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es ars DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO., INC. BBB GIRTY SEAMES ef MAINTENANCE MANUAG 1. Ronovol/instaliation Topo Roproduees Ay Rowave Tepe Roproduooy {2} opon paneonger ontertainrent civouts breskera inotalled in efvoutt ‘reaker panel on 28 vde bus 1 and 115 vac # A bus 1, YANNING) 240 AND SAFERY CIRCURT DREAKERS. (2) Remove vadio rack panel from shelf 5. (3} teoson and ddeongage knurled aut from mounting brackot on lowor front panel. (4) Purr unit out of nount, B. fasted Tepe Reproducer (1) Enowre that passenger entertainunt etreutt breakers are open. (2) Inepeot ampiifier receptacle and mount conmector for damge ani presence of forelgn objecta. : (8) Tnsteli unit on mount and engage receptacle and comector, (4) Engage knurted nut on bracket and tightens (5) Replace radlo rack pens]. ". (8) Close passenger entertainment circvit breakers installed in circuit ‘breaker panel on 28 yao bus 1 and 215 yao JA bus 1, (7) Pexform operational test (see 23-30-0). . . 28-8005 CODE 3. Jon 1/87 ‘Page 201 tied DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO, INC. BB-8 SIXTY SERMES FAAINTEHANGE MANUAL TAPE REPRODUCER - MAINTENANCE FRACTIONS Ls General, 1 a. one tape xeproducen tn inetaliea in the inboard radio veok on shelf 7. & Renoval/Inoballation Taye Reproduoer As Remove Tape Reproducsr + (2) Open pansenger entertainment ciroult breckers loeated on vedio do bus 1 ana radso te bus ks WARNING: ‘JAG AND GAFBFY CIROUIT BREAKMS. 1 (2) Remove redo racic panel 7. (3) Loosen and disengage kom'led nut fron mounting bracket on Lover front tape reproducer panel. (4) Puna tope reproducor ont of nounting rack. : B, Inptail Tepe Reproducer (1) Rnoure passenger entertainment edrevit breakers located on radio de bus 1 and radio ac bus 1 are open, begged, and safetied. (2) ¥isuarty. check tape veproancer xeceptacle ond mounting rack receptacle for dmsage and presence of foréign objects. + (3) Tnotail tape reproducer on iounbing rack. . (4) Engage and tighten lnuried nut on sounting brecket on lover front tape reprodueer panel. (5) Chose ofveult breakers. (6) Ietall vadic rack penel. {¢) Pergorm pavsenger address and entertainient teat procedure. (See 23-30-0.) 2330-3 CODE & aye 15/67 i Page 201 “escacetie recast ean naif at ti eves’: Listeanietinnt DODOLAS AIRCRAFT CO, 116. BB-B GIXIY SAAIGE AAIRTERARCE MARUAL SAPS BERODUGER -_ NATITRUNNCE PRACRTORS 1+ denerpt A. Mis taps roprogucer ts installed in the outboard radio rack on shel? 6. 2. Renovel/Iustodjebion Taye Reproduser Remove Taye Reproducer (2) Open passengsr entortainnont clroult breakers located on radio de ‘puo 1 and radio ao bus 2, WARNING! CAG AND SAPEPY OTROUTE BREAKERS. {2) Remove radio rack panol 5+ . {3} Joouen end disongnge knurlod nut from rounting bracket on lowsr fronb tape reproducer panel. (4) pura tape reproduce out of mountdng rack, B, Install Tape Reproaueer (2) Enouvo passenger ontertainmant etrouls breakers located on radio de bus 1 and radio at bun 1 are open, tagged, and safetied. (2) Visually check tape reproducer receptacle and mounting rack resoptacle for danage and presence of foreign objects. * (8) Install tape veprodueer on mounting xack, (4) Bogage and tighten ‘nurled mut on mounting brackeb on lower front tape reproduser pavel. (5) Close circuit vreskere. - (6) tmstait radio rack parol, (1) Pexsorm passenger sddxess and entertatneent test provedure. (Bee 25+50-0.) . 23-20-8 cone $ Jon 1/67 Pago 201 sete tin te dae Sl a BOUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO. INC. BEB URIY SERMES MATHTENABCE ABNUAL APE REPRODUGER - HATHPHIANGE PRACTICES | Sonera) A. he tape reprodueer is installed in the inboard radko rack on chele 6. 2. Removal/Ynetallation Tape Reproducer As Remove Tape Reprodueer , (1) Open passenger entertdinvent circuit breakers Located on Yadio de bus 1 and redo ac bus Le VARWING: ‘FAG AND SANETY CLROULE BREAKERS. (2) Remove vedlo rack panel 6. (3) Loosen and disengage knurled mut fron mounting bracket on lover front tap reprodueer panel. (4) Bua tape reproancer out of nombing eck. Inctel) Tao Reproduser (1) Bowe passenger entertainment civoult breakers Located on radio de bus 1 and radio ae tus 1 ere open, tagged, and safeties. (2) Visually cheek tape reproducer receptacle and mounting rack receptacle for damage and presence of foreign objects. (3) Install taye reproducer on mounting rack+ (4) Engage and tighten knurled nut on mounting bracket on lower front ‘tape reproduccr panel. (5) Close circuit breakers. (6) Install radio rack panel. {7) Perform passenger address and entertainment test procedure, (See 23-30-0.) B3-30-: cops Apr 15/67 Page 201 DOVALAS AIRCRAFT CO:, ING, BEF GIXTY SEMEE . MAINTENANCE fAANUAL TARR REPRODUCER = MAINTENANCE PRACTICES 1, Genexad Ar The bape roproducor is installed in the aft odbin drop celMing. 2, Ronoval/Ingtallation Zap Reproduoey A. Remove Papo Roprodueor (1). Gpen pasnenger, enbertainawnt ciroulb breakers Located on vedio de bus 1 and radio ao bie L. , WARN? PAG AND SAPENY CIRCUIT BREAIRS. {2) Teosen and aisongaye Knurled mut from mounting bradket on Lower front tape reproducer panels (3) Slide tape reproducer out of mounting rack. B. Install Tape Roproducer (1) mauve poasonger ontertainnent oireutt breakera Located on rafio de bus 1 and radio a0 baa 1 ere open, togged, and cafetiod, (2) Visualiy check tape reproducer receptacle and mounting rack receptacle " for damage and presence of foreign cbjacts, (3) metal tape roproducox on mounting rack. +h) Engage ond bighten inwrled nub on mounting bracket on lover front tape yaproducer panel. (5) Close clzoukt breekors. 3. Toot A, Perform passenger address ond entertainment test procedure. (See 23. lk, Adjust « ape Tensica Aros . - WORE: Power will be renoved from taps transport mechanken in reproducer if slack develops in tape, @lack can oacur duo to o Homentary power Interruption which exceeds 2 seconde duration, A, Revove tape reproduce fvom womting rack as in Paragraph A, B, Rowove right eige cover from roproducer. . . 