The Champion Legal Ads: 01-05-23

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net parties must notify Jacqueline John Doe Rachael Deloach- OF THE otherwise resolved, the parties
THE STATE COURT OF Simpson, Civil Case Manager, Bukle, plff.; Jessica E. Sanford, JUDICIAL TOWER LOCATED must notify Jacqueline
DEKALB COUNTY at (404) 687-3985 or jd- Stevan A. Miller, Honey L. ON THE 2ND FLOOR AT Simpson, Civil Case Manager,
STATE OF GEORGIA, Shaw, dft. 556 N. MCDONOUGH Division VII, at (404) 687-3985
ORDER and follow-up with a pleading STREET o r
(Civil Motions Calendar) confirming withdrawal of the (5) 21A00444 Kehonia Rawls DECATUR, GEORGIA 30030
The Champion Legal Section,
Pending motions which are ripe Thursday,
vs. Anita Gurley, Jilot Real Es- JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 13
motion or other disposition. JACQUELINE D. SIMPSON , and follow-up with a pleading
for decision are hereby placed Failure to respond to the notice tate, LLC and Neal Hadaway CIVIL CASE MANAGER confirming dismissal or settle-
on the ++Civil Motions Calen- to appear at the Motions Calen- d/b/a Highland Handyman 404-687-3985 ment.
dar++ scheduled for ++Febru- dar may result in the dismissal Reza Sedghi, plff.; Joseph P. E-mail to jdsimpso All Motions or Demands for a
ary 2, 2023 at 1:30 P.M.++ in of the pending motion or in any Menello, Jonathan Silverman, Jury Trial shall be made in writ-
Courtroom B on the second other action the Court may Jeremy A. Moulton, dft. ing as a separate pleading filed
floor of the Judicial Tower, loc- deem appropriate. IN THE STATE COURT OF with the Clerk of State Court,
ated at 556 N. McDonough SO ORDERED, this 5th day of (6) 21A04042 Green Light DEKALB COUNTY and a copy served on the op-
Street, Decatur, Georgia January, 2023. Property Management vs. STATE OF GEORGIA posing parties, at least ten (10)
30030. All parties and counsel Kimberly A. Alexander, Judge Jeraya Jones Pro Se, plff.; ORDER days prior to the non-jury trial
are required to appear at the State Court of DeKalb County Dara T. Jeffries, dft. (Civil Non-Jury Trial Calendar) date shown herein. If a jury tri-
call of the Calendar and should Counsel and pro se litigants in al is not so demanded, then a
be prepared to proceed with ar- (7) 22A01907 Plato Ga Propco, all listed cases are directed to party shall be deemed to have
gument at that time. The Court (1) 17A65000 Donald Nunn LLC vs. Kelvin L. McCrary appear in Court for the ++Civil waived the right to trial by jury
hereby advises all parties that a and Jewel Baldwin vs. Uber Carla Keith, plff.; Pro Se, dft. Non-Jury Trial Calendar++ on for damages pursuant to
corporation must be represen- Technologies, Inc., Et Al. Peter February 8, 2023 at 9:00 A.M. Collins v. Jones, 197 Ga. App.
ted by an attorney in any civil A. Law, E. Michael Moran, (8) 22A02654 Alecia B. Kelley, in Courtroom B (via Zoom) on 839, 399 S.E.2d 546 (1990).
proceeding in this Court. Eckles Elizabeth A. Rose, plff.; Kim- Carlos Ramos Henry, III, the Second Floor of the Judi- Information concerning the Civil
v. Atlanta Technology Group, berly Stevens, Willie C. Ellis, Steven Middlebrooks, Jahlil cial Tower, located at 556 N. Non-Jury Trial Calendar is
Inc., 267 Ga. 801, 485 S.E.2d Jr., LeRyan P. Lambert, Willi- Hill-Armstrong vs. MDA Prime, McDonough Street, Decatur, available at www.dekalbstate-
22 (1997). Any corporate party am J. Sheppard, Christopher LLC and Sadiya Investments, Georgia 30030. Corporations
not represented by counsel by Betke, Paul E. Weathington, Inc. Alan Parker, plff.; Jerald R. must be represented by coun- SO ORDERED, this 5th day of
the call of this Calendar will not Samuel E. Britt, Wayne D. Mc- Hanks, Brandon G. Day, Mat- sel in all actions filed on or after January, 2023.
be heard during this calendar, Grew, III, Stevan A. Miller, thew G. Moffett, Chris J. Perni- June 5, 1997. Eckles v. Atlanta Kimberly A. Alexander, Judge 020-471820 1/5
State Court and such corporate party risks
the Court taking appropriate ac-
Gwendolyn D. Havlik, dft. ciaro, dft. Technology Group, Inc., 267
Ga. 801, 485 S.E.2d 22
020-471818 1/5 tion including, but not limited to, (2) 19A75238 Toby Gilbert and (9) 22A02693 Kwame Ansah (1997).Counsel and parties JUDGE
STATE COURT OF judgment for the opposing party Simone Renee Gilbert vs. Re- vs. Karla Vinnacombe, Mid- should appear with their wit- (1) 21A03700 Maricela Chavez KIMBERLY A. ALEXANDER
DEKALB COUNTY or dismissal of the claim or mo- gional Medical Group Memori- Century Insurance Company nesses, ready to proceed to tri- vs. Phillip Bashaw Michael J. DIVISION VII
JUDGE tion. Counsel for the corporate al, LLC and Regional Medical Eric L. Jensen, Patrick A. al at that time. All conflicts shall O’Hagan, plff.; R. Edward Furr, CIVIL PRE-TRIAL
KIMBERLY A. ALEXANDER party must either appear in Group, LLC Michael J. Smith, Berkshire, plff.; Kimberly be handled as required by Jr., dft. CONFERENCE CALENDAR
DIVISION VII Court or must have filed a writ- Tyler W. Henderson, plff.; R. Sheridan, Mickey P. Evans, II, Georgia Uniform Court Rule FEBRUARY 8, 2023
CIVIL MOTIONS CALENDAR ten entry of appearance on be- Hal Meeks, Jr., Amanda Speier, Andrea D. Baker, dft. 17.1. Attendees at the Non- (2) 21A05920 Union Insurance AT 1:30 P.M.
FEBRUARY 2, 2023 half of the corporation before dft. Jury Trial Calendar must have Company a/s/o Clover Enter- COURTROOM B
AT 1:30 P.M. the call of the Calendar. Inform- express authority to settle the prises, Inc. vs. Winder Venture, (VIA ZOOM)
COURTROOM B ation concerning position on (3) 20A79651 Mersy B. pending claim(s) and must be LLC d/b/a Chevron Food Mart OF THE
OF THE the Calendar is available at Ramirez vs. 7 Ten Studio, LLC, prepared to confidentially re- J. David Stuart, plff.; Jon L. JUDICIAL TOWER LOCATED Alta Viz Studio, LLC, ABC Corp 020-471819 1/5 veal the terms of settlement to Coogle, dft. ON THE 2ND FLOOR AT
ON THE 2ND FLOOR AT The removal of any motion and John Doe 1 Brandon S. the Court. 556 N. MCDONOUGH
from this calendar shall be by Smith, Matthew K. Titus, plff.; DEKALB COUNTY The removal of a case for any (3) 22A01694 Richard John- STREET
STREET Order of the Court only. A Mo- L. Bruce Hedrick, Matthew P. reason from the Non-Jury Trial son and Philip McClain vs. DECATUR, GEORGIA 30030
tion for Continuance must be McKagen, Stephanie F. KIMBERLY A. ALEXANDER Calendar shall be by Order of Donnie B. Freeman and Lori JACQUELINE D. SIMPSON
JACQUELINE D. SIMPSON made in writing at least ten Glickauf, dft. the Court only. A Motion for Freeman Warren W. Hoffman, CIVIL CASE MANAGER
days before the hearing, and CIVIL NON-JURY CALENDAR Continuance must be made in Morris L. Richman, plff.; Pro 404-687-3985
404-687-3985 an Order must be submitted. If (4) 21A00293 Shanquita Carr, writing at least ten days before Se, dft. E-mail to jdsimpso
a case has settled or the is- Zy kki a Carr vs. Indas hu AT 9:00 A.M. trial, and an Order must be
E-Mail to jdsimpso COURTROOM B sues have been resolved, the Howard, Vanessa Eberhart and submitted. If a case is settled or (4) 22A01885 Capital One
parties must notify Jacqueline John Doe Rachael Deloach- (VIA ZOOM) otherwise resolved, the parties Bank (USA) NA vs. Erica J. THE STATE COURT OF OF THE
THE STATE COURT OF Simpson, Civil Case Manager, Bukle, plff.; Jessica E. Sanford, must notify Jacqueline Rochesterhenry Courtney M. DEKALB COUNTY
at (404) 687-3985 or jd- Stevan A. Miller, Honey L. JUDICIAL TOWER LOCATED Simpson, Civil Case Manager, Hollis, plff.; Pro Se, dft. STATE OF GEORGIA
STATE OF GEORGIA, Shaw, dft. Division VII, at (404) 687-3985 ORDER
and follow-up with a pleading 556 N. MCDONOUGH o r (5) 22A02055 Northside Tool (Civil Pre-Trial
(Civil Motions Calendar) confirming withdrawal of the (5) 21A00444 Kehonia Rawls Rental, Inc. vs. Taylor Means Conference Calendar)
motion or other disposition. vs. Anita Gurley, Jilot Real Es- DECATUR, GEORGIA 30030 , and follow-up with a pleading Richard M. Howe, plff.; David Counsel and pro se litigants in
Pending motions which are ripe JACQUELINE D. SIMPSON
for decision are hereby placed Failure to respond to the notice tate, LLC and Neal Hadaway confirming dismissal or settle- R. Hughes, dft. all listed cases are directed to
to appear at the Motions Calen- d/b/a Highland Handyman CIVIL CASE MANAGER ment. appear in Court for the Division
on the ++Civil Motions Calen- 404-687-3985
dar++ scheduled for ++Febru- dar may result in the dismissal Reza Sedghi, plff.; Joseph P. All Motions or Demands for a (6) 22A02162 Truist Bank f/k/a VII ++Civil Pre-trial Conference
of the pending motion or in any Menello, Jonathan Silverman, E-mail to jdsimpso Jury Trial shall be made in writ- Branch Banking & Trust Com- Calendar++ on February 8,
ary 2, 2023 at 1:30 P.M.++ in
Courtroom B on the second other action the Court may Jeremy A. Moulton, dft. ing as a separate pleading filed pany vs. Annette Curtiss and 2023 at 1:30 P.M. The purpose
deem appropriate. with the Clerk of State Court, Jeffrey Curtiss Angela L. of this Conference is to determ-
floor of the Judicial Tower, loc- IN THE STATE COURT OF
ated at 556 N. McDonough SO ORDERED, this 5th day of (6) 21A04042 Green Light and a copy served on the op- Hamilton, plff.; J. Max Davis, ine the status of the case, re-
January, 2023. Property Management vs. DEKALB COUNTY posing parties, at least ten (10) dft. solve remaining issues, and
Street, Decatur, Georgia STATE OF GEORGIA
30030. All parties and counsel Kimberly A. Alexander, Judge Jeraya Jones Pro Se, plff.; days prior to the non-jury trial schedule the case for trial. A
State Court of DeKalb County Dara T. Jeffries, dft. ORDER date shown herein. If a jury tri- consolidated Pre-Trial Order
are required to appear at the (Civil Non-Jury Trial Calendar)
call of the Calendar and should al is not so demanded, then a will be due sixty (60) days be-
(7) 22A01907 Plato Ga Propco, Counsel and pro se litigants in party shall be deemed to have fore trial, but the Order need
be prepared to proceed with ar- all listed cases are directed to
gument at that time. The Court (1) 17A65000 Donald Nunn LLC vs. Kelvin L. McCrary waived the right to trial by jury not be prepared for the Pre-Tri-
and Jewel Baldwin vs. Uber Carla Keith, plff.; Pro Se, dft. appear in Court for the ++Civil for damages pursuant to al Conference.
hereby advises all parties that a Non-Jury Trial Calendar++ on
corporation must be represen- Technologies, Inc., Et Al. Peter Collins v. Jones, 197 Ga. App. At the Pre-trial Conference,
A. Law, E. Michael Moran, (8) 22A02654 Alecia B. Kelley, February 8, 2023 at 9:00 A.M. 839, 399 S.E.2d 546 (1990). counsel and parties represent-
ted by an attorney in any civil in Courtroom B (via Zoom) on
proceeding in this Court. Eckles Elizabeth A. Rose, plff.; Kim- Carlos Ramos Henry, III, Information concerning the Civil ing themselves must be pre-
berly Stevens, Willie C. Ellis, Steven Middlebrooks, Jahlil the Second Floor of the Judi- Non-Jury Trial Calendar is pared to address any remain-
v. Atlanta Technology Group, cial Tower, located at 556 N.
Inc., 267 Ga. 801, 485 S.E.2d Jr., LeRyan P. Lambert, Willi- Hill-Armstrong vs. MDA Prime, available at www.dekalbstate- ing discovery issues, all
am J. Sheppard, Christopher LLC and Sadiya Investments, McDonough Street, Decatur, pending or anticipated motions,
22 (1997). Any corporate party Georgia 30030. Corporations
not represented by counsel by Betke, Paul E. Weathington, Inc. Alan Parker, plff.; Jerald R. SO ORDERED, this 5th day of chances of settlement, length
Samuel E. Britt, Wayne D. Mc- Hanks, Brandon G. Day, Mat- must be represented by coun- January, 2023. of trial, number of jurors, jury
the call of this Calendar will not sel in all actions filed on or after
be heard during this calendar, Grew, III, Stevan A. Miller, thew G. Moffett, Chris J. Perni- Kimberly A. Alexander, Judge pre-qualifications, and court re-
Gwendolyn D. Havlik, dft. ciaro, dft. June 5, 1997. Eckles v. Atlanta STATE COURT OF DEKALB porting of the case. Counsel
and such corporate party risks
the Court taking appropriate ac-
Contact Us Terms & Conditions
Technology Group, Inc., 267 COUNTY Index and parties are expected to
(2) 19A75238 Toby Gilbert and (9) 22A02693 Kwame Ansah Ga. 801, 485 S.E.2d 22 confer, exchange documents
tion including, but not limited to, (1997).Counsel andadvertising
parties agree
judgment address:
for the opposing party Simone Renee The Gilbert vs. Re-
Champion vs. Karla Vinnacombe, Mid-
Newspaper, Clients
placing legal
appear with their wit-
(1) to
read theMaricela Chavez
first publication Attorney/Court Notices and resolve N/Aany discovery dis-
or dismissal gional Medical Group Memori-
of the claim or mo- Attn: Century Insurance Company of any data submitted in any form tovs.
ThePhillip Bashaw
Champion Michael J.
to verify
Court Calendars putes. Further,
13 they must have
al, LLC and Regional Medical Advertising
Eric L. Jensen, Patrick A. nesses,
its readyand
accuracy to proceed
shall notifyto tri-
the newspaper of any corrections
O’Hagan, plff.; R. Edward Furr, express authority to settle the
tion. Counsel for the corporate P.O. Box 1347 required by 3 p.m. on the Friday following the first publication.
al at that time. All conflicts shall Adoption Notices 17
party must either appear in Group, LLC Michael J. Smith, Berkshire, plff.; Kimberly Jr., dft. pending claim(s) and be pre-
Advertisements for Bids pared to17, 42
or must have filed a writ- Decatur,
Tyler W. Henderson, Ga., plff.; R.30031-1347
Sheridan, Mickey P. Evans, II, be handled
Fax and e-mailasacceptancerequired of bylegal advertising is contingent upon confidentially reveal
Court Georgia Uniform
acceptance by any Court client ofRule
the following conditions and Insurance
their use Condemnations 17of settlement to the

ten entry Hal Meeks,
of appearance on be- PH: 404-373-7779 Jr., Amanda Speier, Andrea
x1009 D. Baker, dft. (2) 21A05920 Union the terms
of fax and
17.1. e-mail shall
Attendees at thesignify
Non-acceptance of the conditions: Notices of Incorporation Court. 18
of the corporation before dft.
half FAX:678-605-6597 Jury Trial Calendar
Company a/s/o Clover Enter-
Notices to Debtors & Creditors 19
1. The Champion willmust
not behave prises,forInc.
responsible anyvs. Winder
errors thatVenture,

the call of the Calendar. Inform- E-mail:
(3) 20A79651 Mersy B. express
in authority
transmission, to settleidentification
including the LLCandd/b/a Chevron that
notification Food anMart Divorces 21 ACTUALLY TRY THE CASE,
ation concerning position on error has occurred.
pending claim(s) and must be Publication of any transmission as received Foreclosures 39 REPRESENT-
the Calendar is available at Ramirez vs. 7 Ten Studio, LLC, fulfills the obligation of our publication David
J. to Stuart, client.
the sending plff.; Jon L. AND PARTIES
Physical address: Alta Viz Studio, 627-H LLC,East
ABC CorpCollege Ave. prepared to confidentially re- Coogle, dft. Insurance Statements ING THEMSELVES, N/A Corpora-
and John Doe 1 Brandon Ga. S.30030 veal theChampion
terms of settlement
shall not betoheld responsible for any transmis- Juvenile Court tions must 22be represented by
The Decatur,
2. The
removal of any motion sion directed to the publication but not
the Court. received by it. The decision
fromOffice hours:
this calendar shall 9bea.m.
by Smith, Matthew K. Titus,
to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. plff.; of the publication shall be final on determining (3) 22A01694 Richard
receipt of any John- Legislation counsel inN/A all actions filed on or
L. Bruce Hedrick, Matthew P. The removal of a case for any
message. son and Philip McClain vs. Name Changes after June 235, 1997. Eckles v.
Order of the Court only. A Mo- reason from the Non-Jury Trial
tion Legal
for Continuance must deadline
be McKagen, Stephanie F. Donnie B. Freeman and Lori Probate Court Atlanta Technology
25 Group, Inc.,
advertising G l i cis
k a12
u f , noon
d f t . Thursday for subsequent 3. The Champion
Calendar shall behas no reasonable
by Order of way to confirm
Freeman Warrenauthenticity
W. Hoffman, 267 Ga. N/A 801, 485 S.E.2d 22
made in writing publication.
Thursday at least ten Legal ad requests must specify date(s) the ad is of a transmission received or whether it was transmitted by an au- Public Hearings
the Court
thorized only.of Aa legal
agent Motion forand shall
client MorrisnotL.beRichman, plff.; Pro
held responsible Public Notices (1997). ARE30 REQUIRED TO
daystobefore the hearing, Holidays
be published. and
an Order must beAdvertising (4) may
submitted. If calendar 21A00293alterShanquita
advertisingCarr, deadlines. Please check Continuance
for determining made in Se, dft. Public Sales ATTEND 31THE PRETRIAL
the Legal Zykki a at rr
Ca vs. Indas hu writing at least ten days before
a case has settledprior
deadlines/ or thetois-major holidays for early deadline notices. 4. All clients using fax or e-mail for transmission of legal data
trial, and an thisOrder must beharmless
Service by Publication CONFERENCE 35 AND WILL BE
sues have been resolved, the Howard, Vanessa Eberhart and agree to hold publication (4) for
consequences Capital One
of any Sheriff Sales EXPECTED 20 TO COMMIT TO A
John Doe Rachael Deloach- submitted. If a case is settled
breach of confidentiality which or mightBank
parties must notify Jacqueline
Foreclosures, Sheriff’s Sales,
Bukle, plff.;Marshal
Jessica E. Sales
Sanford,and Tax Sales are held on otherwise resolved, the parties Rochesterhenry Courtney M.
Tax Sales No N/A
continuances will be gran-
Simpson, Civil Case Manager, 5.
m uFacsimilen o t i and
s t source Je-mail
a c q ucannot
f ydocuments, e lbut replace the submission of ac-
i n ecan Trade Name Registrations 37on prior written or-
the courthouse
at (404) 687-3985 orsteps jd- onStevan
the first A. Tuesday
Miller, Honey of each
L. month. Foreclosure curate Hollis, aplff.;
provide Pro easier
quicker, Se, dft.way ted except
notices and Tax Sales notices Shaw, dft. publish four consecutive weeks prior to Simpson,
to transmitCivil
suchCase data Manager,
for those who wish to use it. We are glad to
Zoning Notices der of the38 Court for legal cause, Division VII,byatimplementing
cooperate (404) 687-3985 fax and (5)
e-mail availability after clarify- Marshal Sales shown. AN/A
and the first Tuesday
follow-up of each month.
with a pleading 22A02055 Northside Tool Motion for Continu-
(5) 21A00444 Kehonia Rawls ing
o user risks as identified currently. r Rental, Inc. vs. Taylor Means *N/A = Not Applicable ance must be made in writing
confirming withdrawal of the
motion or other disposition. vs. Anita Gurley, Jilot Real Es- Richard M. Howe, plff.; David at least ten days before the
tate, LLC and Neal Hadaway , and follow-up with a pleading R. Hughes, dft. Pre-Trial Conference, and an
Failure to respond to the notice confirming dismissal or settle-
to appear at the Motions Calen- d/b/a Highland Handyman Order must be submitted.
Reza Sedghi, plff.; Joseph P. ment. (6) 22A02162 Truist Bank f/k/a Failure to respond to this no-
dar may result in the dismissal
At the Pre-trial Conference, an, Michael Ruppersburg, plff.; Moon Richard A. Russell, plff.; or visit our website at shown. All conflicts shall be
counsel and parties represent- L. Bruce Hedrick, dft. No Atty., dft. handled as required by Geor-
ing themselves must be pre- SO ORDERED, this 5th day of gia Uniform Court Rule 17.2.
pared to address any remain- (8) 19A78023 San Marco Col- (3) 21A00839 Jefferson Capit- January, 2023. For any information regarding
ing discovery issue s, all lection Services II, LLC vs. al Systems, LLC vs. Roderic JOHNNY PANOS, JUDGE this calendar, please contact
pending or anticipated motions, Delasford Transportation Ser- Graham Richard A. Russell, STATE COURT OF DEKALB Lana Brooks, Division IV Civil
Page 14
chances of settlement, length
of trial, number of jurors, jury
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023 
vice, LLC and Delasford Ross
Beth E. Rogers, Megan Elaine
plff.; No Atty., dft. COUNTY Case Manager, 404-371-2535,
or visit our website at
pre-qualifications, and court re- Harsh, plff.; Marsha W. Mignott, 020-471821 1/5 020-471822 1/5 (4) 21A01191 Autovest, LLC (1) 20A82792 Marquis Taylor,
porting of the case. Counsel dft. STATE COURT OF STATE COURT OF vs. Leslie Smith, Wandra Jef- Et Al. vs. Nicholas Wilkins, Et SO ORDERED, this 5th day of
and parties are expected to DEKALB COUNTY DEKALB COUNTY feries Smith Cherice A. Tadday, Al. Richard Parsons, plff.; Willi- January, 2023.
confer, exchange documents (9) 19A78088 Santressa More- JUDGE JOHNNY PANOS JUDGE JOHNNY PANOS plff.; No Atty., dft. am T. Payne, Craig P. Terrett, JOHNNY PANOS, JUDGE
and resolve any discovery dis- head vs. Donna L. Schlossen- DIVISION IV DIVISION IV dft. STATE COURT OF DEKALB
putes. Further, they must have berg Bryce V. Durham, An- CIVIL JURY CALENDAR ++CIVIL MOTIONS++ (5) 21A01225 Galaxy Interna- COUNTY
express authority to settle the thony R. Jones, II, Daniel Ruiz, WEEKS OF FEBRUARY 13 CALENDAR tional Purchasing, LLC vs. (2) 21A01067 RMP Manage-
pending claim(s) and be pre- plff.; Jonathan M. Adelman, Bri- and 27, 2023 FEBRUARY 8, 2023 Tange Herington Richard A. ment, Inc. vs. Open Sky Devel- (1) 19A76432 Akeem McIntyre
pared to confidentially reveal an F. Williams, Ben Harbin, dft. TWO-WEEK CALENDAR 1:30 P.M. Russell, plff.; No Atty., dft. opment, LLC, Et Al. Adam J. (minor) by next friends, Et Al.
the terms of settlement to the CALENDAR CALL MONDAY, VIA ZOOM VIDEO Rozen, plff.; Jerald R. Hanks, vs. Childtime Childcare, Inc.
Court. (10) 19A78229 George Bruer FEBRUARY 13, 2023 CONFERENCE (6) 21A05714 Autovest, LLC Amber C. Saunders, dft. Marwan E. Porter, plff.; Richard
THE ATTORNEYS WHO WILL vs. Fnan Yemane Ocbai Dani- 9:30 A.M. LANA BROOKS vs. Kelcey Jenye Williams E. Zelonka, Jr., dft.
ACTUALLY TRY THE CASE, elle A. McCray, Steven D. 2ND FLOOR, COURTROOM C CIVIL CASE MANAGER Cherice A. Tadday, plff.; J. Max (3) 21A01156 LaShawna Hold-
AND PARTIES REPRESENT- Loube, plff.; Keysha Knights, LANA BROOKS 404-371-2535 Davis, dft. er vs. Susan Palmer James T. (2) 20A81598 Opportunity Fin-
ING THEMSELVES, Corpora- dft. CIVIL CASE MANAGER Ponton, plff.; Ulyana G. ancial, LLC vs. Keen Bori-
tions must be represented by 404-371-2535 (7) 22A00388 Department Hamilton, dft. boune Frederick S. Hecht, plff.;
counsel in all actions filed on or (11) 20A80903 Keisha Hobbs Stores National Bank vs. Cyn- No Atty., dft.
after June 5, 1997. Eckles v. vs. Ray Coffie, Sr. Jason N. (1) 20A83114 Sherrion G. Rain- thia Reed Flynn LaVrar, plff.; (4) 21A02414 Precious Wright
Atlanta Technology Group, Inc., Slate, plff.; Jay W. Brown, dft. IN THE STATE COURT OF water vs. Gelinda Amerault David M. Toolan, dft. vs. Adrain Haines, Geico Gen- (3) 20A81729 Midland Credit
267 Ga. 801, 485 S.E.2d 22 DEKALB COUNTY Jason M. Ferguson, plff.; eral Insurance Company Mary Management, Inc. vs. Claudina
(1997). ARE REQUIRED TO (12) 21A00701 Maynelle STATE OF GEORGIA Cameron McKinney, dft. (8) 22A01295 American Stand- Elizabeth Snyder, plff.; Trenton Russell Claiborne Adcock, plff.;
ATTEND THE PRETRIAL Flournoy vs. Alex Haley Todd ORDER ard Insurance Company of W. Edwards, Karen Inniss, dft. No Atty., dft.
CONFERENCE AND WILL BE McFarland, plff.; Pro Se, dft. The within listed case numbers Ohio vs. Javon Ruben Hunter,
EXPECTED TO COMMIT TO A 19A75026 through 21A01979 Clint Hunter Caitlin G. Miller, (5) 21A02981 Charlie Brown (4) 20A82394 National Collegi-
SPECIALLY-SET TRIAL DATE. (13) 21A01072 Mercer McGuire comprise the Division IV ++Jury 020-471823 1/5 plff.; No Atty., dft. vs. Joe Brown Danielle Obi- ate Student Loan Trust 2007-1
No continuances will be gran- vs. Laine Hoadley and John Trial calendar++ for the weeks STATE COURT OF orah, plff.; Kyle H. Williams, dft. vs. Carman S. Clark Cherice A.
ted except on prior written or- Does 1-3 Jason Barrett Green, of February 13 and 27, 2023. DEKALB COUNTY (9) 22A01416 State Farm Mutu- Tadday, plff.; No Atty., dft.
der of the Court for legal cause plff.; Jessica E. Sanford, dft. Calendar call will be on JUDGE JOHNNY PANOS al Automobile Insurance Com- (6) 21A03097 Betty Wallace, Et
shown. A Motion for Continu- Monday, February 13, 2023 at DIVISION IV pany vs. Michael D. Smith Ron- Al. vs. Eliana H. Tyre David G. (5) 20A82465 Citibank, N.A. vs.
ance must be made in writing (14) 21A01383 Charles Foun- 9:30 a.m. (ALL PARTIES ARE CIVIL NON-JURY CALENDAR ald W. Parnell, plff.; No Atty., Carter, plff.; Kevin Reardon, dft. Anna E. Green Maynard Mar-
at least ten days before the tain vs. Lawrence Washburn as REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE FEBRUARY 8, 2023 dft. tin D. Marshall, plff.; No Atty.,
Pre-Trial Conference, and an Administrator of the Estate of CALENDAR CALL.) THE RE- 10:00 P.M. (7) 21A03432 Jamil Wilcox, Et dft.
Order must be submitted. Cheng Ji Cheng, Allstate Fire MOVAL OF ANY CASE FROM VIA ZOOM VIDEO (10) 22A02034 Bank of Amer- Al. vs. Felicia Harris Thomas J.
Failure to respond to this no- and Casualty Insurance Com- THE TRIAL CALENDAR CONFERENCE ica, N.A. vs. Antonio Rachell Lyman, plff.; David S. Beale, (6) 20A83335 Prestige Finan-
tice may result in the dismissal pany Kimberly T. McGowan, SHALL BE ONLY BY ORDER LANA BROOKS Joseph C. Cooling, plff.; L. dft. cial Services, Inc. vs. Tamekic
of the complaint, answer, or plff.; Ashante Rosier-Robinson, OF THE COURT. CIVIL CASE MANAGER Shelese Amos Carter, dft. Latrice Hill Beth E. Rogers,
counterclaim, and may subject Hillary Shawkat, Sean L. Gill, For any information regarding 404-371-2535 (8) 21A03496 Cara Simmons plff.; No Atty., dft.
counsel or parties to sanctions. dft. this calendar, please contact 020-471824 1/5 vs. City of Clarkston, Et Al.
If a case is settled or otherwise Lana Brooks, Division IV Civil STATE COURT OF Jason Barrett Green, plff.; (7) 20A84114 American Ex-
resolved, the parties must noti- (15) 21A01453 Kathy Britt vs. Case Manager, at 404-371- IN THE STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY Kevan G. Dorsey, dft. press National Bank vs. James
fy Jacqueline Simpson, Civil Natasha Greenlee Jared L. Mit- 2535, or visit our website at DEKALB COUNTY JUDGE JOHNNY PANOS Homewood Courtney M. Hollis,
Case Manager, Division VII, at nick, plff.; Kevin Reardon, STATE OF GEORGIA DIVISION IV (9) 21A04153 Mieesha King- plff.; No Atty., dft.
(404) 687-3985 or Lauren Thrasher, dft. SO ORDERED, this 5th day of ORDER CIVIL PRETRIAL stro vs. Ubelym Canales, Amer- January, 2023. The within listed case numbers CONFERENCE CALENDAR ican Family Insurance Com- (8) 20A84150 American Ex-
, and follow-up with a pleading (16) 21A02980 Ivory Johnson JOHNNY PANOS, JUDGE 21A00707 through 22A02034 FEBRUARY 6, 2023 pany Corey D. Woods, plff.; An- press National Bank vs. James
confirming dismissal or settle- vs. Tiffany Michelle Hagwood STATE COURT OF DEKALB are hereby ORDERED placed 2ND FLOOR, COURTROOM C ita R. Kant, dft. Homewood, Et Al. Keith D.
ment. Daniel C. Jason, plff.; Kristin L. COUNTY on the ++NON-JURY TRIAL LANA BROOKS 020-471825 1/5 Taylor, plff.; No Atty., dft.
SO ORDERED, this 5th day of Yoder, Glenn C. Tornillo, J. CALENDAR++. The Court will CIVIL CASE MANAGER STATE COURT OF
January, 2023. Robb Cruser, dft. (1) 19A75026 Ryan C. El- conduct a virtual Non-Jury Cal- 404-371-2535 DEKALB COUNTY (9) 21A00255 LGE Community
Kimberly A. Alexander, Judge combe vs. Steven Johnson, Et endar via Zoom Video Confer- JUDGE JOHNNY PANOS Credit Union vs. Sima Dori
State Court of DeKalb County (17) 21A03130 Leslie-Anne Mc- Al. Walter L. Booth, Jr., plff.; ence. DIVISION IV Scott McMahan, plff.; No Atty.,
Allister vs. Sharday Fields, William T. Casey, Jr., dft. If any party wishes to rely on IN THE STATE COURT OF PEREMPTORY CALENDAR dft.
(1) 18A69071 Phyllis Hurst vs. American Family Connect In- documentary evidence at this DEKALB COUNTY FEBRUARY 6, 2023
Javon Sumpter and Nikita F. surance Company Brian W. (2) 20A80063 Orlena Roland proceeding, such evidence STATE OF GEORGIA 10:30 A.M. (10) 21A00280 Thomas Ran-
Godfrey Hillman J. Toombs, Craig, plff.; Kristen J. Medwick, vs. Keavius Wilson Jamie S. must be e-filed at least twenty- ORDER 2ND FLOOR, COURTROOM C dolph vs. Gustavius Gantt, Et
plff.; Elizabeth L. Bentley, John A. Hannay, dft. Cox, plff.; No Atty., dft. four (24) hours in advance. The within listed case numbers LANA BROOKS Al. Mary Elizabeth Snyder, plff.;
Richard C. Foster, William T. Any demand for a jury trial shall 20A82792 through 21A04153 CIVIL CASE MANAGER Erika Wunderlich, dft.
Casey, dft. (18) 21A03202 Marcus White (3) 20A80662 Angela Sturdi- be made in writing as a separ- comprise the Division IV ++Civil 404-371-2535
and Kolandriana Weaver vs. vant, Et Al. vs. Emma Leigh ate pleading, shall be efiled Pretrial Conference Calendar++ (11) 21A00512 Portfolio Recov-
(2) 18A71475 Carol Lawrence Tenisha Brown Bryan N. Cigel- George, Et Al. James M. Sher- with the Clerk, and a copy for February 6, 2023. ery Associates, LLC vs. Joseph
vs. Abdoulaye Ndiaye Thomas ski, plff.; Herrittaccei Shabazz, man, plff.; Monica K. Gilroy, dft. served on the opposing parties IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that TO THE MEMBERS OF THE Pablo R. Douglas Goldin, Jr.,
F. Cuffie, plff.; Joel E. Haus- dft. on or before ten (10) calendar pretrial conferences shall be BAR PRACTICING plff.; No Atty., dft.
man, Joshua S. Ruplin, dft. (4) 20A81280 Brihaynan Yanez days prior to the trial date lis- held as to all issues in the fol- IN THE STATE COURT OF
(19) 21A03413 Raushanah S. vs. Target Corporation, Et Al. ted herein. If a jury trial is not lowing cases on February 6, DEKALB COUNTY (12) 21A00618 Discover Bank
(3) 19A72806 William K. Farrar Blount, individually and as par- Shanti Nagrani, plff.; Matthew so demanded then a party shall 2023 in Courtroom C, 2nd Floor PEREMPTORY CALENDAR, vs. Earl G. Donaldson Court-
vs. Jonathan Sfeir Al Johnson, ent and legal guardian of her G. Moffett, dft. be deemed to have waived of the DeKalb County Court- DIVISION IV ney M. Hollis, plff.; No Atty., dft.
Shondra J. Pruitt, plff.; Z’a R. minor children Ashlei Blount, right to trial by jury pursuant to house. JUDGE JOHNNY PANOS
Williams, dft. Rodney Blount and Staci (5) 20A82371 Samantha Man- Collins v. Jones, et. al. 197 Ga. A proposed Consolidated Pre- ORDER (13) 21A00623 Diane Hall, Et
Thomas vs. DeKalb County ganaris vs. Lake City Foods, App. 839 (1990). trial Order (see Georgia Uni- The following actions have Al. vs. Traditions Health & Re-
(4) 19A73103 Shannon Fikes, Robert A. Falanga, Kobelah LLC, Et Al. Alex D. Mayfield, If any party object to proceed- form Superior Court Rule 7.2) been pending for more than habilitation Center, LLC, Et Al.
Et Al. vs. Polo Club Resid- Svensen Bennah, plff.; John B. plff.; April Rich, dft. ing with a virtual hearing rather must be e-filed in the State one year and comprise the Evan W. Jones, plff.; Craig A.
ences, LP Robert J. Cairns, Austin, dft. than in person, a written objec- Court Clerk’s Office by Monday, ++Peremptory Calendar++ Brookes, dft.
Douglas B. Chanco, plff.; Glenn (6) 21A00829 Tiffany Blackwell tion shall be e-filed no later January 30, 2023. Failure of which will be called on Monday,
Scott Bass, Christopher D. (20) 21A04200 Paul Campbell vs. Lakeshia Hester, Et Al. Ter- than February 1, 2023. A party the Plaintiff to comply with this February 6, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. (14) 21A00644 American Ex-
Carter, dft. vs. Raynard Cunningham and rence R. Bethune, plff.; Robert that does not object in writing Order may result in the com- in Courtroom C, 2nd Floor of press National Bank vs. Steph-
ALIF Transport Incorporated Anthony Fischer, dft. shall be deemed to have con- plaint being dismissed without the DeKalb County Court- en Crookson Keith D. Taylor,
(5) 19A75090 Maria Lee vs. Noah S. Rosner, plff.; Travis J. sented to a virtual hearing. prejudice. Failure of the De- house. plff.; No Atty., dft.
Garrett Austin Briand W. Craig, Meyer, Brooke Morgan Ray, (7) 21A00948 Allison Rhodes For any information regarding fendant to comply with this Or- All parties must appear in court
Sean S. Campbell, plff.; Den- dft. vs. Keely Collins W. Winston this calendar, please contact der may result in any counter- to announce the status of their (15) 21A00695 American Ex-
ise E. Weiner, Whitney L. Briggs, plff.; Erika Wunderlich, Lana Brooks, Division IV Civil claim being dismissed without case. Failure of the Plaintiff to press National Bank vs. Kim-
Gibbs, dft. (21) 21A04864 Terry McMiller dft. Case Manager, at 404-371- prejudice and the answer be- appear will result in the com- ball Walker Keith D. Taylor,
vs. Cameron Wheeler, Allstate 2535, or visit our website at ing stricken. plaint being dismissed. Failure plff.; No Atty., dft.
(6) 19A76325 Carolyn Penn- Property & Casualty Insurance (8) 21A01380 Venice Johnson ATTORNEYS WHO WILL TRY of the defendant to appear will
Stuckey and Anthony Stuckey Company Alphonso Craig, plff.; vs. Ismahan Adan, Et Al. Kevin SO ORDERED, this 5th day of THE CASE AND PARTIES result in any counterclaim be- (16) 21A01820 American Ex-
vs. Jeramiah Manning Allstate Ammee Smith, dft. A. Leipow, plff.; Joseph D. January, 2023. REPRESENTING THEM- ing dismissed and the answer press National Bank vs. Earn-
Insurance Company Minerva Stephens, dft. JOHNNY PANOS, JUDGE SELVES ARE REQUIRED TO being stricken pursuant to Uni- estine Scott Keith D. Taylor,
Steele, W. Michael Smith, plff.; STATE COURT OF DEKALB ATTEND THE PRETRIAL form State Court Rule 20. plff.; No Atty., dft.
Nicole Sheppe Gupta, Sam- (9) 21A01559 Janah Dowell, Et COUNTY CONFERENCE. Dismissal of any case prior to
antha Feinberg, Craig N. Cow- Al. vs. Darrell Word Reginald A. No continuances will be gran- the calendar call on February 6, (17) 21A02267 Century Lend-
art, Rashawn N. Jones, dft. Greene, plff.; Kevan G. Dorsey, (1) 21A00707 Jefferson Capit- ted except on prior written or- 2023 must be E-FILED with the ing II, Inc. vs. Jessica Gant M.
dft. al Systems, LLC vs. Rasheeda der of the court for legal cause Clerk prior to the CALL of the Scott Peskin, plff.; No Atty., dft.
(7) 19A77338 Patrick T. Palmer Duncan Richard A. Russell, shown. calendar in order to be effect-
v s . O CP 1 2 5 ETP, L L C, (10) 21A01979 Darryl Jones vs. plff.; No Atty., dft. For any information regarding ive. (18) 21A02888 TD Bank, N.A.
Oakhurst Realty Partners, LLC Roger Stone T. Andrew Miller, this calendar, please contact No continuances will be gran- vs. Dwight Eric Anderson Will
and John Does 1-3 Norman M. plff.; Destiny Wilkinson, dft. (2) 21A00725 Jefferson Capit- Lana Brooks, Division IV Civil ted except on prior written or- Driggers, plff.; No Atty., dft.
Sawyer, Jr., Arman M. Degani- al Systems, LLC vs. Lorraine Case Manager, 404-371-2535, der of the Court for legal cause
an, Michael Ruppersburg, plff.; Moon Richard A. Russell, plff.; or visit our website at shown. All conflicts shall be (19) 21A03268 On Deck Capit-
L. Bruce Hedrick, dft. No Atty., dft. handled as required by Geor- al, Inc. vs. Gwaan Trucking,
SO ORDERED, this 5th day of gia Uniform Court Rule 17.2. LLC, Et Al. Courtney M. Hollis,
(8) 19A78023 San Marco Col- (3) 21A00839 Jefferson Capit- January, 2023. For any information regarding plff.; No Atty., dft.
lection Services II, LLC vs. al Systems, LLC vs. Roderic JOHNNY PANOS, JUDGE this calendar, please contact
Delasford Transportation Ser- Graham Richard A. Russell, STATE COURT OF DEKALB Lana Brooks, Division IV Civil (20) 21A04009 Shamekia Hou-
vice, LLC and Delasford Ross plff.; No Atty., dft. COUNTY Case Manager, 404-371-2535, ston vs. Bridge Property Man-
Beth E. Rogers, Megan Elaine or visit our website at agement, LLC, Et Al. Todd M.
Harsh, plff.; Marsha W. Mignott, (4) 21A01191 Autovest, LLC (1) 20A82792 Marquis Taylor, Yates, plff.; Brantley C. Rowlen,
dft. vs. Leslie Smith, Wandra Jef- Et Al. vs. Nicholas Wilkins, Et SO ORDERED, this 5th day of dft.
feries Smith Cherice A. Tadday, Al. Richard Parsons, plff.; Willi- January, 2023.
(9) 19A78088 Santressa More- plff.; No Atty., dft. am T. Payne, Craig P. Terrett, JOHNNY PANOS, JUDGE
(17) 21A02267 Century Lend- must be filed in compliance handled as required by Geor- Failure to file the party’s por- COUNTY vs. Haynes Teresa Brett A ALL MOTIONS AND/OR DE-
ing II, Inc. vs. Jessica Gant M. with Uniform State Court Rule gia Uniform Court Rule 17.2. tion of the pre-trial order or fail- DIVISION I Miller, plff.; Claire A Sumner, MANDS shall be made in writ-
Scott Peskin, plff.; No Atty., dft. 8.5. All inquiries shall be directed to ure to appear at the pre-trial ORDER dft. ing as separate pleadings.
All conflict letters must be filed Jennifer Van Wey, Calendar conference shall subject the of- The following cases published They shall be filed with the
(18) 21A02888 TD Bank, N.A. in compliance with Uniform Clerk, at (404) 371-2271 or fending party to sanction, in- on this ++jury trial calendar++ (13) 21A00996 Quinterious CLERK OF THE COURT and a
vs. Dwight Eric Anderson Will State Court Rule 17.1(b). cluding dismissing of the com- are subject to be called for a Amey vs. Ronnie Parker Mat- copy served on the opposing

Driggers, plff.; No Atty., dft. The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 15
The filing of a motion for sum- Calendars may be viewed at plaint, counterclaim or cross- jury trial from the week of Feb- thew A. Harris, plff.; Mark Turn- party on or before twenty (20)
mary judgment, a motion for claim for want of prosecution or ruary 1, 2023 – April 30, 2023. er, dft. calendar days prior to the trial
(19) 21A03268 On Deck Capit- judgment on the pleadings, oth- SO ORDERED, this 19th day of striking of defensive pleadings. All cases on this calendar have date listed.
al, Inc. vs. Gwaan Trucking, er dispositive motions, and a December, 2022. Conflict letters must be filed in been pre-tried and pre-trial or- (14) 21A00398 Jose Cortez vs. An Order of the Court is re-
LLC, Et Al. Courtney M. Hollis, jury demand after the publica- The Honorable Alvin T. Wong accordance with Uniform Rule ders have been entered. Salim Jeevani Melody Y. quired to remove a case from
plff.; No Atty., dft. tion of the trial calendar will not State Court of DeKalb County 17.1. The Court will notify counsel Cherry, plff.; Joseph D. Steph- the trial calendar. A Motion for
excuse counsel from appear- All inquiries shall be directed to and parties of the date they are ens, dft. Continuance will be con-
(20) 21A04009 Shamekia Hou- ing. Jennifer Van Wey, Calendar expected to report for trial. The sidered only if consented to by
ston vs. Bridge Property Man- All questions concerning (1) 19A76373 Noreen Raines Clerk, at 404.371.2271 or jlvan- Court will endeavor to provide (15) 20A79349 Naila Jamal- all parties and a Consent Or-
agement, LLC, Et Al. Todd M. scheduling must be directed to vs. Dana Johnson, Progress- not less than 48 hours of no- Dobbs vs. W & K Auto, LLC, der is submitted. If a motion for
Yates, plff.; Brantley C. Rowlen, the Calendar Clerk, Ms. Jen- ive Premier Insurance Calendars may be viewed at tice. Cases may be called out Hanover Insurance Group continuance is submitted less
dft. nifer Van Wey, (404) 371-2271, Roodgine D. Bray, plff.; Steven of turn. Joseph L. Wilson, plff.; Elissa than 72 hours before the hear-, R. Wilson, dft. SO ORDERED, this 19th day of Counsel and parties are re- B. Haynes, dft. ing, parties must email a cour-
020-471826 1/5 State Court of DeKalb County, December, 2022. minded that all documents tesy copy of the motion and or-
CIVIL ZOOM 556 N. McDonough Street, (2) 21A05884 Victoria Collins The Honorable ALVIN T. must be exchanged, reviewed (16) 20A78587 Michelle Ant- der to Ms. Burton
MOTIONS CALENDAR Decatur, Georgia 30030. vs. Emory Healthcare, Inc. Pro WONG and properly marked as exhib- oine-Maxwell vs. Nedzad (nlburton1@dekalbcountyga.go
STATE COURT OF So Ordered, this 19th day of Se, plff.; Kevin S. Little, David State Court of DeKalb County its as required by the pre-trial Durmic, Travelers Property v), or the motion will not be
DEKALB COUNTY December, 2022. Ladner, dft. order. Due to Covid related Casualty Insurance Company considered. Failure of the
DIVISION I The Honorable ALVIN T. 1:30 p.m. healthcare precautions, all doc- Harlan H.F. Wood, plff.; Mi- Plaintiff to comply with the
JUDGE ALVIN T. WONG WONG (3) 22A00323 Gavriael Wilson uments and videos must be chael E. Carroll, dft. Court’s direction and deadlines
FEBRUARY 9, 2023 State Court of DeKalb vs. Darron Gates Steven A. (1) 20A79353 Tijuana Grubbs capable of being displayed in a will result in the complaint be-
9:00 A.M. County  Miller, plff.; No Atty., dft. vs. CHC Jonesboro, LLC digital format. (17) 20A79138 Kiana Freeman ing dismissed without preju-
COURTROOM D – 2ND Carlton R. Stewart, plff.; Glenn Counsel and parties are further vs. Tammi Adams Roodgine D. dice. Failure of the Defendant
FLOOR (1) 22A01679 JPMorgan Chase (4) 22A00365 Discover Bank C. Tornillo, dft. reminded that all parties, wit- Bray, plff.; Joel E. Hausman, to comply with the Court’s dir-
JUDICIAL TOWER Bank, N.A. vs. Donald B. vs. Romualdo Guingab Shenika nesses and persons who at- dft. ection and deadlines will result
CALENDAR CLERK Leathers Flynn LaVrar, plff.;No Lee Collier, plff.; No Atty., dft. 1:50 p.m. tend the trial are required to in any counterclaim/cross-
JENNIFER VAN WEY Atty., dft. wear masks and maintain so- (18) 20A79226 Emory K. Shir- claim/third party claim being
(404) 371-2271 (5) 17A64616 Lisa Miller vs. (1) 20A78715 Rosa Johnson cial distancing. ley vs. Moise Jonathan Irie, In- dismissed without prejudice (2) 22A01887 A Betterway Rent Daniel Tesfaye, M.D. Matthew vs. Emory Healthcare, Inc. Mar- All inquiries shall be directed to dian Harbor Insurance Com- and the answer being stricken.
STATE COURT OF DEKALB A Car dba Budget Rent-A-Car F. McGahren, plff.; Daniel vin A. Devlin, plff.; Melanie Jennifer Van Wey, Calendar pany Thomas O. Rainey, IV, If the case is resolved in any
COUNTY of Atlanta vs. Sadarius D. Willi- DeWoskin, dft. Shirley Taylor, dft. Clerk at 404-371-2271 or jlvan- plff.; Marc H. Bardack, Charity manner, notify Ms. Burton via
DIVISION I ams Deanna Smith, plff.; No Cal- T. Wood, dft. email
ORDER Atty., dft. (6) 21A05005 The Credit Uni- 2:10 p.m. endars may be viewed at (nlburton1@dekalbcountyga.go
The following cases are on the on Loan Source, LLC vs. (19) 20A78681 Brittni Geheren v) and follow up with a plead-
++Motion Calendar++ on the (3) 22A01664 Westlake Ser- George Hill Kristi S. Williams, (1) 20A83282 Jean Edimo vs. SO ORDERED, this 19th day of vs. Patrick J. Geheren, P.C. Mi- ing confirming dismissal or set-
9TH day of February, 2023 at vices, LLC dba Westlake Fin- plff.; No Atty., dft. Michael Grant, Ethio-American December, 2022. chael G. Regas, II, plff.; Pro Se, tlement at least 72 hours be-
9:00 AM. ancial Services vs. Julia R. Insurance Company, Inc . The Honorable Alvin T. Wong dft. fore the scheduled hearing.
The removal of any case from Shannon Joseph C. Cooling, (7) 21A05187 Prestige Finan- Mitchell E. McGough, plff.; Key- State Court of DeKalb County Calendar may be viewed at:
the motion calendar shall be by plff.; J. Max Davis, dft. cial Services, Inc. vs. Shalonda sha Knights, dft. (20) 21A01980 Leah Hiller vs.
agreement of the parties, their M. Blake Beth E. Rogers, plff.; Sidney Hitt Caroline H. Mon- SO ORDERED, this 20th day of
attorneys, or by order of the (4) 22A02725 Uhg I, LLC as No Atty., dft. 2:30 p.m. (1) 18A69703 Sabrina Coard sewicz, plff.; William S. December, 2022.
Court. assignee of Webbank vs. Nebil vs. Valarie Vanessa Wilson Cowsert, dft. Judge Ana Maria Martinez
Conflict letters must be filed in Said Victor W. Newmark, plff.; (8) 21A05412 Atlantic Spe- (1) 20A79933 Kevin R. Somalia D. Dixon, plff.; Kevin State Court of DeKalb County
accordance with Uniform Rule No Atty., dft. cialty Insurance Company a/s/o Wineinger vs. Landscape Man- Reardon, dft. (21) 20A78608 Shonterrian
17.1. Live Oak Construction Supply, agement Services, Inc. Felton vs. Fried Fresh Chicken (1) 20A81465 United Guaranty
The hearings will take place re- (5) 22A03003 Sungliying Suju Inc. vs. Roof Kommander, Inc. Lawrence G. Morton, plff.; Abi- (2) 18A71514 Christopher Tyre & Fish, Inc. James A. Rice, Jr., Residential Insurance Com-
motely using Zoom. The Court Torres vs. Lara’s Trucks, Inc. Richard M. Howe, plff.; No gail J. Larimer, dft. vs. Roy Engman Jordan John- plff.; M. Austin Moretz, dft. pany of North Carolina vs.
will a Zoom link prior to the Noah S. Rosner, plff.; No Atty., Atty., dft. son, plff.; Katie A. Hingerty, dft. Travis Rashad Hill Frank R.
hearings. dft. 2:50 p.m. Olson, plff.; Pro Se, dft.
All inquiries shall be directed to 020-471831 1/5
(9) 22A00381 Citibank, N.A. vs. (3) 18A71175 Helen Ross- STATE COURT OF
Jennifer Van Wey, Calendar Ligita Kravchuk Flynn LaVrar, (1) 20A79940 Danyale Gary vs. Stubblefield vs. Rogsbert F. (2) 21A03198 Jerod Moore vs.
Clerk, at (404) 371-2271 or 020-471828 1/5 DEKALB COUNTY
STATE COURT OF plff.; No Atty., dft. Thomas C. Hill Clark R. Karell, Phillips Jennifer A. Kurle, plff.; JUDGE Ronald Waters Pro Se, plff.; Jr., plff.; Jason Eric Reeves, B. Daniel J. Huff, Sharonda Boyce Pro Se, dft.
Calendars may be viewed at DEKALB COUNTY ANA MARIA MARTINEZ
PEREMPTORY CALENDAR (10) 22A00395 Citibank, N.A. Brent Terry, dft. Barnes, dft. NON-JURY CALENDAR vs. Francis Wong Flynn LaVrar, (3) 21A04311 Angelica Castro
SO ORDERED, this 19th day of JUDGE ALVIN T. WONG FEBRUARY 8, 2023
DIVISION I plff.; No Atty., dft. 3:10 p.m. (4) 19A73308 Marcine Sullivan 9:30 A.M. Bueno vs. Elio A. Montilla Ca-
December, 2022. vs. Meyer Greenberg Matthew dena Yolanda D. Edwards, plff.;
The Honorable ALVIN T. FEBRUARY 9, 2023 020-471829 1/5 DIVISION 6
10:30 A.M. CIVIL PRE-TRIAL CALENDAR (1) 20A79972 Michael Casey C. Broun, plff.; Rakhi D. JUDICIAL TOWER Pro Se, dft.
WONG vs. Jonesboro Nursing and Re- McNeill, dft.
FLOOR DEKALB COUNTY habilitation Center, LLC d/b/a NAKEYA BURTON (4) 21A04688 Phil Harris, a/a/o
JUDICIAL TOWER FEBRUARY 9, 2023 Jonesboro Nursing and Reh (5) 19A75937 Norris Smith vs. CIVIL CASE MANAGER Southern Services, LLC a/a/o
(1) 22A02178 Monefah Brown Stephen Douglas Apolinsky, Shelvie Latrice Wesley San- Direct Source Lending vs. La-
vs. Lauren Breedlove Walter L. CALENDAR CLERK 1:30 P.M. 404-687-7135
JENNIFER VAN WEY DIVISION I – plff.; R. Gordon Sproule, Jr., ford M. Hill, plff.; James V. bon Earl Cough Pro Se, plff.;
Booth, Jr., plff.; Ethan S. Willi- dft. Wysocki, dft. Pro Se, dft.
020-471827 1/5 STATE COURT OF DEKALB FLOOR 3:30 p.m. (6) 19A75964 Deborah Waters STATE OF GEORGIA (5) 21A05599 Avis Rent A Car
STATE COURT OF DIVISION I CALENDAR CLERK (1) 20A80189 Robyn Chere Flanagan, plff.; Trevor G. Hiest- FOR DIVISION VI Orsborn Cameron E. Jackson,
DEKALB COUNTY ORDER JENNIFER VAN WEY Ison vs. Phillip Lee Barnes and, dft. CIVIL NON-JURY TRIAL plff.; Pro Se, dft.
DIVISION I The following actions have (404) 371-2271 Joseph M. Todd, plff.; Tawanna CALENDAR
JUDGE ALVIN T. WONG been pending for more than Hopson, Jay W. Brown, dft. (7) 19A77327 Billy Finley vs. The following cases are hereby (6) 22A00327 PMA Insurance
FEBRUARY 9, 2023 one year or by previous order STATE COURT OF DEKALB Anthony R. Johnson, Auto placed upon the Court’s ++Civil Company, Inc., An Insurance
10:30 A.M. and comprise the ++Peremp- COUNTY 3:50 p.m. Owners Insurance Company Non-Jury Trial Calendar++ Company vs. Laurencio Jime-
COURTROOM D – 2ND tory Calendar++ which will be DIVISION I Thomas O. Rainey, IV, plff.; scheduled for February 8, 2023 nez Angela L. Hamilton, plff.;
FLOOR called on February 9, 2023 at ORDER (1) 20A80212 Nermina Trozic Pro Se, Robert W. Parker, Jr., at 9:30 a.m. Pro Se, dft.
JUDICIAL TOWER 10:30 A.M. in Courtroom D on The following cases are on the vs. Alonzo D. Hines Sheila L. dft. All parties, counsel, and any
CALENDAR CLERK the 2nd Floor in the Judicial ++pre-trial conference calen- Bilimoria, plff.; Thomas Eu- witnesses shall be present vir- (7) 22A00501 Trina Brennan
JENNIFER VAN WEY Tower of the DeKalb County dar++ on the 9th day of Febru- gene Brennan, dft. (8) 19A76952 Jeffrey Denkins tually for the calendar and must vs. Addie Golden J. Blair Craig,
(404) 371-2271 Courthouse. ary, 2023. vs. Olivia Fogel Tyler H. contact the Court via email to II, plff.; David D. Lackey, dft. All parties must appear in court A consolidated pre-trial order in Bridgers, plff.; Zachary the Civil Case Manager, Na-
STATE COURT OF DEKALB to announce the status of their compliance with Uniform Rule Podenski, dft. keya Burton (nlburton1@dekal- (8) 22A00893 JPMorgan Chase
COUNTY cases. Failure of the Plaintiff to 7.2 shall be e-filed in the 020-471830 1/5, by January 30, Bank, N.A. vs. Nwenekanma C.
STATE OF GEORGIA appear will result in the com- Clerk’s Office by February 6, CIVIL JURY CALENDAR (9) 19A78115 Kimberly V. 2023, for further instructions re- Wami Flynn LaVrar, plff.; Pro
STANDING ORDER FOR plaint being dismissed. Failure 2023. If a consolidated pre-trial STATE COURT OF Sheard vs. Clara M. Wallace garding proceeding with the Se, dft.
NON-JURY CALENDAR of the Defendant to appear will order is not possible for any DEKALB COUNTY Jameson Sackey, plff.; Morgan Hearing using the Zoom applic-
The following cases are sched- result in any counterclaim be- reason, each party must e-file DIVISION I A. McGee, dft. ation. Please include ALL (9) 22A00929 State Farm Fire
uled for a ++non-jury trial++ on ing dismissed and the answer that party’s portion of the pre- JUDGE ALVIN T. WONG parties on any email corres- & Casualty Co. a/s/o Gary Mer-
the 9TH day of February, 2023. being stricken. trial order by the due date. FEBRUARY 1, 2023 – (10) 19A75068 Leslie Chick, II pondence with the Court. ritt vs. Brenda Griffin Candace
Pursuant to Collins v. Jones, Dismissal of any case prior to The attorney or the party who APRIL 30, 2023 vs. Christopher Michael Hestley Any evidentiary exhibits must M. Boutwell, plff.; Pro Se, dft.
197 Ga App 839 (1990), jury tri- the calendar call on February 9, will be trying the case must ap- 8:30 A.M. Fatima Alexia Zeidan, plff.; be eFiled into the record by
al demands, motions and any 2023 must be in writing and pear for the pre-trial confer- COURTROOM D – 2ND Jason D. Darneille, dft. January 30, 2023. Document- (10) 22A02220 Jefferson Capit-
objection to appearing in per- filed with the Clerk prior to the ence at the time assigned un- FLOOR ary evidence shall not be con- al Systems, LLC as assignee of
son must be filed not later than call of the calendar in order to less specifically excused by the JUDICIAL TOWER (11) 19A77742 Nijil Jones vs. sidered absent proper founda- Santander Consumer USA I vs.
10 days before the scheduled be effective. court. CALENDAR CLERK Joel Brook Chavous Vangelis tion for trial. The Court will not Felix Thrift Bolaji Adeleye, plff.;
trial date. No cases will be con- No continuances will be gran- The hearings will take place re- JENNIFER VAN WEY Zafiroulis, plff.; Chanelle M. consider affidavits brought for Pro Se, dft.
tinued except by order of the ted except on prior written or- motely using Zoom. The Court (404) 371-2271 Robinson, dft. trial, unless they comply with
Court. der of the Court for legal cause will provide a Zoom link prior to the provisions set forth in the (11) 22A02392 Jefferson Capit-
All requests for continuance shown. All conflicts shall be the hearings. STATE COURT OF DEKALB (12) 209478824 Narayan Pillai 2013 Georgia Evidence Code. al Systems, LLC as assignee of
must be filed in compliance handled as required by Geor- Failure to file the party’s por- COUNTY vs. Haynes Teresa Brett A ALL MOTIONS AND/OR DE- Fifth Third Bank vs. Jesse
with Uniform State Court Rule gia Uniform Court Rule 17.2. tion of the pre-trial order or fail- DIVISION I Miller, plff.; Claire A Sumner, MANDS shall be made in writ- Haynes Bolaji Adeleye, plff.;
8.5. All inquiries shall be directed to ure to appear at the pre-trial ORDER dft. ing as separate pleadings. James M. Feagle, dft.
All conflict letters must be filed Jennifer Van Wey, Calendar conference shall subject the of- The following cases published They shall be filed with the
in compliance with Uniform Clerk, at (404) 371-2271 or fending party to sanction, in- on this ++jury trial calendar++ (13) 21A00996 Quinterious CLERK OF THE COURT and a
State Court Rule 17.1(b). cluding dismissing of the com- are subject to be called for a Amey vs. Ronnie Parker Mat- copy served on the opposing
The filing of a motion for sum- Calendars may be viewed at plaint, counterclaim or cross- jury trial from the week of Feb- thew A. Harris, plff.; Mark Turn- party on or before twenty (20)
mary judgment, a motion for claim for want of prosecution or ruary 1, 2023 – April 30, 2023. er, dft. calendar days prior to the trial
judgment on the pleadings, oth- SO ORDERED, this 19th day of striking of defensive pleadings. All cases on this calendar have date listed.
er dispositive motions, and a December, 2022. Conflict letters must be filed in been pre-tried and pre-trial or- (14) 21A00398 Jose Cortez vs. An Order of the Court is re-
jury demand after the publica- The Honorable Alvin T. Wong accordance with Uniform Rule ders have been entered. Salim Jeevani Melody Y. quired to remove a case from
tion of the trial calendar will not State Court of DeKalb County 17.1. The Court will notify counsel Cherry, plff.; Joseph D. Steph- the trial calendar. A Motion for
datory Pretrial Conference on Moore, dft. Derwin Bryan Davis, dft., or the motion (7) 22A03125 Navy Federal
February 6, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. may not be considered by the Credit Union vs. Calvin Frazier
In preparation for the Pretrial (13) 20A81080 Angel Lucas vs. (32) 20A84038 James Mann presiding judge. If the case is Ayanna Abrams, plff.; Pro Se,
conference, Parties are direc- Kenneth Ray Stell, Govern- vs. Sohum Mehta, State Farm settled or disposed of, please dft.
ted to: ment Employee Insurance Automobile Insurance Com- notify Ms. Burton at 404-687-
• Email Ms. Burton a copy of (GEICO) Kevin A. Leipow, plff.; pany W. Winston Briggs, plff.; 7135, and follow up with a (8) 22A03197 First Investors
Page 16 in Word format;
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023 
the Consolidated Pretrial Order Brooke Morgan Ray, Roderick
Malone, dft.
