Article About Stress

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Stress is an emotional feeling when you are frustrated, nervous, and

anxious. While under pressure or unable to deal with a condition, usually, Stress
will come out. Cortisol is a stress hormone. Cortisol produces an afraid and
danger. Stress Hormone or Cortisol rising blood pressure and heart rate.

Stress is your response to facing all problems. Sometimes, stress can be

good for your body, it can guide you to more encouragement and bring awareness.
Why? For example, the stress of a deadline assist you more concentrate because
you do it in a shorter time. Surprisingly, stress makes you feel brave because you
already facing unable conditions in past. Stress over a period also leads to mental
illness and disease.

Several conditions bring you up with stress. The first one is the Financial
problem. Financial problem happens in various situations, including rising daily
prices like oil and rice, joblessness, and rising debt. The second one is a Tragic
event such as if you ever had a burning house or falling from highness it takes you
stress. After that, there was an issue at the office because the boss gave us long
hours of work and not enough salary, and argued with our colleagues. But in
Jakarta, the issue at the office is the more complicated cause of traffic jams and
queuing waiting for a busway.

These are 3 Types of Stress :

1. Acute Stress
Acute stress is your response to the current problem. Acute stress is a mix of
terrifying and exciting experiences such as you try roller coasters and skiing in
the mountain. Acute Stress does not make any damage to your body. Breathing
quickly, being easy to shock, increase your heart frequency are characteristics
of acute stress.

2. Episodic Acute Stress

Episodic Acute Stress occurs when Acute Stress happens regularly. Episodic
Acute Stress comes if you fear the future. You feel your life is ruined. Episodic
Acute Stress impacts your mental and physical. These are signs of Episodic
Acute Stress being easy to get panic, increasing high blood tension, and heart
3. Chronic Stress
Chronic stress happens when you have long periods of high stress. Long
periods of stress have negative consequences such as insomnia, weakened
immunity, lack of focus, difficulty making decisions, and depression.
Nowadays, chronic stress is easy to happen to a person who has financial
problems, people get bullied because of their difference in religion, race, and,
family background.

For a better life and mental, we have a responsibility to lower our stress. These are
some tips on how to deal with stress :

1. Doing some exercises

The benefit of doing exercises is to decrease your fear, create your body feel
great, increase your health, your illness will be low, and make your function
and your mood get higher.
2. Avoid liquor
Don’t drink alcohol. In short term, the effect of alcohol will help reduce stress
but in the long term, it will make your health worse.
3. Join a community
Tell about your problem with your friends in the community will help you
decrease your stress. The community will boost your energy through stress.
4. Take time from socializing
Sometimes, it is exhausting to connect with socializing or your task. Take a
deep breath or do hobbies that you like.
5. Consul with your counselor
When your stress gets worse, you can find help from a professional counselor,
psychologist, or an application. Nowadays, counseling applications have
spread such as Kalm. Based on the writer’s experience, Kalm is a counseling
application for increasing your mental health. Kalm features are a gratitude
journal, tracking your feeling every day, Kalm Platform provides an article and
a video base on mental health, and you can talk with a psychologist but it paid.

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