23-3063 : ‘tony 5 dun 15/68 Page 202 DOUGLAS AIRCRAN €0, BBE GINTY SEES MAINTENANCE MARUAL ©. eke up slack in tops yeol until taps tencion arup move dom to normal operoting poeition an indicated by pated tape guideline. If tape vequires splicing, vepair av in Paxagveyh 5. D, Reptnea cover and instaz) veproduser in ounting yack as 4n Parsgsaph Be Teab as in Paragraph 3, Repair ~ apo Spbsoing Ay Hemoye tayo reproducer 49 a suitable Kork place, B, Apply a sual) anount of clorothens with 8 clesn oloth to broken tape onda to romove silicone compound (used as @ lubricating agent), CAUIEON: IF TRE SILICONE 18 NOT REMOVED, THE SPLICENG PAPE WILE NOF ADHERE, ‘Trix broken ende of tape; place ends together with an overlop, shiny surface up, in tape oplicing maching (ISAIA Lunior) and operate tape cutter. HOTR: The cutter makes a diagonal cut at k5 degrees. It the tape splicor Jo not available, make the cut with a pair of sodusors while holding ‘the tape pieces in eecyrate aldgnnent. Clear out ons of tape froa splicer ang place a sxald piece (1/2" x 1/2") of cellulose Gcotch Splicing Tape No. Ml over Join area of tape onds. HORE: Naintein corveot tepe aligunent Lf tape opiicer du not used, B, Opsrate epticer tape trimer to renove excess Scotch tape. HORE: If s tape splicer 1s not used, wake concave cuts in each tape edge at eplioing point to renove exposed sticky surfaces. + Route tape through transport mechaniot ao indionted by painted guidelines, taking up slack at reele sufficiently to position tenaion eras correctly. G, Replace cover and install reproducer in mounting veok es in Paragraph B, Test as in Paragraph 3, 2330-3 CODE 5) Pago 202 Fon 15/66 tite P rae Sess a Dot eee oe ee DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT ¢O. ING. BEE GUIXTY GERI IAAINTENANCE MARUAL TAPE REPRODUCER » MAIWPENANCK PRACTIORS 2s Genoxar As ‘The ope Keproduver 4 Installed in the forverd cnbin ceiling. 2. Rewoval/inatallation Tape Reprofuoer As Remove Tape Reproduce (2) open passenger entovtainment olyoudt breakers Located on xadlo de bus 1 and rédio ac bus 1. : WAIIING:; TAG AND SAFETY CIRCUTY BREAKERS. (2) Loosen and disengage knurled nut from mounting bracket on Lover front tape reproducer panek. (3) Slide tape reproducer out of mounting rack. Bs Inotall Rape Roproducer QQ) Browe pacsonger entertainment ctroult breskere Located on radio 40 ‘wus 1nd radio ue bus 1 ore open, togged, and safetied, ‘ (2) Yisualty check topo reproduce veceptacle and noumbing rack receptacle for damage and presence of foreign objecte. {3) Install tape reproducer on mounting rack. (4) Rogege and tighten knurled nwt on monnting bracket on Lover front taps voproduecy pahel. (5) Ghose oiroutt breakers. (6) Pexforn passenger address ond entertainment teat procedure. (gee 23-30-04) 23-303, cobe 6 Apr 15/67 Page 201. ag Ih UA, Sy Ue Ee ae Oh ee ee DOUGLAS AIRCRAST €O,, ING. BEE GIXTVY GEMMES AAAATINANCE FAARUAL JTAPR REPRODUCER = MATHTINAlICK PRACTICES 1. Genera Tho toye repredvesrs ave installed in the inboard vedio rack on shelf 6, 2, Rowval/ingtallation Tape Rapraduean As Remove Tape Reproduccr (3) Open passenger entortaiment ctreuit breakers located on radio dc bus 1 and radio ee bus 1, WARUENG! ‘CAO AND SAFETY OLBCULT BREAKERS, (2) Renove radio rack panel 6, (3) Loosen and disengage knurled nut from mounting brecket on Lover front tape reproducer panel. (4) Poll tape reproducer oub of mounbing rack. Install Tape Reproducer (1) mnoure passenger entertatment elreuit breakers Iocated on redto do bus 1 and vadlo a0 bua 1 are open, tagged, and savetied. (8) Vieually check tape roproduccr receptacle and mounting rack rocoptacle for dexoge and presence of foreign objects, (3) anstal. tape reproducer on mounting rack. (H) Engage ond tighten knurled aut on mounting bracket on lower front tape reproducer panel. (5) Close circutt breakers. (6) Tostali radio rack panel, (1) Yerform passenger address and entertainnent test procedure, (Bee 23-30-0.) 23-3003 ‘0D 7 Aug 1/67 Page 201 BOVOLAS AIRCRAFT CO. GE-8 GINTY SAREE PRAINTENARCE MARUAL ‘PAPE RBPRODUCER = MAINTENANCE PRACHTCES 2. Ognepen Whe tape xeproductrs are installed in the inboard radio wack on sholf 5, 2. Rengyal/Instelletion Pape Roproducer A. Renove Tepe Reproaucer (2) open pasnenger ontertatraiont cdroudt breakers Located on radio do bus 1 and radio ac vue 1, : HABRING: TAO AND BAPHPY CIRCURT ERRAKERS. (2) Remove radio rack panel 5, {3} foosen and dieangage knurled nut trom wounting bracket on Lover front tayo Feproducer pane, (4) Puls tape reproducer out of mounting rack. 2. Instel1 Tope Repraducer (1) Enowve passenger entertoinnent eircuit breakers located on radio ao bus J nf radio ne bus 1 are open, tagged, and anfotied. (2) Visually check tepo reproducer receptecle end wounbitig reck receptacle for damage and presenee of foreign objects. (3) Inbal tape reproducer on mounting rack. (4) ngage ond. tighten knurled nut on nowntang Dracket on Lower front taps voproducer panel, (5) cacee clrautt breakers. (6) motali vedio rack paned. (1) Perform passenger address end entertainment test procedure, (808 23-30. + 2303003, . cops & avin 15/68 Page 201 BOUOLAS AIRCRAFT 50, IHC. re BUETY aioe PISTALEUTLON AMPLIFIER - MAINTSWANCE PRACEICES 2. Gonoxaa, 4 the Atgestbutson amplifier 46 inetalled in the inboard rato rack on shel? 6. 2. Removal/Inotaliction Metribation Amplifier Renove Detribubion Amplifier (2) Gpen passenger entertainuent vents breakers located on raddo de bus 2 and radio ac bus 1, WARNIRG! "CAG AND SAFEIY CIRCUIT BREAKERS, (2) Remove redio rack panel 6. (3) Loosen and disengage knurled nut fron molting bracket on lover front distribution amplifier panel, (4) Puld distribution amplifier out of mounting rack. B. Install Distribution Amplifier (2) snsure passenger entertainsent cizoukt breakers located on radio de ‘tus 1 and vadio ao bua 1 are open, tagged, and safetied (2) Vieuelly chock distrikubion amplifies receptacle and mounting xack veceptacle for damage and pragence of forelm objects. (3) Instell dietrivution amplifier on mounting rack. (4) Engage and tighton Inurled nut cn tounting bracket on lover front distribution amplifier. (5) onose cirouit vroakert (6) stat. radio rack panel. . (7) Perform pavsonger addvess and ontertaingent test procedure. (Bee 23-30-0). ane 1/67 Page 201 feng WBA. DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO. INC, BEE HATY SEE F HAINTINARCE ANUAL ‘RAERUUONS « DEGCHETION AND OPERATION 1, genera vo Intorphone systems are provided for intorphone communications, Tho service dntorphone eyntem provides commmication bobween areas where nervioe ond maintenance operations are moro draquontly performed, The cabin intorphone system provides communications bebeen tle Plighb eoupart- went end the cnbin attendont stations, BReb On cope : sen or : , tinea fo 03. Page : xu A, D, oO gee Begg el OUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO. BEB AIXTY EERHAS MAINTENANCE MARUAL TUTERPHONE . DEPGRIPTION AND OPERATYON General ‘Tho intorphone systen provides eomunteationo Vebveen areas vhore service end maintenance operations ara most frequently performed, and batwaen the fight conpontmeng and cabin attendant sboticna, Tho interphone ayoten conadsts of an audto anplifion, interghone Jack outlets, prascnger addresa/ Antoxphone contkol reloya, handsets, cabin attendant manele, fight oom partuent honger and awiteh, and @light conpartmant aontrol avitchos. ‘Tho Antoxphone onplifier is installed in the wadlo rack on ghelf 7, and provides the necessary auddo opplification for flight and medntenance comanioations. ‘The anplizier contains sn input transformer, input gain contro), trensietorized audio anplifier, end