting
existing non-financial reporting frameworks,
development of innovative circular products a circular economy?
which is the case for the Water theme or the
and services? Are you innovating towards new
Products and materials theme, the greatest
circular economy products, systems, or services?
Theme 8. Plant, property, viable degree of alignment has been pursued
and equipment assets for indicators and definitions (e.g. with GRI, CDP,
Theme 3. People and Skills Are you procuring and decommissioning your or WBCSD). For the full list of indicators, please
Are you supporting your employees? Have you plant, property, and equipment assets in ways refer to the Circulytics Indicator list.
employed people to develop the skills required to that support a circular economy?
transition to a circular business model?

Theme 9. Water
Theme 4. Operations If you operate in a water-intensive industry,
Have you invested sufficiently in your digital are you using water in a circular way?
systems and plant, property, and equipment
assets to support the change?
Theme 10. Energy
Are you procuring renewable energy and (if you
Theme 5. External Engagement are an energy provider) producing renewable
Are you promoting your circular economy energy to support a circular economy?
initiatives and influencing those in your business
sphere, such as clients or your supply chain?
Theme 11. Finance
If you are a financial institution, are you
intentionally financing companies and projects
that support a circular economy?
Circulytics® | Method introduction 8

Weighting and scoring approach:

How Circulytics results are calculated
Indicators are scored and then combined using the From category score to overall score
following approach to generate an overall score. The
Finally, the two categories contribute to the overall
approach is illustrated in Exhibit 4.
score with equal weight;

From indicator score to theme score With the exception that if a company scores higher in
the Outcomes category than in the Enablers category,
• Indicators in the Enablers category are qualitative
their Outcomes score will be used as the overall score.
questions. Each indicator has a choice of text
This is because we do not want to penalise companies
response options. Each response option is assigned
that have achieved tangible circular economy
a score between 0-100%, visible at the time of
outcomes without following the enabling conditions
responding (see Exhibit 5).
defined in the Enablers category.
• Indicators in the Outcomes category typically
require percentage input from 0-100%. The Alphabetical scores in Circulytics
maximum possible score for each response
All Circulytics scores are scored from A to E.
option is visible at the time of responding.
The conversion from the numerical score to the
Each indicator is given a weight that represents its alphabetical score is shown in Appendix 2. Since
empirical significance in the transition to a circular Circulytics combines scores from indicators and
economy. The weighted average of all indicator scores themes that are fundamentally different in nature
within one theme results in the theme score. (e.g. quantifiable material flows and qualitative
responses on strategy alignment), the aim of the
alphabetical scores is to indicatively convey a
From theme score to category score company’s progress in the transition to the circular
Each theme is given a weight that represents its economy, and avoid creating a false sense of accuracy.
empirical significance in the transition to a circular This is why numerical scores are used to only calculate
economy, and in the Outcomes category depends scores from indicators to overall score, but not used
on the type of company that is being assessed to communicate company performance.
(see Weights in Outcomes category). In the Enablers
category, all companies have the same theme weights.
The weighted average of all relevant themes within one
category gives the category score.
Circulytics® | Method introduction 9


To get from the indicator scores to an overall score,

a weighted average is applied at each step.


37 indicators
Each has a score
11 themes:
Each has a score
2 categories:
Each has a score
and a weight and weight and weight SCORE
(the number of
applied indicators
depends on a
company’s industry
and type of business)
Circulytics® | Method introduction 10


The pie chart diagrams represent the indicator scores that are assigned
to each response option.
Circulytics® | Method introduction 11

Weights in the Enablers category EXHIBIT 6

The path from the Enablers category to the Outcomes category,

Indicator weights: and the weights in the Enablers category.
In the Enablers category, indicators within each theme have equal
weights (e.g. in a theme with four indicators, each indicator has a
weight of 25%), with the exception of Theme 5. External Engagement.
In this theme, indicators on customers and suppliers (Indicators 5a
and 5b) are weighted at 30%, indicators on financiers and policy
makers (5c and 5d) at 15% and the indicator on initiatives (5e)
at 10% to better reflect the importance of each of these external
Strategy and planning
stakeholders to companies’ activities.
Basis for all company activities

