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DOVOQUAS AIRCRAET CO. ING, EB Mk nie AYDIO_RYPEIRATING - DESCRIPDION AND OPERAYTON Senerad, A Be D ‘The eudfo integrating syaten provides @ means of selecting and xonttoring the andio outputs of the commateation xeoolvern, navigation receivera, and Antoxphone anplitiers. In aldition, the audio integrating oyston provides & noone of dircoting ndovophone inputy to tha commiostion transmitters ond interphone amplifiers. Rlectrical power Jo supplied by ‘he £8 vdo emergency buses. Tho audso Antegrating system constets of auido contvol panole, miorephone aolector panels, headsets, micvophoncs, jack outlets and receptacles, Joudepeaksrs, control switches, and the audio integrating anplifier: ‘tho audio control panels control the sudlo intograting system. A control panel. 1s Located at cnoh flight orew station and each pana) containe audio control Knobs, aural navigation selector switches, a marker receiver sultch, @ ndorophoné eelootor owiteh, interphone voluze control, teolation resistora, isolation end speaker arplifiers, a microphone control relay, ‘and transhitter indicating tame, ‘The audio control, knobs eolect and adjuct the audio outpate of the communication receivers and the navigation receivers. ‘The aural, navigation sslector svitches select the auiio outute of the automatic Alrestion finder xeceivera in voles, vangs, or doth audio autputa. The marker switch selects the audio output of the marker xeoctyers Tho microphone soleotor switch provides the control fox directing misrophons audio outputs to the transmitters and interphone enplifiers, for directing the audio outpute of the interphone auplifiere and sidetone from the ‘transmitters to the headsets and loudspsakers, for dixeoting mode control to the transaitters, and for diveoting 28 vdo to the tranomitter indieat~ ing lawp, ‘the interphone volume contro) adjusts the output Jevel of the audlo integrating and service interphone omplifiers. An Looletion vesistor 1a dn eerics with each audio input to the audio control. panel. to prevent interference between Plight orew stations, The signal Loss caused by the resistors is regained ty auplifieation of avato ty the Agolation and sresker amplifiers, The isolation and epeckor omplifiers ave conngeted in parallel to all audio dnputs to the contro) panels. ‘The declatton amplifier output ta connected to the assocdated station headsots and jack outlets, and the opeaker amplifier output 18 connected to the associated statior loudspeaker. The microphone control relay is energized whonover an essociated station push-to-talk owitoh fe actuated end connects microphone audio outputs and tranenitter mode control +o the microphone celeetor svitch, The trencnitter dndicating lempo come on to indicate tha selected transmitter circuit breaker 4s closed. 25-5000 CODE 2 Aug 1/67 Page 1 re a R 2350-0 col gon 3 gen aftr DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT €O., (NC, BEE SIXTY GAAIGES HAATNTENANCE MARUAL Miorephono solector patiols avo installed at the captain's, firat officer's, ond the flight ongineer's stations and contein & mevophone selector svitoh and a pendant awiteh. Tha selector switch solects the ‘poonsat morophone or the oxygen mask mferophone audio oubpte and dizoote the audio to tha auido contyol penols, or directs tho oxygen nask alorophone audlo output to the passenger address anplificr, Boprenoing the pondant ewitoh pwehbutton onetgizes the mloropkone dontrol velay inthe aeacclated station audio control panel and mites ‘tho asmoodated otation Lowlspeskor. ‘The headsets provided for the flight ovow and tho obsorvex aro the oon~ ventional headsets and boowaots. ‘The conventional headsats are installed at the navieator'e and obsorver's stations. The boomots, aonsicting of ‘4 hoadeot and boon mlevozhone, ora installed at the captain's, firat officor's and flight engineer's stations, ‘Tho wlorophones provided Zor the flight ovew and the observer are tho Yoomget misvophonies, oxygen mask wlorozhones, and the hand alerophone. The boorset mlerophone 1a & dynamic mloraphone witch requires additional auplifioction. ‘Tao poondot amplitior 4c an integzal part of the poonsot jack outlet, The oxygen rack morophones ave installed at each flight oxew station and at the obconver's station, The captain's and finat officer's ack mierophones push-to-talk s¥ltches are installed ia the outboard horn of cach control. wheel, Tho flight enginosr'a, navigator's and cbservar'a mack mlovopkonos contain integral push-to-talk ewitches. A hand nderoyhonte 1¢ inotalled at the navigstor's otation and 4¢ accaasible to the observer, ‘The hand microphone contatns un integral. yualretostalk evdtehs The Jack outlets and receptacles provided for the headects end microphones are the amplifier Jack outlets, conventional headset Jack outlets, oxygen neck mforoptione Jack oubkets, hand mlerophone receptacle, pendent ovitch rocoptaclos, and handost jesk outlet, ‘The amplifier Jack cutlets are installed at the captain's, frat officer's end fiigh’ engineer's stations for bocnsot installation, Each ouplifier Jeck outlet consists of en suplifier tox end a base plate. ‘The amplifier box contains the beonset Jack outlet, audic amli¢ler, gain control, and an olectrical connector, The amplifier box ia mounted’ on the base plate by two attaching screve, ‘The gain contro. ond electrical connector are Inserted through mounting holes provided dn base plate and are secured with lookwashers and nute, ‘The base plate also contains the emplifier jack outlet mounting holoa. "Me mounting holes ave aligned vith the nutplates inatelled dn the air- plane structures ‘The conventional headset Jack outlets are Installed ab tho Flight evew stations and the observer's station, ‘The navigator'a and observer's conventional headset Jack outlets are connected in parallel. The oxygen mack miorophone Jeak outlets are inetelled at each flight crev station. ‘The captain's and first officer's mask microphone Jack outlets are not wired for push-to-talk contre), ‘The hand nderophone receptacle le installed between the navigator’a and observer's stations to provide