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Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Design your products is the step in making your own simple products

a .first b. second c. third d .fourth

2. What simple product can you produce from peanuts?

a. salad b. peanut brittle c. doughnut d. juice

3. What is a “wiki” defined as today.

a. blog b .quick c. journal d .books

4. Basic necessities of people such as food ,clothing, and shelter, people cannot survive wit out it.

a .wants b. needs c. demands d. products

5. Refer to the goods that people desire or wish to have .

A needs b. wants c. demands d .entrepreneur

6. It is designed to perform basic mathematical and arithmetic operations.

a. spread sheet b. functions c. formulas d. chart

7. It subtract the values of the two cells.

A addition b. subtraction c. multiplication d. division

8. This is the most robust and feature- rich software for holding webinars and other large group meetings.

a. zoom b. Google Hangouts meet c. Microsoft teams d. go To meeting

9. This is a video meeting and webinar tool that focusses on client relationship.

a. b. Blue genes c. Cisco WebEx d. Soho meeting

10. Having un cooperative members during activity and they like to work is in using e- group.

A reward b. award c. challenges d. consequences

11.Group members share similar interest and motivate a better community. This is a…

a. reward b. award c. challenge d. consequence

12. A combination of all media is called…..

a. presentation b. combi media c. multimedia d .video

13. It is a powerful presentation software developed by Microsoft.

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