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Vol. 52, No. 11, November 2006, pp. 1778–1791 doi 10.1287/mnsc.1060.0587
issn 0025-1909  eissn 1526-5501  06  5211  1778 © 2006 INFORMS

Dynamic Control of an M/M/1 Service System with

Adjustable Arrival and Service Rates
Bariş Ata
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2001 Sheridan Road, Evanston, Illinois 60208,

Shiri Shneorson
Intel Corporation, 2220 Mission College, Santa Clara, California 95054,

W e study a service facility in which the system manager dynamically controls the arrival and service rates
to maximize the long-run average value generated. We initially consider a rate-setting problem where
the service facility is modeled as an M/M/1 queue with adjustable arrival and service rates and solve this
problem explicitly. Next, we use this solution to study a price-setting problem, where customers are utility
maximizing and price- and delay-sensitive, and the system manager chooses state-dependent service rates and
prices. We find that the optimal arrival rate is decreasing and the optimal service rate is increasing in the number
of customers in the system; however, the optimal price need not be monotone. We also show that under the
optimal policy, the service facility operates as one with a finite buffer. Finally, we study a numerical example to
compare the social welfare achieved using a dynamic policy to that achieved using static policies and show the
dynamic policy offers significant welfare gains.
Key words: stochastic models of service systems; dynamic control; delay-sensitive customers
History: Accepted by Michael Fu, stochastic models and simulation; received July 30, 2004. This paper was
with the authors 3 12 months for 4 revisions.

1. Introduction electric company does: When usage spikes, so does

In the highly competitive business environment preva- the bill.1
lent today, the ability to dynamically control cost Bandwidth on demand is another example of a strat-
and value factors can give an operation a significant egy that enables dynamic cost control. There, rather
competitive advantage. The control of value through than contracting for a fixed bandwidth Internet con-
dynamic pricing is now a common practice in indus- nection, companies have a flexible contract with their
tries such as the airline industry. Merits of such Internet service provider that allows them to change
dynamic control mechanisms are often the focus of their bandwidth requirement and pay based on actual
the revenue management literature (cf. Talluri and usage. Typically, companies pay a fixed fee to reserve
Van Ryzin 2004). It is less common to control the cost with their Internet service providers the right to
factors dynamically, at least partly because it is often increase or decrease the bandwidth of their Inter-
hard to implement. Still, the potential advantages net link and then pay a variable fee according to
it could offer are significant; therefore, many busi- demand.2
nesses have experimented with dynamic control of Although dynamic capacity (cost) control is rel-
cost factors in recent years. Computing on demand illus- atively easy to implement in IT services, where
trates such a strategy. Computing on demand means changing the amount of computing power assigned
that a company purchases either server time, storage to a customer (computing on demand) or a cus-
space, or processing power (or a combination) from tomer’s bandwidth quota (bandwidth on demand)
another company according to experienced or antici- has both low setup and marginal costs, the trend
pated demand, instead of investing in a fixed capacity, toward flexible operations is also evident in more
in-house computing infrastructure. This enables com-
panies to rapidly adjust their computing capacity to 1
IBM’s computing-on-demand services today serve big companies
spikes in usage while keeping their IT spending rel- such as Exxon Mobil’s Mobil Travel Guide and American Express.
atively low. The companies that provide the service, 2
Bandwidth on demand service is offered by leading Internet ser-
in return, charge their customers the same way an vice providers such as AT&T.

Ata and Shneorson: Dynamic Control of an M/M/1 Service System
Management Science 52(11), pp. 1778–1791, © 2006 INFORMS 1779

traditional industries. For example, a call center that decision is made every time the state of the system
serves multiple types of customers, each calling a changes, either because of a new arrival or a termina-
different dedicated phone line, often trains its agents tion of service. The system manager’s objective is to
to handle more than one customer type to enable a maximize the system’s long-run average welfare, which
dynamic allocation of agents to calls based on real- is defined as the value from service minus capacity
time demand.3 costs and holding costs, where the latter are simply
In all settings where dynamic cost and value control customers’ delay costs. We assume that the cus-
are feasible, the tradeoff between the potential gain on tomers requesting the service are utility-maximizing
the one hand and the implementation complexity and and delay-sensitive decision makers. Each such cus-
cost on the other hand plays a key role when making tomer enjoys a random utility from receiving the
the adoption decision. Managing a service facility is a service but, at the same time, incurs a cost that is
complex task on its own; therefore, having the facility proportional to the length of delay experienced while
serve multiple customers at varying prices and allo- waiting for the service to be completed. Thus, a cus-
cating the capacity dynamically on demand is a much tomer will decide to submit a service request if her
more challenging task. In our work, we address this expected net utility (that is, her utility from the ser-
challenge. We analyze a stylized model of a service vice minus delay cost and service fee) is positive.
facility that operates as an M/M/1 queue and find the The cost factor being controlled by the system man-
optimal state-dependent capacity and price decisions ager is the service rate at which the system operates.
for a system manager who maximizes the total sys- The service rate is defined as the number of average
tem welfare. Then, we compare the gains the optimal service requests the system can process per unit of
dynamic policy offers over optimal static policies. time. For the value factor, our goal is to find the set of
A canonical setting where our model is arguably prices that the system manager should post to maxi-
most appropriate is an organization such as a firm mize the welfare generated by the system. As a first
consisting of an internal service department and sev- step to finding these optimal prices, we study a rate-
eral user departments. The provision of services to setting problem in which we disregard the customers’
competing user departments through a shared service decisions and prices and assume that the system man-
facility is often characterized by the presence of neg- ager can directly control the arrival rates to the system
ative externalities: When a user expands his usage and treat delay costs incurred by the customers as a
of the limited capacity, he imposes costs on the rest holding cost that the system manager incurs. Then,
of the system in the form of degraded service qual- we use the solution of the rate-setting problem to
ity. Following the classical approach of internal pric- find optimal state-dependent prices a system manager
ing (cf. Hirshleifer 1964), our solution facilitates the should set to coordinate the arrival rates to those that
socially optimal dynamic arrival and service rates, maximize the welfare. That is, the system manager
which maximize the system welfare, through dynamic dynamically sets the prices that customers pay to use
pricing. the service. Given these prices and information about
Undoubtedly, in most real-world cases, service fa- expected system delay, customers decide whether or
cilities’ queue dynamics are more sophisticated than not to submit their service requests.
that of the M/M/1 queue. However, we use this Focusing initially on the rate-setting problem, we
stylized Markovian model in our analysis as an ap- find an explicit solution for the system manager’s
proximation to real-world systems because of its optimal choices of service and arrival-rate control. We
tractability. Arguably, the M/G/1 queue would be a show that the system manager’s optimal choices of
better model, but it is not amenable to dynamic anal- service and arrival rates are monotone in the state
ysis. Although the M/M/1 model may not capture all of the system. Specifically, the service rate is increas-
aspects of the system behavior, it captures many of the ing and the arrival rate is decreasing with the num-
congestion-related phenomenon. Moreover, using this ber of requests waiting for service. It also turns out
model, we are able to explicitly characterize the opti- that, under this optimal policy, the service facility is
mal policy, learn about its key properties, and evalu- equivalent to a system with a finite buffer, where
ate the added value of deploying a dynamic policy. the buffer size is characterized explicitly by our solu-
We assume that service requests arrive at the facil- tion. That is, our solution of the rate-setting prob-
ity according to a Poisson process, and that each such lem specifies the minimal “waiting-room” size (buffer
request has an exponentially distributed service time size) required to implement the optimal strategy. We
requirement. The system manager can control dynam- next consider the price-setting problem where the sys-
ically both cost and value factors, and the control tem manager is restricted to price setting (rather than
arrival-rate setting). We find the set of prices and ser-
As an example, the reader may think of health care providers that vice rates that coordinate the system to same sys-
offer dedicated phone lines to their major institutional clients. tem optimality that was found for the rate-setting
Ata and Shneorson: Dynamic Control of an M/M/1 Service System
1780 Management Science 52(11), pp. 1778–1791, © 2006 INFORMS

