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Smart Junior PreE

My Breakfast
Before Class 课前准备

For Parents/Students:
Please prepare an egg, some bread or a photo of your breakfast
before class. The teacher will ask the student to show the things
in the class.


Class Rules
Lead in Good morning!
What do you like for breakfast? I like eggs for
Look and say.
What do you like for breakfast? I like bread for
Let’s say it louder and louder.
Let’s say it louder and louder.
Let’s say it louder and louder.
What do you like for breakfast?
I like porridge
for breakfast.
Look and say.
What do you like for breakfast?

I like cereal for

Let’s learn some breakfast food.
Let’s learn some breakfast food.
Act and chant!

Cc cereal
Act and chant!

Ee egg
Listen, circle and say.
Look, Listen and Say

I like … for
Let’s talk!
Let’s talk!
Let’s watch a video and sing together! 1
Let’s review. breakfast

egg bread cereal porridge

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