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Article 1

There is a broad consensus among scholars and practitioners alike that maximising the
potentials of human resources is central to organisational effectives and performance in the 21st
century global market place of intense social Darwinism. It has indeed been suggested that the
way intense social Darwinism. It is indeed been suggested that the way in which an
organization manages people can influence its performance. The relationship between effective
Human Resources Management (HRM) function and organisational performance has remained
a vexed issue among scholars, managers and even among HR practitioners. The critical need
to maximally harness the potentials of employees through effective HR interventions by
appropriately aligning the overall business strategy with HR strategy for maximum
productivity. The HR functions comprises all the roles and activity performed by HR in
organisations towards achieving organisational strategic objectives. A critical assessment of
the HR function, clearly indicate that it has evolved continuously over the years. However, the
increasing global nature of competition requires that firms maximally utilize all their available
resources (finance, Marketing, HR etc) as means of achieving a competitive advantage.
Subsequently, there was great emphasis on the alignment of all functional activities of the firm,
including HR toward achievement of strategic objectives. In the nature of managerial work
over the years, coupled with new models of organisational flexibility technological
developments and the changing world of work, means that the contemporary HR function is
remarkably different from what it was two or three decades ago. An expansion of the
responsibilities associated with the above HR roles, clearly reveal the contributions of the HR
function organisational effectiveness and performance. Using the Ulrich model as a guide, the
next few paragraphs critically analyse these HR roles and its functions with the aim of
highlighting and quantifying its contributions to organizational performance. There is a
continuing debate on what HR function really contributes to organisations. The most
fundamental issues remain how to understand how HRM practices impact on performance. A
critical assessment of the function seems to suggest otherwise and indicates that it indeed, adds
value and contributes to organizational performance in no small way. In specific terms and
adapting the Ulrich model as a guide, the HR function makes following contributions
effectiveness employee advocate, functional expert, human capital developer and change
agents and strategic business partners. In is evident from analysis in this article, that the HR
function is very crucial to organisational survival and gaining of competitive advantage.
Although with several daunting challenges especially the inability of the HR function to
quantity its contributions in monetary terms and ROI the function nonetheless remains central
in maintaining the psychological contract and affects the knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes
and behaviours of employees. HR also continuously contributes of effectives strategy
formulation and implementation, thus making the function fundamental to organisational
performance and competitiveness.

Article 2

Reallocation of HR functions is a nation of personal tasks being transferred to middle

managers. Responsibilities such as the appraisal of a team performance and the decisions taken
as a consequence of that appraisal are done by middle managers and not HR managers. Many
organizations have adopted the strategy of reallocation that is imparting the line managers the
power and authority to implement strategies formulated by the HR managers in collaboration
with the top management which has a positive impact on the performance of an organization.
The evident from the review that the focus of HR managers have shifted from the basic HR
functions to more on strategy formulation and execution but it will not given its best results
until there is a relation of trust and cooperation between the line and HR managers. The mutual
trust and respect between the HR and line managers result in HR effectiveness and
commitment. Reallocation of HR functions to line managers empowers the individual with
responsibility and decision making power to solve issues and problem without seeking and
waiting for approvals from higher levels. Reallocation of HR functions to the line inspires trust
and confidence in employees for their line managers as they are the one who listens to their
issues, trains then, appraises them, promotes them and the list goes on. The trust forms the basis
for building commitment of the employee and in longer run helps in attaining effectiveness of
HR department. In the article, the changing role of line managers and the HR managers in the
banking industry has been investigated with interpersonal trust as a mediating variable.
Reallocation of HR functions has brought an immense change in the tasks performance by the
line managers. The line managers not only perform their routine job requirement but also
involved in HR functions like recruitment, selection training and appraisal. The line managers
are considered to be the first choice to perform these tasks as they are the local managers and
they can handle the issues more effectively. The findings of the article that reallocation of HR
functions has levied a great impact on the trust among the line managers and the employees. It
has been evidenced in literature that both the parties have different approach but their ultimate
goal is the same. A lot of activities can also help in enhancing the interpersonal trust between
the line, HR managers, and the employees for, for example, coaching and counselling activities,
planning and goal setting activities, process consultation activities, etc. The coordinated efforts
of the two parties can help the organization to reveal better results and achieve their targets
with more efficiency and effectiveness.

Article 3

The development of human resources is one of the functions of human resources and is
intended to prepare employees and organizations based on actions (organization development,
Career advancement, as well as training and development. From the Human Resources
Development and Organizational Values by Arif Hassan, we can conclude that Human
Resources Development (HRD) are different from Human Resources Management (HRM).
This can be seen the roles of and HRD manager.

Globalization and technology progress are pushing organisations to develop new strategy
directions. Due to the passage of time, the employees also required to make some improvement
and always get ready to get new roles. The employees also need to make sure the job security,
not just employability anymore. Money can’t be the only consideration to stay in the company.
Organizational values are the main highlight and fundamental to defining characteristics of an
institution. According to (Sinha, 1995; Hatch,1993), values are considered as the essential
component of organizational culture. The author conducted the sample in Malaysia that
included 239 employees from eight organizations located around Kuala Lumpur. The study
analysed a small number of companies, limiting the generalizability of the findings.
Nonetheless, it contributes factual knowledge about human resource development techniques
in Malaysia, a developing country. Additionally, it examined the link between human resource
development systems and practises and corporate ideals.

The study's findings will become important in order to develop additional research about the
reason certain human resource development practises, such as potential appraisal and
promotion exercises aimed at developing employees' capabilities, contributed positively to
several organisational values, while the others, such as performance appraisal systems, had the
opposite effect. In my opinion, every company should provide a suppressor in every aspect to
improve the organization. This seeks to offer a balance for employees not just for their own
well-being, but also to help the organisation or business. Additionally, I believe that when
human resource development is adequately handled, employees' potential increases naturally.
Article 4
In the Impact of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices on Employee Performance
(A case of Telekom Malaysia) article, we can see that training in is the main aspect in producing
a quality of employee, however it is not the crucial one. Employee skill development during
training is a critical component of an organization's employee life cycle. Training is critical in
inspiring employees to participate in planned projects, to enthusiastically support programmes
that strengthen the organisation, and to give their all to ensure that organisational goals are met.
From the training aspects, we can conclude that employee performance and training have
strong correlation between development techniques.

Performance appraisal been used to evaluate employee performance and efforts and it will
determine the rewards. When employees are recognised for their contributions, it has an effect
on the company's success. As a result, human resource managers must play a role in offering
the greatest training and recognising more employees who have the potential to contribute to
the company's success while also rewarding their efforts. Therefore, it can be said that there is
a close correlation between appraisal performance and employee performance.

Additionally, it has been established that active employee involvement in all circumstances, as
well as the outcomes of teamwork and decision-making, results in employees who are more
committed to the organisation. This will improve the organization's performance. Collaboration
amongst diverse stakeholders, regardless of their organisational level, in making common
decisions is crucial at this stage to attaining the team's and company's objectives without any
dropouts. The regression analysis revealed that training had a substantial effect on employee
performance. Performance appraisal has a modest effect on performance, whereas employee
engagement in decision making has a negligible and progressive effect on performance.

Sujan, B., Bhasin, J., & Mushtaq, S. (2020). Reallocation of HR Functions: A Study of HR
Effectiveness in Banking Sector. Jindal Journal of Business Research, 9, 72–83.

Hassan, A. (2007). Human resource development and organizational values. Journal of

European Industrial Training, 31.

Mahadevan, A., & Mohamed, F. (2014). IMPACT OF HUMAN RESOURCE

Telekom Malaysia) Introduction.

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