problem, assuming that customers are well informed The second stream of research that inspires our
about their expected delays in the system. work is dynamic control of queuing systems, which has
We show, using a numerical example, that the opti- been studied extensively in the operations research
mal prices need not be monotone with the state of literature in the past 30 years (see Stidham 1988, 2002
the system. That is, it might be optimal to charge for surveys). In particular, two closely related papers
low prices to customers arriving at a highly congested to our work are George and Harrison (2001) and
system, despite the need to decrease the arrival rate. Low (1974). George and Harrison study a Markovian
Finally, we perform a numerical study to evaluate the queue in which the system manager chooses the ser-
social welfare gained by using dynamic policies over vice rate dynamically to minimize the long-run aver-
static ones. We observe that the welfare gain may be age cost but has no control over the customers’ arrival
significant, and that it increases with the customers’ rate. Low (1974), on the other hand, studies the opti-
delay costs. We also conclude that dynamic policies mal control of a Markovian queue with a finite buffer
are most attractive in systems with small buffer sizes in which the system manager controls the arrival rates
and, thus, with fewer possible states. through prices but has no control over the capac-
To repeat, our primary goal is to solve the price- ity level. The arriving customers, or jobs, are inde-
setting problem, and the rate-setting problem is pendent, rational decision makers. They observe the
solved to facilitate that solution, although it could be prices set by the system manager and decide whether
of interest on its own right. In what follows, in §2, or not to join the queue based on their net utilities.
we briefly review the related literature. In §3, we The system manager’s goal in setting the prices is to
present and solve the rate-setting problem. In §4, we maximize long-run average reward earned by serving
solve the price-setting problem. Section 5 presents our customers. It turns out that the optimal prices adver-
numerical analysis. Section 6 presents comparative tised by the system manager are a nondecreasing
statics. Section 7 contains a summary and conclud- function of the number of customers in the system.
ing remarks. Auxiliary proofs and derivations of com- Loosely speaking, our work combines the mod-
parative statics are provided in an online technical els of George and Harrison (2001) and Low (1974)
appendix available on the Management Science website and provides a new method to solve the combined
at problem (that is, the rate-setting problem) explicitly.
More important, we generalize the dual control prob-
lem of value and cost factors of Mendelson (1985)
2. Literature Review and Dewan and Mendelson (1990) to a dynamic set-
Our work combines, and is inspired by, two dis- ting. In addition to explicitly characterizing the opti-
parate streams of research. The first framework, often mal controls in both the rate-setting and price-setting
referred to as the congestion pricing literature, advo- problems, we show that optimal prices need not be
cated by Naor (1969), Mendelson (1985), Dewan and monotone in the state of the system and that the wel-
Mendelson (1990), Mendelson and Whang (1990), fare gained by using dynamic policies over static ones
Westland (1992), and others, provides a model of can be significant.
a service system where the customers requesting Masuda and Whang (1999) study the dynamic pric-
service are rational, utility-maximizing, and delay- ing control problem for a fixed-capacity communica-
sensitive decision makers. For example, Mendelson tion network in which the system manager wishes to
(1985) and Dewan and Mendelson (1990) study an maximize welfare and customers are delay-sensitive.
internal service facility in an organization where a The authors assume that the system manager has lim-
system manager sets both prices and capacities to ited information about the demand curves and uses
maximize welfare under various delay cost structures. observed system performance as input for the pricing
The controls analyzed in these two papers are static. formula. They find that the maximum social welfare
That is, the service rate and the pricing decisions solution is an equilibrium and show that an instability
are made once, based on average performance esti- problem arises because the system may never reach
mates before any realization is observed, and does not the desired equilibrium.
change thereafter. Naor (1969) models a fixed capac- Paschalidis and Tsitsiklis (2000) and Paschalidis and
ity service system in which the arriving customers Liu (2002) study dynamic pricing of a communica-
observe the queue length before deciding whether or tion network that serves multiple customer classes.
not to enter the queue. However, the proposed system In this model, the prices set by the service provider
tolls, set to maximize either welfare or revenue, are may depend on the level of congestion, but capacity
static. That is, they do not depend on the state of the is fixed and the network operates as a loss network.
system. Mendelson (1985) also provides a framework In this context, the authors show that the performance
to model behavior of customers who are sensitive to of an optimal dynamic strategy is closely matched by
both price and delay. a suitably chosen class-dependent static price.
Ata and Shneorson: Dynamic Control of an M/M/1 Service System
Management Science 52(11), pp. 1778–1791, © 2006 INFORMS 1781

Yoon and Lewis (2004) explore the problem of For us, a policy is a pair of vectors  ,
where  =
dynamic pricing and admission control in another 0  1     with all components belonging to the set
interesting direction. The authors study a problem B and  = 1  2     with all components belong-
where the arrival and service rates are nonstationary ing to the set A, assuming by convention that 0 = 0.
and customers are price-sensitive. They establish sev- To be specific, we assume that the system is empty
eral structural properties of the optimal policy, includ- initially. The system manager’s problem is to choose
ing the monotonicity of the optimal prices in the a policy  
that maximizes the long-run average
state of the system under various cost structures. The social welfare generated per time unit over an infinite
authors also propose a practical pointwise stationary planning horizon.
approximation to the optimal dynamic policy. The following definitions rely on the reader’s famil-
Finally, another closely related paper is by Maglaras iarity with birth-and-death processes (cf. §4.4 of Kar-
and Zeevi (2003), who address the problem of joint lin and Taylor 1997). A policy  
is said to be
static pricing and capacity sizing using large capac- admissible if there exists a unique steady-state dis-
ity asymptotics for systems with shared resources in tribution   
associated with it (given that the
heavy traffic. system is empty initially) that satisfies the following
balance equations:
3. The Rate-Setting Problem  
In this section, we study the problem of choos- n n  = n+1 n+1  n = 0 1 2     (1)
ing the arrival and service rates as functions of the and the usual condition
state of the system to maximize long-run average
social welfare generated per unit of time by the ser- 

n  = 1 (2)
vice facility. The system manager chooses n ∈ A n=0
and n ∈ B for n = 0 1 2     where A = 0 M

