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Male reproductive biology of Aedes mosquitoes

Article  in  Acta Tropica · December 2013

DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2013.11.021 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors:

Clelia Felice Oliva Damiens David

CTIFL unemployed


Mark Quentin Benedict

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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Revolutionizing Insect Control (Revolinc) View project

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Male reproductive biology of Aedes mosquitoes

Clelia F. Oliva a,∗ , David Damiens b , Mark Q. Benedict c
Polo d’Innovazione Genomica, Genetica e Biologia S.C.a.R.L., Edificio C, 3ˆ piano Polo Unico di Medicina ‘Santa Maria della Misericordia’, Loc. S. Andrea
delle Fratte, 06132 Perugia, Italy
Insect Pest Control Laboratory, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology
Laboratories, A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria
Università di Perugia, Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Scienze Biochimiche, Perugia, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Among Aedes mosquitoes are species responsible for transmission of serious pathogens to humans. To
Received 12 June 2013 cope with the current threats to long-term effectiveness of the traditional vector control methods, non-
Received in revised form conventional control strategies are being developed. These include autocidal control such as the release
19 November 2013
of sterile males (sterile insect technique) and the release of Wolbachia-infected males to induce sexual
Accepted 23 November 2013
sterility (incompatible insect technique) and pathogen-refractory strain replacement variations using
Available online xxx
Wolbachia. Sterile male types of techniques particularly depend on released males’ ability to successfully
mate with wild females. For that reason, a good understanding of male mating biology, including a thor-
ough understanding of the reproductive system and mating capacity, increases the likelihood of success
Male of such genetic vector control programmes. Here we review the literature concerning the reproduction of
Reproduction Aedes mosquitoes with an emphasis on the male biology. We consider sexual maturation, mate finding,
Mate-selection insemination, male reproductive capacity, and the occurrence of multiple matings. We also discuss which
Genetic control parameters are of greatest importance for the successful implementation of autocidal control methods
Sterile insect technique and propose questions for future research.
© 2013 International Atomic Energy Agency. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Background extremely difficult and costly. Drastic control of larval sites and,
after 1944, the use of DDT permitted the elimination of A. aegypti
Many Aedes species are vectors of viruses and nematodes in several countries of South America; however, the end of the con-
responsible for severe human diseases among which are dengue, trol measures were predictably followed by a rapid re-infestation
yellow fever, chikungunya, and lymphatic filariasis (Lounibos, from neighbouring areas (Soper, 1963). Over the last half-century,
2002; Gratz, 2004). The two species responsible for most diseases, sustained control has rarely been achieved, and resurgence may
Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, have very effective invasive partly be ascribed to the high mobility and resilience of this species
capacities (Juliano and Lounibos, 2005). Their worldwide invasion and the cessation of the control programmes (Reiter and Gubler,
has led to increasing disease risks (Reiter, 2001) and emergence or 1997; Reiter, 2007).
re-emergence of epidemics of dengue and other arboviral diseases The current vector control tools have failed to reduce mosquito
(Mackenzie et al., 2004). populations in an effective and long-term way, therefore the addi-
Aedes mosquitoes are often found in high densities, breeding tional use of non-conventional methods (Alphey et al., 2010)
in rural as well as urban habitats. Larvae are able to develop in relying on the principles of the sterile insect technique (SIT)
clean or polluted stagnant water and can colonize various artifi- are being considered in many regions. These methods rely on
cial habitats and peri-domestic containers, increasing their contact frequent mass-releases of male mosquitoes following their radios-
with humans and the potential for spreading diseases (Jansen terilization (classical SIT, Robinson et al., 2009), alteration of their
and Beebe, 2010). Control of aedine populations usually relies on progeny’s survival (Phuc et al., 2007) or female flight capac-
larval control using insecticides and source removal, sometimes ity (Fu et al., 2010) or the reduction of the females’ fertility
involving community participation. The location of larval sites in (Brelsfoard et al., 2008), or survival (McMeniman et al., 2009)
private properties makes the task of control by public institutions via Wolbachia-mediated cytoplasmic incompatibility (Brelsfoard
and Dobson, 2009). Alternative strategies consist of replacing
the wild population with mosquitoes refractory to the pathogen
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 0755858361. so that disease transmission to humans cannot occur (Sperança
E-mail addresses: (C.F. Oliva), and Capurro, 2007; Moreira et al., 2009; Hoffmann et al.,
(D. Damiens), (M.Q. Benedict). 2011).

