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Earl Bethan Julianne V.


Reflection Paper

The most memorable activity for me in this course was the vision board, because it
reminds me of my goals in life and what I want to do with my life. It's my first time doing a vision
board and it motivates me to work hard towards my goals that I have set in life. It also helps me
to distress because it gives me personal reflection while setting my goal. My vision board
questions me if this is what I want in life. A vision board can also be creative and fun. That’s why
I enjoy doing it. It shows my true self and I can express my feelings through it.

My favorite lesson that I learned in this subject is types of thinking because it helps me
with defining and organizing experiences, planning, learning, reflecting, and creating. However,
for a number of reasons, sometimes I think it might become unhelpful, which has a negative
impact on my well-being. My favorite types of thinking are creative because it helps me think
outside the box, and that’s why I love the vision board activity. Creative thinking also pushes me
to establish my thoughts whenever I want to do something. The second is critical thinking. This
helps me determine my accuracy or worth in something. For example, during my high school
days, if I couldn't solve a problem in math, I would always look at the question carefully and
gather some possible solutions until I knew that it was the right answer.

The System Dynamics course helps me to understand complex and dynamic systems
and make better decisions, and I can apply this if I want to start my own business someday.
Without these subjects, I would not make a better decision, especially in the business industry,
because it is all about risk and my decision is very important in every step. That's why I need to
think very carefully and review my decisions over and over again.

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