Indicator scores: 30%

For all indicators in the Enablers category, the score awarded for
each response option follows a linear scale (e.g. for an indicator with
five response options, the responses from worst to best would be
scored as 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). In the Indicator list and the External engagement Innovation
online survey, each response option has a pie chart diagram next to it Circular economy
Circular economy
representing the indicator score, as shown in Exhibit 5. requires systemic solutions are new for
changes most companies

Theme weights: 20% 20%

The weights of themes in the Enablers category are displayed in
Exhibit 6. They are based on:
• What is proven to be important in company transformation, and People & skills Operations
• Consultation with companies during the development phase Key to trigger Enable circular outcomes

15% 15%

Circulytics® | Method introduction 12

Weights in the Outcomes category

The necessary information for weighting is in the theme are assessed (see Exhibits in The core business is:
gathered in the Company characteristics and the Indicator list - Theme 6. Products and
Information for weighting sections in the pre- materials for detail). • Theme 6. Product and materials for a
assessment stage of the online survey. manufacturing company without any
• A company’s place in the value chain. A service offerings
consumer goods manufacturer can gain a
Weighting within Indicators: higher score for a ‘tighter’ recirculation loop, • Theme 7. Services for a service company
• In Theme 8. Plant, property and equipment while upstream basic material producers can without any material flows
assets, the total mass of an asset group gain an equally high score for the ‘loosest’
• A mix of Theme 6. Products and materials
determines how much it contributes to the loop.
and Theme 7. Services for companies that
indicator score. Where the total mass of an
◦ Recirculation loops from ‘tightest’ have material flows as well as services. The
asset group is not known, but the number
to ‘loosest’ are as follows: 70% is split into 65% and 5%. The focus is on
of items within the asset group is available,
material flows if the company has ownership
Circulytics provides an estimated average
◦ Reuse/redistribution of them, because for most manufacturing
mass per item that can be used to calculate
◦ Refurbishment/remanufacture companies, services revenue is a small
the total mass of each asset group.
proportion of business. If the company
◦ Recycling
• In Theme 11. Finance, the size of each type has materials flows, but does not own the
of financing activity in USD determines how • In Theme 9. Water, the water demand and materials (such as a car repair workshop
much it contributes to the indicator scores (11a water outflow volumes of a company influence which does not own the cars it repairs),
and 11b). the indicator weights: The demand-to-outflow the focus is on services.
ratio will be used to weight the corresponding
• Theme 10. Energy (production) for energy
indicators referring to demand (9a, 9b) and
Indicator weights: outflow (9c, 9d).
In Theme 6. Products and materials, indicator
• Theme 11. Finance for financial institutions
weights depend on: • In Theme 10. Energy, if a company produces
energy: the ratio between energy use and The remaining themes are weighted with a
• The material mass a company uses. For energy production is applied as the weight total share of 30%. Equal emphasis is placed on
example, if the ratio of a company’s material ratio of the corresponding indicators Theme 8. Plant, property, and equipment assets,
outflows is 60/40 between materials designed (10a and 10b). Theme 9. Water, and Theme 10. Energy (use).
to be used and materials designed to be
Only companies that operate in a water-intensive
consumed, the indicators corresponding to
these material outflows will also be weighted Theme weights: industry are assessed with the Water theme.

60/40. As a general rule, a weight of 70% is assigned

to the themes that reflect the core business of a
• Whether or not the company has ownership company. The remaining 30% is assigned to the
(and therefore full responsibility) over material supporting themes.
flows. This will determine which indicators
Circulytics® | Method introduction 13

Examples: Theme weights

in the Outcomes category
The weights shown in Exhibit 7 are for a company in a water-intensive
industry that has material flows and services.


