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Ae @ DOUGLAS AIRCRAFE 6O., ING: BEB SIRTY SBARIES MAINTENANCE MANUAL GENERAL - DEBORIPTION AND OPERATION Poseription (Boo Figure 2.) Hlectrical power uned on tha atyplana consists of altemating eurvent and Afract current generation with corresponding distribution systems. Four brushless, air-cooled, engine-driven, we aengyators provide 120/208-yolt, G-phasa, 4OO-oyele per, second (cps) alternating current, The 28-volt Giroct current raquixenonts ara wat by four 50-omporo,-unregulated ‘wonsforur-rectitiars and a Qhvolt, nickalecadaiun battery, Generator apeods are hold constant at 6000 rye, during all variations of engine speeds betweon idle and takeoff, by a gear-difforential constant apeed ative (CSD) tronendasion. Frequency fe normally waintained at 400 (40.1) eps by a-frequency ond load control panel which transmits edgnale to the magnetic trim head of the CBD tronomiesion speed governor, thus correcting C8D output speed to maintain 400 (40.1) eps. If the CaD taansmiosion 46 operating on the opood governor, without the fine frequeney control of the frequency and lcad control panel, the frequency de maintained at 400 (£4) cpo. ‘Pransmlasion output yotation can be stopped, under specific procedures, dy placing the corresponding generator CSD disconnect switeh in the discon nect position. Vhen disengaged, the transmfooion must not be ro-engaged until the engine 1a ant dova and cones to o complete stop. Revengagerent of the transmission is accomplished manvally by pulling the disconnect vecet handle until a otop te febt and then releasing the handle. Ame ae ayotem ie axvanged 00 that cach gonorator te conncted through & generator relay to a corresponding generator bus (see Figure 2), Each generator bus fo connected to the ac tde bus through a bus tie relay snd to corresponding Load busea through lond monttor relays. In addition, the Wo. 2 generator bus is connected dixectly to the left ac encrgeney bus, and the to. 3 generator bus de connected directly to the right ae emergency bus. ‘The generators can be operated unparalleied as separate systems, each supplying power to coxeoponding buses, oy paralleled vith 611 operating generators equally sharing the total electrical loads, Parallelea opera~ tion is preferred. If a generator fails to function, continuity of alec- trical, pover to the dead bue is assured by the paralleling efreutt vbich initiates an aqual load distribution anong the vemaining operating, genorators. An ac bus Asolation gwitch can be operated to declate the ac buses and to prevent parallel, operation. . During unyarableled operation, rower supply to the ac tie bus ia asoured by the profercntiel cirovit 1f tho a bua isolation switoh is closed. ‘The preferential order is 2-3-1-h; and the first operative generator dn that order, alnayo starting with Ro. 2, connects to the ae tie bus. Ira generator fails to function during unparalleled operatdon, the generator supplying power to the ac tle bua vil. also supply pover to the dead buses of the failed generator. 24-00 cope 2 igor Aly at DQVOLAS AIRCRAFT CO., INC, B68 GIT SEAMEE MAINTENANCE MANUAL 14g TPE 0.3 S88 AEMRSHUART, SHB is iGIneER'S CONTROL. PANEL. HO, 1, ‘TAARSFORHER-RECTAFIER HO. 2 ‘TRANSFORMER-RECTIFIER EXTERNAL, aren rouse Bak. Be Samanages RD AG GENERATOR HO. 4 FRANGFORMER-RECTIFIER, to, 3 SRANSFORMER-RECTIFES . No.1 658 KO REHLERA watson Moctricnl Fever Ayoten Inotallations 2h-00 Figure 1 2 3 we beer OOUOLAS AIRCRAIT €O., INC. EOE EME Y GEIE & TAAINTENANCE MANUAL GER RELAY Tha, | tidus at. Cyne © Uh. She (ee carga OOD CD comresse (9) Libs r ibe, | Bekdaon [sae 2. nak Wags) Swiet £7] ays mun rr PATO & No, 3 Hee, | SEHEMATOR (yeeane WO. 3. Beals Bie Bye PP ee iif | Wine L--O) Cyesr © (ed Li] RENT 4 Sito] (Rete SEE swren Coe Lene oo pinay or hurnmomee vem” | SUSusiaawmecrparons Ae Fower Distribution -- Block Diagran Figure 2 fel. bel BOUOLAS AIRERAF £0, 2G-8 SINTY SERIES HAAINTENANCE MANUAL G. The de system is supplied pover from four 50-empere, unregulated Avensformer-rectatier unite “hich convert ac to dc for the required 28-volt divect curront losde {sea Figure 3). The Snput 4s 3-phase, ho0-eys, M1Sqvolt ae povers te outplb fe Ab-volt de paver. Power ftom cach teansfomer-rectifier is supplied to a corresponding 1ona bie though a losd monitor relay. Pover 4s also supplied to the de tle tus directiy fron the Ho, 2 transfornor-roctafier and through isolation xelays fYon Ho. 2 3) and k transformer-vectdfiors, Power fron No, @ and 3 trensformer-rectifiers to auppliod airectly to the loft aud right de . emergency buses, respectively, ‘ne transfonier-rectifiers rormelly operate in parallel. A de bus dsolation evitch can be operated for unparalloled operation, . W. ALL ae and de load buses con bo dioconnooted from the repective power gouress by actuation of emergency electrical control switches. If the generators axe operating in parallel vhen the switches axe actuated; the genaretors continue to operate in paralle) to supply power to the left and right ac energency buses through the ac tle bus and the ac Ws tie relays: AL] traneformar-rectifiers continua to operate in parallel to supply pover to the left and right dc emergency buses. If the gencratoys axe operating unparalleled when the emergency elactrieal eontrol evitohes ave actuated, pover is supplied to the left and right ac emergency buses from the respac~ tive generator bua, and the traheformey-rectstiors continue to operate in paraliel to supply pover to the left and right de emergency buses. Only one ae bus and one de bus need be encrgized for cafe control of the airplane. TI. Me Alavolt de system ean also be supplied pover from a Zhevolt, nickel- cadmium battery, Tho battery to connected to the battery bus through a battery relay. ‘the battery bua 4s normally powored fron the de tle bus through @ blocking rectifier. ‘The blocking rectifier pemtits tho battery to xeeaive charging current when the de tie bus is poversd but prevents the battery from discharging into loads connected to the tie bus when the bus Je not peered, J. An oxteaa pover receptacle onables the eommection of a Noo-cyole, B-phase, 120/203-volt external power soures to energize the airplane electrical cireutte. + Controls and Indtoations (see Figure 4.) A. Wha electrical pover conter and oystens engineer's station provides a central iccation for electrical }oad distribution and contains the controls and indications for the individual oystone used on the adyplane, 3. Dus fault reset switchos axe located on the upper equdpnent pane), The aft center equipment panel contains the fraquency and load