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amount granted before the time of Ti. Gracchus (133 B.C.


and prizes are distributed annually. Such of them as display

the independence and integrity of Afghanistan, to secure

had wished to do so, was always gold, to be won by slave

Mexico). The number of years before flowering occurs depends

crystalline massif, therefore, presents a solid block which

duke of Albany was bestowed on the 24th of May 1881 on Prince

This same spirit, but limited to nature in her most elemental

expression. These theories. however, like other attempts to

II. ALEXANDER STEWART, duke of Albany (c. 1454-1485),

Somaliland, though the Shebeli fails to reach the Indian Ocean;

in the south-and contains 37 cantons and 841 communes.


a few years ago, was that of Vicomte Emmanuel de Ronge,

archbishop of Milan. On being created cardinal by Innocent

month, but these calamities were followed by years of great

Express stipulations.

the ``Abode of Love'' in Somerset, and all efforts to interview

The early Christian agape admitted of adaptation to the

documents, so that they might be available for purposes of

by injection into cold water and working the lumps together,

subject, and work was carried on in many countries. But it

und Firn (1901); E. Rambert, Ascensions et flaneries (2

gives aa-phenyl-methyl-furfurane. Oxazoles (q.v.) are

Abbeville, the chief town of the district of Ponthieu, first

on the one hand unless the egoist's happiness is compatible

offices, had expressly stipulated should be provided. Here

ultimately on the degree in which the affections are regarded as

to the Webi Shebeli; in 1892 Vittorio Bottego (afterwards

in 1905, fine specimens of goldsmiths' work of the 15th and

solutions, and have an acid reaction; they give the colour

focal lengths and focal planes, permits the determination

the following cases: (1) where any matter or ingredient not

asserted that he never received but one year's payment of it,

ft. To the N.E. of these highlands and lowlands is a rugged

for containing the principles of stereographic projection.

the two sections of the empire, the ministers of Arcadius

AGRARIAN LAWS (Lat. ager, land). Under this heading we deal

by means of crowbars and picks of wood and bone. They

from the Semitic ambar (ambergris) to which Eastern nations

speaking, the ammunition column of each of the artillery

claim a victory. Buell's successor retained the positions about

1900 Zeppelin I 420 39 400,000 25,000 19,000 1500 32.0 18.00

the conductor. To avoid the creation of induced currents,

bottom. The steam causes the action of the lime on the

make it, both doctrines are required in our efforts towards

tissue. Other morbid conditions of the suprarenals

called canonesses (Kanonissinen) or more usually Stiftsdamen.

he says, ``is relative to the sense of some mind perceiving

lesser degree the corresponding zone of the Kalahari in the

R.I.P. (Requiescat in pace!), May he rest in peace!

mares, if required. The winning stallions are distributed

in 1639 with the Jesuit fathers Acuna and Artieda,

Alexandria. Their works, perhaps not unfortunately, have

and to those four balls he proposed to attach a boat, with

Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, Machiavelli and Angelo

salt. The city owns and operates the electriclighting

the approval of his father he rejected all idea of a coup

in a characteristic vein of wit; and with more quaintness

Pic Gaspard. . . . . . . . . . 12,730 Mourre Froid . . . . . . . . . . .9,830

of the island of.Salamis, where he had a temple and an image,

agitated under a pressure of 70 or 80 lb per sq. in. with

one who makes those calculations as to the probabilities of

7 Cheyne, Genesis and Exodus, referring to

sheep of any age above twelve months. Of prize sheep at the

black. Some domesticated mice are entirely white with the

Sumatra. But Portugal still held, both in the east and west of

S.A.A. in regimental charge is 100 rounds in the possession

Monks, as a rule, were laymen, nor at the outset was the abbot

simplicity. The zone of the Molasse is little changed,

moreover, availed himself very freely of facilities that were

constantly engaged in personal quarrels with his rivals; but

with the Negro to give birth to the Mandingo, Wolof and

do so under the altered conditions of British agriculture,

have cultivated turnips before this; for Blith says that

causes or to unavoidable circumstances. The courts have

only twice, for 1863 and 1864. The Old Farmer's Almanac

water gives alloxanic acid, C4H4N2O5, hot dilute nitric

manifest. For this object he was ready to commit any crime

almost unrivalled, even in this land of patient and lavish

that local officers have been in larger measure deprived of

bridges. Included within the limits of the city is Bay Farm

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