0001-706X/$ – see front matter © 2013 International Atomic Energy Agency. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Oliva, C.F., et al., Male reproductive biology of Aedes mosquitoes. Acta Trop. (2013),
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ACTROP-3239; No. of Pages 8

2 C.F. Oliva et al. / Acta Tropica xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Releases of sterile individuals have permitted the success-

ful regional elimination of important pests, such as the New
World screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax Coquerel), the
Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann), and the
Mexican fruit fly (Anastrepha ludens Loew) (Krafsur, 1998; Klassen
and Curtis, 2005). SIT has been tested for mosquito control in the
1970s using various sterilizing approaches (chemosterilization,
ionizing radiation, cytoplasmic incompatibility, or chromosome
translocations) (Benedict and Robinson, 2003; Dame et al., 2009),
and research is currently being performed to improve the different
technical steps (Robinson et al., 2009). Some field trials have
shown encouraging potential of the releases of sterile mosquitoes
in reducing wild population of Anopheles albimanus (Lofgren et al.,
1974; Weidhaas et al., 1974), A. albopictus (Bellini et al., 2007,
2013), A. aegypti (Harris et al., 2012; Lacroix et al., 2012), and Aedes
polynesiensis (O’Connor et al., 2012).
Control methods that interfere with the reproduction of an
insect can be improved with a sound knowledge of its mating biol-
ogy. Our understanding of the reproductive physiology of Aedes
species is still incomplete. Most studies cover the female aspects of Fig. 1. The reproductive system of female (in red) and male (in blue) Aedes and
reproduction of the main disease vector, A. aegypti, and date from the sperm transfer during copulation (represented by the arrows). Adapted from
the 70s. However the recent development of transgenic mosquitoes Clements (1999) and Jones (1968).
and application of molecular biology techniques have permitted
advances in the understanding of the mating system. We review
The time required to complete terminalia rotation varies
the existing literature on this topic concerning the Aedes genus and
between species from 18 to 24 h for A. aegypti (Roth, 1948), 11 to
raise some crucial research questions that would help to improve
25 h for A. albopictus (Miyagi and Toma, 1982; Oliva et al., 2012),
the efficiency and effectiveness of genetic control approaches.
around 12 and 40 h, respectively, for Aedes iriomotensis and Aedes
atriisimilis (Miyagi and Toma, 1982), 30 h for Aedes taeniorhynchus
(Provost et al., 1961), and nearly 4 days for Aedes provocans (Smith
2. Male sexual maturation
and Gadawski, 1994). Before completion of sexual maturation,
males may attempt to make contact with females (Roth, 1948;
A successful mating involves sequences of events that per-
Cabrera and Jaffe, 2007) but no copulation or swarm activity is
mit mate interception, engagement of the genitalia, transfer of
observed in A. aegypti males less than 24 h old (Cabrera and Jaffe,
semen, and storage of sperm by the female. Mating is preceded
2007). Given the importance of terminalia rotation for mating abil-
by mate location and interaction, which usually requires appropri-
ity, it is notable that the radiosterilization of A. albopictus did not
ate epigamic behaviour. The sperm stored by the female mosquito
affect the speed of rotation of the male terminalia (Oliva et al.,
will be used for egg fertilization shortly before the egg is laid. The
2012); however, closer observations of the antennal fibrillae in
ability of released males to participate in and perform each step
sterilized or genetically modified males would be of interest.
and the viability and competitiveness of their sperm will impact
the population control programmes.
Mosquito males must complete two easily observable physical 3. Finding a mate
changes prior to becoming sexually active after eclosion. During
the first day after emergence of Aedes males, the fibrillar hairs of 3.1. Male mate location behaviour and encounter sites
the antennae become fully erect and usually remain so through-
out the lifetime, except in some old males (Roth, 1948; Fay, 1964; Contrary to the situation in anophelines in which males form
Foster and Lea, 1975a; Nijhout, 1977). The erection of the fibrillae station-keeping swarms into which females fly and mate – usually
are important for female location as they allow males to respond in relation to some feature of the environment (Howell and Knols,
to female flight sounds (Roth, 1948). 2009) – Aedes males do not require the formation of such swarms
In addition, males undergo a permanent 180◦ rotation of the to attract females and mate. Aedes demonstrate wide behavioural
terminalia part of the genitalia; as a result, the claspers become ori- plasticity that allows them to mate in single pairs or in aggregations.
ented ventrally and the aedaegus lies above the anus. This rotation This same flexibility permits mating throughout the day though
is common among the Diptera and was suggested to result from an crepuscular peaks have been observed. An individual male Aedes
adjustment of the copulation position (Lamb, 1922). Mosquitoes can fly singly to intercept a female to mate (Downes, 1969) and,
assume a venter-to-venter position; pairs of Anopheles usually contrary to anophelines, matings where only one pair is present
face opposite directions (Roth, 1948; Charlwood and Jones, 1979), in a small arena can be very easily performed. However, swarm-
whereas Aedes more frequently face the same direction, and Culex ing behaviour has been described, as small groups of males can be
species were observed to equally use both attitudes (Roth, 1948). observed to fly in a figure-eight pattern similarly to small swarms
The different mating attitude was correlated with differences in near a blood-meal source (Wright et al., 1966; Loor and DeFoliart,
the structure of the male claspers between those species (Roth, 1970; Hartberg, 1971; Gubler and Bhattacharya, 1972), at the feet of
1948). Aedes males usually first grasp the female dorsally and then a walking blood meal host (Ali and Rozeboom, 1971), over the cor-
rapidly change to a ventral position (Roth, 1948). The 180◦ rotation ners of release cages (Edman et al., 1972), at the feet of large trees
of mosquito genitalia allows the claspers to be ventrally oriented, in (Tuten et al., 2013), or over larval sites (unpublished observations).
which position they can be used to grasp the females’ cerci (Fig. 1). Aedes swarming activity is a mate-locating behaviour; according
Moreover, the genital pore of the male lies on the antero-dorsal sur- to Cabrera and Jaffe (2007) it indeed enhances mating opportu-
face of the aedeagus, which must then be rotated prior to copulation nities and increases copulation frequency but it is not a required
(Spielman, 1964, 1966). behaviour.