control. switches. Constant speed drive Misconnect switches for disengaging each C&D trans: migeion axe located on the aysters engineer's contro) pedeatel. ‘Tho civouit breaker buses, Limiter ses, garerator control rack, and generator bus bays ave located on the aft side of the olectrienl powor centers DOVOLAS AIRCRAFT GO. INC. BEE GXKTY SAAIES MAINTENANCE MARUAL FAR Sihee scorizcn, FAM Suber seerivee ERANSTORWER RECTIFIER Sadr shee azonties, 4y-__~. warvegy SRTEMAL exten [ire stgupannens f | 1 & HARL92A De Pover Diotrxbution -~ Block Diagram Figura 3 Bie CODE 1. DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO. INC. BBE BEY BSEARIEE MAINTENANCE sANUAL Be sae. | abe — tan 4 ie . an saan SPE in ie | A HM. ewe agree rn HA-193. Blootrdeal Pover Conter end , Bystoms Bngineor's Station ‘ah-00 Figure 4 (shoot 1) antl taste DOUOLAS AIRCRAET CO., ING. BOB BIRT BEPAE EB INAINTINANGE MANUAL cine BREAKER BUR: IBHERATOR, NTROL, RACK oun senvICE ‘Sort LAER Fuses OEHERATOR DUS BAYS ww A AFT SIDE tat-1990 Biectrienl Power Center ond Bysteno Engineer'e Station Figure 4 (Sheat 2) Bh-00 cope a 4 e A Be Bleotiical. Power Tdmitatdong Sage ats gi he ee een fla ata Sit Tent DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO., ING. BEE UEPYS BEARIBD IMAINTEHANGE MANUAL Control ovitches, inetrunonts, and indicating Lights for monitoring end controlling the electrica} pover oysten ere located on the upper left soction of the suotaon of the eystens engineer's contyo}. pened (ace Figuro 5), ‘the values shown in the novel colum are novne) operating xengee. Tndfeations outside the normal range indicate possible system abnormalition « Limite chown in the allovable eolwm should not be exceeded, and sustained oparation at these limits is nob recomended: CAUETON: DANAE 10 ERROTRICAL RQUIEMENT OF ATRPIANE 19 POSSIBLE IF AC ELECTRICAL SYSIEIS WAVE REI SUBJECTED ‘TO VONTAGRS HIOMER THAN 130 YOURS, PHASE~TO-HEUIRAL, OR 225 VOMIB, PHASE-T0-PIAGE, IVE 90 AUX NIGADIUSTNEN OF EXTERNAL POWER SUEPLY, ATE AC OVERH VOUIAGE APPLIED TO TRANGYORMER-RECTLPIERS WIEL REOULT TH DC OVERVOLTAGE BEING APPLLED TO DC EQUIEMENI. ALL BLECTRECAL, FAVIGATIONAL, RADIO, AND RAPAR EQUIPUENT SUBIRCIED TO DAMAGING OVERVOVIAGES SHOULD 38 INSPECIED AND FUNCHLONALLY CHECKED ACCORDING 10 APPLICABLE MAINTENANCE FRACTSCES. GAURTON : AY CONDIDION THAT CAUSES ANY THDICATION ‘DE ALTOVARLE COURM, OTHER THAN WETHIN NORMAL RANGE, GHOULD HE COBRECUED AT EARLIEST ‘OPRORIUNLEY - : Rormal Allowable Min or Max Hin Max Ac voltmeter 142 to 118 volts 107 volta «123 volte (extemal pover oF ganerntor operation see NOTE 1) Broquency woter 396 to Wok cps 380 epe 20 ops (externa), power on tie bus ee NOTE 1) Frequency wetor 398 to 402 ops 380 eps 420 eps (generator operation) ‘De voltmeter Not lesa then 22 vote (battery operation} 24 volta De voltmeter 25 to 29 volte 2h voxte 30 volta (external powar or gonerabor operation) DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT €0., INC. BG-8 GIXTY SAAES IMAINTENANICE HANUAL a Gee Be =O SOOSS & aXe ©» ast orf “HAE oy eta at sso ® ‘608 6” wor (meter cememcomin 7th cioreegar usa TB BCa0 ayatens Enginoer's Control Pansl -= Uppar Lege Becbion @i-00 Figure 5 cope 2 DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO., INE. . GEE EIRTY SERIES MAINTENANCE MANUAL Norma Allovable Min or Max Min Max ¢ Loadneter Within 40.1 of Zoro Lat fparaliolad ‘average Lond with Fight total oad not : operation) lees than 2.0, as + preelfied in Rote 2 Ac losdneter Over zero and texo 137 (unpaxeddelea, under 2.377 Sight operation) Ac loadneter Within £0.1 of Zero 1.0 {povaMleled, ground average load with operation, see total Jord not. less Hote 3) than 2.0, as opeck- fled in Note 2 Ao losaneter Quer nero and zero 1.0 (paralleled, ground under 1.0 operation, see Note 3) Genorator overtoad Tight shoud cone on Might (erourd beticen londneter operation) Andlcation of 0.94 . end 1.0, fenerator overtoad Bight showld cone on Aight (tignt hetwean loadmoter operation) Andication of 1.29 end 1.37, De lendnetor Maxinun difverence Zoro a3 -betwaen any tio indicators should not excead 0.6, and al indicators should indicate sone load. he 00 CODE 2 GOUNLAS AIRCRAFT CO, ING. BEE SIXTY SEFIBE MAINTENANCE MAARUAL Hownal, AXLowabde Hin ox Hox Min Vox cep trangoLesion Boro to AVC are sit temperature deo DED tronpmiceton 20° to 132°C ui6ee outlet of) 7 tonperature NOTE Lt If external power se not within normal limtts, correction shall bo made eo noon as possible, 1 NOPE2: Average Joad 4a releted only to genorators in paralie) end equals ‘the total of annoodated loainetey rendings divided by the number of generators in parallel, i HORE 3: Generator overload ratings for short time operation ara: (a) 1.5 for 5 minutes {b) Over 1.5 for § asconda (the overload xating of the generator 4a 2,0 for $ coaondu). ahwoo . cone 1 Fob 3/68 , Page 11 1. Deseription (See Figure 1.) AL Be Ee rR dun 15/6t Pege 1 DOUGLAS AIRERART 0, ING. sa BE? GINTY GERIES “A MAINTENANCE RAANUAL ce QHIPRAL - DESCREPSIOIE Amp OPERATION Elactrionl pover uned on tho aiyplane consiete of alternating current and ddrect current generation vith corresponding distribution eystone. Four brushless, air-cooled, engine-driven, ae genoxators provide .20/208-volt, : Sephase, hOd-ayels par second (cpa) alternating eumvent. Ihe 26-valy Giract current requirements are met by four 50-arpere, untagulated transformer-rectifiers and a 2hvolt, nickel-cadmiun vattary. Genarator. speeds are held constant at 6000 vom, during all variations of * angind epaode between ddle and tekeoff, by a gear-differential constant epeed drive (CaP) transmission. Frequency is noxmally maintained ab 400 (40.2) eps by a frequency and load contro? panel. vhich transmits signals to the magretso trit hand of the CED tranriesion speed governor, thus correcting C&D output speed to maintain Loo (40.1) eps. ix the cap trariniseion is operating on the speed governor, vithout the fine’ frequency control of the frequency and Load control panol, the Zroquency de maintained at 400 (a) one. ‘ranenisoion output rotation can be stopped, under specific procedures, by Blacing the corresponding generator SD @laconnect evitch in the @econnact yoation. When disengaged, the transmission mst not bo re-engoged zi), the engine ie shut doi and cones to a complete stop. Re-engagenent of the transniesion is accomplished manually by pulling the disconnect rooat handle untik a atop is felt dnd then releasing the handle. ot ho oe oysten is arranged so that each generator 4a connected through @ generator relay to @ conrenponaing generator bus (sec Fiyure 2). Each generator bus ds connected to the ac tte bus through a bue