The long-run average social welfare generated per

and B = 0
, and the state of the system (that is, 
unit of time under an admissible policy  is
the queue length) evolves as a birth-and-death pro-
given by
cess with state-dependent arrival rates n and state-
dependent service rates n for n = 0 1 2     Also 

given are two functions c · on A and b · on B,  = n  n  − c n  − hn
where c  is the cost rate associated with service
rate , and b  is the value rate associated with Next, define
the arrival rate . It is assumed that c · is nonde-  ∗ ≡ sup 
creasing and convex on A with c 0 = 0, and b · where the supremum is taken over all admissible poli-
is increasing, strictly concave, continuously differen- .
cies  An admissible policy  
is said to be
tiable4 on B with b 0 = 0. In addition, the system optimal if  =  ∗

manager incurs a holding cost of hn per unit of time The optimal policy that we derive in the sequel is
when the state of the system is n. This corresponds of the following form n = 0 for n ≥ N (and n = M
to delay costs incurred by customers in the price- for n ≥ N + 1 by convention), where N is the “opti-
setting problem.5 We assume that hn is nondecreas- mal buffer size,” and it is determined uniquely in the
ing in queue length with h0 = 0 and limn→ hn = , process of deriving our candidate policy. It is cru-
which is a natural assumption in most settings includ- cial to observe that under such a policy we effec-
ing the price-setting problem we study in this paper. tively have a system with finite buffer capacity of N .
Finally, it is crucial for our analysis to assume that Motivated by this, our solution strategy is as follows.
b  0 < , which derives the conclusion that under First, we restrict attention to policies that effectively
the optimal policy the service facility operates as one truncate the buffer size at N (which will be deter-
with a finite buffer. In the context of the price-setting mined later) and derive a candidate policy by consid-
problem, this means that customer valuations are ering the associated system of optimality equations
bounded. It is natural to assume that customer valua- and solving those explicitly. Then, we prove that this
tions take values in a bounded interval, say u ū
, in candidate policy is indeed optimal for the rate-setting
which case it follows easily that b  0 = ū <  (cf. §4). problem in the sense of (4). That is, it is not only opti-
mal among the restricted class of policies, which trun-
Assuming b · is differentiable gives rise to an appealing inter- cate the buffer size at N , but also among the broader
pretation in the context of the price-setting problem. However,
assumptions on both b · and c · can be further relaxed along the
class of admissible policies described earlier in this
lines of George and Harrison (2001). section. It is important to point out that the optimality
In that context, holding cost is linear in the number of customers of the candidate policy that we derive depends crit-
in the system. However, the solution to the rate-setting problem ically on our particular choice of the “optimal buffer
admits more general holding cost structures. size” N (cf. conditions (ii) and (iii) of Proposition 1).
Ata and Shneorson: Dynamic Control of an M/M/1 Service System
1782 Management Science 52(11), pp. 1778–1791, © 2006 INFORMS

3.1. A Closely Related Problem Formulation and It should be emphasized that the derivation sketched
the Associated Optimality Equation above serves only as motivation in our treatment; the
We now focus attention on the policies that truncate only property of these optimality equations that we
the buffer size at N (which will be determined in require (Proposition 1) will be proved from first prin-
§3.2). The standard way of solving such a problem is ciples.
to consider the associated system of optimality equa- To further reduce the optimality equations, it is nat-
tions, which provides a means for characterizing an ural to define the functions  and ,
optimal policy analytically. Specializing the form of  y = supy − c  y ≥ 0 (15)
the optimality equations for a semi-Markov decision ∈A
process with long-run average cost criterion, using the For reasons that will become clear in the analysis to
uniformization technique (cf. Bertsekas 1995, p. 267) follow, we define  y only for y ∈ 0 b  0
and assuming by convention that 0 = 0 and N = 0,
we arrive at the following set of equations:  y = supb  − y y ∈ 0 b  0
b  −   − Then, the optimality equations (12)–(14) can be rewrit-
v0 = max + v1 + v0  (5)
∈B ten as follows:6

b  − c  − hn −    =  y1  (17)
vn = max + v
∈A ∈B +M + M n+1  =  yn+1  +  yn  − hn  n = 1     N − 1 (18)

 +M −−
+ vn−1 + vn   =  yN  − hN  (19)
+M +M
As observed in George and Harrison (2001, p. 724),
n = 1     N − 1 (6) given the assumptions on the cost of control c ·
−c  − hN −   M − and the set of available service rates that were set
vN = max + vN −1 + vN  forth earlier, it is straightforward to prove the fol-
∈A M M M
(7) lowing: First, the supremum in (15) is finite for all
y ≥ 0, and there exists a smallest maximizer  y ∈
Here, one interprets  as a guess at the maximum A that achieves the supremum. Similarly, the supre-
average value (achievable among the restricted class mum in (16) is also finite, and there exists a unique
of policies). The vector of unknowns v0  v1      vN  maximizer  y ∈ B for y ∈ 0 b  0
. Several impor-
is often called a relative value function in average- tant properties of these functions will be compiled
cost dynamic programming. By rearranging terms, we in §B of the online technical appendix to facilitate our
arrive at the following more compact representation: analysis.
We now provide a “verification lemma” allowing us
 = maxb  −  v0 − v1  (8) to prove the optimality of a candidate policy derived
from a solution of (17)–(19)7 ; its proof is given in §A
 = max b  −  vn − vn+1  +  vn−1 − vn  of the online technical appendix.
∈A ∈B

− c  − hn  n = 1     N − 1 (9) Proposition 1. Given constants  and N and a vector

y1  y2      yN , which satisfy
 = max vN −1 − vN  − c  − hN  (10) (i)  and y1  y2      yN  jointly solve the optimality
equations (17)–(19),
It is easy to see that the relative values can only (ii) hn +  ≥  b  0 for n ≥ N + 1,
be determined up to an additive constant by (8)–(10), (iii) 0 ≤ yn ≤ b  0 for n = 1     N ,
even if  is treated as a known constant. Therefore, it let the candidate policy  ∗ 
∗  be such that ∗n =  yn+1 
is natural to define the relative value differences for n = 0 1     N − 1, n = 0 for n ≥ N , ∗n =  yn  for

n = 1     N , and n = M for n ≥ N + 1. If the candi-

yn = vn−1 − vn  for n = 1     N  (11) date policy  ∗ 
∗  is admissible, then it is also optimal.
Moreover, we have that  ∗   ∗ =  =  ∗ .
Then one can reexpress (8)–(10) as follows:
In the next subsection, we construct a solution to
the optimality equation, which satisfies conditions of
 = maxb  − y1  (12)
∈B Proposition 1, and establish the optimality of a candi-
 = maxb  − yn+1  + maxyn − c  − hn  date policy based on that solution.
∈B ∈A

n = 1     N − 1 (13) 6
We implicitly restrict attention to yn ∈ 0 b  0
Conditions (ii) and (iii) of Proposition 1 are auxiliary conditions
 = maxyN − c  − hN  (14) that determine the optimal buffer size.
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Management Science 52(11), pp. 1778–1791, © 2006 INFORMS 1783