Sean L. Gill, dft. pleading confirming dismissal Servicing Corporation vs. Dian
R. Barker-Celestin Kristi S. Wil-
or settlement at least 72 hours
020-471832 1/5 • Discuss settlement options (33) 20A84087 Terry Rojas before the scheduled hearing. 020-471834 1/5 liams, plff.; Pro Se, dft.
STATE COURT OF prior to the Pretrial Conference (14) 20A81148 Jacqualyn S. Romero vs. John Jameson Alf- Failure to respond to this no- STATE COURT OF
DEKALB COUNTY and be ready to discuss settle- Shannon vs. Thomas M. Hage onso Gonzalez, plff.; S. Megan tice may result in the dismissal DEKALB COUNTY (9) 22A03237 Letosha McClain
JUDGE ment history with the Court; Steven W. Saccoccia, plff.; Jac- McClinton, dft. of the pending motion, or any JUDGE vs. Nail Illusion, LLC J. Wick-
ANA MARIA MARTINEZ • Discuss any motions in Limine ob A. O’Malley, dft. other action the Court may ANA MARIA MARTINEZ liffe Cauthorn, plff.; Matthew F.
PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE that have been filed and make (34) 20A84166 Erika Lloyd vs. deem appropriate during the NON-EST CALENDAR Branch, dft.
CALENDAR a good faith effort to resolve (15) 20A81233 Kimberly Timothy Wilson Tunde O. Hearing. FEBRUARY 8, 2023
FEBRUARY 6, 2023 them; and Murphy vs. George Mc- Ezekiel, plff.; Jason Wyrick, dft. If the case is resolved in any 9:00 AM (10) 22A03255 Wells Fargo
1:00 P.M. • Discuss any objections in de- Clendon V. Ashley Spires, plff.; manner, notify Ms. Burton via DIVISION 6 Bank, N.A. vs. Darryl C. Ander-
DIVISION 6 positions to be presented at tri- Shyamal Patel, dft. (35) 21A04873 Jerome Banks email: JUDICIAL TOWER son Anson A. Adams, plff.; Pro
JUDICIAL TOWER al and make a good faith effort vs. Keiva Eppinger, Geico Gen- 3RD FLOOR, COURTROOM D Se, dft.
3RD FLOOR, COURTROOM D to resolve them. All unresolved (16) 20A81543 Tyler Johnson eral Insurance Company Le- and follow up with a pleading NAKEYA BURTON
NAKEYA BURTON objections, together with argu- vs. USA-Taxi Atl., Inc., USAA onid Felgin, plff.; William A. confirming dismissal or settle- CIVIL CASE MANAGER (11) 22A03279 Tamara Kee vs.
CIVIL CASE MANAGER ment and citations, shall be Casualty Insurance Company Richardson, dft. ment at least 72 hours before 404-687-7135 John Doe, Liberty Mutual Insur-
404-687-7135 brought to the pre-trial confer- Kendrick K. McWilliams, Sr., the scheduled hearing. ance Company, LM General In- ence, with a copy to the Court. plff.; Ankur P. Trivedi, dft. (36) 21A05766 Alvenease D. Calendar may be viewed at: IN THE STATE COURT OF surance Company Landon E.
IN THE STATE COURT OF Any objections not brought be- Jackson vs. Bezawit Gebrekid- DEKALB COUNTY Crider, plff.; Pro Se, dft.
DEKALB COUNTY fore the Court prior to trial shall (17) 20A81895 Christian Miles an, State Farm Mutual Auto- SO ORDERED, this 20th day of STATE OF GEORGIA
STATE OF GEORGIA be deemed waived. vs. T2B Enterprises, LLC d/b/a mobile Insurance Company December, 2022. ORDER OF INSTRUCTIONS (12) 22A03281 Mariner Fin-
ORDER OF INSTRUCTIONS Parties are directed to contact Jimmy Johns Daphne Dup- David B. Groff, plff.; Timothy Judge Ana Maria Martinez FOR DIVISION VI ance, LLC vs. Quenila Wesley
FOR DIVISION VI Ms. Burton via email at: nlbur- lessis Saddler, plff.; Benjamin Andrews, dft. State Court of DeKalb County CIVIL NON-EST CALENDAR Frederick S. Hecht, plff.; Pro
PRETRIAL CONFERENCE re- J. Yancey, dft. The following cases, with ser- Se, dft.
AND CIVIL JURY CALENDAR garding the calendar, trial mat- (37) 22A00373 Sharane (1) 19A74465 LM Insurance vice having not been filed with
Consolidated Pretrial Order and ters and instructions by the (18) 20A82113 Cherrell M. Billings vs. Lynnwood West- Corporation vs. Milba Arguello the Court, comprise the ++Non- (13) 22A03306 Terelle Taylor
Motions in Limine must be filed deadline indicated in this Order. Thaxton vs. Paul E. Larkin brooks Richard Parsons, plff.; Granado Scott M. Stevens, Est Calendar++ which will be vs. Silver Oak Apartments, LP
by: January 27, 2023 Standing Order and Calendar Tifanie Owens, plff.; Cymill Jar- James C. McLaughlin, dft. plff.; Pro Se, dft. called on February 8, 2023, at Brian Mickelsen, plff.; Pro Se,
Mandatory Pretrial Conference may be viewed at: www.dekalb- rett-Thorpe, dft. 9:00 a.m. dft.
to be held via Zoom: February (38) 22A00436 ShaCori Hill- (2) 19A76462 Kent M. Plow- Plaintiff must contact the court
6, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. SO ORDERED, this 20th day of (19) 20A82568 Natalie Burson man vs. Ibrahim Conteh Al- man vs. Jet Executive Lim- via email to the Civil Case Man- (14) 22A03316 Terrence Ricks
Civil Trial Dates: February 28th December, 2022. vs. Claudia Gordon W. Bryant phonso Craig, plff.; Racquel ousine Service, LLC, Safeco In- ager, Nakeya Burton vs. John Doe R. Kipling Jones,
through March 3rd Judge Ana Maria Martinez Green, III, plff.; Susan J. Levy, Richards, dft. surance Company of Illinois (nlburton1@dekalbcountyga.go plff.; Pro Se, dft.
DeKalb County continues to State Court of DeKalb County dft. Brooks P. Neely, plff.; Michael v), by February 6th, to an-
monitor the COVID-19 emer- (39) 22A00674 Asheber Robi D. Hostetter, Jay M. O’Brien, nounce the status of their (15) 22A03348 Nalanie Mitchell
gency and has the technology (1) 18A71679 Cherie Robinson (20) 20A82582 Donaree Duf- vs. Taylor St. Clair Jason Bar- James T. Budd, Scott W. case(s). Plaintiff should not vs. John Doe Robert P. Varner,
to conduct the calendar virtu- vs. Salena Carlisle, USAA Gen- fus vs. John Doe, GEICO Gen- rett Green, plff.; William Dallas, McMickle, Kim M. Jackson, dft. contact the Court for a continu- Jr., plff.; Pro Se, dft.
ally. Lead counsel must ap- eral Indemnity Company Todd eral Insurance Company Nath- III, dft. ance earlier than January 31st
pear virtually for the pretrial Shugart, plff.; Robert L. Walker, an E. Fitzpatrick, plff.; Pro Se, (3) 20A82466 Citibank, N.A. vs. unless service has been per- 020-471835 1/5
conference. All parties shall dft. dft. (40) 22A00937 Dale Handlin Amy Winkles B. Winkles Tan- fected. STATE COURT OF
contact the Court via email to vs. Susan Edwards, State Farm isha Sims, plff.; Pro Se, dft. No continuances will be gran- DEKALB COUNTY
the Civil Case Manager, Na- (2) 19A74564 Mafatta Kamara, (21) 20A82679 Rebecca Sanc- Mutual Automobile Insurance ted except by prior order of the JUDGE
keya Burton (nlburton1@dekal- Individually and As Mother and hez Torres vs. Prestige Heli- Company Charles P. Barry, III, (4) 20A82471 Bank of America, Court for legal cause. All con- ANA MARIA MARTINEZ, by January 27, Next Friend of Mamassa Doley, copters, Inc. James W. Pen- plff.; Pro Se, dft. N.A. vs. Craig H. Smith Alexan- flicts shall be Uniform Superior PEREMPTORY CALENDAR
2023, for further instructions re- a minor vs. Lorenza Simmons, land, plff.; Michael Peterson, 020-471833 1/5 dria Capers, plff.; Pro Se, dft. Court Rule 17.1. The Court will FEBRUARY 8, 2023
garding proceeding with the M.D. Marlie H. Willer, Esquire, dft. STATE COURT OF not consider any continuances 9:15 A.M.
Hearing using the Zoom applic- plff.; Spencer A. Bomar, dft. DEKALB COUNTY (5) 21A00548 Crown Asset requested prior to January 31st DIVISION 6
ation. Counsel must include (22) 20A82723 Travelers Prop- JUDGE Management, LLC assignee of or after February 6th. If plaintiff JUDICIAL TOWER
ALL parties on any email cor- (3) 19A77775 Shantiqua erty Casualty Company of ANA MARIA MARTINEZ Synchrony Bank (BP) vs. Mark fails to announce as directed 3RD FLOOR. COURTROOM D
respondence with the Court. Roberts vs. Bridgette Blowe Mi- America vs. AAA Construction MOTIONS CALENDAR Kline Leslie Ann Dunn, plff.; above, they must be present for NAKEYA BURTON
All cases should expect to be chael T. Roth, plff.; Sara E. Company, LLC James W. FEBRUARY 9, 2023 Pro Se, dft. the virtual Hearing. To obtain CIVIL CASE MANAGER
reached during the week of tri- Brochstein, Pro Se, Todd E. Hays, plff.; Allen Meadors, dft. 9:30 AM the Zoom link and for any fur- 404-687-7135
al. Cases may be called out of Hatcher, dft. DIVISION 6 (6) 21A02130 Waymon White ther information regarding this
order as scheduling demands. (23) 20A82815 Marino McKin- JUDICIAL TOWER vs. Petro Bangla Incorporated calendar, please contact Ms. IN THE STATE COURT OF
Parties will be specially set for (4) 19A77914 Glenda Rosa vs. ney vs. Curtis Harper Andrew 3RD FLOOR, COURTROOM D John A. Beck, plff.; Pro Se, Burton via email: DEKALB COUNTY
trial during the pretrial confer- Joshua L. Owenby Scott S. Co- Kiehle, plff.; Denice A. Byrd, NAKEYA BURTON Joseph J. Angersola, dft. STATE OF GEORGIA
ence. The parties are re- hen, plff.; William S. Cowsert, dft. CIVIL CASE MANAGER . Failure of the Plaintiff to com- ORDER OF INSTRUCTIONS
minded to review the Court’s dft. 404-687-7135 (7) 21A03194 Alicia Willis vs. ply with this direction will result FOR DIVISION VI
Standing Order as they pre- (24) 20A82894 Demonta Atkin- Titilola Mark Maya Simmons in the complaint being dis- CIVIL PEREMPTORY
pare the proposed Consolid- (5) 20A78490 Jason Charles son vs. Tahir M. Dawkins Jason IN THE STATE COURT OF Rogers, plff.; Rosalyn Mintah, missed without prejudice. The CALENDAR
ated Pre-Trial Order and in anti- Crabbe vs. Georgia Depart- Barrett Green, plff.; Stevan A. DEKALB COUNTY dft. Calendar may be viewed at: The following cases have been
cipation of their attendance at ment of Transportation Gus Miller, dft. STATE OF GEORGIA pending for more than four
the Pre-Trial Conference. McDonald, plff.; Kathleen S. INSTRUCTIONS FOR (8) 21A03810 Estella Hart vs. SO ORDERED, this 20th day of months and comprise the
Parties must submit a CON- Turnipseed, dft. (25) 20A83289 Bishmy Madhi DIVISION VI DeKalb County, Georgia Aus- December, 2022. ++Peremptory Calendar++
SOLIDATED Pretrial Order in Todd vs. James Arthur Camer- CIVIL MOTIONS CALENDAR tin Lee Ramsey, III, plff.; Dana Judge Ana Maria Martinez which will be called on Febru-
conformity with Uniform State (6) 20A78736 Christina Mills vs. on Adam Princenthal, plff.; Calendar Call to be held via K. Maine, dft. State Court of DeKalb County ary 8, 2023 at 9:15 a.m.
Court Rule 7.2 by January 27, Debra Walthour, Metropolitan John D. Dixon, dft. Zoom: February 9, 2023 Parties must contact the Court
2023, via email to Ms. Burton in Casualty Insurance Company at 9:30 a.m. (9) 21A05526 Atique Chow- (1) 22A02777 Spring Oaks via email to Civil Case Man-
Word format. Failure to re- Blade Thompson, plff.; Andrew (26) 20A83361 Kymika Givans Pending Motions which are ripe dhury vs. Mamdum, LLC M. Capital SPV, LLC vs. Robert ager, Nakeya Burton
spond to this calendar by the W. Panella, dft. vs. Sandeep S. Sawant for decision are hereby placed Cordele Rolle, plff.; Kevin J. Mulcahy Carla Keith, plff.; Pro (nlburton1@dekalbcountyga.go
deadline, or to file the pro- Richard C. Bentley, plff.; upon the Court’s ++Civil Mo- Pratt, dft. Se, dft. v), by February 1st, 2023, to
posed Consolidated Pretrial Or- (7) 20A79241 Amelia Kane vs. Joseph A. Kaiser, dft. tions Calendar ++ scheduled announce the status of their
der to Ms. Burton, may result in Jon Walsh Jon Brockman, plff.; for February 9, 2023 at 9:30 (10) 21A05835 Discover Bank (2) 22A02810 Opportunity Fin- case and to obtain further in-
the parties and/or their counsel Ryan O. Bell, dft. (27) 20A83387 Jose De Luna a.m. Counsel for the parties are vs. Betty G. Hooten Keith D. ancial, LLC vs. Jennifer Hill structions regarding proceed-
being held in CONTEMPT vs. Izadine Mahamat Steven required to be present via Taylor, plff.; Taylor Boyd Frederick S. Hecht, plff.; Pro ing with the Hearing using the
and/or in the DISMISSAL of the (8) 20A79793 Davette Taylor Keith Leibel, plff.; Robert Scott Zoom and are directed to con- Foster, dft. Se, dft. Zoom application. Please in-
complaint, answer, counter- vs. David Nealon Rollo W. Mi- Durham, dft. tact the Court via email to the clude ALL parties on any email
claim, cross claim or third party, chael Smith, plff.; Kenneth M. Civil Case Manager, Nakeya (11) 22A00631 Bryan Castel- (3) 22A02965 IPFS Corpora- correspondence with the Court.
as appropriate. Barre, III, dft. (28) 20A83585 Robert D. Burton (nlburton1@dekalb- lanos vs. DeKalb County Board tion vs. All 4 Genesis Trans- Failure of the Plaintiff to com-
All Motions in Limine shall be Sessoms vs. Kenneth D. Nash, by February 2, of Commissioners Mandelyn port, LLC d/b/a All 4 Genesis ply with the Court’s direction
filed on or before January 27, (9) 20A80283 Sheldon Boggan Maurice Riden, II, plff.; Andrea 2023, regarding further instruc- (Mande) Gayre Moyer, plff.; Transportation A Christian will result in the complaint be-
2023. vs. Shirley Henderson Buddy Baker, dft. tion and technology for the Sean F. W. Keenan, Chad Wilson, plff.; Pro Se, dft. ing dismissed without preju-
The removal of a case from the Huntley, III, plff.; Joseph P. Me- hearing. If a party is not repres- Alexis, Sunshine Nasworthy, dice. Failure of the Defendant
++Pre-Trial/Jury calendar++ for nello, Travis J. Meyer, dft. (29) 20A83784 Chemekiah Hin- ented by counsel, the party Theodora P. Meeker, III, dft. (4) 22A03071 American Ex- to comply with the Court’s dir-
any reason shall ONLY BE BY ton vs. Torris Haskins, Pro- must appear at the hearing. As press National Bank vs. Nath- ection will result in any counter-
ORDER OF THE COURT AND (10) 20A80582 Melonie Baker gressive Mountain Insurance a reminder, all corporations in (12) 22A00903 PNC Bank, N.A. an Leonard Hernan A. Diaz- claim/cross-claim/third party
MUST BE FILED WITH THE vs. Michael Crump Patrick A. Company Dallas Oliver, plff.; R. Georgia are required to be rep- vs. Aneesah Daniels Madge R. Caballero, plff.; Pro Se, dft. claim being dismissed without
COURT BY JANUARY 27, Berkshire, plff.; Benjamin S. Roman Bourret, dft. resented by counsel in courts Buckle, plff.; Pro Se, dft. prejudice and the answer be-
2023. A Motion for Continu- Dorfman, Kareemah Lewis, of record, pursuant to Eckles v. (5) 22A03074 Synovus Bank ing stricken. No continuances
ance and/or Extension of Dis- Nicolle G. Holt, dft. (30) 20A83893 Marcellous Gul- Atlanta Technology Group., (13) 22A01522 American Ex- vs. Carl M. Hardy Andrew C. will be granted except by prior
covery must be by consent of ley vs. Eric Osborne, Farmers 267 Ga. 801 (1997). press National Bank vs. Willi- Matteson, plff.; Pro Se, dft. order of the Court for legal
all parties and a Consent Or- (11) 20A80890 Teresa Bridges Insurance Exchange Sabrina L. If a motion for continuance is am Bradford Michael Kirschen- cause. All conflicts shall be Uni-
der submitted in Word format to vs. Ross Miller David C. Will, Zellner, plff.; Pro Se, William S. submitted less than 72 hours helter, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (6) 22A03082 Cipriano Jarquin form Superior Court Rule 17.1.
Ms. Burton, at the same time plff.; Beau T. Shrable, dft. Cowsert, dft. before the hearing, parties Diaz vs. Alexus Pa Chia Xiong, For any information regarding
as the Motion is filed with the must email a courtesy copy of United Automobile Insurance this calendar, please contact
Clerk of the Court. (12) 20A80921 Lori Cosper vs. (31) 20A83916 Curtisha D. the motion and order to the Company Cody Randall, plff.; Ms. Burton via email:
Lead Counsel is required to be Richard A. Hall Sharon D. Brown vs. Komal-Milan, LLC Civil Case Manager, Nakeya Pro Se, dft.
(virtually) present at the Man- Smith-Knox, plff.; Brandi E. Keishan J. Davis, plff.; Pro Se, Burton (nlburton1@dekalb- .
datory Pretrial Conference on Moore, dft. Derwin Bryan Davis, dft., or the motion (7) 22A03125 Navy Federal The Calendar may be viewed
February 6, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. may not be considered by the Credit Union vs. Calvin Frazier at:
In preparation for the Pretrial (13) 20A81080 Angel Lucas vs. (32) 20A84038 James Mann presiding judge. If the case is Ayanna Abrams, plff.; Pro Se,
conference, Parties are direc- Kenneth Ray Stell, Govern- vs. Sohum Mehta, State Farm settled or disposed of, please dft. SO ORDERED, this 20th day of
ted to: ment Employee Insurance Automobile Insurance Com- notify Ms. Burton at 404-687- December, 2022.
• Email Ms. Burton a copy of (GEICO) Kevin A. Leipow, plff.; pany W. Winston Briggs, plff.; 7135, and follow up with a (8) 22A03197 First Investors Judge Ana Maria Martinez
the Consolidated Pretrial Order Brooke Morgan Ray, Roderick Sean L. Gill, dft. pleading confirming dismissal Servicing Corporation vs. Dian State Court of DeKalb County
in Word format; Malone, dft. or settlement at least 72 hours R. Barker-Celestin Kristi S. Wil-
• Discuss settlement options (33) 20A84087 Terry Rojas before the scheduled hearing. liams, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (1) 18A71652 Mistery Harris vs.
prior to the Pretrial Conference (14) 20A81148 Jacqualyn S. Romero vs. John Jameson Alf- Failure to respond to this no- Nicola Findly-Ffrench Kevin C.
and be ready to discuss settle- Shannon vs. Thomas M. Hage onso Gonzalez, plff.; S. Megan tice may result in the dismissal (9) 22A03237 Letosha McClain Patrick, plff.; W. Coleman
ment history with the Court; Steven W. Saccoccia, plff.; Jac- McClinton, dft. of the pending motion, or any vs. Nail Illusion, LLC J. Wick- Sylvan, dft.
The Calendar may be viewed Noah Green, plff.; Pro Se, dft. Meeting will be held via Mi- holder may file a claim against Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit
at: crosoft Teams. Please refer to the seized property within thirty State Bar No. 438199 (19) 22A02506 JPMorgan “Virtual Mandatory Pre-Propos- (30) days after service by send- Heather C. Waters
SO ORDERED, this 20th day of Chase Bank, N.A. vs. Clay W. al Conference” for instructions ing the claim to the District At- Sr. Assistant District Attorney
December, 2022. McNabb, Jr. Gabriel M. Med- to receive meeting link. torney for the Stone Mountain State Bar No. 740145
Judge Ana Maria Martinez ford, plff.; Pro Se, dft. Except as expressly provided Judicial Circuit, 556 N. Mc- 556 N. McDonough Street

State Court of DeKalb County The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 17
in, or permitted by, the Propos- Donough Street, Suite 700, Suite 700
(20) 22A02679 American Ex- al Documents, from the date of Decatur, Georgia 30030 by cer- Decatur, Georgia 30030
(1) 18A71652 Mistery Harris vs. press National Bank vs. Ashley issuance of the RFP until final tified mail or statutory overnight 050-471989 1/5,1/12 Email: hcwaters@dekalb-
Nicola Findly-Ffrench Kevin C.
Patrick, plff.; W. Coleman
Romano aka Ashley H. Ro-
mano Keith D. Taylor, plff.; Pro
Ad For Bid Owner action of approval of
contract award, the Contractor
delivery, return receipt
requested. The claim must be
Phone: (404) 371-2561
Sylvan, dft. Se, dft. 040-471417 12/8,12/22,12/29 submitting a Proposal shall not signed by the owner or interest VALUED AT $25,000.00 OR NOTICE OF SEIZURE OF
1/5 initiate any communication or holder and provide the follow- LESS PERSONAL PROPERTY
(2) 19A76020 Brenda Pace vs. (21) 22A02683 Discover Bank ADVERTISEMENT FOR discussion concerning the ing: 1) The name of the PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. § 9- VALUED AT $25,000.00 OR
Stephen Taylor, Allstate Fire vs. Irvin Ruffin Ayodele “Ayo” SEALED PROPOSALS Project, the RFP or the Con- claimant; 2) The address at 16-11 LESS
and Casualty Insurance Com- O. Uboh, plff.; Pro Se, dft. DESIGN/BUILD SERVICES tractor’s Proposal or any part which the claimant resides; 3) TO: Joshua Nathaniel Arm- PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. § 9-
pany Steven Fair, plff.; Pro Se, Proposals will be received elec- thereof with any employee, A description of the claimant’s strong, 2508 Meadow Springs 16-11(a)
Jason D. Darneille, dft. (22) 22A02750 Poplar Falls tronically on the DeKalb County agent, or representative of the interest in the property; 4) A de- Drive, Lithonia, GA 30058; CERTIFICATE OF POSTING
Community Association, Inc. School District (“Owner”) web- Owner. Any violation of this re- scription of the circumstances Joshua Nathaniel Armstrong, In accordance with O.C.G.A. §
(3) 19A76292 Netz Manor, LLC vs. Michael Folston Stefan Sto- site at striction may result in the rejec- of the claimant’s obtaining an 8085 Adair Lane, Apt. 1509, At- 9-16-11(a), I hereby certify that
dba Balfour East Lake Apart- janovic, plff.; Pro Se, dft. https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- tion of the Contractor’s Propos- interest in the property and, to lanta, GA 30350-4043; I have posted a copy of the No-
ments vs. Jonathan Tarharka until 2:00 p.m. local al. the best of the claimant’s know- Taliyah Marie Gillespie, 5184 tice of Seizure filed in this pro-
Robert Dukes, Esquire, plff.; (23) 22A02779 Absolute Resol- time on Thursday, January 26, The Owner reserves the right to ledge, the date the claimant ob- Hidden Hills Trace, Stone ceeding in a prominent loca-
Pro Se, dft. utions Investments, LLC, as 2023 for a Design/Build Con- reject any or all proposals, and tained the interest and the Mountain, GA 30088; tion in the courthouse.
successor in interest to SoFi tractor for ++RFP No. 23-752- to waive technicalities and in- name of the person or entity Taliyah Marie Gillespie, 2317 DATED: This 27th day of Octo-
(4) 20A80671 Judith Benedict Lending vs. Amara Thera M. 009, Design/Build Services for formalities. that transferred the interest to Emerald Springs Drive, Dec- ber, 2022.
vs. Felix Reyes, Travelers Kyle Floyd, plff.; Pro Se, dft. Group B Pavement Upgrades Publish Dates: 12/8, 12/22, the claimant; 5) The nature of atur, GA 30035; /s/ Jolene DeVries
Property Casualty Insurance at Hambrick Elementary 12/29, 1/5/23 the relationship between the and all other owners or interest Jolene DeVries, Paralegal
Company Jason Barrett Green, (24) 22A02855 TD Bank USA, School, Jolly Elementary claimant and the person who holders of the seized property. NOTICE OF SEIZURE OF
plff.; Travis J. Meyer, dft. N.A. As Successor In Interest School, Oakcliff Theme Ele- 040-472023 1/5 possessed the property at the TAKE NOTICE that on Septem- PERSONAL PROPERTY
To Target National Bank vs. mentary School, Stone Mill Ele- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS time of the seizure; 6) A copy of ber 22, 2022, law enforcement VALUED AT $25,000.00 OR
(5) 20A81420 Larshanique Jan Mielke Hernan A. Diaz- mentary School, and Stone DeKalb County, Georgia any documentation in the officers with the DeKalb County LESS
Fallen vs. Denika Abrams Dav- Caballero, plff.; Pro Se, dft. Mountain Elementary School Week of JANUARY 5, claimant’s possession support- Police Department seized three PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. § 9-
id M. Zagoria, plff.; Ellen L. (Project No. 381-35)++. Pro- 2023 Request for Solicitation ing his or her claim, and 7) Any thousand nine hundred forty- 16-11(b)
Ash, dft. (25) 22A02943 Lauren Kilgore posals received after the spe- No. 22-101554 Refer to the In- additional facts supporting his nine dollars ($3,949.00) in U.S. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE
vs. Paul Matthews Ross Moore, cified time will not be con- dex for the page number in or her claim. currency, two (2) boxes of bag- This is to certify that I have this
(6) 20A82707 JPMorgan Chase II, plff.; Maureen E. Murphy, dft. sidered. which the Display ad is located RESPECTFULLY SUBMIT- gies (est. value $2.00) each, day caused a copy of the with-
Bank, N.A. vs. Cynthia L. Gray SCOPE OF SERVICES ++22-101554 Decals for TED, hereinafter "the Seized Prop- in and foregoing NOTICE OF
Flynn LaVrar, plff.; Pro Se, dft. (26) 22A02996 Zion McGown The scope of this project is to County Vehicles++ SHERRY BOSTON erty"; and approximately 57 SEIZURE OF PERSONAL
vs. Jaquan R. Silmon, Farmers provide design-build services DISTRICT ATTORNEY MDMA/ecstasy pills and ap- PROPERTY VALUED AT
(7) 20A83414 Marion Webb vs. Group Property & Casualty In- Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit proximately 21 grams of $25,000.00 OR LESS to be
David Munro James A. Rice, surance Company Michael G.
for pavement upgrades at
Hambrick Elementary School, Condemnation State Bar No. 438199 marijuana, during a traffic acci- served upon the individual(s)
Jr., plff.; Marvis L. Jenkins, dft. Horner, plff.; Pro Se, dft. Jolly Elementary School, Oak- Heather C. Waters dent at 6039 Hillandale Drive, listed below by causing copies
cliff Theme Elementary School, 050-471988 1/5,1/12 Sr. Assistant District Attorney Lithonia, DeKalb County, Geor- of the same to be sent by
(8) 21A03843 Citibank, N.A. vs. State Bar No. 740145 gia. United States certified, return
Casey Jones Flynn LaVrar, Adoptions Stone Mill Elementary School,
and Stone Mountain Element-
PERSONAL PROPERTY 556 N. McDonough Street The Seized Property was dir- receipt mail in envelopes with
plff.; Pro Se, dft. ary School as specified per the VALUED AT $25,000.00 OR Suite 700 ectly or indirectly used or inten- adequate postage affixed
030-471790 12/22,12/29,1/5, LESS Decatur, Georgia 30030 ded for use to facilitate VGC- thereon to ensure delivery ad-
1/12 Owner’s Criteria for design and
(9) 21A03975 Cavalry SPV I, construction and the Contract PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. § 9- Email: hcwaters@dekalb- SA Possession of Ecstasy with dressed to:
LLC, as assignee of Citibank, NOTICE OF ADOPTION 16-11 intent to distribute in Violation Joshua Nathaniel Armstrong,
To: Michael McDuffy, the biolo- Documents.
N.A. vs. Dorothy Rivard Bolaji Request for Proposal (“RFP”) TO: Shawn P. Slack, c/o Phone: (404) 371-2561 of O.C.G.A. § 16-13-30, and 2508 Meadow Springs Drive,
Adeleye, plff.; Pro Se, dft. gical father of a female child DeKalb County Jail, 4425 Me- NOTICE OF SEIZURE OF VGCSA Possession of Lithonia, GA 30058;
Madison An’Marie McDuffy- documents will be available
Thursday, December 8, 2022, morial Drive, Decatur, GA PERSONAL PROPERTY Marijuana in Violation of Joshua Nathaniel Armstrong,
(10) 21A04061 United Auto Days.,whose last known ad- 30032; VALUED AT $25,000.00 OR O.C.G.A. § 16-13-30, and/or is 8085 Adair Lane, Apt. 1509, At-
dress is, 48748-1 McDonald and may be obtained from the
Credit Corporation vs. Moses DeKalb County Board of Edu- Shawn P. Slack, 2275 Shallow- LESS proceeds derived or realized lanta, GA 30350-4043;
Mouzone James G. Whiddon, Drive Fort Hood, TX 76544: ford Rd., Apt. G, Atlanta, GA PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. § 9- therefrom, and/or was found in Taliyah Marie Gillespie, 5184
You are hereby notified that on cation website at https://dekalb-
III, plff.; Pro Se, dft. 30341; 16-11(a) close proximity to ecstasy and Hidden Hills Trace, Stone
December 12,2022, a Petition Shawn P. Slack, 1901 Myrtle CERTIFICATE OF POSTING marijuana, and/or other prop- Mountain, GA 30088;
for Adoption of a female child VRTUAL MANDATORY PRE-
(11) 21A04086 Raheem Wat- PROPOSAL CONFERENCE Drive, Apt. 422, Atlanta, GA In accordance with O.C.G.A. § erty which is subject to forfeit- Taliyah Marie Gillespie, 2317
son vs. Katelynn Mitchell, born on June 22,2012, in At- 30311; 9-16-11(a), I hereby certify that ure pursuant to the provisions Emerald Springs Drive, Dec-
lanta, Georgia, was filed in the A virtual mandatory Pre-Pro-
Farmers Insurance Exchange posal Conference will be held Shawn P. Slack, 954 Hightower I have posted a copy of the No- of O.C.G.A. § 16-13-49 (b). atur, GA 30035.
Stephen Alan Shea, plff.; Superior Court of Bell County, Rd. NW, Unit 2-326, Atlanta, tice of Seizure filed in this pro- AND FURTHER TAKE NO- This 27th day of October, 2022.
Texas, ++Adoption No. via Microsoft Teams at 10:00
Nanette L. Wesley, dft. a.m. local time on Thursday, GA 30318-4622; ceeding in a prominent loca- TICE that the owner or interest Heather C. Waters
22FAM335722++. You are and all other owners or interest tion in the courthouse. holder may file a claim against Sr. Assistant District Attorney
hereby advised that a hearing January 5, 2023. Prospective
(12) 21A05746 H.M., a minor bidders must provide the fol- holders of the seized property. DATED: 27th day of October, the seized property within thirty State Bar No. 740145
by and through her natural will be held before the Superior TAKE NOTICE that on Septem- 2022. (30) days after service by send- 556 N. McDonough Street
Court of Bell County, Texas to lowing information by 5:00 PM,
guardian, Jami McGraw vs. EST on Wednesday, January ber 22, 2022, law enforcement /s/ Jolene DeVries ing the claim to the District At- Suite 700
Camp Twin Lakes, Inc. J. Mac determine why the prayers of officers with the DeKalb County Jolene DeVries, Paralegal torney for the Stone Mountain Decatur, Georgia 30030
the Petitioners should not be 4, 2023:
C. Pilgrim, plff.; Brynda Rodrig- 1. Individual Name and Title Police Department seized three NOTICE OF SEIZURE OF Judicial Circuit, 556 N. Mc- Email: hcwaters@dekalb-
uez Insley, Vicki M. McGinty, granted. All parental rights you thousand nine hundred forty- PERSONAL PROPERTY Donough Street, Suite 700,
may have with respect to the 2. Company Name
dft. 3. Telephone Number nine dollars ($3,949.00) in U.S. VALUED AT $25,000.00 OR Decatur, Georgia 30030 by cer- Phone: (404) 371-2561
minor child will be lost and you currency, One (1) Taurus Mil- LESS tified mail or statutory overnight ++Armstrong/Gillespie++
will neither receive notice nor 4. Email Address
(13) 22A00292 Toniel Wyyet This information must be sent lennium PT .40 caliber S/N: PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. § 9- delivery, return receipt reques- 050-471990 1/5,1/12
vs. Breah J. Penn S.K. Rod be entitled to object to the ad- SVG41577 (est. value 16-11(b) ted. The claim must be signed NOTICE OF SEIZURE OF
option of said child unless, to dcsd-op-solicitation@dekalb-
Dixon, plff.; Ammee Smith, dft. A meeting link $265.00), Two (2) digital scales CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by the owner or interest holder PERSONAL PROPERTY
within thirty (30) days from the (est. value $5.00) each, and This is to certify that I have this and provide the following: 1) VALUED AT $25,000.00 OR
date of the last publication of will be sent to all those provid-
(14) 22A00491 JPMorgan ing the above information no one (1) box sandwich bags day caused a copy of the with- The name of the claimant; 2) LESS
Chase Bank, N.A. vs. Shaun this notice, unless you file the (est. value $2.00), hereinafter in and foregoing NOTICE OF The address at which the PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. § 9-
following: (1) a Petition to Legit- later than 9:30 AM, EST on
Prude Flynn LaVrar, plff.; Pro Thursday, January 5, 2023. "the Seized Property"; and ap- SEIZURE OF PERSONAL claimant resides; 3) A descrip- 16-11
Se, dft. imate the children pursuant to proximately 90 grams of co- PROPERTY VALUED AT tion of TO: James Bridget, 702 Lake
the Official Code of Georgia There will be mandatory site
visits beginning at 9:00 AM, caine and approximately 28 $25,000.00 OR LESS to be the claimant’s interest in the Ridge Lane, Dunwoody, GA
(15) 22A00591 Coventry Hold- Annotated Section 19-7-22 as a grams of marijuana during a served upon the individual(s) property; 4) A description of the 30338;
separate civil action; (2) notice EST on Friday, January 6,
ing Group, Inc. vs. Raymond 2023. Attendance at each site search warrant at the Bedford listed below by causing copies circumstances of the claimant’s James Bridget, 18852 Robert
Johnson Stephen G. Quinn, of the filing of such Petition to Apartments, 2275 Shallowford of the same to be sent by the obtaining an interest in the Street, Melvindale, MI 48122-
Legitimate with the Superior is mandatory.
plff.; Jessica Angelique Austin, SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION Road, Apt. G, Atlanta, DeKalb United States certified, return property and, to the best of the 1450;
dft. Court of Bell County, Texas County, Georgia. receipt mail-in envelopes with claimant’s knowledge, the date Brian Martin, 702 Lake Ridge
and make known such other (dates are subject to change)
Virtual Mandatory Pre-Propos- The Seized Property was dir- adequate postage affixed the claimant obtained the in- Lane, Dunwoody, GA 30338;
(16) 22A01726 Tiayanna L. objections in writing as you ectly or indirectly used or inten- thereon to ensure delivery ad- terest and the name of the per- Brian Martin, 2929 N. DeKalb
may have; and (3) serve a copy al Conference* January 5, 2023
Stephens vs. Pascual A. @10:00 am ded for use to facilitate VGC- dressed to: son or entity that transferred Drive, Apt. 304, Doraville, GA
Santana, Progressive Premier of the Petition to Legitimate on SA Trafficking Cocaine in Viola- Shawn P. Slack, c/o DeKalb the interest to the claimant; 5) 30340-2216;
the undersigned attorney for Final Questions Due January
Insurance Company of IL 11, 2023 not later than 2:00 pm tion of O.C.G.A. § 16-13-31, County Jail, 4425 Memorial The nature of the relationship Donta Mario Williams, 2902
Shawn T. Richardson, plff.; the Petitioner seeking to adopt and VGCSA Possession of Drive, Decatur, GA 30032; between the claimant and the Peachtree Park Dr. NE, Atlanta,
said child at: 48748-1 McDon- Final Addendum Issued (if ne-
Richard S. Bruno, dft. cessary) January 18, 2023 not Marijuana with Intent to Distrib- Shawn P. Slack, 2275 Shallow- person who possessed the GA 30309;
ald Drive Fort Hood,Tx 76544. ute in Violation of O.C.G.A. § ford Rd., Apt. G, Atlanta, GA property at the time of the Donta Mario Williams, 5927
later than 2:00 pm
(17) 22A02202 Raheem Proposals Due January 26, 16-13-30, and/or is proceeds 30341; seizure; 6) A copy of any docu- Almeda Road, Unit 22502,
Malone vs. Jonathan Lewis, All- 2023 not later than 2:00 pm derived or realized therefrom, Shawn P. Slack, 1901 Myrtle mentation in the claimant’s pos- Houston, TX 77004;
state Northbrook Indemnity Public Acknowledgement Janu- and/or was found in close prox- Drive, Apt. 422, Atlanta, GA session supporting his or her and all other owners or interest
Company, Allstate Property ary 30, 2023 not later than 5:00 imity to cocaine and marijuana, 30311; claim; and 7) Any additional holders of the seized property.
and Casualty Insurance Com- pm and/or other property which is Shawn P. Slack, 954 Hightower facts supporting his or her TAKE NOTICE that on May 24,
pany Peter J. Ross, plff.; John Anticipated Board Review and subject to forfeiture pursuant to Rd. NW, Unit 2-326, Atlanta, claim. 2022, law enforcement officers
E. Searcy, Jr., dft. Approval March 2023 the provisions of O.C.G.A. § GA 30318-4622. RESPECTFULLY SUBMIT- with the City of Dunwoody Po-
*OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- 16-13-49 (b). This 27th day of October, 2022. TED, lice Department seized four
(18) 22A02319 Allison Tracy ANCE* AND FURTHER TAKE NO- Heather C. Waters SHERRY BOSTON thousand, one hundred thirty-
vs. 2M Research Services, LLC Meeting will be held via Mi- TICE that the owner or interest Sr. Assistant District Attorney DISTRICT ATTORNEY eight dollars ($4,138.00) in U.S.
Noah Green, plff.; Pro Se, dft. crosoft Teams. Please refer to holder may file a claim against State Bar No. 740145 Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit currency, One (1) Century
“Virtual Mandatory Pre-Propos- the seized property within thirty 556 N. McDonough Street State Bar No. 438199 Arms RAS47 Pistol, S/N;
(19) 22A02506 JPMorgan al Conference” for instructions (30) days after service by send- Suite 700 Heather C. Waters RAS47112727 (est. value
Chase Bank, N.A. vs. Clay W. to receive meeting link. ing the claim to the District At- Decatur, Georgia 30030 Sr. Assistant District Attorney $400.00), One (1) FN 5.7 semi-
McNabb, Jr. Gabriel M. Med- Except as expressly provided torney for the Stone Mountain Email: hcwaters@dekalb- State Bar No. 740145 automatic pistol S/N:
ford, plff.; Pro Se, dft. in, or permitted by, the Propos- Judicial Circuit, 556 N. Mc- 556 N. McDonough Street 386193548 (est. value
al Documents, from the date of Donough Street, Suite 700, Phone: (404) 371-2561 Suite 700 $670.00), and One (1) Glock 23
(20) 22A02679 American Ex- issuance of the RFP until final Decatur, Georgia 30030 by cer- ++Shawn P. Slack++ Decatur, Georgia 30030 semi-automatic pistol S/N:
press National Bank vs. Ashley Owner action of approval of tified mail or statutory overnight Email: hcwaters@dekalb- MHV858 (est. value $ 254.00),
Romano aka Ashley H. Ro- contract award, the Contractor delivery, return receipt hereinafter "the Seized Prop-
mano Keith D. Taylor, plff.; Pro submitting a Proposal shall not requested. The claim must be Phone: (404) 371-2561 erty"; and approximately 12
Se, dft. initiate any communication or signed by the owner or interest NOTICE OF SEIZURE OF pounds of marijuana, approxim-
currency, One (1) Century Jolene DeVries, Paralegal
RAS47112727 (est. value PERSONAL PROPERTY
$400.00), One (1) FN 5.7 semi- VALUED AT $25,000.00 OR
automatic pistol S/N: LESS
386193548 (est. value PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. § 9-
Page 18
$670.00), and One (1) Glock 23 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023 
semi-automatic pistol S/N:
MHV858 (est. value $ 254.00), This is to certify that I have this 080-471905 12/29,1/5 080-471993 1/5,1/12 100-471617 12/29,1/5 100-471623 1/5,1/12 100-471909 12/29,1/5
pounds of marijuana, approxim- SEIZURE OF PERSONAL CORPORATION MANAGEMENT LLC Notice is given that Articles of Notice is given, that Articles of Notice is given that Articles of
ately 118 grams of Fentanyl PROPERTY VALUED AT Notice is given that a notice of Notice is given that a State- Incorporation which incorpor- Incorporation which will incor- Incorporation which will incor-
and approximately 2 pounds of $25,000.00 OR LESS to be intent to dissolve ++Forrest ment of Commencement of ate ++Pebblewood Grove porate ++Fackenthal Law porate ++I’ll Type IT For You,
Ecstasy at 702 Lake Ridge served upon the individual(s) Grove Foundation, Inc.++, a Winding Up of ++GALAXY Homeowners Association, PC++ a for-profit corporation, LLC++ have been delivered to
Lane, Dunwoody, DeKalb listed below by causing copies Georgia nonprofit corporation PARTY MANAGEMENT Inc++ have been delivered to will be delivered to the Secret- the Secretary of State for filing
County, Georgia. of the same to be sent by (the "Corporation"), with its re- LLC++, a Georgia limited liabil- the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia
ary of State for filing in accord-
The Seized Property was dir- United States certified, return gistered office at 2260 Marann ity company (the “Company”), in accordance with the Georgia Business Code.
ance with the Georgia Busi-
ectly or indirectly used or inten- receipt mail in envelopes with Drive, N.E., DeKalb County, At- has been delivered to the Sec- Nonprofit Business Corpora- The initial registered office of
adequate postage affixed lanta, Georgia 30345, has been retary of State of Georgia in ac- tion Code. The initial re- ness Corporation Code. the corporation will be located
ded for use to facilitate VGC-
SA Trafficking of marijuana in thereon to ensure delivery ad- delivered to the Secretary of cordance with the Georgia Lim- gistered office of the corpora- (O.C.G.A. Sec. 14-2-202.1) The at 1240 Quiet Arbor Court,
Violation of O.C.G.A. § 16-13- dressed to: State for filing in accordance ited Liability Company Act. tion is located at 160 Claire- initial registered office of the Lithonia, GA 30058 and the ini-
31, VGCSA Possession of Ec- James Bridget, 702 Lake Ridge with the Georgia Nonprofit Cor- Claims against the Company mont Avenue, Suite 650, Dec- corporation will be located at tial registered agent at such ad-
stasy, and Fentanyl in Viola- Lane, Dunwoody, GA 30338; poration Code. must be made in accordance atur, DeKalb County, Georgia 1026 Lake Dr, Snellville, dress is Rita Davis.
tion of O.C.G.A. § 16-13-30 James Bridget, 18852 Robert Any person with a claim against with O.C.G.A. § 14-11-608. 30030 and its initial registered DeKalb County, GA 30039 and
and/or is proceeds derived or Street, Melvindale, MI 48122- the Corporation may file such Such claims should be sent to agent at such address is its initial registered agent at 100-471910 12/29,1/5
realized therefrom, and/or was 1450; claim at 2260 Marann Drive, the registered office of the Rachel E. Conrad. such address is Danielle Fack- Notice of Intent to Incorporate
found in close proximity to Brian Martin, 702 Lake Ridge N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30345, Company at 2177 Dresden enthal. Notice is given that Articles of
marijuana, Ecstasy, and Lane, Dunwoody, GA 30338; Attention: Amy F. Merrill, stat- Drive, Chamblee, GA 30341 Incorporation, which will incor-
Fentanyl, and/or other property Brian Martin, 2929 N. DeKalb ing the name and the address and include a summary of the porate ++Jogn Enterprises
which is subject to forfeiture Drive, Apt. 304, Doraville, GA of the claimant, the amount of facts and nature of such claim, 100-471618 12/29,1/5 Management LLC++, have
pursuant to the provisions of 30340-2216; such claim, the written docu- the amount of such claim and 100-471624 1/5,1/12 been delivered to the Secret-
O.C.G.A. § 16-13-49 (b). Donta Mario Williams, 2902 ments, if any, upon which such the date such claim arose. Ex- NOTICE OF ary of State for filing in accord-
AND FURTHER TAKE NO- Peachtree Park Dr. NE, Atlanta, claim is founded, and any oth- cept for claims that are contin- INCORPORATION ance with the Georgia Busi-
Notice is given that Articles of
TICE that the owner or interest GA 30309; er facts necessary to identify gent at the time of the filing of Notice is given that Articles of ness Corporation Code. The
Donta Mario Williams, 5927 the nature and amount of such the statement of commence- organization that will incorpor-
holder may file a claim against Incorporation which will incor- initial registered office of the
the seized property within thirty Almeda Road, Unit 22502, claim. ment of winding up or that arise ate ++Swift Management corporation will be located at
porate ++CIRGOU INC.++
(30) days after service by send- Houston, TX 77004; Except for claims that are con- after the filing of the statement Group, Inc++ have been de- 1631 Fearn Circle, Brookhaven,
have been delivered to the
ing the claim to the District At- This 30th day of June, 2022. tingent at the time of the filing of commencement of winding livered to the Secretary of State GA, 30319,, and its initial re-
Secretary of State for filing in
torney for the Stone Mountain Rupal D. Vaishnav of the notice of intent to dis- up, a claim against the Com- for filing in accordance with the gistered agent at such address
accordance with the Georgia
Judicial Circuit, 556 N. Mc- General Counsel/ Deputy Chief solve or that arise after the fil- pany not otherwise barred will Georgia Business Corpoaratio is John Sherrod.
Business Corporation Code.
Donough Street, Suite 700, Assistant District Attorney ing of the notice of intent to dis- be barred unless a proceeding Code. The initial registered of-
The initial registered office of
Decatur, Georgia 30030 by cer- Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit solve, a claim against the Cor- to enforce the claim is com- fice of the corporation is loc- 100-471995 1/5,1/12
the corporation will be located
tified mail or statutory overnight Georgia Bar No.723157 poration not otherwise barred menced within two years after ated at 100 Ashford Center N NOTICE OF
556 N. McDonough Street will be barred unless a pro- the publication date of this no- at 962 Holly Hedge Road,
delivery, return receipt reques- Ste 410, Dunwoody, GA 30338 INCORPORATION
Room 700 ceeding to enforce the claim is tice. Stone Mountain, GA 30083,
ted. The claim must be signed and its initial registered agent Notice is given that Articles of
by the owner or interest holder Decatur, Georgia 30030 commenced within two (2) DeKalb County and its initial re-
at such address is Richard Incorporation which incorpor-
and provide the following: 1) Email: rdvaishnav@dekalb- years after the publication of 080-471994 1/5,1/12 gistered agent is JIAN JUN ate ++CNG Peach Holding
The name of the claimant; 2) this notice. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ZHENG. Inc.++ have been delivered to
The address at which the Phone: (404) 371-2561 080-471906 12/29,1/5 VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A the Secretary of State for filing
claimant resides; 3) A descrip- ++BRIDGET/MARTIN/WILLI- NOTICE OF INTENT TO CORPORATION in accordance with the Georgia
tion of the claimant’s interest in AMS++ VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A Notice is given that a notice of Business Corporation Code.
100-471619 12/29,1/5 100-471625 1/5,1/12
the property; 4) A description of CORPORATION intent to dissolve ++Afghan Me- The initial registered office of
the circumstances of the NOTICE OF NOTICE OF
Notice is given that a notice of dia Futures Inc.++, a Georgia the corporation is located at
claimant’s obtaining an interest
in the property and, to the best Amendment intent to dissolve ++Sigrid L
Swenson Practice Manage-
nonprofit corporation with its re-
gistered office at 226 Inman Notice is given that Articles of Notice is given that Art-
4228 First Avenue, Suite 10,
Tucker, Georgia 30084, and its
of the claimant’s knowledge, Drive, Decatur GA, will be de- Incorporation that will incorpor- icles of Incorporation that will initial registered agent at such
ment Inc++ a Georgia corpora- incorporate ++Shine Your Dia-
the date the claimant obtained 070-471991 1/5,1/12 livered to the Secretary of State ate ++Raise Health and Well- address is United Corporate
tion with its registered office at mond Foundation, Inc.++ have
the interest and the name of NOTICE OF CHANGE OF for filing in accordance with the ness, Inc++ have been de- Services Inc.
1346 Weatherstone Way, NE, been delivered to the Secret-
the person or entity that trans- CORPORATE NAME Georgia Nonprofit Corporation livered to the Secretary of State
Atlanta, GA 30324 will be de- ary of State for filing in accord-
ferred the interest to the Notice is given that articles of Code. for filing in accordance with the 100-471996 1/5,1/12
livered to the Secretary of State ance with the Georgia Busi-
claimant; 5) The nature of the amendment which will change Georgia Nonprofit Corporation NOTICE OF
for filing in accordance with the ness Nonprofit Corporation
relationship between the the name of ++A-ACTION JAN- Code. The initial registered of- INCORPORATION
Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered of-
claimant and the person who ITORIAL SERVICE, INC. to A- fice of the corporation is loc- Notice is given that articles of
possessed the property at the ACTION FACILITY SERVICES,
INC.++ have been delivered to
Merger ated at 8225 Mall Parkway,
fice of the corporation is loc-
ated at 1923 Mount Vernon Pl,
incorporation that will incorpor-
time of the seizure; 6) A copy of 080-471907 12/29,1/5 Suite 210, Lithonia, GA 30038 ate ++HMGI CONSULTING
any documentation in the the Secretary of State for filing Atlanta, GA 30338 and its ini- INC++ have been delivered to
NOTICE OF INTENT TO 090-471949 12/29,1/5 and its initial registered agent tial registered agent at such ad-
claimant’s possession support- in accordance with the Georgia NOTICE OF MERGER the Secretary of State for filing
VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A at such address is Onyi dress is Lester Czuper.
ing his or her claim, and 7) Any Business Corporation Code. Notice is given that a Certific- in accordance with the Georgia
additional facts supporting his The registered office of the cor- ate of Merger which will effect a Business Corporation Code.
Notice is given that a notice of
or her claim. poration is located at 6607 merger by and between NU- The initial registered office of
intent to dissolve ++ZoeTV,
RESPECTFULLY SUBMIT- Tribble Street, Lithonia, GA GIFT INC, a South Carolina the corporation is located at
Inc.++, a Georgia corporation 100-471626 1/5,1/12
TED, 30058. corporation, and NUHELP INC., 4000 DUNWOODY PARK, APT
with its registered office at 1112 NOTICE OF
SHERRY BOSTON Vista Trail NE, Atlanta, GA a Georgia corporation, has 100-471621 1/5,1/12 # 2108, DUNWOODY, GA,
DISTRICT ATTORNEY 30324-4618, has been de- been delivered to the Secret- 30338 and its initial registered
Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of agent at such address is MIN-
livered to the Secretary of State ary of State for filing in accord-
State Bar No. 438199
Rupal D. Vaishnav
Dissolution for filing in accordance with the ance with the Georgia Busi- Notice is given that Articles of
Incorporation which will incor-
Incorporation which will incor-
porate ++COMPLEX MANU-
Georgia Business Corporation ness Corporation Code. The 100-471997 1/5,1/12
General Counsel/ Deputy Chief Code. name of the surviving corpora- porate ++The Granary, Inc.++ FACTURING & DISTRIBU-
080-471620 1/5,1/12 Notice of Intent to Incorporate
Assistant District Attorney tion in the merger is have been delivered to the TION, INC++ have been de- Notice is given that Articles of
NOTICE OF INTENT 080-471992 1/5,1/12 livered to the Secretary of State
Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit ++NUHELP INC.++, a corpora- Secretary of State for filing in Incorporation, which will incor-
TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE NOTICE OF INTENT TO for filing in accordance with the
Georgia Bar No.723157 tion incorporated in the State of accordance with the Georgia porate ++CNG Peach Holding
556 N. McDonough Street Georgia. The registered office Business Corporation Code Georgia Business Corporation Inc.++, have been delivered to
Notice is given that a Notice of CORPORATION
Room 700 of such corporation is located (O.C.G.A.). The initial re- Code. The initial registered of- the Secretary of State for filing
Intent to Dissolve ++Penta Pic- Notice is given that a notice of
Decatur, Georgia 30030 at 1756 Alec Place NE, Atlanta, fice of the corporation will be in accordance with the Georgia
tures Inc.++, a Georgia corpor- intent to dissolve ++Lake gistered office of the corpora-
Email: rdvaishnav@dekalb- Dekalb County, Georgia 30329 located at 5305 Dividend Drive, Domestic Profit Corporation
ation with its registered office at Geneva Enterprises, Inc.++ a tion will be located at 1840 and its registered agent at such Decatur, GA 30035 and its ini- Code. The initial registered of-
417 Willow Lane, Apt 1, Dec- Georgia corporation with its re- Pleasant HIll Tr., Lithonia, GA
Phone: (404) 371-2561 address is Kenneth L. Franco. tial registered agent at such ad- fice of the corporation will be
atur, GA 30030 will be de- gistered office at 880 Byrn- 30058 and its initial registered
NOTICE OF SEIZURE OF dress is Charles Dozier. located at 4228 First Avenue,
livered to the Secretary of State wyck Road, Brookhaven, GA agent at such address is Gary
PERSONAL PROPERTY Suite 10, Tucker, GA 30084,
30319 will be delivered to the Fortner II.
VALUED AT $25,000.00 OR for filing in accordance with the and its initial registered agent
LESS Georgia Business Corporation
Secretary of State for filing in
accordance with the Georgia Charter at such address is United Cor-
PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. § 9- Code. 100-471908 12/29,1/5 porate Services Inc..
Business Corporation Code.
16-11(a) 100-471616 12/29,1/5 NOTICE OF INTENT
In accordance with O.C.G.A. § 080-471904 12/29,1/5 TO INCORPORATE NOTICE OF INTENT Notice is given that Articles of
9-16-11(a), I hereby certify that NOTICE OF INTENT TO Notice is given that Articles of TO INCORPORATE Incorporation which will incor-
I have posted a copy of the No- VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A Incorporation which incorpor- Notice is given that Articles of porate ++SIMPLE LIVING
tice of Seizure filed in this pro- CORPORATION ate ++Beacon At Old Incorporation which incorpor- WANDERLUST, INC++ will be
ceeding in a prominent loca- Notice is given that a notice of Peachtree Master Homeown- ate ++Longbrooke Homeown-
tion in the courthouse. delivered to the Secretary of
intent to dissolve ++THE PEN- ers Association, Inc++ have ers Association, Inc++ have
DATED: 30th day of June, State for filing in accordance
DERGRAST FAMILY FOUND- been delivered to the Secret- been delivered to the Secret-
2022 ary of State for filing in accord- with the Georgia Business Cor-
ATION, INC.++, a Georgia non- ary of State for filing in accord-
/s/ Jolene DeVries ance with the Georgia Non- poration Code. The initial re-
profit corporation with its re- ance with the Georgia Non-
Jolene DeVries, Paralegal profit Business Corporation profit Business Corporation gistered office of the corpora-
gistered office at 3436 BRI-
NOTICE OF SEIZURE OF Code. The initial registered of- Code. The initial registered of- tion is located at 1922 PIED-
PERSONAL PROPERTY LANTA, GA 30345, will be de- fice of the corporation is loc- fice of the corporation is loc- MONT POINTE DRIVE,
VALUED AT $25,000.00 OR livered to the Secretary of State ated at 2675 Paces Ferry Rd., ated at 160 Clairemont Avenue, LITHONIA, GA 30058 and its
LESS for filing in accordance with the Suite 125, Atlanta, Cobb Suite 650, Decatur, DeKalb initial registered agent at such
PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A. § 9- Georgia Nonprofit Corporation County, Georgia 30339 and its County, Georgia 30030 and its address is 1922 PIEDMONT
16-11(b) Code. initial registered agent at such initial registered agent at such POINTE DRIVE, LITHONIA,
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE address is Dan Fields. address is Rachel E. Conrad. GA 30058.
This is to certify that I have this
day caused a copy of the with-
in and foregoing NOTICE OF
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 19
110-471550 12/15,12/22,12/29 110-471566 12/22,12/29,1/5 110-471610 12/29 1/5,1/12, 110-471614 12/29,1/5,1/12, 110-471635 1/5,1/12,1/19 1/26 110-471692 12/15,12/22,12/29,
Debtor & Creditor 1/5
STATE OF GEORGIA All creditors of the Estate of STATE OF GEORGIA All creditors of the Estate of COUNTY OF DEKALB All creditors of the Estate of
COUNTY OF DEKALB ++Martha Nell Douthitt Eichel- COUNTY OF DEKALB ++MYRTLE BRYANT SIMS++, All creditors of the Estate of ++WINNIE MAE SMITH++, late
NOTICE TO DEBTORS All creditors of the Estate of berger++ deceased, late of All creditors of the Estate of ++CORNELIUS JORDAN++,
AND CREDITORS late of DeKalb County, de- of DeKalb County, deceased,
++HENRY JAMES SMITH++, DeKalb County, Georgia, are ++GLADYS K. ALI++, de- ceased, are hereby notified to deceased, late of DeKalb are hereby notified to render in
All creditors of the Estate of deceased, late of DeKalb hereby notified to render in ceased, late of DeKalb County, County, Georgia, are hereby
++JAMES L BEATTIE, JR++, render in their demands to the their demands to the under-
County, Georgia, are hereby their demands to the under- Georgia, are hereby notified to notified to render in their de-
late of DeKalb County, de- undersigned according to law, signed according to law, and all
notified to render in their de- signed according to law, and all render in their demands to the mands to the undersigned
ceased, are hereby notified to mands to the undersigned persons indebted to said es- undersigned and all persons indebted to according to law and all per- persons indebted to said Es-
render in their demands to the according to law and all per- tate are required to make im- according to law and all per- said Estate are required to sons indebted to said Estate tate are required to make im-
undersigned according to law, sons indebted to said Estate mediate payment. sons indebted to said Estate make immediate payment. are required to make immedi- mediate payment.
and all persons indebted to are required to make immedi- This 30th day of November, are required to make immedi- This 13th day of DECEMBER, ate payment. This 7th day of DECEMBER,
said Estate are required to ate payment. 2022 ate payment. 2022. This 16th day of December, 2022.
make immediate payment. This 28th day of November, Anne E Page This 9th day of December, LARRY E SIMS 2022 GEORGE WESLEY SMITH JR.
This 30th day of November, 2022 Executor of the Estate of 2022 Executor of the Estate of Mark A.C. Robinson, as Admin- Executor, of the Estate of WIN-
2022 Mark A.C. Robinson, as Admin- Martha Nell Douthitt Eichelber- Mark A.C. Robinson, as Suc- MYRTLE BRYANT SIMS, De- istrator of the Estate of COR- NIE MAE SMITH, Deceased
James L Beattie, III and istrator with Will Annexed of the ger cessor Administrator of the Es- ceased NELIUS JORDAN 1022 HICHORY NUT LANE
Jennifer Rose Nelson Estate of HENRY JAMES Deceased tate of GLADYS K. ALI 3065 SPRING HILL DR MARK A.C. ROBINSON, P.C. LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30043
Executors of the Estate of SMITH Henry L. Bowden III MARK A.C. ROBINSON, P.C. MONROE GA 30656 One Decatur TownCenter,
James L. Beattie, Jr MARK A.C. ROBINSON, P.C. Attorney for the Estate One Decatur TownCenter, Suite 475
One Decatur TownCenter, 191 Peachtree Street, N.E. Suite 475 150 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue 110-471693 12/15,12/22,12/29
c/o Benning M. Grice, Jr.