tig relay and to corresponding load buses through loud monitor relays, In addition, the Ho. @ generator bus 1s connected directly to the left ao emergency bus, and the Ko. 3 generator bus dp connected directly to the right ac energency us. . ‘the generators can be operated unparalieled aa separate eyotens, cach supplying pover to corresponding buses, or paralleled with ell operating generators equally sharing the total. electrical loads. Paxellelea opera- tion do preferred. ££ & generator fails to function, continisty of elec trical power to the dead bus to eeaurad by the paxalieling circuit which initiates an equal load distribution among the remaining operating generators. An ag bus Ss0lation avitch can be operated to deolate the ac ‘uses and to prevent psrallel operation. Daring unparalleled operation, power supply to the ac tie bus 46 angured dy the preferential circuit if the ac bus dsolation switch 4s closed. ‘The preferentia) order 1s 243-1-H; and the fret operative generator in that ordox, aivaye starting with No. 2, connects to the ac tie lun. ff a generator felis to function during unparalleled operation, the generator supplying power to the ac tie bus WAJL sllso supply pover to the dead busce of the failea genorator. Bl=00 ODE 2 Poated OA, DOUGLAS AIRGRAHT CO, ING. BOP GINTY GEIS INARNTENARNCE (hARUAL "4 RB RO 9 3 OSD TRANSHISSION 103 380 AC UENEERTOR SERS ue PROTECTION PANEL, 4 Brtronues-vecrinien NO, 3 TRANSFORWZER-RECT FIER. Wo. g83 Hlootriced Foiter System Inoteiations 24-00 Figure 1 Cone 2 AND AG GEAERAT: 242 3b ta & 3 RAR cot atin DOVOLAS AIRCRAFT €O,, INC, PO hdd eee cemwerga a} bus eu a netay wal) Cake, went m " Evs 4 cae Bl T aT agg “eR Eee ae | | ii L L, "6 . (yeser © [EH ba | [te] -o He Sie nene] Cpe ae ae a s - an Euee i var © an be. | “iB |-© CI} s ; Serre pu BIER SRE a, | State connensy HR} AD tee mt 1 ACTHE BS, ; Br, | dor Cypseane Qe Bho Ga =a UB pein power a Ey AbiLL gL SER tears Ly = wiaTe mseattia Lon oe fe aneermovcarits ucnr —— NOlE ' B = BLUE ioreaT¥ie LOH Syemeanerur strersrons 1 , ‘Roe RED WARNING LIGRT iD PARALTELE aR WA26192. Ac Power Dintribution -- Block Diagran Figure 2 2h-00 CODE 2 dun 15/67 Page 3 Primed HOSA, 6. i w sesh gee ak adhe, DOUOLAE AIRERANT €0., ING, BEE SHRTY SSHEE HVAINTENANCE OASIUAL he de system to supplied power from four SO-anpere, unregulated tranoforner-rectifier unite which convert pe to de for the vequired aQavolt dircet owrrent loads (see Figure 3). Tho input 4s S-phese, YOo-eps, 115-volt ac povers the outputs 40 26-volt de pour. Power fxon anch tronsforsersreetifier 1e supplied to a corresponding load bus through a load wonitor xelay. Power 4a A180 supplied to tho do tho bus ddvactly fron the No. i traneformorsreetifier and through dsolation relays from No, By 3, and 4 tranaformer-neotifsers, Pover fron ile. 2 aud 3 tranaforner- veobitiers ie cipplisd directly to the left ant right Je exergency busen, respectively, ‘The transfomer-rectifiers nomally oparate 4a parallel. ‘Ade buo isolation aviteh ean be operated for unparalleled operation. 401 a¢ and de Load buses oan bo dluconnocted from the respective power sources by actuation of emergency electrical control evdtches. It the generaters are operating in pavaliel whon the ovitohes are actuated, the genexators eontinue to operate in pareliet to supply power to the left and right ac euergency buses thwough the de tie tus and the ac bua tie rolaya. ALL transformer-rectitiers continue to operate in paraltel to supply pover to the left and right ac emergency buses If the genexatore are oparating unparalleled when the exergency electrical control ewitenee are actuated, power is supphied to the left and right ec energency buses fron the respec~ ‘ive generator bus, and tho transforuer-reotifierg continue to operate in parellel to supply pover to the Jeft and right de energency buses. Only fone ac bus and one de bus need be energized for oafe control of the airplane he Qlevolt do system can also be supplied pover from a @kuvol:t, nickel- cadminm battery. ‘The battery 1s coniected to the battery due through a vattery reloy. ‘The battery bus 4s normally powered fron the de tie bus through a Dlocking rectifier. ‘The blocking rectifier permite the battery to receive charging erent when the dc tte bus is poxered but prevents the ‘battery from disctiarging into loads connected to the tie bus vhen the bus ie not povereds An external, pover vecoptacle etmbles the conneetdon of a hod-cyele, 3ephase, 120/208-vd1+ external power source to energize the airplane electrical circuite, 2. Gontrolp and Indteations (Bee Figure h.) A hoo Whe electrical power center end systeus engineer's station, provides a central. location for electrical load distsfbubion and contedn the controle ond indications for the individual systems used on the airplane. Bus fault react ovitches ave Located on the upper equipment panel. The eft center equipnent panel contains the frequency and toed control awitches. Constant speed drive disconnect avitches Tor atsongaxing oach CSD tranc- miscion are located on the systems engineer's control yedestak. The ciroult breaker bases, Liniter fuses, gonorator control rack, ond genovator buc bayo are Located on the aft side of the electrical pover center. timate thatiatetintatiacicnens tae fee ae ta BOUOLAS AIRCRAF CO. INC. BEE GIKFY FEES FROM HO. TRANSFORMER AECTIFIER Hiulier ezorieen ls SBNoeOhiier necuien FROH NO. & FARMS Saee necririen MAINTENANCE MANUAL ROY bea satrery |. TR earTeny axrenuat ExT Pun [ GATTERY eke SYHTCH Hag-A937 De Fower Distribution -- Block Diagrom Figure 3 2h=00 ODE 2 BOUALAS AIRCRAFT CO, INC. BEB GIATY SEES IKAINTENANCE AARUAL a ae [ By $ilbies ayer gee, Ae Bs ie ae onal BN — RE ELC LEGHY svatcn aEY ART EQUUPHENT CENTER yy PABEL sCUIPHENT : BAREL Bloctwicad Power Center end Wada Systeme Engiseer's Station Bh-00 Fagure 4 (sheet 1) ODE 2 dun 15/67 i OU Ae Tae DOUOIAS AIRCRAFT €0., ING. BEE UETY GEES MATITEMAHCE MARUAL upg ArRAKER 8s ROL hc noun sen SURLY ERR ruses GENERATOR BUS BAYS vaw & ABT SIDE Hage1820 Elsetrical Power Center and Syotans Engineer's Station Figire 4 (sheot 2) soit Baio DOVOLAS AIRCRAFT €0., INC, BOE GIXTY GERMES IAATNTERANCE MANUAL €. Control ovitehss, Anstiwwnts, and Sndicating lights for nonstoring and controlLing the electrical pover cysten are located on the upper left oection of the systems engineer's control panel, (see Figure 5). 3. Hlectrtcal Pover Limitations ‘he valves shown in the normal colin are normal operating ranges Tndioations eatoide’ the noma renge indleats possible oyeten abnorsalitics. 