an output traneforsor, A serevériver qacess hole ie provided through tho onplifior chassds to udjuot ‘the Input goin contyol, ‘The auplifier ts connected dirently to the Jack outlets end connected to the hendeete by tho pasdengor adireaa/intexphone control relays. Electrical connections ara nade through a receptacle wownted on the amplifoy chasade. Electrical power i oupplied by radto de bus 2. Interphone Jack outlets afe installed in the flight compartment, nose vines) well, cach engine nacolle, hydvoulle accesories compartuent, cedling of the forvard baggage eoapartnornt, tail cone, main gear woll, élr-aondition- ing compartment, Left-hand and rdght-hand wing tratting edge, oabin forvard of the eft presoure done, vertical stabilizer, and at the cargo door, Tho argo door Jack outlet ia applicable only for’ freighter configuration. In addition, @ Jack outlet i6 installed on the aft pedestar, paralled to the handset Jack outlet, to permit the we of © boomset on the interphone system, Wiring to the Jaok outlets is oa follows: tip, recosver audio; ring, micro~ shone audio; sleeve, audio connon. ‘The passenger ediress/interphons control reieys are Instadied in the radio Yack and @ veloy 46 provided for cash handset obation, The control relay connects the hendset audio signal wiring to tha interphone emplifier when ‘tne control relay is deonergized, and connects the hendoet audio signal viring to the passenger address amplifier vien the contol reley te cnorgized, Flectrical connections are wade through the receptacle mounted on the relay housing. A handset 1s inatalled in the flight compartment and in each esbin atten- dant panel. Rach handaet consists of an audio receiver, microphone, and s push-to-talk avstoh. the handest roceiver fe onnnected to the audio oignal viring by the henger evitch, and the mterophone is connected to the audio signal wirdng by the push-to-talk sviten, 230h0-0 CODE 2 DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO., INC. BEB BINT’ SHRMES JAAINTENANGE RAHUAL Cavin attendant panels are installed in the Torverd attendant otation, in the aft attendant atation, in the forvard galley, end fn the aft guiley. Sho forward gadley is net appdicabho for the Troighter configuration. For woe vith tie Intexphono system, cach panel contains a hondest hanger and awitoh nd pelective anil evitohes, Rexoval of tho handeot from the hanger operates the hanger sxitch to conncct the handset vecedver to the audio signal wiring. The soleative call avitahes akert f1ight personnal and ensure the handset is on the interphone aynten for station-to-ntazion aom~ UTBSAtionS,. ‘The FLight cowartuent hanger and ouiteh 1¢ inotalled on the sft pedootal. Renoval of the handsst from the hanger operates the avitoh to comiect the Yandset racoiver to the audio signal wiring and mite the flighb compart- nent loudepeakera, ‘The fLight conpartnent control switches weed sith the interphone eyaton are the passenger addvess/interphone transfor switch and the mechanics call suiton. ‘Tho passenger addrese/intarphone tranafer evitoh ig installed 4n the top panel of the electrical pover center. When the switch Je in the interphono transfer position, the hendast reraine on tho intorphone cyaten, ‘and passenger address ammowcensnts ean not be made unlese overridden by ‘the Dassonger Qdaveoo enengency suiteh. The moshanies call switch io instalted in the overhead owltsh panel and alerts the growid crew to eoteblioh communications ab the noue wheel voll, In edaition, the evitch onures the handset ds on the interphone system. 2, Operation B Yor handset or boonset operation from Jack outlets a handset Jack or a doonset Jack 19 dnsortod into Jack outlet and tho push-to-talk evitoh 16 preanad. Microphone audio is applied to the amphifer and amplified, Amplifier output io eppliod to all, Jack outlets eid to all handset otationo, For handset operation, the handsot ie rexoved from the hanger and the yush- towtaak 46 preaged, Handset audio 49 applied to the amplifier and ampli- fied. AnpLifior output io appliod to oll Jack outlets and to all handect stations. BBud0.0 ODE & Page 2 Won 15/68 Pitad Im USA. adits S Ese DOUOLAS AIRCRAST CO,, INE. APB OG BIRT Y EEE MMAINTEHANCE MANUAL ABT AYTENDANT. aw) FUOHY COMPARTHERT 29 ue witty [| SSP 4 3-wn Le Le | SERVICE tnrenenonel ANALTFiER J 4 ager | pol DUST joy, | : h al PRONE CONTROL aE i iaalitzen | -o. [=S% $0 RIGHT WANG TRAILING EDGE Riosdss Augie) 3 ARUUSAAR Ets DESCRIPLION AUD OPERATION Gonaxsh ‘Tho interbhone oyotan provides communication botvoen areas where sorvico and sadntenance operations are mre froquantly porfornad,, and between the cabin attendant stations and the flight compartment. The interphona ayeton conalats of Jeak outlets, interphone Jack evitch, handsets, and cabin attendant panels. ‘The interkhone systen utilizes tho audio integeat— ing system audio amplifier which integrates flight Interghone audio and service Intarphone audio. Standard Anterphone Jack outlets are Installed in the a€t control pedontal and an the ground Powor access panel. Explosion proof Jack Sutlete are installed in the ceiling area of the forward and aft baggege compartments, aft air-conditioning conpartaent, loft and right wing trailing eége, ench main gear well, exch ongine nacelle accessible from outside the nacelle, tail cone, accessory compartment, and in the vortioal stabiliser gut belo the isolation band, Wiring to the Jack outlets ie as follow yeceiver audios ring, microphone audios elaoves audio comen. tps ‘he intorphone Jack switch Ls installed in the flight compartaent on the Yop panel of the radio Jack. Tho svitch ia placed in the off postion to isolate the interphone Jack outlets from the audio integrating amplifier. A hendset i¢ installed in each cabin attendant panel, Bach handset con- tains en audio receiver, micxophone, and a push-to-talk avitch, ‘The handset veceiver is conneeted to the audio integrating amplifier output eireutt through the handset hanger ewitch vhen the handset is ramoved fron the hanger. ‘he microphone is connected to the audio integrating amplifier flight input circuit through the push-to-talk switch, ‘The cabin attendint panels are inotalled im the forward ond aft attendant stations. In conjunction with the interphone system, euch panel contains a handset hanger and s¥itch, and a handeet Jack outlet. Ronoval of the hondset from the hangor wctuates the hanger switch which connects: the handset receiver to the audio integrating amplifier output circuit, Tho handset Jack outlet 49 a stondard jack outlot and the wiring ig identical to the interphone Jack outlets. Whe avdio integrating amplifier provides the necessary eudic amplification for filght and service interphone communication. Tho umplifier contains . flight Yolune control, sexvice volute control, and audio amplificy, The doputs to the amplifier are the flight crew