Suite 475 Suite 2525 150 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue Decatur, Georgia 30030 1/5
Attorney at Law
150 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1740 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Northcreek Office Park 110-471615 12/29,1/5,1/12
Decatur, Georgia 30030 110-471567 12/22,12/29,1/5 110-471611 12/29,1/5,1/12 All creditors of the estate of
Building 300, Suite 600 1/19 110-471636 1/5,1/12,1/19 1/26
1/12 1/19 ++Louis S. Kelly, Jr.++ late of
NOTICE TO DEBTORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS Dekalb County, deceased, are
AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS hereby notified to render in
All creditors of the Estate STATE OF GEORGIA
110-471547 12/15,12/22,12/29 110-471551 12/15,12/22,12/29 All creditors of the ESTATE OF their demands to the under-
All creditors of the Estate of of ++Rodney Brothers++, de- COUNTY OF DEKALB
1/5 1/5 ++MYRTLE AZALEAH QUEEN signed according to law, and all
++ETHEL G. MARKS++, late of ceased, late of DeKalb County, All creditors of the Estate of
STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE TO DEBTORS GRIGGS++ late of DeKalb persons indebted to said es-
DeKalb County, deceased, are Georgia, are hereby notified to ++EULA MAE BOSTIC++, de-
COUNTY OF DEKALB AND CREDITORS County, deceased, are hereby tate are required to make im-
hereby notified to render in render in their demands to the ceased, late of DeKalb County,
NOTICE TO DEBTORS All creditors of the Estate of notified to render in their de- mediate payment.
their demands to the under- undersigned according to law, Georgia, are hereby notified to
AND CREDITORS ++Jane M Reinhart++ de- mands to the undersigned ac- This 1st day of December,
signed according to law, and all and all persons indebted to render in their demands to the
All creditors of the Estate ceased, late of DeKalb County, cording to law, and all persons 2022
persons indebted to said Es- said Estate are required to undersigned
of ++Virginia Yvonne Georgia, are hereby notified to indebted to said Estate are re- Name: Robert E. Kelly
tate are required to make im- make immediate payment. according to law and all per-
Harreld++, late of DeKalb render in their demands to the quired to make immediate pay- Title: Administrator
mediate payment. This 29th day of December, sons indebted to said Estate
County, Georgia, deceased, undersigned according to law, ment. Address: 237 Hickory Drive,
2022. are required to make immedi-
are hereby notified to render in and all persons indebted to This 30th day of NOVEMBER , This 6TH day of October, 2022. Easley, SC 29642
Valerie Brothers ate payment.
their demands to the under- said estate are required to 2022 Name and address of Executor Administrator of the Estate of
signed according to law, and all make immediate payments. STEVEN E MARKS is below. This 16th day of December,
Rodney Brothers 2022 110-471694 12/15,12/22,12/29
persons indebted to said Es- This 28th day of November, Executor of the Estate of ANDREA COOKSEY 536 Antietam Circle
tate are required to make im- 2022 ETHEL G MARKS PO BOX 465 Mark A.C. Robinson, as Admin- 1/5
Stone Mountain, GA 30087 istrator of the Estate of EULA Notice to Debtors and Creditors
mediate payment. Robert L Reinhart, Sr 2254 HARRY BROOKS DRIVE TUCKER, GA 30085 Cynthia Wright Harrison
This 15th day of December, Executor of the Estate of MAE BOSTIC All creditors of the estate of
ATLANTA, GA 30318 110-471612 12/29,1/5,1/12 2302 Parklake Drive MARK A.C. ROBINSON, P.C.
2022 Jane M Reinhart ++Charles Stephen Henson++
110-471568 12/22,12/29,1/5 1/19 Suite 420 One Decatur TownCenter, late of Dekalb County, de-
Carson Bivins Harreld, Jr John Walter Drake NOTICE TO DEBTORS Atlanta, Georgia 30345
McCurdy & Candler, LLC 1/12 Suite 475 ceased, are hereby notified to
TROUTMAN PEPPER 160 Clairemont Avenue 150 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue render in their demands to the
AND CREDITORS All creditors of the ESTATE OF Decatur, Georgia 30030 undersigned according to law,
Decatur, Georgia 30030 All creditors of the Estate of and all persons indebted to
Suite 3000 HAM PERKINS++ late of
600 Peachtree Street N.E. ++Virginia Montague Cope- 110-471633 1/5,1/12,1/19 1/26 said estate are required to
land++, late of DeKalb County, DeKalb County, deceased, are NOTICE TO DEBTORS 110-471690 12/15,12/22,12/29 make immediate payment.
Atlanta, GA 30308 hereby notified to render in 1/5
deceased, are hereby notified AND CREDITORS This 2nd day of December,
their demands to the under- NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 2022
110-471548 12/15,12/22,12/29 110-471564 12/22,12/29,1/5 to render in their demands to GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
signed according to law, and all CREDITORS Name: William Phillip Henson
1/5 1/12 the undersigned according to persons indebted to said Es- All creditors of the Estate of
STATE OF GEORGIA, Title: Executor
NOTICE TO DEBTORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS law, and all persons indebted to tate are required to make im- ++MARY ANN POWELL++, COUNTY OF DEKALB
AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS said Estate are required to late of DeKalb County, Geor- Address: 153 Ouachita 477,
mediate payment. All debtors and creditors of the Camden, AR, 71701
All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of make immediate payment. This 28TH day of November, gia, are hereby notified to Estate of ++Harry Kozicki++,
++Jeanette Porter Davis++, de- ++JOHNNIE BRANTLEY++, This 6th day of December, 2022. render their demands to the un- deceased, late of Dekalb
ceased, late of DeKalb County, late of DeKalb County, de- 2022. Name and address of Executor dersigned according to law, County, are hereby notified to
Georgia are hereby notified to ceased, are hereby notified to Laura E. Woodson is below. and all persons indebted to render their demands to the un- 110-471695 12/15,12/22,12/29
render in their names to the un- render in their demands to the Executor of the Estate of Carol Prekins Kozel said Estate are required to dersigned according to law and 1/5
dersigned according to law, undersigned according to law, Virginia Montague Copeland 1805 Patrick Henry Lane make immediate payments. all persons indebted to said es- Notice to Debtors and Creditors
and all persons indebted to and all persons indebted to Deceased Hillsborough NC 27278 Dated: December 16, 2022 tate are required to make im- All creditors of the estate of
said Estate are required to said Estate are required to 150 Greewood Drive 110-471613 12/29,1/5,1/12 Claire Elizabeth Powell mediate payment to said Es- ++Sidney Aaron Fain++ late of
make immediate payment. make immediate payment. Athens, GA 30606 1/19 Executor of the Estate of tate Representative. Dekalb County, deceased, are
This 23rd day of November, This 7th day of December, 110-471569 12/22,12/29,1/5 NOTICE TO DEBTORS Mary Ann Powell This 5th day of December, hereby notified to render in
2022 2022. 1/12 AND CREDITORS c/o Law Office of 2022. their demands to the under-
Annette Carmichael FAYE ENMON BRANTLEY Peatsa C. Wallace LLC Keith Kozicki, Estate Repres- signed according to law, and all
NOTICE TO DEBTORS All creditors of the Estate of
Administrator of the Estate of P.O. Box 2555 entative of the Estate of Harry persons indebted to said es-
Administrator of the Estate of AND CREDITORS ++CARL VINSON SMITH++,
Tucker GA 30085-2055 Kozicki, Deceased tate are required to make im-
Jeannette Porter Davis JOHNNIE BRANTLEY, De- All creditors of the Estate of late of DeKalb County, Geor- 260 Currahee Place mediate payment.
321 King David Drive ceased ++Brian Jerrell Green++, de- gia, are hereby notified to Toccoa, Georgia 30577 This 2nd day of December,
Ellenwood, GA 30294 2303 Leafstone Drive ceased, late of DeKalb County, render in their demands to the c/o Donald C. Tabor 2022
Covington, GA 30014 are hereby notified to render in undersigned according to the Smith & Tabor, Name: Bryan P. Tharp
110-471549 12/15,12/22,12/29 their demands to the under- law, all persons indebted to the 110-471634 1/5,1/12,1/19 1/26
1/5 Attorneys at Law Title: Attorney for Administrator
signed according to law, and all said Estate are required to NOTICE TO DEBTORS P.O. Box 1082 Avis Pitts
NOTICE TO DEBTORS persons indebted to said Es- make immediate payment. AND CREDITORS Toccoa, Georgia 30577 Address: 331 N Marietta Park-
AND CREDITORS 110-471565 12/22,12/29,1/5 tate are required to make im- This 7th day of December, STATE OF GEORGIA 706-886-5141 waym, NE, Marietta, GA 30060
All Creditors and Debtors of 1/12 mediate payment. 2022 COUNTY OF DEKALB
the Estate of ++Frederick NOTICE TO DEBTORS Dated this 6th day of Decem- Gail B Smith All creditors of the Estate of
Adam Williams (a/k/a Fred A. AND CREDITORS ++RANDY NIKKEITH 110-471696 12/15,12/22,12/29,
ber, 2022 Personal Representative
Williams)++, deceased, late of All creditors of the Estate of SHAW++, deceased, late of 110-471691 12/15,12/22,12/29 1/5
++Angeline M Smith++ de- G. Michelle Green of the Estate of
DeKalb County, Georgia , DeKalb County, Georgia, are 1/5 Notice to Debtors and Creditors
ceased, late of DeKalb County, Administrator Carl Vinson Smith
[DeKalb County, Georgia Pro- hereby notified to render in NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND All creditors of the estate of
Georgia, are hereby notified to 225 Peachtree Way 1160 Windsor Pkwy Unit 11 their demands to the under- CREDITORS
bate File No. 2022-1410] are ++Robert Lee Watkins++ late
render in their demands to the Atlanta, GA 30305 Atlanta, GA 30319-1078 signed All creditors of the Estate of of Dekalb County, deceased,
hereby notified to render in
their demands to the under- undersigned according to law, according to law and all per- ++Claudia Marie Flowers++ are hereby notified to render in
signed according to law, includ- and all persons indebted to sons indebted to said Estate late of DeKalb County, de- their demands to the under-
said estate are required to are required to make immedi- ceased, are hereby notified to signed according to law, and all
ing any right of setoff or coun-
make immediate payments. ate payment. render in their demands to the persons indebted to said es-
terclaim, and all persons in- This 1st day of December, This 14th day of December, undersigned according to law, tate are required to make im-
debted to said Estate are re- 2022 2022 and all persons indebted to mediate payment.
quired to make immediate pay- Alfred Harley Smith, Jr Mark A.C. Robinson, as Admin- said Estate are required to This 6th day of December,
ment. Executor of the Estate of istrator of the Estate of RANDY make immediate payment. 2022
Done this 16th day of Novem- Angeline M Smith NIKKEITH SHAW This 6th day of December 2022 Name: Joyce A Riley and
ber, 2022 M. Emily Cunningham MARK A.C. ROBINSON, P.C. Kenisha Phage Daley Adminis- Sheryl L Myers
Christopher Lemmie McCurdy & Candler, LLC One Decatur TownCenter, trator, of the Estate of Claudia Title: Administrator
Executor 160 Clairemont Avenue Suite 475 Marie Flowers, Deceased Address: 3740 Club Drive, Apt
2002 Shadowrock Lane Suite 550 150 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue 13147 N 20th Street, Apt 205 8203, Duluth, GA 30096
Mitchellville, MD 20721 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Tampa, FL 33612
render in their demands to the
undersigned according to law,
and all persons indebted to law,
and all persons indebted to
said estate are required to
make immediate payment.
Page 20 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023  This 16th day of December
110-471697 12/15,12/22,12/29 110-471795 12/22,12/29,1/5 110-471799 12/22,12/29,1/5 110-471817 12/22,12/29,1/5 110-471913 12/29,1/5,1/12 110-471917 12/29,1/5,1/12 Orlando Horton
1/5 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/19 1/19 Administrator of
Notice to Debtors and Creditors Notice to Debtors and Creditors NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND State of Georgia Notice to Debtors and Creditors Marvin Lewis, deceased
All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the estate of CREDITORS CREDITORS DeKalb County All creditors of the estate of 2308 Naruna Lane
++James Vincent Pledger++ ++Elizabeth Wilson Barringer++ STATE OF GEORGIA, All creditors of the Estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND ++Evelyn Beatrice Pressley League City, TX 77573
late of DeKalb County, de- late of Dekalb County, de- COUNTY OF DEKALB ++Ligia Arias++, Deceased, CREDITORS a/k/a Evelyn Beatrice Clark /k/a John B. Miller, Esq.
ceased, are hereby notified to ceased, are hereby notified to All creditors of the estate of late of DeKalb County, Geor- All creditors of the estate of Evelyn Press ++ late of Dekalb GA Bar No. 507305
render in their demands to the render in their demands to the ++TIMOTHY DAVIS++, Estate gia, are hereby notified to ++Eula M. Burt++, deceased, County, deceased, are hereby John B. Miller & Associates,
undersigned according to law, undersigned according to law, number 2017-0066, deceased, render in their demands to the are hereby notified to render notified to render in their de- P.C.
and all persons indebted to and all persons indebted to late of Dekalb County, Georgia undersigned according to law, their demand to the under- mands to the undersigned ac- P.O. Box 675433
said estate are required to said estate are required to are hereby notified to render and all persons indebted to signed according to law, and all cording to law, and all persons Marietta, GA 30006
make immediate payment. make immediate payment. their demands by filing same said Estate are required to persons indebted to said es- indebted to said estate are re-
This 6th day of December, This 12th day of December, with the Probate Court of make immediate payment. tate are required to make im- quired to make immediate pay- OCGA 53?7?41 states:
2022 2022 Dekalb County, 556 N. Mc- December 15, 2022 mediate payment to the under- ment. “…Every personal representat-
to Gloria Frances Hamilton Name: Katherine Moreau Bar- Donough Street, 1100 Judicial Ligia Patricia Arias, Executor signed. This day, December This 19th day of December, ive shall, within 60 days from
Pledger - Administrator ringer Tower, Decatur, GA 30030, ac- c/o Legacy Studio Estate Law 19, 2022, Kathy J. Langston, 2022 the date of qualification, pub-
c/o William R. Jenkins, Jenkins Title: Executor cording to law, and all persons 1934 N Druid Hills Rd., NE Executor of the Estate of Eula Name: Karim Bell c/o Broel lish a notice directed generally
& Roberts LLC Address: 191 Peachtree St NE indebted to said Estate are re- Suite A M. Burt, Brad Sperr, Attorney, Law, LLC to all of the creditors of the es-
Post Office Box 87238, Col- #2525, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 quired to make immediate pay- Atlanta, GA 30319 2350 Prince Ave., Ste. 21, Title: Administrator tate to render an account of
lege Park, Georgia 30337-0238 ment to the undersigned. This 110-471843 12/22,12/29,1/5 Athens, GA 30606. Address: 331 North Marietta their demands. The notice shall
110-471796 12/22,12/29,1/5 12/9/2022. 1/12 110-471914 12/29,1/5,1/12 Parkway, be published once a week for
110-471698 12/15,12/22,12/29, 1/12 TED N. ECHOLS, ESQ. NOTICE TO DEBTORS 1/19 Marietta, GA 30060 four weeks in the official news-
1/5 Notice to Debtors and Creditors ECHOLS LAW GROUP, P.C. AND CREDITORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS paper of the county in which
Notice to Debtors and Creditors All creditors of the estate of 505 Corporate Center Dr., All creditors of the Estate of AND CREDITORS 110-471918 12/29,1/5,1/12 the personal representative
All creditors of the estate of ++Evelyn Frances Roper++ Ste 106 1/19 qualified…”
++DARIAN MICHAEL PHIL- All creditors of the Estate of
++Mark L. Senterfeit++ late of late of Dekalb County, de- Stockbridge, GA 30281 Notice to Debtors and Creditors
LIPS++, late of DeKalb County, ++Vincent Gerald Abraham++,
Dekalb County, deceased, are ceased, are hereby notified to All creditors of the estate of
deceased, are hereby notified late of DeKalb County, de- ++Remer C. Prince++ late of
hereby notified to render in render in their demands to the
their demands to the under- undersigned according to law, to render in their demands to ceased, are hereby notified to Dekalb County, deceased, are 110-471922 12/29,1/5,1/12
110-471800 12/22,12/29,1/5 the undersigned according to render in their demands to the 1/19
signed according to law, and all and all persons indebted to hereby notified to render in
1/12 law, and all persons indebted to undersigned according to law, Notice to Debtors and Creditors
persons indebted to said es- said estate are required to their demands to the under-
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND said Estate are required to and all persons indebted to All creditors of the estate of
tate are required to make im- make immediate payment. signed according to law, and all
CREDITORS make immediate payment. said Estate are required to ++Paul Carter Harrison++ late
mediate payment. This 22nd day of December, persons indebted to said es-
All creditors of the Estate of This 15TH day of DECEMBER, make immediate payment. of Dekalb County, deceased,
This 7th day of December, 2022 tate are required to make im-
++JOE ARNOLD SUDDETH++, are hereby notified to render in
2022 Name: Brooks Mackintosh 2022. This 29th day of December, mediate payment.
late of DeKalb County, de- their demands to the under-
Name: Lisa A. Slappey Title: Attorney Jessica Graham, Attorney of 2022. This 29th day of December,
ceased, are hereby notified to signed according to law, and all
Title: Executor Address: Mackintosh Law, LLC, the Estate of DARIAN MI- Larceria Abraham, Administrat- 2022
render in their demands to the persons indebted to said es-
Address: Laura H. MacElroy, 246 Sycamore Street, Suite CHAEL PHILLIPS, Deceased or of the Estate of Name: Brooks Mackintosh
undersigned according to law, tate are required to make im-
Laura H. MacElroy, P.C., 5555 150, Decatur, GA 30030 2302 Parklake Dr. NE Vincent Gerald Abraham, De- Title: Attorney
and all persons indebted to mediate payment.
Glenridge Connector, Suite Ste. 650 ceased Address: Mackintosh Law, 246
said estate are required to This 29th day of December,
200, Atlanta, Georgia 30342 110-471797 12/22,12/29,1/5 Atlanta, GA 30345 4004 Emerald North Cir Sycamore Street, Suite 150,
make immediate payment. 2022
1/12 Decatur, GA 30035 Decatur, GA 30030
This 12th day of December, 110-471911 12/29,1/5,1/12 Name: Mark Harrison
110-471699 12/15,12/22,12/29 Notice to Debtors and Creditors 2022. Steven R. Ashby 1/19 110-471915 12/29,1/5,12/12
1/5 110-471919 12/29,1/5,1/12 Title: Administrator
All creditors of the estate of Attorney for Rachel Eunice Mc- NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 1/19
Notice to Debtors and Creditors 1/19 Address: Bequest, 1196 North
++Renee Ann Pfeffer++ late of Dougle Suddeth, Executor of CREDITORS
All creditors of the estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS Notice to Debtors and Creditors Highland Ave NE, Atlanta,
Dekalb County, deceased, are the Estate of JOE ARNOLD State of Georgia,
++Nancy G. Miller++ late of AND CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of Georgia 30306.
hereby notified to render in SUDDETH DeKalb County
DeKalb County, deceased, are their demands to the under- All creditors of the Estate of ++Korona I. Prince++ late of
Georgia Will and Probate Law- All creditors of the Estate of ++MARY ANNE G
hereby notified to render in signed according to law, and all yers, LLC 4500 Hugh Howell ++Carolyn Laverne Abney++, Dekalb County, deceased, are
their demands to the under- persons indebted to said es- JERNIGAN++, late of DeKalb hereby notified to render in
Road deceased, are hereby notified 110-471923 12/29,1/5,1/12
signed according to law, and all tate are required to make im- County, deceased, are hereby their demands to the under- 1/19
600 Heritage Place to render in their demands to
persons indebted to said es- mediate payment. Tucker GA 30084 notified to render in their de- signed according to law, and all NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
the undersigned according to
tate are required to make im- This 14th day of December, (770) 493-4924 law, and all persons indebted to mands to the undersigned ac- persons indebted to said es- CREDITORS
mediate payment. 2022 said estate are required to cording to law, and all persons tate are required to make im- STATE OF GEORGIA
This 7th day of December, Name: Joan Marie Pfeffer make immediate payment to indebted to said Estate are re- mediate payment. COUNTY OF DEKALB
2022 Title: Administrator the undersigned. quired to make immediate pay- This 29th day of December, IN RE: ESTATE OF ROBERT
Name: Stevan A. Miller Address: 30589 County Road This 29TH day of December, ment. 2022 A. GULICK
Title: Executor 8,Keenesburg, Colorado 80643 110-471801 12/22,12/29,1/5 Name: Brooks Mackintosh
2022. This 29th day of DECEMBER, All creditors of the estate of
Address: 1497 North Amanda 1/12 Title: Attorney
-s- Roland Hayes Abney, 2022. ++Robert A. Gulick++
Circle NE, Atlanta, Georgia, 110-471798 12/22,12/29,1/5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND Address: Mackintosh Law, LLC,
Administrator of the Estate of ANNE JERNIGAN VELEZ Ad- late of DeKalb County, de-
30329 1/12 DEBTORS 246 Sycamore Street, Suite
Carolyn Laverne Abney, de- ministrator, ceased, are hereby notified to
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND All Creditors of the Estate of 150, Decatur, GA 30030
ceased MARY ANNE G JERNIGAN, render in their demands to the
110-471700 12/15,12/22,12/29 CREDITORS ++CYNTHIA DEBORD WEI-
c/o Watkins Legal LLC Deceased undersigned according to law,
1/5 All creditors of the Estate of GEL++, late of DEKALB 110-471920 12/29,1/5,1/12
3951 Snapfinger Parkway, 1897 D YOUVILLE LN and all persons indebted to law,
Notice to Debtors and Creditors ++Wright, Howard++, late of County, are hereby notified to 1/19
Suite 555 ATLANTA, GA 30341 and all persons indebted to
All creditors of the estate of DeKalb County, deceased, are render their demands to the un- Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Decatur, Georgia 30035 said estate are required to
++Margie Ann Mills Miller++ hereby notified to render their dersigned according to law and 110-471916 12/29,1/5,1/12 All creditors of the estate of
110-471912 12/29,1/5,1/12 make immediate payment.
late of Dekalb County, de- demands to the undersigned all persons indebted to said Es- 1/19 ++Frances Pancereve Jor-
according to law, and all per- tate are required to make im- 1/19 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND gensen++ late of Dekalb
ceased, are hereby notified to This 29th day of December
sons indebted to said are re- mediate payment. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS County, deceased, are hereby
render in their demands to the 2022.
quired to make immediate pay- This 8TH day of December, CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of notified to render in their de-
undersigned according to law,
ment. This 14th day of Decem- 2022. All creditors of the Estate of ++Mary Beasley Sparkman++ mands to the undersigned ac-
and all persons indebted to Elizabeth G. Ross
ber, 2022. Claims and pay- Ryan Blake Weigel, Adminis- ++JOSEPH ELLSWORTH late of DeKalb County, de- cording to law, and all persons
said estate are required to Co-Executor of
ments should be mailed to: trator of the Estate HAWKINS++, late of Dekalb ceased, are hereby notified to indebted to said estate are re-
make immediate payment. Robert A. Gulick, deceased
Luanne M. Bonnie c/o Thomas F. McNally, Jr., County, Georgia, deceased, render in their demands to the quired to make immediate pay-
This 15th day of December, 1134 Jefferson Avenue
820 Church St. Attorney at Law are hereby notified to render in undersigned according to law, ment.
2022 East Point, GA 30344
Decatur, Georgia 30030 125 Clairemont Avenue, their demands to the under- and all persons indebted to This 29th day of December,
Name: Kourtney Mills C/O Mey-
404-371-1540 Suite 450 signed according to law, and all said Estate are required to 2022
erson Law Firm Robert D. Gulick
Decatur, GA 30030 persons indebted to said es- make immediate payment. Name: Cynthia Marie Jor-
Title: Executor Co-Executor of
tate are required to make im- December 20, 2022 gensen
Address: 820 Ebenezer Church Robert A. Gulick, deceased
mediate payment. Mary Beasley Sparkman ,De- Title: Executor
Road, Suite 105, Sharpsburg, 1611 Heatherwood Drive
This the 19th day of DECEM- ceased Address: 2508 Circlewood
GA 30277 110-471802 12/22,12/29,1/5, Decatur, GA 30033
BER, 2022. Barbara Benson, Executor Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30345
110-471794 12/22,12/29,1/5, NOTICE TO DEBTORS & 2021 Tarrant Huffman Road John B. Miller, Esq.
Attorney For Pattie R. Hawkins Birmingham, AL 35217 110-471921 12/29,1/5,1/12
1/12 CREDITORS Administrator of the Estate of GA Bar No. 507305
Notice to Debtors and Creditors All creditors of the Estate of 1/19 John B. Miller & Associates,
Joseph Ellsworth Hawkins NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
All creditors of the estate of ++Andrew James Carter++, THE KENDALL LAW FIRM P.C.
++David K. Bacon++ late of late of DeKalb County, de- CREDITORS P.O. Box 675433
130 North Hill Street Griffin, GA STATE OF GEORGIA
Dekalb County, deceased, are ceased, are hereby notified to 30223 Marietta, GA 30006
hereby notified to render in render in their demands to the COUNTY OF DEKALB
7 7 0 -2 2 8 -0 5 5 8 Te l e p h o n e IN RE: ESTATE OF MARVIN
their demands to the under- undersigned according to law, Kendalllawfirm( OCGA 53?7?41 states:
signed according to law, and all and all persons indebted to LEWIS “…Every personal representat-
Email All creditors of the estate of
persons indebted to said es- said Estate are required to ive shall, within 60 days from
tate are required to make im- make immediate payment. ++Marvin Lewis++ the date of qualification, pub-
mediate payment. This 12th day of December late of DeKalb County, de- lish a notice directed generally
This 9th day of December, 2022. ceased, are hereby notified to to all of the creditors of the es-
2022 CYNTHIA CARTER render in their demands to the tate to render an account of
Name: Karen F. Hailpern TEDDLETON, Administrator undersigned according to law, their demands. The notice shall
Title: Administrator of the Estate of Andrew James and all persons indebted to law, be published once a week for
Address: Laura H. MacElroy, Carter and all persons indebted to four weeks in the official news-
Laura H. MacElroy, P.C., 5555 % DIVINE FINNEY DAVIS, PC said estate are required to paper of the county in which
Glenridge Connector, Suite 600 N. Jackson Street make immediate payment. the personal representative
200, Atlanta, Georgia 30342 Albany, GA 31701 This 16th day of December qualified…”
Orlando Horton
Administrator of
Marvin Lewis, deceased
2308 Naruna Lane
P.C. plaintiff's attorney whose name
P.O. Box 675433 To: Cord Jerome Franklin Jr and address is: Alexis
Marietta, GA 30006 ADDRESS UKNOWN Mcelrathbey 978 Gazin Pl,
By Order of the Court, for ser- Stone Mountain, GA 30083 An-
OCGA 53?7?41 states: vice by publication dated the swer in writing within sixty (60)
“…Every personal representat- 1st day of December, 2022 You days of the date of the Order of
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 21
ive shall, within 60 days from are hereby notified that on the Publication.
the date of qualification, pub- 4th day of October, 2021 The Witness the Honorable Sta-
110-471924 12/29,1/5,1/12 110-471927 12/29,1/5,1/12 lish a notice directed generally 120-471498 12/15,12/22,12/29 above-named Plaintiff filed suit cey K Hydrick, Judge of the 120-471545 12/15,12/22,12/29
1/19 1/19 to all of the creditors of the es- 1/5 against you for: Divorce. DeKalb Superior Court. 1/5
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND tate to render an account of NOTICE OF PUBLICATION You are required to file with This the 5th day of December, NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
CREDITORS CREDITORS their demands. The notice shall In the Superior Court the Clerk of Superior Court, and 2022 In the Superior Court
STATE OF GEORGIA All creditors of the Estate of be published once a week for of DeKalb County to serve upon the plaintiff or Debra DeBerry of DeKalb County
COUNTY OF DEKALB ++Helen Rosa Rux++ late of four weeks in the official news- State of Georgia plaintiff's attorney whose name Clerk of Superior Court State of Georgia
IN RE: ESTATE OF DONALD DeKalb County, deceased, are paper of the county in which Civil Action# ++22FM5067++ and address is: 4110 Wood Civil Action# ++22FM9466++
556 N. McDonough Street
RAY SQUIRES, SR hereby notified to render in the personal representative Patricia B Wallace Lake Trl, Ellenwood, GA 30294 Tiana Odum
All creditors of the estate of their demands to the under- qualified…” G-130 Annex
Plaintiff Answer in writing within sixty Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 Plaintiff
++Donald Ray Squires, Sr.++ signed according to law, and all
vs. (60) days of the date of the Or- 120-471543 12/15,12/22,12/29, vs.
late of DeKalb County, de- persons indebted to said Es- 110-472001 1/5,1/12,1/19,1/26
ceased, are hereby notified to tate are required to make im- Notice to Debtors and Creditors Jerome Dent der of Publication. 1/5 Michael A Whitehead
render in their demands to the mediate payment. All creditors of the estate of Defendant Witness the Honorable Nora NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Defendant
undersigned according to law, This 16th day of December ++Cheryl A. Coble a/k/a Betsy To: Jerome Dent Polk, Judge of the DeKalb Su- In the Superior Court To: Michael A Whitehead
and all persons indebted to law, 2022 Cheryl Coble++ late of Dekalb ADDRESS UKNOWN perior Court. of DeKalb County 4315 Ivy Fork Drive
and all persons indebted to Raushanah Rodgers Executor County, deceased, are hereby By Order of the Court, for ser- This the 6th day of December, State of Georgia Loganville, GA 30052
said estate are required to of the Estate of notified to render in their de- vice by publication dated the 2022. Civil Action# ++22FM9568-8++ By Order of the Court, for ser-
make immediate payment. Helen Rosa Rux, Deceased mands to the undersigned ac- 21st day of November, 2022 Debra DeBerry Tesa Keith vice by publication dated the
This 29th day of December Raushanah F. Rodgers, Law cording to law, and all persons You are hereby notified that on Clerk of Superior Court Plaintiff 5th day of December, 2022
2022. Offices of Raushanah F. indebted to said estate are re- the 25th day of May, 2022 The 556 N. McDonough Street vs. You are hereby notified that on
Barbara Squires Rodgers, PLLC quired to make immediate pay- above-named Plaintiff filed suit G-130 Annex Anthony Keith the 14th day of September,
Administrator of 4909 Waters Edge Drive, ment. against you for: Divorce. Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 Defendant 2022 The above-named
Donald Ray Squires, Sr., de- Suite 209 This 28th day of December, You are required to file with Plaintiff filed suit against you
To: Anthony Keith
ceased Raleigh, NC 27606 2022 the Clerk of Superior Court, and for: Divorce.
6958 Breeze Drive 1591 Dillard Rd
Name: Caroline I. Mohr to serve upon the plaintiff or You are required to file with
Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Title: Executor Stone Mountain, GA 30083
plaintiff's attorney whose name 120-471541 12/15,12/22,12/29 the Clerk of Superior Court, and
John B. Miller, Esq. Address: 4519 Pineridge Circle, By Order of the Court, for ser-
110-471998 1/5,1/12,1/19,1/26 and address is: Patricia B Wal- 1/5 to serve upon the plaintiff or
GA Bar No. 507305 Dunwoody, Ga 30338 vice by publication dated the
Notice to Debtors and Creditors lace, 5917 Riverdale GA 30296 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION plaintiff's attorney whose name
John B. Miller & Associates, 1st day of December, 2022 You
All creditors of the estate of Answer in writing within sixty In the Superior Court and address is: Tiana Odum,
P.C. 110-472002 1/5,1/12,1/19,1/26 are hereby notified that on the
++Carolyn C. Gaither++ late of (60) days of the date of the Or- of DeKalb County 6122 Hillvale Road, Lithonia,
P.O. Box 675433 Notice to Debtors and Creditors 4th day of November, 2022 The
Dekalb County, deceased, are der of Publication. State of Georgia GA 30058 Answer in writing
Marietta, GA 30006 All creditors of the estate of above-named Plaintiff filed suit
hereby notified to render in Witness the Honorable Mark Civil Action# ++22FM4556++ within sixty (60) days of the
++Abigail Ohenwaa Benson- against you for: Divorce.
OCGA 53?7?41 states: their demands to the under- Anthony Scott, Judge of the Angela Lynn Craft date of the Order of Publica-
Yarney++ late of Dekalb You are required to file with
“…Every personal representat- signed according to law, and all County, deceased, are hereby DeKalb Superior Court. Plaintiff tion.
the Clerk of Superior Court, and
ive shall, within 60 days from persons indebted to said es- notified to render in their de- This the 1s day of December, vs. Witness the Honorable Sta-
to serve upon the plaintiff or
the date of qualification, pub- tate are required to make im- mands to the undersigned ac- 2022. Michael Wayne Craft cey K Hydrick, Judge of the
mediate payment. plaintiff's attorney whose name
lish a notice directed generally cording to law, and all persons Debra DeBerry Defendant DeKalb Superior Court.
This 23rd day of December, and address is: Tesa Keith,
to all of the creditors of the es- indebted to said estate are re- Clerk of Superior Court To: Michael Wayne Craft This the 5th day of December,
2022 3779 Kensington Ct, Decatur,
tate to render an account of quired to make immediate pay- 556 N. McDonough Street ADDRESS UKNOWN 2022.
Name: Carolyn Marie Gaither- GA 30022 Answer in writing
their demands. The notice shall ment. G-130 Annex By Order of the Court, for ser- Debra DeBerry
Edwards within sixty (60) days of the
be published once a week for This 5th day of January, 2023 Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 vice by publication dated the Clerk of Superior Court
Title: Executrix date of the Order of Publica-
four weeks in the official news- Name: Samuel Yarney 28th day of October, 2022 You 556 N. McDonough Street
paper of the county in which Address: 2822 Toney Drive 120-471539 12/15,12/22,12/29 tion.
Title: c/o Scott B. Fields, Esq. are hereby notified that on the G-130 Annex
the personal representative Decatur, GA 30032 Address: 1215 Hightower Trail, 1/5 Witness the Honorable Nora
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION 5th day of May, 2022 The Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
qualified…” Suite C-200, Atlanta, GA 30350 Polk, Judge of the DeKalb Su-
In the Superior Court above-named Plaintiff filed suit 120-471570 12/22,12/29,1/5,
perior Court.
of DeKalb County against you for: Divorce. 1/12
110-471925 12/29,1/5,1/12, This the 6th day of December,
110-471999 1/5,1/12,1/19,1/26 You are required to file with NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Notice to Debtors and Creditors Divorce State of Georgia
Civil Action# ++22FM6776++ the Clerk of Superior Court, and
Debra DeBerry In the Superior Court
All creditors of the estate of to serve upon the plaintiff or of DeKalb County
All creditors of the estate of ++Sharon Doochin++ late of Wanguara Jackson Clerk of Superior Court
120-471497 12/15.12/22,12/29 plaintiff's attorney whose name State of Georgia
++Isaac Pete Cook++ late of Dekalb County, deceased, are Plaintiff 556 N. McDonough Street
Dekalb County, deceased, are 1/5 and address is: 518 Carriage Civil Action# ++22FM8585++
hereby notified to render in vs. G-130 Annex
hereby notified to render in NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Walk Path, Stone Mountain, Zenebe Abebe
their demands to the under- Stacy Jackson Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
their demands to the under- In the Superior Court GA 30087 Answer in writing Plaintiff
signed according to law, and all Defendant 120-471544 12/15,12/22,12/29
signed according to law, and all of DeKalb County within sixty (60) days of the vs.
persons indebted to said es- To: Stacy Jackson 1/5
persons indebted to said es- State of Georgia 1705 Atherton Dr date of the Order of Publica- Zelekash Malede
tate are required to make im- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
tate are required to make im- Civil Action# ++22FM5300-8++ tion. Defendant
mediate payment. Decatur, GA 30035 In the Superior Court
mediate payment. This 23rd day of December, Kea Cochran Jennings Witness the Honorable Mark To: Zelekash Malede
By Order of the Court service of DeKalb County
This 21st day of December, 2022 Plaintiff Anthony Scott, Judge of the ADDRESS UKNOWN
for service by publication dated State of Georgia
2022 Name: Brian Doochin vs. DeKalb Superior Court. By Order of the Court, for ser-
12/01/22 You are hereby noti- Civil Action# ++22FM4429-8++
Name: Valentia Alleyne Title: Executor Saurell ES Jennings This the 23rd day of November, vice by publication dated the
fied that on 12/7/2022 The Robert Woody
Title: Attorney Address: 544 Union Avenue, Defendant 2022.
above-named Plaintiff filed suit Plaintiff 6th day of December, 2022
Address: 2625 Piedmont Road, Apartment 3O, Brooklyn, NY To: Saurell ES Jennings Debra DeBerry
against you for: Divorce. vs. You are hereby notified that on
Suite 56-327, Atlanta, GA 11211 ADDRESS UNKNOWN Clerk of Superior Court
30324 You are required to file with Corina Woody the 3rd day of October, 2022
By Order of the Court, for ser- 556 N. McDonough Street The above-named Plaintiff filed
the Clerk of Superior Court, and Defendant
vice by publication dated the G-130 Annex suit against you for: Divorce.
110-471926 12/29,1/5,1/12 to serve upon the plaintiff's at- To: Corina Woody
3rd day of November, 2022 Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 You are required to file with
1/19 110-472000 1/5,1/12,1/19,1/26 torney whose name and ad- ADDRESS UNKNOWN
You are hereby notified that on dress is: Wanguara Jackson, the Clerk of Superior Court, and
Notice to Debtors and Creditors NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND By Order of the Court, for ser-
the 3rd day of June, 2022 The 1705 Atherton Dr, Decatur, GA to serve upon the plaintiff or
All creditors of the estate of CREDITORS vice by publication dated the
++Shealyn Alicia Allman++ late STATE OF GEORGIA above-named Plaintiff filed suit 30035 Answer in writing within plaintiff's attorney whose name
120-471542 12/15.12/22.12/29 20th day of July, 2022 You are
of Dekalb County, deceased, COUNTY OF DEKALB against you for: Divorce. sixty (60) days of 12/7/2022. and address is: Zenebe Abebe,
1/5 hereby notified that on the 3rd
are hereby notified to render in IN RE: ESTATE OF BESSIE You are required to file with Witness the Honorable Asha F 3880 Lobially Dr, Clarkston, GA
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION day of May, 2022 The above-
their demands to the under- MARIE SANDERS the Clerk of Superior Court, and Jackson, Judge of the DeKalb 30021 Answer in writing within
In the Superior Court named Plaintiff filed suit against
signed according to law, and all All creditors of the estate of to serve upon the plaintiff or Superior Court. sixty (60) days of the date of
of DeKalb County you for: Divorce.
persons indebted to said es- ++Bessie Marie Sanders++ late plaintiff's attorney whose name This the 8th day of December, the Order of Publication.
State of Georgia You are required to file with
tate are required to make im- of DeKalb County, deceased, and address is: Kea Cochran 2022 Witness the Honorable Asha F
Civil Action# ++22FM8924++ the Clerk of Superior Court, and
mediate payment. are hereby notified to render in 3635 Broadview Ct, Decatur, Debra DeBerry Jackson, Judge of the DeKalb
Alexis Mcelrathbey to serve upon the plaintiff or
This 29th day of December, their demands to the under- GA 30032 Answer in writing Clerk of Superior Court Superior Court.
2022 signed according to law, and all Plaintiff plaintiff's attorney whose name
within sixty (60) days of the 556 N. McDonough Street This the 8th day of December,
Name: Brooks Mackintosh persons indebted to law, and all vs. and address is: Robert Woody,
date of the Order of Publica- G-130 Annex 2022.
Title: Attorney persons indebted to said es- Cornelius Mcelrathbey 4968 Glaze Rd, Dunwoody, GA
tion. Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 Debra DeBerry
Address: Mackintosh Law, LLC, tate are required to make im- Defendant 30360 Answer in writing within
Witness the Honorable Nora Clerk of Superior Court
246 Sycamore Street, Suite mediate payment. 120-471540 12/15,12/22,12/29 To: Cornelius Mcelrathbey sixty (60) days of the date of
Polk, Judge of the DeKalb Su- 556 N. McDonough Street
150, Decatur, GA 30030 This 5th day of January 2023. 1/5 ADDRESS UKNOWN the Order of Publication.
perior Court. G-130 Annex
Scott Brian Sanders NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By Order of the Court, for ser- Witness the Honorable Nora
This the 8th day of November, Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
Administrator of In the Superior Court vice by publication dated the Polk, Judge of the DeKalb Su-
Bessie Marie Sanders, de- of DeKalb County 12/5/2022 You are hereby noti- perior Court.
ceased Debra DeBerry
State of Georgia fied that on the 10/20/2022. This the 21st day of Septem-
7062 Rogers Lake Road, #23 Clerk of Superior Court
Civil Action# ++21FM8703-8++ The above-named Plaintiff filed ber, 2022.
Lithonia, GA 30058 556 N. McDonough Street
Shalonda Green suit against you for: Divorce. Debra DeBerry
G-130 Annex
Plaintiff You are required to file with Clerk of Superior Court
John B. Miller, Esq. Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
vs. the Clerk of Superior Court, and 556 N. McDonough Street
GA Bar No. 507305 G-130 Annex
Cord Jerome Franklin Jr to serve upon the plaintiff or
John B. Miller & Associates,
Defendant plaintiff's attorney whose name Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
P.O. Box 675433 To: Cord Jerome Franklin Jr and address is: Alexis
Marietta, GA 30006 ADDRESS UKNOWN Mcelrathbey 978 Gazin Pl,
By Order of the Court, for ser- Stone Mountain, GA 30083 An-
OCGA 53?7?41 states: vice by publication dated the swer in writing within sixty (60)
“…Every personal representat- 1st day of December, 2022 You days of the date of the Order of
ive shall, within 60 days from are hereby notified that on the Publication.
the date of qualification, pub- 4th day of October, 2021 The Witness the Honorable Sta-
lish a notice directed generally above-named Plaintiff filed suit cey K Hydrick, Judge of the
to all of the creditors of the es- against you for: Divorce. DeKalb Superior Court.
tate to render an account of You are required to file with This the 5th day of December,
their demands. The notice shall the Clerk of Superior Court, and
To: Jean Mara named child. You are com- 9:00 a.m., before Judge Linda ing will be virtual. Your case
By order of the court for ser- manded to be and appear Bratton-Haynes to show cause is scheduled to occur on Janu-
vice by publication dated and/or make known any objec- why the request of the Division ary 31, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. You
December 6, 2022, you are tions to the Petition described of the above-named child may sign into your hearing us-
hereby notified that on October above in writing. Setting forth should not be granted. Due to ing
31, 2022, Kathleen Leoma, the grounds for any such objec- the pandemic caused by COV- the above Zoom Meeting ID,
Page 22 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023 
filed suit against you for Di-
vorce. You are required to file
tions, and your objections must
be filed with this Court within
ID-19 this matter may be held (or) you may contact Tavaress
Anderson at DeKalb County
virtually via Zoom. In addition,
120-471571 12/22,12/29,1/5 120-471576 12/22,12/29,1/5 with the Clerk of the Superior 120-472012 1/5,1/12,1/19,1/26 thirty (30) days after the date of computer access will be avail- Juvenile Court at (404) 294
1/12 1/12 Court of Rockdale County, and IN THE SUPERIOR COURT the service by publication, or be able at the DeKalb County Ju- 2766 (office) or (470) 445-0792
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLICATION to serve upon Petitioner’s attor- OF DEKALB COUNTY commanded to appear before venile Court if needed. (cell) to receive further instruc-
In the Superior Court In the Superior Court ney, Dené Matthews, P.O. Box STATE OF GEORGIA the Honorable VINCENT You may file in the office of the tions
of DeKalb County of DeKalb County 392042, Snellville, GA, 30039 MARQUITA BOLTON, CRAWFORD of Dekalb County Clerk of this Court and serve on how to participate in your
State of Georgia State of Georgia an answer in writing within sixty Petitioner, Juvenile Court 4309 Memorial upon Petitioner’s attorney, hearing. Please call at least
Civil Action# ++22FM10291++ Civil Action# ++22FM10375- (60) days from the first date of vs. Dr, Decatur, GA 30032 on the Leslie Y. Abbott, PO Box 3306; one day before your
Praise Chinyere Okoh 1++ publication. CHEVARIS BERNARD BIVINS, date February 7th, 2023 at 9:00 Decatur, Georgia 30031, your scheduled hearing.
Witness, the Honorable Nancy Respondent. a.m. to show cause why the re- answer to the Division’s re- The website for the court is:
Plaintiff Deirdra Belton Preston
Bills, Judge of Superior Court of quest of CHRISTOPER quest.
vs. Plaintiff
Rockdale County. Civil Action File COOPER should not be gran- A party is entitled to counsel in You are commanded to be and
Donald Ray Howard vs. This 8th day of December No.++22FM8418++ ted. The hearing will take place appear zia Zoom (ID number
these proceedings and the
Defendant Thomas L Preston 2022. NOTICE OF FILING OF SER- in Court. Court will appoint an attorney 861 360 8049) on the 31st day
To: Donald Ray Howard Defendant Janice Morris, Clerk VICE BY PUBLICATION Please contact the Court at for you if you are unable, of January 2023, at 9:30 a.m.
3196 Misty Creek Drive To: Thomas L Preston Superior Court of Rockdale To: Chevaris Bernard Bivins, (404) 294-2700 for directions. without undue financial hard- for a final hearing to show
Decatur, GA 30033 2583 Summit Hollow Drive County Respondent: The Respondent shall lose all ship to employ counsel. Notice cause why the request of the
By Order of the Court, for ser- Columbus, OH 43219 556 N. McDonough St. 1717 Centra Villa Dr. SE, Apt. rights to object to the reques- is hereby given that a provi- Division
vice by publication dated the By Order of the Court service Decatur, GA 30030-3356 B66 ted Petition for Legitimation and sional hearing may be conduc- to adjudicate the above-named
8th day of December, 2022 for service by publication dated 120-471769 12/15,12/22,12/29 Atlanta, Georgia 30311 the Court can enter an order on ted on the date listed above by child should not be granted,
You are hereby notified that on December 12, 2022 You are 1/5 Pursuant to an Order for public- these matters. the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. and you may file in the office of
the 5th day of December, 2022 hereby notified that on Decem- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ation signed by the Honorable This 9th Day of December, § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact the
The above-named Plaintiff filed ber 8, 2022 The above-named OF DEKALB COUNTY Courtney L. Johnson on 2022. and orders of disposition made Clerk of this Court and serve
suit against you for: Divorce. Plaintiff filed suit against you STATE OF GEORGIA December 20, 2022, you are Douglas E. Pack at the provisional hearing may upon Petitioner’s Attorney, Cyn-
You are required to file with for: Divorce. ZOHEMY ROMERO DIAZ, hereby notice that a Petition for Attorney for Petitioner become final at a final hearing thia Roberts-Emory, P.O. Box
the Clerk of Superior Court, and You are required to file with Petitioner, Divorce has been filed in the 160-471950 12/29,1/5,1/12 unless parties served by public- 71757, Newnan GA 30271,
to serve upon the plaintiff or the Clerk of Superior Court, and v Superior Court of DeKalb 1/19 ation appear at the final hear- within sixty (30) days of the
plaintiff's attorney whose name to serve upon the plaintiff's at- SEAN STAFFORD, County, Georgia, Case No. NOTICE TO APPEAR ing. 28th of July 2022 your answer
Respondent. 22FM8418, on September 27, STATE OF GEORGIA WITNESS, the Honorable Linda to the
and address is: Praise Okoh, torney whose name and ad-
Civil Action 2022. COUNTY OF DEKALB Bratton-Haynes, Judge Division’s Petition.
3196 Misty Creek Drive, Dec- dress is: Deirdra Belton-Pre- Generally, the Complaint al- Notice is hereby given that a fi-
++File No. 22FM6251++ IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF This the 20th day of December
atur, GA 30033 Answer in writ- ston, 2414 Hudson Lane, Dec- leges that the Petitioner is 2022. nal hearing on the above-stated
ing within sixty (60) days of the atur, GA 30035 Answer in writ- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION DEKALB COUNTY.
To: Sean Stafford seeking for divorce. In the interest of: Antoninette L. Brantley, date and at the specified loca-
date of the Order of Publica- ing within sixty (60) days of You may obtain a copy of this Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb tion,
By order of the court for ser- + + D. A. B. , Se x : M , DO B:
tion. December 12, 2022. Petition from the Clerk of Su- 11/07/2021, Age: 9YRS., County will be conducted by the Court
vice by publication dated Octo-
Witness the Honorable Court- Witness the Honorable Court- ber 28, 2022, you are hereby perior Court of DeKalb Case Number: 22J01992++, pursuant to O.C.G.A. section
ney L. Johnson, Judge of the ney L Johnson, Judge of the notified that on July 11, 2022, County, located at 5 5 6 N. Mc- NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY 160-472003 1/5,1/12,1/19,1/26 15-11-29 on January 31, 2023,
DeKalb Superior Court. DeKalb Superior Court. Zohemy Romero Diaz, filed suit Donough Street Decatur, Geor- PROCEEDINGS NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY at
This the 9th day of December, This the 12th day of December, against you for Divorce. You gia 30030. After you review the TO: KAYLA BROWN, MOTH- PROCEEDINGS 9:30 a.m.
2022. 2022 are required to file with the Complaint, you must file your ER and ALL KNOWN/UN- IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF Witness: the Honorable Pro
Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Clerk of the Superior Court of written answer and objections KNOWN AND UNNAMED PU- DEKALB COUNTY Tem Judge Markeith Wilson
Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court DeKalb County, and to serve to the Complaint for Divorce TATIVE, LEGAL or BIOLOGIC- STATE OF GEORGIA This 13th day of December
556 N. McDonough Street 556 N. McDonough Street upon Petitioner’s attorney, with AL FATHERS, WHOSE IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF 2022
G-130 Annex G-130 Annex Dené Matthews, P.O. Box the Clerk of Superior Court. WHEREABOUTS ARE UN- DEKALB COUNTY Antoninette Johnson-Brantley
Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 392042, Snellville, GA, 30039 You must also serve a copy of KNOWN. STATE OF GEORGIA Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb
an answer in writing within sixty your answer upon the Petition- GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- IN THE INTEREST OF: ++FILE County
120-471573 12/22,12/29,1/5 120-471701 12/15,12/22,12/29 er’s
1/12 (60) days from the first date of der of this Court, you are NO. 990379138
1/5 attorney, Vanessa Kosky, FILE NO. 990379139 A.S.
publication. hereby notified that a Perman-
In the Superior Court
Witness, the Honorable Stacey whose address is: The Law Of- ency Hearing has been set in SEX: M DOB: 05-29-2022 Termination
K. Hydrick, Judge of Superior fice of Vanessa Kosky, PC, the interest of the above refer- CASE NO: 22J02764 A.S.
of DeKalb County STATE OF GEORGIA 2341 SEX: F DOB: 09-03-2022 170-471804 12/22,12/29,1/5
Court of DeKalb County. enced child by the Juvenile
State of Georgia Patrick Liles Brockett Road, Tucker, Geor- CASE NO: 22J02765++ 1/12
This 28th day of October 2022. Court of DeKalb County and by
Civil Action# ++22FM9018++ Plaintiff, gia 30084. Your answer must CHILD SUBJECT TO THE NOTICE TO APPEAR
Debra DeBerry, Clerk the Georgia Department of Hu-
Shareka Lay V. be made within sixty (60) days JURISDICTION OF THIS STATE OF GEORGIA
Superior Court of DeKalb man Services, through its
Plaintiff Latonya Newton of COURT COUNTY OF DEKALB
County agent, DeKalb County Division
vs. Defendant. the date of the Order for Ser- To Shalanda Sims, mother of IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF
556 N. McDonough St. of Family and Children Ser-
Marcus Green Civil Action File No. vice by Publication. said children and any DEKALB COUNTY. In the in-
Decatur, GA 30030-3356 vices (hereinafter referred to as
Defendant ++22FM10040++ WITNESS the Honorable Asha unknown/unnamed biological, terest of
120-471803 12/22,12/29,1/5 “the Division”), whose address
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION F. Jackson, Judge of the legal ++K.G., Sex: M Age: 2 YRS.
To: Marcus Green 1/12 is 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At-
To: Latonya Newton DeKalb County Superior Court. or putative father(s) where- DOB: 09-19-2019, Case Num-
445 Cleveland Ave IN THE SUPERIOR COURT lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia
602 Tree Mountain Parkway Clerk, Superior Court of DeKalb abouts unknown. ber 22J00142; K.G., Sex: M,
Atl, GA 30315 OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE 30345, alleging the where-
Stone Mountain, Georgia County Greetings: Pursuant to an Or- Age: 2 YRS. DOB: 09-19-2019,
By Order of the Court, for ser- OF GEORGIA abouts of the above-named
30038 This 21St day of December, der of this Court dated Decem- Case Number 22J00142++
vice by publication dated the LOIS HOUSTON, parties are unknown. The
Dekalb County 2022. ber 13, 2022, you are hereby TO: TELA GUNDER, Mother
14th day of November, 2022 Petitioner, above-named child is in the
By order of the court for ser- The Law Office of Vanessa notified and CARLOS HURT, Putative
You are hereby notified that on v. temporary custody of the Divi-
vice by publication dated 12/ Kosky, PC that a Dependency Petition was Father and ALL KNOWN/UN-
the 18th day of October, 2022 DAVID YATES, sion pursuant to a prior order of
1/22, you are hereby notified 2341 Brockett Road filed against you in this Court KNOWN AND UNNAMED PU-
Respondent. the Court finding the child to be
The above-named Plaintiff filed that on 1 1/22/22, Plaintiff filed Tucker, Georgia 30084 by the Georgia Department TATIVE, LEGAL or BIOLOGIC-
CIVIL ACTION FILE NO.: dependent. At said hearing, the
suit against you for: Divorce. suit against you for divorce. Phone: (678)694-1540 of Human Services, through its AL FATHERS
++22FM10176++ Court will review and consider
You are required to file with You are required to file with the E-mail: vanessa@attor- agent, the DeKalb County Divi- GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or-
To: David Yates the Division’s recommended
the Clerk of Superior Court, and clerk of the Superior Court, and sion of Family and Children’s der of this Court, you are
(Address and whereabouts un- permanency plan of adoption
to serve upon the plaintiff or to served upon Plaintiff’s attor- Services, alleging that the hereby notified that on or about
known) submitted by the Division pur-
plaintiff's attorney whose name ney Derick C. Villanueva, Esq. whereabouts of the parents of January 27, 2022, a Petition for
suant to O.C.G.A. § 15-11-231.
and address is: Shareka Lay, 3300 Buckeye Road Suite 335
Atlanta, Georgia 30341 an An-
By ORDER of the Court for ser-
vice by publication dated the 2 Deprived the above-named child are un- Termination of Parental Rights
409 Eletric Ave, Apt 5, Dec, GA day of December,2022, you are A free copy of previous orders, known. was filed in this Court by the
30030 Answer in writing within swer in writing within sixty 160-471771 12/15,12/22,12/29 The Petition asks the Court to Georgia Department of Human
hereby notified that on or about and the Social Services Case
(60) days of 12/ Z/22 1/5 grant temporary legal custody Services, through its agent,
sixty (60) days of the date of November 17, 2022, the above- Plan may be obtained from the
Witness, the Honorable Court- IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF of the above-named child to the DeKalb County Division of
the Order of Publication. named Petitioner filed suit Clerk of the Juvenile Court of
ney L Johnson, Judge, of DEKALB COUNTY Division Family and Children Service
Witness the Honorable Yolan- against you a Complaint for Di- DeKalb County, 4309 Memori-
Dekalb County Superior Court. In the interest of: on the grounds that the child is (Division or DFCS), whose ad-
da C. Parker- Smith, Judge of vorce. al Drive, Decatur, Georgia
This12/2/2022. ++A. M. G. Sex: F DOB: dependent as that term is dress is 2300 Parklake Drive
the DeKalb Superior Court. You are required to file with the 30030, on any day, Monday
Debra DeBerry 04/24/2010 File No. 183968 defined by O.C.G.A. section NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30345, al-
This the 15th day of December, Clerk of Superior Court, and to through Friday, between the
Clerk, Dekalb County Superior Case No: 22102728++ 15-11-2. A free copy of the peti- leging the whereabouts of the
2022. serve upon the Plaintiff's attor- hours 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Court A child under 18 years of age. tion be obtained from the Clerk above-named parties are un-
Debra DeBerry ney whose name and address Please contact the Clerk’s of-
120-471702 12/15,12/22,12/29 is: NOTICE OF LEGITIMATION fice at 678-409-4252 or email of the Juvenile Court of DeKalb known. The above-named chil-
Clerk of Superior Court 1/5 PROCEEDINGS County, 4309 Memorial Drive, dren are in the temporary cus-
John Evans, Esq piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g
556 N. McDonough Street IN THE SUPERIOR COURT TO; Ruby Gentry, the biologic- ov for information regarding Decatur, Georgia 30032, on tody of the Division pursuant to
G-130 Annex 4780 Ashford Dunwoody Rd.
OF ROCKDALE COUNTY Suite 540 Box 611 al mother of the above-named electronic filing and virtual ac- any day, Monday through Fri- a prior order of the Court find-
Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 STATE OF GEORGIA child, and Respondent in the cess. day, between ing the children to be depend-
Atlanta, GA 30338
KATHLEEN LEOMA, an answer to Petitioner's Com- above matter, WHOSE the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 ent. The Petition asks the Court
Petitioner, plaint for Divorce, in writing, WHEREABOUT IS UN- You are hereby commanded to p.m. to terminate parental rights and
v within sixty (60) days of the KNOWN: be and appear at the DeKalb Chief Judge Vincent C. Craw- obligations of the parent(s),
JEAN MARA, date of the order for publica- GREETINGS: THE PETITION County Juvenile Court, 4309 ford with respect to the children,
Respondent. tion. OF CHRISTOPHER COOPER Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- (Zoom meeting ID # 861 360 arising out of the parental rela-
Civil Action WITNESS, the Honorable FOR LEGITIMATION was filed gia 30030 by person or via 8049) tionship, including the right to
++File No. 2022-CV-2495++ Judge Shondeana C. Morris, of against you in this court, by the Zoom (Zoom ID 963-656- The Court is operating via inheritance, and that the chil-
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION this Superior Court. biological father of the above- 85416) on March 24, 2023, at video conferencing. This hear- dren be committed to the Geor-
To: Jean Mara This 13 day of December 2022. named child. You are com- 9:00 a.m., before Judge Linda ing will be virtual. Your case gia Department of Human Ser-
By order of the court for ser- manded to be and appear Bratton-Haynes to show cause is scheduled to occur on Janu- vices with the right to proceed
vice by publication dated and/or make known any objec- why the request of the Division ary 31, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. You for adoption. A free copy of the
December 6, 2022, you are tions to the Petition described of the above-named child may sign into your hearing us- Petition may be obtained from
hereby notified that on October above in writing. Setting forth should not be granted. Due to ing the Clerk of the Juvenile Court
31, 2022, Kathleen Leoma, the grounds for any such objec- the pandemic caused by COV- the above Zoom Meeting ID, of DeKalb County, 4309 Me-
filed suit against you for Di- tions, and your objections must ID-19 this matter may be held (or) you may contact Tavaress morial Drive, Decatur, Georgia
vorce. You are required to file be filed with this Court within virtually via Zoom. In addition, Anderson at DeKalb County 30030, on any day, Monday
with the Clerk of the Superior thirty (30) days after the date of computer access will be avail- Juvenile Court at (404) 294 through Friday, between the
Court of Rockdale County, and the service by publication, or be able at the DeKalb County Ju- 2766 (office) or (470) 445-0792 hours 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
to serve upon Petitioner’s attor- commanded to appear before venile Court if needed. (cell) to receive further instruc- You are hereby commanded to
ney, Dené Matthews, P.O. Box the Honorable VINCENT You may file in the office of the tions be and appear at the DeKalb
gia Department of Human Ser- (Division or DFCS), whose ad- der of this Court, you are this Petition, unless he files a children, arising out of the par-
vices with the right to proceed dress is 2300 Parklake Drive hereby notified that on or about petition to legitimate the child ental relationship, including the
for adoption. A free copy of the NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30345, al- September 6, 2022, a Petition and files notice of the filing of right to inheritance, and that the
Petition may be obtained from leging the whereabouts of the For Termination of Parental the petition to legitimate with child be committed to the Geor-
the Clerk of the Juvenile Court above-named parties are un- Rights was filed in this Court by the DeKalb County Juvenile gia Department of Human Ser-
of DeKalb County, 4309 Me- known. The above-named child the Georgia Department of Hu- Court. vices with the right to proceed

morial Drive, Decatur, Georgia The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 23
is in the temporary custody of man Services, through its A party is entitled to counsel in for adoption.