Please cite this article in press as: Oliva, C.F., et al., Male reproductive biology of Aedes mosquitoes. Acta Trop. (2013),
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ACTROP-3239; No. of Pages 8

C.F. Oliva et al. / Acta Tropica xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 3

Cabrera and Jaffe (2007) have reported the participation of an involved in mate choice. Both the ability to produce and recognize
average of 23 A. aegypti males in swarms formed in laboratory pheromones and wing beat frequency are crucial parameters for
conditions, in the presence of a blood–meal source. In the field, Aedes mating; ensuring that they are not impaired in males that are
3–40 male A. albopictus swarming around the observer (Gubler and released as part of a genetic control programme should be a priority.
Bhattacharya, 1972) and an average of only five male A. polyne-
siensis swarming at the bases of trees (Tuten et al., 2013) were
reported. Swarms lasted from 5 to 16 min under laboratory condi- 4. Transfer of sperm and male AG secretions to the female
tions (Cabrera and Jaffe, 2007) and a high swarming activity during reproductive tract
5–10 min was also reported in the field (Gubler and Bhattacharya,
1972). The mating activity peaked between 5 and 10 min after In aedines, copulation is brief and usually lasts less than 1 min
the beginning of the swarm (Gubler and Bhattacharya, 1972), the (Roth, 1948; Jones, 1974; Oliva et al., 2013). In A. aegypti, 6 s of
duration of which was positively correlated with the likelihood of contact was sufficient for insemination (Roth, 1948; Jones, 1974).
copulation taking place (Cabrera and Jaffe, 2007). The main stim- Most of the copulations of A. albopictus observed in the field had a
ulus for mate-seeking flying behaviour is likely to be the presence median duration of 8 s (Gubler and Bhattacharya, 1972), against 45 s
of females (Dyar, 1920, 1928; Nijhout and Craig, 1971; Gubler and for a long-colonized laboratory strain of A. albopictus (Oliva et al.,
Bhattacharya, 1972; Jaenson, 1985; Cabrera and Jaffe, 2007; Cator 2013). The absence of predation risk under laboratory conditions
et al., 2011) which is increased by the presence of a blood-meal might have led to the loss of the propensity for rapid copulation.
source and by the onset of photophase, as females’ biting activ- Following abdominal contact, engagement of the female cerci by
ity peaks immediately after sunrise and before sunset (Hartberg, the male claspers, and probably a stimulus from the female cerci
1971; Edman et al., 1972; Foster and Lea, 1975a; Cabrera and Jaffe, on the sensillae of the male claspers, the male aedaegus becomes
2007; Tuten et al., 2013). Quantitative and descriptive reports of the everted and extended, the female vagina is widened to enlarge the
swarming and mating sites of Aedes species in the field are, how- opening into the bursa inseminalis (BI, Fig. 1) (Spielman, 1964;
ever, lacking, but due to the relatively limited dispersal of male Spielman et al., 1974).
Aedes in urban areas (Muir and Kay, 1998; Bellini et al., 2010; Males transfer a mixture of sperm and accessory glands (AG)
Bergero et al., 2013) these would be very useful to identify the secretions. The two seminal vesicles containing the sperm merge
best release areas for autocidal and population replacement pro- into the ejaculatory duct, and are joined by the paired AG near the
grammes. anterior end of the duct (Fig. 1) (Spielman, 1964). The semen flows
through the ejaculatory duct, which leads directly to the genital
3.2. The interacting roles of olfaction and hearing in mate pore located near the base of the aedaegus, and contractions of the
recognition male AG provide pressure for the sperm transfer (Spielman, 1964).
Semen transfer itself requires only a few seconds (Lum, 1961a). The
Cabrera and Jaffe (2007) reported the production of a volatile BI is the first, but temporary, sperm storage organ in Aedes females
“aggregation pheromone” by swarming males that stimulates both (Barr, 1974). Within 30 s after termination of coitus, the female
female and male flight and attracts both sexes to the swarm; the atrium regains its precopulatory appearance, and sperm begin to
female olfactory response to swarming males’ odour prevailed over concentrate close to the spermathecal eminence with their heads