microphone inputs, cabin hande eet microphone inputs, and the interphone Jack outiat inputs. ‘The flight crey and cabin handset microphone inputs are connected to the flight voluns control and the interphone Jack outlet input Le connected to the service yoluma control. The flight and service volume controle are sorexériver adjustments accesoibie on the top of the amplifier, The amplifier Lnts= grates Fhght end pervice interphone udio and the output 1 applied to the 23ctO60 CODE 3 Page 1 ea DOUGLAS AIRCRAPE CO. INC DEB BEL vison OF he ee 7 " S op Fee tat tre” re HE] ttt — Lees ite | Imo ces accuse a j le t—4 || 4 3 fi ik Lt [Jeu re U dea {fo | ett — LS] nes $ | re 2 peat th We oo _ | Fee accuse do Lt] Lea] [terse Lops ant xanongan sno BRA rey || eee sera aron seme oa ei ona" Le snags mel a tte Li [| zanists i I me | f eRe oun Ry os San |p si [see Loar suede + ranal £ wane 23-40-0 Jnteryhone ~~ Simplified Sohenatic 3 Figure 2 - o 3. DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO. INE, went BC TS audio control panelu, cabin handact receivers, and the interphone Jock outlets, Normal input power in supplied by the left enargency bus. Brergenoy power is aupplied by the battory buo whon tha battery power auitoh 4a placed in tho battory position. Tho amplifier 4a howwed an a 41/2 by 1 1/16 by § 1/9 doh box which 20 attached to o mounting plate ty two anap lock fastencra. ‘The oudio integrating anplifiory is inotallcd ih tho Anbonrd redio rack on abel? 6. 2, Opowation A, For hondnot operation, the hardest is removed from the hanger and the hand- eet morephons aontrol owltch 40 pressed. Microphone aude 4a applied to tha audio intograting onplifior flight audio amplifier auput and onplified. ‘The amplified audio is applied to tha audio control pangle, handsat vocolvor, ond through tho Antoxphone Jaok avitch to the intershons Jock outleta. B, For handset ox boomset operation frou the interphone Jack outlete, tho Anterphona Jack awlteh 4s placed in tho on position and the microphone control owiteh 49 prosned, Miorghone andic 16 applicd to tho audto Integrating emplifier corvice audio anplifier input and amplified. the empliziod audio ip applied %o the audio control pancls, handsst recelveray and through the dnterphons Jack switch to the interphons Jock outieta, To Oporate Tntorphone A, ‘To operate interphone from handect stations: (i) Morgize eleotrieat buses. (2) Renove handset fron hangers (3) Frese microphone control awitch, B. To operate dnterphons fron interphone jack outlets: (1) Bhergize electrical busses. 7 (2) Brace interghone Jack switch 4n cn position, (3) Insowt handset ov booxset Jack into ntorphone Jack outlets (4) Brese miorophone control switeh. ‘COUR 3 dan 1/67 “ Pras te U9. 5 Le Ae By vege ME gg DE eg DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO., IKE. OB he wien eS ERIBOEEONE = PRECRIEDION AND OPPAATION Senorad Tho dnboxrhone oysten provides commntostiona between arees vhere eorvice and mintenanes operations ere woot Pregtontly performed, and botvoen the flight compartment ond cabin attendant atationa. The interphone syaton, consiets of an avdto amplifier, interphone Jack outlet, passenger addvono/ Anterphone control relaya, handsets, cabin attendant parole, flight gon partaent hanger snd awitoh, and flight aompartrent control ayitches. tho ihterphona anplificr fo inotallea in the radio vaolt on shelf 5, and provides the necessary audio amplification for flight and maintenance commntoations, The amplifier te of modular construction ad consists of a chassis with a rear novnted connestor, front panel, dust cover, and 2 isolation amplifier noivles. Bach module contuins a'2 stage audio amplie fier and e preast volue contvol. ‘The amplifier 1a comeoted directly to tho Jack outlets and conuented to the handaots by the passenger addreac/ interghone control relays, Elestrical connsotichs are nado through a receptacle mounted on the auplifier chassis: Bleotrical pover ie supplied ry the 2B-vae Reft exargonoy bus. Interphone Jscis outlets ave installed in the fHght compartnent, ir the noze heel well, in each engine nacelle, in the lydveulie aceessorics conpartrents in the eodling of tho forward bagenge conpartnent, in the teil cone, in each main gear well, in the atreconditioning oonpartaent, in the left-hand and right-hand wing trailing edgo, in the cabin forvard of the aft pressure dong, end in the vertical stabilizer, In addition, a jack outlet io inetatled on the afb pedestal, paralicl to the handset Jack ont» lot, to permit the use of @ boouset on the Antoryhone oyoten. Wiring to the Jack outlets is as follows: tip, receiver audio, ring, nlorophone audio; sleava, audto common. ‘The pavsenger addvess/Interphono control rolays aro inetalJed in the radio vask and a relay is provided for each handset station. Ths control relay gonnsots the handset audio signal wiing to tho intorshono amplifier vhon Use control relay Js deenargized, and connects the handeet atic oignal, wining to tho passongsr eddrese Ouplifier when tho control olay io energized, Blootrical connections are mats through tha receptaels mounted on the velay housing, A hondoct 49 inotallea in the flight ooupartnent and in each cabin attends ant panel, Bach handaot consists of an audio receiver, inlcrophone, and & push-to-talk switch, The handset receiver 46 connected to the audio eignal viving ky tho hanger switoh, and the misroskono 19 connected to the audio signal wiring ky the pisheto-talk switch. 28-60-0° fer oa Fr, a . u, DOVOLAS AIRCRAFT CO. INC, MEY HI¥TY SEES PAINTINANCE BANUAL Cabin attendant panole are dnetalled in the forvers attendant otation, and An the aft attondant stetion. For uve with tha interphone oysten, each perol containe « handsot hangar atid eviteh ard selective coll ovitchos. Ronoval, of the handoet from the hangar oparates the hanger owkteh to con» nosh the handeat receiver to the eudio odgial wiring, ‘The foloctive eo2k awitohas alert flight parconnel and ensure the handset de on the inter= phous oysten for stablon-to-station eommnioatsonds ‘ho flight compartment hanger and avitoh io inobelted on the afb pedoctsl. Rozoval. of the handeot from the hanger operates the sviteh to connect the handest zoveiver to the audio signal wiring and mite the ight compartment loidapeakorss Fhe fight comertnont control evitehes usd with the dntexphone syaten are the attendant and the rechante cell svdtch, The attendant and tavhanie call. avitehes ave Lonatea on the overhead avitoh panel and + alorts attendant or ground orew to cotablish communication with the Flight compartuont. In addition, the ovitchos onsure tha handest is on tha intorghons syster. + Qperatson A a 3 AY For handest ov doonset operation from Jack outlote a handset Jack or & Doomet Jock ia insortat into jack outtet and the push-tontel} switch is prossed. Microphone audio is applicd to the onpiifier and