30030, on any day, Monday the Division pursuant to a prior agent, DeKalb County Division these proceedings and the A free copy of the Petition may
through Friday, between the order of the Court finding the of Family and Children Ser- 170-471929 12/29,1/5,1/12 Court will appoint an attorney be obtained from the Clerk of
hours 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
You are hereby commanded to
child to be dependent. The Pe-
tition asks the Court to termin-
vices (hereinafter referred to as
“the Division”), whose address
for you if you are unable,
without undue financial hard-
the Juvenile Court of DeKalb
County, 4309 Memorial Drive,
Name Change
be and appear at the DeKalb ate parental rights and obliga- is 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- DEKALB COUNTY ship, to employ counsel. Decatur, Georgia 30030, on 200-471530 12/15,12/22,12/29
County Juvenile Court, 4309 tions of the parent(s), with re- lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia STATE OF GEORGIA WITNESS, Desire Sutton any day, Monday through Fri-
Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- spect to the child, arising out of 30345, alleging the where- IN THE INTEREST OF: FILE #: Peagler, Judge day, between the hours 8:30
gia 30030 on February 3, 2023 the parental relationship, in- ++990376229 CASE # This the 20th of October 2022. a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- NOTICE OF PETITION TO
abouts of the above-named
at 10:00 o’clock a.m. to show cluding the tight to inheritance, parties are unknown. The 22J02368 A.P. SEX: F DOB: /S/ Mandana Butler tact the Clerk’s office at 678- CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
cause why the request of the and that the child be commit- above-named child is in the 09/14/2020++ Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb 409-4252 or email DeKalb County Superior Court
Division to grant the termina- ted to the Georgia Department temporary custody of the Divi- Child Under 18 Years of Age County piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g State of Georgia
tion should not be granted. The of Human Services with the sion pursuant to a prior order of NOTICE OF TERMINATION 170-472005 1/5 ov for information regarding Civil Action Case Number
Hearing is scheduled to be held right to proceed for adoption. A the Court finding the child to be PROCEEDINGS PUBLICATION OF HEARING electronic filing and virtual ac- ++22FM9988++
virtually; a computer will be free copy of the Petition may be dependent. The Petition asks TO: Dana Prainito, the biologic- STATE OF MICHIGAN cess. Robin Ann Elam filed a peti-
made available at the court- obtained from the Clerk of the the Court to terminate parental al mother and Howard Donell, 44th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT You are hereby commanded to tion in the DeKalb County Su-
house to access the virtual Juvenile Court of DeKalb rights and obligations of the the putative father and any FAMILY DIVISION be and appear at the DeKalb perior Court on 11/21/2022, to
hearing if needed. You may County, 4309 Memorial Drive, parents, with respect to the known/unknown, named/un- LIVINGSTON COUNTY County Juvenile Court, 4309 change the name from: Robin
also access the DeKalb County Decatur, Georgia 30030, on child, arising out of the parent- named putative, biological PUBLICATION OF PARENT- Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- Ann Elam to Diamond Robin
Juvenile Court website to ob- any day, Monday through Fri- al relationship, including the and/or legal father of the AL-RIGHTS TERMINATION gia 30030 by person or via Ann Elam.
tain the Zoom hearing ID. The day, between the hours 8:30 right to inheritance, and that the above-named child. HEARING Zoom (Zoom ID 963-656- Any interested party has the
website address is www.dekal- a.m. until 5:00 p.m. You may child be committed to the Geor- GREETINGS: Pursuant to an ++CASE NO. PETITION NO. 85416) on right to appear in this case and You may also contact the Clerk’s office gia Department of Human Ser- Order of this Court dated Octo- 21-016243-NA++ February 13, 2023, at 9:00 am., file objections within 30 days
also contact the Clerk’s office at 678-409-4252 for further in- vices with the right to proceed ber 20, 2022 you are hereby TO: ERIKA LYNN DIPPRE before Judge Linda Bratton- after the Petition was filed.
at 678-409-4252 for further in- formation regarding virtual fil- for adoption. notified that a Petition for Ter- IN THE MATTER OF: ALEXZA Haynes to show cause why the
Dated: 11/21/2022
formation and assistance ac- ing and access. A free copy of the Petition may mination of Parental Rights has VIAR ARMSTONG request of the Division to grant
cessing the virtual hearing. You are hereby commanded to been filed against you in this the Termination of Parental Robin Ann Elam
be obtained from the Clerk of A hearing regarding termina-
You may file in the office of the be and appear at the DeKalb the Juvenile Court of DeKalb Court by the Georgia Depart- Rights should not be granted. Petitioner, Pro se
tion of parental rights will be
Clerk of this Court and serve County Juvenile Court, 4309 County, 4309 Memorial Drive, ment of Human Services, Due to the pandemic caused by 3174 Wakefield Dr
conducted by the court on
upon Plaintiff’s attorney , Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- Decatur, Georgia 30030, on through its agent, the DeKalb COVID-19 this matter may be Decatur, GA 30034
1/27/2023 at 9:30AM. in JU-
Eleasah Waller, ESQ, PO Box gia 30030 on January 27, 2023 any day, Monday through Fri- County Division of Family and VENILE COURT 204 S. HIGH- held virtually via Zoom. In addi- Debra DeBerry
360275; Decatur, Georgia at 10:30 o’clock a.m. to show day, between the hours 8:30 Children Services (Division), LANDER WAY HOWELL, MI tion, computer access will be Clerk of Superior Court
30036, within thirty (30) days of cause why the request of the a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- 2300 Parklake Dr., Atlanta, 48843 before REFEREE available at the DeKalb County 200-471531 12/15,12/22,12/29
the date of the first publication, Division to grant the termina- tact the Clerk’s office at 678- Georgia 30345 alleging that the CHELSEA THOMASON Juvenile Court if needed. 1/5
your answer to the Division’s tion should not be granted. You 409-4252 or email whereabouts the biological This hearing may result in the You may file in the office of the NOTICE OF PETITION TO
Petition. You may contact the may file in the office of the piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g mother and the whereabouts of termination of your parental Clerk of this Court and serve CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
Clerk’s office at 678-409-4252 Clerk of this Court and serve ov for information regarding the putative father are un- rights. upon Petitioner’s attorney, DeKalb County Superior Court
for assistance with electronic fil- upon Plaintiff’s attorney , electronic filing and virtual ac- known. The above-named child You have the right to an attor- Leslie Y. Abbott, PO Box 3306; State of Georgia
ing. Eleasah Waller, ESQ, PO Box cess. is in the temporary custody of ney. There is no right to a jury Decatur, Georgia 30031, within Civil Action Case Number
The putative father(s) shall lose 360275; Decatur, Georgia You are hereby commanded to the Division pursuant to a prior at this hearing. sixty (60) days of the date of ++22FM10203++
all rights to the child and the 30036, within thirty (30) days of be and appear at the DeKalb order of the Court finding the IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED the first publication, your an-
Marquis Treveon Gill filed a
Court will enter an Order ter- the date of the first publication, County Juvenile Court, 4309 child to be dependent. The Pe- that ERIKA LYNN DIPPRE per- swer to the Division’s petition.
minating all such parental rights your answer to the Division’s tition asks the Court to termin- The putative father(s) shall lose petition in the DeKalb County
Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- sonally appear before the court
unless within thirty (30) days Petition. gia 30030 by person or via ate the parental rights and ob- all rights to the child and will Superior Court on December 1,
at the time and place stated
from the receipt of this Petition, The putative father(s) shall lose Zoom (Zoom ID 963-656-8541) ligations of the parents, with re- not be entitled to object to the 2022, to change the name
he files a petition to legitimate all rights to the child and the on spect to the child, and of the termination of his rights unless from: Marquis Treveon Gill to
the child and files notice of the Court will enter an Order ter- June 16, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., child to them arising out of the 170-472044 1/5,1/12,1/19,1/26 within thirty (30) days from the Mordechaiah Israel.
filing of the petition to legitim- minating all such parental rights before Judge Linda Bratton- parental relationship, including NOTICE TO APPEAR receipt of this Petition, he files Any interested party has the
ate with the DeKalb County Ju- unless within thirty (30) days Haynes show cause why the the right to inheritance, and that STATE OF GEORGIA a petition to legitimate the child right to appear in this case and
venile Court. from the receipt of this Petition, request of the Division to grant the child be committed to the COUNTY OF DEKALB and files notice of the filing of file objections within 30 days
A party is entitled to counsel in he files a petition to legitimate the Termination of Parental Georgia Department of Human IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF the petition to legitimate with after the Petition was filed.
these proceedings and the the child and files notice of the Rights should not be granted. Services, with the right to pro- DEKALB COUNTY the DeKalb County Juvenile Dated: 12/01/2022
Court will appoint an attorney filing of the petition to legitim- Due to the pandemic caused by ceed for adoption. A free copy In the interest of Court. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Marquis Gill
for you if you are unable, ate with the DeKalb County Ju- COVID-19 this matter may be of the petition may be obtained ++J.T., Sex: F. DOB: §15-11-283 Petitioner, Pro se
without undue financial hard- venile Court. held virtually via Zoom. In addi- from the Clerk of the Juvenile 02/10/2018, Case Number A party is entitled to counsel in 612 Wesley Club Dr
ship to employ counsel. Notice A party is entitled to counsel in tion, computer access will be Court of DeKalb County, 4309 22J01883, J.T., Sex: M. DOB: these proceedings and the Decatur, GA 30034
is hereby given that prior to a fi- these proceedings and the available at the DeKalb County Memorial Dr., Decatur, Geor- 09/18/2016, Case Number Court will appoint an attorney Debra DeBerry
nal hearing, a provisional hear- Court will appoint an attorney Juvenile Court if needed. gia 30032, on any day, Monday 22J01885 J.T., Sex: F. DOB: for you if you are unable, Clerk of Superior Court
ing may be conducted by the for you if you are unable, You may file in the office of the through Friday, between the 09/18/2016, Case Number without undue financial hard-
court pursuant to O.C.G.A. 15- without undue financial hard- Clerk of this Court and serve hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 ship to employ counsel. Notice 200-471532 12/15,12/22,12/29
22J01884 K.T-S, Sex: F. DOB:
11-29. Findings of Fact and or- ship to employ counsel. Notice upon Petitioner’s attorney, p.m. is hereby given that a provi- 1/5
06/04/2020, Case Number
ders of disposition made at the is hereby given that prior to a fi- Leslie Y. Abbott, PO Box 3306; You are commanded to be and 22J01886++ sional hearing may be conduc- NOTICE OF PETITION
provisional hearing may be- nal hearing, a provisional hear- Decatur, Georgia 30031, within appear at the DeKalb County NOTICE OF TERMINATION ted on the date listed above by TO CHANGE NAME(S)
come final at a final hearing un- ing may be conducted by sixty (60) days of the date of Juvenile Justice Center, 4309 PROCEEDINGS the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. OF MINOR CHILD(REN)
less parties served by publica- the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. the first publication, your an- Memorial Dr., Decatur, Geor- TO: ALONZO MONTFORD, § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact DeKalb County Superior Court
tion appear at the final hearing. 15-11-29. Findings of Fact and swer to the Division’s petition. gia 30032 on the 23rd day of PUTATIVE FATHER, KEN- and orders of disposition made State of Georgia
WITNESS, the Honorable orders of disposition made at The putative father(s) shall lose February 2023, at 9:00 a.m. to NETH SIMMONS, PUTATIVE at the provisional hearing may Civil Action Case Number
Fatima El-Amin, Judge the provisional hearing may be- all rights to the children and will show cause why the request of FATHER, and ALL become final at a final hearing ++22FM10184++
This the 14th day of December, come final at a final hearing un- not be entitled to object to the the Division to terminate your KNOWN/UNKNOWN AND UN- unless parties served by public- Wintana E Araya filed a peti-
2022. less parties served by publica- termination of his rights unless parental rights to the above- NAMED PUTATIVE, LEGAL or ation appear at the final hear- tion in the DeKalb County Su-
Antoninette Johnson-Brantley, tion appear at the final hearing. within thirty (30) days from the named child should not be BIOLOGICAL FATHERS, ing. perior Court on 11/30/2022 to
CLERK OF COURT WITNESS, the Honorable receipt of this Petition, he files granted. WHOSE WHEREABOUTS WITNESS, the Honorable Linda change the name(s) of the fol-
Fatima El-Amin, Judge a petition to legitimate the child This hearing will be held virtu- ARE UNKNOWN. Bratton-Haynes Judge lowing minor child(ren) from:
170-471805 12/22,12/29,1/5 This the 14th day of December, and files notice of the filing of ally via ZOOM at the same date GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- This 21st Day of December Naeal A Tekle to Nael A Tekle.
1/12 2022. the petition to legitimate with and time listed above. The der of this Court, you are 2022.
Any interested party has the
NOTICE TO APPEAR Antoninette Johnson-Brantley, the DeKalb County Juvenile ZOOM ID number for this hear- hereby notified that on or about Antoninette L. Brantley,
CLERK OF COURT ing is 9970-509-5447. Com- Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb right to appear in this case and
STATE OF GEORGIA Court. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. August 19, 2022, a Petition For
§15-11-283 puters will be available at the County file objections within the time
COUNTY OF DEKALB 170-471928 12/29,1/5,1/12 Termination of Parental Rights
A party is entitled to counsel in DeKalb County Juvenile Court prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF 1/19 was filed in this Court by the
DEKALB COUNTY. In the in- these proceedings and the if needed. You may file in the (f)(2) and (3).
NOTICE TO APPEAR Georgia Department of Human
terest of STATE OF GEORGIA Court will appoint an attorney office of the Clerk of this Court Services, through its agent, Dated: 11/30/2022
++C.W., Sex: M, Age: 2 YRS. COUNTY OF DEKALB for you if you are unable, and serve upon Petitioner’s at- DeKalb County Division of Petitioner, Pro se
DOB: 04-01-2020, Case Num- IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF without undue financial hard- torney, Jerry W. Thacker, PO. Family and Children Services 3024 Lauren Parc Rd
ber 044-22J01528++ DEKALB COUNTY ship to employ counsel. Notice Box 83480 Conyers, Georgia (hereinafter referred to as “the Decatur, GA 30032
TO: ALL KNOWN/UNKNOWN In the interest of is hereby given that a provi- 30013 your answer to the Divi- Division”), whose address is Debra DeBerry
AND UNNAMED PUTATIVE, + + D. A. B. , Se x : M , DO B: sional hearing may be conduc- sions’ Petition. 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- Clerk of Superior Court
LEGAL or BIOLOGICAL FATH- 11/07/2021, Age: 9YRS., ted on the date listed above by The biological fathers may lose lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia
ERS Case Number: 22J01992++, the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. all rights to the child and the 30345, alleging the where-
GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- NOTICE OF TERMINATION § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact Court will enter an order termin- abouts of the above-named
der of this Court, you are PROCEEDINGS and orders of disposition made ating all such father’s rights to parties are unknown. The
hereby notified that on or about TO: KAYLA BROWN, MOTH- at the provisional hearing may the child and such father may above-named children is in the
June 13, 2022, a Petition For ER and ALL KNOWN/UN- become final at a final hearing not object to the termination of temporary custody of the Divi-
Termination of Parental Rights KNOWN AND UNNAMED PU- unless parties served by public- his parental rights unless, with- sion pursuant to a prior order of
was filed in this Court by the TATIVE, LEGAL or BIOLOGIC- ation appear at the final hear- in thirty (30) from the receipt of the Court finding the children to
Georgia Department of Human AL FATHERS, WHOSE ing. this Petition, unless he files a be dependent. The Petition
Services, through its agent, WHEREABOUTS ARE UN- WITNESS, the Honorable Linda petition to legitimate the child asks the Court to terminate par-
DeKalb County Division of KNOWN. Bratton-Haynes, Judge and files notice of the filing of ental rights and obligations of
Family and Children Service GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- This the 20th of August 2022. the petition to legitimate with the parents, with respect to the
(Division or DFCS), whose ad- der of this Court, you are Antoninette L. Brantley, the DeKalb County Juvenile children, arising out of the par-
dress is 2300 Parklake Drive hereby notified that on or about Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb Court. ental relationship, including the
NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30345, al- September 6, 2022, a Petition County A party is entitled to counsel in right to inheritance, and that the
leging the whereabouts of the For Termination of Parental these proceedings and the child be committed to the Geor-
above-named parties are un- Rights was filed in this Court by Court will appoint an attorney gia Department of Human Ser-
known. The above-named child the Georgia Department of Hu- for you if you are unable, vices with the right to proceed
is in the temporary custody of man Services, through its without undue financial hard- for adoption.
the Division pursuant to a prior agent, DeKalb County Division ship, to employ counsel. A free copy of the Petition may
order of the Court finding the of Family and Children Ser- WITNESS, Desire Sutton be obtained from the Clerk of
child to be dependent. The Pe- vices (hereinafter referred to as Peagler, Judge the Juvenile Court of DeKalb
tition asks the Court to termin- “the Division”), whose address This the 20th of October 2022. County, 4309 Memorial Drive,
ate parental rights and obliga- is 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- /S/ Mandana Butler Decatur, Georgia 30030, on
Court on December 5th, 2022,
to change the name(s) of the
following minor child(ren) from:
Miranda Ding to Miranda
Miaochen Ding.
Any interested party has the
Page 24 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023 
right to appear in this case and
file objections within the time
200-471533 12/15,12/22,12/29 prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 200-471574 12/22,12/29,1/5 200-471605 12/29,1/5,1/12 200-471608 12/29,1/5,1/12, 200-471630 1/5,1/12,1/19 1/26 200-471705 12/15,12/22,12/29
1/5 (f)(2) and (3). 1/12 1/19 1/19 NOTICE OF PETITION 1/5
DeKalb County Superior Court Petitioner, Pro se DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court In the Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court STATE OF GEORGIA
State of Georgia 5469 Oxford Chase Way State of Georgia State of Georgia of DeKalb County State of Georgia
Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number State of Georgia Civil Action Case Number In re: the Name Change of:
Atlanta, GA 30338
++22FM10281++ ++22FM10391++ ++22FM10715++ Family Division ++22FM10720++ KENSLEY LA’RAE
Debra DeBerry MCKNIGHT,
Henry Jerone Nance II filed a Clerk of Superior Court Sophie Regina Murad filed a Jada M Davis filed a petition in Civil Action File No: Josee Ndaya filed a petition in
Minor Child,
petition in the DeKalb County 200-471537 12/15,12/22,12/29 petition in the DeKalb County the DeKalb County Superior ++22FM10689-5++ the DeKalb County Superior
Superior Court on 12/5/2022, 1/5 Superior Court on December 7, Court on December 21st, 2022, I, Terrence Allen Freeman Court on 11/07/2022, to change Petitioner,
2021, to change the name NOTICE OF PETITION TO 2022, to change the name to change the name from: Jada filed a petition in the Superior of the name(s) of the following CIVIL ACTION
from: Henry Jerone Nance II to CHANGE NAME OF ADULT from: Sophie Regina Murad to M Davis to Percy Orion M Dav- DeKalb County on December minor child(ren) from: Mirah ++FILE NO. 22FM8887++
Jerone Henry Nance II. DeKalb County Superior Court Aria Skye Valentina. is. 20th, 2022 to change his/her Noureddin Adam to Mirah Mia NOTICE OF PETITION TO
Any interested party has the State of Georgia Any interested party has the Any interested party has the name from Terrence Alan Free- Mutoka. CHANGE NAME OF MINOR
right to appear in this case and Civil Action Case Number right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and man to Terrenie Alan Freeman. Any interested party has the CHILD
file objections within 30 days ++22FM10226++ file objections within 30 days file objections within 30 days Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and Notice is hereby given that De-
after the Petition was filed. Savannah Lynn DeMil filed a after the Petition was filed. after the Petition was filed. right to appear in this case and file objections within the time monte Q. Harris, by and
Dated: 12/5/2022 petition in the DeKalb County Dated: 12/16/2022 Dated: 12/21/2022 file objections within 30 days prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 through the undersigned, filed
Henry Jerone Nance II Superior Court on 12/01/2022, Petitioner, Pro se Jada Davis after the Petition was filed (f)(2) and (3). his Petition in the Superior
Petitioner, Pro se to change the name from: Sa- 705 Ashford Parkway Petitioner, Pro se Signed this 20th day of Decem- Dated: 11/07/2022 Court of Dekalb County, Geor-
245 E Lake Dr SE Atlanta, GA 30338 2342 Rolliver Hills Ln ber, 2022 Josee Ndaya gia, on or about October 12,
vannah Lynn DeMil to Savan-
Atlanta, GA 30317 Debra DeBerry Ellenwood,GA 30294 Terrence A Freeman Petitioner, Pro se 2022, praying for a change in
nah Lynn Dahl. the name of a minor child from
Debra DeBerry Any interested party has the Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry Petitioner 1671 Goshen Apt P7
Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court 6202 Valley Green Rd Augusta, GA 30906 Kensley La’Rae McKnight to
right to appear in this case and 200-471603 12/29,1/5,1/12
Lithonia, GA 30058 Debra DeBerry Kensley La’Rae Harris.
200-471534 12/15,12/22,12/29 file objections within 30 days 1/19 200-471606 12/29,1/5,1/12 Notice is hereby given pursu-
after the Petition was filed. NOTICE OF PETITION TO 1/19 Clerk of Superior Court
1/5 ant to law to any interested or
Dated: 12/01/2022 CHANGE NAME OF ADULT NOTICE OF PETITION TO 200-471609 12/29,1/5,1/12, 200-471631 1/5,1/12,1/19 1/26 affected party to appear in said
Savannah Lynn DeMil DeKalb County Superior Court CHANGE NAME OF ADULT 1/19 NOTICE OF PETITION court and to file objections to
Petitioner, Pro se State of Georgia DeKalb County Superior Court NOTICE OF PETITION TO TO CHANGE NAME(S) such name change. Objections
DeKalb County Superior Court
412 Carlyle Lk Civil Action Case Number State of Georgia CHANGE NAME OF ADULT OF MINOR CHILD(REN) must be filed with said court
State of Georgia
Decatur, GA 30033 ++22FM10560++ Civil Action Case Number DeKalb County DeKalb County Superior Court within
Civil Action Case Number
Debra DeBerry Clark Joseph DeMas filed a ++22FM10733++ Superior Court State of Georgia 30 days of the filing of the Peti-
Clerk of Superior Court petition in the DeKalb County Keith G Dupree filed a peti- State of Georgia Civil Action Case Number tion to Change Name of Minor
Anthony Joseph Cantello filed
200-471538 12/15,12/22,12/29 Superior Court on 12/15/2022, tion in the DeKalb County Su- Civil Action Case Number ++22FM6863++ Child.
a petition in the DeKalb County
1/5 to change the name from: Clark perior Court on December 22, ++22FM8581++ Kenyatta Simmons filed a peti- This 13th day of October 2022.
Superior Court on 12/1/2022, to THE WATERS FIRM, P.C.
NOTICE OF PETITION TO Joseph DeMas to Clark Joseph 2022, to change the name In re the Name Change of: tion in the DeKalb County Su-
change the name from: An- /s/Zenobia Waters
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Demasi. from: Keith G Dupree to Keith E Shivon T Starre perior Court on July 5th, 2022,
thony Joseph Cantello to Eden Zenobia Waters
DeKalb County Superior Court Any interested party has the Gardner. Petitioner. to change the name(s) of the
Wolfgang Cantello. Georgia Bar No. 023178
State of Georgia right to appear in this case and Any interested party has the Shivon T Starre, filed a Peti- following minor child(ren) from:
Any interested party has the Counsel for Petitioner
Civil Action Case Number file objections within 30 days right to appear in this case and tion in the DeKalb County Su- Carter Trendon Thompson to
right to appear in this case and 3340 Peachtree Road, NE
++22FM10224++ after the Petition was filed. file objections within 30 days perior Court on October 3, Carter Trendon Simmons.
file objections within 30 days Suite 1800
Kelly Lyn Hall filed a petition in Dated: 12/15/2022 after the Petition was filed. 2022 to change the name from: Any interested party has the
after the Petition was filed. Atlanta, Georgia 30326
the DeKalb County Superior Clark Joseph DeMas Dated: December 22, 2022 Shivon T Starre to Tenise right to appear in this case and
Dated: 11/29/2022 Office Tel: (404) 848-7722
Court on 12/01/2022, to change Petitioner, Pro se Keith G Dupree Starre Stewart. file objections within the time Fax: (404) 393-3423
Anthony J Cantello
the name from: Kelly Lyn Hall 5130 Charmant Pl Petitioner, Pro se Any interested party has the prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1
Petitioner, Pro se
to Kelly Lyn Dahl. Dunwoody, GA 30360 4325 1st Ave #3065 right to appear in this case and (f)(2) and (3).
2894 Umberland Dr 200-471807 12/22,12/29,1/5
Any interested party has the Debra DeBerry Tucker, GA 30084 file objections within 30 days Dated: 7/05/2022
Atlanta, GA 30340 1/12
right to appear in this case and Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry after the Petition was filed. Kenyatta Simmons IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
Debra DeBerry
file objections within 30 days 200-471604 12/29,1/5,1/12, Clerk of Superior Court Dated: 10/3/22 Petitioner, Pro se OF DEKALB COUNTY, STATE
Clerk of Superior Court
after the Petition was filed. 1/19 200-471607 12/29,1/5,1/12 Shivon Starre 4550 Wonder Valley Tr OF GEORGIA
200-471535 12/15,12/22,12/29 Dated: 12/01/2022 NOTICE OF PETITION TO 1/19 Petitioner, Pro se Decatur, GA 30034 CIVIL ACTION FILE#:
1/5 Kelly Lyn Hall CHANGE NAME OF ADULT NOTICE OF PETITION TO 660 Oakview Trl Debra DeBerry ++22FM10465++
NOTICE OF PETITION Petitioner, Pro se DeKalb County CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Stone Mtn, GA 30087 Clerk of Superior Court NOTICE OF PETITION TO
TO CHANGE NAME(S) 412 Carlyle Lk Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court 200-471629 1/5,1/12,1/19, 1/26 200-471704 12/15,12/22,12/29 CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
OF MINOR CHILD(REN) Decatur, GA 30033 State of Georgia State of Georgia NOTICE OF PETITION TO 1/5 You are hereby notified that on
DeKalb County Superior Court Debra DeBerry Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number CHANGE NAME OF ADULT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 12/12/2022. Daniel Emery, filed
State of Georgia ++22FM10520++ ++22FM10611-1++ DeKalb County Superior Court OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE a Petition to Change Name in
Clerk of Superior Court
Civil Action Case Number In re the Name Change of: Canija Laverniece White- State of Georgia OF GEORGIA the Superior Court of DeKalb
++22FM10170++ Civil Action Case Number CIVIL ACTION FILE County. Daniel Emery desires
200-471572 12/22,12/29,1/5 Joshua Shaw Speaks filed a petition in the
Sara Berhe filed a petition in ++22FM10016++ #++22FM10004++ to change his/her from Daniel
1/12 Petitioner. DeKalb County Superior Court Valentin Emery to Noah-
the DeKalb County Superior Joshua Orby Shaw, filed a Pe- on December 15, 2022, to Jennifer Barry filed a petition NOTICE OF PETITION FOR
Court on November 30, 2022 to CHANGE NAME OF ADULT tition in the DeKalb County Su- change the name from: Canija in the DeKalb County Superior
An action was filed in the Su- terested party has the right to
change the name(s) of the fol- DeKalb County Superior Court perior Court on 12/13/2022 to Laverniece White -Speaks to Court on 11/22/2022 to change
perior Court of DeKalb County appear in this case and file ob-
lowing minor child(ren) from: State of Georgia change the name from: Joshua Canija Elle White. the name from: Jennifer Leigh jections within 30 days after the
Kidus Isaiah Berhe to Kidus Al- on 11/21/2022, to change the
Civil Action Case Number Orby Shaw to Maeve Orbi Gurr. Any interested party has the Barry to Jenifer Leigh Chesnutt. Petition to Change Name was
Petitioner’s name from HEC-
exander Solomon. ++22FM10400++ Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and Any interested party has the filed.
Any interested party has the Sophia Nicole Little filed a pe- right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days right to appear in this case and EXO MUNRO. Any interested Dated: 12/12/2022
right to appear in this case and tition in the DeKalb County Su- file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. file objections within 30 days party has the right to appear in Daniel Emery
file objections within the time perior Court on December 8, after the Petition was filed. Dated: 12/15/22 after the Petition was filed. this case and file objection be- 5431 Trobridge Dr
prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 2022, to change the name Dated: 12/13/2022 Canija L White-Speaks Dated: 11/22/2022 fore the final judgment is Atlanta, GA 30338
(f)(2)and(3). from: Sophia Nicole Little to Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se Jennifer Barry ordered. 200-471808 12/22,12/29,1/5
Dated: 11/30/2022 Sophia Alexandra Cadena. 2242 Dartford Dr 1445 Woodmont Ln #4477 Petitioner, Pro se This 21 day of November, 1/12
Sara Berhe Any interested party has the Dunwoody, GA 30338 Atlanta, GA 30318 2752 Townley Circle 2022. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
Petitioner, Pro se right to appear in this case and Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Atlanta, GA 30340 THE SIEMON LAW FIRM, P.C. OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE
1534 Dresden Dr NE Apt# D file objections within 30 days Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry /s/ Ryan P. Post OF GEORGIA FAMILY
Brookhaven, GA 30319 after the Petition was filed. Clerk of Superior Court 347 Dahlonega Corporate DIVISION
Debra DeBerry Square Street Child(ren): JAIDA MARIE DUN-
Dated: December 8, 2022
Clerk of Superior Court Attorneys for Petitioner SON
Sophia Nicole Little Petitioner: STACEY MARIE
Cumming, Georgia 30040
200-471536 12/15,12/22,12/29 Petitioner, Pro se (770) 888-5120 MATTHEWS
1/5 4126 Thunderbird Trail and
NOTICE OF PETITION Stone Mountain, Georgia Respondent: EX PARTE
TO CHANGE NAME(S) 30083 Civil Action File No:
OF MINOR CHILD(REN) Debra DeBerry ++22FM10444++
DeKalb County Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court NOTICE OF PETITION TO
State of Georgia CHANGE NAME(S) OF MINOR
Civil Action Case Number CHILD(REN)
Zejin Ding filed a petition in filed a petition in the Superior
the DeKalb County Superior Court of Dekalb County, on
Court on December 5th, 2022, 12/09/2022 to change the
name of the following
to change the name(s) of the
child(dren) from: JAIDA MARIE
following minor child(ren) from: DUNSON to JAIDA MARIE
Miranda Ding to Miranda MATTHEWS.
Miaochen Ding. Any interested party has the
Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and
right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days
file objections within the time after the petition was filed.
prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 Dated: 12/09/2022
(f)(2) and (3).
Dated: 12/5/2022
++22FM10444++ grounds of any such objections. with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
NOTICE OF PETITION TO All objections should be sworn unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
CHANGE NAME(S) OF MINOR to before a notary public or be- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
CHILD(REN) fore a probate court clerk, and court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
STACEY MARIE MATTHEWS filing fees must be tendered quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
filed a petition in the Superior with your pleadings/objections, any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-

Court of Dekalb County, on The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 25
unless you qualify to file as an ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
12/09/2022 to change the indigent party. Contact probate date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
name of the following court personnel for the re- the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
child(dren) from: JAIDA MARIE quired amount of filing fees. If without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
DUNSON to JAIDA MARIE any objections are filed, a hear- Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
MATTHEWS. ing will be scheduled at a later Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Any interested party has the date. If no objections are filed, Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- Briel Granger, Clerk of the Pro- Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
right to appear in this case and the petition may be granted bate Court bate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court
file objections within 30 days without a hearing. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
after the petition was filed. Bedelia C Hargrove 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100
Dated: 12/09/2022 Judge of the Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
200-471930 12/25,1/5,1/12 Probate Court 220-471709 12/15, 12/22, 220-471711 12/15, 12/22, 220-471713 12/15, 12/22, 220-471715 12/15, 12/22, 220-471717 12/15, 12/22,
1/19 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 12/29, 01/05 12/29, 1/5 12/29, 01/05/2023 12/29, 01/05/2023 12/29, 01/05/2023
NOTICE OF PETITION TO 1100 NOTICE ++2022-2301++ NOTICE ++2022-2478++ NOTICE ++2022-2224++ NOTICE ++2022-2495++ NOTICE ++2022-2499++
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Decatur, Georgia 30030 TO: ALVIN BRANCH and to TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
Notice is given that Maxine Ann 404-371-2601 whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
tition in the Superior Court of ROUGHS has petitioned to be titioned to be appointed Admin- tioned to be appointed Adminis- petitioned to be appointed Ad- petitioned to be appointed Ad-
DeKalb County on November appointed Administrator of the istrator of the estate of JASON trator(s) of the estate of DAVID ministrator(s) of the estate of ministrator(s) of the estate of
4, 2022, to change her name 220-471707 12/15, 12/22, estate of RETONIA BUR- LAWRENCE PERNICE de- HARRY PARISH deceased, of JASON ALLEN CEHELNIK de- WALTER BRYAN DODD de-
from Maxine Ann Gibson 12/29, 1/5 ROUGHS deceased, of said ceased, of said County. The said County. The Petitioner(s) ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The
Wanamaker to Maxann Gibson NOTICE ++2022-2178++ County. All interested parties Petitioner(s) has also applied has also applied for waiver of Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied
Wanamaker. Any interested or TO: All Interested Parties and are hereby notified to show for waiver of bond and/or grant bond and/or grant of certain for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant
affected party has the right to to whom it may concern: cause why said Petition should of certain powers contained in powers contained in O.C.G.A. § of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in
appear and file objections. CASSANDRA WILLIAMS has not be granted. All objections to O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 53-12-261. All interested O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
++Civil Action Case no. petitioned to be appointed Ad- the Petition must be in writing, ested parties are hereby noti- parties are hereby notified to ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti-
22FM9588++ ministrator of the estate of setting forth the grounds of any fied to show cause why said show cause why said Petition fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said
RICHARD W WILLIAMS de- such objections, and must be Petition should not be granted. should not be granted. All ob- Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted.
200-471931 12/29,1/5,1/12
ceased, of said County. The filed with the Court on or be- All objections to the Petition jections to the Petition must be All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
Petitioner has also applied for fore 01/17/2023. must be in writing, setting forth in writing, setting forth the must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
waiver of bond and/or grant of BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All the grounds of any such objec- grounds of any such objections, the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
certain powers contained in objections to the petition must tions, and must be filed with the and must be filed with the Court tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- be in writing, setting forth the Court on or before 01/17/2023. on or before 01/17/2023. Court on or before 01/17/2023. Court on or before 01/17/2023.
In re the Name Change of:
ested parties are hereby noti- grounds of any such objections. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
fied to show cause why said All objections should be sworn objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
Petition should not be granted. to before a notary public or be- be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
All objections to the Petition fore a probate court clerk and grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
must be in writing, setting forth filing fees must be tendered All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
the grounds of any such objec- with your pleadings/objections, to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
tions, and must be filed with the unless you qualify to file as an fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
You are hereby notified that on
Court on or before 01/17/2023. indigent party. Contact probate filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
the 16th day of December,
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All court personnel for the re- with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
objections to the petition must quired amount of filing fees. If unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
filed a Petition in the Superior
be in writing, setting forth the any objections are filed, a hear- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
Court of Dekalb County, Geor-
grounds of any such objections. ing will be scheduled at a later court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
gia, to change her name. If
All objections should be sworn date. If no objections are filed, quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
granted, Petitioner's name will
to before a notary public or be- the petition may be granted any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
be changed to LISA LOR-
fore a probate court clerk, and without a hearing. ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
filing fees must be tendered Bedelia C Hargrove date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
hereby given pursuant to law to
with your pleadings/objections, Judge of the Probate Court the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
any interested or affected party
unless you qualify to file as an Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
to appear in said Court and to
indigent party. Contact probate bate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
file objections to such name
court personnel for the re- 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
change. Objections must be
quired amount of filing fees. If 1100 Briel Granger, Clerk of the Pro- Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
filed with said Court within 30
any objections are filed, a hear- Decatur, Georgia 30030 bate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court
days of the filing of said Peti-
ing will be scheduled at a later 404-371-2601 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
date. If no objections are filed, 220-471710 12/15, 12/22, 1100 1100 1100 1100
Respectfully submitted,
the petition may be granted 12/29, 1/5 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
without a hearing. NOTICE ++2022-2466++ 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
Bedelia C Hargrove TO: All Interested Parties and 220-471712 12/15, 12/22, 220-471716 12/15, 12/22,
JANELLE N. RICHARDS 220-471714 12/15, 12/22, 220-471718 12/15, 12/22,
Judge of the Probate Court to whom it may concern: 12/29, 01/05/2023 12/29, 01/05/2023
Attorney for Petitioner Georgia 12/29, 01/05/2023 12/29, 01/05/2023
Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Douglas Junior Hunter and NOTICE ++2022-2476++ NOTICE ++2022-2496++
Bar No. 940357 NOTICE ++2022-2481++ NOTICE ++2022-2500++
the Probate Court Douglas Duane Starks have TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
2200 Century Parkway NE, TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. petitioned to be appointed Ad- to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
Suite 800 to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
1100 ministrators of the estate of YORDANOS LEE WARNER ADDIE IRENE HARKNESS has
Atlanta, Georgia 30345 PATTIE RENEA HAWKINS has ERIC JOHN ALBINO has peti-
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Douglas Starks deceased, of has petitioned to be appointed petitioned to be appointed Ad-
(404) 636-4900 petitioned to be appointed Ad- tioned to be appointed Adminis-
404-371-2601 said County. The Petitioners Administrator(s) of the estate of ministrator(s) of the estate of ministrator(s) of the estate of trator(s) of the estate of NI-
bond and/or grant of certain of said County. The HAWKINS deceased, of said deceased, of said County. The BINO deceased, of said
Administration 220-471708 12/15, 12/22,
powers contained in O.C.G.A. §
53-12-261. All interested
Petitioner(s) has also applied
for waiver of bond and/or grant
County. The Petitioner(s) has
also applied for waiver of bond
Petitioner(s) has also applied
for waiver of bond and/or grant
County. The Petitioner(s) has
also applied for waiver of bond
12/29, 01/05 parties are hereby notified to of certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers of certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers
220-471706 12/15, 12/22, NOTICE ++2022-1622++ show cause why said Petition O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-
12/29, 01/05/2023 TO: Shaquita Kellogg and to should not be granted. All ob- ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are
NOTICE ++2022-2528++ whom it may concern: jections to the Petition must be fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause
TO: All Interested Parties and SHURUN SHUNTA BUR- in writing, setting forth the Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be
to whom it may concern: ROUGHS has filed a Petition grounds of any such objections, All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the
CYNTHIA C SHEARER has pe- for Leave to Sell Property for and must be filed with the Court must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set-
titioned to be appointed Admin- the estate of LUCILE BUR- on or before 01/17/2023. the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any
istrator(s) of the estate of DON- ROUGHS deceased, of said BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be
ALD RAY SHEARER de- County. All interested parties objections to the petition must Court on or before 01/17/2023. filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 01/17/2023. filed with the Court on or be-
ceased, of said County. The are hereby notified to show be in writing, setting forth the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 01/17/2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 01/17/2023.
Petitioner(s) has also applied cause why said Petition should grounds of any such objections. objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
for waiver of bond and/or grant not be granted. All objections to All objections should be sworn be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must
of certain powers contained in the Petition must be in writing, to before a notary public or be- grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- setting forth the grounds of any fore a probate court clerk, and All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections.
ested parties are hereby noti- such objections, and must be filing fees must be tendered to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn
fied to show cause why said filed with the Court on or be- with your pleadings/objections, fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be-
Petition should not be granted. fore 01/17/2023. unless you qualify to file as an filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and
All objections to the Petition BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All indigent party. Contact probate with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered
must be in writing, setting forth objections to the petition must court personnel for the re- unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections,
the grounds of any such objec- be in writing, setting forth the quired amount of filing fees. If indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an
tions, and must be filed with the grounds of any such objections. any objections are filed, a hear- court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate
Court on or before 01/17/2023. All objections should be sworn ing will be scheduled at a later quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re-
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All to before a notary public or be- date. If no objections are filed, any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If
objections to the petition must fore a probate court clerk and the petition may be granted ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear-
be in writing, setting forth the filing fees must be tendered without a hearing. date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later
grounds of any such objections. with your pleadings/objections, Bedelia C Hargrove the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed,
All objections should be sworn unless you qualify to file as an Judge of the Probate Court without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted
to before a notary public or be- indigent party. Contact probate Briel Granger, Clerk of the Pro- Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing.
fore a probate court clerk, and court personnel for the re- bate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
filing fees must be tendered quired amount of filing fees. If 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court
with your pleadings/objections, any objections are filed, a hear- 1100 Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
unless you qualify to file as an ing will be scheduled at a later Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court
indigent party. Contact probate date. If no objections are filed, 404-371-2601 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
court personnel for the re- the petition may be granted Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100
quired amount of filing fees. If without a hearing. 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030
any objections are filed, a hear- Bedelia C Hargrove 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
ing will be scheduled at a later Judge of the Probate Court
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
Page 26
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023 
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted 220-471723 12/15, 12/22, 220-471846 12/22, 12/29, 1/5, 220-471848 12/22, 12/29, 220-471850 12/22, 12/29, 1/5, 220-471852 12/22, 12/29,
without a hearing. without a hearing. 12/29, 01/05/2023 1/12 01/05, 01/12/2023 1/12 01/05, 01/12/2023
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove NOTICE ++2022-2514++ NOTICE ++2022-2577++ NOTICE++ 2021-1707++ NOTICE ++2022-2533++ NOTICE ++2022-2553++
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. HAM has petitioned to be ap- has petitioned to be appointed petitioned to be appointed Ad- has petitioned to be appointed tioned to be appointed Adminis-
1100 1100 pointed Administrator(s) of the Administrator of the estate of ministrator(s) of the estate of Administrator of the estate of trator(s) of the estate of MI-
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 CHANEY-MITCHELL de- TON deceased, of said County. ceased, of said County. The COMB deceased, of said deceased, of said County. The
220-471719 12/15, 12/22, ceased, of said County. The The Petitioner has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied County. The Petitioner has also Petitioner(s) has also applied
12/29, 01/05/2023 220-471721 12/15, 12/22, Petitioner(s) has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant applied for waiver of bond for waiver of bond and/or grant
NOTICE ++2022-0681++ 12/29, 01/05/2023 for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers of certain powers contained in
TO: All Interested Parties and NOTICE ++2022-2510++ of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
to whom it may concern: TO: Becky Lawson and to O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti-
BRENDA MOSS has peti- whom it may concern: ested parties are hereby noti- fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said
tioned to be appointed Adminis- ANDREW STEPHEN LAWSON fied to show cause why said Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted.
trator(s) of the estate of has petitioned to be appointed Petition should not be granted. All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition
CHARLES JEREL MARTIN de- Administrator(s) of the estate of All objections to the Petition must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth
ceased, of said County. The CHARLES RANDOLPH DAVIS must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec-
Petitioner(s) has also applied deceased, of said County. All the grounds of any such objec- tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the
for waiver of bond and/or grant interested parties are hereby tions, and must be filed with the Court on or before 01/23/2023. Court on or before 01/23/2023. filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 01/23/2023.
of certain powers contained in notified to show cause why said Court on or before 01/17/2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 01/23/2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- Petition should not be granted. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must
ested parties are hereby noti- All objections to the Petition objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the
fied to show cause why said must be in writing, setting forth be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections.
Petition should not be granted. the grounds of any such objec- grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn
All objections to the Petition tions, and must be filed with the All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be-
must be in writing, setting forth Court on or before 01/17/2023. to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and
the grounds of any such objec- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered
tions, and must be filed with the objections to the petition must filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections,
Court on or before 01/17/2023. be in writing, setting forth the with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All grounds of any such objections. unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate
objections to the petition must All objections should be sworn indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re-
be in writing, setting forth the to before a notary public or be- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If
grounds of any such objections. fore a probate court clerk, and quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear-
All objections should be sworn filing fees must be tendered any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later
to before a notary public or be- with your pleadings/objections, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed,
fore a probate court clerk, and unless you qualify to file as an date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted
filing fees must be tendered indigent party. Contact probate the petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing.
with your pleadings/objections, court personnel for the re- without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove
unless you qualify to file as an quired amount of filing fees. If Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court
indigent party. Contact probate any objections are filed, a hear- Judge of the Probate Court Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
court personnel for the re- ing will be scheduled at a later Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the the Probate Court Probate Court Briel Granger, Clerk of the Pro- Probate Court
quired amount of filing fees. If date. If no objections are filed, Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
any objections are filed, a hear- the petition may be granted 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100
ing will be scheduled at a later without a hearing. 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030
date. If no objections are filed, Bedelia C Hargrove Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
the petition may be granted Judge of the Probate Court 404-371-2601 220-471847 12/22, 12/29, 220-471849 12/22, 12/29, 1/5, 404-371-2601 220-471853 12/22, 12/29,
without a hearing. Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 220-471724 12/15, 12/22, 01/05, 01/12/2023 1/12 220-471851 12/22, 12/29, 1/5, 01/05, 01/12/2023
Bedelia C Hargrove Probate Court 12/29, 01/05/2023 NOTICE ++2022-2580++ NOTICE ++2022-2143++ 1/12 NOTICE ++2022-2554++
Judge of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. NOTICE ++2022-2516++ TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and NOTICE ++2022-2551++ TO: All Interested Parties and
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 1100 TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern:
Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 to whom it may concern: SHAHROKH GHAVIDEL has CORREY EARLS has peti- to whom it may concern: JULIE A MIKLOS has peti-
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 404-371-2601 FELICIA GOOLSBY has peti- petitioned to be appointed Ad- tioned to be appointed Adminis- WYLENE D BYRD has peti- tioned to be appointed Adminis-
1100 tioned to be appointed Adminis- ministrator(s) of the estate of trator of the estate of tioned to be appointed Adminis- trator(s) of the estate of CHAR-
Decatur, Georgia 30030 220-471722 12/15, 12/22, trator(s) of the estate of ISAAC HOOSHANG GHAVIDEL de- CHARLES EARLS deceased, trator of the estate of LENE BEVERLY MARKLEY
404-371-2601 12/29, 01/05/2023 MAJOR, JR. deceased, of said ceased, of said County. The of said County. The Petitioner CHARLES RUBEN BYRD de- deceased, of said County. The
220-471720 12/15, 12/22, NOTICE ++2022-2511++ County. The Petitioner(s) has Petitioner(s) has also applied has also applied for waiver of ceased, of said County. The Petitioner(s) has also applied
12/29, 01/05/2023 TO: All Interested Parties and also applied for waiver of bond for waiver of bond and/or grant bond and/or grant of certain Petitioner has also applied for for waiver of bond and/or grant
NOTICE ++2022-2505++ to whom it may concern: and/or grant of certain powers of certain powers contained in powers contained in O.C.G.A. § waiver of bond and/or grant of of certain powers contained in
TO: All Interested Parties and WESLEY B GOGGINS has pe- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 53-12-261. All interested certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
to whom it may concern: titioned to be appointed Admin- 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- parties are hereby notified to O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- ested parties are hereby noti-
BRIAN DESMOND DEAN has istrator(s) of the estate of DI- hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said show cause why said Petition ested parties are hereby noti- fied to show cause why said
petitioned to be appointed Ad- ANE H JACKSON deceased, of why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. should not be granted. All ob- fied to show cause why said Petition should not be granted.
ministrator(s) of the estate of said County. The Petitioner(s) granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition jections to the Petition must be Petition should not be granted. All objections to the Petition
PHYLLIS ELIZABETH DEAN has also applied for waiver of Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth in writing, setting forth the All objections to the Petition must be in writing, setting forth
deceased, of said County. The bond and/or grant of certain ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- grounds of any such objections, must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec-
Petitioner(s) has also applied powers contained in O.C.G.A. § such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the and must be filed with the Court the grounds of any such objec- tions, and must be filed with the
for waiver of bond and/or grant 53-12-261. All interested filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 01/23/2023. on or before 01/23/2023. tions, and must be filed with the Court on or before 01/23/2023.
of certain powers contained in parties are hereby notified to fore 01/17/2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before 01/23/2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- show cause why said Petition BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must
ested parties are hereby noti- should not be granted. All ob- objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the
fied to show cause why said jections to the Petition must be be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections.
Petition should not be granted. in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn
All objections to the Petition grounds of any such objections, All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be-
must be in writing, setting forth and must be filed with the Court to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and
the grounds of any such objec- on or before 01/17/2023. fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered
tions, and must be filed with the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections,
Court on or before 01/17/2023. objections to the petition must with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be in writing, setting forth the unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate
objections to the petition must grounds of any such objections. indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re-
be in writing, setting forth the All objections should be sworn court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If
grounds of any such objections. to before a notary public or be- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear-
All objections should be sworn fore a probate court clerk, and any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later
to before a notary public or be- filing fees must be tendered ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed,
fore a probate court clerk, and with your pleadings/objections, date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted
filing fees must be tendered unless you qualify to file as an the petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing.
with your pleadings/objections, indigent party. Contact probate without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove
unless you qualify to file as an court personnel for the re- Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court
indigent party. Contact probate quired amount of filing fees. If Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear- Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Probate Court the Probate Court Briel Granger, Clerk of the Pro- Probate Court
quired amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100
ing will be scheduled at a later the petition may be granted 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030
date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court
Bedelia C Hargrove Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Probate Court 1100
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030
1100 404-371-2601
Decatur, Georgia 30030
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 27
220-471854 12/22, 12/29, 220-471952 12/29, 1/5, 1/12, 220-471954 12/29, 1/5, 1/12, 220-471956 12/29, 01/05, 220-471958 12/29, 01/05, 220-471960 12/29, 01/05, 220-471962 12/29, 01/05,
01/05, 01/12/2023 1/19 1/19 01/12, 01/19/2023 01/12, 01/19 01/12, 01/19/2023 01/12, 01/19/2023
NOTICE ++2022-2565++ NOTICE ++2022-2582++ NOTICE ++2022-2586++ NOTICE ++2022-2589++ NOTICE ++2022-2596++ NOTICE ++2022-2607++ NOTICE ++2022-2621++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
be appointed Administrator(s) YONGTAK KWON has peti- titioned to be appointed Admin- has petitioned to be appointed AN has petitioned to be appoin- has petitioned to be appointed has petitioned to be appointed
of the estate of KYLE JAMES tioned to be appointed Adminis- i s t ra t o r o f t h e e s t a t e o f Administrator(s) of the estate of ted Administrator of the estate Administrator(s) of the estate of Administrator(s) of the estate of
County. The Petitioner(s) has SHIM CHANG deceased, of WOODWARD deceased, of ceased, of said County. The SON deceased, of said County. deceased, of said County. The deceased, of said County. The
also applied for waiver of bond said County. The Petitioner has said County. The Petitioner has Petitioner(s) has also applied The Petitioner has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied
and/or grant of certain powers also applied for waiver of bond also applied for waiver of bond for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in
261. All interested parties are contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
hereby notified to show cause 261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti-
why said Petition should not be hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said
granted. All objections to the why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted.
Petition must be in writing, set- granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
ting forth the grounds of any Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
such objections, and must be ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
filed with the Court on or be- such objections, and must be such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the
fore 01/23/2022. filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 01/30/2023. Court on or before 01/30/2023. Court on or before 01/30/2023. Court on or before 01/30/2023.
objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Kinslow, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
220-471951 12/29, 1/5, 1/12, 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 220-471957 12/29, 01/05, 220-471959 12/29, 01/05, 220-471961 12/29, 01/5, 01/2, 220-472024 1/5, 1/12, 1/19,
1/19 220-471953 12/29, 1/5, 1/12, 220-471955 12/29, 01/05, 01/12, 01/19/2023 01/12, 01/19/2023 1/19 1/26/2023
NOTICE ++2022-2568++ 1/19 01/12, 01/19/2023 NOTICE ++2022-2594++ NOTICE ++2022-2606++ NOTICE ++2022-2612++ NOTICE ++2022-2547++
TO: TIMOTHY J VERRETT and NOTICE ++2022-2583++ NOTICE ++2022-2588++ TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
petitioned to be appointed Ad- MICHELE RUTHERFORD has ROBERT JEFFREY SHED has petitioned to be ap- has petitioned to be appointed MAN has petitioned to be ap- MCGUIRE has petitioned to be
ministrator of the estate of petitioned to be appointed Ad- STALLINGS has petitioned to pointed Administrator(s) of the Administrator(s) of the estate of pointed Administrator of the es- appointed Administrator(s) of
JENE' TIMOTHY FORD de- ministrator(s) of the estate of be appointed Administrator(s) estate of JOSEPH DEWAYNE AUDREY LOUISE MITCHELL tate of GABRIEL LAWRENCE the estate of DALETAVIOS
ceased, of said County. All in- CHARLOTTE LOUISE SPEN- of the estate of ROBERT ED- HOLLINGSHED deceased, of deceased, of said County. The PRESSMAN deceased, of said NOVAK MCGUIRE deceased,
terested parties are hereby no- CER deceased, of said County. WARD STALLINGS deceased, said County. The Petitioner(s) Petitioner(s) has also applied County. The Petitioner has also of said County. The
tified to show cause why said The Petitioner(s) has also ap- of said County. The has also applied for waiver of for waiver of bond and/or grant applied for waiver of bond Petitioner(s) has also applied
Petition should not be granted. plied for waiver of bond and/or Petitioner(s) has also applied bond and/or grant of certain of certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers for waiver of bond and/or grant
All objections to the Petition grant of certain powers con- for waiver of bond and/or grant powers contained in O.C.G.A. § O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- of certain powers contained in
must be in writing, setting forth tained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. of certain powers contained in 53-12-261. All interested ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
the grounds of any such objec- All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- parties are hereby notified to fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti-
tions, and must be filed with the hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- show cause why said Petition Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said
Court on or before 01/30/2023. why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said should not be granted. All ob- All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. jections to the Petition must be must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition
objections to the petition must Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition in writing, setting forth the the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth
be in writing, setting forth the ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth grounds of any such objections, tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec-
grounds of any such objections. such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- and must be filed with the Court Court on or before 01/30/2023. filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the
All objections should be sworn filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the on or before 01/30/2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 01/30/2023. Court on or before 02/06/2023.
to before a notary public or be- fore 01/30/2023. Court on or before 01/30/2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
fore a probate court clerk, and BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
filing fees must be tendered objections to the petition must objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
with your pleadings/objections, be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
unless you qualify to file as an grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
indigent party. Contact probate All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
court personnel for the re- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
quired amount of filing fees. If fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
any objections are filed, a hear- filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
ing will be scheduled at a later with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
date. If no objections are filed, unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
the petition may be granted indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
without a hearing. court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
Bedelia C Hargrove quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
Judge of the Probate Court any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
Probate Court date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing.
1100 without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
404-371-2601 Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Probate Court Tiffany Kinslow, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Probate Court
Probate Court Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100
1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
404-371-2601 404-371-2601
guardianship, the Petition will
be dismissed. If a natural
guardian files an objection to
the appointment of the Petition-
er as guardian, or if a parent
who is not a natural guardian
Page 28 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023  files an objection to the Peti-
tion, a hearing on the matter
220-472025 01/05, 01/12, 220-472027 1/5/2023, 220-472029 1/5/2023, 220-472031 01/05, 01/12, 250-472035 1/5/2023 shall be scheduled at a later
01/19, 01/26 2023
NOTICE ++2022-2584++
1/12/2023, 1/19/2023,
1/12/2023, 1/19/2023,
01/19, 01/26/2023
NOTICE ++2022-2668++
Dismiss Administrator NOTICE ++2021-0356++
date. If no objection is filed, the
Petition may be granted without
TO: All Interested Parties and NOTICE NOTICE ++2022-2646++ TO: All Interested Parties and 240-472033 01/05/2023 DEKALB COUNTY a hearing.
to whom it may concern: ++2022-2644++ TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: NOTICE ++2022-0874++ RE: PETITION of IAN M. ELLI- BEDELIA C HARGROVE
LUCY HALBERT LETY has pe- TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: RANDAL A JOHNSTON has PROBATE COURT OF OTT for DISCHARGE as EX- PROBATE JUDGE
titioned to be appointed Admin- to whom it may concern: LATENIA SHANISE NALLIAH petitioned to be appointed Ad- DEKALB COUNTY ECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF By:
istrator of the estate of STU- AKLIMA ALI has petitioned to has petitioned to be appointed ministrator(s) of the estate of RE: PETITION of DORIS MC- JEAN FARRANCE ELLIOTT, Kimberly H. Curry
deceased, of said County. The the estate of RAFAEL WIL- PATRICIA ANN KING JONES deceased, of said County. The ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TO: All Interested Parties CLERK
Petitioner has also applied for FREDO SOLORZANO de- deceased, of said County. The Petitioner(s) has also applied ESTATE OF DOROTHY MC- This is to notify you to file ob- 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm
waiver of bond and/or grant of ceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for for waiver of bond and/or grant CALLA JONES, DECEASED jection, if there is any, to the 1100
certain powers contained in Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of of certain powers contained in TO: All Interested Parties above referenced petition, in Decatur, GA 30030
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- This is to notify you to file ob- this Court on or before 404-371-2663
ested parties are hereby noti- certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- ested parties are hereby noti- jection, if there is any, to the 01 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 3 .
fied to show cause why said O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- ested parties are hereby noti- fied to show cause why said above referenced petition, in BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All 270-471864 12/29 & 1/5
Petition should not be granted. ested parties are hereby noti- fied to show cause why said Petition should not be granted. this Court on or before objections to the petition must Estate No: ++2022-2407++
All objections to the Petition fied to show cause why said Petition should not be granted. All objections to the Petition 01 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 3 . be in writing, setting forth CITATION
must be in writing, setting forth Petition should not be granted. All objections to the Petition must be in writing, setting forth BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All grounds of any such objections. GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
the grounds of any such objec- All objections to the Petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec- objections to the petition must All pleadings/objections must IN RE: PETITION OF SARAH
tions, and must be filed with the must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec- tions, and must be filed with the be in writing, setting forth be signed before a notary pub- ELIZABETH WILSON AND
Court on or before 02/06/2023. the grounds of any such objec- tions, and must be filed with the Court on or before 02/06/2023. grounds of any such objections. lic or before a probate court LARRY VERNON WILSON
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All tions, and must be filed with the Court on or before 02/06/2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All All pleadings/objections must clerk, and filing fees must be FOR TEMPORARY LETTERS
objections to the petition must Court on or before 02/06/2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must be signed before a notary pub- tendered with your OF GUARDIANSHIP
be in writing, setting forth the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the lic or before a probate court pleadings/objections, unless ESTATE OF KEVEON DE-
grounds of any such objections. objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. clerk, and filing fees must be you qualify to file as an indi- ONTE HENDERSON
All objections should be sworn be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn tendered with your gent party. Contact probate DATE OF MAILING, IF ANY:
to before a notary public or be- grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- pleadings/objections, unless court personnel at the follow- N/A
fore a probate court clerk, and All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and you qualify to file as an indi- ing address/telephone number DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA-
filing fees must be tendered to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered gent party. Contact probate for the required amount of fil- TION, IF ANY: 1/5
with your pleadings/objections, fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, court personnel at the follow- ing fees. If any objections are TO: MAKAYLA JADE HENDE-
unless you qualify to file as an filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an ing address/telephone number filed, a hearing will be sched- RSON, MOTHER AND DARI-
indigent party. Contact probate with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate for the required amount of fil- uled at a later date. If no objec- ONTE KEVEON HENDER-
court personnel for the re- unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- ing fees. If any objections are tions are filed, the petition may SONM FATHER OF KEVEON
quired amount of filing fees. If indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If filed, a hearing will be sched- be granted without a hearing. DEONTE HENDERSON
any objections are filed, a hear- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- uled at a later date. If no objec- Bedelia C Hargrove You are hereby notified that
ing will be scheduled at a later quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later tions are filed, the petition may Judge of the Probate Court SARAH ELIZABETH WILSON
date. If no objections are filed, any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, be granted without a hearing. Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the and LARRY VERNON WILSON
the petition may be granted ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove Probate Court have filed a Petition seeking to
without a hearing. date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. be appointed temporary guardi-
Bedelia C Hargrove the petition may be granted without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 1100 ans of the above-named Minor.
Judge of the Probate Court without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 All objections to the Petition to
Michael Hagley, Clerk of the Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 404-371-2601 the appointment of a tempor-
Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Briel Granger, Clerk of the Pro- Probate Court 1100 ary guardian or the appoint-
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Briel Granger, Clerk of the Pro- bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. ment of the Petitioners as tem-
1100 bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 Temp Guardian porary guardians, must be in
Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 writing, setting forth the
404-371-2601 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 270-471863 12/29 & 1/5 grounds of any such objections,
220-472026 1/5/2023, Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 240-472032 01/05/2023 Dismiss Executor Estate No: ++2022-2458++ and be filed with this Court no
1/12/2023, 1/19/2023, 404-371-2601 220-472030 01/05, 01/12, NOTICE ++2021-2044++ CITATION later than fourteen (14) days
1/26/2023 220-472028 1/5/2023, 01/19, 01/26/2023 PROBATE COURT OF 250-472034 1/5/2023 GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY after this notice is mailed, or
NOTICE ++2022-2643++ 1/12/2023, 1/19/2023, NOTICE ++2022-2664++ DEKALB COUNTY NOTICE ++2021-2315++ IN RE: PETITION OF KEN- ten (10) days after this notice is
TO: All Interested Parties and 1/26/2023 TO: All Interested Parties and RE: PETITION of LEVIE PROBATE COURT OF NETH MORRIS GRIGSBY personally served upon you, or
to whom it may concern: NOTICE ++2022-2645++ to whom it may concern: JARON NESMITH for DIS- DEKALB COUNTY FOR TEMPORARY ten (10) days after the second
has petitioned to be appointed to whom it may concern: petitioned to be appointed Ad- OR OF THE ESTATE OF MCLENDON-JONES for DIS- ESTATE OF SHAMARIA are served by publication. All
Administrator of the estate of LYDARIUS GRIFIN has peti- ministrator(s) of the estate of LEVIE NESMITH, JR., DE- CHARGE as EXECUTOR OF JANAI ARNOLD objections should be sworn to
JUNE INGRID CUMBER- tioned to be appointed Adminis- DENNIS KEVIN DUNN de- CEASED THE ESTATE OF ROBERTA DATE OF MAILING, IF ANY: before a notary public or Geor-
BATCH deceased, of said trator of the estate of BAR- ceased, of said County. The TO: All Interested Parties ROUSE ADAMS, DECEASED N/A gia probate court clerk and fil-
County. The Petitioner has also BARA L GRIFFIN deceased, of Petitioner(s) has also applied This is to notify you to file ob- TO: All Interested Parties DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA- ing fees must be tendered with
applied for waiver of bond said County. The Petitioner has for waiver of bond and/or grant jection, if there is any, to the This is to notify you to file ob- TION, IF ANY: 1/5 your objections, unless you
and/or grant of certain powers also applied for waiver of bond of certain powers contained in above referenced petition, in jection, if there is any, to the TO: RODNEY S. THOMAS, qualify to file as an indigent
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- and/or grant of certain powers O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- this Court on or before above referenced petition, in FATHER OF SHAMARIA party. Contact Probate Court
261. All interested parties are contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- ested parties are hereby noti- 01 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 3 . this Court on or before JANAI ARNOLD, (MINOR) personnel for the required
hereby notified to show cause 261. All interested parties are fied to show cause why said BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All 01 / 1 7 / 2 0 2 3 . You are hereby notified that amount of filing fees.
why said Petition should not be hereby notified to show cause Petition should not be granted. objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All KENNETH MORRIS GRIGSBY NOTE: If a natural guardian
granted. All objections to the why said Petition should not be All objections to the Petition be in writing, setting forth objections to the petition must has filed a Petition seeking to files a timely objection to the
Petition must be in writing, set- granted. All objections to the must be in writing, setting forth grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth be appointed temporary guardi- creation of the temporary
ting forth the grounds of any Petition must be in writing, set- the grounds of any such objec- All pleadings/objections must grounds of any such objections. an of the above-named Minor. guardianship, the Petition will
such objections, and must be ting forth the grounds of any tions, and must be filed with the be signed before a notary pub- All pleadings/objections must All objections to the Petition to be dismissed. If a natural
filed with the Court on or be- such objections, and must be Court on or before 02/06/2023. lic or before a probate court be signed before a notary pub- the appointment of a tempor- guardian files an objection to
fore 02/06/2023. filed with the Court on or be- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All clerk, and filing fees must be lic or before a probate court ary guardian or the appoint- the appointment of the Petition-
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 02/06/2023. objections to the petition must tendered with your clerk, and filing fees must be ment of the Petitioner as tem- ers as guardians, or if a parent
objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be in writing, setting forth the pleadings/objections, unless tendered with your porary guardian, must be in who is not a natural guardian
be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must grounds of any such objections. you qualify to file as an indi- pleadings/objections, unless writing, setting forth the files an objection to the Peti-
grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the All objections should be sworn gent party. Contact probate you qualify to file as an indi- grounds of any such objections, tion, a hearing on the matter
All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. to before a notary public or be- court personnel at the follow- gent party. Contact probate and be filed with this Court no shall be scheduled at a later
to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn fore a probate court clerk, and ing address/telephone number court personnel at the follow- later than fourteen (14) days date. If no objection is filed, the
fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- filing fees must be tendered for the required amount of fil- ing address/telephone number after this notice is mailed, or Petition may be granted without
filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and with your pleadings/objections, ing fees. If any objections are for the required amount of fil- ten (10) days after this notice is a hearing.
with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered unless you qualify to file as an filed, a hearing will be sched- ing fees. If any objections are personally served upon you, or BEDELIA C HARGROVE
unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, indigent party. Contact probate uled at a later date. If no objec- filed, a hearing will be sched- ten (10) days after the second PROBATE JUDGE
indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an court personnel for the re- tions are filed, the petition may uled at a later date. If no objec- publication of this notice if you By: Kimberly H. Curry
court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate quired amount of filing fees. If be granted without a hearing. tions are filed, the petition may are served by publication. All PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY
quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear- Bedelia C Hargrove be granted without a hearing. objections should be sworn to CLERK
any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove before a notary public or Geor- 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm
ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court gia probate court clerk and fil- 1100
date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later the petition may be granted Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the ing fees must be tendered with Decatur, GA 30030
the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court your objections, unless you 404-371-2663
without a hearing. the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. qualify to file as an indigent
Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 party. Contact Probate Court
Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 personnel for the required
Briel Granger, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court 404-371-2601 amount of filing fees.
bate Court Briel Granger, Clerk of the Pro- 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. NOTE: If a natural guardian
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court 1100 files a timely objection to the
1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 creation of the temporary
Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 404-371-2601 guardianship, the Petition will
404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 be dismissed. If a natural
404-371-2601 guardian files an objection to
the appointment of the Petition-
er as guardian, or if a parent
who is not a natural guardian
files an objection to the Peti-
tion, a hearing on the matter
shall be scheduled at a later
date. If no objection is filed, the
Petition may be granted without
a hearing.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All with your objections, unless
objections to the petition must you qualify to file as an indi-
be in writing, setting forth the gent party. Contact Probate
grounds of any such objections. Court personnel for the re-
All objections should be sworn quired amount of filing fees. If
to before a notary public or be- any objections are filed, a hear-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 29
fore a probate court clerk, and ing will be scheduled at a later
filing fees must be tendered date. If no objections are filed,
270-471868 12/29 & 1/5 with your pleadings/objections, the Petition may be granted 300-471739 12/15, 12/22, 310-471866 12/22, 12/29, 310-471969 12/29, 1/5, 1/12,
Estate No: ++2022-2494++
unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate
without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove
12/29, 01/05/2023
NOTICE ++2022-2507++
Year’s Support 01/05, 01/12/2023
NOTICE ++2022-2555++
NOTICE ++2022-2620++
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY court personnel for the re- Judge of the Probate Court RE: PETITION OF LYNNE 310-471740 12/15, 12/22, TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties
IN RE: PETITION OF NEL- quired amount of filing fees. If Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the MOORE FISCHGRUND AND 12/29, 1/5 The Petition of Deforrest The Petition of Charles E. Aus-
SON ESCALANTE CORTES any objections are filed, a hear- Probate Court MARIE SUZANNE PARTEE NOTICE ++2022-2504++ Raphael Glover, for a year’s lander, Jr., for a year’s support
AND SOELIA CRUZ IGNACIO ing will be scheduled at a later 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. TO PROBATE IN SOLEMN TO: All Interested Parties support from the estate of Eric from the estate of Bette Aus-
FOR TEMPORARY LETTERS date. If no objections are filed, 1100 FORM THE WILL OF PATRI- The Petition of Pamela P Cato, J Gray, Deceased, for De- lander, Deceased, for De-
OF GUARDIANSHIP the petition may be granted Decatur, Georgia 30030 CIA SMITH NOWELL, DE- for a year’s support from the cedent’s Surviving Spouse hav- cedent’s Surviving Spouse and
ESTATE OF MILAN ELIEL without a hearing. 404-371-2601 CEASED, UPON WHICH AN estate of William Harvey Cato, ing been duly filed, all inter- minor child, having been duly
CRUZ Bedelia C Hargrove ORDER OR SERVICE WAS Deceased, for Decedent’s Sur- ested persons are hereby noti- filed, all interested persons are
DATE OF MAILING, IF ANY: Judge of the Probate Court GRANTED BY THIS COURT. viving Spouse and minor child, fied to show cause, if any they hereby notified to show cause,
N/A Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the TO: Sara Beth Beasley a/k/a having been duly filed, all inter- have, on or before 01/23/2023, if any they have, on or before
DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA- Probate Court 300-471737 12/15, 12/22,. Sara Elizabeth Beasley and all ested persons are hereby noti- why said Petition should not be 01/30/2023, why said Petition
TION, IF ANY: 1/5/ 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 12/29, 01/05/2023 Interested Parties fied to show cause, if any they granted. should not be granted.
