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SEPT 2022



SUBMISSION DATE: 20th OCTOBER 2022 : / 100


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a. Background of The Story

On that beautiful summer day, there were two friends, Sappy and Dumbo,
who went to the forest together that morning. Their purpose in the forest is to
take food, for food supply before winter arrives. They were so diligent in
gathering food that no one was tired, because they both spent their time
gathering as much food as possible. After that, it was evening and they were too
tired because of the amount of food they had taken. Then, the Dumbo said to
stop taking the food because they have to leave the food for the other animals.
But Sappy felt that his food was not enough, even though their food was in a
separate basket but he felt dissatisfied because he was worried that he would
starve and his food would run out quickly. After that, they both rested and slept
under the tree. Suddenly, Dumbo was very surprised to see that his food was
gone and Sappy was still sleeping. Dumbo doesn't know who the culprit is, he
feels very sad because his food is stolen. Before going back, Dumbo asked
Sappy for some food because Dumbo didn't want to take food in the forest
anymore because Dumbo was worried that the other animals wouldn't have
enough food. But Sappy didn't want to give berries because he was afraid, he
wouldn't have enough food for the winter. Then, Dumbo returned empty-handed
from the forest in a sad and hungry state. Suddenly a trio of birds namely Pupy,
Greeny and Blueish come to Dumbo and they even ask him why he is sad. Then,
Dumbo says that his food has been stolen but the trio of birds know who the
culprit is because they are on their way to the forest to get food while they are
resting under a tree. The trio of birds say that the culprit is Sappy, Dumbo is very
shocked and sad to be betrayed by his own best friend. Before winter came, the
overly greedy Sappy ran out of food because he ate it and he went to
shamelessly ask for Dumbo's food. At that time, Dumbo did not hold a grudge
against Sappy even though he was betrayed by his best friend and even Dumbo
gave some of his food to Dumbo. After winter arrives, Sappy feels resentful of his

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actions. Eventually, Sappy and Dumbo make up and become good friends again
and even share food that winter.

b. Objectives

The objectives of this educational storybook are children can identify

educational storybook features such as story titles, pictures or illustrations found in
the storybook. Apart from that, it can help improves children’s communication skills
so that they can communicate more easily and this helps them to be able to
organize words well. Next objective, this educational storybook can also introduce
new concepts to children such as types of colors, objects, letters and words that they
just know. In addition, by reading it can develop children’s imagination and mind. For
example, they will have curiosity about a story that has been read. For the last is can
form morals or children’s social values.

c. Learning Outcomes

i. Don't be so greedy that you don't remember that others are in need too.
(the Dumbo said to stop taking the food because they have to leave the food for
the other animals. But Sappy felt that his food was not enough, even though their
food was in a separate basket but he felt dissatisfied because he was worried
that he would starve and his food would run out quickly.)

ii. we should not take what is not ours and should not be stingy with others.
betraying people is a bad trait.

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(Dumbo asked Sappy for some food because Dumbo didn't want to take food in
the forest anymore because Dumbo was worried that the other animals wouldn't
have enough food. But Sappy didn't want to give berries because he was afraid,
he wouldn't have enough food for the winter.)

iii. Help people when they are in trouble.

(The trio of birds say that the culprit is Sappy, Dumbo is very shocked and sad to
be betrayed by his own best friend.)

iv. Regret your actions and tell the truth.

(Sappy feels resentful of his actions.)

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d. Element of Multimedia

i. Text: It is the basic element of multimedia. It involves the use of text types,
sizes, colors and background colors. For example, in this e – storybook we
use appropriate and large text that is easy to read. Black text for dialogue and
red for new words.

ii. Graphic: It is a digital representation of non – text information such as a

drawing, chart or photograph. Graphic make the multimedia application
attractive. It helps to illustrate ideas through still pictures. For example, for
graphic we use suitable pictures and soft colors so that children are interested
in reading

iii. Video: It is the technology of electronically capturing, recording, processing,

storing, transmitting and reconstructing sequence of still images representing
scenes in motion. For example, we put a singing video as entertainment for
children to read.

iv. Audio: In multimedia audio means related with recording. It is an important

component of multimedia because this component increases the
understandability and improves the clarity of the concept includes speech,
music or any other sound. For example, in the e – storybook we use audio
when reading the scenes and dialogues so that it is easy for children who are
not yet fluent in reading to listen.

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v. Animation: it is the rapid display of a sequence of images artwork or model
positions in order to create an illusion of movement.

e. Screen Captured


 This is the main page of E-Storybook The Friendships of Sappy & Dumbo

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 For the beginning of the story, the main characters are introduced.

 In the course of the rising action story, Sappy shows that he does not agree
with Dumbo that they should stop taking food.