anplified, Amplifier output do oppliod to ali jack outiets and to all handset atatione. For hendsct operation, the hendeet ia reoved from the hanger and the Puetnto-talk 4a proscod, Hondnet auddo te applied to the anplifier snd anplified. Amplifier ootpub te applied to etl Jack outlets end to all handect otatdons. ‘to Operate Tnterphone To Operate Intorzhone txon Jeok Outlets : (21) Energize elestrical buses, (2) Prace owitenes aid contyole to positions indicated, gontvor rr : Hondont or boomeat jack Took inserted Fuoh-to-talk swith Depressed 23-40-0 one & Pana & san 1/67 on Fab 15/60 DOUGLAS alkcRAtT gy Ine. BEE BIRTY SHRIEE MAINTINANCE ne ART ATTENDART ” ae ny on | det PAYERPHONE Cares To Passenger ADDRESS GlACUITS Gervioo Interptona «- Binplified Belenatic Figure 1 FLINT COMPARTMENT Wa2-25224 2344000 cope 4 Pags 5 yao at DOUOLAS AIRCBAFT €O,, ING 86-8 SIXTY BAHIEE AAAINTENANCE MAARUAL B. ‘To Operate Interphone from Handset Stations (1) Energize electrical buses, (2) Ronove navdaet fom hangars (8) Prose puoh to talk switeh, . 2306020 cone 4 ~ gan 1/87 le AL Be Oy Dd» By don ae DOVOLAS AIRCRAFT CO. INC. aE: 8 Ee an eae a INTERES. -REQURIPTION AND OPERITION Gsnexad ‘the interphons syaton nrovites oomunteations between axens where serves end mlntonance operations ere noc’ froquontly performed, and betwen the Flight compartnent ant cabin abtondant otations. The interyhone aysten consiote of an avdde cuplifion, intarphono jack outlets, handests, eabin attondant pansls, and flight coxpartmant control owitahes. ‘Tho intorphone amplifier Je Anstelled in the outboard radio rack on shelf 6, and provides tho necessary andlo amplification Zor vowvice and madntonanse conunicntions, Tha amplifier containa an ingut traneforner, Anput gain control, traneietorized indio amplifier, and an outpuy trone~ forrar, A sovowtiver access hole 18 provided through the amplifier ohaseis to adjust the input gain control, The amplifier 48 connected Airaotly to the Jock outlets and to the handssta. Hlectieal connections are nade through a receptacle mounted on the auplifior chasaie, Blec- twieal povor 49 supplied by reaio de vue 1, Tnterghone jack outlets ara installed 4m the flight conpaytnent, in the nose vheal Well, Jn each engine nacelle, in the afb baggage coxpartuont, in the forward bogsses comortuont, dn the ta41 cone, in each wain ges wheel well, in the air-conditioning oonpartmant, 1a the leftehand and rightehand wing tradling edgo, in the eageasory compartnent, ond in tha vertical stabilizer. In addition, » Jack outlet 1a tustalled on the att pedestal, parallel to the hendset Jack outlot, to porult the uso of an additiont? booncot or handset on the interphono system, Wiring to ths deck outlets 1s as follows: tip, recedver audios ring, miorophone aulios sleove, audie conten, A handoot 46 inotalted dn tho flight sompartnent and tn each onbin attendant pauel, Each handsat consists of an audio reoolver, microphone, ani © push-to-talk eyitch, ‘The cabin attendonte hardest rocoiver 19 connectod to the audio elgual wiring by the hanger eviteh, and the microphone ds connected to tho audio signal wieing by the yuah-to-talk ouiten. Cabin attendant panels are inctalied in the forvard attendent station, and in tha aft attendent station, for use wth the interghone syston. Each pool contains a handset hanger and svitoh, pilot and attendant ealt switches, and a reset avitoh. Removal. of the handest from the hangor ‘operates the honger owitoh to connect the handset: xesoiver to the audio aignal wiring. A passengor addresa nlorophons ia provided at each cabin attondants panel. A nusie on/off vole control ewiteh is located on the Forward cabin attendanta panel, . 2804000 ODS & 61 Paga 2 DOUOLAS AIKCRATT CO., INC. I 8 EL ait TS iti egunanTonnT 2 * Aloe Tes my] A a) Lg ee es te es eas po bias eo - “ 88 | rakes fe ‘Raha Lies SBE aH | Cm Ga t+ A | Bite OF lane Beyer Wl hatee eal vanaaos 23-40-0 Interphons = Ginplifiod Eohonatic CODE & Figure 1 : Pago 2 Jan 1/87 Pited im UL ROUGLAS AIRCRAT CO, INC, BEE AXTY GEIS AAAIRTENANGE MANDAL ‘Tha flight compartnent handset in Located on tho aft podestal ard it wbslizes tho Antoxphone Jack outlet wounted on tha aft padostel, ‘Tho pliotu audlo contro) panels are inotalicd 4n the left and right section of tho Of padestel, F. The flight comartmant aontyol svitohns used to donnant the service intowghone syoten to the audio Antegrsting signal wirdng eve located on tho pitota audio contyol parels. hon the intoxphoné audio soloator auttah 49 put in tha UP position, and tha arvica miorophons aviteh 12 dopressad, the service Antaxphone signal wiring te comeoted to the avdo integrating olvauitry. ‘The pilots aviio gontvol panel onch have a soparate notes lina filter and a separate oiroutt breaker. 2, Oporabion As Fox handset or boomsot operation fron Jack outlots, a handaot feck or a ‘voomsst Jack 49 inserted Into a Jack cutlet and the push=tontalk awiton ia pressod, Mlorophone audio de applied to the auplifier and amplified. Amplifier output 1a applied to all Jack outiets and to all handset stations. B. For cabin attendant handset operation, the handset 46 renoved from the banger and the push-tostalk ie presacd, Handset audio 4e applied to the anplifier and omplified, Amplifier output ie applied to all Jack ovblete and to all handset stations, 3, To Operate Tnterphone A, To operate Anterplions from jack outlets (2) Rnovgize electrical buses, {2) Place switches and controle to positions indicated, Gontzol, Bositton Handnot or booasot jack Seok Amsorted Fuch-to-tal: oviteh Depressed By To opexate interphone from handoat etatiend. (1) targlze electrical buses, (2) Revove handeot Avon hangers (3) Press pushstoctalk switch, cone 8 Jon 1/87 DOVOLAS AIRCRAFT CO, INC. BEB HEY SEM SE MATITENAHCE MANUAL @, ‘To oparata interphons from pilote station. (2) Emorgine oleotrical pusoo, {2) Place owktonos on aidse control panel to positions Andiontea. . Santesd, Pongeton ‘Interphons asleoter ovitch Sntorphone (UP) Mlorophons selector eviteh (eervieo) — Depresacd (3) Employ microphone and press push-to-talk ewitehy 23-40-0 cone Jan 1/67 EimbtitRemanteine itn lta tna ttnenbetes bilan ibe di nh natn Benin in Le B @ Rr Apr OGUOLAD AIRCRAST €O,, INC. G0 Rikku TS RUBAVIONE - DEECRIVRTON AND OPERATION Aonarad ‘the Anterphone ayatou provides communications batvacn areaa where service and eadr,conatice oparations ave west frequently parforsed, and between tho flight cowparteent and cabin attendant stations. The interphone systen doneiote of on auido ouplifior, interstione Jack outlets, passenger address/intarphona control re jardsate, cavin attendant panels, FlighG conpartnant hanger ond avitch, end #itghb coupartuent control audtches, (Boe Figare 3.) ‘The interphone oplifior is instaklad in the radio rack on cholf 7 and vrovideo ths necessary audio onplification for flight and caintonanea comainications, Tho