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Cell membrane - the layer around the outside of a cell

Mitochondria - structures within a cell that breaks down food and turn it into energy

Nucleus - an object positioned at the center; in cells, the structure that controls all activity within
a cell

Tissue - a group of similar cells that work together to do the same job

Organ system - a group of organs that work together to perform a specific bodily function

Vertebrate - an animal that has a backbone

Invertebrate - an animal that does not have a backbone

Microscope - a tool that magnifies objects

Vacuole - a cell structure used for storage

Vascular - containing vessels that transport water and food

Nonvascular - containing no plant tissue through which food or water moves

Find the answers:

1) Classification system divides living things into six kingdoms.

2) The jobs they can do are protect themselves, find food, and other things.
3) The two main groups are invertebrate animals and vertebrate animals.
4) Fungi can be a unicellular or a multicellular organism, an example is yeast, penicillin,
and corn smut. Bacteria are tiny unicellular organisms with a cell membrane and a
cytoplasm, example is rod-shaped E.coli, sphere-shaped strep. Protists are unicellular or
multicellular that either make their own food or eat other living things, an example is red
algae, paramecium, and orange slime mold.
5) Vascular trees can grow really tall like a pine tree.
6) Fungi can be added into cheese to make a tangy flavor.
7) Plants belong in the plant kingdom.
8) They are divided into invertebrates and vertebrates.
9) Animals get energy from food they eat.

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