a host odour. In response to this olfactory stimulus, females show oriented towards the spermathecal vestibule (Spielman, 1964). The
a characteristic very rapid agitated flight (Cabrera and Jaffe, 2007). abundant AG secretion provides a liquid medium for sperm move-
Female wing beat also attracts males, as the females’ frequency ment and plays a role in their migration to the spermathecae (Barr,
has been shown to stimulate male Aedes to pursue and seize the 1974). This migration occurred from 2 to 5 min after the act of copu-
female (Roth, 1948). A. aegypti males would not attempt to cop- lation began for A. aegypti (Spielman, 1964) and A. albopictus (Oliva
ulate with non-flying females (Spielman, 1964) nor with newly et al., 2013).
emerged females, which have a different wing beat frequency than Most of the Culicinae females have three spermathecae while
mature ones (Roth, 1948; Brogdon, 1994). Studies on Anopheles females of the Anophelinae subfamily have only one. This presents
(Pennetier et al., 2010), Culex (Warren et al., 2009), Toxorhynchites questions regarding how the various spermathecae are filled and
(Gibson and Russell, 2006; Cator et al., 2009; Pennetier et al., 2010), their sperm used during fertilization. In the case of Aedes species,
and Aedes (Cator et al., 2009) species have shown that a pair of females possess one large central spermatheca and two smaller
female and male mosquitoes can alter their flight-tone frequency lateral ones. Following mating with a sexually mature male that
and synchronize them before copulating. Interestingly, a female has not mated previously, the majority of females have two sper-
will not attempt or succeed to harmonize with every male, sug- mathecae (the larger one and one of the small) filled with sperm:
gesting a certain degree of mate choice from either the male or 96% of females in A. polynesiensis (Chambers et al., 2011), and 91%
female according to the partner’s wing beat frequency (Gibson et al., in A. albopictus (Oliva et al., 2013). However, Jones and Wheeler
2010). In anophelines, flight tone frequency has been shown to vary (1965a) reported the surprisingly high rate of 42% and 92% of
with body size, which supports the hypothesis of mate assessment female A. aegypti with three spermathecae filled with sperm after
(Cator et al., 2010). In this genus, it is also involved in species recog- forced-mating and cage-mating respectively, where 10 males and
nition (Pennetier et al., 2010). However, this does not appear to be 10 females were kept in small cages for several hours. These data
the case for aedines (Roth, 1948; Nijhout and Craig, 1971), where contrast with most of the studies reporting that one of the three
recognition would occur after the first contact through a species- spermathecae usually remains empty in female A. aegypti (Roth,
specific pheromone stimulus that triggers the male to shift to the 1948; Lum, 1961b; Jones and Wheeler, 1965b). This highlights the
coitus position (Nijhout and Craig, 1971). However, several experi- discrepancies that can result from different test protocols. Forced
mental cross-matings between different species of Aedes have been mating may allow the male to transfer more sperm as the female
reported, though they always resulted in infertile progeny (Roth, is not able to reject the male and to end the mating prematurely;
1948; Ali and Rozeboom, 1971; Ali et al., 1971; Lee et al., 2009). This indeed Jones and Wheeler (1965a) reported that forced-matings
result illustrates that barriers to normally rare interspecific mating lasted twice as long as free mating. On the other hand, mating in
behaviours can sometimes easily be overcome in the laboratory. small cages with several males may favour multiple insemination
It would be worth investigating further whether the olfactory cue of the female thus contributing to more sperm being transferred
emitted by females and the one emitted by swarming males are also to the spermathecae. As a consequence the resulting insemination

Please cite this article in press as: Oliva, C.F., et al., Male reproductive biology of Aedes mosquitoes. Acta Trop. (2013),
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ACTROP-3239; No. of Pages 8

