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Low income

GDP per Life expectancy

capita (Year)
Afghanistan 508.80 65
Burkina Faso 830.90 62
Burundi 274.00 62
Central African Republic 476.90 53
Chad 614.50 54
Congo, Dem. Rep. 556.80 61
Eritrea 642.50 66
Ethiopia 936.30 67
Gambia, The 787.00 62
Guinea-Bissau 727.50 58
Korea, Dem. People's Rep. 640.00 72
Lesotho 861.00 54
Liberia 583.30 64
Madagascar 495.50 67
Malawi 625.30 64
Mali 858.90 59
Mozambique 448.60 61
Niger 565.10 62
Rwanda 797.90 69
Sierra Leone 484.50 55
Somalia 309.40 57
Sudan 595.50 65
Tajikistan 859.10 71
Togo 915.00 61
Uganda 817.00 63
Yemen, Rep. 824.10 66
Average 655.21 62
Least square regression value

GDP per capita Life expectancy

xy x
(x) ( y)
508.80 65 33072 258877.4 4225
830.90 62 51515.8 690394.8 3844
274.00 62 16988 75076 3844
476.90 53 25275.7 227433.6 2809
614.50 54 33183 377610.3 2916
556.80 61 33964.8 310026.2 3721
642.50 66 42405 412806.3 4356
936.30 67 62732.1 876657.7 4489
787.00 62 48794 619369 3844
727.50 58 42195 529256.3 3364
640.00 72 46080 409600 5184
861.00 54 46494 741321 2916
583.30 64 37331.2 340238.9 4096
495.50 67 33198.5 245520.3 4489
625.30 64 40019.2 391000.1 4096
858.90 59 50675.1 737709.2 3481
448.60 61 27364.6 201242 3721
565.10 62 35036.2 319338 3844
797.90 69 55055.1 636644.4 4761
484.50 55 26647.5 234740.3 3025
309.40 57 17635.8 95728.36 3249
595.50 65 38707.5 354620.3 4225
859.10 71 60996.1 738052.8 5041
915.00 61 55815 837225 3721
817.00 63 51471 667489 3969
824.10 66 54390.6 679140.8 4356
∑ x =17035.4 ∑ y=1620 ∑ xy =1067043 ∑ x 2=12007118 ∑ y2 =101586
2 2
x=655.21 y=62 xy=41040.11 x =461812.2 y =3907.154

(∑ x )( ∑ y )
S xy =∑ xy −
17035.4 × 1620
S xy =1067043− =5606.338 ∴ S xy =5606.338

√ (∑ x )

S x= ∑x − 2

S x = 12007118−
=919.4524 ∴ S x =919.4524

(∑ y )
S y= ∑y− 2

S y = 101586−
1620 2
=647.53846 ∴ S y =25.44678

The formula to find Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient is: -

S xy 5606.338
r= ∴ r= ⟹ r=0.239617 2
⟹ r =0.057416
Sx S y 919.4524 ×25.44678

Equation of the regression line: -

S xy
y− y= 2
( x−x)
(Sx )
Regression line is: - y−62= ( x−655.21)
( 919.4524 )2
y=0.00663 ( x−655.21) +62

Equation of regression line: y=0.00663 x +57.65 r =0.240 and r 2=0.0574

Lower Middle income
Life expectancy
Country GDP per capita
Algeria 3310.4 77
Angola 1,896.0 61
Bangladesh 1,968.80 73
Benin 1,291.00 62
Bhutan 3,122.40 72
Bolivia 3,143.00 72
Cabo Verde 3,064.30 73
Cambodia 1,512.70 70
Cameroon 1,499.40 59
Comoros 1,402.60 64
Congo, Rep. 1,972.50 65
Cote d'Ivoire 2,325.70 58
Djibouti 3,425.50 67
Egypt, Arab Rep. 3,547.90 72
El Salvador 3,798.60 73
Eswatini 3,415.50 60
Ghana 2,328.50 64
Guinea 1194.00 62
Haiti 1,176.80 64
Honduras 2,405.70 75
India 1,900.70 70
Indonesia 3,869.60 72
Iran, Islamic Rep. 2,282.60 77
Kenya 1,838.20 67
Kiribati 1,670.80 68
Kyrgyz Republic 1,173.60 72
Lao PDR 2,630.20 68
Libya 3,699.20 73
Mauritania 1,672.90 65
Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 3,585.40 68
Morocco 3,009.20 77
Myanmar 1,400.20 67
Nepal 1,155.10 71
Nicaragua 1,905.30 74
Nigeria 2,097.10 55
Pakistan 1,193.70 67
Papua New Guinea 2,636.80 65
Philippines 3,298.80 71
Sao Tome and Principe 2,157.80 70
Senegal 1,487.80 68
Solomon Islands 2,258.40 73
South Sudan 1119.70 58
Sri Lanka 3,682.00 77
Syrian Arab Republic 2032.60 73
Tanzania 1,076.50 65
Timor-Leste 1,381.20 69
Tunisia 3,319.80 77
Ukraine 3,726.90 72
Uzbekistan 1,685.80 72
Vanuatu 2,783.00 70
Vietnam 2,785.70 75
West Bank and Gaza 3,239.70 74
Zambia 1,050.90 64
Zimbabwe 1,128.20 61
Average 2,298.88 69

