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Aim: To determine the specific rotation of sugar using Laurent’z half shade polarimeter.

Apparatus : Laurent’z half shade polarimeter, source of light, sugar, distilled water, measuring
cylinder, beakers.
Polarimetry is a sensitive, non-destructive technique for measuring the optical activity
compounds. This technique involves the measurement of change in the direction of vibration of
polarized light when interact with an optically active compound. A substance is said to be
optically active if it rotates the plane of the polarized light.
If an optically active substance is introduced between them, the plane of polarization of the light
emerging from it may be rotated by a certain angle (let it be )and the second polarizer will not be
able to block the light now.
The second polarizer will have to be rotated by an angle in the same sense to make the field of
view dark again. The angle of rotation can thus be measured by fitting a circular scale to the
second polarizer.
Laurent’s Half Shade Polarimeter :
Consists of a semi-circular half wave plate of quartz ( cut parallel to optic axis) so that it
introduces a phase change of between the extra-ordinary and the ordinary rays passing through it,
and a semi-circular glass plate.
The thickness of the glass plate is such that it absorbs same amount of light as the quartz plate.
The essential parts of this polarimeter are a monochromatic light source, a convex lens which
changes the incident light beam into a parallel one. A polarization which makes this light plane
polarized then, the Laurent’s half shade device and then a tube containing the optically active
experimental substance.
The light beam emerging from this cube passes through an analyzer. This analyzer is capable of
rotation about a common axis. The rotation of the analyzer can be read on a circular scale fitted
with verniers. The light after passing through the analyzer is viewed through a telescope which is
focused on the half shade device. If the pass direction of the which is focused on the half shade
device. If the pass direction of the analyzing polarizer which is capable of being rotated and if it
is fitted with the circular scale.
If  is the optical rotation produced by ‘l’ decimetres of a solution and c is the concentration in
then specific rotation S can be given as , S =  / lc
To measure the angle of a plane-polarized light beam, Laurent’s half shade polarimeter is used.
In this experimental arrangement, we use a monochromatic extended light source (sodium lamp
with its D Line, wavelength 589 nm). A convex lens to make this sodium light parallel for falling
on a polarizer is used.
When light passes through the polarizer, it becomes plane-polarized light. Further, this plane-
polarized light passes through Laurent’s half shade plate and enters into the tube that contains a
sugar solution.

Procedure :
1. Take the polarimeter tube and clean well both the sides such that it is free from dust. Now
fill the tube with pure water and see that no air bubble is enclosed in it.
2. Place the tube in its position inside the polarimeter. Switch on the source of light and
look through the eyepiece.
3. In case of half shade polarimeter, two halves of unequal intensity is observed. Left half
may be bright and the right half may be dark, or vice versa. By rotating the analyzer
eyepiece system, the bright‐dark pair gets interchanged to dark‐bright pair, or vice
versa. Rotate the analyzer (first in clockwise direction and then in anticlockwise
direction) until the intensity of two halves is about to interchanged and circular field
of view appears equally bright.
4. Take the first reading at equal bright intensity position
5. Prepare a sugar solution of known strength by dissolving the known amount of sugar
(say 10 gm) into 100 ml of water.
6. Take the polarimeter tube and remove the pure water. Fill it with the prepared sugar
solution and again place it in the polarimeter.
7. Rotate the analyzer eyepiece system to obtain the equal intensity position, note
down the position of the analyzer scale
8. The difference between water and sugar solution reading gives the optical rotation.
S = �/ lc
Where, �= length of polarimeter tube = 2 dm
 = Angle of rotation
C = concentration of sugar solution (g/ml)

Length of polarimeter tube = 2 dm
Least count of analyser scale=_______

Sources of error and Precautions:

(i) The polarimeter tube should be well cleaned.
(ii) Water used should be dust free.
(iii) Whenever a solution is changed, rinse the tube with the new solution under examination.
(iv) There should be no air bubble inside the tube.
(v) The position of analyzer should be set accurately.
(vii) Reading should be taken when halves of the field of view becomes equally illuminated.

Result : Hence Specific rotation of sugar using Laurent’z half shade polarimeter is calculated as,
S = __________degrees mL g-1dm-1

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