4 C.F. Oliva et al. / Acta Tropica xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

information will not reflect the actual insemination capacity of of seminal depletion was shown to be slower for larger males in A.
males neither the insemination rate of females occurring in a aegypti (Helinski and Harrington, 2011). It is likely that some com-
natural setting. According to Jones and Wheeler (1965a), one third petitive males mate several females while others do not mate at all
of the sperm cells transferred to the BI did not reach the spermath- but the distribution of males contributing few versus many matings
ecae. The male AG secretion transferred to the female contains a in the field remains unknown.
granular material that remains in the BI where it gradually clusters The induction of sterility by irradiation damages the early stages
and solidifies (Spielman et al., 1969; Oliva et al., 2013). The sperm of spermatozoa (Proverbs, 1969) and therefore lessens the possibil-
that failed to reach the spermathecae become compressed into ity to replenish the seminal vesicles with mature sperm. Therefore,
the posterior end of the BI, lose their motility by the second day it is of interest in the context of genetic control programmes to
after copulation, and are then digested and absorbed in the BI know whether this treatment also affects male mating capacity to
(Spielman, 1964). It is still unclear what the consequences of the the extent that it reduces programme effectiveness. Reductions in
large amount of sperm that is not used for fertilization could be mating capacity are expected to reduce effectiveness if it results
and why the third sperm reservoir usually remains empty. in remating or is correlated with lower mating competitiveness.
Radiosterilized male A. albopictus can inseminate a maximum of
5. Male reproductive capacity 7 females, after which their capacity to replenish testes with new
sperm seems impossible; over the same period of mating opportu-
Mosquito testes are filled with undifferentiated cells, sperma- nities, untreated males could inseminate a maximum of 11 females
tocytes and spermatozoa in various stages of development (Barr, (Oliva et al., 2013). Genetically modified male A. aegypti insemi-
1974). Spermatogenesis in the testes begins in the larval stage and nated an average of 6.6 females over their lifetime, which was sig-
continues throughout the adult life of the mosquito until spermato- nificantly less than the average of 11.5 females inseminated by their
cysts are exhausted of spermatogonia (undifferentiated germ cells) untransformed counterparts (Bargielowski et al., 2011); however
(Lum, 1961a; Barr, 1974; Clements, 2000). The spermatozoa mature the ability of these transgenic mosquitoes to replenish the semi-
in the testes and are then stored in the seminal vesicles during nal vesicles with sperm has not been reported, and as noted above,
sexual maturation, shortly after emergence until the second day depending on the frequency of remating and male mating success,
of adult life (Jones, 1967; Foster and Lea, 1975a). The two large these reductions may or may not affect programme success.
AG of male mosquitoes accumulate secretions (Jones and Wheeler,
1965a) during the first two days after emergence (Hodapp and 6. Multiple insemination and sperm use
Jones, 1961; Lum, 1961b; Foster and Lea, 1975b). The maximum
quantity of sperm in the seminal vesicles as well as of secretory 6.1. Male behaviour to promote female monogamy
material in the AG was reached in 2-day-old male A. aegypti (Foster
and Lea, 1975a). Similarly to the majority of male insects, male Aedes are polygy-
From 6000 to 6500 spermatozoa were counted in each testis nous, and this might be favoured by their vast supply of sperm, rapid
of late stage A. aegypti pupae (Jones, 1967), and about 5000 in copulation, and the likelihood of encountering numerous females
the seminal vesicles of 3–7 day-old unmated adults (Jones and in relatively dense concentrations at feeding, resting, or oviposi-
Wheeler, 1965a). Sperm production is positively correlated with tion sites (Thornhill and Alcock, 2001). On the other hand, males
age and body size (Ponlawat and Harrington, 2007), and probably tend to induce monogamy in female by transferring (1) a sufficient
to a greater extent with temperature (Bader and Williams, 2012). quantity of sperm to fertilize all the eggs the female will lay dur-
Male A. aegypti transferred about 1000–2000 sperm to the female ing her lifetime (Jones, 1968) and (2) AG secretions that act as a
BI, two-thirds of which would later reach the spermathecae (Jones short-term physical barrier (George, 1967; Spielman et al., 1967,
and Wheeler, 1965a). Jones and Wheeler (1965a) determined that 1969; Oliva et al., 2013) and a long-term chemical barrier to further
out of an average of 1847 sperm transferred by 3- to 7-day-old male insemination (Helinski et al., 2012b). The AG secretions contain a
A. aegypti, on average 660 and 486 sperm cells would reach the granular material that gradually clusters and solidifies within the BI
large and one of the small spermathecae, respectively. The quan- after about 40 min post-insemination (Spielman et al., 1967, 1969;
tity of sperm transferred increases with male body size and age Oliva et al., 2013) and could temporarily play a similar role to the
(Ponlawat and Harrington, 2009). Interestingly, wild male A. aegypti mating plug in Anopheles. This content is dissolved 24–48 h after
transferred more sperm than laboratory-reared males (Ponlawat the mating (Lum, 1961b; Oliva et al., 2013), but the prevention of
and Harrington, 2009). Although this might be due to infraspecific reinsemination is maintained (Helinski et al., 2012b; Oliva et al.,
variations between strains, one interpretation is that wild males 2013). The pheromone responsible for inducing this monogamy in
attempt to transfer a maximum quantity of semen to the encoun- Aedes has been shown to be matrone (Fuchs et al., 1968) which acts
tered female compare to a laboratory setting where probabilities to directly on the female nervous system (Gwadz, 1972). The transfer
meet females are higher and selection favours males that are more of AG secretions in mosquitoes is thought to be a remnant of nuptial
parsimonious. This difference highlights once again the discrepan- gifts ensuring female monogamy, although the nuptial gift might
cies observed between laboratory and field studies and emphasizes have become superfluous with the development of the ability to
the importance of conducting experiments with young strains. store enough energy with sugar and blood feeding (Yuval, 2006).
As shown by several studies (Roth, 1948), Aedes males attempt as Nutritional benefits of the transfer of male AG secretions in insects
many copulations as possible even though they might be unable to have been proposed to result in a higher fecundity (Thornhill and
transfer any more sperm after the initial matings. Laboratory stud- Alcock, 2001), but no significant increase was observed between
ies showed that male A. albopictus could fertilize up to 20 females once- and multiply-mated female A. aegypti (Lang, 1956; Helinski
over their lifetime when offered new females daily (Boyer et al., and Harrington, 2012). Yuval (2006) suggested that the male trans-
2011) and male A. aegypti could transfer accessory gland secretions fer of AG secretions has lost its nutritive function and solely evolved
to up to 22 females (Foster and Lea, 1975b). After repeated suc- to prevent subsequent female insemination.
cessive matings the stock of spermatozoa in the seminal vesicles
and the secretion in the AG become depleted; in male A. aegypti 6.2. What are the odds for multiple insemination of females?
both are nearly empty following six inseminations in rapid suc-
cession, but they are replenished after three days without sexual However, female Aedes possess physiological and behavioural
activity (Jones, 1967; Dapples et al., 1974). As expected, the speed features which could classify them as polyandric. The presence of

