05-Training - Realtime Statistics

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Design & Development

Aheeva Education & Certification Services

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Real-time Statistics

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Real-time Statistics

‰A real-time view on the following entities: Agents,

Agent Groups, Queues, Campaigns, Calling Lists,
Performance, Teams, Adherence
‰Refreshed every 7 seconds
‰Possibility to sort the data by clicking on the column
‰All real- time statistics get reset at midnight

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Agents (1)

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Agents (2)

‰ Agents grouped by group name and can be sorted on

any column
‰ Graphical representation of the different agents’ states
‰ Supervisors are able to detect problematic situations at a
glance and intervene when necessary
‰ Offers real-time statistics on all agent-related measures:
total number of calls, the average handling time,
productivity, wait time, wrap-up time, etc.
‰ By a simple right-click of the mouse, a supervisor can
access the agent’s information, change its status,
logged-out of the system, as well as listen

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Agents (3)

‰ Agent Groups: The name of the group to which the agent belongs
‰ Agents: Name and ID of the agent
‰ Current Status: Graphical representation of the agent’s status and duration in that
‰ Current Call Length: Duration of the current call
‰ Total Calls: Number of calls the agent handled since midnight
‰ Avg Handling Time: Average time the agent spends on a call, including wrap up time
‰ Total Login Time: Total time the agent logged in
‰ Total Talk Time: Total time the agent spent in a call
‰ Productivity ratio: (Wrap up time + Not Ready time)/Login time
‰ When configuring the agent group, you have to specify the parameter ‘Max Wrap-up time For
Productivity’. This parameter affects the calculation of the productivity ratio. For example, if
this parameter is set to 30 seconds, and the agents spends 40 seconds in wrap up, there will
be 10 seconds that are going to have an impact on his productivity ratio
‰ The not ready time includes the not ready reasons. When configuring a not ready reason,
you have to possibility to specify whether you want this not ready reason to be part of the
calculation of the productivity ratio

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Agents (3)

‰ Total Wait Time: Total time the agent was waiting for a call
‰ Total Not Ready Time: Total time the agent was in the Not Ready
state, including the different not-ready reasons
‰ Total Wrap Up Time: Total time the agent spent in wrap up mode
‰ Total On Hold Time: Total time the agent put calls on hold
‰ Total Conference Time: Total time the agent was in a conference
‰ Total Dialing Time: Total time the agent spent manually dialing calls

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Agent Groups (1)

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Agent Groups (2)

‰A high level view of the call center operations

‰Global statistics presented by Agent Group
‰Real-time statistics on all agent groups include:
Number of agents logged in, number of calls
handled, how many agents taking Inbound calls,
how many are taking outbound calls, how many
in other status, the Busy Factor, etc.

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Agent Groups (3)

‰ Group: The group name
‰ Login Agents: Number of agents logged in
‰ Total Calls Handled: Number of inbound and outbound calls handled
‰ In Call Inbound: How many agents are in call handling an inbound calls
‰ In Call Outbound: How many agents are in call handling an outbound calls
‰ Not Ready: Number of agents in a not ready mode, including the different not ready reasons
‰ Waiting: Number of agents ready to take a call
‰ Wrapup: Number of agents in wrap up mode
‰ Dialing: Number of agents currently dialing a number
‰ On Hold: Number of agents that put a call on hold
‰ In Conference: Number of agents in a conference
‰ Busy Factor: The busy factor for the group is the sum of the individual agents’ busy factor divided
by the number of agents in the group).
‰ The individual agent busy factor is calculated as the
(total-talk-outbound-time + total-talk-inbound-time + total-wrap-up-time)/ total-login-time

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Queues (1)

‰ Supervisor can monitor the calls distribution among all queues

‰ Helps supervisor make faster and better adjustments to increase the service level
‰ Customizable visual indicators make detecting problematic situation faster
‰ Information on the number of calls queued, distributed, abandoned, longest waiting,
and service factor
‰ Queues are grouped by type
‰ AGENT GROUP – Queues associated with an Agent Group and used during outbound
‰ ROUTNG SCRIPT – The name of the routing scripts used with an inbound service
‰ VIRTUAL QUEUE – The name of the queue specified in the ‘Pickup Method’ dialog in a
routing script, where the call actually waits for an agent