cithor, accens to the hand morophone. ‘The pendent switch revaptecies are installed at the navigator's and observer's stations and axe wired for microphone push-to-talk control only. ‘Tho hand microphons te a BOVOLAS AIRCRAFT €O., IRE. BEG SIXTY GAPS AMAITENANICE MARUAL recoptecle and pendant ovitch receptacdes are connested in parallel. Tho handset Jack outlet 19 Sustalled in the nose vhoah wall to provide ground to flight conpartront conmatcations, Tho handuet Juek outlet 39 cone nacted to tho audio Antegeating amplifier thrown 9 velay which 40 actuated when the handset plug is Inserted into the Jack outlet. Loudspeakers ave installed at tha captain's and first officer's stations. Pooh Lowlopacker contain a trenototorsued audio amplifier, volute con- trol, miting relay, anda syasker. ‘The volo control du oxtexna) ant adjusts tho Londepeaker output levels ‘The mibing rolay 46 energized ty the associated etation pushetontalk switch and mites tho opeaker to prevent feadback to the microphone. ALL of the conponsnto contained in the loudspeaker ava mounted on the front cover panel, and a perforated back cover de provided for conponent cooling and proteotion, Fleotrioat connections wre wade through @ raceptaode mounted on the Deck cover, ‘A microphone control switeh te inetaliea on the outbeard horn of oxoh control wheel, Actuation of the contro) vheal evitch energizes the audio control panel mforophone relay and mites the apecotated station lovd- epeaker. The audio integrating amplifier provides the necessary audio auplification for flight orew communications and is inotallea 1a the Anboard radio rack on shelf 1. The enplifier containg an input trens« forten, input goin eontrok, tyancistorized audio amplifier, and an output transfoxners The enplifier tnput and output are connacted to the audio control panels and the nove wheel well Jock outlet. A serewirivor access hole is provided through the enplifior chassis to adjust the input gain Control. Electricel. power io applied ty closing the flight ongincer's etroult breaker on the left emergency bus. Rlectrical, connections are made through @ receptacle mounted on tho reer of the chasnio, 2s Opevation Aullio ‘integrating For intorphona operation, the microphone selector switch is act to the Antorphone posdtion and & wicrophone control owtch ie pressed, ‘The ‘auddo control. panel mierophone relay 19 actuated and microphone audio is vouted thrcugh the microphone relay and directed vy the microyhone Belector Byiton to the anplifior and anplried. Auphitied eutio 4 routed to the eudio contvol panels end through the Anterzhons volwae control to the microphone selector switch, ‘the microphone selector switch dixects the audio through the deolation resdator and amplifiers to tha headuots and Lowdepookor. Foy transuitter oporation, the nicvephono selector aviteh is set to the ‘trunenitter position and a microphone contyol eviteh ts pressed. ‘The audio control panel microphone rolay 19 actuated and microphone sudio and trunemitter node control are routed through the relay and directed ‘vy the microphone veleotor owitch to the tranenitter, ‘The colocted ‘transmitter frequency 4s modulated by the audio and the transnitter output La eanpled for eidotone, Sidotono 4a xouted to the audio cantroL panels to the microphone selector switen. ‘The microphone selector switen 2845060 ‘COvE 1 Aug 3/67 Page 3 + Ped be 08, DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO, 1NC, BEE SIXTY SEEMS AAAIHTERANCE MANUAL directs the sfdotone through tho isolation resistor and amplifiers to tha hardest and lowlepenker. + For monitor operation, the commieation and navigation receiver audto outputs are routed to the audio control panels. The audko control mob ds O0b to & forward posttion and the adic 4s routed through au isolation Seslator, audio control knob potontiomtor, and amplifiers to tho hogduat end loudspeaker. To Operate Audio Integrating .. To Operate Tntorghone (2) Enexgive oleotrical buses. (2) Place controle to position indicated. entre), Popition Microphone selector panel switch Boom normal, Avdio control panol microphone Flight interphone aelector sviten Interphone volwe control _ Bia position Microphone push-to-talk aviten Depressed (5) Byeaie into microphone with normal tons and adjust interphone control ‘to satlefactory level, | B. 0 Operate Transmitter (1) Energize electrical buses. (2) Place controis to position indicated. Sonteat Postéion Mtevophone selector pane). eviteh Boon norms ( Audio control panal microphone Desired transnitter selector switch Audio control pansl audio Mia poaition control. knob Mierophone push-to-talk sulteh Pressed 23-69-90 CODE 1 Pago 4 Aug 1/87 ined bs UA DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COs INC.” BaGe ae PY FET PETES EF WAINTERANCE MANUAL aun ie Daal i ‘ages A ous EO P 1 ce FE Bi ARBs i" soe Be fae “eae Tas 1 % oe HAS, do meee samen | Ah vom cer ercuteesA19 ERR rere : ' Z ante & “eens Ailoe RE eg FEEL Se esa Audio Integrating -- Simplified fohewabic 23+5060 , Figs 1 . CODE 1 Aug 1/67 Pose 5 fined in US 1 DOUOLAS aIRCRAST CO., I BEB SIXTY SERIAS IMAINFINANCE MANUAL Fuve erearHOHE geen fiat neg ret — water fo mn S x a 1 are ls Py ” hy eS Rene | } i oop A np HDA. oo wo - ia oe [ee 4H he ‘ eu ee wed [= tia 4 A [ dm stow T L—¢ & kd 3 wa foun yy wae > pA wa soma hye —_I a > >t stegne tear <> ‘ae ‘am be ave $s——_ 9 BA neo re i waasien Audio Control Paniek Audto and Contxol Gircuite = Avdio Intofrating Simplified Sehonatic 23-50-0 Figure 2 CODE 1 dog. 1/67 Pogo 7 Red AK, Ome nt GOUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO., INC. BoE GRIT SERIER MAINTENANCE FAHUAL eon aT Ht 92) > WHA HOE TOME DH veanueret— sae Te 2 mf 3 3 vee wee > FO j Audio Contvoa Panel. Audio Monitor Circuito -- 23-500 ‘Simplified Schemtic copit 1 Figure 3 Raga B ong 1, (ronnie eo ane a mom rencanaets fe RE i naaaasten Aus 1/67 QOVOLAS AIRCRAFT CD. ING, BG-8 SIXTY GERIES BAAINTEHANCE MANUAL Qo Monitor Communication and Navigation Recesvars {1} Enorgize electrical Luse: (2) Placa commmication ond navigation receivor audio control knobs to & foxvard porttton and navigation receiver svitches to on position. 