3.2. Solving the Optimality Equation Figure 1 An Illustrative Construction of a2  b2 

In this section, we solve the optimality equations
(17)–(19) explicitly. We assume that h1+ z
 b  0 > h1  (20) φ(y1(z))

which assures that our problem is nontrivial. That is,

if (20) is not satisfied, then the following analysis h1 b(Λ) h1+ b1
shows it is optimal not to accept any customers,
which makes the problem uninteresting. Recall that z
we also assume b  0 = ū < , which in turn implies a1 a2 b2 b1
lim hn ≥  b  0 (21) Therefore, there exists a unique a2 ∈ a1  b1  such that

because  is continuous (cf. §B of the online technical f1 a2  = 0. That is, h1 + a2 −  y1 a2  = 0. Moreover,

appendix) and limn→ hn = . The latter assumption because f1 a2  = 0 and f1 b1  > b , there exists a
derives the conclusion that the system operates as one unique b2 ∈ a2  b1  such that f1 b2  = b . That is,
with a finite buffer under the optimal policy. h1 + b2 −  y1 b2  = b . Figure 1 illustrates the con-
The following proposition lies at the heart of our struction of the pair a2  b2 .
solution method. In particular, it characterizes the It is clear that f1 z = h1 + z −  y1 z ∈ 0 b 
optimal buffer size N and the auxiliary functions yn · z ∈ a2  b2
. Then let
for n ≤ N , which will eventually be used to con-  
struct a solution to the optimality equations (17)–(19). y2 z =  −1 z + h1 −  y1 z  z ∈ a2  b2

The following definitions are needed to state Propo-
which is well defined, continuous, and strictly de-
sition 2. Let a1 = 0 and b1 = b . Then define
creasing with y2 a2  = b  0 and y2 b2  = 0. Therefore,
y1 z =  −1 z for z ∈ a1  b1
 (22) (i)–(v) hold with N = 1.
As our induction hypothesis, suppose that (i)–(v)
It immediately follows from (22) and Proposition 8 hold with N = j − 1. Then, we have the following two
(cf. §B of the online technical appendix) that y1 · is cases to consider:
continuous and strictly decreasing on a1  b1
, with Case 1. aj + hj ≥  b  0. In this case, the inductive
y1 a1  = b  0 and y1 b1  = 0. definition terminates. We set N = j − 1 and an = aN +1
Proposition 2. There exist N ≥ 1 pairs an  bn  and for j > N + 1.
the auxiliary functions yn · for n = 1     N + 1, which Case 2. aj + hj <  b  0. In this case, we proceed
are defined inductively, such that the following hold: with the inductive definition. In particular, the pair
(i) 0 = a1 < a2 < · · · < aN < aN +1 < bN +1 < bN < · · · < aj+1  bj+1  and the function yj+1 · on aj+1  bj+1
b2 < b1 = b , constructed as follows: For each z ∈ aj  bj
, we define
(ii) hn−1 + an −  yn−1 an  = 0 and hn−1 + bn − fj z = hj + z −  yj z. Clearly, fj · is continuous and
 yn−1 bn  = b , n = 2     N + 1, strictly increasing on aj  bj
. Moreover, we have that
(iii) yn z =  −1 z + hn−1 −  yn−1 z for z ∈ an  bn

and n = 2     N + 1, fj aj  = hj + aj −  yj aj  = hj + aj −  b  0 < 0

(iv) yn · is continuous and strictly decreasing on fj bj  = hj + bj −  yj bj  > hj−1 + bj ≥ b 
an  bn
with yn an  = b  0 and yn bn  = 0 for n =
1     N + 1, Therefore, there exists a unique aj+1 ∈ aj  bj  such
(v) an + hn <  b  0 for n = 1     N , that fj aj+1  = 0. That is, hj + aj+1 −  yj aj+1  = 0.
(vi) aN +1 + hN +1 ≥  b  0. Also, because fj aj+1  = 0 and fj bj  > b , there
Proof. We proceed by induction. As the induction exists a unique bj+1 ∈ aj+1  bj  such that fj bj+1  =
basis, we prove that (i)–(v) hold with N = 1. To show b . That is, hj + bj+1 −  yj bj+1  = b . Figure 2
this, the first step is to construct the pair a2  b2  such illustrates the construction of the pair aj+1  bj+1 .
that a1 < a2 < b2 < b1 and that h1 + a2 −  y1 a2  = Having constructed the pair aj+1  bj+1 , next define
0 and h1 + b2 −  y1 b2  = b . First, for each z ∈
a1  b1
, we define f1 z = h1 +z− y1 z. Clearly, f1 · yj+1 z =  −1 z + hj −  yj z z ∈ aj+1  bj+1
is strictly increasing and continuous on a1  b1
, and it
It is clear that yj+1 · is continuous and strictly de-
follows from (20) that
creasing on aj+1  bj+1
with yj+1 aj+1  = b  0 and
f1 a1  = h1 −  b  0 < 0 yj+1 bj+1  = 0. Therefore, (i)–(iv) hold with N = j.
At this stage, we again have the two cases con-
f1 b1  = h1 + b  −  y1 b1  = h1 + b  > 0 sidered immediately above. That is, we have either
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Figure 2 An Illustrative Construction of aj+1  bj+1  and 

 yn∗  if 1 ≤ n ≤ N 
∗n = (30)
φ(b ′(0)) hj + z M if n ≥ N + 1
φ(yj (z))
The following corollary is an immediate consequence
of (29), (30), Proposition 3, (49), and Proposition 5
b(Λ) hj + bj
hj (cf. §B of the online technical appendix).