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Queues (2)
‰ Queue: Name of the queue
‰ Entered: Number of calls queued so far
‰ Distributed: Number of calls that reached an agent
‰ Abandoned: Number of calls hung up while queued
‰ Waiting calls: Number of calls presently in the queue
‰ Longest call waiting: Time the oldest call has been in the queue
‰ Current average waiting time: Average waiting time of the calls presently in the queue
‰ Average waiting time: Average waiting time of all calls since midnight
‰ Service Factor: Is an indicator for calls answered within x seconds, excluding
abandons within y seconds. The parameters x and y used in calculating the service
factor are set on the Service Factor panel of the Queue configuration.
‰ The service factor is calculated as
‰ ( Number of calls answered within x seconds / (Number of distributed calls + Number of
abandoned calls – Number of calls which are abandoned within y seconds) ) *100

‰ Abandon Level: Percentage of call that got hung up while queued

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Campaigns (1)

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Campaigns (2)

‰Real-time information on running campaigns and

their progression
‰Information on the state, the dialing mode, the
target, number of calls made and their results for
each campaign
‰Number of calls dialed, answered, not
answered, abandoned, answering machines
detected, not in service or disconnected, busy
dials, and faxes

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Calling Lists (1)

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Calling Lists (2)

‰Real-time information on the progression of

each calling list associated with a running
‰Supervisors can know at a glance how a calling
list a performing and what to expect from it in the
next hour; no last minute surprise

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Calling Lists (3)

‰ Remaining Records: How many numbers are still available to be

dialed and how many numbers can be dialed in the current hour
‰ Records in process: How many records are controlled by a
treatment and how many of them are due to be redialed in the next
‰ Records in filter: How many records are accessible through the
applied filter, and how many can be dialed in the current hour
‰ Additional statistics include: how many records are dialed,
percentage of answered dials, total number of dials, answers, no
answers, abandons, voicemails, invalid numbers, busy numbers,
and faxes

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Performance (1)

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Performance (2)

‰ Performance statistics per agent and summary per agent group

‰ AgentID: ID of the agent
‰ Last Name, First Name: Full name of the agent
‰ Contacts: Number of calls distributed to the agent
‰ Sales, Refusals: Number of sales and refusals
‰ Callbacks: Number of callbacks that the agent scheduled, includes
campaign and personal callbacks
‰ Sales/hour: Ratio of the number of sales per hour
‰ Net Conversion Rate: Ratio of the total number of sales over the total
number of chances where the agent could have done a sale, calculated as
‰ ( Total number of sales / Total number of good contacts) * 100

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved


‰ The Teams view shows the same statistics as the

Agents view, but the agents are grouped differently
‰ Allows team leader to have easier access to the agents
in their group
‰ Same functionality offered to the supervisor: Spying, and
direct access to agent’s information

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Adherence (1)

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Adherence (2)

‰Shows how well agents are respecting their

‰Visual color-based representation of the agent’s
pre-loaded schedule and the actual schedule
‰Global grade shows an overall evaluation of the
agents adherence, for a selected group
‰A right-click give immediate access to a specific
agent’s schedule, to the adherence details, and
to information on the agent’s station

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved

Line Management

‰ Shows the number of ports configured on each Asterisk

server, and the real-time utilization of these ports
‰ Shows the number of ports configured for each outbound
campaign, and the real-time utilization of these ports

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved


© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved


‰A right-click on an agent from the ‘Agents’ or

‘Teams’ view gives access to an embedded
IAX2-based softphone that allows to listen
undetected to conversations, location-free
‰Supervisor can listen, whisper only to the agent,
or conference and talk to both parties

© 2000-2007 Aheeva Technology. All rights reserved


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