aaplifier contains on input transforuar, input gain control, traneistorized audio enplificr, and an output transformer, A soredriver accesa holo 49 provided through the awplifier chassis to adjust the input gain control. The amplifier 1a connacted directly to the Gack outlets and comocted to the handsats by the passenger address/ interghone contro) relays, Rlectrical connactione aye made through a receptacle wounted on tha snplifier chasad Electrical power ia supplied by redio de bus 1. Intorphone Jack outlets ave installed at locctions throughout the circraft Wilere intercommmicabions ere requirod to facilitate survice and mainte= hones operations, zach Jack outlet permite entabliching efmitancous coumnication with all interphoneestations in the syateu. Jack oublets ave wired go thot connections aro aa followst tip, raceiver audio; ring, microphone audio; sleeve, sudto coomon. - ‘The passenger addrose/interphone control relays are installed 4n the radio voek and a relay io provided for each handsst station. ‘The control relay connects the handset audio eignal viring to the interphone auplifier shen the control, relay Jo deonorgized, and conects the handset audio signel wiring to the passenger addrase unplitier vhen the control roley is onergited. Eloctrical conmections are made through the © seceptacle mounted on the relay housing. A handset fe installed in tho flight compartment and i gach cabin atten~ dant panel, Bach handset consisbe of an audio receiver, wierophone, and b Bish-tontaik switch. ‘The handset rocoiver 46 connooted directly to the audio signal wiring and the microphone de connected to the audio eignel. Wining by the push-to-talk aiiteh. Cabin attendant panels are installed in the forward abtendent station and 4n the eft ettendant station, For use with the interphone systen, each Panel contains s houdset henger and owitch and selective call switches. Reuoval of the handsat frou the hanger oporatea the hanger aitch to con mack the hondsct receiver to the awMo aignel wiring, The aalective call evitehos atert flight perconnel und enauve the handset 1s on the Antor- phone syotom for statton-to-atation couminicationa. . 23nliO-0 ‘os 6 15/67 Page 1 GOVGLAS AIRCRAET ¢O,, Ine, OE ETE GU ANT ATTEHDARY “ a we mo EBeruewr 1 nssren : Reon, Servica Thtoxphony -- Simplifsed Schematic Figure 1 93-ho-6 eonr 6 Pago 2 mae Haid (6 8, Vie init er, crane a moinometetmaem,. Raye ymeemngint minineti® , eet et DOUOLAS AIRCRAEY CO., IHC. DPS EeRakd wistn ee @. ‘Tha fLéght compartmont hongor and switch ia dnetatled on the aft podostal, Raroval of tho handast frow tne hanger operates tho avitch to mute the flight coupartnent Levdspoakos. VW, The fLigh’ compartmont coisbrol veday and control ovitehoo used ¥Ath the Anterphone aystem are the passenger sdfvags/intorphons transfer relay, tho pllob abboydant cali otdtch, and the mochsndos endl avitch. ‘the pao- song addrose/interphone transfer relay fe installed in tha top pancl of the electrical poyer canter. then the pilot-to-abtendent call switch £0 preodod, the intophona transfer rolay wonentarily onergizes to open pas- aongar addrasn holding clrouit, alert the abvendant and ensure the headsot io on tha interpkona syste, Possongay addrage atnouncementa canuot ba nade unless the pasongor address onnounce vitch 1s pransed. The mechanic call awitoh ia installed in the overhead ewstoh panel, and aloxte the ground czew to establish coumunieation with the fight compartuents fm addition tho owltoh cnauxes tho handset 48 on tho intoxphone system 2, oporatton A. For handeat or booueat operation from Jack outlets a handset jack or a boouset Jack 10 inoorted insorted into Jack outlet and the push-to-talk avitch 1e pressed, Microphone audio ia applica to the snptifier and eaplified. Amplifier output is applied to all Jack outlets and to all handeet stations. 3B. For handeot operation, the hatdset 46 ranoved frou the hanger ena the push-to-talk is pressed. Handset audio 1s epplied to bhe cuplifier and . anplified, Amplifier output 4e applied to all, Jaok outlete and to all handset stations, + 3+ Zo Operate Intershone A. To Oparatie nterphono fron Jack Oubleta (2) ¥nargize electrical buses. (2) Placa switchas and controls te positsons indicated, Control Position Handset or boomset jack Jack inserted Bishstostalk syiteh . Depressed Behoun ‘one 6 apr 19/67 Pugo 3 fame 054. DOUOIAS AIRCRAST CO,, (HC. BEG Ber, SREUMES MAINTENANCE MANUAL 3, To Operate Interphone from Handset Stations (2) Eorgizo electrical buses. (2) Remove handset from hangar. (3) Prase push to-talk-owttcns 23-h0-0 ‘CORR 6 Paya be pe 15/67 Le oot 1/67 Fogo 2 Sie, Aad AE ABS Sane ee EET aac! DOUGLAS AINERANT CO., ING, c BB BRT GSERMEE : IVAINTENANGE MANUAL TYTERENONE » DESCRIFEION AND OPERATION Sonora Ay Thy interphona eyatew provides communications Lotwoon areas whore service ang wadntanance Operations ave most froquently performed, and batweon the fligh’ compartment and cabin ettendant etations, ‘The interphone syaten eonaieta of an audio amplifier, intexphone Jack outlobo, pasvengex sidrove/tnterphone contro} relays, handeste, cabin attendant panede, hanger and aviteh, ond flight compartment control evkichea, (Bee Figure 1.) 3B, Tho interghone auplifier is iustelled 4n the vedio yack on shalt 5, and Provides the Hecassary audio suplificabion for servica and paintenance coummnieations, ‘The euplifier containa an input trenoforuer, input gain control, traneistorized audio amplifier, and an output transform. "A soveulviver accoaa hole 4s provided through the auplifier chaste to adjust the input gain control. Tho aoplifier 46 connectad directly to the Jack autleta ana connocted to the handset by the panrangor addraoc/ Angerphone contyol velays, Blectrical connections are nade through a vaceptaele mounted on the auplifior chocske, Electrica) power to supplied dy vallo de bus 1. @. Interghone Jack outlets are installed in the flight coupartuant, in tho noge vhool Woll, in ouch engine wacolio, in the hydraulic accesorias coupartment, in the calling of the forxara and act baggage coupaxtuonts, in tha ta] oona, in each main gear voll, in the air-condibtoning compart= wont, in the left-hand and right-hand wing tradling edge, and tho vortical abobLiizor, An additional Jack oublet 1s Installed on cargo airplanes near tha cargo door. Wiring to the jack outlets is an follows! tip, vecelyer audios ritig, uforohone audios sleeve, audio ‘common, De Tho passenger addreas/interghone control relays are installed in the radio Yack sud a roley i¢ provided for each hondest. ctation, The control. raley connacts the handeat audio signal wiring to tha interghone asplitier when the contxol relay io deenargiced, and connects the handaet audio signal wiring to the passenger adiresa amplifier when the control relay is energized, Eleot#ical connections are wade through the receptacle uounted on the