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Mantolino, Fhatma Warda K.

December 19, 2022

BSSW 3-b
Topic: Geostorm


Geostorm was a disastrous phenomenon that occurred when a series of supernatural

geological disasters erupted across the globe at the same time. The Geostorm was first witnessed
in 2019. The Geostorm had caused a series of natural disasters ranging from heatwaves, storms,
and tsunamis, causing massive damage to major cities and thousands of casualties. However, the
Geostorm was stopped thanks to a new creation called Dutchboy, which was used to neutralize
the Geostorm and control the Earth's hemispheres to prevent another Geostorm from occurring.
After the first Geostorm, the world suffered another Geostorm three years later. However, this
time, the Geostorm was intentional and used as a conspiracy by U.S Secretary of State Leonard
Dekkom, who believed that the Geostorm was necessary for the United States of America to be
the world's top nation and to wipe out America's foes. To do this, he conspired with Duncan
Taylor to create a virus to "infect" the Dutchboy and it's satellites that were protecting the Earth's
nations to create several geological disasters across the world and self-destruct the International
Space Station.

A series of supernatural geological disasters that broke out simultaneously over the world
were known as geostorms. In 2019, the Geostorm was first noticed. Numerous natural disasters,
including heatwaves, storms, and tsunamis, were brought on by the Geostorm, which also killed
thousands of people. A new creation known as Dutchboy, however, was utilized to neutralize the
Geostorm and regulate the Earth's hemispheres in order to stop it from happening again. Three
years after the initial Geostorm, a second one struck the planet. However, this time, U.S.
Secretary of State Leonard Dekkom deliberately employed the Geostorm as part of a plot
because he thought it was essential for the United States.

As I’ve watched the movie I was amazed on everything, the way they create the movie,
the occurrence of different disaster in different places at the same time, the place and all, it’s
awesome. It’s really a 3D movie and another amazing thing is the flow of the story itself is
awesome. I was amazed on how the flood, thunders, lightning, tornado stop as the system or the
Dutchboy was fixed.

The movie tried to show us what could possibly happen in the next 2085, were
technologies are being high-tech, to the point that it can control the people, the weather or the
earth. But with this matter, I kinda disagree that the weather could possibly controlled by the
people through technologies. That through the system they can stop the natural disaster to occur.
To sum it all up, the movie is a fantasy set in a deeply unrealistic near-future, it’s
tempting to imagine a world where we could regulate the weather. Despite a long history of
interest in weather modification, controlling the climate is unattainable with current.
Nevertheless, the movie still gave us idea on how can we help our earth, also the movie enlighten
us the reality which they highlight in the movie that unity is the key to surpassed all the
challenges in life. Jealousy would not result to anything good but chaos. With that, let’s work
together to defeat the undefeated.

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