23-50-09 ‘CODE L dan 1/6} ¥ Paye 9 Pista in UA ? DOVOLAS AIRCRAFT 60. INE, BCG GIXTY SAME INRINTEMANGE PAANUAL ‘AMDIO_DiRDGRATING. DESCRIPTION AND OPRATION 1. Generel Ay The audlo Antegrating syston provides a nonns of electing and monitoring the audie outputs of the communication trangcadyor's, navigation recasvers, audio inteyvebing amplifier, end passenger eddveno amplifier and tho seiae- ‘lon ond control of wtorophone outmuta te the comiuicabion transcodvors and to the audio integrating amplifier. In addition, tha auiio Antegrating ~ syeten provides ground +0 flight ere conmaieabions, 3B, The audio integrating syetem consists of eudso control panels, conventional and doom microphone headsets, microphones, jnok outlets, microphone relays, eonivol siftchos, audio onplirter, ond Joudopockors. (feo Feure 1.) G. ‘The audic control panels contro} the audio integrating system, A control ponol ie provided at each flight croy station and each control. panel con- tains audie control knobs, aural nevigation syitahes, uicrophone selector suitches, {soletion reatetora, iaolation amplifier, filter eviteh and an audio filter, and the microphone selector svitch internal Lenps. D. The audio control krobs eoleot end adjust tha audio outputs of the cone nunieation transceivers, navigation raceivers, warker receiver, adie integrating anmplificr, ond passenger address enplifier. ‘The auwal naviga- ‘tien evitehos select the audio outputs of the automatic direction finder receivers, The mlerophone selector ayitches select end control the micro« Phone audio autpute ¢o the commnication transsedvere and to the audio integrating amplifier, An 4sotetion resistor is in series with each audio iupub to the andde contvol panel to prevent Anterference betwoen flight crew stations, Tho resultant eignal loss by the isolation resistore 1e zegained by the Zeolebion auplifier, The isolation cuplifler aapifies ALL audio inputs to the audio contro) panel, he filter switch celecto or bypastes the audio filter and the audio filter reduces the noise level. of the autie outputs from the audte control panel. E. The conventional headscts provide eudio monitoring end a headset io install Anstalled at each flight crew station and at the observer's station, ‘Tha boom microphone headsets provide speech reproduction and audio nonitoring ond a boongat ie installed at the captain's tation ani one at the Tirct officer's station, Bach headset end boomset is provided with a Jack for Anatol tation. The boom microphones, oxygen mask wloroptoncs, ana the hand microphones, are provided for voice veproduetion. All of the microstiones are dynamic Relerophotes and veguire audio preamplifications An oxygen mack microphone 4s installed ab ench flight crew station. The mask micropkones at the guptain's ond first offleor's station are provided with a connector for installation, The mask merophones at the flight engineer's and navigators atation contain a integral audio preamplifier ang push-to-talk ovitch and are provided with « jack for installation. A hend microphone is installed at oooh Slight eray atotion und at the observer's station. Hack hand ° 2350-0 CODE 2 dun Gt rises 9 U8 Pawo 1 inthe DOLALAS AIReRAFT €O., INC. BEE BITTY SEAS JAAINTERANCE RANUAL microphone contains en dntogval audio proomplifiey and a push-to-talk auiteh end ia provided with a Jeck for inotalletion. ‘the merophone Jeck panele, oxygen mack microphone Jack outleta, hod microphone Jack outlets, conventional headsat Jack outlets, and the handset Jack outlet axe provided for the installation of tho headsote, vooncots, and microphones. The tierophone Jeck paneia are installed at the captain's and fivet officex's stations, Bach mlorophone Jack penol contains Jack outlets for the hand microphone ord conventional headset, recaptacies for the oxygen mask microphone end the boonsst, ond audio ayplifiers for tho oxygen mask aierophone and toonset mleroptone. an adapter is installed in the boouset receptacle to provide 6 Jeck oublet for the boomset, The oxygen monk microphone Jack outlets are tnaballed ab the flight enginecr's ond nevigator''s stations, The hand mferophone Jock oubleba are installed af the Flight evew and observer's station. The conventional headset jack outlets are inotalled at the navigetor's end observer's stations. The observer's Jack outlets are connected in parallel to the navigator's jaok outlets, The hendset Jack outlet 1s installed in the nosewhes! well to provide gromd to flight compartuent comtunteations. The hendvet Jack outlet ie connected to the audio integrating auplitier taput and output. Hi. The microphone relays provide the captain's endl the first officer's boom and oxygen waak microphone audio output contro) and loudspeaker muting during interphone coumaications. The captain's nicrophone relay 1s installed in the left coneole and the fret officer's wierophone relay 1¢ inoballed in the right console. The microphone reley 13 onergized by, the contyol vheel switch in the interphone position or ty the hend niorophone push-to-talk sudtch vien the dnterphone microphone selector switeh is prensea, (Sao Figure 2.) + The microphone control avitohes end tho pascenger address cmargency ennounce axitch are provided for the audio integrating syeten. A microm phone oontvol owiteh, viich provides the captain's and the Ziret offiver’ voor and oxygen mask microphone control, is installed in the outboard horn of each control wheol, ‘Tao contro) wheel ewitch 4s placed to the up postion for radio communications and in the dom position for interphone communications, The passenger address energency announce switch provides @ means of troneferring the captain's and first officer's micxephore audio outputs from the eudfo integrating system to the passenger address aystem, The paosonger eddroso etorgeney ‘anounce avitch io installed on the aft control pedestal. J, The audio integrating anplitier provides tho necessary audio anplification for flight crow interphone communications, ‘The amplifier contains on input transformer, input gain control, transistorizad audio enplifier, and an output trenaformer. The amplifier input te comected to the aude