TO: EMILY TERESA REZA 1100 NOTICE ++2021-1480++ This is to notify you to file ob- have, on or before 01/17/2023, All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
CRUZ, MOTHER and OLIVER Decatur, Georgia 30030 RE: PETITION OF VELMA jection, if there is any, to the why said Petition should not be must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
RAMIREZ, FATHER OF MIL- 404-371-2601 ROCHELLE THOMPSON AND Petition to Probate Will in Sol- granted. the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
AN ELIEL CRUZ REBEKAH DANIELLE BUGGS emn Form, in this Court on or All objections to the Petition tions, and must be filed on or tions, and must be filed on or
You are hereby notified that TO PROBATE IN SOLEMN before 01/17/2023. must be in writing, setting forth before the time stated in the before the time stated in the
NELSON ESCALANTE COR- FORM THE WILL OF JAMES BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All the grounds of any such objec- preceding sentence. All plead- preceding sentence. All plead-
TES and SOELIA CRUZ IG- 290-471967 12/29, 1/5, 1/12, COLUMBUS BUGGS, DE- objections to the Petition must tions, and must be filed on or ings/objections should be ings/objections should be
NACIO have filed a Petition 1/19 CEASED, UPON WHICH AN be in writing, setting forth the before the time stated in the sworn to before a notary public sworn to before a notary public
seeking to be appointed tem- NOTICE ++2018-0735++ ORDER OR SERVICE WAS grounds of any such objections. preceding sentence. All plead- or before a Probate Court or before a Probate Court
porary guardians of the above- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION GRANTED BY THIS COURT. All objections should be sworn ings/objections should be Clerk, and filing fees must be Clerk, and filing fees must be
named Minor. All objections to The Petition for Determination TO: Anthony Joel Buggs and to before a notary public or be- sworn to before a notary public tendered with your objections, tendered with your objections,
the Petition to the appointment of Heirs in the above-refer- Jonathan Michael Buggs fore a Probate Court Clerk, and or before a Probate Court unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
of a temporary guardian or the enced estate having been duly This is to notify you to file ob- filing fees must be tendered Clerk, and filing fees must be indigent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate
appointment of the Petitioners filed, jection, if there is any, to the with your objections, unless tendered with your objections, Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re-
as temporary guardians, must [For use if an interested party is Petition to Probate Will in Sol- you qualify to file as an indi- unless you qualify to file as an quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
be in writing, setting forth the required to be served by public- emn Form, in this Court on or gent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
grounds of any such objections, ation] before 01/17/2023. Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
and be filed with this Court no TO: Michael Burney BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If date. If no objections are filed date. If no objections are filed
later than fourteen (14) days [List here all interested parties objections to the Petition must any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted
after this notice is mailed, or having unknown addresses to be in writing, setting forth the ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later without a hearing. without a hearing.
ten (10) days after this notice is be served by publication] grounds of any such objections. date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
personally served upon you, or This is to notify you to file an All objections should be sworn the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
ten (10) days after the second objection, if there is any, to the to before a notary public or be- without a hearing. without a hearing. By: By:
publication of this notice if you above-referenced petition, in fore a Probate Court Clerk, and Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
are served by publication. All this Court on or before January filing fees must be tendered Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court
objections should be sworn to 30, 2023 . with your objections, unless Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the By: 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
before a notary public or Geor- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All you qualify to file as an indi- Probate Court Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of 1100 1100
gia probate court clerk and fil- objections to the petition must gent party. Contact Probate 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. the Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
ing fees must be tendered with be in writing, setting forth the Court personnel for the re- 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
your objections, unless you grounds of any such objections. quired amount of filing fees. If Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 310-471968 12/29, 1/5, 1/12, 310-472037 01/05, 01/12,
qualify to file as an indigent All objections must be sworn to any objections are filed, a hear- 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1/19 01/19, 01/26/2023
party. Contact Probate Court before a notary public or be- ing will be scheduled at a later 300-472036 01/05, 404-371-2601 NOTICE ++2022-2591++ NOTICE ++2022-2647++
personnel for the required fore a probate court clerk, and date. If no objections are filed, 01/12,01/19, 01/26 TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties
amount of filing fees. the Petition may be granted 310-471865 12/22, 12/29,
filing fees must be tendered NOTICE ++2022-2316++ 01/05, 01/12/2023 The Petition of Miranda Shun The Petition of Courtney Maria
NOTE: If a natural guardian with your objections, unless without a hearing. RE: PETITION OF RONAL D Ngan Eng, for a year’s support Evans, for a year’s support
files a timely objection to the Bedelia C Hargrove NOTICE ++2022-2485++
you qualify to file as an indi- ALLEN TO PROBATE IN SOL- TO: All Interested Parties from the estate of Danny Yuk from the estate of Kelvin Gus
creation of the temporary gent party. Contact probate Judge of the Probate Court EMN FORM THE WILL OF ED- Woon Eng, Deceased, for De- Evans, Deceased, for De-
guardianship, the Petition will Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the The Petition of Maria Mag-
court personnel for the re- WARD EUGENE WIGHTMAN, dalena Guzman Loeza, for a cedent’s Surviving Spouse and cedent’s Surviving Spouse ,,
be dismissed. If a natural quired amount of filing fees. If Probate Court DECEASED, UPON WHICH minor child, having been duly having been duly filed, all inter-
guardian files an objection to 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. year’s support from the estate
any objections are filed, a hear- AN ORDER OR SERVICE of Jose Luis Alejandro Lar- filed, all interested persons are ested persons are hereby noti-
the appointment of the Petition- ing will scheduled at a later 1100 WAS GRANTED BY THIS hereby notified to show cause, fied to show cause, if any they
ers as guardians, or if a parent Decatur, Georgia 30030 umbre Dimayuga, Deceased,
date. If no objections are filed, COURT. for Decedent’s Surviving if any they have, on or before have, on or before 02/06/2023,
who is not a natural guardian the petition may be granted 404-371-2601 TO: WINIFRED BEER PINK 01/30/2023, why said Petition why said Petition should not be
files an objection to the Peti- Spouse and minor child, hav-
without a hearing. This is to notify you to file ob- ing been duly filed, all inter- should not be granted. granted.
tion, a hearing on the matter Bedelia C Hargrove jection, if there is any, to the All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
shall be scheduled at a later ested persons are hereby noti-
Judge of the Probate Court Petition to Probate Will in Sol- fied to show cause, if any they must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
date. If no objection is filed, the Aisha Success, Clerk of the 300-471738 12/15, 12/22, emn Form, in this Court on or the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
Petition may be granted without have, on or before 01/23/2022,
Probate Court 12/29, 1/5 before 02/06/2023. why said Petition should not be tions, and must be filed on or tions, and must be filed on or
a hearing. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. NOTICE ++2022-2209++ BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All before the time stated in the before the time stated in the
1100 RE: PETITION OF GUY objections to the Petition must All objections to the Petition preceding sentence. All plead- preceding sentence. All plead-
PROBATE JUDGE Decatur, Georgia 30030 WILTON MIDDLEBROOKS TO be in writing, setting forth the ings/objections should be ings/objections should be
By: Kimberly H. Curry must be in writing, setting forth
404-371-2601 PROBATE IN SOLEMN FORM grounds of any such objections. the grounds of any such objec- sworn to before a notary public sworn to before a notary public
PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY THE WILL OF JANET SUSAN All objections should be sworn or before a Probate Court or before a Probate Court
CLERK tions, and must be filed on or
JONES, DECEASED, UPON to before a notary public or be- before the time stated in the Clerk, and filing fees must be Clerk, and filing fees must be
556 N. McDonough Street, Rm WHICH AN ORDER OR SER- fore a Probate Court Clerk, and tendered with your objections, tendered with your objections,
1100 Will VICE WAS GRANTED BY filing fees must be tendered
preceding sentence. All plead-
ings/objections should be unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
Decatur, GA 30030 THIS COURT. with your objections, unless indigent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate
404-371-2663 sworn to before a notary public
300-471736 12/15, 12/22, TO: Shirley Groth you qualify to file as an indi- or before a Probate Court Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re-
12/29, 01/05/2023 This is to notify you to file ob- gent party. Contact Probate Clerk, and filing fees must be quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
NOTICE ++2022-1241++ jection, if there is any, to the Court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
Miscellaneous RE: PETITION OF TERRY Petition to Probate Will in Sol- quired amount of filing fees. If
tendered with your objections,
unless you qualify to file as an ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
KELLY TO PROBATE IN SOL- emn Form, in this Court on or any objections are filed, a hear- indigent party. Contact Probate date. If no objections are filed date. If no objections are filed
290-471733 12/15, 12/22, EMN FORM THE WILL OF before 01/17/2023. ing will be scheduled at a later Court personnel for the re- the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted
12/29, 01/05/2023 SUSIE L. WELCHER, DE- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All date. If no objections are filed, quired amount of filing fees. If without a hearing. without a hearing.
NOTICE ++2022-2156++ CEASED, UPON WHICH AN objections to the Petition must the Petition may be granted any objections are filed, a hear- Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
TO: Unknown heirs and to ORDER OR SERVICE WAS be in writing, setting forth the without a hearing. ing will be scheduled at a later Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
whom it may concern: GRANTED BY THIS COURT. grounds of any such objections. Bedelia C Hargrove date. If no objections are filed By: By:
Wells Fargo Bank has peti- TO: Chondra Kelley All objections should be sworn Judge of the Probate Court the Petition may be granted Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
tioned for County This is to notify you to file ob- to before a notary public or be- Andria Yarber, Clerk of the Pro- without a hearing. Probate Court Probate Court
Administrator(s) for The Sole jection, if there is any, to the fore a Probate Court Clerk, and bate Court Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Purpose Of A Lawsuit of the Petition to Probate Will in Sol- filing fees must be tendered 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Judge of the Probate Court 1100 1100
estate of HENRY GREEN de- emn Form, in this Court on or with your objections, unless 1100 By: Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
ceased, of said County . All in- before 01/17/2023. you qualify to file as an indi- Decatur, Georgia 30030 Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
terested parties are hereby no- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All gent party. Contact Probate 404-371-2601 Probate Court
tified to show cause why said objections to the Petition must Court personnel for the re- 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Petition should not be granted. be in writing, setting forth the quired amount of filing fees. If 1100
All objections to the Petition grounds of any such objections. any objections are filed, a hear- Decatur, Georgia 30030
must be in writing, setting forth All objections should be sworn ing will be scheduled at a later 404-371-2601
the grounds of any such objec- to before a notary public or be- date. If no objections are filed,
tions, and must be filed with the fore a Probate Court Clerk, and the Petition may be granted
Court on or before 01/17/2023. filing fees must be tendered without a hearing.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All with your objections, unless Bedelia C Hargrove
objections to the petition must you qualify to file as an indi- Judge of the Probate Court
be in writing, setting forth the gent party. Contact Probate Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of
grounds of any such objections. Court personnel for the re- the Probate Court
All objections should be sworn quired amount of filing fees. If 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
to before a notary public or be- any objections are filed, a hear- 1100
fore a probate court clerk, and ing will be scheduled at a later Decatur, Georgia 30030
filing fees must be tendered date. If no objections are filed, 404-371-2601
with your pleadings/objections, the Petition may be granted
unless you qualify to file as an without a hearing.
indigent party. Contact probate Bedelia C Hargrove
court personnel for the re- Judge of the Probate Court
abilities, contact the district
planning and programming li- Graham, Aubria Trenise care of
aison, Joshua Higgins (johig- Hardee street northeast apt Jaguar 2006 S-Type at 770-216- 41F Atlanta Georgia 00000 SAJWA01AX6FN52286 TAG#
3896). USA 8C32V2 TN
Comments will be accepted
Page 30 The Champion
concerning this project until Fri- Legal Section,
Work Item 1356541800023
day, January 06, 2023. Written
Original File Number Honda 1998 Accord
Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023 
310-472038 01/05, 01/12, statements may be submitted 1356541800023 1HGCG5642WA087341 TAG# 330-471938 12/29,1/5,1/12 330-472007 1/5,1/12,1/19,1/26, 330-472009 1/5
01/19, 01/26/2023 to: STATE OF MINNESOTA TDP3075 GA 1/19 2/2,2/9,2916,2/23 DEKALB COUNTY GRAND
TO: Stephone Robinson, State Environmental Adminis- ARY OF STATE DORAVILLE COMMUNITY I, Russell, Valerie living ++NOVEMBER – DECEMBER
Stephanie Warren, William trator FILED Dodge 2005 Dakota IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (wo)man, and on this twenty TERM, 2022++
James, Deontae James, Tia- Georgia Department of Trans- 12/14/2022 11:59 PM 1D7HE28K45S193051 TAG# ELECTION day, of the month of December TO THE HONORABLE
monl Jacobs, Timothy Jacobs, portation ACTIVE/ IN GOOD STANDING RZF2053 GA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN as in the year two thousand twenty JUDGES: COURTNEY L.
Raven Warren and All Inter- 600 West Peachtree Street, ++ASSUMED NAME: AYCER provided in the DeKalb County two declare this NOTICE to any JOHNSON
ested Parties NW – 16th Floor ZADE WEAVER++ Community Improvement Dis- person, individual, or being that ASHA F. JACKSON
The Petition of Jacquelyn Atlanta, Georgia 30308 VOLKSWAGEN 2007 BEETLE tricts Act of 2008 that a Caucus has any CLAIMS or LIABILIT- YOLANDA C. PARKER-SMITH
Elaine Haynes, for a year’s 330-471934 12/29,1/5 3VWFF31YX7M419993 TAG# of Electors of the Chamblee IES against ESTATE(S) known SHONDEANA C. MORRIS
support from the estate of Her- 330-471869 12/29,1/5 EGD2435 MI Doraville Community Improve- as VALERIE RUSSELL along GREGORY A. ADAMS
man Earl Haynes, Jr., De- VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT ment District (“CID”) shall be with any attachments or in- STACEY K. HYDRICK
ceased, for Decedent’s Surviv- Office of the Minnesota held on ++February 1, 2023++, terests, being duly sworn, un- LATISHA DEAR JACKSON
Secretary of State NOTICE
ing Spouse and minor child, You are hereby notified, in ac- Toyota 2006 Corolla at 5170 Peachtree Road, Build- der oath, declare and state that NORA POLK
having been duly filed, all inter- Certificate of Assumed Name JTDBR32E860075868 TAG# ing 100, Suite 400, Atlanta, GA I am the assigns, of allodial MARK ANTHONY SCOTT
Minnesota Statutes, cordance with OCGA § 40-11-
ested persons are hereby noti- 19(a) (2), that each of the be- CFN4348 NC 30341. The purpose of the title, and title to lands acquired TANGELA BARRIE
fied to show cause, if any they Chapter 333 Caucus is to elect a Board in said State Land Grant in the Of the Superior Court of
ASSUMED NAME: AUBRIA low-referenced vehicles are
have, on or before 02/06/2023, subject to a lien and a petition Member to fill Post 3 to serve City of Stone Mountain, County DeKalb County, Georgia, Stone
why said Petition should not be TRENISE GRAHAM Honda 2001 Accord on the CID Board. Registration of DeKalb, Republic of Georgia, Mountain Judicial Circuit
PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSI- may be filed in court to fore-
granted. close a lien for all amounts 1HGCG56401A023517 TAG# for the election shall be held from Georgia State Archives This Grand Jury, sworn in by
All objections to the Petition NESS: care of, 1572 Hardee <unknown> from 12:45 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Legal Description: Lottery Year the Honorable Shondeana Mor-
Street Northeast apt 41F At- owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a
must be in writing, setting forth court shall order the sale of the Voting will occur immediately 1821, Lottery County Henry, ris in the DeKalb Superior Court
the grounds of any such objec- lanta Georgia 00000 USA Anyone with an ownership in- after every Elector who has ar- Section and District 16, Land on November 3rd, 2022, re-
NAMEHOLDER(S): vehicle to satisfy the debt.
tions, and must be filed on or terest in any of these vehicles rived at the registration table by Lot 5, Microfilm Drawer and spectfully submits the following
before the time stated in the Name: Address: should contact the following 1:15 p.m. has registered. A Box #285/70 and 51/50 (No. 5), presentments.
Graham, Aubria Trenise care of The vehicles are currently loc-
preceding sentence. All plead- ated at 2481 Old Covington business immediately: map of said District may be re- Grant/Plat Book p. 36 claiming INDICTMENTS
ings/objections should be 1572 Hardee street northeast viewed in the office of the all 202.5 acres are hereby no- This Grand Jury was presen-
apt 41F Atlanta Georgia 00000 Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012
sworn to before a notary public Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- DeKalb County Tax Commis- ticed to come forward and ted with (287) cases during the
or before a Probate Court USA ing, and Recovery sioner. All Electors as desig- make Public any such claims November/December 2022
The vehicles subject to liens as
Clerk, and filing fees must be stated above are identified as: 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW nated under the Act are invited for the specific lands, or liabilit- term. Of these cases (287)
tendered with your objections, Aubria Trenise Graham care of Conyers GA 30012 to attend and cast their votes. ies within the eight (8) consec- True Bills and (0) No Bills were
unless you qualify to file as an 1572 hardee street northeast 678-210-0245 utive weeks of this publication, returned. An additional (86)
indigent party. Contact Probate apt 41F Atlanta Georgia 00000 present their verified claim or cases proceeded by Accusa-
++Ford 2001 Expedition 330-471939 12/29,1/5
Court personnel for the re- USA rebuttal on the record for this tions.
quired amount of filing fees. If TAG# RTK4786 GA 330-471935 12/29,1/5 VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT matter in writing to Valerie Rus-
any objections are filed, a hear- :Aubria- Trenise: Graham., sell, by mailing to Chestnut, REQUEST FOR PUBLICA-
ing will be scheduled at a later Authorized Representative care Brooke, c/o Valerie Russell TION
date. If no objections are filed of Hardee street northeast apt 1445 Woodmont Lane NW, Ste Pursuant to the O.C.G.A. § 15-
Hyundai 2009 GENESIS NOTICE Vehicle Make Nissan
the Petition may be granted 41F Atlanta Georgia 00000 1583, Atlanta, Georgia 30318, 12-80, we the presently consti-
KMHGC46F39U044827 TAG# You are hereby notified, in ac- Year: 2014
without a hearing. USA including adverse claimants of- tuted Grand Jury recommend
QKLH62 FL cordance with OCGA § 40-11- Vehicle ID#:
Bedelia C Hargrove 19(a) (2), that each of the be- 3N1CE2CP0EL379033 fice and title, after which time to the Honorable Shondeana
Judge of the Probate Court Work Item 1356071800022 any and all said claims shall be Morris that these general pre-
low-referenced vehicles are Model: Versa Note
By: Original File Number null and void. Executed the sentments be published in
Hyundai 2006 Elantra subject to a lien and a petition Vehicle License#
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 1356071800022 21st Day of December 2022. whole in the County Legal Or-
KMHDN46D96U293849 TAG# may be filed in court to fore- State
Probate Court FILED ++CLAIMS or LIABILITIES gan.
<unknown> close a lien for all amounts You are hereby notified, in ac-
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 12/13/2022 11:59 PM against ESTATE(S) known as This Term the Grand Jury con-
owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a cordance with OCGA 40-11-19
1100 Active/IN GOOD STANDING VALERIE RUSSELL++ ducted its required inspection
court shall order the sale of the (a) (2), that the above-refer-
Decatur, Georgia 30030 ++ASSUMED NAME: AUBRIA of the DeKalb County Clerk of
Chevrolet 2011 Camaro vehicle to satisfy the debt. enced vehicle is subject to a li- 330-472008 1/5,1/12,1/19,1/26
404-371-2601 TRENISE GRAHAM++ the Superior Court.
2G1FB1ED3B9197172 TAG# en and a petition may be filed 2/2,2/9,2/16,2/23
330-471870 12/29,1/5 CQM1681 GA The vehicles are currently loc- in court to foreclose a lien for PUBLIC NOTICE The Grand Jury submitting the
PUBLIC NOTICE ated at 2481 Old Covington all amounts owed. If the lien is I, Russell, Rhema living following:
Office of the Minnesota Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012 foreclosed, a court shall order (wo)man, declare this NOTICE This term the Grand Jury con-
Secretary of State Chevrolet 2011 TRAVERSE the sale of the vehicle to satis- to any person, individual, or be- ducted its annual inspection of
Certificate of Assumed Name 1GNKRGED0BJ105192 TAG# The vehicles subject to liens as fy the debt. ing that has any CLAIMS or LI- the Superior Clerk's office.
Minnesota Statutes, <unknown> stated above are identified as: The vehicle is currently located ABILITIES against ESTATE(S) The Grand Jury submits the fol-
Public Notice Chapter 333 at 154 Olive Street Avondale known as RHEMA RUSSELL lowing:
ASSUMED NAME: AYCER Estates. Georgia 30002 along with any attachments or • The randomness of the selec-
330-471126 11/24,12/1,12/8 ZADE WEAVER GMC 2008 ACADIA ++Ford 2005 Mustang Anyone with an ownership in- interests, being duly sworn, un- tion process of the Grand Jury
12/15,12/22,12/29,1/5 PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSI- 1GKER237X8J296803 TAG# 1ZVFT80N555183592 ++TAG# terest in this vehicle should der oath, declare and state that pool assembled a truly broad
Georgia Department of NESS: in care, 1572 Hardee CQJ7365 GA RWQ4876 GA contact the following business I am the assigns, of allodial and representative slice of the
Transportation street northeast apartment 41F immediately: Business Name: title, and title to lands acquired citizens of DeKalb County. The
Request for Feedback Atlanta Georgia 00000 USA Toyota 2012 Camry Hunt's Wrecker Service in said State Land Grant in the level of enthusiasm for serving
For ++P.I. No. 0008288++ NAMEHOLDER(S): Chevrolet 2006 TRAILBLAZER 4T1BF1FK5CU058748 TAG# Impound Date: 09/17/2022 City of Stone Mountain, County certainly varied amongst the
DeKalb County Name: Address: 1GNDS13S862254641 TAG# PHW9127 GA Address: of DeKalb, Republic of Georgia, Grand Jury, but this did not af-
The Georgia Department of Weaver Aycer Zade care of 793ETI LA 154 Olive Street, Avondale Es- from Georgia State Archives fect our efficacy as a body. As
Transportation (GDOT) is re- 1572 Hardee street northeast Dodge 2012 Avenger tates GA 30002 Legal Description: Lottery Year a deliberative body we respec-
questing review and feedback apt 41F Atlanta Georgia 00000 1C3CDZAB0CN231336 TAG# Telephone#: 404-292-6697 1821, Lottery County Henry, ted each other, and civic duty
on the proposed project. We USA Honda 1998 Civic <unknown> ++Nissan 2014 Versa Note Section and District 16, Land tasked us.
appreciate your participation in 2HGEJ662XWH597937 TAG# Vehicle ID#: Lot 34, Microfilm Drawer and • It is recommended that future
this process. Aycer Zade Weaver care of <unknown> Nissan 2003 Xterra 3N1CE2CP0EL379033++ Box #285/71 and 51/50 (No. Grand Juries should convene a
This project proposes to con- 1572 Hardee street northeast 5N1ED28T13C664858 TAG# 34) Grant/Plat Book Henry Sup- Study Committee in regard to
struct pedestrian and vehicular apartment 41F Atlanta Georgia <unknown> 330-472006 1/5 plement p. 55 claiming all 202.5 making changes to Grand Jury
safety improvements including 00000 USA Honda 1993 Accord Notice of Initiation of the acres are hereby noticed to rules implemented during Cov-
raised medians and/or pedestri- 1HGCB7654PA182228 TAG# CADILLAC 1984 <unknown> Section 106 Process: Public come forward and make Public id, to wit limiting Grand Jury
an hybrid beacon (PHB) cross- AYCER ZADE WEAVER., PNW7223 GA 1GCHP32M3E3335520 TAG# Participation any such claims for the specif- cases to the “Seven Deadlies”
ings at nine (9) locations Authorized Representative in <unknown> CitySwitch proposes the con- ic lands, or liabilities within the made permanent. Such an in-
between Hillvale Road and care 1572 Hardee street north- struction of a self-support style eight (8) consecutive weeks of vestigation should also seek
Phillips Road on State Route east apartment 41F Atlanta Hyundai 2018 Elantra Dodge 2012 Avenger telecommunications tower ap- this publication, present their the testimony of the public De-
(SR) 12 / United States (US) Georgia 00000 USA 5NPD84LF4JH300579 TAG# 1C3CDZAB0CN134024 TAG# proximately 255 feet north- verified claim or rebuttal on the fender's office which could bet-
278 / Covington Highway in CLD8925 GA <unknown> northeast of ++Walker Rd. & record for this matter in writing ter address how such a change
DeKalb County, Georgia. AUBRIA TRENISE King Rd., Stone Mountain, to Rhema Russell, by mailing to would affect defendants.
GDOT has placed information GRAHAM in care 1572 Hardee DeKalb County, GA.++ Pro- Chestnut, Brooke, c/o Rhema • The software package used to
about the proposed project at street northeast apartment 41F Jeep 2008 Grand Cherokee Anyone with an ownership in- posed project will include Russell 1445 Woodmont Lane process the cases was easy to Atlanta Georgia 00000 USA 1J8GS48K98C105239 TAG# terest in any of these vehicles ground disturbance. Members NW, Ste 1583, Atlanta, Geor- learn but it would be useful to
Pages/PublicOutreach.aspx. 7969BM FL should contact the following of the public interested in sub- gia 30318, including adverse be able to change strikeouts
The information on the website :Aubria- Trenise: Graham., business immediately: mitting comments on the pos- claimants office and title, after without having to use undo.
is provided in place of an in- Authorized Representative care Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- sible effects on historic proper- which time any and all said • The pandemic clearly im-
person meeting while allowing of 1572 Hardee street north- VOLKSWAGEN 2012 JETTA ing, and Recovery ties included in or eligible for in- claims shall be null and void. pacted everyone's lives, and
the public to review the pro- east apartment 41F atlanta 3VWDX7AJ7CM313106 TAG# 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW clusion in the National Register Executed the 21st Day of the pause in convening a
posed project, provide feed- Georgia 00000 USA TBI1939 GA Conyers GA 30012 of Historic Places may send December 2022. Grand Jury was reflected in the
back, or write in with questions. 678-210-0245 their comments to Andrew ++CLAIMS or LIABILITIES age of some cases, especially
Americans with Disabilities Act Aubria Trenise Graham care of Smith, RESCOM Environment- against ESTATE(S) known as from 2018, 2019 and 2020.
(ADA) Information: 1572 Hardee street northeast Lexus 2015 ES 350 al Corp., PO Box 361 Petos- RHEMA RUSSELL++ Many misdemeanors that might
To request materials in access- apartment 41F atlanta Georgia JTHBK1GG7F2208867 TAG# key, MI 49770 or call 260-385- have been added to these
ible formats for people with dis- 00000 USA CQT4505 GA 6999. cases had expired by the time
abilities, contact the district they reached the Grand Jury.
planning and programming li- Graham, Aubria Trenise care of • Kudos to both Ms. Jeffrey and
aison, Joshua Higgins (johig- Hardee street northeast apt Jaguar 2006 S-Type Ms. McMichael, who were both at 770-216- 41F Atlanta Georgia 00000 SAJWA01AX6FN52286 TAG# very helpful during orientation
3896). USA 8C32V2 TN and throughout the process.
Comments will be accepted Both the selection and the op-
concerning this project until Fri- Work Item 1356541800023 erations of the grand jury pro-
day, January 06, 2023. Written Original File Number Honda 1998 Accord cess seem to be very effi-
statements may be submitted 1356541800023 1HGCG5642WA087341 TAG# ciently run.
to: STATE OF MINNESOTA TDP3075 GA • The information currently on
Mr. Eric Duff OFFICE OF THE SECRET- the DeKalb County Superior
State Environmental Adminis- ARY OF STATE Court website Grand Jury Ser-
they reached the Grand Jury. • Tardiness and sleeping offices, specifically for tax as- JANIQUE JACKSON Tools/Applnces; 1261 Pamela Dwayne Allen: Hsld gds/Furn,
• Kudos to both Ms. Jeffrey and through the presentations sessment in the BOE office. LORI WISEMAN Chavez: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- TV/Stereo Equip; 4126 Robert
Ms. McMichael, who were both should not be condoned. ABDUL KHOWAJA reo Equip, Bags; 2209 Marvin Dodd: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste-
very helpful during orientation • Grand jury - general criminal The Grand Jury extends its WILLIAM WRIGHT Arias: Tools/Applnces; 4060 reo Equip;
and throughout the process. statute overview provided to gratitude to Nyoka Jeffery and Marla Marcia: Hsld gds/Furn, 4183 Clara F Turner: Hsld
Both the selection and the op- the grand jurors has not been the Grand Jury Unit in facilitat- ORDER TV/Stereo Equip. gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip;

erations of the grand jury pro- The Champion Legal Section,
updated since 2017. This Thursday,
The within and forgoing pre- JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 31
ing a presentation on Decem- 4194 Corey Scott: Hsld
cess seem to be very effi- needs to be updated to reflect ber 20th to educate the Grand sentments have been filed in And, due notice having been gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip;
ciently run. current laws. An index for the Jury and citizens of DeKalb open Court, given, to the owner of said 4195 Tarrance Bellamy: 340-471884 12/29,1/5
• The information currently on material provided to grand jur- County in the ongoing chal- IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that property and all parties known Hsld gds/Furn; 4204 Geoffrey T Public Sale
the DeKalb County Superior ors would help clarify the re- lenges in processing SVU said presentment be filed and to claim and interest therein, Davis: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- In accordance with the provi-
Court website Grand Jury Ser- sources. backlogs. published, as requested, in the and the time specified in such reo Equip, Tools/Applnces, Off sions of State law, there being
vice ( • Free coffee and tea should be County Legal Organ. notice for payment of such hav- Furn/Mach/Equip; 4266 Alina due and unpaid charges for
could be more specific for pro- available to the grand jury The Grand Jury submits the fol- SO ORDERED this 21ST, day ing expired, the goods will be Kegler: which the undersigned is en-
spective grand jurors to better members while serving. lowing observations and re- of DECEMBER 2022. sold to the highest bidder or Hsld gds/Furn, Boxes and bike. titled to satisfy an owner and/or
understand the expectations of • Choking constituted the ma- commendations and observa- HONORABLE SHONDEANA otherwise disposed of at a pub- manager's lien of the goods
their service. Key specific de- jority of felony domestic viol- tions based on that presenta- MORRIS lic auction to be held online at And, due notice having been hereinafter described and
tails about what to expect if you ence. The statute and penal- tion: DEKALB SUPERIOR COURT, given, to the owner of said stored at the Life Storage loca-
are selected could be ex- ties for this crime should be re- STONE MOUNTAIN JUDICIAL which will end on ++Tuesday, property and all parties known tion(s) listed below.
plained ahead of time (e.g., viewed to increase repercus- • Under the tenure of Sherry CIRCUIT January 24, 2023 at 10 AM.++ to claim and interest therein, # I 055, 1274 Crown Pointe
mandatory orientation the day sions for offenders, especially Boston, the SVU Division ex- ACKNOWLEDGED: and the time specified in such Parkway, Dunwoody, G A
after the selection, every Tues- for repeat offenders, potentially panded from 3 attorneys and 3 SHERRY BOSTON 340-471881 12/29,1/5 notice for payment of such hav- 30338. (770) 399-5877
day and Wednesday for the 2 to include no bail. field investigators in 2017 to 11 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Public Sale ing expired, the goods will be
month period, plan for a full • The initial inspection of the attorneys and 11 investigators In accordance with the provi- sold to the highest bidder or 2006 Brianna Flowers: Hsld
330-472010 1/5,1/12 sions of State law, there being
day–8:30-5:00, 3 allowed ab- Clerk’s office was virtual and in 2022. ABANDONED MOTOR otherwise disposed of at a pub- gds/Furn; 2044 Landon Sims:
sences). In addition much of was akin to a presentation and • Officers testified that some due and unpaid charges for lic auction to be held online at Hsld gds/Furn, Mattress, Box
VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT which the undersigned is en-
the very helpful information that not an audit. It should not be sexual assault victims would NOTICE, Spring, Work Tables, Mirror,
was presented at orientation represented as an inspection; it decline rape kits at Grady Hos- titled to satisfy an owner and/or which will end on ++Tuesday, Lamp, Table, Kitchen Ware,
You are hereby notified, in ac- manager's lien of the goods
could be shared with prospect- should be reclassified as a visit. pital due to wait times up to 10 cordance with OCGA § 40-11- January 24, 2023 at 10 AM.++ Pictures, Crock Pot.; 2078
ive jurors ahead of time so they • Testimonies from multiple hours on top of the invasive hereinafter described and Ajanne Duncan: Hsld gds/Furn;
19(a) (2), that each of the be- stored at the Life Storage loca- 340-471883 12/29,1/5
know what to expect and can cases presented this session nature of the kits themselves. low-referenced vehicles are Public Sale 4095 Sylvia Neal: Hsld
plan for it, in case they are se- noted that there are certain This has thankfully been ad- tion(s) listed gds/Furn, Off Furn/Mach/Equip,
subject to a lien and a petition below. In accordance with the provi-
lected. It seemed that many jur- areas of repeated increased dressed through the Day may be filed in court to fore- sions of State law, there being Bed Set, Coffee Maker, Vacu-
ors arrived on the first day not drug activity within the county. League Rape Crisis Center. #0378, 2910 N Decatur Rd, um, Mixer, Paintings, Lamps,
close a lien for all amounts Decatur, GA 30033. (404) 292- due and unpaid charges for
fully realizing what the commit- These areas should be a partic- • In 2022 there was optional owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a which the undersigned is en- Bookshelf, Printer, Dinning Ta-
ment would be for the 2 ular focus for expanded police county wide training address- 0666 ble, Clothes; 4143 Sherece
court shall order the sale of the titled to
months, and therefore may not presence, directed intervention, ing strangulation for First Re- vehicle to satisfy the debt. satisfy an owner and/or man- Mckendrick: Off
have made the necessary ar- and proactive preventive meas- sponders with over 400 attend- 2B08 Helen Huyler: Hsld Furn/Mach/Equip; 4179 Cesare
The vehicles are currently loc- gds/Furn; 4G19 AnaJ Nasona: ager's lien of the goods herein-
rangements with jobs, families, ures. ing. It is strongly recommen- ated at 2481 Old Covington after described and stored at Willis: Hsl _gds/Furn.
travel, other commitments, to • Court facilities need to be up- ded that this training continue Hsld gds/Furn; 5A05 Kenneth
Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012 Thompson: Hsld gds/Furn; the Life Storage location(s) lis-
be able to serve as smoothly as graded and expanded. As you to be offered as it currently was The vehicles subject to liens as ted below. And, due notice having been
possible. Consider a grand jury- look around at the court facilit- funded by a onetime grant. A 5E19 Becky given, to the owner of said
stated above are identified as: Reynolds: Hsld gds/Furn, #0913, 4561 Covington Hwy,
specific FAQ, similar to the Fre- ies, it is apparent there has not loose estimate of $50,000 in Decatur, GA 30035. (678) 705- property and all parties known
quently Asked Questions been a serious upgrade in per- funding would be needed to Tools/Applnces; 5G01 Ibrahim to claim and interest therein,
++Chrysler 2016 200 Simbala: Tools/Applnces, Off 1700
( haps decades. In the Grand make this an annual or bi-annu- 1 C3 CCC AB3 G N1 4 4 9 9 0 + + and the time specified in such
provided for trial/petit jury ser- Jury area alone, the space is al event. Hopefully this amount Furn/Mach/Equip; 5H04 Clore- notice for payment of such hav-
TAG # < u n k n o wn > shia Griffin: 1127 Charletta Lay: Hsld
vice. so limited some people have could be secured through legis- gds/Furn, Bins; 1130 Cas- ing expired, the goods will be
• The audio in the grand jury their offices in what is effect- lature or additional fees at- Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo sold to the highest bidder or
Chevrolet 2002 IMPALA Equip. sandra Cannon: Hsld gds/Furn,
room was not reliable (have ively a hallway. We understand tached to the sentencing of 2G1WF55EX29241771 TAG# TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- otherwise disposed of at a pub-
batteries on hand) and suggest new facilities are on the way, crimes involving strangulations <unknown> plnces; 1133 Tyneka lic auction to be held online at
they should wipe the mics the observation is these and other aggravated domestic And, due notice having been,
given, to the owner of said Scott: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste-
between witnesses needed upgrades cannot come and sexual assaults. Chevrolet 2013 Malibu reo Equip, Tools/Applnces; which will end on ++Tuesday,
• There was a lack of consist- fast enough. To the citizens of • The most meaningful assist- property and all parties known January 24, 2023 at 10 AM.++
1G11C5SAXDF249755 TAG# to claim and interest therein, 1167 Marcia Watson-Samuels:
ency in ADAs swearing in wit- DeKalb that might read this, if ance for SVU and SAKI unit RWY1872 GA Hsld gds/Furn; 1192 Shaza
nesses. During orientation Ms. you see construction for better would be an increase in the and the time specified in such
notice for payment of such hav- Ahmed: Hsld
Jeffrey indicated that wit- and expanded court facilities, number of judges for DeKalb Chevrolet 2017 EQUINOX gds/Furn; 1215 Johnny Brown: 340-471885 12/29,1/5
nesses were to be sworn in be- know this has been needed for County on the order of an addi- ing expired, the goods will be Public Sale
2GNALCEK7H6284020 TAG# sold to the highest bidder or Off Furn/Mach/Equip; 1216
fore each case; some ADAs a long time in order to deliver tional 2-3 (currently 10). The CMK8765 GA Johnny Brown: Hsld gds/Furn, In accordance with the provi-
moved forward with a new case justice in our community. Superior Court should add both otherwise disposed of at a pub- sions of State law, there being
lic auction to be held online at Off Furn/Mach/Equip; 1258
stating that witnesses were still • During the on-site visit to the judges and the affiliated sup- Mercedes Benz 2001 E CLASS Shirley Ndem: due and unpaid charges for
under oath. offices of the Clerk of Superior port staff to address the high, which the undersigned is en-
WDBJF65J31B389244 TAG# which will end on ++Tuesday, Hsld gds/Furn; 1269 Shea Ann
• There was a good balance Court, grand jurors were able to caseload of sexual assault RXD4996 GA Thompson: Hsld gds/Furn, Off titled to
between moving cases forward learn more about the important cases in DeKalb County. January 24, 2023 at 10 AM.++ satisfy an owner and/or man-
Furn/Mach/Equip; 1272 Paul-
efficiently and yet allowing time functions of this office and the • As previously noted the pan- Kia 2015 Optima 340-471882 12/29,1/5 ette Porter: Hsld gds/Furn, ager's lien of the goods herein-
for jurors to ask questions. efficient way they are run to demic had great impact on the 5XXGM4A76FG387294 TAG# Public Sale TV/Stereo after described and stored at
• There could be better facilit- serve the citizens of DeKalb. court system and anecdotal RFD0599 GA In accordance with the provi- Equip, Clothing and shoes; the Life Storage location(s) lis-
ies for the jurors. We were • The efficiency of the office of testimony indicated that al- sions of State law, there being 1290 Carl Dew: Hsld gds/Furn; ted
moved from the breakroom to the Clerk of Superior Court leged perpetrators were more GMC 2003 Yukon XL due and unpaid charges for 1293 Marsalis Terrell: Hsld below.
the conference room. Even dur- could be improved even further likely to be released pending 3GKEC16Z73G333258 TAG# which the undersigned is en- gds/Furn; 1512 Demetrius #1103, 5951 Covington Hwy,
ing this interim period, jurors with necessary resources and trial which lead to reoffending. <unknown> titled to satisfy an owner and/or Curtis: Hsld Decatur, GA 30035. (470) 220-
should be able to use the authority to facilitate and ex- Given that experts from SVU in- manager's lien of the goods gds/Furn; 1579 Cherrye 1982
breakroom. pedite the transfer of docu- formed the Jury that domestic Anyone with an ownership in- hereinafter described and Owens: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste-
• The white collar fraud cases ments to electronic form for and sexual assault offenders terest in any of these vehicles stored at the Life Storage loca- reo Equip, Off A108 Anthony Parris: Hsld
were very interesting and a storage, saving valuable stor- have a high chance of reoffend- should contact the following tion(s) listed Furn/Mach/Equip; 1585 Paul gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip,
great change of pace. It is un- age space. It was noted that ing and escalating violence. It business immediately: below. Buchanan: Hsld gds/Furn, Off Tools/Applnces; C326 Lisa
fortunate that these crimes typ- the best way to protect the doc- is our hope that lessons #0411, 1890 Briarwood Rd NE, Furn/Mach/Equip; 1608 Matt Babrow: Hsld gds/Furn; E528
ically do not result in jail time. uments for historical preserva- learned during pandemic re- Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- Atlanta, GA 30329. (404) 425- Thomas: Hsld gds/Furn; 1683 Robert Lee: Hsld
There should be more emphas- tion is to digitize them. garding use of virtual techno- ing, and Recovery 5010 Tevin McCoy: Tools/Applnces; gds/Furn; E588 Kimberly
is on prosecuting these cases • Various testimonies de- logy to expedite prosecutions 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW 2040 Abdallah Mbogaa: Hsld 1719 Travis Campbell: Hsld Jones: Hsld gds/Furn, Boxes,
with actual prison sentences to scribed situations pointing to and temporary legislative Conyers GA 30012 gds/Furn; 2053 POORNA gds/Furn; clothes, tools, nightstand,
ensure they no longer prey on potential needs for resource im- changes to what cases need to BALACHANDRAN: Hsld 1796 Dietra Jones: Hsld dresser, bicycle, folding chair;
the citizens of DeKalb, in addi- provements at the DeKalb be seen by the Grand Jury. gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces, gds/Furn; 1857 Markezious Mc- E602 Natalie
tion to provisions to make vic- County jail, including facilities ROBERT HILL, FOREPERSON Clothes, Beauty coi: Hsld gds/Furn; 1871 Karen Douglas: Hsld gds/Furn; E619
tims financially whole. inspections and increased staff- JADA ABRAMS Public Sale products, Kitchen items; 2077 Dawkins: Hsld gds/Furn, Wilson Jo-Ann: Hsld gds/Furn,
• It is noted that we saw no ing. While this grand jury did ROBERT ALLEN Tarrance Bellamy: Hsld TV/Stereo Equip; TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap-
cases of sexual assault in the not focus specifically on these FRANCISCO LAM 340-471880 12/29,1/5 gds/Furn; 2080 Joel Callins: 1888 Antonia Elliott: Hsld plnces; F657 Crystal Finger:
prison system. We understand issues, a more detailed com- ANGELA BARNES PUBLIC SALE Hsld gds/Furn; 2090 Tarrance gds/Furn; 1925 Kimberly Harris: Hsld gds/Furn,
that sexual assault on female munity review would be warran- LEON LEE In accordance with the provi- Bellamy: Hsld Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Fan, Bicycle, Coolers, shoes,
victims is quite common, and ted for a future session of the MELANIE BLANKE sions of State law, there being gds/Furn; 2203 Sanju Mathew: Equip; 1951 Yolanda J Ingram: Handtruck, bags/boxes/bins;
are unsure if these cases are grand jury. JEFFERY KUO due and unpaid charges for Hsld gds/Furn; 2259 Devionne Hsld gds/Furn; F658 Victor D. Cooper: Hsld
not reported or they are not • Top four concerns across past BENJAMIN MACDONALD which the undersigned is en- Burnett: Hsld gds/Furn; 3003 2032 Simone Monique Flood: gds/Furn, wall art, portraits,
prosecuted. DeKalb County 5 Grand Juries included wit- CASEY BURNS titled to satisfy an owner and/or Serena Turner: Hsld gds/Furn; Hsld gds/Furn; 2061 Tyrone pots, mirror,
should place more emphasis ness un-preparedness, micro- JUAQUITA MASS manager's lien of the goods 3060 Williams: Hsld gds/Furn; 2188 desk; F665 Yasmine Jackson:
on these cases. phone issues, increase in per TRACIE DEMERY hereinafter described and Angel Casabona Huancauque: Diamond Crume: Hsld Hsld gds/Furn, gas heater, vac-
• There was a surprising num- diem for the Grand Jury, and STEPHEN MCCLANAHAN stored at the Life Storage loca- Hsld gds/Furn; 3066 Sam- gds/Furn; 2272 cum, pak n play, stainless kit-
ber of errors in the documenta- making food and coffee avail- STEVEN DERICHSWEILER tion(s) listed below. antha Richie: Hsld gds/Furn, Theodore Smith: Hsld chen equipment; G710 Amier
tion, such as names mis- able. LAVESHA MCFADDEN #0151, 4427 Tilly Mill Road, TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- gds/Furn. Touray: Hsld
spelled, incorrect dates, etc. • Investigate the possibility of VAN FINKLEA, JR. Doraville, GA 30360. (770) 455- plnces, Acctng gds/Furn; G730 Nekia Holsey:
The staff who create the docu- past Grand Jury officers to vol- JUAN MENA, JR. 3104 rcrds/Sales Sampls; 3116 Tar- And, due notice having been Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo
ments should pay closer atten- untarily be made available at JACQUELYN PAYNE rance Bellamy: Hsld gds/Furn, given, to the owner of said Equip; G731 Adrain A. Guy:
tion to the information presen- the orientation of new Grand VANETTA HILL 1063 Maria Martinez: Hsld TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- property and all parties known Hsld gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces;
ted, for accuracy in indictments Juries. WESLEY WALTON gds/Furn; 1065 Bryanna Smith: plnces, Off Furn/Mach/Equip; to claim and interest therein, H828 Charles
and to minimize delays in the • There is a need for public vo- DORIS HOUSTON Hsld gds/Furn; 1150 Erick 3181 Robert and Brooks: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste-
grand jury proceedings. lunteers to work in the clerk’s SARAH WILEY Daniel Palma Salome: Dixon: Hsld gds/Furn; 3264 the time specified in such no- reo Equip, Tools/Applnces,
• Tardiness and sleeping offices, specifically for tax as- JANIQUE JACKSON Tools/Applnces; 1261 Pamela Dwayne Allen: Hsld gds/Furn, tice for payment of such hav- Vehicle, boxes; J142 Kashayla
through the presentations sessment in the BOE office. LORI WISEMAN Chavez: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- TV/Stereo Equip; 4126 Robert ing expired, the goods will be Story: Hsld gds/Furn, Tools/Ap-
should not be condoned. ABDUL KHOWAJA reo Equip, Bags; 2209 Marvin Dodd: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- sold to the highest bidder or plnces;
• Grand jury - general criminal The Grand Jury extends its WILLIAM WRIGHT Arias: Tools/Applnces; 4060 reo Equip; otherwise disposed of at a pub- K1120 Dawn Simmons: Hsld
statute overview provided to gratitude to Nyoka Jeffery and Marla Marcia: Hsld gds/Furn, 4183 Clara F Turner: Hsld lic auction to be held online at gds/Furn; K1148 Lateefah
the grand jurors has not been the Grand Jury Unit in facilitat- ORDER TV/Stereo Equip. gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip;, Aikens: clothing in totes; L1208
updated since 2017. This ing a presentation on Decem- The within and forgoing pre- 4194 Corey Scott: Hsld which will end on ++Tuesday, Judith Okoro: Hsld gds/Furn,
needs to be updated to reflect ber 20th to educate the Grand sentments have been filed in And, due notice having been gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; January 24, 2023 at 10 AM.++ Tools/Applnces.
current laws. An index for the Jury and citizens of DeKalb open Court, given, to the owner of said 4195 Tarrance Bellamy:
material provided to grand jur- County in the ongoing chal- IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that property and all parties known Hsld gds/Furn; 4204 Geoffrey T And, due notice having been
ors would help clarify the re- lenges in processing SVU said presentment be filed and to claim and interest therein, Davis: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- given, to the owner of said
sources. backlogs. published, as requested, in the and the time specified in such reo Equip, Tools/Applnces, Off property and all parties known
Vehicle, boxes; J142 Kashayla Farinha: Hsld gds/Furn, Household items Cube #883 Tramayne Lemons Time: 01:00 PM
Story: Hsld gds/Furn, Tools/Ap- Tools/Applnces; 1003 Cortez Amber Davis-Unit #4053-Sofa, Cube #913 Latoya Hall Sale to be held at www.stor-
plnces; Robinson: Hsld gds/Furn, trunk Cube #987 Robert Jett
K1120 Dawn Simmons: Hsld 2bedroom sets, Living Pilar Nvo-Unit #B051-Queen Cube #994 Brandon Wilkerson 1012 - Stroman, Roanna; 1059
g ds/Furn; K1148 Lateefah room set, washer & dryer. bed, boxes and personal items Cube #1002 Jordan Bunkley - jordan, kierre; 1122 - Byrd,
Aikens: clothing in totes; L1208 Cube #1139 Twantina Bell Rodney; 1235 - Moulton, Key-
Page 32
Judith Okoro: Hsld gds/Furn,
The Champion Legal Section,
And, due notice having been
given, to the owner of said
The auction will be listed
advertised on www.stor-
and JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023  Cube #1143 Kenneth B Booker
Cube #1144 Deyanda Flint
ana; 1246 - BOUTIQUE LLC,
YN LUX; 1270 - Wilson, Adrian;
property and all parties known 340-471889 12/29,1/5 Purchases Cube #1159 Catrina Williams 340-471894 12/29,1/5 1300 - Johnson, Leonni; 2029 -
And, due notice having been to claim and interest therein, Public Sale must be made with cash only Cube #1178 Terrell D Turner NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Jordan, Tyrees; 2030 - Dumay,
given, to the owner of said and In accordance with the provi- and paid at the above refer- Cube #1235 Dominique Davis To satisfy the owner's storage Dejay; 2212 - hood, altrisa;
property and all parties known the time specified in such no- sions of State law, there being enced facility in order to com- Cube #1242 Jeffrey Kirk lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will 2225 - Delgado, Micheal; 2233
to claim and interest therein, tice for payment of such hav- due and unpaid charges for plete the transaction. Extra Stevens sell at public lien sale on - Hooks, Alex; 2295 - Bailey,
and the time specified in such ing expired, the goods will be which the undersigned is en- Space Storage may refuse any Cube #1252 Rebecca Bailey ++January 16, 2023++, the per- Wendy; 2312 - Parman, Jon
notice for payment of such hav- sold to the highest bidder or titled to bid and may rescind any pur- Johnson sonal property in the below-lis- PUBLIC STORAGE # 27210,
ing expired, the goods will be otherwise disposed of at a pub- satisfy an owner and/or man- chase up until the winning bid- Cube #1274 Paul A Buchanan ted units, which may include 1801 Savoy Drive, Chamblee,
sold to the highest bidder or lic auction to be held online at ager's lien of the goods herein- der takes possession of the Cube #1306 Bobby L Jones but are not limited to: house- GA 30341, (470) 575-0587
otherwise disposed of at a pub-, after described and stored at personal property. Cube #270_271 Sharee Wilkins hold and personal items, office Time: 01:15 PM
lic auction to be held online at which will end on ++Tuesday, the Life Storage location(s) lis- and other equipment. The pub- Sale to be held at www.stor-, January 24, 2023 at 10 AM.++ ted 340-471891 12/29,1/5 lic sale of these items will be-
340-471893 12/29,1/5
which will end on ++Tuesday, below. STORAGE TREASURES gin at 09:30 AM and continue 2044 - Washington, Prince;
340-471887 12/29,1/5 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE
January 24, 2023 at 10 AM.++ #8364, 5636 Redan Rd, Stone AUCTION until all units are sold. Lien sale 2105 - MASILAMANI,
Public Sale To satisfy the owner's storage
Mountain, GA 30088. (770) Extra Space Storage will hold a to be held at the online auction KARTHIKEYAN; 2172 - Harris,
340-471886 12/29,1/5 In accordance with the provi- lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will
847-6810 public auction to sell personal website, www.storagetreas- Lyric; 2174 - Bell Jr, Jonathan;
Public Sale sions of State law, there being sell at public lien sale on
property described below be-, where indicated. For 3111 - Lawler, Avonda; 3150 -
In accordance with the provi- due and unpaid charges for ++January 19, 2023++, the per-
1048 Josefina Aroll: Hsld longing to those individuals lis- online lien sales, bids will be Kennedy, Tinisha; 3178 - Lee,
sions of State law, there being which the undersigned is en- sonal property in the below-lis-
gds/Furn, Tots, and Bags; 1049 ted below at the location indic- accepted until 2 hours after the Allen; 4005 - Chungu,
due and unpaid charges for titled to satisfy an owner and/or ted units, which may include
Angenette Myles: Bags & totes; ated: time of the sale specified. Muwelanji; 4042 - Blakely,
which the undersigned is en- manager's lien of the goods but are not limited to: house-
1108 Devonne Williams: Hsld 2232 Mountain Industrial BLV. PUBLIC STORAGE # 25983, Jesika; 4070 - Eaddy, Tracy;
titled to hereinafter described and hold and personal items, office
gds/Furn; TUCKER, GA. 30084 at ++11 4340 Dunwoody Park, Dun- 4149 - Holder, Eric; 5029 -
satisfy an owner and/or man- stored at the Life Storage loca- and other equipment. The pub-
2019 Dyja Brown: Hsld AM on JAN 13,2023++. woody, GA 30338, (678) 436- Thomas, Niakishia; 5105 - Ed-
ager's lien of the goods herein- tion(s) listed below. lic sale of these items will be-
after described and stored at gds/Furn, Boxes, Queen & twin gin at 10:00 AM and continue 3733 monds, Taylor; 5116 - Lovely,
Mattress & Box Spring; 2117 1017-Eugenia Gunn- House- Time: 10:45 AM Chantel; 5129 - Evans, Patrice;
the Life Storage location(s) lis- until all units are sold. Lien sale
Chatavia Joyner: Seasonal hold Items Sale to be held at www.stor- 5133 - Thomas, Meryssa; 5137
ted below. And, due notice having been to be held at the online auction
#1105, 6231 Hillandale Dr, given, to the owner of said items; 2122 Kishaud website, www.storagetreas- - Chisolm, Kanieshia; 5187 -
Williams: Hsld gds/Furn; 2164 1077-Darlene Clark- House- B066 - King, Steven; B126 - Hughes , Jonda ; 5198 -
Lithonia, GA 30058. (678) 782- property and all parties known, where indicated. For
Shantine Shopshire: Hsld Hold Items Adams, Tyra; B214 - Carter, Howard, Robert; 5204 -
8150 to claim and interest therein, online lien sales, bids will be
and the time specified in such gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, accepted until 2 hours after the Jasmine; B218 - Hasan, Syed; Thompson, Kamilah
Tools/Applnces, Off 1221- Thomas Pittman- House- B239 - Searcy, Avis; B354 - Public sale terms, rules, and
119 Salanta Toler: Hsld notice for payment of such hav- time of the sale specified.
Fu rn/ Mach/Equip, Bo xe s , Hold Items Hossain, Farshid; B363B - regulations will be made avail-
gds/Furn; 221 Dewarren ing expired, the goods will be
Collins: Hsld gds/Furn; 235 sold to the highest bidder or Bags, or Totes; B118 Pamela PUBLIC STORAGE # 28135, Hernandez, Juan; B524 - Walk- able prior to the sale. All sales
Crockett: Hsld gds/Furn; B120 1387- Jehan Spann- House- er, Alex; B525 - Kyann, Veron- are subject to cancellation. We
Cheyenne Mason: Hsld otherwise disposed of at a pub- 2080 Briarcliff Road NE, At-
Gregory Martin: Hsld gds/Furn, Hold Items ica; B533 - corpuz, AnikA; reserve the right to refuse any
gds/Furn; 319 Christine Webb: lic auction to be held online at lanta, GA 30329, (404) 793-
Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo, TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- 0836 B585 - Ware, Fernando; B590 - bid. Payment must be in cash
plnces; C127 The auction will be listed and Ware, Freddie or credit card-no checks. Buy-
Equip, Tools/Applnces; 331 which will end on ++Tuesday, Time: 10:00 AM
Keanna Jackson: Hsld advertised on www.stor- PUBLIC STORAGE # 28138, ers must secure the units with
Dominique Smith: Hsld January 24, 2023 at 10 AM.++ Sale to be held at www.stor-
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, Purchases 3679 McElroy Road, Doraville, their own personal locks. To
gds/Furn; 337 Nathan Dodson: 340-471888 12/29,1/5
Tools/Applnces, Off must be made with cash only GA 30340, (678) 541-8635 claim tax-exempt status, origin-
Hsld gds/Furn, Tables, Public Sale 1018 - Clements, Cedriane;
Furn/Mach/Equip; D124 Tonya and paid at the above refer- Time: 12:15 PM al RESALE certificates for each
Chairs, Speakers, Dolly, In accordance with the provi- 1023 - Nicole, Tyner; 1196 -
Belton: Hsld gds/Furn; E116 enced facility in order to com- Sale to be held at www.stor- space purchased is required.