GDP per capita
expectancy xy x
( y)
3310.4 77 254900.8 10958748.16 5929
1,896.0 61 115656 3594816.00 3721
1,968.80 73 143722.4 3876173.44 5329
1,291.00 62 80042 1666681 3844
3,122.40 72 224812.8 9749381.76 5184
3,143.00 72 226296 9878449 5184
3,064.30 73 223693.9 9389934.49 5329
1,512.70 70 105889 2288261.29 4900
1,499.40 59 88464.6 2248200.36 3481
1,402.60 64 89766.4 1967286.76 4096
1,972.50 65 128212.5 3890756.25 4225
2,325.70 58 134890.6 5408880.49 3364
3,425.50 67 229508.5 11734050.25 4489
3,547.90 72 255448.8 12587594.41 5184
3,798.60 73 277297.8 14429361.96 5329
3,415.50 60 204930 11665640.25 3600
2,328.50 64 149024 5421912.25 4096
1194.00 62 74028 1425636 3844
1,176.80 64 75315.2 1384858.24 4096
2,405.70 75 180427.5 5787392.49 5625
1,900.70 70 133049 3612660.49 4900
3,869.60 72 278611.2 14973804.16 5184
2,282.60 77 175760.2 5210262.76 5929
1,838.20 67 123159.4 3378979.24 4489
1,670.80 68 113614.4 2791572.64 4624
1,173.60 72 84499.2 1377336.96 5184
2,630.20 68 178853.6 6917952.04 4624
3,699.20 73 270041.6 13684080.64 5329
1,672.90 65 108738.5 2798594.41 4225
3,585.40 68 243807.2 12855093.16 4624
3,009.20 77 231708.4 9055284.64 5929
1,400.20 67 93813.4 1960560.04 4489
1,155.10 71 82012.1 1334256.01 5041
1,905.30 74 140992.2 3630168.09 5476
2,097.10 55 115340.5 4397828.41 3025
1,193.70 67 79977.9 1424919.69 4489
2,636.80 65 171392 6952714.24 4225
3,298.80 71 234214.8 10882081.44 5041
2,157.80 70 151046 4656100.84 4900
1,487.80 68 101170.4 2213548.84 4624
2,258.40 73 164863.2 5100370.56 5329
1119.70 58 64942.6 1253728.09 3364
3,682.00 77 283514 13557124 5929
2032.60 73 148379.8 4131462.76 5329
1,076.50 65 69972.5 1158852.25 4225
1,381.20 69 95302.8 1907713.44 4761
3,319.80 77 255624.6 11021072.04 5929
3,726.90 72 268336.8 13889783.61 5184
1,685.80 72 121377.6 2841921.64 5184
2,783.00 70 194810 7745089 4900
2,785.70 75 208927.5 7760124.49 5625
3,239.70 74 239737.8 10495656.09 5476
1,050.90 64 67257.6 1104390.81 4096
1,128.20 61 68820.2 1272835.24 3721
∑ x =123736.5 ∑ y=3 708 ∑ xy =8625995.8 ∑ x 2=326701937.6 ∑ y2 =256252
2 2
x=229 1 . 4 y=69 xy=159740.663 x =6050035.882 y =4745.407

(∑ x )( ∑ y )
S xy =∑ xy −
123736.5 ×3708
S xy =8625995.8− =129,422.8 ∴ S xy =129 422.8
√ (∑ x )

