BIO12 - Lesson 5-6

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Lesson 5: Cell Cycle - Mitosis & ● the cell grows fast along with

Meiosis the execution of its routine

metabolic processes
Cell Cycle ○ the synthesis of proteins
● a sophisticated process that and organelles needed
regulates each step. for cell division
● molecules that send signals ● the cell normally spends most
such as kinases and cyclin carry of its life in this phase
out the regulation.
● organisms need the cell cycle 2. S ( Synthesis Phase )
for many reasons such as ● the cell’s DNA is being copied
growth, tissue repair, and faithfully through the process
formation of gamete cells, of DNA replication, which
which are essential for involves many regulatory
reproduction. proteins.
● in bacteria, the division of a cell
into two is the actual formation 3. G2 ( Growth Phase 2 )
of a new organism because this ● the cell makes final
is a single-cell organism –” preparations before its division.
binary fission” ● it makes additional proteins
● the cell cycle is divided into and organelles.
four major phases:
○ G1- growth phase 1 4. M ( Mitotic Phase )
○ S – synthesis phase ● in this phase, the cell will
○ G2- growth phase 2 undergo prophase, metaphase,
○ M- mitotic phase anaphase, and telophase.

● Interphase Cell Cycle Checkpoints

○ non-dividing phase ● are important regulatory
○ G1,S, and G2 phases requirements before the cell
cycle continues.
● M- mitotic phase ● each checkpoint plays a
○ cell-dividing phase crucial /critical role to ensure
normal cell physiology
1) Prophase ● three recognized checkpoints:
2) Metaphase
3) Anaphase 1. G1 or Cell Growth Checkpoint
4) Telophase ● where the checking occurs
towards the end of the G1
Each phase of the cell cycle carries out phase, in which it makes
specific metabolic activities surveillance if the cell is large
enough and has made the
1. G1 ( Growth Phase 1 ) required protein for the
synthesis phase.
deactivate the target molecules
2. G2 – DNA Synthesis Checkpoint in the succeeding steps of the
● in which the checking occurs cell cycle.
during the S phase, in which the ● specific types of cyclin and CDK
cell’s DNA is being checked for combination determine specific
correct replication down to the target molecule ( protein )
last nucleotide, the cell will
proceed to mitosis. Types of Cell Division in Higher Living
3. Mitosis Checkpoint
● the final checkpoint before 1. Mitosis
division ● the normal process of somatic
● the checking occurs during or body cell division from the
mitosis to make sure that the cleavage stage up to the death
cell has already completed the of an organism.
mitotic process; if the
requirement is fulfilled the cell 2. Meiosis
divides and the cell cycle ● a special type of cell division
repeats. that gives rise to the sperm and
the egg
Cell Cycle Regulators
● these are proteins that function Stages of Mitosis
to detect and repair DNA
damage and prevent rapid 1. Prophase
uncontrolled cell division. ● condensation of chromatids
● the regulators are also into chromosomes.
dependent on the signaling ● the nuclear membrane
relay of the cell. disintegrates
● the chromatin condenses into
Regulatory Molecules distinct chromosomes having
1) cyclins two chromatids joined by a
● are regulatory sub-units that do centromere.
not have a catalytic function;
the cell synthesizes this during 2. Metaphase
the cell cycle. ● alignment of chromosomes at
the equatorial plate the fully
2) cyclin-dependent kinases ( CDK ) condensed chromosomes move
● is a catalytic sub-unit that randomly until they are
becomes active only when attached to the spindle and
cyclin is bound to it. aligned at the equatorial
metaphase plate
● The binding of CDK and cyclins ● the centrioles align on opposite
function together to poles and the polar fiber extend
phosphorylate and stimulate or
to the middle or center of the ● the pairing of homologous
cell. chromosomes happens on this
stage called synapsis
3. Anaphase ● the two homologous
● splitting of the chromosomes chromosomes come from