velay housing. % A handset is installed 4n auch cabin attendant panel. Each handset con- siete of an oudio recelver, vicropkone, and a push-to-talk switch. The handeet recoiver 4a conmeoted to the alidio signal wiring by the hanger switch, and the wicrophone 46 comected to the audio stgnel. wiring by the push-to-talk syiten, F, Cabin attendant yanole ore inatelled in the forvard attendant station, and in tho aft attendant station. For use vith the interphono gyetom, aach ponol contains a handoat honger and switch and salective call aviiches, Renovel of the hanfeet from tha hangor opavates the hanger ovitch to 23-4060 CODE 7 DOUOLAD AIRCAATT €Q,, INC. BEB ae vn is asin VAL coe swe aus Whoa ° pe 5 han rEKENONE j ur 3——_ > tom d > BAT tine “SAEs urane Borvico intarphone + Sivplified gehonatic 23hOW0 Piguet cope 7 Payo 2 shpe 15/67 Paated in USA, DOUOIAS AIRCRAFT CO,, INC. BEE, BOS (he Fe FREE SF connect the handeat receiver to the auido signe’ wiring, ‘Tha selective call svitchos alort flight personnel end ensure tho hondest fe on the Sntorphona aynten for station~to-abation communications. ©, ‘ho fLight coapartuont Inéerphono' switch, located on tho overhead switoh panel, 40 used to parallel ond teolete tha servico and fight interphono syoteze, ‘Tho S¥o position euitch hao a soxvice and cockpit position ‘The flight coapartment control. svitchas used with the interphone systen ato the attendant and the wechoiiio sald syivoh. Tho nbbendant ond mechanic call audtches aro located on the overhead switch pone? and alerte abtendent of growid orey $o eatablich comuntaation with tho £L4eht con partuont, Tn addition, the evitches sneuro the hendsot 48 on the intor> phone systems 2. Qparation A. For handaot or boowsat opsration frov jack outlets a hendaot jack or a boonset Jack is inserted into Jack outlet and the push-to-talk svitch is progsed. Microphone audio is applied to tho amplifier oud auplificd, Joplitier output 1s applied to all Jack outieta and to all hendest obabiona, B, For hanieot operation, the handsot to renoved fron ths hangor and tho Fush-to-talk is prosged. Kandset audio se applied to the auplifior and auplified. Amplifier output in applied to all jack oublete and to all hantaet stations. 3. To Operate Intexphong A. To Operate Intarphous from Jack Cutlets (3) Bnergize electrical. buses. (2) Place interphone switch, located on the overhead switch panel, to service position, (3) Place witches and controls to positions indicated. Conbro), Rosibdon Handset or boomsat Jnck Sack inserted Push-tostatk evltch . Depressed 23-H0-0 come 7 Apr 15/67 Page 3 Heattd i 8S, DOVOLAR AIRGRAEE CO. INC. EHANCE ulin PS R, To Operate Intarphone from Kandect Stationo (4) Energize electrical buses. (2) Ronove hexdeot from hanger. (3) Preaa puot-to-talk owiteh, B5eh Oud + ope qi App ee" DOUCLAD AIRCRAFT CG. ING, BBG SITY BAPE TAATHTENANGE MARIUAL INEERTUCHE ~ DESGRTPPLON AND OPERATION, Genova 4+ The Antexphone synton proviles commnicationa bobvgen azoas vihove gorvice and maintenance oporatiens ave woot frequently porforaed, and betvoon the Tight conpartmont and cabin attongant stations, Tie sntesphong ayoten conadsty of on audio amplifier, interphone Jock ouilete, passenger adarons/antorphone gontxel relaye, harangee, exvim agtonéane paveke, ~ Light coopavtnant hengor ond switch, ond flight coupartuont controd oudtohes. * 2, he Intoxphons suplitier ie dnetalied in tha vadio wack on oheld 3, and provides the necessary eudlo auplificablon for interyhona and audio intogratang syotens. Tho Omplifler io of nodulsx construction anid con- sdeta of a chassis with a rear wounted zonnactor, front panei, dust cover; 2 intorphono quplifies wodules, and 2 sreckor auplifier modules, One Anterphons enplifier wodule operates with the intorphone syste vhile the vousining aaplifier wodtLec operate in conjunction with tho sudso Antograting eystcn, ‘The. amplifier used with the interphone system 12 2 obags quite auplitior vith a preset voluma control mounted externally to the woduls, in the snplificr chasgis, The Anterphane auplifior 48 con- hectod ddvactly to the jock outlets and te the handsets through the pas~ senger addves#/interphons control. raleys, Eleotyical connactions to tha intosphone euplificr are nada through ths electrical cbaactor at the reax of the auphifler chassis, Electrical pover de supplied by the 26-vdo right onergenoy bis. G, Anberphons Jack oxtlets ave inetallod tn tha flight compartwont, in the nova vhgol Well, 4 oach engine nucolie, in tho hy@vaulda accascory con- vartaent, in the ceiling of tha forward and eft baggaga conpartnante, in the tail como, 4n ouch nein gant well, in the alz-conditioning conpart- want, An the Rottshend and right-hand wing trailing edge, ond in the vartsoal otobiaizor. In cddition, a yack outlet is installed on the aft poteatal, parallel. to the hendeat Jack outlet, to porait the use of a boouset on the interphona system, “HEring to the Jack outlets 1s as folloves t4p, receiver audio, ring, niovophona audios loeve, adic common | D. ‘The passenger address/interphona control relays are installed in the radio wack ond a roloy {9 provided for each Hondsat atation, ‘Tho control reloy connects the handset audio signal wiring to tha interphona euplifier whan - : ‘the contro} relay 49 dconorgizod; and comnocts the handeet audio a4gnal wiring to the passenger address euplitier when the control relay 19 onorgiacd, Eloctrioal, connoctéons ave mada through tho recoptacle mounted on the relay housing, . 2Brh0-0 Gove & Apr 15/87 Pago 2 Nowe 0a. DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO, INC GEE GATY, Aeaiss HAINT roxeo eH acugesnv courant Se dealt (LES i i ap 4 wit LASS I Riferoone a woe Sar] : Somes, (Le > ae nora Bite wet sng St pares, ae ae bam >t epee ence ps tito savas eel Borvicd Intarrhons -- simplified schomatic Figura 1 23-40-0 ra cope 8 tie die UM DOUGLAS AINCRAST CO., INC. es of ROU SET CATE EF INTIRANCE BANUAL B.A hnndeet fe inotalled in tha fight compartnent, at the yailey service door ond tn each cabin abtendant pariol. Fach handsot conodoto of en aualo rycolver, microphone, end a push-to-talk aviteh, She hendeet recesvar is connected to the audlo adgna) wiring by the hanger evitch, and the whero~ Photio 48 connected to tha audio signal wiring by tho pioh-to-talk sviten, Cavin attondart penols aro instudled in the forward abtendent station, ard in tho aft attendant station. For use with the intorphone ayston, aach panel contedns a hardeot hongay gnd switeh ong selgctive enll ovitehss, Ronoval of the handsst from tha hanger operates the hanger sultch to con= noct the handoot recoivor to tho attdio elgnal wiring, Tho selective call suifietes alort flight psrsonnel end onmirg tho handéat is on tha inter= Dhone systen for stabion-to-stabion communications, G ‘The flight compartuont hangor and avitch te installed on the aft pedestal, Ronoval