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the first of the Mahommedan caliphs (see CALIPH.

) He was

acetaldehyde. It crystallizes in glistening rhombohedra,

copy. But even in its later form, that ``b stands nearer

a Lord's supper, which like the one described in 1 Cor. x.

blood began to press north, spreading destruction in their

wants. He died at Paris after months of severe suffering, on

1662); Exegesis Augustanae Confessionis (Amst., 1647).

Abdel-Aziz were interpreted as weakness, and Europeans were

opportunity. His friends at Franeker were passionately

right to its custody. The circumstance in which a fourth

Street, Union Street and Holburn Road--a distance of over five

(q.v.), introduced the modifying theory that universal

(1396-1456), Spanish historian, was born at Carthagena, and

Rome. Moreover, Sparta and Messene always remained unwilling

AEGOSPOTAMI (i.e. ``Goat Streams''), a small creek issuing

with all these difficulties to be considered, many magazine

ploughing of the fallow; and afterwards, in the latter end of

To the eye, however, members of this group present a greater

1834. In 1828, having become possessed of large estates in

duty or sent home in a hospital ship. The organization by

Great Britain possessed only half as many cattle more than

still further diminished the area formerly under the dominion

training afforded at Aldershot; of greater importance is the

fellow-men. He, more than any other single writer, reunited

will be of value, but the usual method is to send up a

court, has been kept distinct from the prize jurisdiction,

who managed the proceedings of the ``Boston Tea Party,'' and

and the Indo-Halayan. Hence it naturally partakes somewhat

Labourers 983,919 866,543 689,292 -117,376 -177,251

nearest point along the river to the city. The city itself

Finally, reference should be made to the phenomena of

Any definition, however, must have reference to the state of

1. Coccogoneae--2 families, 29 genera, 253 species.

remotely from the principles of Roman jurisprudence. A part

The early death of this talented mathematician, of whom

order. Finding that he received no adequate support from the

her position in North-West Africa she desired to make

1809. After studying at Gottingen (1826-1829) under K. O.

Corinth (for which it probably served as an entrepot in the

m. N.E. of Palo is a row of large mounds called I Monteroni,

admiralty to act as a prize court, or establish a vice-admiralty

de Nupe branch of the small stream which issues from the

occupy among algae and also the remarkable uniformity in their

at Pavia and at the close of the year the fateful union was

Taylor, the Federals eventually on the 8th and 9th of April

the American general Henry Dearborn was attempting another

the tsar's uncle, to France in December 1810, added another to

lateinischen Poesie &c. (Stuttgart, 1891), pp. 487-496;

precedes that of the carbonate, we include this as well as

J. G. Walch, Hist. u. theolog. Einleitung (Jena, 1733);

districts, the Preaching Friars were obliged to adapt their

| Verona | 502 1/2| 403 | 248 | 145 1/2 |

10 acres and under

In 234, under al-Motawakkil, the Koran was finally decreed

fathers. Professor Earle (A.S. Literature, 1884) thinks

to King Alexander, which led him to another coup d'etat.

defects Colonel Boxer, R.A., separated the bullets from the

which all clays are nominally composed. Haolin or China

A.R.I.B.A. Associate of the Royal Institution of British Architects.

scepticism of Carneades, which owed its existence to his

pursuit. He beat the French at Sidi Brahim, raided the tribes

law is in force. The word advocatus is not often used among

The relics of bone, antler, stone, shell and copper are of

for each kind of glass made use of. In this manner the

shades, by the several musical intervals, and so forth.

career as a minister of state, brilliant though it was,

erect cottages on the reclaimed land for the benefit of their

the colony for the scandal of Merrymount, but satire itself

the Alps (the Great Aletsch, 16 1/2 m., and the Unteraar and the

strength. (2) If any substance has been substituted wholly or

experiment might be thought upon.'' The second passage is

and Richmond lines and began their retreat. Their men were

has been called the ``priming,'' and upon this basis zeolitic

Timuquanan, Fla.; Tonikan, Miss.; Tonkawan, Tex.; Uchean,

to Toledo, where Henry of Castile caused them to be entombed

the foregoing facts and illustrations, it may be considered

Scharnitz or Seefeld Pass (Partenkirchen to Zirl), carriage road . . . . .3,874

Aix-la-Chapelle for the purpose of bringing to a conclusion

search for higher, more inclusive conceptions; as twigs are

region, though it appears to the senses to be mere empty

neighbourhood of Dibra and Ochrida; farther south, Mount Zygos

Spartans to take part in the Olympic games and sacrifices.

Cambridge in 1827 as a scholar of Trinity. In 1832 he was

them. In 1212 Mahommed III., ``En-Nasir'' (1199-1214), the

together, and it is therefore the more remarkable that their

mathematique du jeu, which demonstrated that the chances of

period by the arrival of a Germanic people, the Triboci. In

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