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NAME : Laila Wati Nurdini

NIM : 19223017

Analytical Exsposition
Topic : Cramming
Title : Cramming is bad habit
Introductory Paragraph : Perhaps previously we have heard the term cram or can be called SKS, that
can be interpreted as "cramming a lot of information in a short time. We can also call, that cramming
is the situation when student stay up until morning to study before theire test. Surely everyone has
experienced this incident, where when the test is about to arrive but we have no time in memorizing or
understanding the material. So the alternative path chosen is cramming materials.
Thesis statement : This habit can lead to negative impact for some reason.
Argument : Disruption in the regular sleep cycle can cause temporary intellectual lapses.
Supporting Argument : Using stimulant for cramming gives bad effect to it's consumers.
Conclusion : Cramming is bad because disturbs our regular sleep cycle with cause temporary
intellectual lapses and using stimulant for cramming gives bad effect to our health.


Judulnya boleh di ganti menjadi Cramming as a Bad Habit

SKS nya coba cari istilah Inggrisnya ya.

Perhatikan punctuationnua di introductory paragrah.

Kata where di kalimat ke empat d hapus saja sama komanya.

Kata so ganti dengan therefore

Di kalimat ketiga harusnta their test.

Mohon di tambah lagi argumentnya tidak 1 ya.

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