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centre and, in warm-blooded animals, death is due to this

Athenae, iii. 819; Palmer's Nonc. Mem. iii. 208.

and invited certain persons to become the first members of a

to make a better world than this is of late authority. If

to acquiesce in this view, and in May 1895 France sent an

plants, the tall stem being crowned by racemes of showy

AMPHITRYON, in Greek mythology, son of Alcaeus, king of

to secure as much as possible, so as to make up for lost

(3 vols., 1850-1853), Histoire des commencements de la

Kautus pater; the goddess Gilva, identified with Tellus, and

allied to the Mascarenes and Madagascar species which once

of the narrower senses in which it has been proposed to

hotter and drier than those in the southern zone; the south

the profits of the Royal Academy have been devoted has been

course of the great Arabian campaign of Assurbanipal. With

during the next decade and became tributary to the rubber

Congress passed the National (or Hatch) Experiment Station

intended to deal, asking for any available information.

baffled. While maintaining the validity of the earlier treaty

to different European powers have still to be brought under

although he believed the distance traversed, owing to different

of these rooms, offered in exchange a portion of the National

berry, preserved in seal oil for the winter, is an important

AMERICA. I. Physical Geography. -- The accidental use

who flourished c. 279-320. 'Abbahu encouraged the

Antioch, died about 1127, leaving by his wife Hawise, daughter

both the subsidiary and the elaborative faculties in

meet in a point. In fig. 9, due to F. Charpy, these lines

on both sides of the Red Sea, and having reduced most of the

foot of Bennachie, and on the top of the Buck of Cahrach. A

to India are usually bred in Maimana and other places in Afghan

cavalry, crossed the Euphrates and entered and plundered that

nearly one-third again go to the east coast of Africa. The

Commons, and outside it, he was throughout his political

solely to the pot-still product. But the question was referred

has in fact been confirmed by excavation in Palestine.

rhabdoliths). In any case, however Aldabra was formed,

acid in the pores has weakened to a mean value of about

ALLITERATION (from Lat. ad, to, and littera, letter), the

saint called Akhund Darweza. The literature is richest in

Eliot Congregational Church (which he founded), at Roxbury,

therefore, appropriately lodged in the immediate vicinity of

includes the Khojak, or Kwaja Amran, range in Baluchistan.

1818. He made use of the materials collected in a roving

work. In his view the architect was intimately concerned

Egypt. Eight others were founded in his lifetime, numbering 3000

it is sometimes replaced by sodium chlorate. The chlorates

The most productive are those of iron and zinc. Lignite is

ratifying this agreement on the 22nd of November proposed

which has never been satisfactorily explained, but was probably

times, they have shown that their intellectual capacity is not

conquest. A road has been cut through the centre of the

was born in 1647 at Westminster, and was educated at the

sometimes allowed for payment in the more convenient form of

Lord Coke's writings: Reports, part xiii. 51; Institutes,

under the superintendence of and auxiliary to the

occurs in a state where the man who was killed does not reside,
origin. In the mountains west of Kabul glaciers have

water. It decomposes silicates on being heated with them.

given of the origin of the Swiss Klippen is that which now is

Scotland. Another crisis in ecclesiastical affairs arose in

cognate to the Gr. ambix, a cup), an apparatus for

legislation, ought not to be confounded with the actual state

1902, 387 and reff.). In the modern town, on the other hand,

cannot easily be exaggerated; and his wisdom in council

proof of the practical (Seidel) formulae. A. Gullstrand (vide

Aclea, probably the modern Ockley. In 853 AEthelwulf subdued

Kodiak and the Aleutians (q.v.) the climate becomes even

their effects on the human body, and chemistry profited by

In the vestibule of the entrance corridor stands a suit of

(1557) uses the variant algeber, while John Dee (1527-1608)

of the trustworthiness of the book ``is enhanced by a thorough

years 1887 to 1891, 1895 to 1899 and 1903 to 1905 inclusive are

past in their art and were thereby more profoundly American.

very fully the beauty of nature as immediate unity of notion

always be followed by a course of instruction in respiratory

Alps are represented by the glacier lakes of the Marjelensee

Milanese. The former, in the 15th century, won the Val

men and girls, especially young brides. Works of art of

the fabulous history from the Persian back into Greek.

Afrika-Forschung,'' Peterm. Mitt., 1888; R. Brown, The

stands. It was famous for its high play. In 1778 it

of the ignorant negro electorate were made. Consequently

Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. The British East Africa protectorate

harbours, both artificial--the old or northern harbour and

the regions now known as Bajour, Swat and Buner, inhabited

runs due north for a long distance, though of the two loftiest

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