control. palels, microphone relays, noseihesl Well. Jack outlet, and the passenger addvese emergency anviounce svitch. ‘The arplifier output is connected to ‘the audio control panets and to the nosewneel vell Jack outlet. A screw~ driver access hole ts provided through the amplifier to adjust the input gain control, ‘Tho amplifior io inctalled in the dnboord radio rack on 23 05060 cone 2 Pago 2 dan 1/37 i DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO. INC, GEE HKTY SERIES SAATNTEBLANCE MANUAL wep gas ret a awcodaps) "4 RB Kbuastencrs oxnuy: ‘TyeWAL AT che AME CONRGL EL Y 1 pu oe carnans ener wut Apr 19/67 DOUGLAS AIRERATT €O., INC. BEB SISTY BERRIES MAINTENANCE MANUAL ‘HIG PAGH YNTHWPIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-50-0 CODE 2 DOVOLAS AIRCRAFT CO. INC. BOG BINSY GEMIES MRAIAGEHARCE MANUAL prot Fo aves wcantonne cncurs ir ESR aa ct =| Tt ican ‘100 couTROL PRAELE ERD oma —_—a 20. Tae Toa mrEcRaTIa arte magsines Captain's ond Viret officer's -- Contyol and Audio Inputs. 23-5020 Figoro 2 COB 2 aon 1/67 Page 5 ated Ya USA, Acc ths oy tol Sta aad at DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT €0,, IHC, BOE UXT SEMES JAAINTENANCE MARUAL shelf 1 and electrical pover ta oupplied through the captain's audio e1r- eudt treoker loceted on the left de energoney bus. K, The loudopeakers provide the captain and the first officor a meane of yonttoring the uadio integrating syatan without the uso of the headuct om doousct, “A loudepeoker 4a installed overhead at the captain's station and one 1o inotabled overhead ot the f1rot officer's station, Hach loudopockor contains a transdatorized mudio explifier, miting relay, vohie control, snd a upeaay', The audio amplifior auplifties tho audio outputo from the assootabed station audio contro} penel. The muting relay mutes tha epaoker to prevent faedback to the wiovophona, ‘The volute control Jo oxtexnal end adjusta the specksr output vohime. Bleetyieal povor is supplied by the agBoatated station audio olvait breskor on the 26 ve cuorgency bus. Qpgvabion A. For Diterphone operation at the captain's and first officer's stations, the dnterphone audio control knob 4c placed in a forward position ond the Anterphone mlerophone selector avlich is pressed. Al) microphone selector evitoh internal lemps come on, indicating power is applied to the audio integrabing emplifier. Employing the booaset or oxygen uask microphone end placing the control wheel evitch to the yadio ox interphone position energizes the merophone relay. Mie associated station loudepeaker ia muted and whcrophone audio is routed throvah the microphone relay to the audio integrating amplifier and is then amplified. muploying the hend wicrophone ond depressing the push-to-talk ewitch onergizes the wicrophene velay, Whe esceiated station loudspeaker ig muted and microphone audio Je apphied to the audio control panei, and routed through the microphone eelootor siitch to the audio integrating amplificr. The amplified audio 46 applied to the audio control panel and routed through the isolation reaistor, oudio control knob potentiometer, daolation amplifier, ond filter switch to the headset, boomest, and loudspeaker. ‘The interphone microphone selector switch need not be depressed for boonset andé oxygen mask micro= phone interphone coraumiertions 1f the control whoo cwiteh 19 placed in the dnberphone position, (Gee Figure 2.) B, For interphone operation at the navigator's and flight enginzer's station, ‘the Antexphone audio cowtrol knob is ploced Jn a forward position end the Anterphone mlerophone selector awitch is depresned. A11 wlerophone selecs . ‘tor eviteh Sntoxnal Lompa como on, indicating power is applied to the andio dntegrating amplifier. Rxploying the hand wicrophone or the oxygen mask wierophous ond dopreaoing the integral puch-to-tals ssteh applies nicro- ghone audio to the aufio control pancl. ‘The microphone audio is routed ‘through the wicvonhone selector oviteh to the audio integrating anplifier end is then amplified. ‘The amplified sudio 1s applied to the audio control Panel and routed through the isolation reofetor, and audio contro} knob votentlonster, deolabion eupliffer, end filter avitch to tha headsets. (See Figuce 3.) 23-5020 cope 2 Pare G Jon 1/67 e zB son 4/6 DOUOLAS AINCRAHT CO., INC, GEE BIXTY BEA S TAAINTENANCE AANUAT Por passenger address anaouncerente fron the captain's and first officer's station, the pnasenger nddrean emergency cnnounce pwitch to placed to the on position. ‘the microphone outputs norrally routed to the audio inte~ grating amplifier fron the captain's station ond tho fixet officer's station are transferred to the passenger oddveos eysten by tho passenger address exergency announce avitch. To wonitor the sudlo inpubs to the audio control panels, tha sudio control Wnobs @re placed in a forverd yoaition and tha auto monitor guitches in on. The audta outputs of the cumunieatton transeotvers, navigation Fecoivers, audto integrating snplifier, and passenger addres emplifior axe applied to the audio control penel, Bach audio input to the audio contro} pane’ io xouted through an isolation roofetor, an audio control nob potentionatex or oultch, the declation axplifier, and the filter avitch to ‘the respect station headset, hoonget, and loudapeakor, (8ce Figure 4.) Fox opewating a communication transvciver at the captain's atation and the Pixet officer's station, the transcedver microphone selector itch is pressed and the transceiver audio control imob 4s placed in a forvard position, Baploying the boomset or oxygen mask microphone and placing the eontrol waeel evitches in the radio position mutes the loudeposkere ané applies the microphone outputs to the audio control panel. uploying the hend micxophione and depressing the push-to-talk sviteh mites the loud~ speakere and applies the merophone outputs to the audso contro) panel. Baploying the hand microphone and deproseing the push-to-talk owitch mutes ‘the loudapeakers and appiles the microphone oatpute to the audio control panel, The wicropkone outputs and transceiver mode control are routed through the microphone selector eviteh to the transceiver. The