S x= ∑x − 2

123736.5 ∴ S x =65 70 . 4
S x = 326701937.6− =6570.4

(∑ y )
S y= ∑y− 2

3708 ∴ S y =40.45
S y = 256252− =40.45
The formula to find Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient is: -

S xy 129 422.8
r= ∴ r= ⟹ r=0.486953 2
⟹ r =0.23 71
Sx S y 6570.4 × 40.45

Equation of the regression line: -

S xy
y− y= 2
( x−x)
(Sx )
129 422.8
Regression line is: - y−6 9= (x−2291.4)
( 6570.4 )2
y=0.003 ( x−2291.4 ) +6 9
y=0.003 x +61.798
Equation: - y=0.003 x +61.798 r =0.2371 r =0.48 7
Upper Middle income
Life expectancy
Country GDP per capita
Albania 5,215 79
American Samoa 11,535 79
Argentina 8,442 77
Armenia 4,268 75
Azerbaijan 4,214 73
Belarus 6,411 74
Belize 4,436 75
Bosnia and Herzegovina 6,032 77
Botswana 6,711 70
Brazil 6,797 76
Bulgaria 9,976 75
China 10,500 77
Colombia 5,333 77
Costa Rica 12,077 80
Cuba 9,100 79
Dominica 6,527 77
Dominican Republic 7,268 74
Ecuador 5,600 77
Equatorial Guinea 7,143 59
Fiji 4,882 67
Gabon 7,006 66
Georgia 4,279 74
Grenada 9,680 72
Guatemala 4,603 74
Guyana 6,956 70
Iraq 4,158 71
Jamaica 4,665 74
Jordan 4,283 75
Kazakhstan 9,056 73
Kosovo 4,287 72
Lebanon 4,891 79
Malaysia 10,402 76
Maldives 7,456 79
Marshall Islands 4,073 65
Mauritius 8,623 74
Mexico 8,347 75
Moldova 4,551 72
Mongolia 4,007 70
Montenegro 7,686 77
Namibia 4,211 64
Nauru 10,983 60
North Macedonia 5,888 76
Panama 12,269 79
Paraguay 4,950 74
Peru 6,127 77
Russian Federation 10,127 73
Samoa 4,068 73
Serbia 7,666 76
Seychelles 11,425 74
South Africa 5,091 64
St. Lucia 9,276 76
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 7,298 73
Suriname 6,491 72
Thailand 7,189 77
Tonga 4,903 71
Turkey 8,538 78
Turkmenistan 7,612 68
Tuvalu 4,143 68
Average 6,892 73.41
High income 2019
Life expectancy
Country GDP per capita
Andorra 40,897.30 83
Antigua and Barbuda 14,450.00 77
Aruba 30,253.30 76
Australia 51,812.20 83
Austria 48105.4 82
Bahamas, The 28,607.90 74
Bahrain 23,443.40 77
Barbados 15,191.20 79
Belgium 44,594.40 82
Bermuda 117,098.40 82
Brunei Darussalam 27,466.30 76
Canada 43,241.60 82
Cayman Islands 91,392.60 82
Channel Islands 74,458.80 83
Chile 13,231.70 80
Croatia 13,828.50 78
Curacao 19,701.30 78
Cyprus 26,623.80 81
Czech Republic 22,762.20 79
Denmark 60,908.80 81
Estonia 23,312.30 78
Faroe Islands 64,225.30 83
Finland 49,041.30 82
France 38,625.10 83
French Polynesia 14,324.10 78
Germany 45,723.60 81
Greece 17,676.20 82
Greenland 54,471.00 71
Guam 37,723.80 80
Hong Kong SAR, China 46,323.90 85
Hungary 15,899.10 76
Iceland 59,260.90 83
Ireland 83,812.80 82
Isle of Man 89,112.70 78
Israel 43,610.50 83
Italy 31,676.20 83
Japan 40,113.10 84
Korea, Rep. 31,489.10 83
Kuwait 32,373.30 75
Latvia 17,620.00 75
Liechtenstein 180,366.70 83
Lithuania 19,997.60 76
Luxembourg 115,873.60 82
Macao SAR, China 86,117.70 84
Malta 27,884.60 83
Monaco 190,512.70 89
Netherlands 52,304.10 82
New Caledonia 12,579.60 78
New Zealand 41,791.80 82
Northern Mariana Islands 20,659.60 77
Norway 67,294.50 83
Oman 15,343.00 78
Palau 14,907.80 69
Poland 15,656.20 78
Portugal 22,439.90 81
Puerto Rico 32,290.90 80
Qatar 50,805.50 80
Romania 12,896.10 75
San Marino 47,731.20 85
Saudi Arabia 20,110.30 75
Singapore 59,797.80 83
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 29,160.10 78
Slovak Republic 19,156.90 77
Slovenia 25,179.70 81
Spain 27,057.20 83
St. Kitts and Nevis 17,435.90 71
St. Martin (French part) 15400 80
Sweden 51,925.70 83
Switzerland 86,601.60 84
Trinidad and Tobago 15,384.00 74
Turks and Caicos Islands 23,879.90 79
United Arab Emirates 43,103.30 78
United Kingdom 40,284.60 81
United States 63,543.60 79
Uruguay 15,438.40 78
Virgin Islands (U.S.) 37,233.30 80
Average life expectancy 42929.33 80

