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Assignment 4
Nama : Dadan Darmawan
Npm : 2269700049

1. Write two paragraph in english describe you activity today.

Asalamualaikum wr wb
At times I will share my activities today. I started the day by waking up at 4.30, after waking up I
immediately rushed to go clean the bath, wash the toilet, prepare to perform the dawn prayer. Then after
that I opened my cellphone because there was an appointment with Mr. Kiki Zakaria for the Pie course to
be held online directly after the Fajr prayer. At that time we used the zoom application, discussing material
about Islam in life which was discussed by group one until 5.30. After finishing the pie course, I carried
out my morning activities as usual. At 06.00 I took my grandparents to the rice fields using a motorbike
because the distance was quite far.
After I finished delivering them, I got ready to carry out the lecture by going to the cadets'
vocational school on Jalancagak. I did my lectures in that place because that place is where I work. And in
that place provided services that can help the lecture process such as a laptop and the internet. Finally I
arrived at the school and started studying until it was finished.

2. Show to me where are those as results from google translate, grammar and qulilbot
A. Google translate
a. Before fix all errors

b. After fix all errors

a. Before fix all errors
I can't check because I don't have a paid account. but in the future, God willing, I
will have a paid account.
b. After fix all errors
I can't check because I don't have a paid account. but in the future, God willing, I
will have a paid account

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