tranecetver control releye orc onsrgized and the tranaceivor transfers to the trens~ mitting wode of operation, ‘The microphone outputs modulate the trananitter froquency ond the oubput 46 sempled for idetone. Sidetone 16 applied to the audio control panels, Sidetone 18 routed through an isolation veeis- tor, audio control knob potentioneter, the isolation amplifier, and the filter oviteh to the headset, boomset, and loudspeaker. For operating a transceiver et the flight engineer's and navigator's stations, the transeetver microphone selector svitch Je pressed oud the audio control Knob ie placed ine forvord position, Bnoloying the hend wlerophone or oxygen mask microphone and depressing the push-to-talk avitch epplies nicrophone outputs and transceiver mode eoutrol to the audio eontyol panel. HMierophone outputs and tranecaiver mode control are routed ‘through the microphone selector switeh to the transeedver. The trans~ caiver control relays ave snergized and tho tronaceiver tranefere to a trenenitter wode of operation, The microphone outputs modulate the trans- witter frequency end the output 49 camplea for ofdetone, Sidetone is applied to the audio contro} panels. Sidetone 1a routed through an isola. tion resistor, audio control knob potentionstes, the Joolatien ompliticy , and the filter switch to the headsets. 2305000 cone 2 18 in USA. Faye DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO., INC, GO-B GXTY SERIES INAINTENIRRCE MANUAL : worune aH BitFeppoxe JOBE, area was Flight Engineor'a avd Navigator's == 23-5000 Control und Audio Inputo couk 2 Fieure 3 Pago B DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT €O., INC. BBE GIiXTV SHRBS PAAINTENANCE PAHUAL g 4 . ua g iS - S55 56 > © wwe es No 2 55 serone >: 5 soe fF reguent eo Tpugaoesee users, sPeaKeR Audio Honitoring and Vode Indteating -- Aimplified Sohenatic Figure 4 gon 1/67 em ware 2345040 cone 2 oe wicca GOUOLAS AIRCRAFT COx IG: BEE BIXTY GEES ISAINTENAN CE MANUAL 3. To Operate Syaten A. ‘To Operate Interphons at Captain's Station and Firat Officer's Station (1) Energize electrical ‘busses, {2} Place contyoke to position indicated. > gonexen Rosition Passenger addreon cuorgoney énnounce or ewlteb Anterghone microphone selector switch Depreared Interphone audio control knob Forward Boonset or oxygon wask microphone Baployed Contyol whee} evitohes Ratio or Antarphono oe Hond miorophons Enployed Push-to-talk switch Depressed (3) Speak into microphone with nortial tone and adjust interphone audio control knob to monitor audio at confortable level. B. To Operate Intorphone at Flight Engineer's Station and Sovigator's Station (21) Energize electrical buses. (2) Depress interphone microphone selector suttch, (3) Piace audio contro} knob in @ forvard position. (4) Baploy hand microphone or oxygen mask microphone and depress push«to~ talk avitch, (5) Speek 4ato microptons with normal tone and adjust interphons eudlo con- trol knob to monitor audio at comfortable level. @, % Operate Passenger Addvoss from Captain's Station and Firet Officor'o station (1) Energize electrical buses. (2) Place control in position indicated, 2345040 CODE 2 Page 10 gon 1/67 ne ee os ek i bee a DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO. INC. BG-8 GIXTYV SEES JAAINTENANCE MANUAL Sentra) Poaition. Passenger address energency announce on owdech Intoxphone microphone solecter swttch Depressed Passenger addyeso audio control knob Forward Doomeet or onyaen mck microphone Buployed Control wheal switches Radio ov intexphone or Hana microphone Enployeé Push-to~talk ewiteh Depressed (3) Speak into mterophone with normal tone and a@Just passenger adareso audio contro? knob to monitor audio at comfortable level. D, Mo Monktor Audio (1) najust audio control knoba to monitor audio st confortable Jevel, (2) Piace audio xonitor svitenes in on, {3) Adjust iouaspeaker volume controks to monitor audio at confortable level. EB. %o Operate Transeeivere at Captain's Station ang First Officer's Station (1) Bnergize electrical buses. (2) Place controls in postion indionted. contro, Position ‘Transceiver microphona selector switch Depressed ‘Transceiver audio controi knob Forvara Hoonset ox oxygen mack microphone Enployoa Control wheel eviteh Radio . a Yiand nderoghone Employed Pushatostalk avitch Dopressed 23-50+0 CODE & Jon 1/67 eo ote ig OQUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO, INC. BE-8 UXTY SEAMIES BAINTENANCE MANUAL (3) Speak into wierophono with norunl tone and adjust trenecaiver audio contre! knob te monitor sudio at comfortable level. F, To Operate ranseedver at Flight Engineor's Station and Navigator's Station (1) Eneveize electrical buses. {2) Depress transceiver microphone selector avitch. (3) Place transceiver audlo control knob in forwards (4) Baptoy lend whorophone or oxygen mask mlorophone and depreas push=tow ‘talk oviten, (5) Speak into microphone with novel tone ond adjust tyanscetver oudto control knob to monitor aidetone at comfortable level. 23-5000 OnE 2 + Ggnere), Ae a sien asi ES, a DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT €O., INC. BEE SIXTY GERIEES ANAINTENANCE PAHUAL AUDIO. ANEBORNETNO _DESORIVPION AND, OPERATION ‘Phe awdlo integrating system provides o noms of selecting and monitoring ‘the audio outputs of the eowwuniention trensceivers, navigation receivers, audio integrating auplifier, and the pansenger addrose amplifier. In addi~ ton, tha audio integrating evetem provider @ menna of @iracting micron phone outpets to the commnieation transceivers, passenger address onpli~ fier, and to tho audio integrating interphone amplifier. The audio inte~ grating ayaton consists of andto control panels, headeste, mierophonen, nok outlets, control evitches, audio amplifier, and fight eoxpartment joudspeakers. ‘he audio control panels control the audio integrating syaten. A control ponel io dnotalled at each flight crew etation. ach control panel con~ teina conaunieation and navigation recelver audio selector svitches, @ mderophone aclector awiteh, interphono mixing avitch, isolation resistors, isolation axplifier, audio volun: control, and a wuting reley. Nornal Input