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altchristlichen Litteratur, i. 2 (1893); L.


have been an impressive spectacle. One novelty should not be

1904 28 4 22 4 16 4

valour. Historical stelae of the same reign are engraved

Chile and Peru, where he became rector of the college of

valley of the Trerus and the Via Labicana (the post-station

A new departure had, therefore, to be made, and forged steel

letter. From other forms of Sade, however, the other early

forms which will prove the development of @ from @ ,

Gladstone's request, to become lord president of the council,

found in Tigre; the other circular, found in Amhara and

revenue, but appreciation by the public has so far prevented

of Gadderis'' (not taken from the Fuerre de Gadres but

50%, of the fixed oil which also occurs in sweet almonds.

volumes, together with a botanical garden, an observatory and

This motion is evidently not due to parallax, for, in this

AAR, or AARE, the most considerable river which both

If pieces of porous clay are soaked in a solution of this

inquiry which was afterwards prosecuted by Spence; and this,

left Egypt unmolested; but the last years of Amasis were

Modern realism, the progress of archaeological research,

injuries, because it prevents exhaustion of acid in the plugs.

identified with C as though the initial of centum, 100.

ABULFEDA [Abud-Fida' Isma'Il ibn'Ah,Imad-ud-Dni]

A. Kossel and by W. Kuhne and E. P. Pick; but in the present

of justice is testified both by history and legend; and

chancery, surrounded by a grating, in which the officials sat,

materials, and to take all manufactures from the mother

Gaps then appear in the apposed surfaces, usually at the

for the temple of Asclepius at Cos, from which it was taken

of Sir Edward Hughes, and the heavy loss he inflicted on the

Allingite, a fossil resin allied to succinite, from Switzerland.

(q.v.) sweeping 1200 m. W.S.W. from the end of Alaska

of February 1771. See R. Nisbet Bain, Gustavus III. and

art of printing was discovered, he adopts the Arabic notation

the case with Ramman, identical with Rimmon, known to us

gunshot wound. Recent wars have demonstrated that in all

cardinals opposed to Frederick Barbarossa. On the 7th of

under the same conditions. The conceivable variations in the

has turned the controversies between religion and science

valley, and in the succeeding centuries both these races seem

their attendants, shift from one to the other of these sets

war-like action.36 Yet these interesting speculations have

Z. Prison.

Charlemagne. In September 951, accordingly, he appeared in

the volcano Aconcagua, flows eastward through a broad valley,

once suggested by (John Bright) is an almost inseparable

his notable first coup d'etat, proclaimed himself of full

Many illustrious Athenians---Cimon, Miltiades, Alcibiades,

photographischen Objectivs, the abscissae are focal lengths, and the

to Newton and subsequently expanded by Euler and others, was

inventors put the paste not on to plates of lead, but into

sculptures and tile-work, and internally it is divided, broadly

possessions of Germany, France, Great Britain and other

Addison of Guy's Hospital, who in 1855 published an important

Palaeozoic rocks which divides it longitudinally into two

Phoenician town, afterwards the Roman colony, of Cartenna.

to Massachusetts about 1636; his mother was Susanna Boylston

are making preparation for the work. The necessary stores,

their length varies from 1 3/4 in. to 4 in. Cartridges for punt

and especially the first quarter of the 19th century, and

exported, while coal and iron are among the chief imports.

possessions. By a partition, the motive of which is not

xxxix. 211; K. F. Hermann, Ges. Abh. 90-111, 370 in.

substituted benzenes with ammonia, unless the amino group be

whom 17,718 were foreign-born (6612 being Irish, 5903 German,

known, especially in Europe, as Amesius, was born of

Agriculture was dissolved in 1819, but left in its statistical

use and always charged in a given direction. If the process

people known by the ancients as Pelasgians, who continued

he assisted in the murder of Eriphyle, which, according to

Nitsche review their work with the conclusion, not unanimously

cathodes and remains at the bottom. The intermediate layer

peoples of the Welle district (primitive Negroids with a

salts, he held that ``neutral salts are those compounds

this countess Sir Philip Sidney dedicated the Arcadia.

sufficiency of the fleet. Sir Arthur Hood expressed before

to take an important part in the affairs of the town, and

Fig. 6. -- Similar Carving with human

phyllites, jasper-bearing } S. Africa and generally.

most of the people of Dutch descent in the east, are quite

scenery, 4 m. from Towyn, on the N. bank of the Dyfi estuary,

Barth. Diaz,'' Geogr. Journ., Dec. 1900; O. Hartig,

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