3s Idmits shown in the alloveble coum showld not be exceaded, and sustained orevation at these Limite io not recomended. GAVASON) DAMAGE 20 ZIRCIRICAL ROVIRSEND OF AIRPLANE I9 POSIBLE DF AC ELECIRICAL SYSTES HAVE EEN SUBJECTED 10 VOUTAGES HIGHER THAN 130 VOIRS, PNAGR-TO-NEUGRAL, OR 225 YOUNG, PHASZ~TO-PHAGE, DUE ‘TO MISADJUSGMEN OF EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY. -ANY AC OVERVOMAGR =~ APPLTRD {20 PRANAFOIMER-RECLIFIERS WILL RESULT IN DC OVERVOUEAGE WEING APPLIED 90 DC HQUIENENG. ALL ELXCIRICAL, NAVIGATIONAL, RADYO, AND RADAR EQUEPMEN? EUBTECIED 10 DAMAGING OVERVOUTAGES SHOULD HE ISPRCIED AND FUNC@IONALLY CHECKED ACCORDING 10 APPLICABLE MAINTENANCE PRACKICES.. CAUTION: ANY CONDIRION THAR CAUSES ANY INDICATION It ARLOMADIE COURS, OTHER JAN WITHIN NORMAL RANGE, SHCULD 1 CORRROTED AP BARLIEGT ‘OPPORUNTAY.. Normal Aliovable Min or Max Hin tex” Ae voltneter 12 to 118 volts 107 volte «423 yolte (external power . or generator { operation gee NOTE 3) Frequency meter 396 to Woh ops 360 cps 420 eps (external power . 1 ‘on tie bus see NOTE 1) . i Frequency meter 398 to ho2 eps 380 ops 420 ope : {generator operation) : ' De volineter Not Jess than 22 volts . (oattery ah volte operation) ehe00, CODE 2 cna tenet inalibOHON oSPooaeh MEo DOUGLAS AIRGRART CO., INC, FB hth wine OS i eae (2m) OE Ee ), BEN art wnlher ow O« 2 Ors \——renssenconn ———" ST) (LAD SD OD e 66 o* t \—eurnonatyngetacitconso.—/ 2804 © cso mpg sen ee ore , wost Se oe bt wanes Syotono Enginger'e Control Panel -~ Upper Yert Section 2h~00 Figure 5 ‘OnE 2 BEB RNTY SHAIBE smog Pe geet ee DOUGLAS AIRCRAT €O., ING. IAMNTENANCE MANUAL Wore Allowable Hin or Max Min ¥ax De voltmeter 25 to 29 volte 2h volte 30 volta Cextexnal power ox genavator operation) 4p osdneter Within 40.1 of Zero 37 (paralzo2ed ayarage load with Plight tote] load not less operat ion) ‘than 2.0, a8 opcd~ fled in Note 2 Aa Loagueter Over zoxo and Zex0 131 (ungeralielea, under 1,37 ‘flight operation) Ae Loadnotor within 20.1 of Zero Lo {pareleled, ground, average Joad with oparation, 800 total load not leas "Note 3) than 2.0, as speci+ fied in Note 2 Ae Londnetor Over zero and Bexo Lo (unparalleled, under 1-0 round operation, Bea Hote 3) Gonorator overiona TAght should cone on MMght (ground vetween losdneter ‘opavation) indication of 0.9% and 1.0, Generator overload Yaght show.d cone on ght (ghtent between loadaeter . operation) indication of 1.29 and 1.37, . De Londveter Maximun difference Zero 13 between any two Anaicators should not exceed 0.6, and all, indieators ghoul indicate sone load . “also cope 2 Page 10 Fob 1/68 Feb 2/66 . Page 33 DOUOLAS AINERAST Co. INC, GEG UKE SFE ERIE EF MAINTENANCE MANUAL Noval AlLovable + Min oF Max gn Wax CAD tranantanton Zero to 11°C are O81. tonperatyire vise GSD tranpnisaton 20° to 132° 1s6*c. outlet of1 temperature HORE 2: Ef externed pover 1s not within norsal lintts, eovrection shal, ‘ve made ap Boon as possible, NOW 2: Average Joad is ralated only to generators in parallel and equals | the total of associated londceter reefinge divided by the munber of generators in peratlel, HOPE 2: Genevator overload ratings for short tine operation arez (eo) 15 for 5 minutes (>) Over 1.5 for 5 seconds (the overload rating of the generator * is 2.0 Sox $ geconds). 2h-00 GODE 2 ds Dosoyiption (doe Figure 1.) he Be D. Fr dun 15/67 Fogo 2a So emia DOUGLAS AIRERAFT C0, IHG, BEE BINT BERIAG MAUNTINANGE AAHUAL GENERAY, - DESCAIPYION AUD OPERATION Electrical povar uscd on the alyplane consists of alternating current and direct cittrent generation vith corresponding distribution systems. Four brushiecs, air-cooled, engino-driven, ae goneratore provide 120/200 volt, 3-vhase, hoo-eyote por second (eps) alternating current. The 2B-volt Gixect current reqatrexents are not by four §0-anpore, unregulated transfomer-rectifiers and a @l.yoit, nickol-cadniun battery. Generator speeds ave held conetant at 6000 rpa, during all variations of engine apcede botveen Adle and tokeokt, by a gear-differantial constant apeed érive (CSD) transmission. Frequency is maintained ot 400 (44) ope by the CoD trancmiseto# speed governor. Teenomission output rotation can be stopped, under spectfie procedures, by Placing the corresponding getorator GSD disconnect switch in the disconnect position. then disengaged, the tranemfeston mat not be re-engeged untd.. ‘the engine 16 shut down and cones to 0 coniplete otop. Re-engagenent of the ‘tranoudasion 4s accomplished uanually by pulling the disconnect reset. handle until @ stop is folt and then releasing the handle. ‘the ao ayetom is arvangea co that ench generator Js connected through & generator relay to 8 corresponding generator bus (see Figure 2). Each generator bue 1p connected +0 the ac tle bus through a bus tie Yelay and to eorresponding load buses through losd monitor xelsys. In addition, the No. 2 genorator bus in connected directly to the left ac emergency bus, and ‘the No. 3 generator bus 1a connected @irectiy to the right ae emergency bus. he generators can bo operated unparalleled as capsrate ayatens, each supplying pover to corresponding buses, oF paralleled with all operating generators equally shexing the totel electrical loads, Parallelea opera- tion ds preferred. If a generator fails to finebion, eontimity of elec- trical power to the aca bus 46 ossurad by the paralleling circus which initiates an equal. load distribution acong the remaining operatiag gener- ators. An Ro bis Jeolation sviteh can be operated to isolate the ac buses end to prevent paralle? operation. Daring unparalieled operation, pover aupphy to the ac tie bus sa assured by ‘the pYoferential ciroudt 4f the ac bus 4solation switch Je closed. She preferentigl order 4g 2-3-1-N3 and the first operative genorator in that order, alvays atarting with No. 2, connects to the ae tie bus. Ifa generator faiie to function during unparalleled operation, the generator supplying pover to the ac tle bus will eluo supply pover to the dead buses - of the failed gonorator. Bha00 cope Mines ta KA DOUALAE AIRCRAFT 6O., INC, BIE EF EMT VY ES FUE UO NAINTENAHCE MAHUAL HO SR ENERO, Hearn ahs Bas EARN cobra YPisleronuce necrirsen 0,2 ‘TRANSPORMEA-AECTIFIER " 8 HRetsronver-necriren HO, 3 TRANSFORNER-RECTIFIER Wo, 1-960 eames ‘HAa-592. Hlectricel Pover éysten Installations 2heoo Figure 3. oonE 3 ‘ Page 2 sun 15/67 : ranted is OA DOVOLAS AIRCRAST CO. (NE, GEE GUETY SENG AABINTENANEE MARUAL ieee de oe Erle ile} elit AC TIE Bus (Tae: a | Ep ¢--<@) ne sare Rar ol er Sher oneal") [Bs |ainn) thes. Sidon = = iELAY in f= Le £7 ane cl = ae || BAC] pase (li 2. | | Le RAR Ly iho Bs W = WATE IIDCATING LGHT note, 1 a A ARDEA IKDICATING LIGHT woven suowuyn ron OFF & © BLUE THOICATING Lah s Lene f= REO WARKIKG Light PERATING AnD as ee “RF rk HARD Ac Power Distadbution -- Block Phogran Figure 2 Bhe00 cone Sun 15/67 3 fined in Va. Fage 3 + Me a A Bh.00 eps Pege DOUDLAS AIACRAST €.. IE BE-2 Bae Ui nga AAA MANDAL Tie de eyotem io supplied power from four S0-smpere, unragwated twaneforner-rectifier unite viioh convart ae to de for the sequired AB-volt direct current loads {aoe Figwre 3). ‘The input ds 3ephaea, 400- eps, 1L5svolt av povers the output a8 BB-VOlt de powax. Power from ench teenvfomor-rantifier is supplisd to a corresponting lead bus through & ined wondtor reley. Pater bo eleo pipplied to the de the tue ddractiy from the Ho, } transfomersractitier and through dooletion xelays £roit ‘Wor 2, 3, snd } tromorormex-recbifsera, Povar from No. 2 and 3 trensfomer-rectiMors is supplied directly to the lett ana right ae amergonoy buaee, veepactively, The trensfo.nor-reetiflexa normally operate in parallel. 