● when the centromere splits, and paternal and maternal genetic
the two chromatids of each material
chromosome migrate toward ● tetrads are four sister
opposite poles chromatids from the pair of
● the rest of the spindle fibers, chromosomes that are visible
not connected to chromatids, during prophase
lengthen and elongate the cell ● crossing over between non-
● both poles will contain a sister chromatids occurs during
complete set of chromosomes this stage
at the end of anaphase ● chiasmata is the point of
crossing over, resulting in the
4. Telophase genetic variability of sex cells
● nuclear membrane reappears
and cytoplasmic division begins 2. Metaphase I
● the chromosomes reach the ● the tetrads line up at the
opposite poles equatorial plane (metaphase
● the nucleolus and chromosomes plate) of the cell along with an
start to de-condense along with increase in the number of
the degradation of spindle fiber spindle fibers
● this stage is the exact opposite ● the spindle fibers facilitate this
of the prophase. movement as it attaches into a
Significance of Mitosis
1. Tissue repair and replenishment 3. Anaphase I
2. Growth ● the homologous chromosomes
3. Development migrate toward each pole
4. Continues physiological cycle ● half of the total chromosome
number will move to one pole
Stages of Meiosis and another half to the other
The First Meiotic Division ( Meiosis 1) – pole
( Reductional Division )
4. Telophase I
Prophase I ● the daughter cells divide
● the nucleolus and the nuclear entirely with an equal amount
membrane start to disintegrate; of chromosomes along with the
chromosomes are already reappearance of the nuclei
distinct with sister chromatids ● the chromosomes grow less
fused together by a centromere visible
5. Interkinesis I fibers and reformation of the
● the stage pertains to the short nuclear envelope and cleavage
pause before entry into Meiosis furrow
II ● this produces two haploid cells
● there is no DNA replication ● the total number of daughter
during this stage cells produced is four (all
haploid) from the two cells
2. The Second Meiotic Division produced in Meiosis I that
(Meiosis II ) - Equational Division progressed to Meiosis II
- to complete each process, the
cell carrying a haploid number Telophase II
of chromosomes needs to ● the chromosomes start to
undergo Meiosis II uncoil and lengthen, along with
the disappearance of spindle
Prophase II fibers and reformation of the
● the nucleus disintegrates again, nuclear envelope and cleavage
while the chromosomes furrow
shortens and become thicker ● this produces two haploid cells
● as the spindle fiber arranges ● the total number of daughter
and elongates, the centrioles cells produced is four (all
move toward opposite poles haploid) from the two cells
produced in Meiosis I that
Metaphase II progressed to Meiosis II
● the spindle fibers from opposite
poles bind to two kinetochore Significance of Meiosis
of every centromere 1. For reproduction which
● The chromosomes migrate to a produces sperm cells and egg
new equatorial plate cells, are essential for
fertilization in mammals.
Anaphase II 2. For chromosomal segment
● the centromere separate, exchange which allows a
permitting microtubules to unique genetic material to
attach to the kinetochore for transfer to the offspring – more
chromatid migration toward unique and diverse individuals,
opposite poles genotypically and
● Upon movement toward phenotypically
opposite poles, the sister
chromatids are now called Some Disorders and Diseases
sister chromosomes Resulting from the Malfunction of
the Cell during the Cell Cycle:
Telophase II
● the chromosomes start to 1. Changes in chromosome
uncoil and lengthen, along with number
the disappearance of spindle
● non-disjunction is the result of changes in the activity of cell
the failure of chromosomes to cycle regulators
separate during meiosis ● unchecked cell growth, as a
● aneuploidy- with either extra mass of cancerous cells grows,
or missing chromosomes it can develop into a tumor