pover to the captain's ond flight ongincor's audio control panels i¢ supplied by the right energency bus. Normal input power to the first officer's and navigebor's audio contvol panclo is oupplied by the loft emergency bus. Euexgetoy power 4s supplied to all contro? panels by the battery bus vhen the battery radio power awitch is placed in the battery position, The uate control panel commmication and navigation receiver audio selec ‘tor witches are placed in the up position to select HP and VIF conmuntcas tdon receiver oudio ard trenonitter sidetone, VIF navigation cysten voice and vange signals, automatic dircetion finger yolce and range signals, and marker receiver dorkor beacon signals, The communieation and navigation radio Inputs axe routed to a common signa) civeult which routes the audio ‘to the microphone selector switch and the interphone mixing oviteh. The audio contro. panel microphone selector switch is a seven position rotry owiteh placarded HF-1, HF-2, VHF-1, VHF-2, VHR-3, normal interphone, an ensrgeney inberphone. The microphons selector svitch te placed in the eonmunieatien tronseeiver position to direct comtunication ané navigation radio inputs to the isolation enplifier, and to direct fight cxev micro~ phone auido and trenessiver mode control to the selected transceiver. The microphone selector switch 1s placed dn the normel or exeracney intershone position to direct microphone sudio to the audio integrating amplifier end direct the anplified audio to the deolation amplifier. Jn addition, the emergency interghons position appiies microphone control asrectly to the oxygen mask microphone at the captain's and firat officer's stations. ‘The Snterphone mizing avitch 1¢ placed in the up post: to integrate ean mmieation ond nevigablon receiver audio with inerthone audio regardless of the position of the microphone selector svitch, a, is 23450-0 cont 3 “Ae Fee DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT COW INC, GA-F GIXTY SIRES MAINTENANCE MANUAL fn isolation resistor 1s placed in series with each audio input to the sudlo control pened to pravont audio interference batwaon flight crew stations, ‘The resultant eigoal loss caused by the Jeolstion restator 19 xogodnod by the Aeoletion ouplifier, The tsolation auplifser enpidvies ai? audio inputs selected on the audte control panol, ‘The oubput of the doolation omplifior io applied to the audio volute control, The voluwe control ia mounted concentrically to the nicroghony selector eviteh and 1s yobated to adjust the audic to the desired level, he audio conteoL panol muting rolay provides lowdopeaker nuting control 4o prevent feadback between the lowlepeakers and the captain's and firab officer's nievophones. ‘Tho muting reloy io actuated vhon the asacetated station mirrophone control sxitches are pressed. Actuation of the captain's or firot officer's station muting reley applies the radio muting signa) to both loudspeakers, ‘he headsets provided for the flight crew are the conventions} headsets, A headcet 4¢ Inctallad at each flight crew station, "he microphones provided for the fight evew sxe the hand mfcreptones and oxygen mask microphones. A hard microphone te installed at cach flight orev statdon. Bach hand microphone containo an integral push-to-talk con~ tro} avitch, An oxygen mask nicrophone fs installed at each Plight station, The flight engineer's and navigator's oxygen mask microphones contain an integral push-to-talk avitcn, The captain's and first officer's ‘oxygen ask wierophone control is provided by pressing the microphone con- trol switenes located 1n the outhoera horn of each control whee}, or by placing the audio control penel microphone control evitch in the emergency interphono position, Jack outlets are provided ot each flight ovow station for headcet and microphone installation. Jn addition, a hand nicrophone and headset Jack outlet are installed ab the observer's station. The observer'n jack out- Jets are an integral pert of the navigator'a audio station. The contyol switches provided for the audio integrating system contro} are the control vheet switches and the passenger adirese/normal switches. A aderophone avitch 4s inatallod in the outboard horn of each contvol wheel to provide the captain and the first officer oxygen mask microphone control, ‘The passenger adéresa/norna! eviteh i placed in the passenger address porition to trenefer the oxygen ask microphone from tke audio intesrating ayoten to the passenger address systen. ‘The audio amplifier provides the necessary audio auplification for Flight and service interphone commonication, ‘The amplifier contains andto dnput elveuito, @ fHght voluie control potentionctor, & soyvice volure control potentioneter, and a transistorized audio amplifier, The inpub circuits provide 3 input connoctims, fLight ereW microphone input, eabin attendant handset input, snd interphone Jack cutlet Inpub. ‘The fight crew and cabin attendant invita ere applied to tho fight volume control, The dnterphone Jack outiot input is connected to the service valune control. The volure control potentionetors provide a dual anplificr input und ure adjuoted te DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO., ING. BEE BIMITY BE PEE IAAINTENANCE MANUAL . control the input level to the audso anpLificr, ‘The onplifier intesrates SLight and interphone audlo and the amplifier output 1s spplied to the eudio contol panels, hondsct otations, and the interphone Jack outloto, Normal dnput power to the auddo auplifier io supplied vy the Left omergency bua, ‘The amplifier 1s housed 4n a 4-1/2 by 1911/16 by 3-1/8 inch box which 4o attached to 6 mounting plate by 2 snap lock fasteners. ‘The euplifier 15 imatatied tn the inboard vedio rack on aholf 6, Emergency power is supplied ty the battery bus vhon the battery oviteh is placed in the battery position. XK, ho loudepeskora provide the captein ond the first officer = means of nionitoring the audio integrating eysten without the use of tho hoadsct. Whe lougepeakove are inetalled in the overhoad at tho captain's and firet officer's stations. Bach loudapeaker contains a trensiatorized audio suplifies, auting relay, volume control, and a speaker. The audio anp)i fler inpué 16 comected in parallel to the headost recedvers ond aaplition the awlio selected on the associated station audio control panel. ‘The nuting relay reduces speaker oubpub to prevent feedback to the microphones. Voth loudspeaker auting relays ave actuated by the radio muting signal fret either the captein's or first officer's audio control panel when a respec- tive mievophone control eviteh Je pressed, In addition, both loudsperker muting relays are actuated by the pesemnger address muting signal when announcenento are made from the flight coupsrtment. The volume contro? 