4 de bue isolation switch oan be opovated Zor unparalleled operation, ALL ae ond a load buses can be ddaronnected fron the renpective power sources by setuation of ewergenay electwaea), control evitehes. if the gonoxetors oxo operating 4n parallel when the suitehes axe actuated, the generators continue to operate in peraldol to anpply power to the Left and right ao energency buses through the ac tle bis and the ae bus tio relays. ALL trunofornor-reetificya continue to operate dn parallel to supply yover to the left and right de euergency bises. If the gonsxators are operating wnporeLleled vhen the exargeney clactrical control switches axe actuated, pover is supplied to th deft and right ac emergency buses fron the respective generator bus, end the transforner-rectifiers contine to operate in parallel to supply pover to the lect and right de enoxgonoy dusea, Ondy one ec dus and ohe de bue need be energized for snfe control of the airplane. The Ahayolt de system can also be supplied pover from a Di-volt, nickel- cadmiua battery. ‘The battery is connected to tha battery bus through a battery relay, ‘he battery bus 4a norvally povered fron the dc tic bus through a blocking reotifier. the blocking rectifier pomits the bettery tO receive charging euxrent when the dc tle bus ds poxered but prevents the dablery from discharging into Loads eomected to tho tie bus vhen the bus fo not povered. . An externel povex xeceptacle enables the connection of a 4O0-cyele, 3-phace, 120/208-volt external, powor source to energize the airplane electrical. circuits, @. Contyoly and Indications (See Figure 4.) . The electrical powes center and eysteus engineer's station provides a central location for electrical load distribution and contains the controls and indications for the individual eystens used on the airplane. gun 15/67 Panes 14 UA, bgt 5 Og a a tt SSD ata th DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT €O., It. BEB SIXTY BETIS AABINTONARCE ANUAL TNE secu Nn tc FAR ASaben nconiiee, FENN Sadice accnise FAR ities aconiaza, ~exTenuaL. noun garreny CATER Eo RuNOR OPH sicexra I t 1 RECTIFIER = | 1 ' t . 7 aa-292A De Fover Distrdbution =» Block Diagram Figura 3 24-00 CODE 3 asfér Fee 5 a AE a Sot on DOUGLAS AIRCKAIT €G., ING. BBE HNTY GANMEAS MAINTENANCE AARUAL syet Be Re asa. Be ae ‘SECTION —— i... srs Davee AL LIMITER POSES. AE en ow faa eR F a wa2e8160 Bleatrical Power Center and Systema Enginser‘a Station * 24-00 Figure & (sheet 1} CORB 3 ae gun 15/67 BOVOLAS RINCRAFT €0., INC. WEE GIXTY SEAS MAINTENANCE AKU AL _—— ypu encanen SeuEpaToR SOHEROL wack. Spare rusts al t oRour Seavice. SUPPLY EOATER FUSES GENERATOR BUS BAYS viw A APT SIDE wazen830 Elootrical Power Center and Syotens Engineer's Station Figuve 4 (Sheet 2) Bi-00 . . CODE 3. dun 15/67 ue . Page 7 pace etn eB ee oii a a Esra Se ee ee tl a ea DOU OLAS AIRCRAFT CO., INS. - BES BIRTY SHIMEBE MMAINFONATIC MANUAL 3B. Baw Cult reset evitchos axe loested on the upper equipaant pansh: Constant epeed drive Asconnoct switches for disengaging each CSD trans= wiaeion are Ix ented ont tha oyatemo engineer's contro). podostal, Tha edrautt breaker buses, Mmttor fuses, gonerator control rack, and gonar- atox bus bayo are located on the aft elde of the clectaeal power centes, @. Control switchsn, dnotruvents, and indicating Lights for tondtoring and contyolling the electrieal pover system are Located on the uppor left section of the systens enainser's control ponel (see Figure § 3+ Blectrical Povey Limitations . : A, ho valves chown in tho normaz column ove normal operating rangoo, Indd- cations outside the normal ranga indicate possible system abnomslities. B, Limits shown in the allowable column should not be exceeded, and oustained operation at these Limits 1s not recomented. . CAUTION: DAMAGE TO ELECTRICAL SQUIPMENT OF AIRPLANE 15 POSSIBIE IF AC IMCIRICAL SYSTEMS HAVE EET SUBIRCIED 10 VOVUAGES HIGHER THAN 130 VOLTS, PHASR~TO-NDUIRAL, OR 225 VOLTS, PHASE~TO-PRASE, DUB 10 MISADJUGIEEIT OF EXEERMAL ROWER GUPPLY, ANY AC OVER- YOUIROE APPDIED ‘(0 TRANSRORMER-RECTLILERS WILL RESUL IW DO OVERVOLZAG2 EBTNG APPLIED 10 DC EQUIPMENT. | ALL ELECTRICAL, RAVIGATIONAL, RADIO, AND RADAR EQUZPHEND SUBJECIED TO DAMAGING OVERVOLIAGKS SHOULD EE INSPEOTRD AND FUNCXCONALIY CHRCKED ACCORDING "0 APPLICABLE MAINTENANCE FRAGHICES. ANY CONDELOH HAT CAUSES ANY KNDICARTON IN ALLOWABLE COLUIG, OMMER THAN WITHIN NORWAT RANGE, SHOULD HE CORRECTED A? RARLIEST “OPPORIUELTE . Normal : * aliowabis Min or Max Moin Hox fe voltmeter 12 to 118 volte OT volte —-123 volta (external power ox generator operation see Nove 1) Frequency meter 396 to Koh ops 380 ops 420 ops {externel power on the bus see kore 1) , Froquency meter 396 to ok eps 380 eps. ¥20 ops {generator operation) i veo 1/60 aS, “rig! Stet - ets DOUGLAS AIRCKAS CO., INC. AG+*E HUXTY BEAMES IAAINTENANCE MANUAL oe Lorene Cousras SHED ORIVE ‘CHLOE ee) (ET) Bs Te 32 sould & Oo O oO ov o Ave es se Ns ELERATORCONTAOL ee” Ta) GE) GT) PE © 6’ é o alt aart \ceemutesnty OAL NERO” wow coo A eure waa Systema Mngineer's Control Panel -- Se Upper Left Beotion ces fen Figure 5 008 3 Nant aaa iN as eat aoe ti atin tie : wesc SS Se lint DOUGLAS AIRERAET 0, ING | BEG BIE BEEUMEG AVAINTENAHICE MANUAL formal AMlovaple Hin or Wax isn Yan I De voltnetor ot Jess than 22 volte (battery ay volte operation) | De voltmeter 25 to 29 volte ak volte 30 volta (extern power . : op gonezator operation) Ae loatacter With 40.1 of average Zero 1.37 8 (poralieled Load with total load . : I Hight operation) not lesa than 2.0, as specified in Hote 2 Ae loadneter Over zero ard under Zero 137 (wiparalleiea, L3T ‘fléght operation) he londneter Within $0.1 of average Zero 10 (yoralleLea, Load with total load ground operation, not leas than 2.0, as : J see Note 3) npeesticd in Hote 2 Ac Losineter Over zero and undox Zoro 21.0 (unparaileled, 1.0 ground operation, 1 see Note 3) Generator overload HAgnt should ccne on Light (ground between loadmeter operation) dnadeation of 0.5% and 1.0. Generator overload Light should cone on Light (flight betHeen Loadmeter operation) Andieation of 1.29 . and 1,37. De Leadnetor Mec d6tgerence Zero 1.3 Detween any two Andie caters should not exered 0.6, ard all indicators should indicate some load. 2h-00 CODE 3 aa . we DOUDLAE ARERART £0, INC. BBB SITY BITRE MAAINTUHANCE AANUAL Normal Allovable ‘Min ov Max Hin Nox CBD tranentesion Bere to 1156 arees ‘oll tenperature wise 80 tranonission 20° to 138°¢ ak6%¢ outlet of) . . temperature | NOTE 4: If external power is not within normal limite, correction shall ve ade as soon as possible. 