example: Down’s syndrome with extra-

chromosome number 21 (Trisomy 21)
Lesson 6: Transport Mechanisms
2. Reciprocal translocations
● occur when non-homologous Membrane Transport
chromosomes trade or ● At the cellular level, the
exchange segments like transport mechanism is very
crossing over important to accommodate the
● deletions and duplications may needs of the cell in the form of
result when crossing over in ions, nutrients, and other
Prophase I does not occur molecules.
properly ● the cell carries this out with or
without the use of energy in the
example: cancers like leukemia and form of ATP
Structural Components of the
3. Genetic mutation Cell Membrane
● inheritable changes in the ● all cells are separated from
genetic material their surroundings by a cell
● they can arise from mistakes in membrane
DNA replication when one ● this structure regulate the
nitrogen base is substituted for materials that enter or leave
another the cell
● cosmic rays, X-rays, ultraviolet ● as regulator of the cell ,
radiation, and mutagenic sometimes it becomes
agents permeable, impermeable , and
most of the time semi-
example: human sickle cell anemia is a permeable (selective
genetic disorder that affects the membrane)
structure of the oxygen-carrying ● it also serves as the protection
molecule found in RBC. and support of the cell as well
as giving shape to the cell
4. Cancerous cells
● a disease of uncontrolled cell
division Two Models of Cell Membrane
● development and progression 1. Lipoprotein Sandwich Model
are usually linked to a series of 2. Fluid Mosaic Model
Lipoprotein Sandwich Model Simple Diffusion
● the complex lipid bilayer, a ● only the cell membrane is
structure with two layers of required for small molecule
highly organized phospholipid movement
molecules are located in ● the cell membrane is semi-
between (sandwich) the permeable due toits
peripheral protein molecules amphipathic nature, as it
which are situated in the contains both hydrophobic and
membrane surface. hydrophilic regions
● common molecules that freely
Fluid Mosaic Model pass the cell membrane via
● the peripheral proteins are not diffusion are carbon dioxide,
situated in the membrane water, and oxygen
surface, instead, embedded ● simple diffusion cannot
within the lipid bilayer of accommodate charged
phospholipids molecules or ions and large
● phospholipids are depicted as molecules such as nucleic acids,
spheres which is hydrophilic , proteins, carbohydrates, and
and with tails which is large lipids
hydrophobic ● it is the movement of particles
● small carbohydrate molecules from an area of higher
are attached to some of the concentration to an area with
lipid and protein molecules less concentration
● proteins are responsible for the ● concentration gradient is the
special characteristics of difference between the area
different types of membranes, with greater concentration and
controlling their ability to the area of lesser concentration
transport molecules, to receive ● diffusion is always from the
chemical messages, to attach area with high particle
adjacent cells , etc. concentration to low particle
Two Major Types of Cellular Transport ● the end of diffusion is the
1) Passive Transport attainment of equilibrium
● an energy-independent wherein the concentration of
mechanism of the cell, allowing particles on both sides of the
small molecules to enter into it membrane is the same
without energy consumption “dynamic equilibrium”
● the basis of movement is
through a concentration Facilitated Diffusion
gradient ● trans-membrane proteins are
required and act as a carrier of
examples: simple diffusion, facilitated some molecules and ions
diffusion, osmosis, and plasmolysis (glucose, Na ions, and Cl ions)
which cannot enter the cell via ● a hypertonic solution results to
diffusion plasmolysis in a plant cell, this
● the process is also ATP- causes water molecules to
independent like simple move out of the plant cell
diffusion causing shrinkage
● requires a specific carrier ● a plant cell has a cell wall ,
instead of a complete
Facilitated Diffusion Osmosis shrinkage, the plasma
● a type of diffusion wherein the membrane will just detach from
movement of water molecules the cell wall
across a semi-permeable
membrane from the side or 2) Active Transport
area where water is greater in ● it is the way by which the
concentration to where it is less substances enters or goes out
concentrated of the cell against a
● at the cellular level, a change in concentration gradient
solute concentration, either ● the activity against the
outside or inside the cell, concentration gradient will not
mediates osmosis be possible without the use of
energy in the form of ATP
Osmosis ● another requirements is a
● the solute concentration protein transversely located in
defines the differences of the plasma membrane called
solutions: active transport pumps
● the role of ATP is to
a. Isotonic solution phosphorylate the active
- if the solute concentration is transport pump to facilitate the
equal inside and outside the cell entry of ions and other
b. Hypotonic solution
- it has a lower concentration of Best Examples of Active Transport
solute outside than inside the Pumps
cell 1. potassium pumps
2. sodium pumps
c. Hypertonic solution 3. vitamins
- it is a solution with higher 4. amino acids
concentration of solutes outside 5. hydrogen ions
the cell
Vesicular and Bulk Transport
Plasmolysis ● the cell requires huge quantity
● in plant cells, change in osmotic (bulk) into and out of the
pressure affects the rigidity of cytoplasm
the cell ● requires ATP for the mechanism
to take place
● two forms of vesicular Exocytosis
transport: ● the process by which the cell
a. exocytosis moves out a bulk quantity of
b. endocytosis materials out of the cell
● this process is applicable to the
Endocytosis transport of hormones,
● moves a large quantity of enzymes, and other important
substances into the cell from polypeptides out of the cell
the extracellular fluid ● the transported proteins, such
● two known forms of as hormones, are of
endocytosis: significance to the endocrine
and other cell signaling
Pinocytosis (cell drinking) mechanism.
- responsible for bulk liquid
- occurs when the cell membrane
engulfs liquid to form a
pinocytic vesicle

b. Phagocytosis (cell eating)

- responsible for solid bulk
transport into the cell
- starts when solid particles
encounter the cell membrane
- upon contact, a bud-like
projection called pseudopods
will surround and eventually
enclose the solid particle in a
phagocytic vesicle
- vesicle pinches off from the cell
membrane and moves into the

Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis
● a phagocytic process relies
upon the interaction of the
substance that tries to enter the
cell and the cell surface
● this is the usual mechanism that
some metabolites, hormones,
other proteins, and viruses gain
entry into the cell

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