Red mark lines are outlier

Following table is for high income countries without outliers

High income 2019
Life expectancy
Country GDP per capita
Andorra 40,897.30 83
Antigua and Barbuda 14,450.00 77
Aruba 30,253.30 76
Australia 51,812.20 83
Austria 48105.4 82
Bahamas, The 28,607.90 74
Bahrain 23,443.40 77
Barbados 15,191.20 79
Belgium 44,594.40 82
Brunei Darussalam 27,466.30 76
Canada 43,241.60 82
Cayman Islands 91,392.60 82
Channel Islands 74,458.80 83
Chile 13,231.70 80
Croatia 13,828.50 78
Curacao 19,701.30 78
Cyprus 26,623.80 81
Czech Republic 22,762.20 79
Denmark 60,908.80 81
Estonia 23,312.30 78
Faroe Islands 64,225.30 83
Finland 49,041.30 82
France 38,625.10 83
French Polynesia 14,324.10 78
Germany 45,723.60 81
Greece 17,676.20 82
Greenland 54,471.00 71
Guam 37,723.80 80
Hong Kong SAR, China 46,323.90 85
Hungary 15,899.10 76
Iceland 59,260.90 83
Ireland 83,812.80 82
Isle of Man 89,112.70 78
Israel 43,610.50 83
Italy 31,676.20 83
Japan 40,113.10 84
Korea, Rep. 31,489.10 83
Kuwait 32,373.30 75
Latvia 17,620.00 75
Lithuania 19,997.60 76
Macao SAR, China 86,117.70 84
Malta 27,884.60 83
Netherlands 52,304.10 82
New Caledonia 12,579.60 78
New Zealand 41,791.80 82
Northern Mariana Islands 20,659.60 77
Norway 67,294.50 83
Oman 15,343.00 78
Palau 14,907.80 69
Poland 15,656.20 78
Portugal 22,439.90 81
Puerto Rico 32,290.90 80
Qatar 50,805.50 80
Romania 12,896.10 75
San Marino 47,731.20 85
Saudi Arabia 20,110.30 75
Singapore 59,797.80 83
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 29,160.10 78
Slovak Republic 19,156.90 77
Slovenia 25,179.70 81
Spain 27,057.20 83
St. Kitts and Nevis 17,435.90 71
St. Martin (French part) 15400 80
Sweden 51,925.70 83
Switzerland 86,601.60 84
Trinidad and Tobago 15,384.00 74
Turks and Caicos Islands 23,879.90 79
United Arab Emirates 43,103.30 78
United Kingdom 40,284.60 81
United States 63,543.60 79
Uruguay 15,438.40 78
Virgin Islands (U.S.) 37,233.30 80
Average life expectancy 36927.46 80

Outlier effects on average GDP per capita for high income countries although average life expectancy
does not.
Updated Thresholds

New thresholds are determined at the start of the World Bank’s fiscal year in July and remain fixed for
12 months regardless of subsequent revisions to estimates. The thresholds for income classification
have increased from last year due to SDR inflation. As of July 1, 2019, the new thresholds for
classification by income are:

Threshold July 2019/$ (new) July 2018/$ (old)

Low income less than 1026

Lower-middle income 1,026 - 3,995 996 - 3,895

Upper-middle income 3,996 - 12,375 3,896 - 12,055

High income > 12,375 > 12,055

Changes in Classification

The following countries are assigned to new income groups:

Bibliography: -

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