Base weights used for a water-intensive industry Base weights used for a company with services
with material flows and services. but without material flows or water flows.

Outcomes category Theme weight Outcomes category Theme weight

Not relevant
Theme 6. Material flows 65% Theme 6. Material flows 0%
Themes that reflect theme: 0%
the core business of
a company: 70% Themes that reflect
Theme 7. Services 5% Theme 7. Services 70% the core business of
a company: 70%

Theme 8. Plant, property, Theme 8. Plant, property, Supporting

10% 15%
and equipment assets and equipment assets themes: 30%

Not relevant
Theme 9. Water 10% themes: 30% Theme 9. Water 0%
theme: 0%

Theme 10. Energy 10% Theme 10. Energy 15%
themes: 30%

Not relevant Not relevant

Theme 11. Finance 0% Theme 11. Finance 0%
theme: 0% theme: 0%
Circulytics® | Method introduction 14

For a purely services-based company without material EXHIBIT 9

flows or water flows, the Outcome weights are shown in
Exhibit 8. Compared with Exhibit 7, the weight of Theme Base weights used for an energy producer
6. Products and materials has been moved to Theme 7. with water flows.
Services, and the weight of Theme 9. Water was re-
distributed to Theme 8. Plant, property and equipment
assets, and Theme 10. Energy. Outcomes category Theme weight

Energy producers will not see Theme 6. Product and

materials, or Theme 7. Services. An energy producer Theme 6. Material flows 0%
with water flows will be assessed with the theme weights
in Exhibit 9. The weight of the core business contributes
70% towards Theme 10. Energy, while the remaining 30%
are divided equally between Theme 10. Energy, Theme Theme 7. Services 0%
8. Plant, property, and equipment assets, and Theme 9.
Water. This adds up to a theme weight of 80% for Theme
10. Energy. The weight ratio between the indicators 10a. Theme 8. Plant, property,
Energy use and 10b. Energy production reflects the ratio 10%
and equipment assets
between total energy used and produced.

Theme 9. Water 10%

Theme 10. Energy 80%

Theme 11. Finance 0%

Circulytics® | Method introduction 15

Submission and results:

What the process looks like for a company reporter
Sign up EXHIBIT 10
The Circulytics assessment is completely The company reporter signs up for a
free of charge. Circulytics account, followed by data
collection and submission. The result is
a Circulytics scorecard, which is sent to
Timeline the company reporter.
Circulytics is open for submissions each year from
early October until 31 August. A scheduled period
of updates takes place each September, meaning no
submissions are possible during that month.
Data collection and submission
Annual completion of Circulytics is highly
recommended, to allow tracking of progress against
circular economy targets.

The time it takes to submit a company response

varies between companies. Estimates are given in the
following paragraphs.

Companies can sign up for an account via the sign up
Circulytics results
form on our website. Circulytics requires one company
reporter as the main contact for Circulytics. Once the Example Company
Circulytics Summary
Ov era ll S co re B

identity of the company reporter has been confirmed, Ena bler S co re

Outco m es S co re

an account to access the Circulytics online platform Date of Submission

Scoring Date

will be generated. This process typically takes one Score history

Enablers Outcomes
Further Resources
Thank you for participating in Circulytics. This scorecard gives an overview of your company's

100% progress on the journey towards circular economy, by way of two overarching categories
A 'Enablers' and 'Outcomes', as well as the eleven themes within these categories.
B We encourage you to dive into areas where your company has opportunity for improvement, and

hope that the theme level scores help you to prioritise activities.

f Due to team capacity constraints, we only provide bespoke analyst commentary to companies
C- within the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) network, but we invite you to explore the following

The company reporter will receive all email

resources to further your company's progress towards being a circular business. Links to these
D- resources can be found below.
11% f

Browse EMF's extensive library of circular economy case studies for inspiration.

communications regarding Circulytics, including login

Discover an abundance of resources for the business context in the EMF Learning Hub. We are
constantly working on new content, like hands-on toolkits, podcasts, guidelines, or interactive
webinars, so it is always worth a visit.