Trophies, Cooler, Jump Start sions of State law, there being Wharton, Matthew; 1247 -
Sean Walthall: Hsld gds/Furn, plete the transaction. Extra By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701
Cables, Cones; 345 Yvonne due and unpaid charges for patrick, Charlie; 1262 - Scott,
TV/Stereo Equip; E123 Kristy Space Storage may refuse any A003 - Murray, Donovan; A066 Western Avenue, Glendale, CA
Banks: Hsld gds/Furn; 416 Po- which the undersigned is en- Stephan; 1289A - Sow, Souley-
Broussard: Hsld gds/Furn; bid and may rescind any pur- - hernandez, alex; A102 - sal- 91201. (818) 244-8080.
lanco Franco: Hsld titled to mane; 1293B - Gonzalez,
E153 Emelda Fitzori: Hsld chase up until the winning bid- mon, Sanjay; B029 - ravariere,
gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces; 417 satisfy an owner and/or man- Joscelyn; 1313B - Patrignani, 340-471895 12/29,1/5
gds/Furn, der takes possession of the melina; D039 - greener, eric;
Alisha Forman: Hsld gds/Furn, ager's lien of the goods herein- James; 1316A - kirklian, Ishika; NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE
TV/Stereo Equip. personal property. E055 - Robinson, Charles D;
Tool s/Applnces; 448 Nia after described and stored at 1334 - Roberts, Quran; 1368 - To satisfy the owner's storage
Jordan: Clothing, Shoes, Lug- 340-471892 12/29,1/5 Silvers, Zenia; 1376B - Tarrant, E078 - Johnson, Miyoshi; E103 lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will
the Life Storage location(s) lis-
gage; 463 And, due notice having been NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Merri; 1432B - Johnson, Naomi; - PENG, YI HUNG; F621 - Win- sell at public lien sale on
Christol James: Hsld gds/Furn, given, to the owner of said The following self-storage Cube 1433A - miles, Sayeeda; 1452 - stead, keith; F801 - Taylor, ++January 19, 2023++, the per-
Clothing, Toys, Pillow, Bags & property and all parties known contents containing household Barksdale, Nikayla; 2152 - Denise; F868 - Mcduffie, sonal property in the below-lis-
#7212, 650 Dekalb Industrial
Much more; 482 Arthur Par- to claim and interest therein, and other goods will be sold for Baugh, Ricardo; 2182 - Coney, Melody ted units, which may include
Way, Decatur, GA 30033. (404)
ham: Hsld gds/Furn; 486 Kan- and cash by Kamille; 2203 - Twyman, Chas- PUBLIC STORAGE # 08392, but are not limited to: house-
dace Johnson: the time specified in such no- 3831 Redwing Cir. Decatur, GA ity; 2209 - Runell, Adam Cavitt; 4300 Peachtree Road NE, At- hold and personal items, office
Hsld gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces, tice for payment of such hav- 30032 to satisfy a lien on 2244 - Shaw, Joseph; 2257 - lanta, GA 30319, (404) 480- and other equipment. The pub-
1032 Ashley Gaskin: Hsld
Washer Dryers, Table & Chairs; ing expired, the goods will be ++01/12/2023 at approx. 2:00 Bratcher, Denzale; 2420 - 3893 lic sale of these items will be-
gds/Furn; 1071 Charles Perry:
506 Damaris Smith: Hsld sold to the highest bidder or PM++ at www.storagetreas- Spann, Courtney; 2423 - Jack- Time: 12:30 PM gin at 09:30 AM and continue
Hsld gds/Furn; 1220 Ericka Wil-
gds/Furn, Mattress, 2 bed- otherwise disposed of at a pub- son, Quentin; 2446 - Singleton, Sale to be held at www.stor- until all units are sold. Lien sale
liams: school items such as
rooms; 509 lic auction to be held online at Torrance; 3105 - Thomas, to be held at the online auction
books, file
Derrick Ruffin: Hsld gds/Furn,, Cube #26 Irvin Turner Starlitha; 3163 - Lumsden, 1041 - Mustipher, Eugene; website, www.storagetreas-
cabinets, and chair; 2086 Cyn-
TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- which will end on ++Tuesday, Cube #27 Kim Badie Corey; 3172 - Howard, Michael; 1115 - Walker, Samari; 1277 -, where indicated. For
thia Rivers: Hsld gds/Furn, Din-
plnces, 2 T.v's; 553 Dominic January 24, 2023 at 10 AM.++ Cube #68 Deborah & John 3280 - Jones, Daniel; A044 - Sanders, Armani; 1346 - Sam, online lien sales, bids will be
ing room set cabinet and 6
Wilson: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- Grant goldberg, Tiffany l; B056 - flor- Lemuel; 1353 - Ebagua, Ogie; accepted until 2 hours after the
chairs, 2 buffets, sofa love seat
reo Equip, Cube #102_103 Sandra Furlow vilus, Sherina; C001D - sum- 2206 - johnson, Micheal; 2509 - time of the sale specified.
2 chairs tables,
Tools/Applnces, Off Cube #172 Rawle B Hope merall, Robert; C008 - Del Otis, Eldridge
lamps, Bedrooms set; 2195
Furn/Mach/Equip, Mattress, 340-471890 12/29,1/5 Cube #197 Latanya Alexander Papa, Catherine; C034G - Jef- PUBLIC STORAGE # 08053, PUBLIC STORAGE # 00509,
Isaiah C Scott: Hsld gds/Furn;
Head Board, Dresser, Boxes, STORAGE TREASURES Cube #201 Latanya Alexander ferson, Kamari; C034H - Wilk- 3692 Clairmont Road, Atlanta, 1438 Montreal Road, Tucker,
2259 Kayla Desroches: Hsld
Totes, Fan, Vaccum; 585 Bar- AUCTION Cube #230 Terence P Johnson son, Daryl; C035G - Clay, GA 30341, (678) 293-8537 GA 30084, (678) 304-6454
gds/Furn; 3074 Joseph Early-
bara Palmer: Hsld Extra Space Storage will hold a Cube #269 Devontae Ogletree Christina; E014 - Collins, Edsel; Time: 12:45 PM Time: 09:30 AM
cutt: totes, boxes,
gds/Furn; 660 Yukeyva Byrd: public auction to sell personal Cube #273 Sharese L McGee E015 - Neal, SaMaria; G005 - Sale to be held at www.stor- Sale to be held at www.stor-
misc; 3103 Denise Miller: Hsld
Hsld gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces, property described below be- Cube #281 Nadia D Todd Ramos, Aria; G016 - ryder,
gds/Furn, Off Furn/Mach/Equip;
Bike, Kids Moped, T.V Stand, longing to those individuals lis- Cube #303 James L Brooks III christina; G019 - Williams, Tier- 0129 - Fuentes, Sayda; 0301 - A021 - Thorne, Nikita; B039 -
3228 Keith Todd: Desk and
Comforters, Boxes; 668 Jerome ted below at the location indic- Cube #332 Casey Lovejoy ney; H021 - Jr, Frederick Philp Craig, Joesph; 0304 - Sullivant, J ord an , Aud ric k; D0 26 -
boxes; 3233 Anyetta Dennis:
Hill: ated: Cube #339 Erica Ward Carmen; 0314 - Demeke, Teg- Thomas, Tyler Alexander; E046
Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo 1989 Montreal Rd Tucker, GA Cube #380_381 Micah J Mab- Public sale terms, rules, and abu; 0408 - Huerrea, Angel; - Henley, Brian; E127 - Lane,
gds/Furn; 3298 Jeffrey
Equip; 681 Nerissa Joines: 30084 on ++January 13, at son regulations will be made avail- 0416 - Brown, Sarah; 0420 - Antoinette; G034 - White, Roni-
Jimpson: Clothes.
Hsld gds/Furn, T.V., Lamp, 10:00 a.m.++ Cube #397 Charles Newman able prior to the sale. All sales Weaver, Cupid; 0422 - Clark, qua; H010 - O'Garro, Christina;
Suitcase, Table, Mirror, Cloth- Cube #409 Morgan B Hines Jr are subject to cancellation. We Iman; 0623 - Le, Jasmine; 0802 H017 - Kennedy, Kierra
And, due notice having been
ing Shoes, Purses, Reginald Palmer-Unit #1089- Cube #537 Jessica Lomax reserve the right to refuse any - Brown, Foxxy; 0915 - WHITE, PUBLIC STORAGE # 00516,
given, to the owner of said
Bags, Totes, Bins; 755 Rose Boxes and tv stand Cube #542 Cynthia Young- bid. Payment must be in cash THETHEUS; 1001 - Wallace, 1844 Mtn Industrial Blvd, Tuck-
property and all parties known
Davy-Ahmed: Hsld gds/Furn, Perry Bradford-Unit #2001- blood or credit card-no checks. Buy- Erin; 1002 - morgan, Tyler; er, GA 30084, (678) 466-6104
to claim and interest therein,
TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- Washing and dryer Cube #558 Ruby Lee Googer ers must secure the units with 1205 - TERRY, JAQUELINE; Time: 09:45 AM
plnces, Bed Set, Sofas, Wash- Lynette Lynch-Unit #2038-Nail Cube #573 Schwanda Cun- their own personal locks. To 1415 - Rodriguez Becerra, Sale to be held at www.stor-
the time specified in such no-
er & Dryer; 761 salon. chairs, shelves. Boxes ningham claim tax-exempt status, origin- Wendy; 1419 - haney, vincient;
tice for payment of such hav-
Louise Christopher: Hsld Travis Dean-Unit #2165-House- Cube #583_584 Charlene N J al RESALE certificates for each 1630 - Olomola, Wale; 1631 - A077 - Blackburn, Kevin; A080
ing expired, the goods will be
gds/Furn; 811 Nadia Celestin: hold items Milsap space purchased is required. Toomer, Chauntel; 1709 - - Slater, Tjuana; A170 - Smith,
sold to the highest bidder or
Hsld gds/Furn, Stroller, Chair, Geramie Wilson-Unit #3076- Cube #596 James Johnson By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Hockaday, Maya; 1916 - Sedarus; A231 - Salvesen,
otherwise disposed of at a pub-
Desk, T.v Stand, Paintings, Washer Dryer Boxes Cube #605 Quieon Scott Western Avenue, Glendale, CA Weaver, Amaya; 2004 - John; A270 - Cameron, Regin-
lic auction to be held online at
Shoes, Clothing, Jazlyn Menuel-Unit #3207- Cube #623 Tanner Hawkins 91201. (818) 244-8080. Demesmin, Gladimyr; 2102 - ald; B009 - James, Nicole;,
Bags, Totes; 830 Ayonna Har- Household items Cube #639 Abbi Hurt Gaussaint, Mary; 2104 - C020 - Killian, Kevin; C025 -
which will end on ++Tuesday,
rison: Hsld gds/Furn, Mattress, Asia Parnell-Unit #4019-Totes, Cube #640 Denise A King Christie, Shannon; 2104A - But- Gumbs, Andrea; D001 - Mus-
January 24, 2023 at 10 AM++.
Head board, Bed frame; 987 Clothes, Personal Items Cube #684 Jessica Richardson ler, Varndura grove, Rex; D004 - Barsh, Is-
James Gordon: Tools/Ap- Mister Saffold-Unit #403- Cube #689 Kendra F Dennis PUBLIC STORAGE # 08055, rael; D018 - Humphrey, Mar-
plnces, Washer's & Clothes boxes Cube #783 Andrea Tomkins 1865 Savoy Drive, Chamblee, ketta; D049 - Cody, Jeanette
Dryers, Appliances; 997 Larry Ayanna Chung-Unit #4041- Cube #821 Katrina Otto GA 30341, (678) 809-5444 PUBLIC STORAGE # 08051,
Farinha: Hsld gds/Furn, Household items Cube #883 Tramayne Lemons Time: 01:00 PM 2660 Mountain Industrial Blvd,
Tools/Applnces; 1003 Cortez Amber Davis-Unit #4053-Sofa, Cube #913 Latoya Hall Sale to be held at www.stor- Tucker, GA 30084, (678) 567-
Robinson: Hsld gds/Furn, trunk Cube #987 Robert Jett 6787
2bedroom sets, Living Pilar Nvo-Unit #B051-Queen Cube #994 Brandon Wilkerson 1012 - Stroman, Roanna; 1059 Time: 10:15 AM
room set, washer & dryer. bed, boxes and personal items Cube #1002 Jordan Bunkley - jordan, kierre; 1122 - Byrd, Sale to be held at www.stor-
Cube #1139 Twantina Bell Rodney; 1235 - Moulton, Key-
And, due notice having been The auction will be listed and Cube #1143 Kenneth B Booker ana; 1246 - BOUTIQUE LLC, 0106 - Heard, Brina; 0122 -
given, to the owner of said a d v e r t i s e d o n w w w . s t o r- Cube #1144 Deyanda Flint YN LUX; 1270 - Wilson, Adrian; kayinamura, Nina; 0379 - Willi-
property and all parties known Purchases Cube #1159 Catrina Williams 1300 - Johnson, Leonni; 2029 - ams, Karen; 0387 - Miller, Tan-
to claim and interest therein, must be made with cash only Cube #1178 Terrell D Turner Jordan, Tyrees; 2030 - Dumay, iesha; 0395 - Gibson, Tianna;
and and paid at the above refer- Cube #1235 Dominique Davis Dejay; 2212 - hood, altrisa; 0438 - Hines, Quevaughna;
the time specified in such no- enced facility in order to com- Cube #1242 Jeffrey Kirk 2225 - Delgado, Micheal; 2233 0448 - Sanders, Antonio; 1129
2660 Mountain Industrial Blvd, er, Niesha; 1250 - Samu, Mar- Aaron; C021 - WALSH, CHAP- Phillips, Bryant; E084 - Hunt, 1080 James Williams Vickie Williams: Shoes and
Tucker, GA 30084, (678) 567- greth; 1314 - Wyatt, Autumn; MAN; C025 - Brooks, Shirley; Wayne; E085 - Williams, 1174 Takoria Kelly clothing items; F236 Rianna
6787 1320 - Stewart, mary; 1329 - C044 - Pettibone Jr, Rance; Tamekia 1056 Zainah Mohamed Price: Hsld
Time: 10:15 AM GRIER, HYACINTHE; 1422 - C047 - Brathwaite, Julio; C061 PUBLIC STORAGE # 28136, 1153 Latia Rodriguez gds/Furn; H104 Lori Pyne: Hsld
Sale to be held at www.stor- Nzomo, Brian; 1504 - Thomas, - Davis, Garren; D053 - Brad- 2940 North Decatur Road, Dec- 1103 Shaza Ahmed gds/Furn; I101 Jeff Allen: Hsld Krystal; 1552 - Hamlin, Tj; 1554 ley, Tamara; D064 - Forte, atur, GA 30033, (404) 618- 3019 Julius Bryant gds/Furn; I109 Louia Turner:

0106 - Heard, Brina; 0122 - The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 33
- Maul, Sheila; 1556 - spratt- Markesia; E010 - Nelson, 0009 3008 Raymond Nelson Hsld gds/Furn.
kayinamura, Nina; 0379 - Willi- hendricks, courtney; 1608 - James; E012 - Carpenter, Time: 12:30 PM 3014 Robert Huttenbach
ams, Karen; 0387 - Miller, Tan- Garder, Milton; 1621 - Griffin, Unique; E014 - Mahaffey, Mar- Sale to be held at www.stor- 1078 Julius Bryant 340-471899 12/29,1/5 And, due notice having been
iesha; 0395 - Gibson, Tianna; Zachary; 1721 - Harris, Kim- cus; E043 - BANTON, TONYA; 2125 Nasir Muhammad Public Sale given, to the owner of said
0438 - Hines, Quevaughna; berly; 1728 - Clrcontracting LLC E102 - Joubert, Netanya; E116 0210 - Fatou, Doumbouya; Avondale Mini Storage located property and all parties known
0448 - Sanders, Antonio; 1129 Robinson, Christopher; 1819 - - Carson, Asanteaira; F006 - 0334 - Gaines, Cashel; 0340 - Memorial Drive: at 3111 Church Street, Scotts- to claim and interest therein,
- Hawkins, Ulysses; 1305 - Phil- Moore, Ailonnie; 1832 - Garvin, Wimberly, Shannon; G011 - Jackson, Tremaine; 0358 - 520 Khimoy Richardson dale, GA 30079 will hold an on- and
lips, Darian; 1413 - ROBIN- Nikki; 1861 - Brown, Billy; 1909 Washington, Tony; G052 - Johnson, Kiera; 0402 - husein, 218 Idris Abdullah line public sale to enforce a li- the time specified in such no-
SON, BRITTANY; 1414 - - Sanders, Rashonda; 1922 - Dennis, Adrianne; H007 - Iman; 0442 - Harris, Okima; 617 Felicia Davis en imposed on said property, tice for payment of such hav-
ROBINSON, BRITTANY Prince, Diontavious; 2005 - Wil- Wiley, Tori; H027 - mbye, ab- 0445 - Burnett, Timarcus; 0476 857 Kimberly Flowers as described below, pursuant ing expired, the goods will be
PUBLIC STORAGE # 20491, liams, Katrina; 2010 - carter, doulie - Dube, Colin; 0505 - Ball, Dani- 121 Misty Kelley to the Georgia Self Storage Fa- sold to the highest bidder or
3400 Lawrenceville Hwy, Tuck- Marvin; 2019 - dobbs, rodrick; PUBLIC STORAGE # 23207, elle; 1124 - Thompson, Tijan- 717 Maurice Tyms cility Act, Georgia Code 10-4- otherwise disposed of at a pub-
er, GA 30084, (678) 801-6672 2108 - Natworks Events and 4343 Covington Hwy, Decatur, nah; 1127 - Walker, Jasmine; 321 Susan Koroma 210 to 10-4-215. The auction lic auction to be held online at
Time: 10:45 AM Creative Designs LLC hayden, GA 30035, (404) 596-5473 1152 - Ferguson, Kenneth; 867 Priscilla Dowdell will be held on website,
Sale to be held at www.stor- Natelya; 211 - Benefield, Time: 11:00 AM 1230 - Ammazi, Becky; 1232 - 525 Kenneth Battle (ht- which will end on ++Tuesday, Shenika; 2121 - Mason, Sale to be held at www.stor- Everett, Courtney; 1259 - tp:// January 24, 2023 at 10 AM++.
A085 - Bell, Tim; A163 - Vanessa; 220 - Jones, Ian; 408 Roberts, Phillip; 1261 - palmer, Covington Hwy: and will end
Brooks, Lekisha; A203 - bur- - Greenwood, Trudy; 412 - A008 - Thomas, Shalanda; Tetrice; 1300C - Smile, Noela 1224 Zelda Thompson at ++11:30am on Friday, Janu- 340-471971 12/29,1/5
roughs, melissa; B008 - Martin, Abel, Carrena; 503 - Jones, Un- A077 - Jackson, Shylisiyia; PUBLIC STORAGE # 08050, 1253 Cory Oneal ary 20, 2023++ . Public Sale
Don; B019 - Mini, Mayasir; genita; 530 - Parchment, KDi- A101 - Corley, Teva; A129 - 840 Hambrick Road, Stone O217 Dyntrell Sigers Management reserves the right In accordance with the provi-
C023 - Mckay, Diane; C097 - on; 622 - Williams, Demetrice; Whitfield, Kevin; A144 - Horne, Mountain, GA 30083, (404) 1059 Annie Harris to withdraw any unit from sale. sions of State law, there being
Smith, Toreion 726 - Favors, Mikole; 732 - Till- Natalie; B209 - Richardson, 445-0091 1077 Raquel Walker Registered or motor vehicles due and unpaid charges for
PUBLIC STORAGE # 25987, man, Latashia; 821 - Minko, Greg; B210 - Thomas, Nicole; Time: 01:30 PM 1203 Lee McCarthur are sold "As Is / Parts Only," no which the undersigned is en-
1750 Montreal Cir, Tucker, GA Hilaire; 828 - McBride, Curtis; B218 - Maybon, Ciara; B349 - Sale to be held at www.stor- O222 Alicia Hammond titles or registration. titled to satisfy an owner and/or
30084, (678) 256-3954 910 - Mcduffy, Robert; 912 - Culpepper, Brian; B366 - Reed, 1351 Sharon Wright Tenant Name Unit # Stored manager's lien of the goods
Time: 11:45 AM Tyler, Marvin; 944 - Abdalla, Tamika; C402 - Jessie, Bobby; 0301 - hendershott, joe; 0318 - 1114 Zelda Thompson Items hereinafter described and
Sale to be held at www.stor- Muhammad; 948 - Benton, Bar- C429 - luke, Loretta; C431 - JOHNS, LEONA; 0333 - Sher- O120 Dewey Boykin stored at the Life Storage loca- ron; 949 - Horton II, Larry Wright, Walter; C446 - Ali, man, Tyteanna; 0342 - Ware, Michael A Goodman A255 tion(s) listed
A040 - HILL, MICHAEL; A104 - PUBLIC STORAGE # 20490, Amina; D526 - Perry, Jasmine; Raymond; 0351 - HAARMANN, HHG, Furniture below.
Anderson, Erica O; A133 - Guti- 5038 Covington Hwy, Decatur, D563 - Tucker, Cheville; E602 - ANN; 0406 - Izzard, Cheryl; 340-471898 12/29,1/5 Betsy W Dunson A254 HHG, #8489, 3810 Pleasantdale Rd,
errez, Karina; A142 - Pepp, De- GA 30035, (404) 348-4205 Ferrell, Erica; E623 - Perry, 0521 - Thompson, Daren; 0536 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF Furniture, and boxes Atlanta, GA 30340. (470) 682-
salynn; A162 - Barden, Time: 09:30 AM Natasha; F707 - Smith, Bobby; - Jordon, Shana; 0609 - Phil- PERSONAL PROPERTY Tenant Name Stored Items 3605
Khyeacia; A170 - Ross, Sale to be held at www.stor- F709 - McKinley, Bryce lips, Mikeita; 0637 - Primm, Pursuant to the lien granted by Mark Toje 1013 HHG BOXES
Destane; A181 - Adewuyi, PUBLIC STORAGE # 25592, Monetj; 0643 - PURFOROY, the Georgia Self-Storage Facil- CLOTHES 046P Octavia Mcvea: boxes;
Oladipo; A193 - Thomas, Jalen; A004 - Brightwell, Shirley; A042 5260 Minola Drive, Lithonia, SONYA; 0718 - Jones, Steph- ity Act, notice is hereby given 104 Anzania Christina Carter:
B016 - Richardson, Louella; - henderson, javaris; A078 - GA 30038, (404) 445-7828 en; 0721 - Braswell, Courtney; that the undersigned self-stor- 340-471900 12/29,1/5 5-10 Tubs; 407 Christen Quez-
B080 - Ethridge, Cedric; C064 - Dix, Abrina; A081 - Hester, Time: 11:30 AM 0736 - Minor, Angela; 0738 - age units will be sold at a pub- PUBLIC AUCTION ada: Hsld gds/Furn; 456 Clar-
Brooks, Vince; C071 - Head, Alysha; A095 - Caldwell, Sale to be held at www.stor- Freeman, Jhenell; 0743 - What- lic sale by competitive bidding, Notice of Abandonment and ence Johnson:
Corey; D100 - warren, bakari; Jaleeya; B006 - Plant, Destiny; ley, Jimmy; 0745 - Donoho, to satisfy the lien of the Lessor, Sale in accordance with Hsld gds/Furn; 465 Clarence
E009 - Mobile konnextion B018 - Parker, Jenorris; C008 - A0202 - GIPSON, APRIL; Samantha; 0815 - Williamson, with Metro Storage LLC as O.C.G.A. 40-11 the following Johnson: Hsld gds/Furn; 538
koulouris, Maria; E051 - Walker, Dalisha; C009 - Farm- A0204 - Hoggs, Emmanuel; Erica; 0832 - little, jerome; managing agent for Lessor, for vehicle has been declared Victoria Moore: Hsld gds/Furn,
Aguilar, Samantha; E055 - Bul- er, Gayla; C034 - Fannin, Jeff; A0213 - Davis, Chatel; A0607 - 0834 - Staples, Taquana; 0938 rental and other charges due abandoned and will be sold at Boxes; 654 Clarence Johnson:
gin, Jevon; E175 - Chandler, D062 - Garrett, DeYonna; F003 White, Felicia; A0612 - Squire, - King, Charles; 1026 - Bemba, from the undersigned. The said Public Auction to the Highest Hsld
Deanna; E177 - Jones, Taylor; - Williams, Tequanna; F004 - Thelma; A0711 - COOK, Kiwanis; 1049 - Adams, Corey; property has been stored and is and Best Bidder for cash only. gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces.
E178 - Sutton, Gabriel; E185 - west, john; G025 - Richardson, RAYNA; A0806 - Thompkins, 415E - Leeper, Britney; 514A - located at the respective ad- The auction will be held on
Haynes, Jessica; E197 - Dixon, Diane; H009 - Hendricks, Likeyshia; A1002 - Copeland, Burns, Danae dress below. Units up for auc- January 21, 2023 at 10:00 And, due notice having been
Marcus; E209 - Crosby, Eric Kirsten; H022 - Mcintosh, Zane; A1011 - Patterson, PUBLIC STORAGE # 08393, tion will be listed for public bid- a.m., 7199 Maddox Rd Suite given, to the owner of said
Debra; H030 - Harrell, Timothy; Dawn; A1012 - Carruthers, 1210 Clairmont Rd, Decatur, ding on-line at www.Stor- 1A, Lithonia GA 30058, phone property and all parties known
Public sale terms, rules, and H035 - Carson, Tulon; H042 - Brandon M.; A2036 - Starks, GA 30030, (404) 445-7924 beginning (678) 526-5016. Review 9:30 to claim and interest therein,
regulations will be made avail- James, Kimberly; H056 - par- Tracy; A3025 - Zellous, Sonja; Time: 02:00 PM five days prior to the sched- a.m. and the time specified in such
able prior to the sale. All sales rish, Jarvis; H074 - Allen, Nich- B0035 - Davis, Regina; B0309 - Sale to be held at www.stor- uled auction date and time. The notice for payment of such hav-
are subject to cancellation. We olas; J008 - Hamilton, Starks, Traell; B0502 - Nolbert, terms of the sale will be by lot ++2008 Saturn Outlook ing expired, the goods will be
reserve the right to refuse any Tameaka Warren; B0534 - lacy, latasha; 2213 - Westbrooks, Lavale; to the highest bidder for cash VIN: 5GZER13778J293071++ sold to the highest bidder or
bid. Payment must be in cash PUBLIC STORAGE # 20601, B0540 - mociers, Talaya; C38 - 3256 - BROWN, TYRONE T; only. A 10% buyer’s premium otherwise disposed of at a pub-
or credit card-no checks. Buy- 3687 Flat Shoals Road, Dec- Davis, Regina 3367 - Hunter, Alexis; 3516 - will be charged per unit. All 340-471902 12/29,1/5 lic auction to be held online at
ers must secure the units with atur, GA 30034, (404) 573- PUBLIC STORAGE # 26667, carswell, Jolay sales are final. Metro Self Stor- Public Sale,
their own personal locks. To 4859 3375 N Druid Hills Road, Dec- age LLC reserves the right to In accordance with the provi- which will end on ++Tuesday,
claim tax-exempt status, origin- Time: 10:00 AM atur, GA 30033, (404) 666- Public sale terms, rules, and withdraw any or all units, par- sions of State law, there being January 24, 2023 at 10 AM++.
al RESALE certificates for each Sale to be held at www.stor- 4363 regulations will be made avail- tial or entire, from the sale at due and unpaid charges for
space purchased is required. Time: 11:45 AM able prior to the sale. All sales any time before the sale or to which the undersigned is en- 340-471972 12/29,1/5
By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 A004 - Lewis, Jason; C030 - Sale to be held at www.stor- are subject to cancellation. We refuse any bids. The property titled to PUBLIC SALE
Western Avenue, Glendale, CA Williams, Glen le; C047 - Price, reserve the right to refuse any to be sold is described as “gen- satisfy an owner and/or man- In accordance with the provi-
91201. (818) 244-8080. Leontyne; D001 - Riley, Brit- A016 - Gilliam, Terrance; C021 bid. Payment must be in cash eral household items” unless ager's lien of the goods herein- sions of State law, there being
340-471896 12/29,1/5 tany; D013 - Maven, Courtney; - Thomas, Roy; E017 - Gordon, or credit card-no checks. Buy- otherwise noted. All contents after described and stored at due and unpaid charges for
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE D023 - Cherry, Alexander; Josephine; F017 - Adams, Mo- ers must secure the units with must be removed completely the Life Storage location(s) lis- which the undersigned is en-
To satisfy the owner's storage D037 - Fortune, Marie; E013 - nique; J039 - kwanga, Arthur; their own personal locks. To from the property within 48 ted titled to satisfy an owner and/or
lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will Booker, Antiqua; E017 - Fluel- J050 - Corker, Barry; J088 - claim tax-exempt status, origin- hours or sooner or are deemed below. manager's lien of the goods
sell at public lien sale on len, Shantavia; E021 - Fallon, Goodman, Anthony; J133 - al RESALE certificates for each abandoned by bidder/buyer. #0690, 2595 Candler Rd, Dec- hereinafter described and
++January 25, 2023++, the per- Jordan; F011 - Ford Jr, An- Young, Ricardo; J146 - John- space purchased is required. Sale rules and regulations are atur, GA 30032. (404) 212- stored at the Life Storage loca-
sonal property in the below-lis- thony; F018 - WHITMAN, Ar- son, Alexis; J176 - Anderson, By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 available at the time of sale. 1125 tion(s) listed
ted units, which may include thur; G001 - turner, lamontel; Rolynne Western Avenue, Glendale, CA below.
but are not limited to: house- G013 - hill, jeanette; G033 - PUBLIC STORAGE # 25981, 91201. (818) 244-8080. Property includes the storage 122 Tamica M Heard: Hsld #0633, 5208 Peachtree Blvd,
hold and personal items, office Fuller, Erica; H025 - Lowe, 1504 Austin Dr, Decatur, GA 340-471897 12/29,1/5 unit contents belonging to the gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; 230 Chamblee, GA 30341. (470)
and other equipment. The pub- Alicia; H043 - Winfrey, Kriss- 30032, (404) 602-0050 WILL BE Sold Online at Stor- following tenants at the follow- Tammie Thomas: Hsld 282-6818
lic sale of these items will be- honna; H044 - Sheffield Jr, Time: 12:00 PM ing locations: gds/Furn; 422 Courtney Car-
gin at 09:30 AM and continue David; J058 - Mattox, Lequetta Sale to be held at www.stor- Notice is hereby given that on son: Hsld gds/Furn; 2095 stancia reid: Hsld
until all units are sold. Lien sale Naporsha; J069 - Williams, Auction Date: ++January 10, Metro Self Storage: 3391 N 506 Airmis Thomas: electrical gds/Furn; 3024 Taniyah Britt:
to be held at the online auction Treniece; J080 - Beasley, A035 - Wimberly, Peggy; A203 2023++ U-Haul Company of Druid Hills Road, Decatur, GA items; 719 Aissata Bashir: Hsld Hsld gds/Furn; 3040 Jackson
website, www.storagetreas- Pamela; K032 - Hambrick, La- - Ezell, Samia; A213 - Mason, Northeast Georgia will Sell un- 30033. The bidding will close gds/Furn; 825 Spencer Simon: Braddy: Hsld gds/Furn; 4032, where indicated. For favia; L040 - Davis, Cedric; A222 - chapman, der the contractual landlords li- on the website StorageTreas- Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Dale Lawrence:
online lien sales, bids will be Cashawndra; L060 - Ruther- shamus s; A226 - Carpenter, en process by Online auction and a high bidder will Equip, Acctng rcrds/Sales Sampls;
accepted until 2 hours after the ford, Devarian; L098 - Riley, Unique; B055 - mcbean, adri- the following storage units. The be selected on ++January 19th, Tools/Applnces; 833 Dwayne 4050 Nya Boyd: Hsld gds/Furn;
time of the sale specified. Cherish; L113 - Bailey, Jac- ano; B088 - Cook, Horace; goods to be sold are generally 2023 at 10 AM++ Anderson: Hsld gds/Furn, 4070 Darlene Newton: Hsld
quelyn; L172 - LAADRIAN D B090 - Stroud, Natasha; C002 - described as household goods. Tools/Applnces; 922 Santoiler gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, Off
PUBLIC STORAGE # 28152, GLOVER Glover, LaAdrian; Evans, Lavern; C022 - Howard, Unit Name of Occupant De- Chestnut: Hsld gds/Furn; 952 Furn/Mach/Equip; 5023 Valerie
3748 Covington Hwy, Decatur, L176 - Mosley, Tanya; L229 - Tiffany; C046 - Rhodes, Dekalb County: scription of Property Gustry Wilson: Abraham: Hsld gds/Furn; 5031
GA 30032, (404) 736-6783 Jenkins Jr, Larry Tiffany; C048 - Taylor, Antonio; Hsld gds/Furn; 974 Spencer Alexes Madison: Hsld
Time: 09:30 AM PUBLIC STORAGE # 21712, C056 - Cunning, Matthew; A40 Dana Thomas Mattress, Mayfield: Hsld gds/Furn; 995 gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip;
Sale to be held at www.stor- 4200 Snapfinger Woods Drive, D042 - Osang, LaShawna; Clarkston: Sams Rd: dresser, vacuum cleaners Willie Sailor: Hsld gds/Furn; 5100 Jackson Decatur, GA 30035, (404) 573- D057 - Le Chapeau Tu'Toe D19 Natalia John D59 Deborah Echols Mattress, 9008 Antoine Wilkerson: Hsld Braddy: Hsld gds/Furn; 5112
1002 - Walker, Barbara; 1013 - 4891 Boutique Jackson, Clara; D084 C13 Tenika Cash dresser, printer gds/Furn, Glen Davis: Off
Lipscomb, Fransiscis; 1015 - Time: 10:30 AM - Johnson Jr, Stephen; D089 - D51 Paula Shanks Tools/Applnces; A126 Jim Furn/Mach/Equip; 5128 Ron-
Mullins, Corderius; 1026 - Sale to be held at www.stor- Brackins, Tamare; D094 - Mar- B36 Sharon Reid Jones: Hsld gds/Furn, Bags of ald Smith Jr.: Hsld gds/Furn,
baugh, spanyana; 106 - Eng- tin, Sarah A; D55B - Brittian, clothes; B218 Latoya Smith: TV/Stereo Equip, Off
lish, Teronia; 1110 - Lemon, A008 - Armelin, Melanie; B027 Mosses; D69A - Kilgore, Clarkston: Northern Ave: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Furn/Mach/Equip; 5163 Bern-
Tanya; 1144 - Hall, Elaysha; - Shivers, Rodney; B034 - Dchanon; E004 - martin, anes- 1132 Wendy Alridge Equip, ard Harris: Hsld gds/Furn; 5164
116 - Curry, Starita; 1208 - PHILLIPS, JOHN; B043 - sia D; E009 - Francois, Nabine; 2097 Esteban Rosario Tools/Applnces; B234 Quixote Boris Gimasa: Hsld gds/Furn;
Jackson, Darcelle; 1220 - Frazi- Battle, Keith; C011 - Follins, E056 - Grant, Paula; E073 - 2056 William Johnson Williams: Hsld gds/Furn; F232 5174 Brandi Miles: Hsld
er, Niesha; 1250 - Samu, Mar- Aaron; C021 - WALSH, CHAP- Phillips, Bryant; E084 - Hunt, 1080 James Williams Vickie Williams: Shoes and gds/Furn, Acctng
greth; 1314 - Wyatt, Autumn; MAN; C025 - Brooks, Shirley; Wayne; E085 - Williams, 1174 Takoria Kelly clothing items; F236 Rianna rcrds/Sales Sampls.
1320 - Stewart, mary; 1329 - C044 - Pettibone Jr, Rance; Tamekia 1056 Zainah Mohamed Price: Hsld
GRIER, HYACINTHE; 1422 - C047 - Brathwaite, Julio; C061 PUBLIC STORAGE # 28136, 1153 Latia Rodriguez gds/Furn; H104 Lori Pyne: Hsld And, due notice having been
Nzomo, Brian; 1504 - Thomas, - Davis, Garren; D053 - Brad- 2940 North Decatur Road, Dec- 1103 Shaza Ahmed gds/Furn; I101 Jeff Allen: Hsld given, to the owner of said
Krystal; 1552 - Hamlin, Tj; 1554 ley, Tamara; D064 - Forte, atur, GA 30033, (404) 618- 3019 Julius Bryant gds/Furn; I109 Louia Turner: property and all parties known
- Maul, Sheila; 1556 - spratt- Markesia; E010 - Nelson, 0009 3008 Raymond Nelson Hsld gds/Furn. to claim and interest therein,
hendricks, courtney; 1608 - James; E012 - Carpenter, Time: 12:30 PM 3014 Robert Huttenbach and
Garder, Milton; 1621 - Griffin, Unique; E014 - Mahaffey, Mar- Sale to be held at www.stor- 1078 Julius Bryant And, due notice having been the time specified in such no-
Zachary; 1721 - Harris, Kim- cus; E043 - BANTON, TONYA; 2125 Nasir Muhammad given, to the owner of said tice for payment of such hav-
berly; 1728 - Clrcontracting LLC E102 - Joubert, Netanya; E116 0210 - Fatou, Doumbouya; property and all parties known ing expired, the goods will be
Robinson, Christopher; 1819 - - Carson, Asanteaira; F006 - 0334 - Gaines, Cashel; 0340 - Memorial Drive: to claim and interest therein, sold to the highest bidder or
gds/Furn, Acctng and some boxes Boxes Totes. Grant, Louise
rcrds/Sales Sampls. K185 Cassandra Lowe 2bd rm, 4412 boxes tvshirts . Grimes,
living rm, microwave, bags and Antoine 4708 wagon boxes
And, due notice having been boxes totes. Williams , Sharnithia
given, to the owner of said K76 Felecia McNease king 3107 Sofa, Vacuum Cleaner,
property and all parties known bed, 2 twin beds, dining table, 4 Bar Stool, Love Seat.
Page 34
to claim and interest therein,
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023 
chairs, sectional, boxes, bags,
Purchases must be paid for at
the time of purchase at storage
the time specified in such no- 340-471979 1/5,1/12 340-471981 1/5,1/12 L125 Leigh Haynes Household 340-471985 1/5,1/12 340-471986 1/5,1/12 facility by cash only. All pur-
tice for payment of such hav- STORAGE TREASURES STORAGE TREASURES Items, boxes/bins NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE NOTICE OF SALE chased items are sold as is,
ing expired, the goods will be AUCTION AUCTION L155 Michael Birdsong Fur- To satisfy the owner's storage NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN where is, and must be re-
sold to the highest bidder or ONE FACILITY – MULTIPLE Extra Space Storage will hold a niture lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will that the undersigned intends to moved within 48 hours of the
otherwise disposed of at a pub- UNITS public auction to sell personal L92 Zachery Fowler TVs equip- sell at public lien sale on sell the personal property de- sale. A refundable $100 cash
lic auction to be held online at Extra Space Storage will hold a property described below be- ment games ect ++January 26, 2023++, the per- scribed below to enforce a lien deposit for each unit won is re-, public auction to sell personal longing to those individuals lis- M12 Kimberly Middleton wash- sonal property in the below-lis- imposed on said property un- quired. Sale is subject to can-
which will end on Tuesday, property described below be- ted below at the location indic- er, dyer, and 6 suit cases, and ted units, which may include der The Georgia Storage Facil- cellation in the event of settle-
++January 24, 2023 at 10 longing to those individuals lis- ated: a few boxes. but are not limited to: house- ity Act. The undersigned will ment between owner and oblig-
AM++. ted below at the location indic- 2329 Panola RD. Lithonia, GA M20 Jiyana Mathews 2 suit- hold and personal items, office sell at public sale by competit- ated party.
340-471978 1/5,1/12 ated: 30058 ++1/20/2023 at 1:00 cases and other equipment. The pub- ive bidding on Thursday the
STORAGE TREASURES 1257 S Hairston Rd, Stone PM++ N18 Abdul Ahmed Salon items, lic sale of these items will be- ++19th day of January, 2023 at
AUCTION Mountain, GA 30088, ++Janu- Chair gin at 09:30 AM and continue 11:00 AM++ with bidding to 340-472040 1/5,1/12
Extra Space Storage will hold a ary 20, 2023, at 11:00 AM++ Crystal Smith 125 Totes, Mat- X19 Ashley Tate Household until all units are sold. Lien sale take place on PUBLIC SALE
public auction to sell personal tress, Bed, Bags, Folding Ta- items. to be held at the online auction Said property is SecurCare Self Pursuant to OCGA Section 40-
property described below be- F640 Miranda Hall boxes full ble, Lamp, Camping Equip- X42 Alton Thomas Bedroom website, www.storagetreas- Storage, 1520 Austin Drive, 11-6, notice is hereby given
longing to those individuals lis- bed, couch, dresser, washer ment, Tent, Shoes, set, living room, boxes, where indicated. For Decatur, GA, 30032 that the following motor
ted below at the location indic- dryer Gerald Hines 608 TV, Shoes, online lien sales, bids will be Thomas, Germaine A045 vehicle(s) will be sold to the
ated: H819 Detra Smith totes, Totes, Mattress, Baseball The auction will be listed and accepted until 2 hours after the Boxes Totes Shelving , and highest and best bidder on
735 Hambrick Rd Stone Moun- clothes, sofa, love seat Caps, Clothes, Electronics advertised on www.stor- time of the sale specified. Bed . Gwinn, Jeff A089 Dryer , ++JAN 13 AT 1PM++ at the fol-
tain, Ga 30083 404-276-4304, J1004 Jeree Banks Mattress, Latanya Pham 622 Bed, Purchases Telescope , Furniture , Lamps , lowing locations
++January 20, 2023 @ Box Spring, Head and Foot Clothes, Shoes, Table, Wall must be made with cash only PUBLIC STORAGE # 00509, Stove Cook Top , Sewing Ma- 1.) 101 BELLAMY PL STOCK-
10am++ Board, Sofa Set, Household Art, Totes, Boxes, Dresser and paid at the above refer- 1438 Montreal Road, Tucker, chine , Table . Wells, Ken A052 BRIDGE GA DESCRIPTION
and Personal Items McArthur Williams 830 Hair enced facility in order to com- GA 30084, (678) 304-6454 , A051 BBQ Grill Smoker , Bed- OF VEHICLE 2011 BMW X5
Nigel Mctaw A139 Michaela Rivera Appli- Styling Chair, Mattress, File plete the transaction. Extra Time: 09:30 AM room Furniture , Sofa , Boxes VIN 5UXZV8C58BL418305,
A27 ances, furniture, clothing, stu- Cabinet, Boxes, Totes, BBQ Space Storage may refuse any Sale to be held at www.stor- Totes , Painting , Mirrors . 2006 BMW 325 VIN
2-3 bd worth of furniture dio lighting, clothing store mer- Grill, Makeup Kit, Wine Glasses bid and may rescind any pur- Gwinn, Jeff A096 , A079 A080 WBAVD13576KV06572, 2.)
chandise Andrayre Brown 836 Shoes, chase up until the winning bid- A027 - Young, Princeton; E065 Stove , Washer , Dryer , Dish- 133 NORTHTOWNE COVE
REECETTA BENTLEY G731 Iesha Daniels bins, Clothes, Lamps, Boxes, Totes, der takes possession of the - Hartranft, Chelce washer , Mattress , Microwave ELLENWOOD GA DESCRIP-
B16 couch, dressers Microwave, Holiday Decora- personal property. PUBLIC STORAGE # 00516, Oven . Jackson, Mary B145 TION OF VEHICLE 2006 LEX-
household items K2043 Monta Sherrod couch, tions 1844 Mtn Industrial Blvd, Tuck- Lawn Mower , Television , U S G S V I N
bed, household items in boxes, Queen Parhan 943 Bicycle, er, GA 30084, (678) 466-6104 Lawn Chair , Toys , Bicycle , JTHCH96S360004179, DE-
Crystal Foy clothes Luggage, Totes, Shoes, Table, Time: 10:00 AM Vacuum , Totes , Fishing Poles SCRIPTION OF VEHICLE
B44 A105C Eunique Riley Clothing, Toys, Shoes, Mirror, Ironing 340-471983 1/5,1/12 Sale to be held at www.stor- . Harris, Kevin B150 Luggage , 2007 CHEVROLET TAHOE
washer and dryer couch Tv's small items Board Notice of Public Sale of Exercise Equipment , Totes VIN 1GNFC13J67R415249,3)
tables boxes Nadasha Jackson 1148 Wash- Personal Property A034 - Mcmoore, Cherise; Boxes , 10Ft Instant Canopy . 1346 FARMERS RD CON-
The auction will be listed and er, Dryer, Microwave, TV, Box Notice is hereby given that B015 - Cruse, Kelvin; D005 - Alexander, Khandis C341 Mo- YERS GA DESCRIPTION OF
Gene Little advertised on www.stor- Fan, Bedding Chestnut Self Storage, located Roberson, Tequila torcycle is NOT part of auction VEHICLE 2009 NISSAN MUR-
B65 Purchases Yanika Clay 1503 Mattress, at 3134 Chestnut Drive PUBLIC STORAGE # 08051, Scooter, Boxes Totes , Bags , A N O V I N
Household items, Dining room must be made with cash only Sofa, Lamps, Boxes, Electron- Doraville, GA 30340; 770-986- 2660 Mountain Industrial Blvd, Chair , and Luggage. Glass, JN8AZ18U69W000168, 4.)
table, cabinets, sofas, and paid at the above refer- ics, Clothes, Shoes, Purse 8154: intends to sell the per- Tucker, GA 30084, (678) 567- Estelle C335 Car Engine , Car 1581 LESTER RD NW CON-
boxes/totes, washer/dryer enced facility in order to com- Felicia Hammonds 1504 Wash- sonal property according to the 6787 Transmissions , Car Rims , Kit- YERS GA DESCRIPTION OF
plete the transaction. Extra er, Dryes, Shredder, Mi- Georgia Self Storage Act, 10-4- Time: 10:30 AM chen Table Chairs , Mini VEHICLE 2006 INFINITI G35
Rhonda Rogers Space Storage may refuse any crowave, Clothes, Shoes, 210 through 10-4-215 to satis- Sale to be held at www.stor- Grandfather Clock Boxes , Car VIN JNKCV51E16M516969,
C55 bid and may rescind any pur- Totes, Mattress, Exercise fy the owner's lien. Gas Tank . Liyew, Fasil B248 2010 BMW 650 VIN
Furniture and Household Items chase up until the winning bid- Equipment All bids will be accepted online 0202 - Storne II, Dezzie; 0385 - 10 Form Hybrid Mattress still in WBAEB5C54AC225586, 2014
der takes possession of the Cornelius Smith 1606 Luggage, through Young, Sabrina; 1221 - Tilley, box , Table Top Load Washer , HYUNDAI ELANTRA VIN KM-
MARK RANDOLPH personal property. Dresser, Power Tools, Ladder, The Carlton Mattress Box spring , Boxes HDH4AE8EU093597, 2006
C76 340-471980 1/5,1/12 Keyboard, Vacuum, Totes, auction will end on PUBLIC STORAGE # 20491, Totes , Headboard , Toys , Kid HONDA CIVIC VIN
household items Public Sale Boxes ++1/21/2023, 12:30 PM++. 3400 Lawrenceville Hwy, Tuck- bike . Boatwright, Phillip B201 1HGFA16536L115555
Extra Space Storage will hold a Dustin Goolsby 1802 TV, Chestnut Self Storage re- er, GA 30084, (678) 801-6672 Totes Boxes , Racks , Display
Tatyana Jones public auction to sell personal Dresser, Boxes, Table, Bags, serves the right to withdraw Time: 10:45 AM Cabinet , Aluminum Ladder , Leinholder reserves the right to
D14 property described below be- Boxes, Fire Pit, Shoes, Clothes units from such a sale and re- Sale to be held at www.stor- Fan . Shanks, Andrea B215 refuse the final bid. This item
living room set longing to those individuals lis- Chante Holt 1916 Washer, Dry- ject any bid. Terms of sale are Space Heater , Luggage , will be sold to the Highest Bid-
ted below at the location indic- er, Mattress, Bed, Boxes, cash or money order only. A031 - Joseph, Dshawn; A124 Totes , Mattress , Cooler , Fur- der.
Johnathon Cooper ated: 3693 Clairmont Rd, Totes, Exercise Equipment - Donaldson, Keyonia; B048 - niture , Chairs , Cleaning Sup-
D29 Chamblee, GA 30341, Kasi Williams 2044 Fryer, Wall Aurelio Mendoza, B073; unit Simmons, Sherena; C019 - plies . Burch, Dannie B220 Wall 340-472041 1/5,1/12
bed, bed frame and personal ++01/26/2023 at 10:50 am++ Clock, Small Appliances , appears to contain: mattresses, Summers, Melisha Cubicles , Office Chairs , Of- Notice of Lien Sale
items Chirstmas Decorations, Bed- box springs, bed frame, lamps, PUBLIC STORAGE # 21901, fice Supplies , Files Cabins , Pursuant to the Georgia Self
1039 Andre Ellis table,tv, bags, ding, Shoes, Wall Art sofas, luggage, vase, chest, 95 Arcado Road NW, Lilburn, Portable AC , Dolly , Television Storage Facility Act and the
Virgil Wilson boxes, clothes, totes, toys, Anita Chambliss 2144 Mat- décor, toys, electronics, bed GA 30047, (678) 436-3753 , Boxes Totes . uniform Commercial Code,
D46 tools, rug, wall art, hair dryer tress, Chair, Sofa, Table, Ste- rails Time: 11:00 AM Purchases must be paid for at Decatur Self Storage shall hold
house hold items 1093 Eseoghene Flanery mat- reo, Totes, Boxes Sale to be held at www.stor- the time of purchase at storage a public sale of the household,
tress, table, bags, boxes, facility by cash only. All pur- business, and miscellaneous
Augustine Kamara clothes, pictures, toys, chair, The auction will be listed and D035 - Fajardo, Jamie; F016 - chased items are sold as is, items in the storage spaces lis-
D65 speaker, ps3 box advertised on www.stor- 340-471984 1/5,1/12 Griffin, Michele where is, and must be re- ted below, in order to satisfy li-
couch, musical speakers, tv, 1120 Ashley Harris table, totes, Purchases PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC STORAGE # 25987, moved within 48 hours of the ens and consensual security in-
household items fan, wall art, mirror, heater, tool must be made with cash only Stone Mountain Storage loc- 1750 Montreal Cir, Tucker, GA sale. A refundable $100 cash terests in said property. The
box, lamp and paid at the above refer- ated at 1440 N. Hairston Road, 30084, (678) 256-3954 deposit for each unit won is re- auction is to be held on Stor-
Jovonn Barefield 2027 Dwanda Reese boxes, enced facility in order to com- Stone Mountain, GA 30083 will Time: 11:30 AM quired. Sale is subject to can- starting on
H12 clothes, personal papers, toys, plete the transaction. Extra hold an online public sale to en- Sale to be held at www.stor- cellation in the event of settle- ++February 5th 2023++.
House supplies, furniture etc luggage Space Storage may refuse any force a lien imposed on said ment between owner and oblig- Items to be auctioned include,
2048 Josephine Farese mat- bid and may rescind any pur- property, as described below, E015 - Mackie, Kayla; E159 - ated party. boxes, furniture, and miscel-
Kimberly Fantroy tress, bags, boxes, totes, lug- chase up until the winning bid- pursuant to the Georgia Self Anthony, Linterrius; F023 - laneous household and busi-
H45 gage, wall art der takes possession of the Storage Facility Act, Georgia Jackson, Keon 340-471987 1/5,1/12 ness items. Contents of the fol-
sofa, washer/dryer 4080 Oscar Sierra boxes personal property. Code 10-4-210 to 10-4-215. NOTICE OF SALE lowing units are to be sold:
340-471982 1/5,1/12 The auction will be held on Public sale terms, rules, and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Unit 1005, 3202, 3401 Patsy
Rachelle Packer The auction will be listed and Public Sale website regulations will be made avail- that the undersigned intends to Brooks/Jack Hughes (Tools,
H59 advertised on www.stor- Extra Space Storage will hold a (ht- able prior to the sale. All sales sell the personal property de- Furniture, Instruments, Boxes)
Baby clothes, baby toys, mat- Purchases public auction to sell personal tp:// are subject to cancellation. We scribed below to enforce a lien Unit 706 Chad Cabra (Tools,
tress, and dishes must be made with cash only property described below be- and will end reserve the right to refuse any imposed on said property un- Instruments, Recording Equip-
and paid at the above refer- longing to those individuals lis- at ++3:00 PM on Wednesday, bid. Payment must be in cash der The Georgia Storage Facil- ment)
The auction will be listed and enced facility in order to com- ted below at the location indic- January 25, 2023++ . or credit card-no checks. Buy- ity Act. The undersigned will Unit 3012 Kevin Davis (Fur-
advertised on www.stor- plete the transaction. Extra ated: Management reserves the right ers must secure the units with sell at public sale by competit- niture) Purchases Space Storage may refuse any 5502 Memorial Drive, Stone to withdraw any unit from sale. their own personal locks. To ive bidding on Thursday the Unit 3010 Andrew Garner
must be made with cash only bid and may rescind any pur- Mountain, GA 30083 on Registered or motor vehicles claim tax-exempt status, origin- ++19th day of January, 2023 at (Tools, Luggage, Furniture,
and paid at the above refer- chase up until the winning bid- ++January 20th, 2023 at 2:00 are sold "As Is / Parts Only," no al RESALE certificates for each 10:00 AM++ with bidding to Grill)
enced facility in order to com- der takes possession of the pm++ titles or registration. space purchased is required. take place on Unit 3026 Dorothy Gotschall
plete the transaction. Extra personal property Tenant Name By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Said property is iStorage, 4775 (Furniture, Boxes)
Space Storage may refuse any H12 Brandon Epps clothes, Unit # Western Avenue, Glendale, CA Peachtree Rd, Chamblee, GA, Unit 203 Tywanna Hamilton
bid and may rescind any pur- shoes, laptop, books Stored Items 91201. (818) 244-8080. 30341-3111 (Furniture, Boxes)
chase up until the winning bid- H58 Demario R Bryant queen Reid, Bryant 4107 Boxes Unit 3306, 713, 3046, 3048
der takes possession of the frame and mattress, sofa, Anthony Berry 243 hggs Totes. Montembeau, Wendy Joseph Herring (Furniture,
personal property. boxes 2126 Boxes Totes Book shelf. Boxes, Artwork, Musical Equip-
I60 Douglass Powell II Three Jerry Wilson 259 hhgs Reid, Bryant 3518 Boxes ment, Books, Boxes)
couches, two arcade machines, Totes. Reid, Bryant 5524 Unit 3015 Richard Nesmith
and some boxes Jeffrey Stephens 531 hhgs Boxes Totes. Grant, Louise (Refrigerator, Mattress, Fur-
K185 Cassandra Lowe 2bd rm, 4412 boxes tvshirts . Grimes, niture)
living rm, microwave, bags and Samantha Brown 535 house- Antoine 4708 wagon boxes Unit 230 Jeff Shaw (Furniture,
boxes hold items totes. Williams , Sharnithia Boxes, Books, Speakers)
K76 Felecia McNease king 3107 Sofa, Vacuum Cleaner, Unit 708 Eltonia Stevenson
bed, 2 twin beds, dining table, 4 Jabari Jones 554 hhgs Bar Stool, Love Seat. (Furniture, Boxes, Art,
chairs, sectional, boxes, bags, Purchases must be paid for at Washer/Dryer)
tote the time of purchase at storage Unit 1016 Yvette Worthington
L125 Leigh Haynes Household facility by cash only. All pur- (Office Desks, Chairs)
Items, boxes/bins chased items are sold as is,
L155 Michael Birdsong Fur- where is, and must be re-
niture moved within 48 hours of the
Unit 3026 Dorothy Gotschall that Defendant Justin Cam-
(Furniture, Boxes) pagna answer the Complaint of
Unit 203 Tywanna Hamilton the Plaintiff Jesse Walters with-
(Furniture, Boxes) in 14 days of the date of this
Unit 3306, 713, 3046, 3048 publication or thereafter a judg-
Joseph Herring (Furniture, ment by default may be

Boxes, Artwork, Musical Equip- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 35 rendered against the said De-
ment, Books, Boxes) fendant. It is further Ordered
Unit 3015 Richard Nesmith 350-471560 12/22,12/29,1/5, 350-471602 12/29,1/5,1/12 350-471628 1/5,1/12,1/19 1/26 350-471761 12/15,12/22,12/29 that this Order and notice be
(Refrigerator, Mattress, Fur-
Service By Pub 1/12
In the State Court
published once a week for four
consecutive weeks in a news-
Unit 230 Jeff Shaw (Furniture, 350-471528 12/15,12/22,12/29 In the State Court IN THE STATE COURT of DeKalb County OF DEKALB COUNTY paper of general circulation in
Boxes, Books, Speakers) of DeKalb County OF DEKALB COUNTY State of Georgia STATE OF GEORGIA Dekalb County, Brookhaven,
Unit 708 Eltonia Stevenson State of Georgia STATE OF GEORGIA Action No. Liliam RIOS-OLIVA, Georgia.
(Furniture, Boxes, Art, NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Civil Action Number Plaintiff, Done this the 28TH day
In the Magistrate Court Action No. ++22A02997-3++
Washer/Dryer) ++22A02626-6++ ++22A02429-6++ Wells Fargo Equipment Fin- v. ofNovember, 2022.
Unit 1016 Yvette Worthington of DeKalb County Kenneth L Maryman Wuilfredo MATEO-TAVORA, Tiffany B. McCord
State of Georgia Kimiye Isse, ance Inc,
(Office Desks, Chairs) VS. Defendant. DISTRICT JUDGE
Civil Action No. Plaintiff Plaintiff
340-472042 1/5,1/12 Daniel W Smith
++22M01747++ vs. To: Daniel W Smith vs. To: Wuilfredo MATEO-TA- 350-471763 12/15,12/22,12/29
PUBLIC SALE Talia Fordham, Capital Limousine LLC 1/5
In accordance with the provi- Ian Atkins, 3104 Coral Way VORA
Plaintiff Defendant Atlanta, GA 30341 and Elijah Shahid CIVIL ACTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
sions of State law, there being OF DEKALB COUNTY
due and unpaid charges for vs. To: Talia Fordham By order for service by publica- Defendant FILE NUMBER:
4761 Klondike Cove tion dated December 02, 2022, To: Elijah Shahid ++22FM9164++ STATE OF GEORGIA
which the undersigned is en- Jason Green d/b/a
Lithonia, GA 30038 you are hereby notified that on 2600 Mill Scott Dr NOTICE OF PUBLICATION THE SOUTHLAND
satisfy an owner and/or man- Defendant By Order for service by public- June 30 2022, Kenneth L Unit 2424 By Order of Publication dated
ation dated December 01, Msarymane filed suit against Decatur, GA 30033 November 22, 2022, you are INC.,
ager's lien of the goods herein- TO: Jason Green Plaintiff,
after described and stored at 2381 John Glenn Dr Ste 105 2022, you are hereby notified you for $TBD principal, $TBD By Order for service by public- hereby notified that on October
interest , and $TBD attorney's 24, 2022, the Plaintiff Liliam Ri- v.
the Life Storage location(s) lis- Atlanta, GA 30341 that on July 18, 2022, Kimiye ation dated Dec 19, 2022, you
fees. os-Oliva filed suit against you TIMOTHY COLBERT,
ted By Order for service by public- Isse filed suit against you for are hereby notified that on Aug Defendant.
below. $TBD principal, $TBD interest, You are required to file with the 9, 2022, Wells Fargo Equip- for Legal Custody of Minor
ation dated 11/17/2022, you CIVIL ACTION
#8241, 6434 Covington Hwy, and $TBD attorney's fees. Clerk of the State Court, and to ment Finance, Inc filed suit Child.
are hereby notified that on serve upon plaintiffs attorney, You are required to file with the FILE NO. ++20CV7333++
Lithonia, GA 30058. (770) 462- 02/25/2022, Ian Atkins filed suit You are required to file with against you for $TBD principal, NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
8261 the Clerk of the State Court, Russell Deutschman, an An- $TBD interest and $TBD attor- Clerk of the Superior Court of
against you for TBD principal, swer in writing within sixty (60) Dekalb County, and serve upon To: Timothy Colbert
TBD interest, and TBD attor- and to serve upon plaintiff's at- ney's fees. 5582 Southland Drive
A1024 Wayne Bell: Hsld days of the date of the Order Plaintiff’s attorney:
ney's fees. torney, Careton Matthews Jr. You are required to file with Stone Mountain, Georgia
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, for Publication. Kazuma Sonoda, Jr.
You are required to file with and Careton Matthews Sr. an WITNESS, the Honorable the Clerk of the State Court, 1849 Clairmont Rd. 30087
Tools/Applnces, Off Answer in writing within sixty and to serve upon plaintiff's at- YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED
Furn/Mach/Equip; A1040 the Clerk of the Magistrate Maria Martinez, Judge of this Decatur, GA 30033
Court, and to serve upon (60) days of the date of the or- State Court. torney, A. Todd Sprinkle an An- an Answer in writing within sixty that the above-styled action
Richard Wynn: Hsld gds/Furn, seeking damages for non-pay-
TV/Stereo Equip; A1051 Anna plaintiff's attorney, Ian Atkins; der for publication. This 12th day of December, swer in writing within sixty (60) (60) days of the date of the Or-
Witness the Honorable Ana 2022 days of the date of the order for der of Publication. ment of assessments was filed
Jones Jones: Hsld gds/Furn; Jason Green an Answer in writ-
Maria Martinez, Judge of this Shannon McNeal Interim Clerk publication. WITNESS, the Honorable STA- against you in said Court on
A1088 Donald Ray Seabrum: ing within sixty (60) days of the October 20, 2021, and that by
Hsld gds/Furn; A1136 Dniqua date of the Order for Publica- State Court. By: K Johnson Witness the Honorable Wayne CEY HYDRICK, Judge of the
This the 2nd day of December, For: State Court M Purdom, Judge of this State Dekalb County Superior Court. reason of an order for service
Swindell: tion. of summons by publication
Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Witness the Honorable M M 2022. of DeKalb County Court. This the 22 day of NOVEM-
DeKalb County Courthouse BER, 2022. entered by the Court on
Equip; A1148 Seneca Cash, Judge of this Magistrate Shannon McNeal, Interim Clerk This the 21st day of December,
556 N. McDonough Street DEPUTY CLERK, Superior November 21, 2022, you are
Latimore: Hsld gds/Furn; Court. State Court of DeKalb County 2022. hereby commanded and re-
A1175 Dniqua Swindell: Hsld By: K M Johnson Decatur, GA 30030 Shannon McNeal, Interim Court of Dekalb County
This the 30th day of November, quired to file with the Clerk of
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; Deputy Clerk 350-471627 1/5,1/12,1/19, 1/26 State Court of DeKalb County Prepared and presented by:
2022. said Court and serve upon the
A1190 Jshaylin Thomas: Hsld For: State Court NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By: M Cheek Kazuma Sonoda, Jr. Esq.
Shannon McNeal, Interim Clerk Attorney for Plaintiff firm of LAZEGA & JOHANSON,
gds/Furn; A1290 Janelle Spen- Magistrate Court of DeKalb of DeKalb County In the State Court Deputy Clerk LLC, P.O. BOX 250800, AT-
cer: Hsld gds/Furn, Off DeKalb County Courthouse of DeKalb County For: State Court Georgia Bar Number: 665986
County The Sonoda Law Firm LANTA, GA 30325, an Answer
Furn/Mach/Equip; A1305 556 N. McDonough Street State of Georgia of DeKalb County to the Complaint within sixty
Jaisean Ifeacho: Hsld By J Gray Cody 1849 Clairmont Rd.
Deputy Clerk Decatur, Georgia 30030 Action No. DeKalb County Courthouse Decatur, GA 30033 (60) days of the date of the or-
gds/Furn; A2014 Katiria Rodrig- ++22A01893-6++ 556 N. McDonough Street der referenced above.
uez: Hsld gds/Furn; A2017 For: Magistrate Court 350-471601 12/29,1/5,1/12, Tel: (404) 525-0430
of DeKalb County 1/19 Georgia United Credit Union, Decatur, Georgia 30030 Fax: (404) 874-2371 WITNESS the Honorable
Jerry Jones: Clothes, Courtney L. Johnson, Judge of
papers,misc item; A2037 Asia DeKalb County Courthouse NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Plaintiff 350-471632 1/5,1/12,1/19, 1/26
In the State Court vs. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION said Court.
Carter: Hsld gds/Furn, 556 N. McDonough Street,
of DeKalb County Benaiah Everett, In the State Court 350-471762 12/15,12/22,12/29 This_ day of _____, 2022.