Please cite this article in press as: Oliva, C.F., et al., Male reproductive biology of Aedes mosquitoes. Acta Trop. (2013),
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ACTROP-3239; No. of Pages 8

C.F. Oliva et al. / Acta Tropica xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 5

multiple spermathecae are usually associated with a polygamic ascribed to a different quantity of sperm being transferred by each
behaviour and cryptic choice for sperm use (Eberhard, 1996; male rather than to sperm precedence. Precise studies of the storage
Simmons, 2001), though the later has not yet been demonstrated in and use of sperm from two or more males in Aedes spermathecae
mosquitoes. The likelihood of polyandry in insect females is shaped would allow a greater understanding of their mating biology.
by their pattern of sexual receptivity over time. Unlike many insect
species, the behavioural receptivity (i.e. acceptance of copulation)
6.3. Consequences of polyandry for genetic control programmes
of Aedes females does not decrease with age (Gwadz and Craig,
1968) nor after the first mating (Oliva et al., 2013). They can be
In the context of genetic control programmes, the consequences
subjected to frequent copulation attempts in experimental situ-
of female polygamy have been questioned. In monogamous species,
ations (Roth, 1948; Jones, 1974). A single female A. aegypti left
the main issue consists in ensuring that the released males are
together with 11 males was recorded to be subjected to 50 cop-
able to copulate, inseminate, and inhibit female receptivity simi-
ulation attempts by different males in 1 h, however the number of
larly to wild males. On the other hand, if polyandry occurs, sperm
actual successful insemination was not observed (Roth, 1948).
competitiveness in fertilizing eggs, sperm numbers, and a male’s
On the other hand, the physiological receptivity to insemina-
ability to perform subsequent matings become of higher concern
tion ceases 40 min after females’ first insemination (Craig, 1967;
(Barclay, 2005; Whitten and Mahon, 2005). Models have shown
Oliva et al., 2013). Williams and Berger (1980) reported the trans-
that polyandry is not an adverse factor to autocidal programmes,
fer of semen to the BI of 22% of A. aegypti females after the 5th
as long as the sperm of a previous mating is not replaced at
gonotrophic cycle, although no observations of the use of the new
each successive mating and sperm from both males are simi-
sperm for egg fertilization were made. Given that the physical and
larly competitive (Knipling, 1964; Whitten, 1971; Barclay, 2005;
chemical barriers to female reinsemination are not active immedi-
Perez-Staples et al., 2013). Populations of polygamous insects have
ately after her first mating, it seems intuitively likely that a virgin
been successfully eradicated using the SIT (melon fly: Steiner
female subjected to such a high frequency of copulations could be
et al., 1965). In some species an increased incidence of remat-
inseminated multiple times. Recently, proof of the occurrence of
ing in females mated with sterile relative to fertile ones has been
multiple-insemination in the field has been established, as 14%
reported, and has been ascribed to a smaller quantity of sperm
of female A. aegypti were inseminated by at least two males in
transferred by the sterile males (boll weevils: Haynes and Mitchell,
semi-field enclosures (Helinski et al., 2012a) and 26% of female A.
1977), or to a reduced efficacy of sterile males’ sperm-associated
albopictus caught in the field laid multi-fathered progeny (Boyer
accessory gland products to inhibit female receptivity (South Amer-
et al., 2012).
ican fruit fly: Abraham et al., 2012). However, in A. albopictus (Oliva
As multiple insemination of female Aedes exists in low propor-
et al., 2013) and Anopheles arabiensis (Helinski and Knols, 2008;
tion in the field, it is possible that male avoid this kind of mating.
Helinski et al., 2008) similar proportions of multiple-inseminations
A minority of 33% of female A. aegypti caught in copula in the field
were reported when females were mated first with radio-sterilized
by Gubler and Bhattacharya (1972) were parous, which led them
then untreated males or vice versa, suggesting a similar capacity
to suggest a preference of wild males for nulliparous females for