Aspiring to commit further? Learn more about the EMF network of organisations that provides a

details for the Circulytics account and, once data has

pre-competitive space to learn, share knowledge, and put ideas into practice. You can apply to
Score breakdown be part of the EMF network by completing the form linked below.
Sc or e
O veral l
We look forward to seeing your circular achievements and invite you to refresh your assessment

been submitted via the Circulytics online platform, the

after we launch Circulytics 3.0 in October 2021.

Enablers A-
Strategy and planning B
Innovation A
People and skills B
Operations A-
External engagement B-

Outcomes B- Resource Links

Products and Materials C EMF Case Study Library

Services B- EMF Learning Hub

Plant, property and equipment (PPE) assets A- EMF Network Application Form
Water B
Circulytics® | Method introduction 16

Circulytics results in the form of a scorecard Circulytics results

(see Exhibit 10). The data submitted via the online survey is used to
automatically generate a scorecard with company,
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation reviews the renewal
category, and theme level scores (see Exhibit 1). The
of a company’s Circulytics account for the re-launch of
results will be emailed to the company reporter. The
the updated Circulytics method annually in October. If
time between submitting the data and receiving the
an account is not renewed automatically, the company
results is usually 2-4 weeks. The participating company
may need to re-apply.
will also be provided with Ellen MacArthur Foundation
analyst commentary, if they are an Ellen MacArthur
Data collection Foundation Network Member, a Partner of the Ellen
Once a company has been granted an account, the MacArthur Foundation, or if they have an annual
reporter receives a welcome email with login details revenue that exceeds USD 1 billion.
to access the online survey. The welcome email also
contains template files for data collection, which can Use of Circulytics data
facilitate the gathering of data from multiple sources in To create benchmarks for industries or industry
the company, for example from colleagues in different groups, the submitted information will be anonymised
business units. and aggregated to multi-company averages. The
information will also be used to publish statistical
The data gathering process typically takes between 2
analyses, where company data will always be
weeks and 3 months, depending on company size and
anonymised and aggregated. The Ellen MacArthur
data availability.
Foundation will not publish individual company
information. Please refer to the Circulytics Terms of
Data submission Agreement for details of how the Ellen MacArthur
Once the data has been gathered offline, it needs to Foundation uses company data.
be submitted to the Circulytics online survey by the
company reporter. The company reporter can find the
login details for the online survey account in the email
Further information
Please refer to our website for further information,
with the subject line “Welcome to Circulytics | Login
including FAQs and how to sign up for the Circulytics
details and information”.
survey. For any other questions, please get in touch
The Circulytics online survey is hosted on the Qualtrics via
platform. It is available in English, Chinese, Spanish,
and Portuguese. Please note: Supporting comments
and reference documents must always be added in
English to be interpreted by our team.

The survey submission (excluding the time for data

gathering) typically takes around 24-32 hours.
Circulytics® | Method introduction 17


You will see these,

no matter what
Theme 1. Theme 2. Theme 3. Theme 4. Theme 5. Theme 8. Plant, Indicator 10a.
the company Operations
Strategy and Innovation People External property, and Energy

Appendix 1: Company
characteristics are planning & skills engagement equipment assets consumption

characteristics If you respond to 0k. Industry


type with one of the industries
that are financial institutions Theme 11.


Water in Water out

If you respond to 0k. Industry

The first stage of the online survey, where the type with an industry that is
...then we ask you to confirm this
in 0l. Water intensive industry.
potentially water intensive...
characteristics of a company are determined. They Recirculation
Theme 9. Water
influence which Circulytics indicators a company will
be assessed on.