1s located in the center of the spesker gxi11 and ia rotated to adjust the wpoakor voluzo to the desired level. Input power to the captain's loud. speaker is supplied by the right exergency bus. Input power to the first officer's loudspeaker io supplied by the left emergency bus. Energency pover 1s eupplied to both loudspeakers by the battery bus when the battery avitch ie placed an the battery pocition. @. Opevation Audio Integrating A, For anterphone operation, the microphone selector awitch is placed fn the normal Anterphone position end the nLcrophone control axitch is preosed. Microphone audio io routed to the microphone selector siitch and directed to the audio amplifier. The audio 1 routed through the flight volune control and applied to the audio emplifier end amplified. The aupliried sudio 1s routed to the andfo contro) panels and through the isolation resistor to the nicrophone selector owitch and, intexphone mixing svitch, ‘The microphone selector switeh directs the audio to the iso2ation aupli- fier. The audio fs amplified and routed through the audio volue control ond applied to the headset and Loudspeaker. B, For tranacetver trononittes operation, the microphone selector switen 3s placed ing conminteation transceiver position, the selected transceiver audio selector owiteh is placed in the up position, and the merophone control sviteh f6 pressed. Microphone audio and transceiver node control are youted to the microphone selostor okiteh, ‘Mie microphone Boxcetor aviteh directs the audio ani mode contro) to the selected trunceelver. ‘Tae mode control signol transfers the transceiver fron receiver mede to 2350-0 CODR 3 Son * ane BOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO., INC. BCR GIATY SERIES MAINTENANCE MARUAL Pienaar wats 480 B31}. a wade ay we, 2] ! 36 soon F lie sete ek DUT naa ue ao yeg cove zt Tiusp we won, E verostr REE RES t Hider cen 1 mae toa | eI 4 Soh 4 4h enn ep “HEADSET | Swe ADD > ree ert? Sa by [ Be be = | " i 2.| bt sete \ tht fs. == = + tS 10m, oe | at aus 3 stp Es Sas rm’ See : eprpueano 4) SRE? 0 ve: AL as1AUDID Com 23-40-06 com + Page it th ay _reuronie nee bE sete ey nara aero eR, 2 —_—_| 290 RE CRS AOL ante marae Audio Integrating == Simplified schersblc Ager. Figure 2. ot 3/6t tinted VBA Qo 3. AL San DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO,, INC, BEB SITY SEMIES INAINTETLANCE MANUAL tranoaitter moda of operation, ‘The microphone audio 40 applied to the trungnittang circuits and aidetone 48 detected, Sidetone io routed to the audio contro) panelo and throvgh the colation resistor, andio selector auitch to the microphone selector ovitch and interphone ixing switch. te mievophone selactor ewiteh directs the sidetona to the deolation ampli- fier. The ofdetone ie amplified ard routed through the audfo Yoluse control and applied to the headset and lovdspeckor. For cormuntoation ahd navigation receiver monitoring, the audio selector avitches are placed in the up position and the microphone selector evitch fo placed in a communication trandcoiver position. Railo receiver oudio Lo roubed through the respective isolation resistor ant audio aolector uvitch to the microphone selector sizitoh and the Anter- phone mixing owitch. The aicrophone selector switch directs the audio to the dsoletion auplitier, When the microphone selector owitch fo pleced in eh interghone position, the Interphone mixing ewitch 1s placed in the up Position to route radio vacelvor audlo to tho teolation amplifier. The audio 1a arplified and routed through the audio volume control end applied ‘to the headeet ond lovdepecker. To Operate Audio Integrating ‘To Operate Interphone {1) Rnergize electrical buses. (2) Pisce wterophone selector eviten tn nora Anterphone on euergonoy duberphone. (3) Place audio volume control to midposttzon. (hk) Bapioy mderophone end prese associated puchatoutatk switch. - (5) Speak into microphone with norual tone and adjust audio volute control. to monitor audio at aatisfactory level. To Oparats Communication Transceiver (2) morgize electrical buses. (2) Phace iterophone oclector ewitch to desired transcotver position, (3) Place celected trenscodver audio selector awitch in up pooltion, (4) Place audio volume control to nidposition. {5} Bapioy nicrophone und procs associated push-to-talk switch. (6) Speek into microphone with normal tone and adjust audio volume eontrol to noniter sidetone at catisfactory level. BJe50-0 COBB 3. afer ces Sane DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT £0., INS. 26-8 GIXTY SEMIES IARINTENANCE MAHUAL C, To Monitor Coumumication ond Novigation Receivers (1) Baevgtae electrical busen. (2) Place the audio aclector auitonan to the up position. (3) Aajust auto voluas control to monitor audio at satisfactory level. 2325020 coon 9 Sen fer pti ate fou BY DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO,, ING: BEB BIXVTY GEES INATNTEHARCE MANUAL ‘AUDIO INPHORATING - DESCRIPTION AND OPERN ETON 2. generat A, ‘he awdio integrating aystem provides & moans of selecting and uonitoring ‘the audio outpute of tho conminieation tronseoivors, navigation rocotvera, and the audio integrating emplifier. Tn addition, the audic integrating ayoton provides a Hoans of divesting microphone outputs to the communica tion transceivers and the autio integrating suphifier (See Figure 1). The audio Antegrating syatom conoiota of audio control pencils, headects aud microphones, Jack outlets, control auiteles, audio amplifier, end fight sompaitwont Joudopenkors By The audio contvol pondle contvol the auito Snterating eyoten. A contyor pene). 