to inseminate and that the female post-mating responses were
copulation. Mated females of this species were much less likely to
induced in the same way by untreated or sterile males. In such
acoustically interact with a male by matching her flight tone, sug-
a situation polyandry should not alter the genetic control pro-
gesting a reduced sensitivity to male stimuli (Cator et al., 2009),
grammes’ efficiency but in fact might be a benefit as released males
which might explain Gubler and Bhattacharya’s observation. The
could, under some circumstances, mate with immigrant insemi-
existence of a male choice for the female partner in A. aegypti was
nated females (Pates and Curtis, 2005). The important questions to
put forward (Gwadz et al., 1971; Jones, 1974), although there is
consider for genetic control programmes are the possible differen-
no evidence yet that they are able to detect female mating state.
tial ability of sterile and wild males to prevent female remating or
Polerstock et al. (2002) reported a change in the proportion of some
differential use of sterile and fertile sperm for eggs fertilization.
cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) in Aedes females after mating, and
suggested that this could act as a mating history indicator, simi-
larly to some dipterans including Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen) 7. Future directions for Aedes population control
(Zawitowski and Richmond, 1986). This has however not yet been
demonstrated in Aedes but would be worth studying. In a laboratory Genetic control approaches to suppress or replace disease-
setting, male A. albopictus did not refuse to copulate with non-virgin transmitting vectors act directly on the reproduction of a wild
females, but a shorter copulation time was observed compared to population, and therefore it is fundamental to have a good under-
copulation with virgin or freshly-mated (less than 40 min before) standing of the reproductive biology of the target species. The
females, and those copulations did not lead to sperm transfer (Oliva current knowledge of Aedes mating biology is still lacking, in partic-
et al., 2013). It therefore appears that male Aedes would attempt ular regarding mating and swarming activity in the field, the fate
to copulate with any females but refuse or fail to ejaculate when of sperm in the female reproductive tract and factors that affect
the females have already been inseminated for a period longer mate choice. Recent studies have permitted important advances in
than 40 min. The actual attractiveness of a mated female for males understanding the role of the male AG secretion on mated female
deserves further investigations. behaviour but a more thorough understanding of the consequences
The pattern of sperm usage in mosquito females inseminated of multiple inseminations is needed.
multiple times is not yet understood and there has been no report The outdoor mating habits of Aedes mosquitoes are relatively
so far of sperm competition in any mosquito species. Female A. unknown compared with the wealth of information we have
albopictus inseminated multiple times have oviposited eggs fer- about mating under laboratory conditions. When mosquitoes
tilized by the different males during the first gonotrophic cycle are confined in small laboratory cages under un-natural setting,
(Boyer et al., 2012; Oliva et al., 2013). The occurrence of sperm results of mating studies can hardly reflect what is happening
displacement therefore seems to be absent in Aedes species. Sperm in the field. A better understanding of the behaviour of wild
precedence (i.e. non-random use of sperm) has been reported for males is essential to be able to anticipate and optimise the fate
some Drosophila species. Non-equal participation of sperm from of released individuals. Some key research questions that would
two male A. albopictus in egg fertilization was observed over succes- bring important information for the general knowledge and for the
sive gonotrophic cycles (Oliva et al., 2013); however this could be implementation of Aedes population control programmes are listed

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6 C.F. Oliva et al. / Acta Tropica xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Table 1
Male reproductive biology of Aedes mosquitoes: key research questions for release programmes (see references in the text).