If you respond to 0k. Industry

type with an industry that is ...then we ask you to confirm
potentially an energy producer... Biomass
this in 0m. Energy producer.
Theme 10.
Energy reduction

If your company can indicate this in
provides services… 0n. Service provider Circular
Theme 7. Services

If your company does not deal can indicate this in
with any material flows... 0o. Material flows

Recirculation Material in

If your company deals will see the indicators
with material flows... on processing waste

6b, 6c

If you own any of these can indicate this in
material flows... 0p. Ownership
Material in Recirculation
6a, 6d, 6e, 6f*

Please indicate in 0q. whether

you deal with materials designed ...this will determine whether
to be used, materials designed to Qs with * above are displayed
be consumed, or both...
Circulytics® | Method introduction 18

Appendix 2: Circulytics
alphabetical scores
Circulytics results are communicated as alphabetical scores. Each
alphabetical score spans a range of numerical scores, which are used
to calculate theme, category and overall scores from indicators.


The numerical to alphabetical score conversion in Circulytics.

Numerical score Numerical score Alphabetical

Lower limit Upper limit score

88.89 100 A

77.78 88.89 A-

66.67 77.78 B

55.56 66.67 B-

44.44 55.56 C

33.33 44.44 C-

22.22 33.33 D

11.11 22.22 D-

0 11.11 E
Circulytics® | Method introduction 19

Appendix 3: Circulytics 2020 and 2021 updates

Changes introduced in latest • A number of indicators in the Enablers • The Outcomes category was split into six
category have been updated to be more themes: Theme 6. Products and materials;
update on October 4, 2021 descriptive and intuitive, with specific Theme 7. Services; Theme 8. Plant, property,
• The assessment scope must now be specified response options to select from. The focus and equipment assets; Theme 9. Water;
by the company in the Scope question at the of these updates are Theme 2. Innovation, Theme 10. Energy; and Theme 11. Finance.
beginning of the survey. Scope options are Theme 3. People and skills, and Theme 4.
aligned with the GHG protocol. Customising Operations. • The theme on water was added to Circultyics
scope is possible, but such submissions to capture the circularity of water flows
with a custom scope will be excluded from • In Theme 6. Products and Materials, two in certain water-intensive industries (see
Circulytics benchmarking and you will not materials inflow indicators were combined Industry list).
be able to disclose your score with a custom into one indicator, to make responding easier.
scope. • The indicators in the other themes in the
• Theme 8. Plant, Property, and Equipment Outcomes category were updated to be
• Circular economy can be an important lever Assets was simplified to better balance the more descriptive and intuitive, with specific
to achieve broader company ESG goals. reporting burden while still capturing relevant response options to select from.
From October 2021, along with the scorecard, data.
every company will receive a table that maps • Circulytics was made available in English,
relevant Circulytics indicators to SDG targets, Chinese, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Changes introduced in previous
to help link the company’s circular economy
performance with established ESG efforts in update in October 2020
the company. • The industry classification list was updated to
the Circulytics Industry list, for ease of use.
• A spreadsheet, which serves as a template
for easier offline data collection, will be sent • The scale translating numerical scores to
to the company reporter along with their alphabetical scores was modified to follow a
Circulytics account details, to help with linear scale that better reflects conventional
collecting data across your organisation scoring scales
before submitting via the online survey
Circulytics® | Method introduction 20

Appendix 4: Water guidelines

A short introduction: Water and EXHIBIT 13

the circular economy Types of water flows into, within, and out of a company. Water demand is the volume
Water could be the perfect example of a circular that indicators 9a and 9b refer to. Indicators 9c and 9d refer to water outflow.
material, as it has circulated on the planet for
billions of years. Yet the ways in which we use the
INTERNAL The red circles represent
water resources of our surrounding ecosystems RECIRCULATION Circulytics indicators used for
scoring of Theme 9. Water.
are often not compatible with natural cycles.
The grey circles represent
Circulytics questions that ask
When applying the circular economy lens to PROCESS for the volume of water flows.
& OPERATIONS This information is used
company water usage, the emerging topics for weighting the scoring
Circulytics indicators
are familiar from current issues around water (red circles).
distribution and pollution. Examples of these
water topics can be grouped under the three
9a 9b 0x.1 OUTFLOW
circular economy principles: SOURCING 9c
e.g. withdrawal, e.g. discharge,
cascading, 9d cascading,
Eliminate waste and pollution – precipitation,
water pollution prevention, nutrient 0x.2

valorisation, etc.