Tools/Applnces, Baby crib, Decatur, Georgia 30030 Clerk of Court
bassist , walker,stroller; A2073 350-471529 12/15,12/22,12/29 State of Georgia Defendant of DeKalb County 1/5
To: Benaiah Everett IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Superior Court of DeKalb
CELIA ALLEN: Hsld gds/Furn, 1/5 Action No. State of Georgia
4938 Windmill Lane MONTGOMERY COUNTY, County, Georgia
TV/Stereo Equip; A2079 Jamil- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION ++22A01023-7++ Civil Action Number
ah Horton: Relawnda Rodgers Ellenwood, GA 30294 ++22A00950++ ALABAMA 350-471764 12/15,12/22,12/29
In the State Court
Hsld gds/Furn; A2098 Joseph Plaintiff By Order for service by public- ARS OF NORCROSS JESSE WALTERS, 1/5
of DeKalb County Plaintiff,
Taylor: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- State of Georgia vs. ation dated December 20, Plaintiff IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
reo Equip, Off Ruby Liversidge, 2022, you are hereby notified vs. v. OF DEKALB COUNTY
Furn/Mach/Equip; A2137 Ken- Defendant that on May 20, 2022, Georgia HADRAKEL REUVEN STATE OF GEORGIA
++22A01996++ and Fictitious Defendants
neth Henry: Hsld gds/Furn, To: Ruby Liversidge United Credit Union filed suit Defendant RENAISSANCE LAKES COM-
TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- Chassity Nobles, “A,” “B,” and “C,” whether sin- MUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC.
Plaintiff 508 Webster Dr Apt 3 against you for $TBD principal, To: HADRAKEL REUVEN
plnces; A2176 Lotrell M. Good- gular or plural, those other per- Plaintiff,
vs. Decatur, GA 30033 $TBD interest, and $TBD attor- ADDRESS UNKNOWN
man: Hsld gds/Furn; A2190 sons, corporations, firms or oth- vs.
Lateijah Alexander, By Order for service by public- ney's fees. By Order for service by public- er entities whose wrongful con-
Dexter Toby: Clothing and pa- You are required to file with KIMBERLY NICOLE
perwork; A2320 Defendant ation dated December 13, ation dated DECEMBER 19, duct caused or contributed to HOWARD,
To: Lateijah Alexander 2022, you are hereby notified the Clerk of the State Court, 2022, you are hereby notified cause injuries and damages to
Charisma Dawkins: Hsld Defendant.
1991 Delowe Drive SW Apt Z2 that on March 17, 2022, Rel- and to serve upon plaintiff's at- that on MARCH 29, 2022, ARS the Plaintiff, all of whose true CIVIL ACTION
gds/Furn; A2326 Lamontisha
Duncan: Hsld gds/Furn, Atlanta, GA 30311 wnda Rodgers filed suit against torney, Adam L. Cleveland an OF NORCROSS filed suit and correct names are un- FILE NO. ++22CV5878++
Tools/Applnces, Off By Order for service by public- you for $TBD principal, $TBD Answer in writing within sixty against you for $TBD principal, known to Plaintiff at this time, NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
Furn/Mach/Equip; B101 Wali ation dated October 17, 2022, interest, and $TBD attorney's (60) days of the date of the or- $TBD interest, and $TBD attor- but will be added by amend- By Order for Service by Public-
Washington: Hsld gds/Furn, you are hereby notified that on fees. der for publication. ney's fees. ment when ascertained, ation dated the 22nd day of
TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- May 27, 2022, Chassity Nobles You are required to file with Witness the Honorable Ana You are required to file with Defendants. November, 2022, all interested
plnces; E113 Tsushima Mar- the Clerk of the State Court, Maria Martinez, Judge of this the Clerk of the State Court, CASE NO.: parties are hereby notified that
filed suit against you for $TBD
shall: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- and to serve upon plaintiff's at- State Court. and to serve upon plaintiff's at- ++03-DV-2022-900811++ on June 27, 2022, Plaintiff
principal, $TBD interest, and ORDER.
reo Equip, $TBD attorney's fees. torney, Noah Moore an Answer This the 20th day of December, torney, Douglas L. Brooks, an Renaissance Lakes Com-
Tools/Applnces, Acctng in writing within sixty (60) days 2022. Answer in writing within sixty The Plaintiff having made a munity Association, Inc. filed its
You are required to file with Motion for Service by Publica-
rcrds/Sales Sampls, 4 bed- of the date of the order for pub- Shannon McNeal, Interim Clerk (60) days of the date of the or- Verified Complaint for Money
the Clerk of the State Court, tion stating that service of sum-
room house. lication. State Court of DeKalb County der for publication. Owed against Defendant Kim-
And, due notice having been and to serve upon plaintiff's at- mons or other process cannot berly Nicole Howard, said case
torney, Esther Oise an Answer Witness the Honorable Kim- By: K Johnson Witness the Honorable
given, to the owner of said be made upon Defendant being filed in the Superior Court
in writing within sixty (60) days berly A Alexander, Judge of Deputy Clerk Johnny N Panos, Judge of this
property and all parties known Justin Campagna because his of DeKalb County and as-
of the date of the order for pub- this State Court. For: State Court State Court. residence is unknown to the af-
to claim and interest therein, of DeKalb County signed Civil Action File No.
lication. This the 14th day of December, This 21st day of December, fiant and cannot, without reas- 22CV5878.
and DeKalb County Courthouse
the time specified in such no- Witness the Honorable Kim- 2022. 2022. onable diligence, be ascer- Defendant Kimberly Nicole
berly A Alexander, Judge of Shannon McNeal, Interim Clerk 556 N. McDonough Street Shannon McNeal, Interim Clerk tained. Plaintiff has filed a
tice for payment of such hav- Howard is hereby directed and
ing expired, the goods will be this State Court. State Court of DeKalb County Decatur, Georgia 30030 State Court of DeKalb County Complaint seeking damages for required to file with the Clerk of
sold to the highest bidder or This the 29th day of November, By: K Johnson By: L B Jackson injuries sustained in a motor the Superior Court of DeKalb
otherwise disposed of at a pub- 2022. Deputy Clerk Deputy Clerk vehicle accident on August 5, County, Georgia and to serve
lic auction to be held online at Shannon McNeal, Interim Clerk For: State Court For: State Court 2020. upon Plaintiff’s attorney an An-, State Court of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County ORDERED AND ADJUDGED swer to this lawsuit, in writing,
which will end on Tuesday, DeKalb County Courthouse DeKalb County Courthouse that Defendant Justin Cam- within sixty (60) days of the
By: M Roberts
++January 24, 2023 at 10 556 N. McDonough Street 556 N. McDonough Street pagna answer the Complaint of date of the Order for Publica-
Deputy Clerk the Plaintiff Jesse Walters with-
AM.++ For: State Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 tion.
in 14 days of the date of this Witness the Honorable Tan-
of DeKalb County publication or thereafter a judg- gela M Barrie, Judge of the Su-
DeKalb County Courthouse ment by default may be perior Court of DeKalb County.
556 N. McDonough Street rendered against the said De- This 1st day of December,
Decatur, Georgia 30030 fendant. It is further Ordered 2022.
that this Order and notice be
published once a week for four Deputy Clerk, Superior Court of
consecutive weeks in a news- DeKalb County
paper of general circulation in Prepared and presented by:
Dekalb County, Brookhaven, Griffin M. Bell
Georgia. Georgia Bar No. 270545
Done this the 28TH day Winter Capriola Zenner, LLC
ofNovember, 2022. Attorneys for Plaintiff
gela M Barrie, Judge of the Su- 3285 Blanton Drive (DeKalb Defendants. of record in DeKalb County any THENCE LEA VING SAI D by email at ordinancedivision-
perior Court of DeKalb County. County Tax Parcel ID 18 046 Civil Action File No. right, title, interest in, or lien Joan Campbell RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND
This 1st day of December, 04 009) was filed against you in ++22CV6307++ upon the respondent property; (as adjoining landowner) TRAVELING IN A SOUTH- Make sure to have your case
2022. the Superior Court of Dekalb NOTICE OF PUBLICATION All creditors of any of these en- 4055 Woodridge Way WESTERLY DIRECTION number and property address
County on the July 1, 2022, TO: JENNIFER FRANKLIN: tities; and ALL THE WORLD. Tucker, GA 30084 SOUTH 55 DEGREES 11 available.
Deputy Clerk, Superior Court of and that by reason of an Order By Order for Service by Public- DEKALB COUNTY SUPERI- Southern Realty Management, MINUTES 01 SECOND WEST 3. For questions about the
DeKalb County36
Prepared and presented by:
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023 
for Service of Summons by
Publication entered by the
ation dated the 17th day of
November, 2022, you are
NO: ++22CV9642-6++
(as adjoining landowner)
status of your case, call Assist-
ant County Attorney Clark E.
Griffin M. Bell Court on the 16th day of hereby notified that on the 12th RE: PETITION TO QUIET R/A C. Alvin Roberds THENCE NORTH 31 DE- Candler, II, Esq., at 404-371-
Georgia Bar No. 270545 December, 2022 you are day of July, 2022, PNC Equip- TITLE, 4053 WOODRIDGE 2255 Sewell Mill Rd, Suite 210 GREES 39 MINUTES 59 3011 or by email at cecand-
Winter Capriola Zenner, LLC hereby commanded and re- ment Finance, LLC filed suit WAY, DEKALB COUNTY, Be- Marietta, GA 30062 SECONDS WEST A DIS-
Attorneys for Plaintiff quired to file with the Clerk of against you for breaches of ing A/K/A T.P.I.D. No. 18 291 Witness, The Hon. Stacey K. TANCE OF 22.80 FEET TO AN 4. You are required to file or
3490 Piedmont Road NE, Suite said Court and serve upon contracts. 08 054 (the “Respondent Prop- Hydrick, Judge, Superior Court, IRON PIN SET; THENCE present an answer to this case.
800 John Coleman, Attorney at You are required to file with the erty”). DeKalb County SOUTH 77 DEGREES 36 If you do not answer, or fail to
Atlanta, Georgia 30305 Law, whose address is 675 Clerk of the Superior Court, and DATE PETITION FILED: Clerk of the Superior Court, MINUTES 11 SECONDS virtually appear at your sched-
(404) 844-5700 Seminole Ave. NE, Suite 302, to serve upon plaintiff’s attor- November 8, 2022 DeKalb County, Georgia WEST A DISTANCE OF uled hearing, this may result in Atlanta, GA 30307 an Answer ney, A. Todd Sprinkle, Parker DATE OF ORDER FOR PUB- By: /S/ 138.10 FEET TO AN IRON PIN adverse consequences in your
to the Complaint within sixty Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP, LICATION: December 20, Deputy Clerk FOUND; THENCE SOUTH 77 case.
(60) days. 1075 Peachtree Street NE, 2022. 350-472014 1/5,1/12 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 11 5. You may appear with or
350-471814 12/22,12/29,1/5
WITNESS, the Honorable Nora Suite 1500, Atlanta, Georgia TO: NAMED RESPONDENTS; IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT SECONDS WEST A DIS- without an attorney.
Polk, Judge of said Court. 30309, an Answer in writing and/or ANY AND ALL OTHER OF DEKALB COUNTY TANCE OF 121.07 FEET TO
This the 16th day of December, within sixty (60) days of the INTERESTED PARTIES, STATE OF GEORGIA AN IRON PIN FOUND; Thank you in advance for your
2022. date of the order for publica- KNOWN OR UNKNOWN [The DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, THENCE NORTH 02 DE- cooperation and participation.
Superior Court of DeKalb
Debra DeBerry, Clerk of Super- tion. “Respondent(s)” in the Refer- Petitioner, GREES 10 MINUTES 09
ior Court, Dekalb County WITNESS, the Honorable enced Action - Petition to Quiet vs. SECONDS EAST A DIS- This 27th day of December,
Case No. ++22CV10336++
Shondeana C. Morris , Judge Title]. TAKE NOTICE THAT Pe- 3905 COVINGTON HWY. TANCE OF 135.27 FEET TO 2022.
The Eurika Group LLC,
of this Superior Court. titioner, has caused to be filed, DECATUR, GA 30032, as de- AN IRON PIN FOUNDL /s/ Clark E. Candler, II
350-471941 12/29,1/5,1/12 This the 21 day of December, in the Superior Court of DeKalb scribed as, “ALL THAT TRACT THENCE NORTH 16 DE- Clark E. Candler
1/19 2022. County, Georgia, a Petition to OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING GREES 10 MINUTES 52 ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTOR-
Tunde Obileye et al.,
NOTICE OF SERVICE BY Debra DeBerry Quiet Title, in conjunction with ANDBEING IN LAND LOT 220 SECONDS EAST A DIS- NEY
PUBLICATION DEPUTY CLERK, SUPERIOR the above referenced parcel of OF THE 13TH DISTRICT OF TANCE OF 106.20 FEET TO Georgia Bar No. 803468
To: Tunde Obileye
By Order Granting Service by
Publication dated 12/13/2022
OF GEORGIA Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046 tioner is seeking an order to LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- GREES 35 MINUTES 06
entered on 12/13/20/22, you
are hereby notified that on 350-472011 1/5,1/12,1/19,1/26
MISSIONER, Property. For the specifics of OF BEGINNING, COMMENCE OF 38.90 FEET TO AN IRON
December 7, 2022 Plaintiff The IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
IRVIN J. JOHNSON, such pleas for relief the Parties AT THE RIGHT-OF-WAY PIN FOUND; THENCE NORTH Chao Wang LLC
Eurika Group LLC filed a Peti- OF DEKALB COUNTY
Petitioner, Respondent must refer to the MONUMENT LOCATED 05 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 24 PO Box 683751
tion to Quiet Title in the Superi- STATE OF GEORGIA
v. original petition and all other 130.45 FEET SOUTH 77 DE- SECONDS WEST A DIS- Marietta, GA, 30068
or Court of DeKalb County, SMW 2016 CONDOMINIUM
TERRY LYNN SUMMERS ES- pleadings filed with the court. GREES 45 MINUTES 23 TANCE OF 266.79 FEET TO
Case No. 22CV10336. The ASSOCIATION, INC.
TATE AND All Respondent(s) are hereby SECONDS EAST OF THE IN- AN IRON PIN FOUND; Debra DeBerry, Clerk of Super-
subject matter of the Petition to Plaintiff,
ALL HEIRS KNOWN AND UN- noticed and commanded to be TERSECTION OF THE EAST- THENCE NORTH 03 DE- ior Court, DeKalb County,
Quiet Title is that Plaintiff seeks vs.
KNOWN, et al., Respondents, and appear at the court in ERN RIGH-OF-WAY LINE OF GREES 13 MINUTES 36 Georgia
to quiet title to and cancel any ELLIOT J. GREASON,
CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. which this action is pending WESTON ROAD (HAVING A SECONDS WEST A DIS- 556 N. McDonough Street,
interest you may have to the Defendant.
++22CV9700++ within 60 days of the date of 60-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY) TANCE OF 83.91 FEET TO AN Ground Floor
property commonly known as
To: TERRY LYNN SUMMERS the Order for service by public- AND THE SOUTHERN RIGHT- IRON PIN FOUND; THENCE Decatur, Georgia 30030
1151 Rankin St, Unit B-4, CIVIL ACTION
Stone Mountain GA 30083, and FILE NO. ++21CV7630++
KNOWN AND UNKNOWN ANY are to file any response or an- TON HIGHWAY (STATE MINUTES 53 SECONDS EAST Irving J. Johnson, DeKalb
more particularly described in NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
AND ALL PARTIES CLAIMING swer with the Clerk of the Su- ROUTE #12) (HAVING AN 84- A DISTANCE OF 253.70 FEET County Tax Commissioner
the Petition to Quiet Title which By Order for Service by Public-
INTEREST IN THE EXCESS perior Court of the above refer- FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); TO AN IRON IN SET, SAID P.O. Box 100004
is available for you to review in ation dated the 13th day of
PROCEEDS GENERATED enced Court, at the address THENCE RUNNING SOUTH IRON PIN ALSO BEING THE Decatur, Georgia 30031-7004
the office of the Clerk of the Su- December, 2022, all interested
perior Court of DeKalb County. parties are hereby notified that
You are commanded to file with on August 27, 2021, Plaintiff
ERTY LOCATED AT 4293 County TANCE OF 121.08 FEET TO DEBERRY, CLERK OF SU- 3905 Covington Hwy.
the Clerk of the Superior Court SMW 2016 Condominium As-
of DeKalb County, and to serve sociation, Inc. filed its Verified
NUMBER 18 122 12 009 Decatur, GA 30030 PIN BEING THE POINT OF COUNTY, GEORGIA; IRVING ++22N00044/3905 COVING-
upon Plaintiff s attorney, James Complaint for Money Owed and
You are hereby notified that, with a copy of such response or BEGINNING ;THENCE J. JOHNSON, DEKALB TON HWY.
R. Fletcher II, Fletcher Law to Foreclose on Real Property
pursuant to an Order Directing answer to be sent to the Attor- SOUTH33 DEGREES 40 COUNTY TAX COMMISION- DECATUR, GA 30032 /15 220
Firm LLC, 328 SE Alexander against Defendant Elliot J.
Service by Publication filed on ney for the Petitioner, whose MINUTES 02 SECONDS EAST ER; and ALL PERSONS 02 018/
Street, Suite #10, Marietta GA Greason, said case being filed
December 16, 2022 (“Order”) name and address is: Douglas A DISTANCE OF 32.12 FEET KNOWN OR UNKNOWN WHO HEARING++
30060, an Answer to the Peti- in the Superior Court of DeKalb
by the Honorable LaTisha Dear McKillip, 22 N Main St, Build- TO AN IRON PIN FOUND; CLAIM OR MIGHT CLAIM AD-
tion to Quiet Title in writing County and assigned Civil Ac-
Jackson, a Petition for Inter- ing B, Watkinsville, GA 30677. THENCE SOUTH 11 DE- VERSELY TO ANY INTEREST 350-472015 1/5,1/12
within sixty (60) days of the tion File No. 21CV7630.
pleader of Excess Funds (“Peti- Concurrently with the publica- GREES 04 MINUTES 34 IN THE DESCRIBED PARCEL IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT
date of the Order Granting Ser- Defendant Elliot J. Greason is
tion”) in the above-referenced tion of this notice, and pursu- SECONDS WEST A DIS- OF REAL PROPERTY, OF DEKALB COUNTY
vice by Publication. hereby directed and required to
matter was filed by Irvin J. ant to the requirements of TANCE OF 82.71 FEET TO AN Respondents. STATE OF GEORGIA
This 13th day of December file with the Clerk of the Superi-
Johnson, as Tax Commission- OCGA § 9-11-4 (f)(1)(C), the IRON PIN FOUND; THENCE DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
2022 or Court of DeKalb County,
er of Dekalb County (“Petition- undersigned Clerk of the Su- NORTH 55 DEGREES 54 Petitioner,
WITNESS, the Judge Mark An- Georgia and to serve upon
er”) on November 9, 2022 in perior Court, DeKalb County, MINUTES 01 SECONDS EAST CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. vs.
thony Scott, Judge of the Su- Plaintiff’s attorney an Answer to
the Superior Court of DeKalb Georgia hereby certifies that, A DISTANCE OF 293.53 FEET 22N00044 1572 EASTLAND RD, as de-
perior Court of DeKalb County this lawsuit, in writing, within
County. The purpose of the Pe- within 15 days of the date of TO AN IRON PIN FOUND; 3905 COVINGTON HWY. scribed as “ALL THAT TRACT
Signed: Debra DeBerry sixty (60) days of the date of
tition is to distribute excess the filing of the Order for Ser- THENCE SOUUTH 45 DE- DECATUR, GA 30032 OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING
CLERK, Superior Court of the Order for Publication.
funds received from a non-judi- vice by Publication as herein- GREES 27 MINUTES EAST A PARCEL ID NO.: AND BEING IN LAND LOT 143
DeKalb County Witness the Honorable TAN-
cial tax sale of the real prop- above stated, the undersigned DISTANCE OF 138.17 FEET 15 220 02 018 OF THE 15TH DISTRICT OF
erty known as 4293 Parkview GELA BARRIE, Judge of the Clerk will send a copy of this
350-471940 12/29,1/5,1/12 Superior Court of DeKalb TO AN IRON PIN SET; DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
1/19 Ct, Dekalb County, GA (Parcel Notice, together with a copy of THENCE NORTH 56 DE- HEARING NOTICE AND BEING MORE PARTICU-
Identification #18 122 12 009). County. the Order for Service by Public-
OF DEKALB COUNTY You are hereby given notice of ation and Complaint or Petition, SECONDS EAST A DIS- TO: Interested parties in con- LOWS: BEGINNING AT A
this action and directed to Deputy Clerk, Superior Court of if any, to the following Re- nection with the above refer-
Mitchell Beckman Enterprises, O.C.G.A. §9-11-4(f)(1)(C) spondents at their respective AN IRON PIN SET, SAID IRON ence property: OF EASTLAND ROAD, ONE
which commands you to file Prepared and presented by: last known addresses below:
Petitioner, with the Clerk of the Superior SOUTHERN RIGHTOFWAY Your official hearing notice will FROM THE INTERSECTION
Court of DeKalb County and Georgia Bar No. 270545 Tenant/Occupant/Subject Prop- be mailed to you from the Ma-
Donald A. Hairston; serve upon the Petitioner’s at- erty WAY; THENCE RUNNING IN A gistrate Court of DeKalb County SIDE OF EASTLAND ROAD
torney, Ethan P. Pham, Nguy- Attorneys for Plaintiff 4053 Woodridge Way Ordinance Division. Upon re-
Respondents. 3490 Piedmont Road NE, Suite SOUTHEASTERLY DIREC- WITH THE EAST SIDE OF
en & Pham, LLC, 5430 Jimmy Tucker, GA 30084 TION ALONG THE SOUTH- ceipt of this notice, it is imperat- FULTON STREET, ALSO
800 ive that you follow all the in-
Atlanta, Georgia 30305 Nancy Jean Brewer structions as outlined. In the in-
++22CV5994++ cross, Georgia 30093, an An- COVINGTON HIGHWAY AND RUNNING THENCE EAST
(404) 844-5700 6085 Queen Anne Ct terest of public health and
NOTICE OF SERVICE OF swer within sixty (60) days of FOLLOWING THE CUR- ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF Norcross, GA 30093 safety, the Court is conducting
TO: enced above. 350-472013 1/5,1/12,1/19,1/26 THE ARC OF A CURVE, SAID your court appearance virtually. DRED TWENTY-FIVE (225)
(3133 Cedar St, Scottdale, GA SERVICE ciation, Inc. A CHORD HAVING A BEAR- house or the County Law De- NORTH, THREE HUNDRED
30079); 350-471942 12/29,1/5,1/12 PETITIONER: MR. DEEDS, R/A Homeside Properties, Inc. ING OF SOUTH 46 DEGREES partment. SIXTY FOUR AND THREE
You are hereby notified that the 1/19 LLC 2555 Westside Parkway, Suite 56 MINUTES 11 SECONDS TENTHS (364.3) FEET; RUN-
remove clouds on the Petition- OF DEKALB COUNTY LAND KNOWN AS 4053 Alpharetta, GA 30004 LENGTH OF 16.31 FEET AN THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR (164)
er’s title to certain real property STATE OF GEORGIA WOODRIDGE WAY, DeKalb ARC DISTANCE OF 16.31 2022 AT 1:00 P.M. IF YOU FEET; RUNNING THENCE
caused by the equities of re- PNC EQUIPMENT FINANCE, County, GA, Tax Parcel ID: 18 Jeremy Varner and Stacia FEET TO AN IRON PIN SET; HAVE A CONFLICT WITH SOUTH ONE HUNDRED (100)
demption following a tax sale, LLC, 291 08 054; And, as the re- Varner THENCE CONTINUING THIS DATE AND TIME, FEET; RUNNING THENCE
as specifically provided by Plaintiff, spective interests may be or (as adjoining landowners) ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY PLEASE FOLLOW THE WEST SIXTY (60) FEET; RUN-
O.C.G.A § 23-3-44, related to v. Appear: Tenant/Occupant of 4063 Woodridge Way LINE SOUTH 45 DEGREES 28 STEPS AS OUTLINED IN THE NING THENCE SOUTH, TWO
property located at 3281 Blan- DREAMTEAM SERVICES INC. property; Nancy Jean Brewer; Tucker, GA 30084 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST COURT’S HEARING NOTICE. HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR (264)
ton Drive (Dekalb County Tax and Woodridge Condominium Asso- A DISTANCE OF 285.50 FEET 2. The Clerk’s office can be FEET TO THE NORTH SIDE
Parcel ID 18 046 04 010) and JENNIFER FRANKLIN, ciation, Inc.; All persons having Joan Campbell TO AN IRON PIN FOUND; reached at 1-470-540-9485 or OF EASTLAND ROAD AND
3285 Blanton Drive (DeKalb Defendants. of record in DeKalb County any (as adjoining landowner) THENCE LEAVING SAID by email at ordinancedivision- THE POINT OF BEGINNING;
County Tax Parcel ID 18 046 Civil Action File No. right, title, interest in, or lien 4055 Woodridge Way RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND BEING IMPROVED PROP-
04 009) was filed against you in ++22CV6307++ upon the respondent property; Tucker, GA 30084 TRAVELING IN A SOUTH- Make sure to have your case ERTY AND HAVING A HOUSE
the Superior Court of Dekalb NOTICE OF PUBLICATION All creditors of any of these en- Southern Realty Management, WESTERLY DIRECTION number and property address LOCATED THEREON KNOWN
County on the July 1, 2022, TO: JENNIFER FRANKLIN: tities; and ALL THE WORLD. Inc. SOUTH 55 DEGREES 11 available. AS NO. 1572 EASTLAND
and that by reason of an Order By Order for Service by Public- DEKALB COUNTY SUPERI- (as adjoining landowner) MINUTES 01 SECOND WEST 3. For questions about the ROAD, S.E., ACCORDING TO
for Service of Summons by ation dated the 17th day of OR COURT, CIVIL ACTION R/A C. Alvin Roberds A DISTANCE OF 531.08 FEET status of your case, call Assist- THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF
Publication entered by the November, 2022, you are NO: ++22CV9642-6++ 2255 Sewell Mill Rd, Suite 210 TO AN IRON PIN FOUND; ant County Attorney Clark E. NUMBERING HOUSES IN
Court on the 16th day of hereby notified that on the 12th RE: PETITION TO QUIET Marietta, GA 30062 THENCE NORTH 31 DE- Candler, II, Esq., at 404-371- DEKALB COUNTY,
December, 2022 you are day of July, 2022, PNC Equip- TITLE, 4053 WOODRIDGE Witness, The Hon. Stacey K. GREES 39 MINUTES 59 3011 or by email at cecand- GEORGIA,” CHEPMAN MYL-
hereby commanded and re- ment Finance, LLC filed suit WAY, DEKALB COUNTY, Be- Hydrick, Judge, Superior Court, SECONDS WEST A DIS- LAN, INC. a/k/a CHEPMAN &
quired to file with the Clerk of against you for breaches of ing A/K/A T.P.I.D. No. 18 291 DeKalb County TANCE OF 22.80 FEET TO AN 4. You are required to file or MYLLAN, INC.; DEBRA DE-
THE POINT OF BEGINNING; Ground Floor name ++Raven Recruiting++.
BEING IMPROVED PROP- Decatur, Georgia 30030 Said business has been re-
ERTY AND HAVING A HOUSE gistered under Ebel Family of
LOCATED THEREON KNOWN Irving J. Johnson, DeKalb Companies LLC.
AS NO. 1572 EASTLAND County Tax Commissioner This affidavit is made in compli-
ROAD, S.E., ACCORDING TO P.O. Box 100004 ance with GA Code Annotated,

THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 37
Decatur, Georgia 30031-7004 Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
DEKALB COUNTY, POSTING AT ADDRESS: Heatley, Ebony 370-471583 12/29,1/5 370-471586 12/29,1/5 370-471589 12/29,1/5 370-471592 12/29,1/5
BERRY, CLERK OF SUPERI- Instrument number State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia,
OR COURT, DEKALB This 27th day of December, 2022TN00512 County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb
COUNTY, GEORGIA; IRVING 2022. Filed on November 17, 2022 The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby
J. JOHNSON, DEKALB /s/ Clark E. Candler, II Debra DeBerry certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct-
COUNTY TAX COMMISION- Clark E. Candler Clerk of Superior Court ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of
ER; and ALL PERSONS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTOR- In DeKalb County, Georgia DeKalb, at 318 Tuxworth Cir DeKalb, at 1954 Airport Rd DeKalb, at 2970 Clairmont DeKalb, at 1320 Becket Drive
KNOWN OR UNKNOWN WHO NEY Decatur, GA 30033 in the State Suite 107 Chamblee, GA Road NE Suite 310 Atlanta, GA Brookhaven, GA 30319 in the
CLAIM OR MIGHT CLAIM AD- Georgia Bar No. 803468 of Georgia, under the name 30341 in the State of Georgia, 30329 in the State of Georgia, State of Georgia, under the
VERSELY TO ANY INTEREST 370-471580 12/29,1/5 ++Bonner Studios++. Said under the name ++American under the name ++Redpoint name ++Shack Shine++. Said
IN THE DESCRIBED PARCEL ++22N00043 /1572 EAST- AFFIDAVIT FOR business has been registered Pacific Mortgage++. Said busi- Connect++. Said business has business has been registered
OF REAL PROPERTY, LAND RD REGISTRATION under Bonner Studios, LLC. ness has been registered un- been registered under Red- under Garland Industries, LLC.
Respondents. ATLANTA, GA 30316 /15 143 OF TRADE NAME This affidavit is made in compli- der American Pacific Mortgage point Broadband, LLC. This affidavit is made in compli-
13 023/ State of Georgia, ance with GA Code Annotated, Corporation. This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated,
CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. HEARING++ County of DeKalb Title 10, Chapter 1, Section This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
22N00043 The undersigned hereby 490. ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490.
1572 EASTLAND RD certifies that they are conduct- Bonner, Barbara C. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. Garland, Brian
ATLANTA, GA 30316 ing a business in the County of Applicant / Owner 490. Eckard, Jeff Applicant / Owner
PARCEL ID NO.: Trade Name DeKalb, at 1468 Briarwood Rd Sworn to and subscribed this Lowman, William Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this
15 143 13 023 NE Unit #506 Brookhaven, GA 21st day of November, 2022. Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this 27th day of November, 2022.
370-471577 12/29,1/5 30319 in the State of Georgia, Instrument number Sworn to and subscribed this 23rd day of November, 2022. Instrument number
HEARING NOTICE AFFIDAVIT FOR under the name ++Hatter En- 2022TN00518 4th day of November, 2022. Instrument number 2022TN00526
REGISTRATION tertainment++. Said business Filed on November 21, 2022 Instrument number 2022TN00523 Filed on November 27, 2022
TO: Interested parties in con- OF TRADE NAME has been registered. Debra DeBerry 2022TN00516 Filed on November 23, 2022 Debra DeBerry
nection with the above refer- State of Georgia, This affidavit is made in compli- Clerk of Superior Court Filed on November 4, 2022 Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court
ence property: County of DeKalb ance with GA Code Annotated, In DeKalb County, Georgia Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia
The undersigned hereby Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia
370-471584 12/29,1/5 370-471593 12/29,1/5
Your official hearing notice will certifies that they are conduct- 490. In DeKalb County, Georgia
AFFIDAVIT FOR 370-471590 12/29,1/5 AFFIDAVIT FOR
be mailed to you from the Ma- ing a business in the County of Schigiel, Gregg
gistrate Court of DeKalb County DeKalb, at 4400 North Applicant / Owner
Ordinance Division. Upon re- Peachtree Road Atlanta, GA Sworn to and subscribed this
State of Georgia, REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME State of Georgia,
ceipt of this notice, it is imperat- 30338, in the State of Georgia, 18th day of November, 2022.
County of DeKalb OF TRADE NAME State of Georgia, County of DeKalb
ive that you follow all the in- under the name ++First Baptist Instrument number
The undersigned hereby State of Georgia, County of DeKalb The undersigned hereby
structions as outlined. In the in- Atlanta++. Said business has 2022TN00513
certifies that they are conduct- County of DeKalb The undersigned hereby certifies that they are conduct-
terest of public health and been registered under First Filed on November 18, 2022
ing a business in the County of The undersigned hereby certifies that they are conduct- ing a business in the County of
safety, the Court is conducting Baptist Church of Atlanta, Inc. Debra DeBerry
DeKalb, at 4525 Glenwood Rd, certifies that they are conduct- ing a business in the County of DeKalb, at 4260 Peachtree Rd
your court appearance virtually. This affidavit is made in compli- Clerk of Superior Court
Booth D-1 Decatur, GA 30032 ing a business in the County of DeKalb, at 807 Dunbar Dr Dun- NE Ste 200 Brookhaven, GA
Do not report to the court- ance with GA Code Annotated, In DeKalb County, Georgia
in the State of Georgia, under DeKalb, at 3845 North Druid woody, GA 30338 in the State 30319 in the State of Georgia,
house or the County Law De- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section the name ++Evergreen++. Said Hills Rd Suite 201 Decatur, GA of Georgia, under the name under the name ++Dental Solu-
partment. 490. business has been registered. 30033 in the State of Georgia, ++Knock on Wood Crafts++. tions of Brookhaven++. Said
Beard, Robert 370-471581 12/29,1/5
AFFIDAVIT FOR This affidavit is made in compli- under the name ++Fragile Said business has been re- business has been registered
1. YOUR COURT DATE IS Applicant / Owner ance with GA Code Annotated, Crown Salon++. Said business gistered. under Brookhaven Smiles,
Sworn to and subscribed this REGISTRATION
THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, OF TRADE NAME Title 10, Chapter 1, Section has been registered under Ab- This affidavit is made in compli- LLC.
2022 AT 1:00 P.M. IF YOU 16th day of November, 2022. 490. bington Enterprises LLC. ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli-
Instrument number State of Georgia,
HAVE A CONFLICT WITH County of DeKalb Kim, Byung Du This affidavit is made in compli- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated,
THIS DATE AND TIME, 2022TN00510 Applicant / Owner ance with GA Code Annotated, 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
Filed on November 16, 2022 The undersigned hereby
PLEASE FOLLOW THE certifies that they are conduct- Sworn to and subscribed this Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Cox, Blaine 490.
STEPS AS OUTLINED IN THE Debra DeBerry 22nd day of November, 2022. 490. Applicant / Owner Oh, Lola
Clerk of Superior Court ing a business in the County of
COURT’S HEARING NOTICE. DeKalb, at 3683 North Instrument number Hall, Jessica Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner
2. The Clerk’s office can be In DeKalb County, Georgia 2022TN00519 Applicant / Owner 23rd day of November, 2022. Sworn to and subscribed this
Peachtree Rd. Atlanta, GA
reached at 1-470-540-9485 or 30341 in the State of Georgia, Filed on November 22, 2022 Sworn to and subscribed this Instrument number 28th day of November, 2022.
370-471578 12/29,1/5
by email at ordinancedivision- under the name ++Hoffman Hy- Debra DeBerry 18th day of November, 2022. 2022TN00524 Instrument number
AFFIDAVIT FOR dronics++. Said business has Clerk of Superior Court Instrument number Filed on November 23, 2022 2022TN00527
Make sure to have your case been registered under Heat In DeKalb County, Georgia 2022TN00514 Debra DeBerry Filed on November 28, 2022
number and property address Transfer Sales, LLC. Filed on November 18, 2022 Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry
State of Georgia, 370-471585 12/29,1/5
available. This affidavit is made in compli- Debra DeBerry In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court
County of DeKalb AFFIDAVIT FOR
3. For questions about the ance with GA Code Annotated, Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia
The undersigned hereby REGISTRATION
status of your case, call Assist- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section In DeKalb County, Georgia 370-471591 12/29,1/5 370-471594 12/29,1/5
certifies that they are conduct- OF TRADE NAME
ant County Attorney Clark E. 490. AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR
ing a business in the County of State of Georgia, 370-471588 12/29,1/5
Candler, II, Esq., at 404-371- Britt, Joseph REGISTRATION REGISTRATION
DeKalb, at 559 Rays Rd Stone County of DeKalb AFFIDAVIT FOR
3011 or by email at cecand- Applicant / Owner OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME
Mountain, GA 30083 in the The undersigned hereby REGISTRATION Sworn to and subscribed this State of Georgia, State of Georgia,
State of Georgia, under the certifies that they are conduct- OF TRADE NAME
4. You are required to file or 18th day of November, 2022. County of DeKalb County of DeKalb
name ++360 Video Photo++. ing a business in the County of State of Georgia,
present an answer to this case. Instrument number The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby
Said business has been re- DeKalb, at 400 Perimeter Cen- County of DeKalb
If you do not answer, or fail to 2022TN00515 certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct-
gistered under whiskerhead, ter Terrance Suite 300 Atlanta, The undersigned hereby
virtually appear at your sched- Filed on November 18, 2022 ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of
LLC. GA 30346 in the State of Geor- certifies that they are conduct-
uled hearing, this may result in Debra DeBerry DeKalb, at 3983 Lavista Road DeKalb, at 1850
This affidavit is made in compli- gia, under the name ++Motion ing a business in the County of
adverse consequences in your Clerk of Superior Court Suite 104 Tucker, GA 30084 in LAWRENCEVILLE HWY STE
ance with GA Code Annotated, Consulting Group++. Said busi- DeKalb, at 582 Willivee Dr.
case. In DeKalb County, Georgia the State of Georgia, under the 700 DECATUR, GA 30033 in
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ness has been registered un- Decatur, GA 30033 in the State
5. You may appear with or name ++Family Dentistry of the State of Georgia, under the
490. der MATRIX Resources, LLC. of Georgia, under the name
without an attorney. Northlake++. Said business name ++THE SPACE BAR &
Nichols, Cameron This affidavit is made in compli- ++Brooks Consulting++. Said
Applicant / Owner 370-471582 12/29,1/5 ance with GA Code Annotated, business has been registered. has been registered under RESTAURANT++. Said busi-
Thank you in advance for your AFFIDAVIT FOR Georgia Dental Professionals, ness has been registered un-
Sworn to and subscribed this Title 10, Chapter 1, Section This affidavit is made in compli-
cooperation and participation. REGISTRATION PC. der UMIYA & SONS, LLC.
17th day of November, 2022. 490. ance with GA Code Annotated,
Instrument number OF TRADE NAME Green, Mark Title 10, Chapter 1, Section This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli-
PERSONS SERVED: State of Georgia, ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated,
2022TN00511 Applicant / Owner 490.
Filed on November 17, 2022 County of DeKalb Sworn to and subscribed this Brooks, Angela Susan Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
Chepman Myllan, Inc. The undersigned hereby 490. 490.
Debra DeBerry 14th day of November, 2022. Applicant / Owner
1572 Eastland Rd. certifies that they are conduct- Hiester, Jennifer PATEL, RAHULKUMAR
Clerk of Superior Court Instrument number Sworn to and subscribed this
Atlanta, GA 30316 ing a business in the County of Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner
In DeKalb County, Georgia 2022TN00509 23rd day of November, 2022.
DeKalb, at 3119 Briarcliff Rd Filed on November 14, 2022 Instrument number Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this
Chepman Myllan, Inc. 370-471579 12/29,1/5 NE Ste B Atlanta, GA 30329 in 26th day of November, 2022. 24th day of November, 2022.
Debra DeBerry 2022TN00520
PO Box 2231 AFFIDAVIT FOR the State of Georgia, under the Instrument number Instrument number
Clerk of Superior Court Filed on November 23, 2022
Peachtree City, GA 30269 REGISTRATION name + +Zbest Mortgage 2022TN00525 2022TN00528
In DeKalb County, Georgia Debra DeBerry
OF TRADE NAME Lenders++. Said business has Clerk of Superior Court Filed on November 26, 2022 Filed on November 24, 2022
Chepman & Myllan, Inc. State of Georgia, been registered under Sagla Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry
In DeKalb County, Georgia
251 Little Falls Dr. County of DeKalb Financial Services LLC. Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court
Wilmington, DE 19808 The undersigned hereby This affidavit is made in compli- In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia
certifies that they are conduct- ance with GA Code Annotated,
Debra DeBerry, Clerk of Super- ing a business in the County of Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
ior Court DeKalb, at 447 Orchard Dr 490.
DeKalb County, Georgia Stone Mountain, GA 30083 in Gebru, Simon
556 N. McDonough Street, the State of Georgia, under the Applicant / Owner
Ground Floor name ++Raven Recruiting++. Sworn to and subscribed this
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Said business has been re- 21st day of November, 2022.
gistered under Ebel Family of Instrument number
Irving J. Johnson, DeKalb Companies LLC. 2022TN00517
County Tax Commissioner This affidavit is made in compli- Filed on November 21, 2022
P.O. Box 100004 ance with GA Code Annotated, Debra DeBerry
Decatur, Georgia 30031-7004 Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Clerk of Superior Court
490. In DeKalb County, Georgia
Applicant / Owner
1572 Eastland Rd Sworn to and subscribed this
Atlanta, GA 30316 17th day of November, 2022.
Jr., Smith, Gambrell & Russell Application of TR 34 Redan frontage along Cemetery Drive is located on the east side of
to rezone property from R-75 Road LLC c/o Battle Law, P.C. and contains 0.67 acre. Interstate 85/Northeast Ex-
(Residential Medium Lot) zon- to amend the future land use pressway and the south side of
ing district to RSM (Residential plan from Suburban (SUB) to Woodcock Boulevard, at 3355,
Small Lot Mix) zoning district to Commercial Redevelopment D6-2022-1998 CZ-22-1245934 3375, and 3395 Northeast Ex-
allow the construction of cot- Corridor (CRC) to allow for the Commission District 04 Super pressway in Chamblee, Geor-
Page 38 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023 
tage-style urban single-family
detached homes. The property
construction of single-family at-
tached townhomes. The prop-
District 06
gia. The property has approx-
imately 1,042 feet of frontage
370-471595 12/29,1/5 370-471598 12/29,1/5 370-471637 1/5,1/12 is located on the northeast side erty is located on the north side 1849 LAWRENCEVILLE HWY, along Interstate 85/Northeast
AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR of Robinwood Road, approxim- of Redan Road and the east DECATUR, GA 30033 Expressway, 290 feet of front-
REGISTRATION REGISTRATION REGISTRATION ately 327 feet east of side of Longshore Drive, at age along Woodcock
OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME Lawrenceville Highway at 1251 1172 Longshore Drive; and Application of ModWash, LLC Boulevard and contains 7.02
State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, Robinwood Road in Decatur, 3676, 3686, and 3694 Redan c/o Battle Law P.C. for a re- acres.
County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb Georgia. The property has ap- Road in Decatur, Georgia. The quest to modify zoning condi-
The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby proximately 186 feet of front- property has approximately 555 tions to remove condition #1
certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- age along Robinwood Road feet of frontage along Redan pursuant to CZ- 06-1241, re-
ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of and contains 2.12 acres. Road and 145 feet of frontage stricting the use of the property D10-2022-2264 Z-22-1246095
DeKalb, at 5300 Memorial DeKalb, at 4246 Peachtree Rd DeKalb, at 1959 McAfee Pl along Longshore Drive and to office and retail uses to al- Commission District 02 Super
Drive Suite 221 Stone Moun- NE Suite 1 Brookhaven, GA Decatur, GA 30032 in the State 380-472021 1/5 contains 4.05 acres. low a car wash in the C-1 (Loc- District 06
tain, GA 30083 in the State of 30319 in the State of Georgia, of Georgia, under the name ZONING MATTERS al Commercial) zoning district. 18-049-01-012, 18-049-01-013
Georgia, under the name ++Lu- under the name ++Odico ++Decatur Digs Realty++. Said Notice is hereby given that the D3-2022-1997 Z-22-1245922 The property is located on the 1602 SCOTT BLVD, DEC-
cretia Ramsey & Associates++. Group Insurance and Financial business has been registered DeKalb County Board of Com- Commission District 05 Super southeast quadrant of ATUR, GA 30033
Said business has been re- Services++. Said business has under Wynd Realty LLC. missioners District 07 Lawrenceville Highway and
gistered under Ramsey Realty been registered under Odico This affidavit is made in compli- will hold an in-person public 15-220-01-001, 15-220-01-023, Jordan Lane, approximately Application of Andrew Rut-
Services, Incorporated. Group LLC. ance with GA Code Annotated, hearing for the following applic- 15-220-01-024, 15-220-01-041 415 feet north of DeKalb Indus- ledge to rezone properties from
This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ations on the following date: 1172 LONGSHORE DR, DEC- trial Way, at 1849 R-75 (Residential Medium Lot-
ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, 490. Board of Commissioners Zon- ATUR, GA 30032 Lawrenceville Highway in Dec- 75) Zoning District to MR-2
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Bergstrom, Jeff ing Meeting Date – Thursday, atur, Georgia. The property has (Medium Density Residential-2)
490. 490. Applicant / Owner ++January 26, 2023 5:30 PM++ Application of TR 34 Redan approximately 180 feet of front- Zoning District to allow the con-
Brown-Ramsey, Lucretia Thompson, Kempton Sworn to and subscribed this (This is an in-person meeting; Road LLC c/o Battle Law, P.C. age along Lawrenceville High- struction of single-family, at-
Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner 20th day of December, 2022. not Zoom.) to rezone property from MU-4 way and 230 feet of frontage tached townhomes. The prop-
Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Instrument number (This meeting will be broadcast (Mixed-Use High Density) Zon- along Jordan Lane and con- erty is located on the northw-
28th day of November, 2022. 29th day of November, 2022. 2022TN00561 via live stream on DCTV’s ing District to MR-1 (Medium tains 1.28 acres. est corner of Scott Boulevard
Instrument number Instrument number Filed on December 20, 2022 webpage, and on DCTVChan- Density Residential-1) Zoning and Blackmon Drive, at 1602
2022TN00530 2022TN00534 Debra DeBerry nel23.TV.) District to allow for the con- Scott Boulevard and 2488
Filed on November 28, 2022 Filed on November 29, 2022 Clerk of Superior Court struction of single-family, at- D7-2022-2252 SLUP-22- Blackmon Drive in Decatur,
Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry In DeKalb County, Georgia tached townhomes. The prop- 1246038 Commission District Georgia. The property has ap-
Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court 370-471638 1/5,1/12 AUDITORIUM OF THE MA- erty is located on the north side 04 Super District 06 proximately 315 feet of front-
In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia AFFIDAVIT FOR LOOF CENTER of Redan Road and the east 18-063-03-027 age along Scott Boulevard, 78
370-471596 12/29,1/5 370-471599 12/29,1/5 REGISTRATION 1300 COMMERCE DRIVE, side of Longshore Drive at 1849 LAWRENCEVILLE HWY, feet of frontage along Black-
AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR OF TRADE NAME SUITE 400 1172 Longshore Drive and DECATUR, GA 30033 mon Drive and contains 0.92
REGISTRATION REGISTRATION State of Georgia, DECATUR, GA 30030 3676, 3686, and 3694 Redan acre.
OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME County of DeKalb Road in Decatur, Georgia. The Application of ModWash LLC
State of Georgia, State of Georgia, The undersigned hereby Citizens may also email docu- property has approximately 555 c/o Battle Law P.C. to request a
County of DeKalb County of DeKalb certifies that they are conduct- ments for inclusion into the offi- feet of frontage along Redan Special Land Use Permit
The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby ing a business in the County of cial record Road and 145 feet of frontage (SLUP) to allow a drive-through D11-2022-2268 SLUP-22-
certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- DeKalb, at 2845 Henderson by submitting such materials by along Longshore Drive and car wash facility in the C-1 1246099 Commission District
ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of Mill Road Atlanta, GA 30341 in 5:30 pm on the date of the pub- contains 4.05 acres. (Local Commercial) zoning dis- 05 Super District 07
DeKalb, at 2302 Parklake Drive DeKalb, at 5226 Meadowcreek the State of Georgia, under the lic hearing. trict. The property is located on 15-224-09-062
NE Suite 150 Atlanta, GA Dr Dunwoody, GA 30338 in the name ++The Fairell Firm++. D4-2022-1471 Z-22-1245544 the southeast quadrant of 1193 SHERRINGTON DR,
30345-2918 in the State of State of Georgia, under the Said business has been re- Email the DeKalb County Board Commission District 03 Super Lawrenceville Highway and STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30083
Georgia, under the name name ++Damarri Store and gistered under The Fairell Law of Commissioners at Public- District 06 Jordan Lane, approximately
++Gentiva++. Said business Services++. Said business has Firm LLC. 15-010-01-004 415 feet north of DeKalb Indus- Application of Monique Hard-
has been registered under been registered under Damarri This affidavit is made in compli- 4101 BOULDERCREST RD, trial Way at 1849 Lawrenceville nett for a Special Land Use
Odyssey Healthcare Operating Multiservices LLC. ance with GA Code Annotated, ELLENWOOD, GA 30294 Highway in Decatur, Georgia. Permit (SLUP) to allow a Child
B, LP. This affidavit is made in compli- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section AGENDA The property has approxim- Caring Institution (CCI) for up to
This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, 490. Application of PMZ Developers ately 180 feet of frontage along six children within an existing
ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Fairell, Joi DEFERRED CASES: LLC c/o Battle Law PC to Lawrenceville Highway and 230 single-family, detached home in
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. Applicant / Owner rezone property from Boulder- feet of frontage along Jordan the R-100 (Residential Medium
490. Dorsainvil, Dieudonne Sworn to and subscribed this D1-2021-3522 Z-22-1245331 crest Cedar Grove Moreland Lane and contains 1.28 acres. Lot-100) Zoning District. The
Lazas, Ronald C, Jr.Applicant / Applicant / Owner 20th day of December, 2022. Commission District 04 Super Overlay District Tier 5- property is located on west side
Owner Sworn to and subscribed this Instrument number District 07 Corridor1/R-100 (Residential of Sherrington Drive opposite
Sworn to and subscribed this 22nd day of November, 2022. 2022TN00560 18-039-03-027, 18-039-03-029, Medium Lot) zoning district to D8-2022-2260 CZ-22-1246090 Bergen Court, at 1193 Sher-
29th day of November, 2022. Instrument number Filed on December 20, 2022 18-039-03-038, 18-039-03-039, RNC (Residential Neighbor- Commission District 04 Super rington Drive in Stone Moun-
Instrument number 2022TN00521 Debra DeBerry 18-039-03-040, hood Conservation) zoning dis- District 07 tain, Georgia. The property has
2022TN00532 Filed on November 22, 2022 Clerk of Superior Court 18-039-03-041, 18-039-03-044, trict to allow for single-family 18-083-01-010 approximately 100 feet of front-
Filed on November 29, 2022 Debra DeBerry In DeKalb County, Georgia 18-039-03-110, 18-039-03-112 detached homes and single- 1347 BERMUDA RD, STONE age along Sherrington Drive
Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court 4994 ROCKBRIDGE RD, family attached townhomes. MOUNTAIN, GA 30087 and contains 0.43 acre.
Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30083 The property is located on the
In DeKalb County, Georgia 370-471600 12/29,1/5
Zoning Matters west side of Bouldercrest Application of Future Capital In-
370-471597 12/29,1/5 Application of Kyle Williams to Road, approximately 360 feet vestment for a Major Modifica-
AFFIDAVIT FOR 380-472016 1/5 rezone properties from R-100 south of Boulder Springs Point tion to zoning conditions pursu- D12-2022-2269 TA-22-
REGISTRATION ZONING MATTERS (Residential Medium Lot-100) at 4101 Bouldercrest Road in ant to CZ-20-1243972 to re- 1246100 Commission District
OF TRADE NAME Notice is hereby given that the to R-60 (Residential Small Lot- Ellenwood, Georgia. The prop- duce the number of single-fam- 02 Super District 06
State of Georgia,
State of Georgia, DeKalb County Board of Com- 60) District to allow the con- erty has approximately 400 feet ily detached lots from 19 to 6
County of DeKalb
County of DeKalb missioners will hold a public struction of single family de- of frontage along Bouldercrest lots in the RSM (Small Lot Res- Application of the Director of
The undersigned hereby
The undersigned hereby hearing for the following applic- tached residences. The prop- Road and contains 22.14 idential Mix) zoning district. The Planning & Sustainability for
certifies that they are conduct-
certifies that they are conduct- ation(s) on the following date: erty is located on the north side acres. property is located on the text amendments to the Zoning
ing a business in the County of
ing a business in the County of Board of Commissioners Meet- of Rockbridge Road, the east southwest side of Bermuda Ordinance, Chapter 27-
DeKalb, at 6463 Castle Court
DeKalb, at 2102 Candler Road ing Date – Tuesday, ++Janu- terminus of Pepperwood Drive, Road, approximately 670 feet 3.22—Emory Village Overlay
Way Lithonia, GA 30058 in the
Decatur, GA 30032 in the State ary 24, 2023 at 10:00 AM++ and the east terminus of Hick- D5-2022-1976 Z-22-1245935 north of Malvern Boulevard, at District—to update permitted
State of Georgia, under the
of Georgia, under the name Manuel J. Maloof Auditorium ory Hills drive, approximately Commission District 04 Super 1347 Bermuda Road in Stone and prohibited uses; revise
name ++Anointed Clothing
++Stop-N-Shop Food Mart++. 1300 Commerce Drive 595 feet west of Sheppard District 06 Mountain, Georgia. The prop- minimum parking requirements;
Caps and Accessories++. Said
Said business has been re- Decatur, Georgia 30030 Road at 4946, 4960, 4962, 18-063-09-077 erty has approximately 500 feet and to address building design
business has been registered.
gistered under Vihaan 27, LLC. 4964, 4972, 4994, 4998, 5046 695 JORDAN LN, DECATUR, of frontage along Bermuda and other overlay district en-
This affidavit is made in compli-
This affidavit is made in compli- This meeting will be broadcast Rockbridge Road and 4953 GA 30033 Road and contains 6.66 acres. hancements.
ance with GA Code Annotated,
ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section via live stream on DCTV’s Pepperwood Drive in Stone
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section webpage and on DCTVChan- Mountain, Georgia. The prop- Application of Shalom Restora- NEW CASES:
490. nel23.TV. erty has approximately 978 feet tions, LLC to rezone property
Peel, Gwendolyn
Patel, Tejas P of frontage along Rockbridge from R-75 (Residential Medium D9-2022-2263 Z-22-1246093 N1-2022-2532 LP-23-1246168
Applicant / Owner
Applicant / Owner Road, 140 feet of frontage Lot-75) zoning district to RSM Commission District 01 Super Commission District 03 Super
Sworn to and subscribed this
Sworn to and subscribed this 2022-2253 Z-22-1245936 Com- along Pepperwood Drive, and (Small Lot Residential Mix) zon- District 07 District 07
22nd day of November, 2022.
29th day of November, 2022. mission District 04 Super Dis- 60 feet of frontage along Hick- ing district to allow a cottage 18-267-01-004, 18-267-01-007, 15-163-04-163
Instrument number
Instrument number trict 06 ory Hills Drive and contains 40 style development. The prop- 18-267-01-008 4819 GLENWOOD RD, DEC-
2022TN00533 18-116-04-008 acres. erty is located on the east side 3375 NORTHEAST EXPY, ATUR, GA 30035
Filed on November 22, 2022
Filed on November 29, 2022 1251 ROBINWOOD RD, DEC- of Jordan Lane, the south side CHAMBLEE, GA 30341
Debra DeBerry
Debra DeBerry ATUR, GA 30033 D2-2022-1996 LP-22-1245892 of Reverend DL Edwards Drive Application of Mustaq Moosa to
Clerk of Superior Court
Clerk of Superior Court Application of D.A. Edwards & Commission District 05 Super and Cemetery Drive, at 695 Application of Paul Cables, Al- amend the Future Land Use
In DeKalb County, Georgia
In DeKalb County, Georgia Company c/o Dennis J. Webb, District 07 Jordan Lane in Decatur, Geor- pha Residential, and Parker Plan from Suburban (SUB)
Jr., Smith, Gambrell & Russell 15-220-01-001, 15-220-01-023, gia. The property has approx- Poe to rezone properties from character area to Commercial
to rezone property from R-75 15-220-01-024, 15-220-01-041 imately 155 feet of frontage O-I (Office Institutional) Zoning Redevelopment Corridor (CRC)
(Residential Medium Lot) zon- 1172 LONGSHORE DR, DEC- along Jordan Lane, 105 feet of District to HR-3 (High Density character area to allow the con-
ing district to RSM (Residential ATUR, GA 30032 frontage along Reverend DL Residential-3) Zoning District to struction of a three-story "Self-
Small Lot Mix) zoning district to Edwards Drive, and 103 feet of allow apartments. The property Storage Multi" (multi-story with
allow the construction of cot- Application of TR 34 Redan frontage along Cemetery Drive is located on the east side of only interior access) climate
tage-style urban single-family Road LLC c/o Battle Law, P.C. and contains 0.67 acre. Interstate 85/Northeast Ex- controlled public storage build-
detached homes. The property to amend the future land use pressway and the south side of ing. The property is located on
is located on the northeast side plan from Suburban (SUB) to Woodcock Boulevard, at 3355, the southeast corner of Glen-
of Robinwood Road, approxim- Commercial Redevelopment D6-2022-1998 CZ-22-1245934 3375, and 3395 Northeast Ex- wood Road and Janet Lane at
ately 327 feet east of Corridor (CRC) to allow for the Commission District 04 Super pressway in Chamblee, Geor- 4819 Glenwood Road in Dec-
Lawrenceville Highway at 1251 construction of single-family at- District 06 gia. The property has approx- atur, Georgia. The property has
Robinwood Road in Decatur, tached townhomes. The prop- 18-063-03-027 imately 1,042 feet of frontage approximately 280 feet of front-
Georgia. The property has ap- erty is located on the north side 1849 LAWRENCEVILLE HWY, along Interstate 85/Northeast age along Glenwood Road and
proximately 186 feet of front- of Redan Road and the east DECATUR, GA 30033 Expressway, 290 feet of front- 245 feet of frontage along
age along Robinwood Road side of Longshore Drive, at age along Woodcock Janet Lane and contains 1.56
and contains 2.12 acres. 1172 Longshore Drive; and Application of ModWash, LLC Boulevard and contains 7.02 acres.
only interior access) climate Associates c/o Battle Law, P.C. Jr. to rezone properties from Application of the Director of limited to the following de- of the status of the loan with (c) all matters of record superi-
controlled public storage build- to rezone property from R-100 MR-2 (Medium Density Resid- Planning & Sustainability for a scribed property: the holder of the Security Deed. or to the Deed to Secure Debt
ing. The property is located on (Residential Medium Lot-100) ential-2) zoning district and R- text amendment to the Zoning ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- AmeriHome Mortgage Com- first set out above, including,
the southeast corner of Glen- zoning district to OIT (Office-In- 75 (Residential Medium Lot-75) Ordinance, Chapter 27, Sec- CEL OF LAND LYING AND pany, LLC but not limited to, assessments,
wood Road and Janet Lane at stitutional Transitional) zoning zoning district to HR-2 (High tion 2.24.1, Table 2.2 (Non- BEING IN LAND LOT 161 OF as Attorney-in-Fact for liens, encumbrances, zoning
4819 Glenwood Road in Dec- district to allow for a place of Density Residential-2) zoning Residential Zoning Districts Di- THE 16TH Lenworth Mumby ordinances, easements, restric-

atur, Georgia. The property has The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 39
worship. The property is loc- district to allow for the construc- mensional Requirements) to re- DISTRICT OF DEKALB Contact: tions, covenants, etc.
approximately 280 feet of front- ated on the northeast side of tion of multi-family apartments. duce or eliminate the minimum COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING Padgett Law Group: 6267 Old The sale will be conducted sub-
age along Glenwood Road and Chamblee Tucker Road, ap- The property is located on the multi-family unit size in the O-I LOT 16, BLOCK C, STONE- Water Oak Road, Suite 203, ject to (1) confirmation that the
245 feet of frontage along proximately 130 feet north of west side of Arcadia Avenue (Office Institutional) Zoning Dis- MILL MANOR, Tallahassee, FL 32312; (850) sale is not prohibited under the
Janet Lane and contains 1.56 Bolissa Drive, at 3964 along both sides of Derrydown trict. This text amendment is UNIT ONE; AS PER RECOR- 422-2520 U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2)
acres. Chamblee Tucker Road in Way and the north side of County-wide. DED AT PLAT BOOK 85, Ad Run Dates: 01/12/2023; O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1;
Doraville, Georgia. The prop- Craigie Avenue, at 747, 759, PAGE 23, DEKALB COUNTY 01/19/2023; 01/26/2023; and (3) final confirmation and
N2-2022-2533 Z-23-1246097 erty has approximately 92 feet 771, 783, 746 758, 770, 782 , N12-2022-2549 TA-23- RECORDS, 02/02/2023; 12/15/22; audit of the status of the loan
Commission District 03 Super of frontage along Chamblee 759, 783 Derrydown Way; and, 1246199 County-wide BEING IMPROVED PROP- 12/22/22; 12/29/22; with the holder of the security
District 07 Tucker Road and contains 1.48 745, 751, 757, 763, 767, 769, ERTY KNOWN AS 487 01/05/23 deed.
