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Module 1 (Soc Sci 1)

Activity No. 3

I. Discuss the following terms (10 points each).

1. Values
- In sociology, value means the standard by which people defined good and
bad, beautiful and ugly, something desirable. It is what the individual performed
compared to available choices. These choices could be language, norms, habits,
folkways and moves, which are all elements of culture, after all, to learn people’s
values is to learn their culture or vice versa
2. The “Bipolar” characteristics of values
- These are concepts of what is important and worthwhile. They are the
general ideas that individuals share about what is good or bad, right, or wrong,
desirable, and undesirable. If values are the preference of choice, what then if the
choice made by an individual is not in conformity with ways in which people
follow norms? This inquiry may be subjected to Positive Sanction that refers to an
approval given for following a norm, while Negative Sanction denotes disapproval
for breaking a norm.
3. Quality of values
- According to Robin Williams, there are 4 qualities of Values. First, values have
mental components that are more substantial than only monetary ones. Values
might be conceived of as experiences, emotions, or needs in this context.
Obstacles can derived from one's own experiences. Second, values are
successfully charged, or some knowledge is engaged, which has an emotional
impact. Emotion may or may not be expressed, but it is always present. Third,
values are not concrete goals of action, but do relate to goals in that they serve as
criteria for their selection. One strives for those things he places value on. And the
last is, values are important matters and not in the least trivial to the individual.
This can be seen in the fact that values relate to choices, which in turn relate to
I. Enumerate specific Filipino practices under each core value (30 points)
Respect for Elder Strong Family ties Love of God

Ex. Kissing of hands Ex. Eating together as family Ex. The celebration of fiesta

“Pagmamano” Doing spiritual and religious When a neighbor is in

matter together (Bible trouble, Filipinos are always
sharing) ready to help them.

Responding “po” & “opo” Discussing a private matter as Celebrating Christmas Day
a family
Older adults should be Calling your older sister, Weekly Mass Gathering
addressed in polite language, “Ate” or your older brother,
preferably with appropriate “Kuya
titles of respect.

Taking care of them Listening respectfully to your Showing hospitality to visitors

“Beso-beso” Doing house chores together Showing spirit of communal
work and

Giving health initiatives Spending the night together Gift Giving

Saying sorry Watching television Showing “malasakit” towards
other people
Many Filipinos avoid Eating or preparing a family Celebrating Patronal Fiesta
blasphemy and cursing as it is meal
a form of disrespect towards
the elders.

When you are being offered Celebrating important family Having a Sacred statue of God
with a gift, refusing is quite occassions in each home.

Reciprocating the value of Many Filipinos avoid Pioneering and sharing God’s
“utang na loob” blasphemy and cursing as it good news to other people.
may cause themselves to lose

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