Corollary 1. The service rates of the candidate policy
aj aj+1 bj+1 bj are increasing and the arrival rates are decreasing in the
number of customers present in the system. More specifi-
aj+1 + hj+1 ≥  b  0 or aj+1 + hj+1 <  b  0. In the cally, we have that
former case, the inductive definition terminates, and (i) 0 < ∗1 ≤ ∗2 ≤ · · · ≤ ∗N ≤ M;
in the latter case we proceed with the induction as (ii) ≥ ∗0 ≥ ∗1 ≥ · · · ≥ ∗N −1 > 0.
described immediately above.
It is crucial to observe that N is finite by (21), and We now state the main result of §3, which estab-
N ≥ 1 by (20). Also, by construction we have that lishes optimality of the candidate policy for the rate-
setting problem.
N = maxn ≥ 1# hn + an <  b  0 (24)
Theorem 1. The candidate policy  ∗ 
∗  defined by
and that hN +1 + aN +1 ≥  b  0 and, therefore, (i)–(vi) (29) and (30) is optimal for the rate-setting problem in the
hold.  sense of (4).
In essence, Proposition 2 solves the optimality equa-
tions. Using that solution, one can construct an Proof. First, because we assumed that the system
optimal policy. More specifically, Proposition 3 pro- is empty initially, it follows from Corollary 1 that
vides a solution to the optimality equations using there exists a unique steady-state distribution. Thus,
the auxiliary functions yn · constructed in Proposi- the candidate policy is admissible. Also by Propo-
tion 2. Proposition 3 is also useful in establishing that sition 3 and (25), the candidate policy satisfies the
the optimal arrival rate is positive until the system necessary conditions so that Proposition 1 can be
reaches the optimal buffer size, and that the service invoked, which immediately implies that the candi-
rate is positive whenever the system is not empty, ∗ 
date policy  ∗  is optimal in the sense of (4). 
thereby implying that the truncated system under the
optimal policy corresponds to an irreducible Markov
chain (cf. Corollary 1). 4. The Price-Setting Problem
The following definitions are needed to state Propo- In this section, we focus on a system in which the
sition 3, which is proved in §A of the online techni- system manager controls the service rates and prices
cal appendix. Let z∗ = aN +1 and yn∗ = yn z∗  for n = but is unable to directly control arrival rates. The sys-
1     N . Then, it immediately follows from (vi) of tem manager’s goal when choosing the service rates
Proposition 2 that and prices is as before: to maximize the long-run aver-
age welfare generated. As before, welfare is defined as
hn + z∗ ≥  b  0 for n ≥ N + 1 (25)
the value gained from service minus cost of capac-
Proposition 3. z∗ and y1∗      yN∗  solve the optimal- ity minus the delay costs, which correspond to the
ity equations (17)–(19). That is, holding costs in the rate-setting problem. Therefore,
the system manager’s goal is to coordinate the system
z∗ =  y1∗  (26) to achieve  ∗ defined in (4). To do that, we con-

z = ∗
 yn+1  +  yn∗  − hn  n = 1     N − 1 (27) struct the optimal state-dependent prices and capac-
∗ ities p ∗  
∗  that the system manager should set to
z =  yN∗  − hN  (28) ∗ and service rates 
induce the arrival rates  ∗ found
Moreover, c  0 < y1∗ < · · · < yN∗ < b  0. in Theorem 1.
The prices set by the system manager correspond
Having solved the optimality equations, we next
to the fees customers pay per service request submit-
propose a candidate policy based on that solution and
ted to be processed. These prices are state-dependent.
prove its optimality. In particular, we propose the can-
∗  Customers pay the posted price at the time of arrival
didate policy  ∗ , where to the facility, independent of the actual waiting

 yn+1 ∗
 if 0 ≤ n ≤ N − 1 time they experience. Specifically, at each state of the
∗n = (29) system n, the system manager sets both the state-
0 if n ≥ N  dependent service rate n and price pn , as well as
Ata and Shneorson: Dynamic Control of an M/M/1 Service System
Management Science 52(11), pp. 1778–1791, © 2006 INFORMS 1785

posts the true system expected delay. Then, cus- where Dn∗ is the expected delay at state n under the
tomers, who are rational, utility-maximizing, and optimal policy  ∗ 
∗ . Thus, using (31), it is straight-
delay-sensitive decision makers observe the price for forward to set the optimal prices, given the optimal
the service and the posted expected delay and decide arrival rates  ∗ , and expected delays D ∗ . From Theo-
whether or not to submit their service requests.8 rem 1, we have the optimal arrival and service rates
Clearly, to induce the optimal service rates, the system ∗ and 
 ∗ . It remains to find D ∗.
manager chooses the service rates  ∗ , as in Theorem 1. j
Denote by Wi the expected delay of the ith job in
It remains to find the optimal prices. To do that, we the queue under the optimal policy given that the
develop further our model of customer behavior. state of the system is j for all i ≤ j; the following
In the absence of delays, customers have a positive proposition characterizes these quantities.
value from receiving service. We assume that the cus-
tomers’ service values are i.i.d., drawn from a contin- Proposition 4. Under the optimal policy, which has
uous distribution F with p.d.f. f , and assumed strictly ∗ and service rates 
arrival rates  ∗ , the expected delay of
positive and continuous on u ū
, where 0 ≤ u < ū < the ith job in the queue, when the state of the system is j,
. Let F = 1 − F . If all consumers with value exceed- is the unique solution to the linear system of equations
ing u submit service requests, the rate at which ser- 
vice requests arrive at the facility is  = F u, where  1 ∗j j−1 ∗j j+1

 + ∗ Wi−1 + ∗ Wi
is the maximum arrival rate. Conversely, the value 
  ∗
+ ∗
 +  ∗
 + ∗

 j j j j j j
of the marginal consumer corresponding to arrival j
Wi = for j < N 
rate  is F−1 / . Using the notation introduced 

in §3, b  denotes the aggregate (gross) network 
 1 j−1

 ∗ + Wi−1 for j = N 
value rate. Then, the downward-sloping marginal j
value function b   = F−1 /  defines a one-to-one
mapping between the arrival rate  and the corre- with W0 = 0 for all j.
sponding marginal value b   with b   > 0 and
b   < 0 for  < , consistent with the assumptions Proof. The recursive equations follow by a first-
in §3 (cf. Lippman and Stidham 1977, Mendelson step analysis. Writing this system of linear equa-
1985, Dewan and Mendelson 1990, Mendelson and tions in the matrix form AW = B, where A is an
Whang 1990, Afèche and Mendelson 2004). N N + 1/2 × N N + 1/2 matrix, and W is the vector
The customers requesting service are delay-sensi- W = W11  W12      W1N  W22      WNN
, it is straightfor-
tive with a delay of one time unit resulting in v units ward to see, by inspection, that the matrix A is of
of customer disutility. The expected delay at state n, full rank. It follows that the system of equations has
a unique solution. 
Dn , is a function of the requests’ arrival rates ,
The unique solution to the system of equations in
the service rates , and the distribution of service
Proposition 4 gives us the expected delays of all cus-
time requirements. We assume that all service require-
tomers in the system. To set prices, we need only
ments are i.i.d., having an exponential distribution
the expected delay of the arriving customer. That is,
with mean 1.
Dn = Wnn . Having done that, by (31) we have a full
To derive the customer’s net utility, who arrives
specification of the optimal prices.
when there are already n customers in the system,
To repeat, to maximize welfare in the price-setting
from receiving service, we subtract from the cus-
problem the system manager first solves the rate-
tomer’s gross utility both the price pn he pays for the
service and his expected delay cost v · Dn+1 . Thus, the setting problem of §3 with functions b ·, c ·, and
marginal customer’s (expected) net utility when there the linear holding cost hn = *n, corresponding to cus-
are n requests already in the queue waiting to be ser- tomers’ delay cost. Denoting the resulting optimal
policy by  ∗ 
∗ , the system manager can simply
viced is b  n  − pn − v · Dn+1 . Customers choose to
submit service requests as long as their net utility is implement the service rate control policy  ∗ directly.
positive. Thus, the optimal price at state n, given the However, the important difference from the rate-
∗ and service rates  setting problem is that the system manager can con-
optimal arrival rates  ∗ , is
trol the arrival rate only through the posted prices and
pn∗ = b  ∗n  − v · Dn+1