5 Avevage load is related only to generators in payallel sna equals the total of associated loadacter readings divided by ‘the nusber of generators in parallel. E Generator overload ratings for chort time opsration oret {a} 1.5 for 5 minutes (o) Over 2.5 for 5 aeconds (the overload rating of the . generator is 2,0 for 5 seconds). hoo GODE 3 Fev 2/66 Page 11. DOUGLAS AlAChATT CO., ic. BG ck wa OES OFNERAL - DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION Ls Donaription (Soe Figure 1.) Ay Bleotrtend pover used on the airplone consists of alternating current and Aireet current genoraticn with dorrosponding @iatrimutien aystons, Four brughlese, adv-cooled, ongine-driven, ae generators provide )20/a08~valt, 3-phase, 400-oyole por second (ops) altesnating current. The 28-vol® direct cwrent requirenonts ars wet by four 50-ampere, unveguintad ‘trancforner-rectifiore ond a 2h-volt, nickel-cadnivm battery. B. Generator spacds ata held constant ot 6000 rpm, during all variations of engine speeds between ile and takeoff, by @ goar-ditfaxential egnstant spood drive (08D) tranomlesion, Frequency io maintained nb 400 (2h) ops ‘vy the CED tranamfasion spaced governor. ©. Gronsnisoica output rotation can be stopped, under specific procedures, by placing the corresponding generator C80 disconnect awiteh in the digacn- nect position. When disengaged, the transmigsion must not be ro-engaged vnt3] the engine 1s shut dom and comes to 8 complete etop. Re-engagenont of the txansuinslen is accomplished manually by yulling the dleconiect Reset handle until a etop is folt end then releasing the handle. D. ‘The 99 system 40 arranged no that ench gonorater ts connected through a Generator relay to @ correaponiing generator bus (see Figure 2), Each generator bus is conneoted to the ac tie bus through a bue tic rolay and ‘to corresponding oad buses through Load monitor relays. In adasticn, ‘tho No. 2 generator vue 4s connected Girectly to the Fight ac enexeency bus. : H. Yhe generators oan be operated unparalleled ae separate syatens, each _ supplying pover to corresponding busee, or paralleled with all, operating gonoraters aqually shaving the total olectrical loads. Paralleled opera- tion ts preferred. Tf a generator falls to function, conbinulty of elec. ‘rhoal poner to the dead bus fo acoured by the paralleling elrouit which inktiates en equal load distribution among the renaining operating gensr- atoxa. An oc bus isolation ewitch can be operated to dgolets the ao buses and to prevent parallel operation. ¥. During wiparstieled operation, pover eupply te the e¢ tie bus io assurad vy the preferential circuit if the ac bus isolation awitch is alosed, The preferential order ie 2-3-1-y and the first operative generator in that order, alvaye starting with Ro. 2, comects to the ac tie bus, Tf a gen= erotor fails to fwiction during unparalleled operation, the generator supplying poxer to the ae tie bus vill also supply porer to the dead buses of the fasled generators dun 15/67 Pinad 60 UA DOUGLAS AIRCRAET COW INC, BEE BIRTY GAAAG WAINTENARGE MANUAL nb. 4 gap TRAUSHIBSIOM SRB KeSEeeave 1D, 2 TRANSFORMER-RECTIFIER oramons a TA, Sees 1%, WBatsromeencstlnee fo, $ TeAnsFORNER RECTIFIER 11 a TRaNsmssin 80.1 SE EAMENRATO wAa-591 Plactrical Power Syate Installations: 4-00 Pigure 1 cope & ROUQUAS AIRCRAFT CO. IHC, EB BGIXTY SARIBE FAAINTIMANCE AARUAL - Bier tsnentl 89.3 0,3 ceuneray 64 US Blas. | Wegearon FT i, » ee cr © [LE CEH NTE A EVER BUS PAR FAIL UGH ‘oun UNPARLD Ligat eH AELAY {355 fo Haus, | cekeeator gen DRIVE Jon uieer ggncgnnnok sie" 4 SEER sence Chad carn {edit aus re ttt pow CD te : ; eee || AC] sitios Ll --- eee v cn T Bayt + pare eae ous | kc Agee cena ven MOMs apm 2 ® 8 = BLUE IKDICATING LIGHT SPEEA BUMLBEERTOR? L.-T R= RED WARMING LSSHT W792 do Power Distribution -» Block Diagram Figure 2 24-00 CODE 3 Sd ppt Pale ake te, 5 . cannes Maen ren ers SE ch es DOUGLAS AIACAART CO., Ihc. BOG RUKGY BEGGS MAAINTRNARICE MANUAL (. he de syatem 4a supplied pover fron four 50-anpere, unregulated tronsfomor-rectifier units which convert ae to de for the raquired 2Bevolt atvoct current londe {one Figure 3). The input 4s 3-phase, NO0-cps, L5-volt ac povers the outyut “is 2Bevolt do pover, Power from aoch trancfomox-yectifior is nupplied to a corresponding loud bus through & load monitor relay. Power ia also supplied to the de tie bus @irootly from the No. 2. tranefornor-vecttier and through deolation relays from No. 2, 3, and 4 transformer-reatafiers. Povey from No. 2 and 3 twansfortox-rectifiexs i cupplied direetty to the left end right de emergency buses, xespectively, She trangforser-veotafiexo Normally operate da parallel, Ade bus isolation evitch can bo operated for unparalleled operation. MW. A02 ae aud de Load duces can be dlsconneated fron the respective power pources by actuation of emergency electrical, contro). evitches. If the genaratos's are operating in paveliel when the oitehes are actuated, the generators eontime to operate dn paralel to supply pover to the loft and wight ae emergency busce through the ac tle bus and the ac bus tte relays. Al2 transformer-rectiCiers continue to operate in parallel to eupply pover to the left and right de energency Dusen. Tf the generators are operating unparalieled when the emaruency aleotrical control, evitehas are actunted; poxer As aupglied to the left and right ac emergency buscs from the respective generator bus, end the tranvforner-rectifiers continue to operate in parallel to oupply gover to the left and right de energency buses. Only one ge bus end one de bus need be bnorgized for wake contyel. of the airplane. : Ts The Qhevolt de system can sso be eupglied poyer fron a Zh-volt, nicked cadmium battery. he battery te connected to the battery bus through a battery relay: The tatitery bus is normally powered fron the de tie bus thyough & blocking rectifier. The blocking rectifier permite the battery 0 receive charging current when the de tie tue 18 powered but prevents the battery fvon discharging into loads connected to the tie bus when the bus de not porereds 3, An oxternal gover receptacle enables the connection of a Loo-cycle, Sephase, 120/208-voLt externsl pover cource to energize the airplane electrical elreuits. 