Keep products and materials in use – COMPANY

water reuse, internal recycling, water
cascading, leakage reduction, etc.

Regenerate natural systems – water topics from a company-level perspective.

allowing natural systems to regenerate Against the background of many existing and
What it means in practice
themselves through balanced water often mandatory company water reporting tools, You will first be asked if your company is water-
withdrawal and discharge, recharging Circulytics keeps the scope strictly within the intensive in the section ‘Company characteristics’
of local aquifers, water use reduction realm of the circular economy. Where existing (see Indicator list). If this is the case, you will be
targets, etc. indicators are used in other methods related to asked to fill in “water demand volume” and “water
circular economy, definitions have been aligned to outflow volume” in the ‘Information for weighting’
Water in Circulytics the greatest viable degree (e.g. reduction targets, section. If you deal with material flows, you
avoiding withdrawal from water-stressed areas, will be asked about “material inflow mass” and
Circulytics indicators are relevant to companies in
discharge to replenish local aquifers). New metrics “material outflow mass”. Likewise, in the following
industries that are typically water-intensive (see
have been introduced where we believe these Circulytics indicators, the Outcomes category will
Circulytics Industry list) and only if the companies
aspects are core to using water in a way that is cover material in/outflows and water demand/
deal with large quantities of water.
aligned with circular economy, and would not be outflows, which refer to and will be weighted with
In line with the circular economy principles, captured otherwise (e.g. internal recirculation the material mass and water volume allocated in
the water indicators in Circulytics cover key and nutrient valorisation). the up front general section.
Circulytics® | Method introduction 21

Water flows: Water inflow to the company, which subsequently becomes part of
Water demand and outflow relating to manufacturing and other a physical product during manufacturing processes, and leaves the
business processes as well as operations are in scope in Circulytics, company as part of a material outflow, should be accounted for under
as shown in Exhibit 14. water demand volume and material outflow mass. The water outflow
indicators explicitly do not apply to water incorporated in physical
EXHIBIT 14 products.

Both process and operations water is in scope for Circulytics. An EXHIBIT 14

example of operations water is coolant, where the water is sourced and
(after optional internal recirculation) eventually leaves the company An example of water inflow that becomes incorporated into the product
infrastructure, not as part of a product. is water inflow for manufacturing of beverages. This counts towards the
water demand volume, and the water demand indicators apply. However,
An example of process water is water that comes in contact with a this water leaves the company as part of the product and should be
product but is not incorporated in the finished product, e.g. water in pulp accounted for under material outflow mass, and therefore the material
in paper manufacture or water in dyeing processes. outflow indicators apply.







Water flows may become part of, or become separate from, material
streams during manufacturing processes, as described
in Exhibit 14.
Circulytics® | Method introduction 22

Material flows:
The water is integrated in another material inflow or outflow, so the
material inflow/outflow indicators apply, see Exhibit 15. The mass of the
material flow includes the water content. Please count the water content
within a material stream towards the mass of products and materials.


An example of water integrated in material flows is the water content in

wood. This counts towards the total mass of materials designed for use.
Water content in agricultural produce like tomatoes procured by the
company to manufacture food products counts towards the total mass
of materials designed to be consumed.



Out of scope:
Natural precipitation is excluded from the scope of Circulytics as long
as it is not actively captured, e.g. through a collection system on a
building roof.
Circulytics® | Method introduction 23

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