 for n = 0     N − 1 (31) expected delays. Proposition 4 characterizes the state-
dependent expected delays under the optimal policy
for the rate-setting problem, and (31) characterizes the
We make the assumption that delays are posted by the system prices that induce those arrival rates. Therefore, the
manager for simplicity. In fact, if customers have full information
about the optimal policy and the state of the system on arrival, the
system manager posts these state-dependent prices
expected delay posting is redundant because customers have the and expected delays, inducing the optimal arrival
information required to calculate the expected delay. rates  ∗.
Ata and Shneorson: Dynamic Control of an M/M/1 Service System
1786 Management Science 52(11), pp. 1778–1791, © 2006 INFORMS

One may intuitively expect that the optimal price 
 if 0 ≤ y ≤ B − 2C 
is monotone in the state of the system given that 

the optimal arrival rate is decreasing in the system y−B
 y = if B − 2C < y ≤ B
state. Equation (31) sheds some light on this issue. 
 −2C

In particular, Equation (31) shows that the optimal 
0 if y > B-
price is the difference of two increasing functions of  (33)
the system state. Thus, in general, the price need not 
 B − y − C  if 0 ≤ y ≤ B − 2C 
be monotone. In the next section, we indeed demon- 

strate through a numerical study that, although in B − y2
 y = if B − 2C < y ≤ B
many cases the price is monotone, it is nonmonotone 
 4C

in some examples. An interesting question is to iden- 

0 if y > B
tify conditions on the model primitives under which
the price is necessarily monotone or necessarily non- First, we explore the properties of optimal prices.
monotone. However, the rather implicit characteriza- Because the characterization of the optimal prices
tion of the expected delay Dn∗ in Proposition 4 makes is rather implicit, we consider special cases to gain
such queries analytically intractable. insight. If one considers a case where delay costs
are small compared with the value rates, it is nat-
ural to expect that pn ≈ b  ∗n , at least for small n.
5. A Numerical Example Then, because the optimal arrival rates are increasing
In §3, we found the solution to the dynamic con- and the value rate function b · is concave, we intu-
trol problem of arrival and service rates, and in §4 itively expect the prices to be increasing at least in a
we found the set of prices that induce this optimal range where n is sufficiently small. Indeed, in many
system when customers make their individual entry examples, this intuition seems to be correct, and the
decisions. In this section, we explore numerically the optimal price is monotone increasing in the state of
characteristics of the dynamic optimal arrival rates, the system; Figure 3 provides an illustrative example
service rates and prices that our solution induces, of this case. On the other hand, if we consider the
and the overall gain in system performance that the “light-traffic” scenario where is small, it is natural
dynamic control policy offers. to expect that ∗n = for most of the system states. In
We assume, for the purpose of the example, that the that case, pn = b   − Dn+1 , which is decreasing in n.
customers’ gross utility from receiving service in the This case is illustrated in Figure 4.
system is a uniformly distributed random variable, Although the intuitive assertions above seem to
that is, the distribution F is uniform over u ū
. It fol- be correct in some cases, they do not carry over to
lows (using the analysis in §4) that the gross utility of the general setting (Figure 5 provides a counterexam-
the marginal customer from receiving service is given ple to both assertions). Therefore, although the over-
by the linear demand curve b   = B − 2C, where all costs, monetary plus delay cost, experienced by
B = ū and C = ū − u/ 2  for all states of the sys-
tem. Because B > 2C and B C > 0 by definition, the
Figure 3 An Illustrative Example of Increasing Prices
value rate function b  = B − C2 is indeed concave
and increasing on 0
. We further assume that the Optimal controls, M =6, Λ =3, B=5, C =0.5, m=2
capacity cost function is c  = 12 2 , and that the cus-
Arrival rate λ
tomers’ delay cost is 1/m per unit of time, for some 4.5
Service rate µ
m > 0. From the system manager’s point of view, this 4.0 Price
implies a holding cost of n/m per unit of time, where
n is the state of the system. 3.5

Integrating the assumptions above with the anal- 3.0

ysis of §B of the online technical appendix, it is
straightforward to arrive at the following closed-form
expressions for  y,  y,  y, and  y: 2.0

 1.5
y if 0 ≤ y ≤ M
 y = 1.0
M if M < y-
 (32)
 12 y 2 if 0 ≤ y ≤ M 0
 y = 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

yM − 12 M 2 if M < y- State of the system
Ata and Shneorson: Dynamic Control of an M/M/1 Service System
Management Science 52(11), pp. 1778–1791, © 2006 INFORMS 1787

Figure 4 An Illustrative Example of Decreasing Prices studied by Mendelson (1985) and provides a direct
Optimal controls, M = 6, Λ = 0.5, B= 5, C = 0.5, m=1.5 comparison to our dynamically controlled M/M/1
5.0 system. However, because our dynamic control policy
Arrival rate λ
Service rate µ implicitly implies a finite buffer size, we find it useful
4.0 Price to compare our results with that of a statically con-
3.5 trolled M/M/1/K system as well. In performing the
3.0 latter comparison, for each set of system parameters,
the system buffer size K is chosen so as to maximize
the overall expected system welfare.
Figure 6(a) illustrates the average optimal arrival
rates and service rates in the dynamic problem, where
the average is a weighted average with weights
set according to the resulting stationary distribution,
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 compared with the static problems’ controls. First,
State of the system note that
in the dynamic problem the average ser-
vice rate Nn=0 i n is always equal to the average