19 provided at each flight oxew station, Bach contvol panel contains audio selector switchas, oucrgency/normal owitch, apsaker switch, nicro~ phone selector evitch, isolation resistors, isolation enplifier, volure control, wierophone control relay, and autoustie direction finding soles tor avitch. G. he audio selector owitches axe placed tn the up position to select HF and VIF communication recetver audio and sidetone, VIF navigation receiver audio, sutomatie direction finger receiver audio, werker beacon receiver eudio, distance measuring equipnent recedver audio, and flight conpartuent Antorphone audio. Tae aslected audio inputs atte connected to the nowal eudio cireulis vhtch routes the selected audio throwgh the leolabion reslebor, audio selector oviteh, and yvoluno contzol potontiouotor to the Aeolation muplifier input. Tn addition, the audio selector evitchss are an Antegral part of the energency audio cireust. In conjunction with the ‘energency eudio odreutts, the audio selector avitches ave series eonnacted frow left to right when the evitches are in the down pooition, When an audio avitch 46 placed in the up position, all otheraudio selector evitehes are tsolated from the energency audio ciroult and the selected audio is routed through the audio sviteh to the enargoncy/normal eviten. D, ‘he emergeney/normal evitch provides a msmie of monitoring the normal awlio cireuita or the exergency audio circuits. When the axitch is placed ia the noraal position, the isolation amplifier output 46 routed through ‘the energency/noraal switeh-and the gpeaker ewiteh to the headset. When tho emergency/normal switch 19 placed in tho emergency position, the feola~ tdon amplifier output 1s @ieeonnested, and exergency circuit autio is routed : through the enorgency /normal ovvitch and the speaker eviteh to the headeot, he speaker aviteh ds placed in the up position to route the audio to the reopective otstion loudspeaker, B, ‘The microphone selector owitch is a five position rotary switch plaearded VHF-1, VHE-2, IND, KF-1, and }f.2. ‘The microphone selector awitch 16 placed An a Communfcation tranceedver position to route flight erey merophono audio end transceiver node control to the sclected transceiver. ‘The wiero~ phone solector avitch 1s placed 4n the intexchone position to direct Flight craw microphone audio to the audio integrating emplarier. 83-50-0 cons he dan 1/61 Pegs Lb a 1 a. A AB aoe eps SER DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT €O,, INE BB SIXTY SERMAE @RAINTEMANCE MANUAL an deoletion reniotor 4p placed dn serdes with each audio input to the audio control panc) to prevent imtorferonce batvaon flight orev etatione. Tho reouktent sigal loos caused by tho doolation veodotor Le regoined by the isolation emplifior, ‘ho isolation auplifier amplifies 611 nore audio inpube to the audio control panel, The voluie contyol 45 counted eoncontrically to tho microphona solacter aviteh ond 1a votated to sdjuat ‘the norual audio elroult input level to the Leolation amplifier. ‘The nicropliono opntrol volay 19 onorgined viten an aasociated station micro~ phone control sudtch te actuated, Actuation of the mlerophora relay routes twenseoiver rede contyok to tho microrhono selector ovitch and nite contyol to the raspootive station loudspeaker, ‘Tho autonatia dixeotion finder austoh 10 a three poostion votmy awkech plaonrdad range, both, and voice, ‘The auitch voutes the selected eudso to the autonatio direction finder audle suleotor ovitohea. Headseto-an& hand-held televophones are located at the captodn'a, fired officer's, fLight engineer's, and obsorver'a station. Microphone selector auitohas exe looated on the captain's and firot offloer's lover inotriont gusnst panel, Thess selector witches provide selsction of the oxygen, ‘doom, oF suoke wierophones that are controlled through avitchas in the outboard horns of the control wheels. Momentery microphone avitches are Located on the fight oxgincer's instrument panel and at tho Seerver's station. ‘The flight engineer's and observer's supplementary oxygen and woke microphonas are connected in parellel through the microphone switches, and are connected to the flight interphone only. The audio axplifier provides audio auplification for fiaght erey intes- Communication and interphone conmunication. The amplifier de of the vodular construction and sonaists of @ chasois with @ roar conneotor, front pouel, dust cover, and tvo Jeoletion enplifier modules. Bach module con- tains a tvo stage audio amplifier end a preset volute control. In conjunc~ tion with the audio integrating system, one of the modules provides tho necousary audio auplification for flight crew intercomunication, Hounted on the front is a fuse holder, Nandle, and a mounting bracket. The audio onplifior is housed in a 1/4 ATR case and is located in tho outboard redio reok on half 5, The fLight compartment loudspaekers provide the capbain end first officer & means of uonitoring the sudto integrating eysten without the uso of the headset. Loudspeakers are installed in the overhead ab the captain's and firot officer's station, Sach.loudopenker contains a transistori ced audio amplifier, muting relay, voluxe control, off/on eviteh, and a epeaker, ‘The evdio anplifior amplifies the audio outputs from the ansociated station eudio control panel. ‘The muting relay mites the speaker to prevent focd= back to tho mlorephone. ‘The Volume control 4s internal and is procet for @ stenderd level. The off/on apecker syiten is located in the conter of ‘the npeskor grill end de used to turn the apeeker amplifier on and off, Qperatiion For interphone operetion, tha microphone selector eviteh te plecad te the Anterphone position and a microphona control owltch is prassed mubing the 232500 cone Page a Gob 15/66 Spiga ae aR a ee DOUGLAS AINCRATT €0., ING. BE-8 BXTY SEAMS JAAINTENANCE KARUAL x irc AVA COKTACL PAREL, ‘Re —__} Labs vhenuenon ste we ie a savoion ACh ef wae saan fy ) - fae wens aera ‘STIL warns bat ‘arene naeeee CHOTANES SHATLOH

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