of the handset trom tho hanger operates the switch to connect the handset receiver to the audio eignal wiring, . Wh The flight compartuent control evitehes used with the iaterphons eysten ava tho attondent and the wochanic call sviteh, Jho attendant ond wachanie call siitchea are located on the overhead switch panel end elerts attontant or ground ovaw to aatablieh communication with the flight con partment. in addition, the svitchos onauve the handset 46 on the insorphone ayeton, . Operation As For hendsat or Loowset opsrntion fron Jack outlets a handset Jack or @ boouses Jack 1s inserted into Jack outlet and the push-to-talk witch is rroased, Microphone audio ia applied to tho amplifior and anpliriod, Anplifier outpat {6 applied to all Jack outlets and to all hendscb stations, B, For henieot operation, tha handdot ta roxovod from the hanger and the push-to-talk 19 prosaad, Handset audio Js applied to the amplifier inpub cdvouits, Anphifier outmut ko applicd to all Jack outhota ond to ail handset stations, 3. Do Operate Interphone Av To Operate Interphona frow Jack Outlets: 2) Rnorgize etectrten bases, (2) Place seitchas ond controle to positions indicated. qr inten 3 Atta a et, a povaaas nest 60q Ini, ei In ad ghee UAL Contro1 Pooition Handoot or boonnet Jack Sack inserted Puoh-to-tetk ovdtoh Dopresaed B. To Oporate Intoxphone frow Iandsot Stabions {1) thergize elactrical buses (8) Remove handset frow hanger. (3) Presa pashstoubalk ewitch. 23-H0-9 gong 8 Ape tees Ce ee os DOUCIAE AIRCRAFT CO. IN. BER GIRTY BERET WATNEENARCE MANUAL INTERPHONE ~ DESORTPNION AND OPERATICN + General, As Tito Antorzhone syste provides concundcationa batveen ames whore aorvtes Qnd madntenance operations axe most frequently performed, and betvoon the fight coupartront and onbin attendant stations, Tho interyhore systim aonaiuts of Bh Ado BUPLIfion, Anterphone jnok out) paseange avees} interphone control relays, handsets, cabin attendant panels, end Plight | avmpaxtuant control nvitehes, (Soo Figure 1,) HOZE; On cargo aivplancs, tho interzhone aysten 10 operational oniy at eabin attendants stations where equipnent ie Installed, B. the Amterphone amplifier is installed in the eft hand console, anil pro- vides the noceseary audio amplification for flight ani maintenanes comuni~ cations. The amplifier contains an input transformer, input gain contyol, tyansistorized audio amplifier, and on outpub transformer. A eerevdriver aosase hole ie provided through the amplifier chassis to adjust the inpub gain control. ‘The omplitier de connected directly to the jack outlets and connected to the handsets by the passenger addrenB/interphove control relays, Electrical connoctions are nade through a xeceptacla mounted on ‘tho amplifier chessie, Elootrionl povor 4¢ eupplied by the 26 vac bus 1. €. Anborphone Jack outhete axe dnotalied in the flighe coupartrent, in the nose vheel wall, dn each engine necsllo, in the hydraulic accesories cou vartnent, in the ceiling of the baggage compartxente, ii the tail cone, in cach widn gear well, in the air-conditioning ooupartnant, an the Jeft-hand wing traibing edge, and 4n the vertdcal stabilizer, Tn addition, a dack outlet 40 Snatelled on the art pedestal, paxalle). to thy hendset Jack out- let, to parlt the use of a boomset on the Interphone system On cargo Aluploneo, © Jack outhot 4@ tnotalhed near the cargo door. Wiring to the Jack outlets Is ae follows: tip, receiver audio, ring, micfophons audios Plecve, avdio common. ‘Ds ‘The passenger gdareag/interphone sortyol relays are inetalled in the radio rack ané 8 roley is provided for each handset station. The control relay connects the handset audio adgnal wiring to the intorphone amplifier when the contwel relay te decnergized, and connects the handset audio signal ‘wiring to the passerger eddress rmplifier when the control reley de ener- @izes, Electrical connections are wade through the receptacle counted on the relay housing, Sr A handset is installed 4n the flight compartment and in sach cabin atten- dont pano}, Each handset consists of an audio receiver, mtorophone, and a push-tontalk switch. Ths handset receiver is connected to the audto signal wining by the honger switch, and the micxophona de connested to the audio signal wiring-by the push-to-talk switch, e3cho- . cons aug 2/67 fasted 14 USA. Paso ee DOUOLAS AVRCRAST €0., INE, BE-8 SIXTY BERRIES ARATNTENANCE MANUAL Cabin attendant panels ave instatlod in tho forward attendant station, sn the aft attendant station, in the forvard golley, end the aft eadley, For vse with the interphone systen, each panol. containg a Handset hanger and switch and solective cal) avitches. Removal of tho handset from the hanger operates the hanger auitch to connect the handeot reaciver to the audio signal wiring. The selective call avitchos alert tiight persomel and ensure the handset is on the interghone systen for station-to atation commindontions « G. dhe fLAght conpartent control avitchos used with tha interpione system are ‘the attendant and the mechanic call avdtch. ‘The attondart and nechande call, guitohen axe located or the ovorhend avitoh panel and olerts attendant or ground crew to establish comuntestion with the Tiight coartuent. Tn addition, the owitohes enaure the Handset is on the interphone syatem, 2, Qperation For hanaret or Uoonuet operation from Jack outlets a handset jack or a boounet Jack is inserted into Jack outlet and the pieh-to-talk avitch Sa yrenged. Microphone audio is applied to the eupiifier and anptified. Anplifler output is applied to ali Jack outlets and to all handset stationa, B. For handset operation, the handset La renoved frou the hanger and the push- to-tolk 14 pressed. Hangect audio in applied to the amplifier and enpli+ fied. Amplifier output is applied to ali jack outhets and to all handset stations, 3, fo operate Interyhone ‘A, To Operate Interphone from Jack Outlets (2) snongize eleotriea buses. {2} Place switekes and controls to positions indieated, “Control Position Handset or boonaet Jack Jook inserted Push-to-talk avitch Depressed . B, Wo Operate [oterghone fron Hendset Stations (1) Bnergize electrical buses. {2) Rexove handset fron hanger, (3) Press puch to talk switen, 23-1000». cout 9 DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO. INC. BEE UETY SERIES JAINTENANCE MANUAL PLIGHT EHOIKEER'S STATION Alvar arrennans rig BHT QMAIMEER'S STAt A s ane oft a An EAR Ag Sore ( AFT GALLEY. re Dal —— 9h > qu eT PaO TAL at Passeticee IuTERe| SHKE CONTROL = TYEICAL ae: I &X10. Seevice SUTERFHONE! RIGHT win “oy I 186 ‘TRAVLING EOGE Wan wpe] \ weer wie Teal NG Eoce RBowe ss Chcuers © fpmdon— + APPLICABLE FOR CARD AIRPLAKES CHLY + APPLICABLE FOR GARGO AIRPLANES WHEN INSTALLED haa-ba76A I Service Intarphone o= Simplified Sohcnatie Figure 2 23¢h0-0 CODE 9 ane 1/67 aims ve wee ®

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