What do we already know? What do we still want to know?

Finding a mate: Released males have to be able to locate and copulate with wild females.
General General
• Males swarm in small groups near blood-meal source, at the bases of trees, • Spatial, qualitative, and quantitative description of Aedes swarms in the field.
or over larval sites. • Proportion of mating occurring with or without group swarming activity in
• A volatile “aggregation” pheromone stimulating females is produced by the field.
swarming males. • Chemical nature of the aggregation pheromone.
• Change in the proportion of some cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) after • Mechanism and cause of CHC changes in females.
mating in females. • Effect of CHC proportion changes on the copulatory behaviour of males.
• Importance of flight and wing beat frequency in pair forming. Released male
• Effect of the induction of sterility or genetic modification on the ability to
produce swarming pheromones, on the flight activity (wing beat frequency),
or on the swarming behaviour.

Insemination and reproductive success: released males must be capable of transferring semen and inducing the post-mating response in females.
General General
• A mixture of sperm and AG secretions transferred by the male to the • Distribution of number of females inseminated in the field by males.
female BI. • Variation in the reproductive success between geographically distant strains.
• AG secretions involved in preventing further insemination of the female. Released male
• Depletion of male reproductive system after a series of inseminations and • Effect of any genetic modification on male’s ability to mature new sperm
replenishment after a few days. cells after depletion.
Released male • Effect of the induction of sterility or genetic modification on male’s ability to
• Ability to mature new sperm cells after depletion impaired by produce new AG secretion after depletion.
radiosterilization. • Effect of size and culture on male mating competitiveness.
• Reduced number of females inseminated by radiosterilized and GM males.

Female multiple insemination: released males must have the same probabilities as wild males in inseminating a non-virgin female or preventing reinsemination.
The sperm of released males must equally compete with the sperm of wild males for the egg fertilization.
General General
• Evidence of multiple inseminations occurring in the field. • Ability of males to detect female mating state and preferentially choose
• Sperm from more than one male can be stored and used for the egg nulliparous females.
fertilization only if all matings take place within a short period (40 min after • Benefits of multiple inseminations for female (increased fecundity, survival,
the first mating). genetic advantage).
Released male • Mechanisms of sperm transfer and storage in once- and twice-mated females.
• Ability to prevent female reinsemination once the physical or chemical Released male
barriers are in place, and to inseminate previously mated females not • Pattern of use of multiple-origin sperm for egg fertilization.
affected by the radiosterilization.

in Table 1. We summarized the current knowledge associated with Bellini, R., Calvitti, M., Medici, A., Carrieri, M., Celli, G., Maini, S., 2007. Use of the
each question and the directions that deserve further research. sterile insect technique against Aedes albopictus in Italy: first results of a pilot
trial. In: Vreysen, M.J.B., Robinson, A.S., Hendrichs, J. (Eds.), Area-wide Control
of Insect Pests. From Research to Field Implementation. Springer, Dordrecht,
Netherlands, pp. 505–515.
Acknowledgements Bellini, R., Albieri, A., Balestrino, F., Carrieri, M., Porretta, D., Urbanelli, S., Calvitti, M.,
Moretti, R., Maini, S., 2010. Dispersal and survival of Aedes albopictus (Diptera:
Culicidae) in Italian urban areas and significance for sterile insect technique
This work was supported by the IAEA research under the CRP
application. J. Med. Entomol. 47, 1082–1091.
G43002. We are grateful to R. Lees for useful comments and writing Bellini, R., Medici, A., Puggioli, A., Balestrino, F., Carrieri, M., 2013. Pilot field tri-
assistance and to D. Chadee, J. Gilles, and R. Lees for proof reading als with Aedes albopictus irradiated sterile males in Italian urban areas. J. Med.
of the article. Entomol. 50, 317–325.
Benedict, M., Robinson, A.S., 2003. The first releases of transgenic mosquitoes: an
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Bergero, P.E., Ruggiero, C.A., Lombardo, R., Schweigmann, N.J., Solari, H.G., 2013.
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ACTROP-3239; No. of Pages 8

8 C.F. Oliva et al. / Acta Tropica xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Oliva, C.F., et al., Male reproductive biology of Aedes mosquitoes. Acta Trop. (2013),

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