customers are increasing with the state of the sys- arrival rate Nn=0 i n . This follows from the balance
tem, the monetary price charged by the system man- equations (1) and the boundary conditions 0 = 0
ager to regulate the system to optimality need not and N = 0. Thus, not only does the system man-
be monotone. Of course, an interesting question is ager need not worry about stability, in the dynamic
to identify precise conditions on model primitives setting it is optimal to provide, on average, the ser-
under which the optimal price is necessarily increas- vice rate that exactly meets the service requirement.
ing, decreasing, and nonmonotone. Unfortunately, the This indicates high efficiency attained in the dynamic
rather implicit characterization of the expected delays setting because every unit of service is used to its
under the optimal policy makes such precise charac- fullest. Clearly, this cannot be the case in the static
terizations analytically intractable. M/M/1 system, where we must have  >  to guar-
Next, we fix the parameters = 4, M = 6, B = 5, antee stability. Second, Figure 6(a) illustrates that the
C = 05 arbitrarily, vary the value of the inverse delay service rates are always higher and the arrival rates
cost m, and compare the resulting arrival rates, service are always lower in the static systems compared with
rates, and prices of our dynamic control problem to the average dynamic rates. That is, in addition to
the results of two practically appealing static policies, using less capacity, more customers are admitted to
the M/M/1 and M/M/1/K queues. In both static the system and receive service in the dynamic case.
control problems, the system manager can choose one Higher arrival rates imply that customers endowed
service rate, one arrival rate, or one price. The cus- with relatively low gross utility values are admit-
tomers have no information about the current system ted to the system and get to experience its service,
state and decide whether or not to submit a service whereas these same customers would not be admit-
request based on the expected steady-state system ted to a static system. As expected, between the two
delays. The M/M/1 static control problem has been static systems, the controls of the M/M/1/K system
are closer to those of the dynamic system. This is
because both of these systems have a finite buffer size.
Figure 5 An Illustrative Example of Nonmonotone Prices Figure 6(b) shows the complementary of this find-
Optimal controls, M = 6, Λ = 2.6, B= 5, C = 0.5, m=2.5 ing in the price-setting problem. The average prices
5.0 under the dynamic policy are higher than or about
4.5 Arrival rate λ the same as prices under the static policies. Combin-
Service rate µ
4.0 Price ing this with Equation (31) and the fact that average
3.5 arrival rate is higher for the dynamic policy suggest
that delays under the dynamic policy are significantly
lower than those under the static policies.
Figure 7(a) illustrates the social welfare increase, in
2.0 percentages (using a log scale), attained in the optimal
1.5 dynamic system over the static systems as a function
1.0 of the inverse delay cost m. It is evident, in this exam-
0.5 ple, that the efficiency gain is significant, with the
lowest gains being 31.4% and 19.6% over the M/M/1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 and M/M/1/K systems, respectively (when m = 35).
State of the system The gain in social welfare is increasing with the delay
Ata and Shneorson: Dynamic Control of an M/M/1 Service System
1788 Management Science 52(11), pp. 1778–1791, © 2006 INFORMS

Figure 6 Comparison of the Dynamic Rates and Prices with the Static Ones
(a) Static vs. dynamic arrival and service rates



1.5 Average dynamic λ, µ

λ M/M/1
1.0 λ M/M/1/K
µ M/M/1
µ M/M/1/K
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Inverse delay cost

(b) Optimal prices





1.0 Average dynamic price

M/M/1/K price
M/M/1 price
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Inverse delay cost
Notes. Panel (a) illustrates the arrival rates  and service rates  in the dynamic and static problems as a function of the inverse demand curve m. Panel (b)
illustrates a comparison of the prices in both problems, where
= 4, M = 6, B = 5, C = 05.

cost. In extreme cases, it might be  because it is arrival rates and capacities), it has a larger buffer size
not worthwhile to operate the system under a static than the static system.
regime (maximum attainable social welfare is zero, Combining the insights of Figures 7(a) and (b),
which is attained when the system is idle), but operat- we conclude that dynamically controlling a system is
ing the system under a dynamic regime induces posi- most advantageous in systems in which delay costs
tive welfare. Note that the M/M/1/K system is more (or equivalently holding costs) are high and, therefore,
efficient than the M/M/1 system because its finite optimal buffer sizes are small. Although implement-
buffer size serves as an upper bound on the system’s ing a dynamic control policy is often a very complex
maximum experienced delay. and hard task to manage, our results suggest that this
Figure 7(b) illustrates the optimal system buffer size effort is most worthwhile in smaller systems. These
as a function of the inverse delay cost m in both the are also the systems where the implementation of a
dynamic and the static M/M/1/K systems. As the dynamic policy is the easiest because the number of
delay cost increases, the optimal buffer size decreases, possible system states is low.
and in our example it varies from N = 26 when the
delay cost is v = 1/m = 028 to N = 3 when the delay
cost is v = 1/m = 25 in the dynamic system, and from 6. Comparative Statics
K = 7 to K = 1 in the M/M/1/K system. The intuitive In most service systems, it is hard to estimate some
reasoning is that the buffer size serves as an upper system parameters reliably, and the parameters may
bound on the expected delay in the system. That is, also change over time. Therefore, it is important to
the maximum expected delay, for example, DN in the understand how the optimal policy and its perfor-
dynamic system, is increasing with the buffer size. mance depend on various system parameters. Thus,
Therefore, as the cost of delay increases and it is opti- as a step toward better understanding the nature of
mal to decrease the expected delays in the system, the the optimal policy and its dependence on the system
optimal buffer sizes are smaller. Because the dynamic parameters, we next present its comparative statics.
system offers more flexibility in controlling the delays The derivations are provided in §C of the online tech-
than the M/M/1/K system (via increased control of nical appendix.
Ata and Shneorson: Dynamic Control of an M/M/1 Service System
Management Science 52(11), pp. 1778–1791, © 2006 INFORMS 1789

Figure 7 Comparison of the Dynamic Policy with Static Policies

(a) Social welfare gains: Dynamic over static controls

Log(percentage) welfare gain

3.5 M/M/1




0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Inverse delay cost

(b) Optimal buffer size

Dynamic policy
20 M/M/1/K
Buffer size



0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Inverse delay cost
Notes. Panel (a) illustrates the percentage increase in social welfare attained by using the dynamic solution compared with the static solutions, as a function
of the inverse delay cost m on a log scale. Panel (b) illustrates the optimal buffer sizes in both the dynamic and M/M/1/K systems, as a function of the inverse
delay cost m, where
= 4, M = 6, B = 5, and C = 05.