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 In this part of the story, Dumbo tells Sappy to stop taking food because other
animals need food.

 Although Sappy disagrees, he still follows his best friend Dumbo.

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 After they had taken food in the forest, they rested and slept under a tree
because they were too tired

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 When Dumbo wakes up, he is surprised that his food is gone and he doesn't
know who did it.

 Sappy is confused that his best friend is sad and he asks why Dumbo in a sad

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 The achievement of the climax plot in the story, Dumbo returns home thinking
where else he wants to find food and he is starving.

 In the storybook, we have inserted a video related to the story only.

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 The trio of birds find out who stole Dumbo's food and they tell the truth.

 In this story there is a plot twist, where the trio of birds who see the culprit steal
Dumbo's food.

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 The culprit who stole Dumbo's food was Sappy because he was greedy.

 The trio of birds helped Dumbo and gave him food

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 For the falling action plot, Sappy asks for help from Dumbo because he has run
out of food.

 At the end of the falling action story, Sappy regrets his act of betraying his best
friend and Dumbo forgives Sappy.

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 In the end of the plot story resolution, Sappy and Dumbo became good friends
again and they shared food during the winter.

 This is the close page for the E-Storybook.

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f. Plot of The Story

1. Exposition
- On that summer, Sappy and Dumbo were friends and went to the forest
together to look for food before winter came because they were worried that
they cannot go outside because of cold weather.

2. Rising action
- After that, Sappy feels that the food they took in the forest is not enough for
the winter stock and Sappy starts to worry. At that time, they rested and slept
under the tree because they were overfatigued working hard to collect food.

- Suddenly when Dumbo wakes up, he so shocked that his food has been
stolen. Then, Sappy who had just woken up was confused to see his best
friend in a sad state and asked what had happened to him.

3. Climax
- Before going home, Dumbo ask his best friend for some food but Sappy
arrogantly refused to give him any food. Then, Dumbo returned home sadly
without bringing food.

- Suddenly three birds come to Dumbo, then Dumbo tells why he sad and the
three birds say that Sappy is the one who stole Dumbo foods. Dumbo feels
very sad because being betrayed by his own best friend, but the kind bird trio
has given him plenty of food.

4. Falling action

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- Before winter came, the food that Sappy had collected for the winter was
running low without saving it. Later, Sappy went to Dumbo's house to ask for
some food. At that time, Dumbo was very angry and sad because of his
friend's actions but he forgave Sappy and gave him food. Sappy is surprised
to see that the kind-hearted Dumbo is still helping him, even though he has
betrayed his best friend. Afterwards, Sappy realized what he had done and
apologized to Dumbo because he was very rued.

5. Resolution
- In the end, the broken friendship is saved because the good-hearted Dumbo
forgives Sappy. In the winter that has arrived, Sappy and Dumbo share food
together throughout the winter and they are very happy.

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g. Character

Main character

 Elephant as Dumbo  Cow as Sapy

Supporting character

 The trio bird as Pupy

 The trio bird as Blueish

 The trio bird as Greeny

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h. Glossary

i. Companion - friend, best friends, comrade

ii. Overfatigued - too tired, overworked
iii. Shattered – destroyed
iv. Rued - regret, repent

i. Moral Value of The Story

The moral value found in this storybook is we should not be greedy towards
others because greedy people will always lose. Besides, should help people who
are in trouble because if we do good to others, we will be rewarded with good
things. Next moral value, we must be honest and tell the truth because if we lie,
others people will not like us who lie. And we should not be selfish for our own
satisfaction because selfish people will regret it one day.

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j. Questions

1. Who are the main characters in this story?

A. The Sappy & The Dumbo B. The Trio Birds

2. In what season does Sappy and Dumbo take a food?

A. On Winter B. On Summer

3. Where the food was taken by Sappy and Dumbo?

A. At the forest B. At the garden

4. What is the name of trio birds?

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A. Green, Purple, Blue B. Greeny, Pupy, Blueish

5. Why did Dumbo tell Sappy to stop taking a food?

A. leave food for other animals B. for dumbo to take food again

6. Why did Sappy steal Dumbo food?

A. Worry that food not enough for B. give to other animals

the winter

7. Who saw Sappy take Dumbo food?

A. The Dumbo B. The trio birds

8. Where do Sappy and Dumbo rest?

A. at the cave B. at the tree

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9. The Sappy has run out of food and who does he ask for help?

A. The Trio Birds B. The Dumbo

10. In the end of the story, Sappy and Dumbo became a good friend again.
Why did Dumbo forgive Sappy even being betrayed?

A. because Sappy has no food B. because Sappy is his best friend

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k. Conclusion

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