2. Qontwole and Indtestions (dee Pigure 4.) Ay Mo electrical power center and aystews engineer's station provides a contral Location Sop electrical load dictribiition and contain the controls snd indications for the individual systes used on the alrplare. 2-00, Page's tun 15/67 fenid 6 OHA. dicta ent soe, DOUOLAS AIRCRAST CO., INC. BEE TINTY SEAEE JAAINTEHANCE BAHUAS SBD ben ncn FARMS ebre neenies, OTE BUS Fao HO, 3 TRANSFORMER RECTIFIER FERN ahice neourise, BATTERY BATTERY « EXTERUAL BoweeR SMirCH EXT,PHR oun area ‘SLOCKING TERY Revelte Le f 1 1 bo-e eno nnen. Hazs1920, De Fowor Distribution -- Block Diagram Figure 3 24-00 cons h dun 35/67 Page 5 Bie ROD Ht hit lente DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO., INC. EB GIXGY SBPMES MAINTENANCE MANUAL iy Sevens is PEDESTAL ; TER FUSES SORSTANT 5 SpeeD but ea fame Shae no HAB=3160 Bloctrical Power Conter and Systens Engineer's station Figure 4 (Sheet 1) cone a» fe DOUGLAS AURCRAPT CO,, ING. BEB HRTY BEARER MAINTENANCE BANAL euro SaMTHSL whee ROU 9 SERVICE SUPPLY LIMITER FUSES GENERATOR BUS BAYS APT SIDE Blectyical Power Canter and Syeteme Engineer's Station Figure 4 (Sheet 2) ah-00 % 7 soot a DOVOLAE AIRCRAFT CO., INC. BEE HRVY GEES AINTOHANCE MARUAL Bue fault reset ewitenos are Located on the upper equipment pane). Constant speed drive Qlsconnzct switches for disengaging each CSD tranv- niesion are located on the eystens engineer's control pedestal. The efreust breaker buves, Limiter fuses, yonorator control rack, and gonox- ator tus bays are located on the aft aide of the eleatsical poor center. G. Control awitchas, dnatrunentas and indleating Lights Zor monitoring and controlling the electrical, pover syatom are Nocated on the upper leit section of the systems engineer's control panel (see Figure 5; 3. Blactrdcal Pover Linstatione As The values shown in the nontal column axe normal operating ranges, Indl~ cations outside the norval range indicate possible eyatem abnormalities. |. Tiimits shown an the @llovable column should not be exceeded, and sustained operation at these Limits is not reeomened, CAUTION: DAMAGE 10 BLSOPRICAL EQUIPMENT OF AIRPLANE 6 POSSIBLE IF ac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS HAVE BEEN SUBJECTED 10 YOSMAGES HIGHER THAN 130 VOUS, PHASE-TO-NEVIRAL, OR 225 VOLES, PHAGE-TO-PHASE, DUB 90 MIGAWUSESAIE OF EXREANAL FOYER SUPPLY. ANY AC OVERVOUCAGE APPLTSD 10 TRATSFORMER-RECPIFIERS WILT, REGUUE Ii Do OvERVOLARCE BEMIG APPLIED 10 DC EQUIPHENT. ALL, ELKCIRICAL, RAVIGATIONAL, RADIO, AND RADAR EQUIPMENT SUBJECTED (%) DAMAGING OVERVOLIAGES SHOULD HE INSPECERD ANU FUNCLLONALLY CHECKED ACCORDING TO APPLICABLE MATHTRNANCE PRACTICES. CAUELOH : ANY CONDITION THAT CAUBES ANY INDICATION IN ALLOWABLE COE, OER THAN WOTIN NORMAL RANGE, SHOULD RE CORRKCIED AT EARLIEST OPPORTUNIRY « Normal Allowable Min or Max Min Hox Ae voltmeter 112 to 118 volts 107 yolte 123 volte (external power or generator operation see ' NOTE i) raquency meter 396 to boli eps 380 cps 420 eps {external poxer on tie bus cee | NOTE 1) 1 Frequency meter 396 to Wok ops 380 ops 420 ops (generator operation) 2400, some Yeb 1/68 DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT €O., INC, GB GINTY SERIES AAINTENANGE MANUAL ala Fame ea i . a a catnATON CONAN Be ORT] ORLA (ET) GN” 2 O° So reteceney excornens courte” On FEREND arene Syoteme Engineer's Control Panel -- Upper Left Section Figure 5 24-00 CODE & sun 15/67 Page 9 3 ScLRE ders DOVOLAS AIRCRAFT CO. ING. 4B SIXTY SEES MAINTENANCE (AHUAL Horne) ALLowable Hin ov Max sia Max De voltnetar Hot less than 22 volte (battery operation) 2h volta De volineter 25 to 29 volte 2h vote 30 volta Coxternad pover or Generator operation) . Ae Joadnater Within 48,3 emperes fexo nut (paralleled flight of avarage losd with engeres operation) totel tort not Less thon 267 anpores, ao spacified in Kote 2 Ae Joadneter Over vero and under zero ay (anparelleled, 1s amperes ‘onpores Llagnt operation) ‘Ae loadnoter Within 48.3 anpares Yero 83.3 (paralleled, of average load with anporos ground operation, total load not less see Note 3) then 267 amperes, ag specified in Note 2 Ae Londneter Over zero and undex ero 83.3 (unporadleled, 83-3 amperes amperes ground operation, see Note 3) Generator overload LAght ohowla cone on Light (ground between loadmater operation) Andication of 78 ‘and 83.3 amperes. Generator overload Light should cone on ight (fight opera —bebween loadneter tion) Andlestion of 107 and 114 anperes. De Aoataeter Maximan aifference foro 6 between any two indl- enperes eators should not exceed 30 anperoa, and @l1 indicators should indicate sone Load. 2-00 01 SR Feb 1/68 DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COW INC, BR ERM nite OES Normal Adlewabve Hin oF Vax ite Max CGD tranomigaion | Zero to 11°C wee of temperature rise CSD tranentesion 20° to 132°C . aleeg outlet of} Sonperaturo HOEL: If external power 49 nob within normal linits, correction skedd be made 58 coon ac Foseible. NOME 2: Average Jond de related ony to generators in parallel ond equals the total of associated Jondmeter readings divided by the number of generators in parallel, . : Generator overload ratings for short tine operation ere: (a) 125 experts for 5 minutes (>) Over 125 amperes for 5 seconds (the overload rating of the generator is 166.6 amperes for 5 seconds), 2.00 cope 4 Fob 1/68 Page 11 A Be dun 15/67 . rage i . DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO, ING. BE-2 FUXTY EGUMBE MAINTENANCE MANUAL GENERAL = DESCRIETION AND OFERAYTON Pacontplion (gee Figura 2.) Electrical power used on the airplane congists of alternating ewrent and ‘Airect eurrent generation with corresponding distribution syatema. Four bruchlene, Rir-gooled, engine-ariven, ae generators provide 120/208-volt, Bephase, hOd-cyele por second (eps) alternating current, The 26-voLE Giveot qurvent roquixemonts are met by foux 50-ampoxe, unregulated transforner-reetifiers and a 2hevolt, nickel~caduium battery. Generator speeds are held constant at 6000 rpm, during all variations of engdne epsceds batveen idle and takeoff, by a gonr-differentiad constant spaed drive (C&D) transmission. Frequency ia normally main« tained at 400 (40.1) cps by & frequency and load