In our setting, it is natural to know the cost increasing in 1 and the marginal cost rate 0c/0 is
of capacity function, whereas the delay sensitivity nondecreasing in 1. That is,
parameter * and the value rate function b · may not
be known precisely. Therefore, the comparative stat- 0 02
c  1 > 0 and c  1 ≥ 0
ics are most relevant for the delay-sensitivity param- 01 0 01
eter * and the value rate function b ·. Nevertheless, for all 1  (35)
we also provide the comparative statics for the cost of
capacity function c ·, which is assumed to be contin- In particular, taking c  = 12 2 as in §5, for 1 > 0, an
uously differentiable and strictly convex in this sec- additive parameterization is c  1 = 12 + 12 , and a
tion, implying that  is smooth. multiplicative parameterization is given by c  1 =
To be specific, we assume that the value rate func- 1
12 , both of which satisfy (35).
tion is parameterized by / ∈ / /̄ ⊂  such that First, focusing on the linear holding cost case, that
the value rate b  / is strictly increasing in /, and is, hn = *n for n = 0 1     we study the dependence
the marginal value rate 0b/0 is nondecreasing in /, of the optimal solution on the delay sensitivity param-
that is, eter *. Viewing the optimal solution as a function of *,
0 02 it turns out that the optimal value  ∗ * is decreas-
b  / > 0 and b  / ≥ 0 ing in * as one
0/ 0 0/
would expect. To be more specific,
defining L∗ = Nn=1 n n to be the steady-state expected
for all /  (34) queue length under the optimal policy, one has that
For instance, taking b  = B − C2 as in §5, an addi- d ∗
tive parameterization is given by b  / = B + / − = −L∗ < 0
C2 for / > 0, and a multiplicative parameterization
is given by b  / = B/ − C2 for / > 0. Both of these We also show that the optimal relative value differ-
parameterizations satisfy our assumptions. Similarly, ence yi∗ * is strictly increasing in * for i = 1     N .
the cost of capacity function is parameterized by 1 ∈ Then, by the monotonicity of  ·, it follows that ∗i *
1 1
 ⊂  such that the cost rate c  1 is strictly is increasing (strictly increasing unless it is equal
Ata and Shneorson: Dynamic Control of an M/M/1 Service System
1790 Management Science 52(11), pp. 1778–1791, © 2006 INFORMS

to M) for i = 1     N . Similarly, it follows from the is then used to solve for the optimal dynamic prices
monotonicity of  · that the optimal arrival rate ∗i * and service rates a system manager should set when
is decreasing (strictly decreasing unless it is equal serving delay-sensitive, rational customers. Our solu-
to ) for i = 0 1     N − 1. Moreover, because the tion method could be implemented as a tool that sup-
optimal arrival rates are decreasing in *, we conclude ports, or actually manages, decision making in the
that the optimal buffer size N is also decreasing in * service facility. For instance, in the context of com-
as one would expect intuitively. puting on demand, there could be a server that uses
Second, we study the impact of changes in the this algorithm to determine service rate (processing
value rate function b ·. As one would expect,  ∗ / is power allocation) per task and posted prices dynam-
increasing in /. In particular, one has that ically over time.
It turns out that for the system to operate at its opti-
d ∗  N
0 0 mal arrival and service rates, it needs only to have a
= n b ∗n  / = Ɛb ∗n  /
> 0
d/ n=0
0/ 0/ finite buffer size, which is characterized by our solu-
tion method. The rates themselves are monotone in
We also show that the optimal relative value differ-
the state of the system. The arrival rate is decreas-
ence yi∗ / is strictly increasing in / for i = 1     N .
ing and the service rate is increasing with the number
Then, by the monotonicity of  ·, it follows that
of service requests in the system waiting for service.
the optimal service rate ∗i / is increasing (strictly
However, the optimal prices that are set to induce
increasing unless it is equal to M) for i = 1     N .
the optimal rates in the price-setting problem need
Although one may also expect that the arrival rates
not be monotone. Consequently, even though it may
are also increasing in / for all states, this is not true
seem intuitive to expect that a system manager who
in general. Indeed, one can easily construct examples
wishes to decrease arrivals would typically raise the
where the arrival rate is increasing for small values of
price, our analysis shows that this might not be nec-
the system state and it is decreasing for the large val-
essary and might lead to too much of a decrease in
ues of the system state; one can also construct exam-
arrival rate.
ples where the arrival rates are increasing for all states
Evaluating the increase in social welfare that is
of the system.
achieved by using a dynamic policy instead of the
Finally, we consider the impact of changes in the
optimal static policies, we find that dynamic policies
cost function. It follows that the optimal value  ∗ 1
is decreasing as one would expect. More specifically, offer significant welfare gains, and that the higher the
it turns out that customer delay cost is, the more there is to gain from
using dynamic policies. In particular, our numeri-
d ∗ N
0 0 cal analysis suggests that dynamic policies are most
= − n c ∗n  1 = − Ɛc ∗n  1
< 0
d1 n=1
01 01 worthwhile implementing in systems with large delay
costs and hence small buffer sizes.
We also show that the optimal relative value dif- An interesting open problem is to study the case
ference yi∗ 1 is strictly increasing in 1 for i = where a system manager strives to maximize her
1     N . Then, by the monotonicity of  ·, it fol- profits (as opposed to maximizing system welfare)
lows immediately that the optimal arrival rate ∗i 1 in either a monopolistic or competitive market. In
is decreasing (strictly decreasing unless it is ) for principle, for the simpler problem of a monopolist
i = 0 1     N − 1. Because the optimal arrival rates system manager maximizing her profits, one can fol-
are decreasing in 1, we also conclude that the optimal low a similar roadmap: First, formulate and solve a
buffer size is decreasing in 1 as one would expect. rate-setting problem and use that solution to deter-
Although one might intuitively expect that the ser- mine the optimal prices. Therefore, it seems that one
vice rate is decreasing in 1 for all states, this is not can focus primarily on the rate-setting problem. In
true in general. Indeed, one can construct examples the profit-maximization problem, delay costs incurred
where the service rate is decreasing for large values of by the customers are not part of the system man-
the system state and it is increasing for small values ager’s objective. Nevertheless, assuming that the sys-
of the system state. One can also construct examples tem manager must inform the customers of the true
where the service rate is decreasing in 1 for all states expected delays, the expected delays affect the price
of the system. (and, hence, the objective to be maximized) necessary
to induce a desired arrival rate indirectly through an
7. Summary and Concluding Remarks implicitly defined function, which involves the arrival
This paper presents the solution to the problem of rates and service rates for all possible states, and
dynamically controlling the arrival and service rate that makes the problem intractable. In contrast, for
in a service facility, where the objective is to maxi- the rate-setting problem studied in §3, the value rate
mize long-run average system welfare. This solution generated for each state n and the associated action
Ata and Shneorson: Dynamic Control of an M/M/1 Service System
Management Science 52(11), pp. 1778–1791, © 2006 INFORMS 1791

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An online supplement to this paper is available Paschalidis, I. Ch., Y. Liu. 2002. Pricing in multiservice loss net-
works: Static pricing, asymptotic optimality, and demand sub-
on the Management Science website (http://mansci.
stitution effects. IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking 10(3) 425–438. Paschalidis, I. Ch., J. N. Tsitsiklis. 2000. Congestion-dependent
pricing of network services. IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking 8(2)
Acknowledgments 171–184.
The authors thank Mustafa Akan, Gad Allon, J. Michael Stidham, S. 1988. Scheduling, routing, and flow control in stochas-
Harrison, Sunil Kumar, Haim Mendelson, and the anony- tic networks. W. Fleming, P. L. Lions, eds. Stochastic Differential
mous reviewers for helpful comments. They also thank Systems, Stochastic Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 10. IMA
Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications. Springer-Verlag,
Konstantinos E. Zachariadis for his technical assistance.
Berlin, Germany, 529–561.
Stidham, S. 2002. Analysis, design, and control of queueing sys-
tems. Oper. Res. 50(1) 197–216.
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