15-163-04-163 acres. 775, 781 and 787 Arcadia Av- Application of the Director of STONEMILL MANOR, ++Case #: 22-004892- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
4819 GLENWOOD RD, DEC- enue in Decatur, Georgia. The Planning & Sustainability to LITHONIA, GEORGIA 1/Mumby++ 9-13-172.1, which allows for
ATUR, GA 30035 N 6 - 2 0 2 2 - 2 5 3 7 S L U P - 2 3- property has approximately 550 amend Article 6 (Parking) of the 30058, ACCORDING TO THE 420-471787 12/22,12/29,1/5 certain procedures regarding
1246180 Commission District feet of frontage along Arcadia DeKalb County Zoning Ordin- PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- 1/12,1/19,12/26,2/2 the rescission of judicial and
Application of Mustaq Moosa to 05 Super District 07 Avenue, 530 feet of frontage ance to add minimum and max- BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB Notice of Sale Under Power non-judicial sales in the State
rezone property from R-75 15-126-03-007 along Derrydown Way, and 212 imum studio apartment parking COUNTY, GEORGIA; AND BE- Georgia, DEKALB County of Georgia, the Deed Under
(Residential Medium Lot-75) 2571 E. WESLEY CHAPEL feet of frontage along Craigie ratio standards. This text ING THE SAME PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the Power and other foreclosure
zoning district to C-2 (General WAY, DECATUR, GA 30035 Avenue and contains 5.2 acres. amendment is County-wide. CONVEYED TO MARK D. Power of Sale contained in a documents may not be
Commercial) zoning district to FINDER Deed to Secure Debt given by provided until final confirmation
allow the construction of a Application of Anandi JRK, LLC N13-2022-2543 TA-23- AND LESLIE P. FINDER ON RICKEY NELSON to Mortgage and audit of the status of the
three-story "Self-Storage Multi" c/o Battle Law, P.C. for a Spe- 1246181 County-wide MARCH 30, 1989, RECOR- Electronic Registration Sys- loan as provided in the preced-
(multi-story with only interior ac- cial Land Use Permit (SLUP) N9-2022-2540 Z-23-1246187 DED AT DEED BOOK 6406, tems, Inc. as nominee for Fre- ing paragraph.
cess) climate controlled public request to allow accessory fuel Commission District 04 Super Application of the Director of PAGE 625, mont Investment & Loan, dated Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
storage building. The property pumps for a proposed conveni- District 06 Planning & Sustainability for DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS. February 21, 2006, and recor- 44-14-162.2, the entity that has
is located on the southeast ence store within Tier 1 of the 15-250-07-001, 15-250-07-003, text amendments to the DeKalb Said property may more com- ded in Deed Book 18445, Page full authority to negotiate,
corner of Glenwood Road and Interstate 20 Overlay District 15-250-07-005, 15-250-07-006, County Zoning Ordinance to monly be known as 487 Stone- 337, DEKALB County, Georgia amend and modify all terms of
Janet Lane at 4819 Glenwood and the C-1 (Local Commer- 15-250-07-007, 15-250-07-008, align with updates to the state mill Manor, Lithonia, GA 30058. records, and last assigned to the mortgage with the debtor is:
Road in Decatur, Georgia. The cial) zoning district. The prop- 15-250-07-009, 15-250-07-010, zoning procedure statutes. The debt secured by said Se- Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Carrington Mortgage Services,
property has approximately 280 erty is located on the north side 15-250-07-011, 15-250-07-012, Amendments include but are curity Deed has been and is Trustee for Carrington Mort- LLC
feet of frontage along Glen- of Interstate 20 and the west 15-250-07-013, 15-250-07-014, not limited to Section 9.1.3 hereby declared due because gage Loan Trust, Series 2006- Attention: Loss Mitigation De-
wood Road and 245 feet of side of East Wesley Chapel 15-250-07-016, 15-250-07-017, (Defined Terms), Section 7.1.2 of, among FRE1 Asset-Backed Pass- partment
frontage along Janet Lane and Way, at 2571 East Wesley 15-250-07-018, 15-250-07-019, (Governing Bodies), Section Case #: 22-004892-1 Through Certificates in Book 1600 South Douglass Road.
contains 1.56 acres. Chapel Way in Decatur, Geor- 15-250-07-020, 15-250-07-021, 7.2.4 (Public Hearings), Sec- other possible events of de- 25322, Page 530, conveying Suites 100 & 200-A
gia. The property has approx- 15-250-07-022, 15-250-07-023, tion 4.1.3 (Use Table), and fault, non-payment of the the after-described property to Anaheim, CA 92806
imately 210 feet of frontage 15-250-07-024, 15-250-07-025, Section 7.5.8 (Appeals of De- monthly installments on said secure a Note of even date in 1-800-561-4567
along East Wesley Chapel Way 15-250-07-026, 15-251-02-001, cisions of the Zoning Board of loan. The debt the original principal amount of The foregoing notwithstanding,
N3-2022-2534 SLUP-23- and contains 0.935 acre. 15-251-02-002, 15-251-02-003, Appeals). This text amend- remaining in default, this sale $111,920.00, with interest at nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44-
1246098 Commission District 15-251-02-004, 15-251-02-005, ment is County-wide. will be made for the purpose of the rate specified therein, there 14-162.2 shall be construed to
03 Super District 07 N7-2022-2538 LP-23-1246182 15-251-02-006, 15-251-02-007, paying the same and all ex- will be sold by the undersigned require the secured creditor to
15-163-04-163 (WITHDRAWN) Commission 15-251-02-015, 15-251-02-016 N14-2022-2550 TA-23- penses of this at public outcry to the highest negotiate, amend or modify the
4819 GLENWOOD RD, DEC- District 04 Super District 06 3350 KENSINGTON RD, DEC- 1246200 County-wide sale, including attorney’s fees bidder for cash before the terms of the Deed to Secure
ATUR, GA 30035 15-247-02-028, 15-247-02-029, ATUR, GA 30032 (notice of intent to collect attor- Courthouse door of DEKALB Debt described herein.
15-247-02-030, 15-247-02-031, Application of the Director of ney’s fees having been given). County, Georgia, within the leg- This sale is conducted on be-
Application of Mustaq Moosa 15-247-03-013, Application of MARTA c/o Planning & Sustainability for a The individual or entity that has al hours of sale on the first half of the secured creditor un-
for a Special Land Use Permit 15-247-03-014, 15-247-03-015, Debbie Frank to rezone proper- text amendment to the DeKalb full authority to negotiate, Tuesday in February, 2023, to der the power of sale granted in
(SLUP) to allow the construc- 15-247-03-016, 15-248-06-005, ties from R-75 (Residential Me- County Zoning Ordinance, Sec- amend and modify all terms of wit: February 7, 2023, the fol- the aforementioned security in-
tion of a three-story "Self-Stor- 15-248-06-006, dium Lot-75), MR-2 (Medium tion 5.4.4 (Site and Parking the lowing described property: strument, specifically being
age Multi" (multi-story with only 15-248-06-007, 15-248-06-008, Density Residential-2), and C-1 Area Landscaping), to address loan is AmeriHome Mortgage All that tract or parcel of land ly- Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as
interior access) climate con- 15-248-06-009, 15-248-06-010, (Local Commercial) zoning dis- parking lot landscaping require- Company, LLC, 425 Phillips ing and being in Land Lot 61 of Trustee for Carrington Mort-
trolled public storage building 15-248-06-011, tricts to MU-5 (Mixed Use Very ments. This text amendment is Blvd, Ewing, NJ 08618. the 15th District, DeKalb gage Loan Trust, Series 2006-
within the C-2 (General Com- 15-248-06-012, 15-248-06-025 High Density) zoning district to County-wide. Said property will be sold on an County, Georgia, being Lot FRE1 Asset-Backed Pass-
mercial) zoning district. The 745 ARCADIA AVE, DEC- allow a future mix of land uses “as-is” basis without any rep- 118, The Woodlands Town- Through Certificates
property is located on the ATUR, GA 30030 to implement the LCI Plan and resentation, warranty or re- homes Subdivision, as per plat as attorney in fact for
southeast corner of Glenwood transit-oriented development course recorded in Plat Book 136, RICKEY NELSON
Road and Janet Lane at 4819 Application of WSE Develop- goals. The property is located against the above-named or Pages 74-78, DeKalb County, Parkway Law Group, LLC
Glenwood Road in Decatur, ment, LLC c/o Dennis Webb, on the south side of Mountain Foreclosures: Residential the undersigned. The sale will Georgia Records, said plat is 1755 North Brown Road
Georgia. The property has ap- Jr. to amend the Future Land Drive, the northeast side of also be subject to the following by this reference being incor- Suite 150
proximately 280 feet of front- Use Plan from Traditional Covington Highway, the north 420-471767 12/15,12/22,12/29 items which porated herein and made a part Lawrenceville, GA 30043
age along Glenwood Road and Neighborhood (TN) character side of Kensington Road, and 1/5,1/12,1/19,1/26,2/2 may affect the title: a) zoning hereof for a more complete de- 404.719.5155
245 feet of frontage along area to Town Center (TC) char- the west side of Memorial NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ordinances; b) matters which scription. DECEMBER 22, 29, 2022,
Janet Lane and contains 1.56 acter area to construct multi- Drive, along both sides of the POWER would be disclosed by an ac- The debt secured by said Deed JANUARY 5, 12, 19, 26, &
acres. family apartments. The prop- MARTA rail line in Decatur, STATE OF GEORGIA, curate survey to Secure Debt has been and is FEBRUARY 2, 2023
erty is located on the west side Georgia. The property has ap- COUNTY OF DEKALB or by an inspection of the prop- hereby declared due because ++22-0086 /NELSON++
of Arcadia Avenue along both proximately 2,075 feet along By virtue of a Power of Sale erty; c) any outstanding ad of, among other possible THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING
sides of Derrydown Way and Mountain Drive; 500 feet along contained in that certain Secur- valorem taxes, including taxes, events of default, failure to pay AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
the north side of Craigie Aven- Memorial Drive; 758 feet along ity Deed from Lenworth Mumby which the indebtedness as and when TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
N4-2022-2535 SLUP-23- ue, at 747, 759, 771, 783, 746 Covington Highway; and 1521 to Mortgage Electronic Regis- constitute liens upon said prop- due and in the manner DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
1246169 Commission District 758, 770, 782, 759, 783 Derry- feet along Kensington Road tration Systems, Inc., as nomin- erty whether or not now due provided in the Note and Deed OBTAINED WILL BE USED
03 Super District 06 down Way; and, 745, 751, 757, and contains 35.2 acres. ee for Acopia, LLC, dated July and payable; d) special assess- to Secure Debt. The debt re- FOR THAT PURPOSE.
15-009-05-032 763, 767, 769, 775, 781 and 18, 2019 and recorded on July ments; e) the maining in default, this sale will
2931 WARD LAKE WAY, EL- 787 Arcadia Avenue in Dec- 24, 2019 in Deed Book 27687, right of redemption of any tax- be made for the purpose of 420-471872 12/29,1/5,1/12,
LENWOOD, GA 30294 atur, Georgia. The property has N10-2022-2541 SLUP-23- Page 713, in the Office of the ing authority; f) all outstanding paying the same and all ex- 1/19,1/26,2/2,2/9,2/16,2/23,3/2
approximately 550 feet of front- 1246189 Commission District Clerk of Superior Court of bills for public utilities which penses of this sale, as provided NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
Application of Walter Artis & age along Arcadia Avenue, 530 04 Super District 07 Dekalb County, Georgia, said constitute in the Deed to Secure Debt and POWER
Felicia Williams for a Special feet of frontage along Derry- 16-127-02-020 Security Deed having been giv- liens upon said property; g) all by law, including attorney’s Under and by virtue of the
Land Use Permit (SLUP) to al- down Way, and 212 feet of 6651 PRINCETON PARK CT, en to secure a Note of even restrictive covenants, ease- fees (notice of intent to collect Power of Sale contained in a
low a Child Caring Institution frontage along Craigie Avenue LITHONIA, GA 30058 date, in the original principal ments, rights-of-way and any attorney’s fees having been Security Deed from DEBRA D.
(CCI) for up to six children with- and contains 5.2 acres. amount of One Hundred Sixty- other matters of given). LITZINGER to Mortgage Elec-
in the existing single-family de- Application of Natalie Brannon One Thousand Twenty-Nine record superior to said Security Said property is commonly tronic Registration Systems,
tached home in the RSM to request a Special Land Use and 00/100 dollars Deed. To the best of the know- known as 3652 WOODLAND Inc., as nominee for Taylor,
(Small Lot Residential Mix) zon- N8-2022-2539 Z-23-1246183 Permit (SLUP) to operate an in- ($161,029.00) with interest ledge and belief of the under- COVE DECATUR, GA 30034, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage
ing district. The property is loc- (WITHDRAWN) Commission home childcare facility for up to thereon as provided therein, as signed, the together with all fixtures and Corp., its successors and as-
ated on the west side of Ward District 04 Super District 06 six children in an existing last transferred to Amerihome owners and party in posses- personal property attached to signs, dated April 21, 2009, and
Lake Way, at 2931 Ward Lake 15-247-02-028, 15-247-02-029, single-family, detached home in Mortgage Company, LLC, re- sion of the property are Len- and constituting a part of said recorded on July 16, 2009, in
Way in Ellenwood, Georgia. 15-247-02-030, 15-247-02-031, the R-100 (Residential Medium corded in Deed Book 28136, worth Mumby and or tenant(s). property. To the best know- Book 21551, Page 796, of the
The property has approxim- 15-247-03-013, Lot-100) Zoning District. The Page 101, aforesaid records, The sale will be ledge and belief of the under- DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
ately 53 feet of frontage along 15-247-03-014, 15-247-03-015, property is located on the east will be sold at public outcry to conducted subject to 1) con- signed, the party (or parties) in cords; as last assigned to Car-
Ward Lake Way and contains 15-247-03-016, 15-248-06-005, side of Princeton Park Court, at the highest bidder for cash be- firmation that the sale is not possession of the subject prop- rington Mortgage Services, LLC
0.18 acre. 15-248-06-006, 6651 Princeton Park Court in fore the courthouse door of prohibited under the U.S. Bank- erty is (are): RICKEY NELSON (Secured Creditor); conveying
15-248-06-007, 15-248-06-008, Lithonia, Georgia. The prop- Dekalb County, Georgia, or at ruptcy code and or tenant or tenants. the after-described property to
N5-2022-2536 Z-23-1246173 15-248-06-009, 15-248-06-010, erty has approximately 92 feet such place as has or may be 2) final confirmation and audit Said property will be sold sub- secure a Note in the original
Commission District 01 Super 15-248-06-011, of frontage along Princeton lawfully designated as an al- of the status of the loan with ject to (a) any outstanding ad principal amount of $92,784.00
District 07 15-248-06-012,15-248-06-025 Park Court and contains 0.36 ternative location, within the the holder of the Security Deed. valorem taxes (including taxes with interest thereon as set
18-286-01-003 745 ARCADIA AVE, DEC- acre. legal hours of sale on AmeriHome Mortgage Com- which are a lien, but not yet forth therein, there will be sold
3964 CHAMBLEE-TUCKER ATUR, GA 30030 the first Tuesday in February, pany, LLC due and payable), (b) any mat- at public outcry to the highest
RD, DORAVILLE, GA 30340 N11-2022-2542 TA-23- 2023, all property described in as Attorney-in-Fact for ters which might be disclosed bidder for cash before the
Application of WSE Develop- 1246147 County-wide said Security Deed including Lenworth Mumby by an accurate survey and in- courthouse door of DeKalb
Application of Atlanta Sanaton ment, LLC c/o Dennis Webb, but not Contact: spection of the property, and County, Georgia, within the leg-
Associates c/o Battle Law, P.C. Jr. to rezone properties from Application of the Director of limited to the following de- Padgett Law Group: 6267 Old (c) all matters of record superi- al hours of sale on the first
to rezone property from R-100 MR-2 (Medium Density Resid- Planning & Sustainability for a scribed property: Water Oak Road, Suite 203, or to the Deed to Secure Debt TUESDAY in March, 2023, the
(Residential Medium Lot-100) ential-2) zoning district and R- text amendment to the Zoning ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Tallahassee, FL 32312; (850) first set out above, including, following described property:
zoning district to OIT (Office-In- 75 (Residential Medium Lot-75) Ordinance, Chapter 27, Sec- CEL OF LAND LYING AND 422-2520 but not limited to, assessments, All that tract or parcel of land ly-
stitutional Transitional) zoning zoning district to HR-2 (High tion 2.24.1, Table 2.2 (Non- BEING IN LAND LOT 161 OF Ad Run Dates: 01/12/2023; liens, encumbrances, zoning ing and being in Land Lot 72 of
district to allow for a place of Density Residential-2) zoning Residential Zoning Districts Di- THE 16TH 01/19/2023; 01/26/2023; ordinances, easements, restric- the 18th District of DeKalb
worship. The property is loc- district to allow for the construc- mensional Requirements) to re- DISTRICT OF DEKALB 02/02/2023; 12/15/22; tions, covenants, etc. County, Georgia, being Lot 69,
ated on the northeast side of tion of multi-family apartments. duce or eliminate the minimum COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING 12/22/22; 12/29/22; The sale will be conducted sub- Block D, Countryside Manor
Chamblee Tucker Road, ap- The property is located on the multi-family unit size in the O-I LOT 16, BLOCK C, STONE- 01/05/23 ject to (1) confirmation that the Subdivision, Phase 2, as per
proximately 130 feet north of west side of Arcadia Avenue (Office Institutional) Zoning Dis- MILL MANOR, ++Case #: 22-004892- sale is not prohibited under the plat thereof recorded in Plat
Bolissa Drive, at 3964 along both sides of Derrydown trict. This text amendment is UNIT ONE; AS PER RECOR- 1/Mumby++ U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2) Book 78, Pages 64-65, DeKalb
Chamblee Tucker Road in Way and the north side of County-wide. DED AT PLAT BOOK 85, O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1; County Records, which plat is
al hours of sale on the first tenant(s). the secured creditor. ject (1) to confirmation that the BEING THE SAME PROP-
TUESDAY in March, 2023, the Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC The property is or may be in sale is not prohibited under the ERTY CONVEYED BY WAR-
following described property: as Attorney-in-Fact for Jason the possession of The Repres- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) RANTY DEED
All that tract or parcel of land ly- Felton entative of the Estate of Jim- to final confirmation and audit GRANTOR: OAKVALE
ing and being in Land Lot 72 of ++File no. 22-079723/Felton++ mie Rush, successor in in- of the status of the loan with HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENT
the 18th District of DeKalb LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* terest or tenant(s). the secured creditor. CO., INC.
Page 40
County, Georgia, being Lot 69,
Block D, Countryside Manor
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023 
Attorneys and Counselors at
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as At-
torney-in-Fact for Jimmie Rush
The property is or may be in
the possession of Angela R
DATED: 06/13/1997
Subdivision, Phase 2, as per 420-471875 12/29,1/5,1/12 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, ++File no. 22-079622/Rush++ Ballew, successor in interest or Case #: 22-009325-1 420-471901 12/29,1/5,1/12
plat thereof recorded in Plat 1/19,1/26,2/2 N.E., Suite 300 LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* tenant(s). RECORDED: 06/18/1997 1/19,1/26,2/2
Book 78, Pages 64-65, DeKalb STATE OF GEORGIA Atlanta, GA 30346 Attorneys and Counselors at U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- DOC# /BOOK-PAGE: 09491- STATE OF GEORGIA
County Records, which plat is COUNTY OF DEKALB (770) 220-2535/GR Law ciation, not in its individual ca- 0200 COUNTY OF DEKALB
incorporated herein by refer- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, pacity but solely as owner trust- LIMITED WARRANTY DEED NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
ence. POWER *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING N.E., Suite 300 ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust ADDRESS: 6096 WATERTON POWER
The indebtedness secured by Because of a default under the AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. Atlanta, GA 30346 c/o U.S. Bank Trust National DR , LITHONIA, GA 30058 Because of a default under the
said Security Deed has been terms of the Security Deed ex- ANY INFORMATION OB- (770) 220-2535/GR Association as Attorney-in-Fact Said property may more com- terms of the Security Deed ex-
and is hereby declared due and ecuted by Jason Felton to Mort- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR for Angela R. Ballew monly be known as 6096 Wa- ecuted by Charlie Bailey, Sr. to
payable because of, among gage Electronic Registration THAT PURPOSE. *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING ++File no. 13-039953/Ballew++ terton Drive, Lithonia, GA Washington Mutual Bank, FA
other possible events of de- Systems, Inc., as Nominee for AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* 30058. dated August 25, 2003, and re-
fault, non-payment of the Homestar Financial Corp. dated 420-471876 12/29,1/5,1/12 ANY INFORMATION OB - Attorneys and Counselors at The debt secured by said Se- corded in Deed Book 15214,
monthly installments as re- October 17, 2016, and recor- 1/19,1/26,2/2 TAINED WILL BE USED FOR Law curity Deed has been and is Page 348, as last modified in
quired by said Note and Secur- ded in Deed Book 25873, Page STATE OF GEORGIA THAT PURPOSE. 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, hereby declared due because Deed Book 26165, Page 488,
ity Deed. The debt remaining in 383, DeKalb County Records, COUNTY OF DEKALB N.E., Suite 300 of, among DeKalb County Records, said
default, this sale will be made said Security Deed having NOTICE OF SALE UNDER 420-471877 12/29,1/5,1/12 Atlanta, GA 30346 other possible events of de- Security Deed having been last
for the purpose of paying the been last sold, assigned, trans- POWER 1/19,1/26,2/2 (770) 220-2535/scd fault, non-payment of the sold, assigned, transferred and
same and all expenses of this ferred and conveyed to Because of a default under the STATE OF GEORGIA monthly installments on said conveyed to Wells Fargo Bank,
sale, as provided in the Secur- Lakeview Loan Servicing, se- terms of the Security Deed ex- COUNTY OF DEKALB *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING loan. The debt NA, securing a Note in the ori-
ity Deed and by law, including curing a Note in the original ecuted by Jimmie Rush to NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. remaining in default, this sale ginal principal amount of
attorney's fees (notice of intent principal amount of Mortgage Electronic Registra- POWER ANY INFORMATION OB - will be made for the purpose of $130,019.00, the holder there-
to collect attorney’s fees hav- $119,790.00, the holder there- tion Systems, Inc., as Nominee Because of a default under the TAINED WILL BE USED FOR paying the same and all ex- of pursuant to said Deed and
ing been given) and all other of pursuant to said Deed and for American Freedom Mort- terms of the Security Deed ex- THAT PURPOSE. penses of this Note thereby secured has de-
payments provided for under Note thereby secured has de- gage Inc dated September 15, ecuted by Angela R. Ballew to sale, including attorney’s fees clared the entire amount of said
the terms of the Security Deed clared the entire amount of said 2005, and recorded in Deed Mortgage Electronic Registra- 420-471879 12/29,1/5,1/12 (notice of intent to collect attor- indebtedness due and payable
and Note. indebtedness due and payable Book 17931, Page 706, DeKalb tion Systems, Inc. as nominee 1/19,1/26,2/2 ney’s fees having been given). and, pursuant to the power of
Said property will be sold sub- and, pursuant to the power of County Records, said Security for American Freedom Mort- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER The individual or entity that has sale contained in said Deed,
ject to any outstanding ad sale contained in said Deed, Deed having been last sold, as- gage Inc. dated August 10, POWER full authority to negotiate, will on the first Tuesday, Febru-
valorem taxes (including taxes will on the first Tuesday, Febru- signed, transferred and con- 2005, and recorded in Deed STATE OF GEORGIA, amend and modify all terms of ary 7, 2023, during the legal
which are a lien, but not yet ary 7, 2023, during the legal veyed to Wells Fargo Bank, Book 17836, Page 114, DeKalb COUNTY OF DEKALB the hours of sale, before the Court-
due and payable), any matters hours of sale, before the Court- NA, securing a Note in the ori- County Records, said Security By virtue of a Power of Sale loan is PennyMac Loan Ser- house door in said County, sell
which might be disclosed by an house door in said County, sell ginal principal amount of Deed having been last sold, as- contained in that certain Secur- vices, LLC, 3043 Townsgate at public outcry to the highest
accurate survey and inspection at public outcry to the highest $143,000.00, the holder there- signed, transferred and con- ity Deed from Cora L. Banks to Rd., Westlake Village, CA bidder for cash, the property
of the property, any assess- bidder for cash, the property of pursuant to said Deed and veyed to U.S. Bank Trust Na- Mortgage Electronic Registra- 91361. described in said Deed, to-wit:
ments or easements, liens, described in said Deed, to-wit: Note thereby secured has de- tional Association, not in its in- tion Systems, Inc. as nominee Said property will be sold on an ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
zoning ordinances, restrictions, All that tract or parcel of land ly- clared the entire amount of said dividual capacity but solely as for Pennymac Loan Services, “as-is” basis without any rep- CEL OF LAND LYING AND
covenants, and any security ing and being in Land Lot 115 indebtedness due and payable owner trustee for RCF 2 Ac- LLC, dated resentation, warranty or re- BEING IN LAND LOT 211 OF
deeds, mortgages or deeds of of the 15th District of DeKalb and, pursuant to the power of quisition Trust at C/O Selene March 24, 2018 and recorded course THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB
trust or any matters of record County, Georgia, being known sale contained in said Deed, Finance LP, securing a Note in on April 2, 2018 in Deed Book against the above-named or COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
superior to the Security Deed and designated as Lot 7, Block will on the first Tuesday, Febru- the original principal amount of 26830, Page 729, in the Office the undersigned. The sale will LOT 1, MRS. NANCY W.
first set out above. G, of Bouldercrest Acres Subdi- ary 7, 2023, during the legal $273,000.00, the holder there- of the also be subject to the following RIVERS PROPERTY, AS PER
The sale will be conducted sub- vision, Unit No. 1, according to hours of sale, before the Court- of pursuant to said Deed and Clerk of Superior Court of items which PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT
ject (1) to confirmation that the plat recorded in Plat Book 23, house door in said County, sell Note thereby secured has de- Dekalb County, Georgia, said may affect the title: a) zoning BOOK 41, PAGE 43, DEKALB
sale is not prohibited under the Page 88, DeKalb County Re- at public outcry to the highest clared the entire amount of said Security Deed having been giv- ordinances; b) matters which COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) cords, and being improved bidder for cash, the property indebtedness due and payable en to secure a would be disclosed by an ac- CORDS, SAID PLAT BEING
to final confirmation and audit property with a house thereon described in said Deed, to-wit: and, pursuant to the power of Note of even date, in the origin- curate survey INCORPORATED HEREIN
of the status of the loan with and known as No. 2053 ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- sale contained in said Deed, al principal amount of Eighty- or by an inspection of the prop- AND MADE REFERENCE
the holder of the security deed. Brannen Road, according to CEL OF LAND LYING AND will on the first Tuesday, Febru- Eight Thousand Eight Hundred erty; c) any outstanding ad HERETO.
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section the present system of number- BEING IN LAND LOT 94 OF ary 7, 2023, during the legal Ninety- valorem taxes, including taxes, Said property is known as 214
9-13-172.1, which allows for ing houses in DeKalb County, THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB hours of sale, before the Court- One and 00/100 dollars which Kirkwood Road NE, Atlanta, GA
certain procedures regarding Georgia. COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING house door in said County, sell ($88,891.00) with interest constitute liens upon said prop- 30317, together with all fix-
the rescission of judicial and Said property is known as 2053 LOT 3, BLOCK B, GEORGIAN at public outcry to the highest thereon as provided therein, as erty whether or not now due tures and personal property at-
non-judicial sales in the State Brannen Road SE, Atlanta, GA WOODS SUBDIVISION, UNIT bidder for cash, the property last transferred to and payable; d) special assess- tached to and constituting a
of Georgia, the Deed Under 30316, together with all fix- ONE, AS PER PLAT RECOR- described in said Deed, to-wit: Pennymac Loan Services, LLC, ments; e) the part of said property, if any.
Power and other foreclosure tures and personal property at- DED IN PLAT BOOK 47, PAGE All that tract or parcel of land ly- recorded in Deed Book 30488, right of redemption of any tax- Said property will be sold sub-
documents may not be tached to and constituting a 77, DEKALB COUNTY RE- ing and being in Land Lot 212 Page 114, aforesaid records, ing authority; f) all outstanding ject to any outstanding ad
provided until final confirmation part of said property, if any. CORDS, WHICH SAID PLAT of the 15th District DeKalb will be bills for public utilities which valorem taxes (including taxes
and audit of the status of the Said property will be sold sub- IS INCORPORATED HEREIN County, Georgia, being Lot 102 sold at public outcry to the constitute which are a lien, whether or not
loan as provided immediately ject to any outstanding ad BY THIS REFERENCE AND of Mutual Home Builders, Inc., highest bidder for cash before liens upon said property; g) all now due and payable), the right
above. valorem taxes (including taxes MADE A PART OF THIS DE- as per plat recorded in Plat the courthouse door of Dekalb restrictive covenants, ease- of redemption of any taxing au-
The entity that has full author- which are a lien, whether or not SCRIPTION; BEING IM- Book 9, page 98 DeKalb County, ments, rights-of-way and any thority, any matters which might
ity to negotiate, amend, and now due and payable), the right PROVED PROPERTY. County records, which plat is Georgia, or at such place as other matters of be disclosed by an accurate
modify all terms of the mort- of redemption of any taxing au- Said property is known as 3180 incorporated herein by refer- has or may be lawfully desig- record superior to said Security survey and inspection of the
gage with the debtor is: Car- thority, any matters which might Lamp Post Ct, Decatur, GA ence and made a part hereof, nated as an alternative loca- Deed. To the best of the know- property, any assessments, li-
rington Mortgage Services, be disclosed by an accurate 30034-5108, together with all all according to a survey pre- tion, within the ledge and belief of the under- ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
LLC, 1600 South Douglass survey and inspection of the fixtures and personal property pared by Foster Land Survey- legal hours of sale on the first signed, the dinances, restrictions, coven-
Road, Suite 200-A, Anaheim, property, any assessments, li- attached to and constituting a ing, dated 08/12/96. Tuesday in February, 2023, all owners and party in posses- ants, and matters of record su-
CA 92806, 1-800-561-4567. ens, encumbrances, zoning or- part of said property, if any. Said property is known as 348 property described in said Se- sion of the property are Cora L. perior to the Security Deed first
Please understand that the se- dinances, restrictions, coven- Said property will be sold sub- Sisson Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA curity Deed Banks and or tenant(s). The set out above.
cured creditor is not required to ants, and matters of record su- ject to any outstanding ad 30317, together with all fix- including but not limited to the sale will be The proceeds of said sale will
negotiate, amend, or modify the perior to the Security Deed first valorem taxes (including taxes tures and personal property at- following described property: conducted subject to 1) con- be applied to the payment of
terms of the mortgage instru- set out above. which are a lien, whether or not tached to and constituting a SITUATED IN THE 16TH DIS- firmation that the sale is not said indebtedness and all ex-
ment. The proceeds of said sale will now due and payable), the right part of said property, if any. TRICT, COUNTY OF DEKALB, prohibited under the U.S. Bank- penses of said sale as provided
To the best of the be applied to the payment of of redemption of any taxing au- Said property will be sold sub- STATE OF GEORGIA: ruptcy code and in said Deed, and the balance,
undersigned's knowledge and said indebtedness and all ex- thority, any matters which might ject to any outstanding ad ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 2) final confirmation and audit if any, will be distributed as
belief, said property is also penses of said sale as provided be disclosed by an accurate valorem taxes (including taxes CEL OF LAND LYING AND of the status of the loan with provided by law.
known as 5068 Brittany Drive, in said Deed, and the balance, survey and inspection of the which are a lien, whether or not BEING IN LAND LOT 92 OF the holder of the Security Deed. The sale will be conducted sub-
Stone Mountain, GA 30083, if any, will be distributed as property, any assessments, li- now due and payable), the right THE 16TH PennyMac Loan Services, LLC ject (1) to confirmation that the
and the party in possession of provided by law. ens, encumbrances, zoning or- of redemption of any taxing au- DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, Case #: 22-009325-1 sale is not prohibited under the
the property is/are ++DEBRA The sale will be conducted sub- dinances, restrictions, coven- thority, any matters which might GEORGIA, BEING LOT 53 OF as Attorney-in-Fact for U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
D. LITZINGER++ or a tenant or ject (1) to confirmation that the ants, and matters of record su- be disclosed by an accurate WATERTON SUBDIVISION, Cora L. Banks to final confirmation and audit
tenants of said property. sale is not prohibited under the perior to the Security Deed first survey and inspection of the UNIT Contact: of the status of the loan with
Carrington Mortgage Services, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) set out above. property, any assessments, li- ONE, AS PER PLAT RECOR- Padgett Law Group: 6267 Old the secured creditor.
LLC to final confirmation and audit The proceeds of said sale will ens, encumbrances, zoning or- DED IN PLAT BOOK 102, Water Oak Road, Suite 203, The property is or may be in
As Attorney-in-Fact for of the status of the loan with be applied to the payment of dinances, restrictions, coven- PAGES 40-42 IN THE OFFICE Tallahassee, FL 32312; (850) the possession of The Repres-
DEBRA D. LITZINGER the secured creditor. said indebtedness and all ex- ants, and matters of record su- OF THE 422-2520 entative of the Estate of Charlie
SOLOMON | BAGGETT, LLC The property is or may be in penses of said sale as provided perior to the Security Deed first CLERK OF SUPERIOR Ad Run Dates: 12/29/22; Bailey, Sr, successor in in-
3763 Rogers Bridge Road the possession of Jason Felton, in said Deed, and the balance, set out above. COURT OF DEKALB 01/05/23; 01/12/23; 01/19/23; terest or tenant(s).
Duluth, GA 30097 successor in interest or if any, will be distributed as The proceeds of said sale will COUNTY, GEORGIA, WHICH 01/26/2023; 02/02/2023 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as At-
(678) 243-2515 tenant(s). provided by law. be applied to the payment of RECORDED PLAT IS Case #: ++22-009325- torney-in-Fact for Charlie
THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC The sale will be conducted sub- said indebtedness and all ex- INCORPORATED HEREIN BY 1/Banks++ Bailey, Sr.
A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- as Attorney-in-Fact for Jason ject (1) to confirmation that the penses of said sale as provided REFERENCE AND MADE A File no. ++22-079748/Bailey,
TEMPTING TO COLLECT A Felton sale is not prohibited under the in said Deed, and the balance, PART OF THIS DISCRIPTION. Sr.++
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION ++File no. 22-079723/Felton++ U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) if any, will be distributed as TAX IS NO: 16 092 01 045 LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP*
OBTAINED WILL BE USED LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* to final confirmation and audit provided by law. (PARCEL ID) 2898273 (PIN Attorneys and Counselors at
FOR THAT PURPOSE. Attorneys and Counselors at of the status of the loan with The sale will be conducted sub- NUMBER) Law
Publish: 12/29/22, 1/5/23, Law the secured creditor. ject (1) to confirmation that the BEING THE SAME PROP- 211 Perimeter Center Parkway,
1/12/23, 1/19/23, 1/26/23, 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, The property is or may be in sale is not prohibited under the ERTY CONVEYED BY WAR- N.E., Suite 300
2/2/23, 2/9/23, 2/16/23, N.E., Suite 300 the possession of The Repres- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) RANTY DEED Atlanta, GA 30346
2 / 2 3 / 2 3 , 3 /2 / 2 3 Atlanta, GA 30346 entative of the Estate of Jim- to final confirmation and audit GRANTOR: OAKVALE (770) 220-2535/GR
(770) 220-2535/GR mie Rush, successor in in- of the status of the loan with HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENT terest or tenant(s). the secured creditor. CO., INC. *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING
*THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as At- The property is or may be in GRANTEE: CORA L. BANKS AS A DEBT COLLECTOR.
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. torney-in-Fact for Jimmie Rush the possession of Angela R DATED: 06/13/1997 ANY INFORMATION OB-
ANY INFORMATION OB- ++File no. 22-079622/Rush++ Ballew, successor in interest or Case #: 22-009325-1 TAINED WILL BE USED FOR
THAT PURPOSE. Attorneys and Counselors at U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- DOC# /BOOK-PAGE: 09491-
Law ciation, not in its individual ca- 0200
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as At- en, whether or not yet due and 34, PAGE 26 DEKALB The name, address, and tele- collect attorney’s fees having THE 11TH DISTRICT, DEKALB
torney-in-Fact for Charlie payable); (2) the right of re- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- phone number of the individual been given). COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
Bailey, Sr. demption of any taxing author- CORDS. or entity who has full authority Said property will be sold sub- LOT 20, BLOCK E, RIVER-
File no. ++22-079748/Bailey, ity; (3) any matters which might THE IMPROVEMENTS to negotiate, amend, and modi- ject to the following: (1) any BEND OVERLOOK SUBDIVI-
Sr.++ be disclosed by an accurate THEREON BEIGN KNOWN AS fy all terms of the mortgage is outstanding ad valorem taxes SION, UNIT TWO, PHASE
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* survey and inspection of the 3408 ALCAN WAY. as follows: (including taxes which are a li- TWO, AS PER PLAT RECOR-

Attorneys and Counselors at The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 41
property; and (4) any assess- BEING THE SAME LOT OF U.S. Bank National Association en, whether or not yet due and DED IN PLAT BOOK 128,
Law ments, liens, encumbrances, GROUND WHICH BY DEED 4801 Frederica Street payable); (2) the right of re- PAGES 30-36, DEKALB
211 Perimeter Center Parkway, zoning ordinances, restrictions, DATED APRIL 15, 2004 AND 420-471975 1/5,2/9,2/16 Owensboro, KY 42301 demption of any taxing author- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
N.E., Suite 300 covenants, and matters of re- RECORDED AMONG THE 2/23,3/2 855-MYUSMAP (855-698- ity; (3) any matters which might CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN-
Atlanta, GA 30346 cord superior to the Security LAND RECORDS OF DEKALB STATE OF GEORGIA 7627) be disclosed by an accurate CORPORATED HEREIN BY
(770) 220-2535/GR Deed first set out above. COUNTY IN LIBER 16037, COUNTY OF DEKALB Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. survey and inspection of the REFERENCE AND MADE A Said sale will be conducted FOLLO 11 WAS GRANTED NOTICE OF SALE UNDER § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- property; and (4) any assess- PART OF THIS DESCRIP-
*THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING subject to the following: (1) AND CONVEYED FROM POWER vidual or entity is not required ments, liens, encumbrances, TION.
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. confirmation that the sale is not METRO ATLANTIC RECOV- Pursuant to the power of sale by law to negotiate, amend, or zoning ordinances, restrictions, Said legal description being
ANY INFORMATION OB- prohibited under the U.S. Bank- ERY RESIDENCE, INC. UNTO contained in the Security Deed modify the terms of the mort- covenants, and matters of re- controlling, however the prop-
TAINED WILL BE USED FOR ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- JAMES L. EXKMAN, THE executed by JOSE M ROJAS gage. cord superior to the Security erty is more commonly known
THAT PURPOSE. firmation and audit of the status WITHIN BORROWER(S), IN to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING Deed first set out above. as 6241 SERENA CV,
420-471973 1/5,1/12,1/19 of the loan with the holder of FEE SIMPLE. REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- Said sale will be conducted LITHONIA, GA 30038.
1/26,2/2 the Security Deed. Said property being known as: INC. AS NOMINEE FOR TEMPTING TO COLLECT A subject to the following: (1) The indebtedness secured by
STATE OF GEORGIA The name, address, and tele- 3408 ALCAN WAY TUCKER, HOMEOWNERS MORTGAGE DEBT. ANY INFORMATION confirmation that the sale is not said Security Deed has been
COUNTY OF DEKALB phone number of the individual GA 30084 OF AMERICA, INC. in the ori- OBTAINED MAY BE USED prohibited under the U.S. Bank- and is hereby declared due be-
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER or entity who has full authority To the best of the ginal principal amount of FOR THAT PURPOSE. ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- cause of default under the
POWER to negotiate, amend, and modi- undersigned’s knowledge, the $122,788.00 dated September U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- firmation and audit of the status terms of said Security Deed.
Pursuant to the power of sale fy all terms of the mortgage is party or parties in possession 28, 2007 and recorded in Deed CIATION, of the loan with the holder of The indebtedness remaining in
contained in the Security Deed as follows: of said property is/are JAMES Book 20346, Page 167, DeKalb as Attorney-in-Fact for the Security Deed. default, this sale will be made
executed by K ATHERINE Planet Home Lending, LLC L. ECKMAN or tenant(s). County records, said Security JOSE M ROJAS The name, address, and tele- for the purpose of paying the
EVETTE VEGA to MORT- 321 Research Parkway, Suite The debt secured by said Se- Deed being last transferred to Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, phone number of the individual same, all expenses of the sale,
GAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS- 303 curity Deed has been and is U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- Crane & Partners, PLLC or entity who has full authority including attorneys’ fees (no-
TRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS Meriden, CT 06450 hereby declared due and pay- CIATION in Deed Book 23835, 10700 Abbott’s Bridge Road to negotiate, amend, and modi- tice to collect same having
NOMINEE FOR HOMESTAR 1-855-884-2250 able because of, among other Page 84, DeKalb County re- Suite 170 fy all terms of the mortgage is been given) and all other pay-
FINANCIAL CORP in the ori- Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. possible events of default, fail- cords, the undersigned will sell Duluth, GA 30097 as follows: ments provided for under the
ginal principal amount of § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- ure to pay the indebtedness as at public outcry to the highest Phone: 470.321.7112 U.S. Bank National Association terms of the Security Deed.
$283,765.00 dated September vidual or entity is not required provided for in the Note and bidder for cash, before the Firm File No. ++22-034433 - 4801 Frederica Street Said property will be sold on an
24, 2020 and recorded in Deed by law to negotiate, amend, or said Security Deed. The debt Courthouse door in said LiV /ROJAS++ Owensboro, KY 42301 “as-is” basis without any rep-
Book 28697, Page 285, DeKalb modify the terms of the mort- remaining in default, this sale County, or at such other place 420-471976 1/5,2/9,2/16 855-MYUSMAP (855-698- resentation, warranty or re-
County records, said Security gage. will be made for the purpose of as lawfully designated, within 2/23,3/2 7627) course against the above-
Deed being last transferred to THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING paying the same and all ex- the legal hours of sale, on STATE OF GEORGIA Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. named or the undersigned. The
PLANET HOME LENDING, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- penses of sale, including attor- March 07, 2023, the property in COUNTY OF DEKALB § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- sale will also be subject to the
LLC in Deed Book 30655, Page TEMPTING TO COLLECT A ney’s fees (notice of intent to said Security Deed and de- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER vidual or entity is not required following items which may af-
661, DeKalb County records, DEBT. ANY INFORMATION collect attorney’s fees having scribed as follows: POWER by law to negotiate, amend, or fect the title: any outstanding
the undersigned will sell at pub- OBTAINED MAY BE USED been given). ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Pursuant to the power of sale modify the terms of the mort- ad valorem taxes (including
lic outcry to the highest bidder FOR THAT PURPOSE. Said property will be sold sub- CEL OF LAND LYING AND contained in the Security Deed gage. taxes which are a lien, whether
for cash, before the Court- PLANET HOME LENDING, ject to the following: (1) any BEING IN LAND LOT 73 OF executed by E DWARD A. THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING or not now due and payable);
house door in said County, or LLC, outstanding ad valorem taxes THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB GEORGE JR to U.S. BANK AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- the right of redemption of any
at such other place as lawfully as Attorney-in-Fact for (including taxes which are a li- COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING NATIONAL ASSOCIATION in TEMPTING TO COLLECT A taxing authority; matters which
designated, within the legal KATHERINE EVETTE VEGA en, whether or not yet due and LOT 12, BLOCK A, SHEP- the original principal amount of DEBT. ANY INFORMATION would be disclosed by an ac-
hours of sale, on February 07, Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, payable); (2) the right of re- PARD COVE SUBDIVISION, $127,850.00 dated December OBTAINED MAY BE USED curate survey or by an inspec-
2023, the property in said Se- Crane & Partners, PLLC demption of any taxing author- UNIT ONE, AS PER PLAT RE- 21, 2006 and recorded in Deed FOR THAT PURPOSE. tion of the property; all zoning
curity Deed and described as 10700 Abbott’s Bridge Road ity; (3) any matters which might CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 73, Book 19505, Page 761, DeKalb U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- ordinances; assessments; li-
follows: Suite 170 be disclosed by an accurate PAGE 117, DEKALB COUNTY County records, said Security CIATION, ens; encumbrances; restric-
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Duluth, GA 30097 survey and inspection of the RECORDS, SAID PLAT BE- Deed being last transferred to as Attorney-in-Fact for tions; covenants, and any oth-
CEL OF LAND LYING AND Phone: 470.321.7112 property; and (4) any assess- ING INCORPORATED U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- EDWARD A. GEORGE JR er matters of record superior to
BEING IN LAND LOT NO. 322, Firm File No.++ 22-084767 - ments, liens, encumbrances, HEREIN BY REFERENCE CIATION in Deed Book 24195, Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, said Security Deed.
OF THE 18TH DISTRICT, OF DaG / VEGA++ zoning ordinances, restrictions, THERETO. Page 793, DeKalb County re- Crane & Partners, PLLC To the best of the knowledge
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, covenants, and matters of re- TAX ID: 18 073 01 228 cords, the undersigned will sell 10700 Abbott’s Bridge Road and belief of the undersigned,
BEING UNIT NO. 2, BUILD- 420-471974 1/5,1/12,1/19 cord superior to the Security Said property being known as: at public outcry to the highest Suite 170 the owner and party in posses-
ING 1, FLOWERS GATE 1/26,2/2 Deed first set out above. 839 SHEPPARD COVE bidder for cash, before the Duluth, GA 30097 sion of the property is AUDREY
TOWNHOMES SUBDIVISION, STATE OF GEORGIA Said sale will be conducted STONE MOUNTAIN, GA, GA Courthouse door in said Phone: 470.321.7112 TYLER, ESTATE AND/OR
AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN COUNTY OF DEKALB subject to the following: (1) 30083 County, or at such other place Firm File No. ++22-076146 - HEIRS-AT-LAW OF AUDREY
PLAT BOOK 148, PAGES 37- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER confirmation that the sale is not To the best of the as lawfully designated, within DaG/GEORGE JR++ TYLER , EBONEE TYLER, or
38, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- POWER prohibited under the U.S. Bank- undersigned’s knowledge, the the legal hours of sale, on tenants(s).
GIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT Pursuant to the power of sale ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- party or parties in possession March 07, 2023, the property in 420-471977 1/5,2/9,2/16 The sale will be conducted sub-
IS HEREBY ADOPTED AND contained in the Security Deed firmation and audit of the status of said property is/are JOSE M said Security Deed and de- 2/23,3/2 ject (1) to confirmation that the
MADE A PART HEREOF BY executed by JAMES L. ECK- of the loan with the holder of ROJAS or tenant(s). scribed as follows: NOTICE OF SALE UNDER sale is not prohibited under the
REFERENCE THERETO FOR MAN to MORTGAGE ELEC- the Security Deed. The debt secured by said Se- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- POWER U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
A MORE COMPLETE DE- TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N The name, address, and tele- curity Deed has been and is CEL OF LAND LYING AND GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY to final confirmation and audit
SCRIPTION OF SAID PROP- SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMIN- phone number of the individual hereby declared due and pay- BEING IN LAND LOT 122, By virtue of a Power of Sale of the status of the loan with
ERTY. SAID PROPERTY BE- EE FOR PROFESSIONAL or entity who has full authority able because of, among other 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB contained in that certain Secur- the holder of the Security Deed.
ING IMPROVED PROPERTY MORTGAGE SOURCE LLC in to negotiate, amend, and modi- possible events of default, fail- COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- ity Deed from AUDREY TYLER The entity having full authority
NOW OR FORMERLY the original principal amount of fy all terms of the mortgage is ure to pay the indebtedness as ING LOT 14, BLOCK K, to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC to negotiate, amend or modify
KNOWN AS 4029 CAITLYN $182,988.00 dated September as follows: provided for in the Note and STONEBRIDGE CREEK ES- REGISTRATION SYSTEMS all terms of the loan (although
PLACE, ACCORDING TO THE 23, 2008 and recorded in Deed U.S. Bank National Association said Security Deed. The debt TATES, UNIT II, AS PER PLAT INC. AS GRANTEE, AS NOM- not required by law to do so) is:
PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- Book 21083, Page 226, DeKalb 4801 Frederica Street remaining in default, this sale FILED AND RECORDED AT INEE FOR EVERETT FINAN- PennyMac Loan Services, LLC,
BERING IN DEKALB COUNTY, County records, said Security Owensboro, KY 42301 will be made for the purpose of PLAT BOOK 118, PAGES 46- CIAL, INC. D/B/A SUPREME Loss Mitigation Dept., 3043
GEORGIA. Deed being last transferred to 855-MYUSMAP (855-698- paying the same and all ex- 52, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- LENDING, dated June 27, Townsgate Road Suite 200,
Said property being known as: U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- 7627) penses of sale, including attor- GIA RECORDS, WHICH RE- 2016, recorded July 8, 2016, in Westlake Village, CA 91361,
4029 CAITLYN PL CIATION in Deed Book 23747, Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. ney’s fees (notice of intent to CORDED PLAT IS INCOR- Deed Book 25659, Page 600, Telephone Number: 1-866-549-
DORAVILLE, GA 30360 Page 347, DeKalb County re- § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- collect attorney’s fees having PORATED HEREIN BY REF- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- 3583. Nothing in O.C.G.A. Sec-
To the best of the cords, the undersigned will sell vidual or entity is not required been given). ERENCE FOR A MORE COM- cords, said Security Deed hav- tion 44-14-162.2 shall be con-
undersigned’s knowledge, the at public outcry to the highest by law to negotiate, amend, or Said property will be sold sub- PLETE DESCRIPTION OF ing been given to secure a strued to require a secured
party or parties in possession bidder for cash, before the modify the terms of the mort- ject to the following: (1) any SAID PROPERTY. Note of even date in the origin- creditor to negotiate, amend, or
of said property is/are KATH- Courthouse door in said gage. outstanding ad valorem taxes Said property being known as: al principal amount of One modify the terms of the mort-
ERINE EVETTE VEGA or ten- County, or at such other place THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING (including taxes which are a li- 3 070 STONEBRIDGE CK Hundred Six Thousand Five gage instrument.
ant(s). as lawfully designated, within AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- en, whether or not yet due and LITHONIA, GA 30058 Hundred Thirty-Four and PENNYMAC LOAN SER-
The debt secured by said Se- the legal hours of sale, on Feb- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A payable); (2) the right of re- To the best of the 00/100 dollars ($106,534.00), VICES, LLC
curity Deed has been and is ruary 07, 2023, the property in DEBT. ANY INFORMATION demption of any taxing author- undersigned’s knowledge, the with interest thereon as as Attorney in Fact for
hereby declared due and pay- said Security Deed and de- OBTAINED MAY BE USED ity; (3) any matters which might party or parties in possession provided for therein, said Se- AUDREY TYLER
able because of, among other scribed as follows: FOR THAT PURPOSE. be disclosed by an accurate of said property is/are ED- curity Deed having been last THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY
possible events of default, fail- ALL THAT LOT OR PARCEL U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- survey and inspection of the WARD A. GEORGE JR or ten- sold, assigned and transferred BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS
ure to pay the indebtedness as OF GROUND SITUATE, LY- CIATION, property; and (4) any assess- ant(s). to PennyMac Loan Services, A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN-
provided for in the Note and ING AND BEING IN DEKALB as Attorney-in-Fact for ments, liens, encumbrances, The debt secured by said Se- LLC, there will be sold at pub- DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO,
said Security Deed. The debt COUNTY, STATE OF GEOR- JAMES L. ECKMAN zoning ordinances, restrictions, curity Deed has been and is lic outcry to the highest bidder ANY INFORMATION OB -
remaining in default, this sale GIA, AND BEING MORE PAR- Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, covenants, and matters of re- hereby declared due and pay- for cash at the DeKalb County TAINED WILL BE USED FOR
will be made for the purpose of TICULARLY DESCRIBED AS Crane & Partners, PLLC cord superior to the Security able because of, among other Courthouse, within the legal THAT PURPOSE.
paying the same and all ex- FOLLOWS: 10700 Abbott’s Bridge Road Deed first set out above. possible events of default, fail- hours of sale on the first Tues- Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin,
penses of sale, including attor- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Suite 170 Said sale will be conducted ure to pay the indebtedness as day in March, 2023, all prop- LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place,
ney’s fees (notice of intent to CEL OF LAND LYING AND Duluth, GA 30097 subject to the following: (1) provided for in the Note and erty described in said Security Suite 100, Peachtree Corners,
collect attorney’s fees having BEING IN LAND LOT 144 OF Phone: 470.321.7112 confirmation that the sale is not said Security Deed. The debt Deed including but not limited GA 30071
been given). THE 18TH ELECTION DIS- Firm File No. ++22-084399 - prohibited under the U.S. Bank- remaining in default, this sale to the following described prop- Telephone Number: (877) 813-
Said property will be sold sub- TRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, TiT /ECKMAN++ ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- will be made for the purpose of erty: 0992 Case No. ++PNY-22-
ject to the following: (1) any GEORGIA AND BEING LOT 2 firmation and audit of the status paying the same and all ex- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 05299-2/TYLER++
outstanding ad valorem taxes R.E. MOADAME PROPERTY, of the loan with the holder of penses of sale, including attor- CEL OF LAND LYING AND Ad Run Dates 01/05/2023,
(including taxes which are a li- RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK the Security Deed. ney’s fees (notice of intent to BEING IN LAND LOT 231 OF 02/09/2023, 02/16/2023,
en, whether or not yet due and 34, PAGE 26 DEKALB The name, address, and tele- collect attorney’s fees having THE 11TH DISTRICT, DEKALB 02/23/2023, 03/02/2023
payable); (2) the right of re- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- phone number of the individual been given). COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
demption of any taxing author- CORDS. or entity who has full authority Said property will be sold sub- LOT 20, BLOCK E, RIVER-
ity; (3) any matters which might THE IMPROVEMENTS to negotiate, amend, and modi- ject to the following: (1) any BEND OVERLOOK SUBDIVI-
be disclosed by an accurate THEREON BEIGN KNOWN AS fy all terms of the mortgage is outstanding ad valorem taxes SION, UNIT TWO, PHASE
survey and inspection of the 3408 ALCAN WAY. as follows: (including taxes which are a li- TWO, AS PER PLAT RECOR-
property; and (4) any assess- BEING THE SAME LOT OF U.S. Bank National Association en, whether or not yet due and DED IN PLAT BOOK 128,
ments, liens, encumbrances, GROUND WHICH BY DEED 4801 Frederica Street payable); (2) the right of re- PAGES 30-36, DEKALB
zoning ordinances, restrictions, DATED APRIL 15, 2004 AND Owensboro, KY 42301 demption of any taxing author- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
covenants, and matters of re- RECORDED AMONG THE 855-MYUSMAP (855-698- ity; (3) any matters which might CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN-
cord superior to the Security LAND RECORDS OF DEKALB 7627) be disclosed by an accurate CORPORATED HEREIN BY
Deed first set out above. COUNTY IN LIBER 16037, Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. survey and inspection of the REFERENCE AND MADE A
party or parties in possession Mortgage Services, LLC by as- status of the loan as provided
of said property is/are RUBY signment that is or to be recor- in the preceding paragraph.
POPE GORDON or tenant(s). ded in the DeKalb County, Funds used at sale shall be in
The debt secured by said Se- Georgia Records, there will be certified funds and payable to
curity Deed has been and is sold by the undersigned at pub- “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg,
hereby declared due and pay- lic outcry to the highest bidder LLC”.
Page 42 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023 
able because of, among other
possible events of default, fail-
for cash at the DeKalb County
Courthouse within the legal
Carrington Mortgage Services,
LLC as Attorney in Fact for
420-472020 1/5,1/12,1/19 ure to pay the indebtedness as hours of sale on the first Tues- ++Czatorrie M. Garrett++
1/26,2/2 provided for in the Note and day in February, 2023, the fol- Any information obtained on
STATE OF GEORGIA said Security Deed. The debt lowing described property: this matter may be used by the
COUNTY OF DEKALB remaining in default, this sale All that tract or parcel of land ly- debt collector to collect the
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER will be made for the purpose of ing and being in Land Lot 129, debt. Bell Carrington Price &
POWER paying the same and all ex- of the 15th District, DeKalb Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward
Pursuant to the power of sale penses of sale, including attor- County, Georgia Records, and Street, 2nd Floor, Columbia,
contained in the Security Deed ney’s fees (notice of intent to being Lot 184, Block E, Hair- SC 29201 (803)-509-5078. File:
executed by RUBY POPE collect attorney’s fees having ston Forrest, Phase 2, Unit 2, 22-52658
GORDON to SAFEWAY been given). as per plat recorded in Plat
MORTGAGE, INC. in the ori- Said property will be sold sub- Book 129, Pages 96-103, 040-472023 1/5
ginal principal amount of ject to the following: (1) any DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
$264,907.50 dated April 23, outstanding ad valorem taxes cords, which recorded plat is in- DEKALB COUNTY GOVERNMENT
2003 and recorded in Deed (including taxes which are a li- corporated herein by reference Advertisement for Thursday, January 5, 2023
Book 14553, Page 584, DeKalb en, whether or not yet due and for a more complete descrip-
County records, said Security payable); (2) the right of re- tion of said property. Sealed bids will be received in the Department of Purchasing and Contracting, The Maloof Center, 1300 Commerce Drive,
Deed being last transferred to demption of any taxing author- Tax ID: 1512901059 2nd Floor, Decatur, Georgia 30030, for the following until 3:00 P.M. on date(s) designated below:
BANK OF NEW YORK MEL- ity; (3) any matters which might The debt secured by said Se-
LON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. be disclosed by an accurate curity Deed has been and is
AS TRUSTEE FOR MORT- survey and inspection of the hereby declared due because REQUEST FOR ITEM CLOSING DATE
GAGE ASSETS MANAGE- property; and (4) any assess- of, among other possible
MENT SERIES I TRUST in ments, liens, encumbrances, events of default, failure to pay
Deed Book 27570, Page 627, zoning ordinances, restrictions, the indebtedness as and when
DeKalb County records, the un- covenants, and matters of re- due and in the manner 22-101554 Decals for County Vehicles January 25, 2023
dersigned will sell at public out- cord superior to the Security provided in the Note and Se-
cry to the highest bidder for Deed first set out above. curity Deed. Because the debt
cash, before the Courthouse Said sale will be conducted remains in default, this sale will
door in said County, or at such subject to the following: (1) be made for the purpose of
other place as lawfully desig- confirmation that the sale is not paying the same and all ex-
nated, within the legal hours of prohibited under the U.S. Bank- penses of this sale, as provided
sale, on February 07, 2023, the ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- in the Security Deed and by Specifications and other details will be available in the Purchasing and Contracting Department, The Maloof Center, 2nd
property in said Security Deed firmation and audit of the status law, including attorney's fees Floor, 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030. For additional information, please view the DeKalb County
and described as follows: of the loan with the holder of (notice of intent to collect attor-
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- the Security Deed. ney's fees having been given). Website at:
CEL OF LAND LYING AND The name, address, and tele- Carrington Mortgage Services,
BEING IN LAND LOT 212, phone number of the individual LLC holds the duly endorsed DeKalb County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof, to waive any technicalities, and to re-
15TH DISTRICT. DEKALB or entity who has full authority Note and is the current assign- advertise.
COUNTY. GEORGIA. BEING to negotiate, amend, and modi- ee of the Security Deed to the
LOT 16, BLOCK 6, NORTH- fy all terms of the mortgage is property. Carrington Mortgage
MOOR HOMESITES, AS PER as follows: Services, LLC is the entity with By: Michelle Butler, Procurement Manager
PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT PHH Mortgage Corporation the full authority to negotiate,
BOOK 8, PAGE 151. DEKALB 1661 Worthington Road, Suite amend, and modify all terms of
DeKalb County, Purchasing and Contracting Department
COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- 100 the loan.
CORDS AND BEING MORE West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §44-14-
PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED 866-503-5559 162.2, Carrington Mortgage
AS FOLLOWS: Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. Services, LLC may be contac-
BEGINNING AT A POINT ON § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- ted at: 1-800-790-9502 or by
THE EAST SIDE OF SISSON vidual or entity is not required writing to 1600 South Dou-
AVENUE, ONE HUNDRED by law to negotiate, amend, or glass Road, Suite 110 and 200-
(100) FEET NORTH FROM modify the terms of the mort- A, Anaheim, CA 92806-5951.
THE INTERSECTION gage. Please note that, pursuant to
OF SISSON AVENUE WITH AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- cured creditor is not required to
THE NORTH SIDE OF TEMPTING TO COLLECT A amend or modify the terms of
(FORMERLY (HARDEE OBTAINED MAY BE USED To the best knowledge and be-
STREET); SAID POINT OF BE- FOR THAT PURPOSE. lief of the undersigned, the
GINNING ALSO BEING THE BANK OF NEW YORK MEL- party/parties in possession of
NORTHWEST CORNER OF LON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. the subject property known as
EAST SIDE OF SISSON AV- as Attorney-in-Fact for tenant/tenants. Said property
ENUE, FIFTY (50) FEET TO RUBY POPE GORDON will be sold subject to (a) any
LOT 15, SAID BLOCK AND Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, outstanding ad valorem taxes
SUBDIVISION; RUNNING Crane & Partners, PLLC (including taxes which are a li-
THENCE EAST ALONG THE 10700 Abbott’s Bridge Road en, but not yet due and pay-
SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT Suite 170 able), (b) any matters which
15, ONE HUNDRED TWENTY Duluth, GA 30097 might be disclosed by an accur-
FIVE (125) FEET TO LOT 21, Phone: 470.321.7112 ate survey and inspection of
SAID BLOCK AND SUBDIVI- Firm File No.++22-078053 - the property, and (c) all mat-
SION; RUNNING THENCE LiV/GORDON++ ters of record superior to the
SOUTH ALONG THE WEST 420-472022 1/5,1/12,1/19, Security Deed first set out
LINE OF SAID LOT 21, FIFTY 1/26,2/2 above, including, but not lim-
(50) FEET TO SAID LOT 17; Notice of Sale Under Power ited to, assessments, liens, en-
RUNNING THENCE WEST State of Georgia, cumbrances, zoning ordin-
ALONG THE NORTI I LINE OF County of DeKalb ances, easements, restrictions,
SAID LOT 17, ONE HUN- Under and by virtue of the covenants, etc.
DRED TWENTY FIVE (125) Power of Sale contained in a The sale will be conducted sub-
FEET TO THE EAST SIDE OF Security Deed given by Czator- ject to (1) confirmation that the
SISSON AVENUE AND THE rie M. Garrett to Mortgage Elec- sale is not prohibited under the
POINT OF BEGINNING; BE- tronic Registration Systems, U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2)
ING IMPROVED PROPERTY Inc., as nominee for Carrington final confirmation and audit of
AND HAVING A HOUSE LOC- Mortgage Services, LLC (the the status of the loan with the
ATED THEREON KNOWN AS Secured Creditor), dated Octo- holder of the security deed.
NO 123 SISSON AVENUE, ber 16, 2019, and Recorded on Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §9-13-
N.E., ACCORDING TO THE October 21, 2019 as Book No. 172.1, which allows for certain
PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- 27872 and Page No. 506, procedures regarding the res-
BERING HOUSES IN THE DeKalb County, Georgia re- cission of judicial and nonjudi-
CITY OF ATLANTA, GEOR- cords, conveying the after-de- cial sales in the State of Geor-
GIA. scribed property to secure a gia, the Deed Under Power and
Said property being known as: Note of even date in the origin- other foreclosure documents
123 SISSON AVENUE NE AT- al principal amount of may not be provided until final
LANTA, GA 30317 $202,000.00, with interest at confirmation and audit of the
To the best of the the rate specified therein, as status of the loan as provided
undersigned’s knowledge, the last assigned to Carrington in the preceding paragraph.
party or parties in possession Mortgage Services, LLC by as- Funds used at sale shall be in
of said property is/are RUBY signment that is or to be recor- certified funds and payable to
POPE GORDON or tenant(s). ded in the DeKalb County, “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg,
The debt secured by said Se- Georgia Records, there will be LLC”.
curity Deed has been and is sold by the undersigned at pub- Carrington Mortgage Services,
hereby declared due and pay- lic outcry to the highest bidder LLC as Attorney in Fact for
able because of, among other for cash at the DeKalb County ++Czatorrie M. Garrett++
possible events of default, fail- Courthouse within the legal Any information obtained on
ure to pay the indebtedness as hours of sale on the first Tues- this matter may be used by the
provided for in the Note and day in February, 2023, the fol- debt collector to collect the
said Security Deed. The debt lowing described property: debt. Bell Carrington Price &
remaining in default, this sale All that tract or parcel of land ly- Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023Page 43
Page 44 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JANUARY 5 - 11, 2023 

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