control paned hich tranenits signals to the magnetic trim head of the C8D transiission speed governor, this correcting CSD oubput apecd to maintain 400 (20.1) epa+ ‘Ef the CSD transmission 1s operating on the speed governor, without the fine frequency control of the frequency and load control panel, the fre- ‘quency is maintained at 400 (sh) eps- ‘Dransmigsion cutyut rotation can be stopped, under specitte procadures, by placing the corresponding generator CED disconnect switch in the Afeconrect pasitson. Nhon disengaged, the tranomiasson muct not ba ro- ‘engeged until the engine ta stu down and comes to a complete atop. Reo ongagenont of the transmiosion is accomphished manvally by palling the Gisconrect reset handle until @ stop is fall and then releasing the handle. The ac syeten Je arvenged ao that each generator 4s connected through a. generator relay to a corresponding genetetor bus (eee Figure 2). Boch genevator bur ie connected to the ac te dus through 9 Dis tie relay and to corresponding load busts through loa monitor relays, Tn addition, the No. 2 generator bus is connected divoctly to the lert ac onergancy wus, and the No. 3 generator bus is connected directly to the right ac onexganoy bus. The generators can be operated unparalleled ao separate eyotens, each supplying power to corresponding buses, or paralloled with all operating generatora equally sharing the total electrical loads. Parplleled opera~ tion 4s preferred. If a generator fails to Minetion, continuity of elecs triad pover to the dead bus de assured by the paralicling cireutt which Anttigtos an equal loed @iotrdbution among the semaining opoxating generators, An ac bus deoletion sviteh can be operated te isolate the a¢ buses and to provent parallel eporation. Baring unparalleled operation, pover supply to the ae tie bus So assured by the preferential, ctrouit if the ae bus deolation avitch 1s closed, ‘The prefoyential order ip 2-3-1-j and the first operative gonerator-in that order, alvays starting with No. 2, connects to the ac tle bus. Ifa 2h~00 CODE 5 i Ie at rte sme tented tn USA DOVOLAS AiRERAFT CO,, ING GEE BIXFY SEAS AARINTRNANCE MANUAL v0.98 PERE aaa Bits HEER!S CONTROL 0,2, TRANSHORMER-REGTIFIER WO, 2 ‘TRAHSFORMER-RECTIFIER pareange eo" Rebeoracre Ap PROVECTION PAHER, 10,8 TRANSFORMER-RECTIFIER NO. 3 TRANSFORMER-RECTIFIER 0,2 G80 THANE A259 i Blectrical Pover System Installations ‘2h-00 Figure 1 DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT cO., INC. BEE GIXTY SERIES ATNTENANCE RARUAL xn virgo“ A] ar CEN ASLAY vane Soy! © (iil Shae. Thane waSsith hs isSiON Bedearon 1 \ rca — HOHIOR bo. 1 an ie t-@© | seas ot cxsreceucy ELECTRICAL 1 Wasp smer! Acs i og t |e mr z 18 coumevay — SEUNPEEED CIM BENE | Le eso ‘HO, 2 nannnnnell 8 , adits, | cei = j ——H TRARS ! rotate [lyieene ® eatieen ! R- qv Enero. e SHER ese ER CT} i 1 I ‘ au ceases} SBR BENE | ix nee Tels, | | 1thtror Cyan © ([feele| [EOP _ Eu courRGL Ete Sat ous SEM swnres [iyo 2 om AER aunt Poe Coe 9d i et 8 agearemt | | ean] | exreae h, Ho, 2 cece it wuse mn PoweRsuPéuy | | AAR gw Pobee Uits Ly Rive teu ona ata w ‘wove T BATT = Wave woveariNe Lae | 4 anaer wcicarina uw NORE \ ore 2 = BLUE IDLeATIag Light SEAM RAGES La Dag B= RED WARHing Uc wae Ae Pover Distribution -- Block Diagran Figure 2 2le00 GODE 5. dun 15/67 DODGLAS AIRERAFT C6, INE: @E-8 GIATY SEAMEE MAINTENANCE MANUAL aenerstor faila to function during wparalleled operation, the generator Bupplying pover to the ac the bus will also cupply power to the duad buses of the failed generator. G. ‘the de oysten ia supplied poves fron four 50-ompere, unregulated trencforngr-sectitier units vido convert ac to de for the voguixea PPavolt direct current loads (sea Figure 3). The Snput 16 3ephane, ‘hoo-ops, 1L5-volt pc power; the cutput is 26-volt de power, Power from each tranefomer-rectificr is supplied to a corresyonding load bus through & load monitor relay. Pover is olco supplied to the de tie hus dixesthy fron the Yo» 3 transfornerarectifier and through isolation relays fron Ho. & 3, and ¥ tranoformey-rectifiers. Power from No. 2 and 3 Ywanafornor=rectifiers is supplied divectly to the left and right ae erergancy dudes, Yeepoctively. ‘The transforer-rectitiera normaly - operate in parallel. fide bus isolation switch ean be operated for qparaieled operation. We All ac and de load buses can be disconnected fron the respective power sourees by actuation of emergency electrical control svitehes. If tke generators axe operating 4n parallel when the sxitches are actuated, the Goreratoxs continue to operate in parallel to supply powor to the left and right ac emergency buses through the ac tte bus abd the ac bus tie relays, 411 transforter-rectificrs continie to operate in parallel to supply pover to the left and right de emergency buses. If the generators axe. operating unparalleled when the emergency electrical control switches axe actuated, pover is supplied to the Jeft and right ac enorgency busce fyon the respective generator bus, and the transforner-rectifiers continue to operate in parallel to siipply power to the Left and rdgnt de onorgeney buses. Only one ac bus and one d¢ bus need be energized for safe control of the airplane. ZX. Mh Zli-volt do system can alco ke supplied power from a 2h-volty nickel- cadniun battery, The battery is connected to the battery bus through « wattery relay. ‘The battery bu 4s normally powered from the ac te bua through a blocking rectifier. he blocking rectifier pernits the battery to receive charging current when the dc tie bus 4 powered but prevente the battery fron Alscharging into loads connected to the tie ds when the bus 46 not povered. fn external pover receptacle enables the comection of a 400-cyele, Srplune, 12opeob-volt extemnel puver souvee. to enetgize the aiuplare electricel circuits, 2. Controls and Indications (See Figure th.) me electricgl power conter and eystone ongineer's station provides a central. location for electrical load distritution and contain the controls and Andications for the individual systems used on the airplane, 24-00 Page & Sun 15/6 ined Ud. DOVOLAS AINCRARY CO. INC. GE ink ulin Te StU Riven acorn FAMsethdien acoirien De TE SUS Fao a9, 4 TR ehcn rectus RECT ; «6 HAga397 De Pover Distribution -- Block Diagram Figure 3 Bhe00 CODE 5 dun 15/67 Page 5 Pe ee ee setine mrentereomnl a GOUOLAS AIRCRAFT CO. INC. BOB hel uit ee Te Sure a Fave me preg PENT PAM SYSTEMS, neat PEDESTAL gotistaME Sor a DRIVE ene ipl waa-i93 \ Fleotrical Pouer Center and Systems Engineer's Station 2h-00 Figure 4 (Sheet 2) cove 5 Page 6 hin 35/67 Punts fn USA

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