Pertemuan 1 - Pengantar Genetika

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universitas indraprasta pgri

Fitri Damayanti
Prodi Pendidikan Biologi
Pertemuan 1
Tumbuhan berjenis-jenis

universitas indraprasta pgri
Nepenthes rafflesiana

Nepenthes ampullaria

Avenus’s flytrap plant

(Dionaea muscipula)

(Drosera) leaves

universitas indraprasta pgri
❑ In Clary’s annual
sage (Salvia viridis),
large colorful bracts
are produced at the
❑ The flowers themselves range in size top of flowering
❑ Wolffia columbiana, whose entire speck stalks, well above
of a plant body is only 0.5 to 0.7 the flowers
millimeter (0.02 to 0.03 inch) wide, ❑ Note the small
with flowers little more than 0.1 flowers along the
millimeter long lower half of the
❑ The enormous flower → Rafflesia stem and the large
flowers of Indonesia that are up to 1 colorful bracts
meter (3 feet 3 inches) in diameter and toward the top
may weigh 9 kilograms (20 pounds)

universitas indraprasta pgri
Apoinsettia (Euphorbia
pulcherrima) “flower.” There are
several flowers without petals in
the center. The most conspicuous
Insect-trapping leaves of parts of the “flower” are the
pitcher plants colored bracts (modified leaves)
(Sarracenia) surrounding the true flowers

universitas indraprasta pgri
❑ Some leaves of
Dischidia → an
epiphyte (a plant that
grows, usually non-
parasitically, on other
plants) from tropical
Australasia, develop
into unlike pouches
→ that become the
California coastal redwoods
home of ant colonies
(Sequoia sempervirens).
Coastal redwoods may grow for
thousands of years and ❑ A flower-pot leaf of Dischidia. The leaf has been
some may reach heights of sliced lengthwise to reveal the roots inside that
nearly 100 meters (330 feet) have started to grow down from the top

universitas indraprasta pgri
❑ In the Kalahari desert of Botswana
and South Africa, there → are at least
three plants belonging to the
Carpetweed Family (Aizoaceae)
❑ Have unique adaptations to living in
dry, sandy areas.
❑ Their leaves, which are shaped like
ice-cream cones, are about 3.75
centimeters (1.5 inches)
A window plant
(Fenestraria). Note the ❑ Buried in the sand; only the dime-
transparent tips of the sized wide end of a leaf is exposed at
window leaves the surface

universitas indraprasta pgri
Cotton plants. The white fibers, in
which seeds are embedded, are the
source of textiles and fabrics. The
seeds are the source of vegetable
oils used in margarine and
shortening. After the oils have been
extracted, the remaining “cotton
cake” is used for cattle feed

Ripening coffee berries.

They are picked by hand
when they are red. The
seeds are extracted for
roasting after the berries
have been fermented

universitas indraprasta pgri
Hewan berjenis-jenis

universitas indraprasta pgri
Rambutan yang manis
dan mengelupas (‘ace’)

Akan tumbuh Mengapa ada buah rambutan yang:

pohon rambutan
bukan pohon duku
atau lainnya
manis, ace; asem, tidak ace; manis,
tidak ace (‘si nyonya’)
Walaupun semuanya disebut …
buah rambutan

universitas indraprasta pgri
Bagaimana fenomena tersebut dapat

… studi tentang pewarisan atau studi tentang
gen …

universitas indraprasta pgri

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