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Accountability: a Review
Kanchan Tripathi
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies

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SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies ( SSRG – IJEMS ) – Volume 3 Issue 12 Dec 2016

Accountability: a Review
Kanchan Lata Tripathi#1
Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, U.P.,

Abstract moral and legal requirements

Accountability has not assigned a proper for proper patient care.
definition which is accepted by all yet, then also from Segen's Medical Ethics The extent to which a
ages it is understood as the answerability of the Dictionary4 person is answerable to a seni
accountee (the person who has the responsibility for or authority
the task he/she is answerable for) to the accounter Medspeak (1) A situation in which
(the person who has the authority to ask for the status individuals who exercise
of responsibility given). In this paper researcher has power are guarded by
tried to give the review of the meaningful insights for External resources and
the word accountability given by different authors in internal norms.
different contexts. (2) Taking responsibility for
one‟s own actions and
Keywords — Accountability, responsibility, shielding them to anyone
Transparency. who asks (e.g. to
stakeholders, partner
I. INTRODUCTION agencies ,
Accountability is a wider term for accepting colleagues, the general
responsibility and when comes from within, it‟s at its public
best. An accountable Person understands that when and policy makers)
he is saying that he will do this by this date, he is Oxford English Accountability" comes from
making a promise for that. He has a plan for the way Dictionary 2nd late Latin accomptare which
he will accomplish the thing. He doesn‟t point fingers Ed means „to account‟, a prefixed
to others for his failures; he doesn‟t search for the form of computare which
escapes for that. Even he doesn‟t need a praising means „to calculate‟, which is
party for his accomplishments as he finds it obvious derived from putare that
for himself. He is his own taskmaster and his own means „to reckon‟.
expeditor, and for that he doesn‟t need continuous McGraw-Hill A condition in which
external supervision. Only when we assume full Concise people who exercise
accountability for our thoughts, feelings, actions, and
Dictionary of power are restricted by
results we can direct our own destiny; otherwise, Modern external means and internal
someone or something else will. The tips21 for Medicine5 norms , The
creating a culture of accountability are S.I.M.P.L.E.:
extent to which a person is
viz, Set expectations, Invite commitment, Measure answerable to a
progress, Provide feedback, Link to consequences, senior authority
and Evaluate effectiveness.
Mosby's Dental an obligation to periodically
II. LITERATURE REVIEW Dictionary…..acc disclose appropriate
ACCORDING TO DIFFERENT ountability information in adequate detail
DICTIONARIES andconsistent form to all
Dictionary Meaning/ definition of contractually involved parties
accountability American 1. Expected or required to
According to the the quality or state of Heritage® account for one's actions;
Merriam- being accountable; is an Dictionary of the answerable.
Webster's obligation or willingness English 2. Capable of being explained:
Unabridged to account for one's actions or Language, Fifth an accountable phenomenon
Dictionary1 to accept responsibility Edition10
Collins English 1. responsible to someone or
According to responsibility for one's own Dictionary11 for some action; answerable
Miller-Keane actions 2. able to be explained
Encyclopedia and Random House 1. Subject to the compulsion
Dictionary of Kernerman to justify something;
Medicine2 Webster's College answerable, responsible; .
Mosby's Medical Accountability or Dictionary12 2. explicable , capable to
Dictionary3 responsibility for be explained.

ISSN: 2393 - 9125 www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 32

SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies ( SSRG – IJEMS ) – Volume 3 Issue 12 Dec 2016

WordNet 3.0…13 liable to account for one's IV. TYPES OF ACCOUNTABILITY

actions; Bruce Stone, Joseph G. Jabbra and O.P.
Collins Thesaurus answerable, subject, Dwivedi have listed 8 types of accountability, viz.:
of the English responsible, obliged, liable, moral, managerial, market, professional,
Language14 amenable, obligated, administrative, political, and legal/judicial and
chargeable constituency related.
The American 1. Legally obligated:
Heritage® Amenable, answerable, liable, Feltus C. (2011) stated that In
Roget's responsible. Administrative view the accountability is defined as
Thesaurus15 2. Capable of being accounte "an element which is component of a unique
d for: responsibility which represents a compulsion for an
illustratable, interpretable, actor to achieve the goal, or to execute the procedure
decipherable, explainable, of a task, and the justification that it is done to
explicable, someone else, under threat of sanction"
Thompson, Dennis F. (2014) in his work talks about
Multilingual responsable the dilemma of confusion between individual
Translator17 accountability and organizational accountability and
English-Spanish responsable, contable the solution he proposes for this is to hold people
Medical accountable for the blueprint of the business
Dictionary18 corporation, both prospectively and retrospectively.
Dictionary of The obligation i.e.
Military and obligatory by Internal and External
Associated law or lawful order Accountability: Internal accountability involves
Terms19 The arrangements within organizations to hold constituent
person having this obligation entities accountable, mainly because
might the accountability holder is given that legitimacy or
or might not have actual financial resources to the agent. While In
possession of the belongings, external accountability, the entity is accountable to
credentials or financial individuals who are exterior to the entity and whose
means. lives the entity affects.9
Accountability is concerned
mainly with records, while
responsibility is concerned
Political accountability is the accountability of
mainly with care,
the government, civil servants and politicians to the
custody, and safekeeping.
public and to legislative bodies such as a congress or
a parliament.7
According to Greiling and Alachmi
“Accountability has to do with aptness of actions and
Ethical accountability within an organization
adherence to obligations.” But they cautioned
aim to improve both the internal standard of
that: “too many provisions to ensure accountability
individual and group conduct as well as external
can prevent organizations from achieving their
factors, such as sustainable economic and ecologic
missions.” Then proposed “designing proper and
adequate accountability arrangement to foster
organizational learning” as a target for new
Researcher accountability implies that
approaches to accountability.20
researchers are cognizant of, and take some
III. ROOTS OF ACCOUNTABILITY responsibility for, the potential impact of their ways
Urch, Edwin J. (July 1929) argues for of doing research – and of writing it up – on the
accountability has rooted in Babylon, Roberts, social fields of which the research is part. 7
Jennifer T. (1982) stated that its roots are in Greece,
while Walzer, Michael (1994) says it‟s in Israel, In sociology the accountability thing can be
where as Ezzamel, Mahmoud (1997) argued that the traced to J. L. Austin's 1956 essay "A Plea for
concept of account-giving has prehistoric roots in Excuses", in which he used excuse-making as an
record keeping actions related to governance and example of speech acts, even the thought of account
money-lending structures that initially developed in giving was articulated in a 1968 article on "Accounts"
Ancient Egypt, and Plescia, Joseph (January 2001) by Marvin Scott and Stanford Lyman.
argued for that of Rome.
In ethics and governance, According to
Dykstra, Clarence A. (1939), accountability is

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SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies ( SSRG – IJEMS ) – Volume 3 Issue 12 Dec 2016

answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and the from across the accountability system, including the
expectation of account-giving. political parties, the legislature, auditors, donors,
According to Williams, Reyes (2006), as in executive insiders, and media.
leadership roles, accountability is the recognition and
supposition of responsibility for products, decisions, Schedler, Andreas (1999), in their work
actions, and policies including the governance, stated that accountability is repeatedly described as
management, and implementation within the span of an account-giving relationship among individuals, e.g.
the role or service position and encircling the "X is accountable to Y when X is obliged to inform Y
compulsion to report, explain and be accountable for about X's (past or future) actions and decisions, to
consequential issues. justify them, and to suffer penalty in the case of
eventual wrongdoing" Lewis, Charles (2014)
In governance, According to Mulgan, proposes for the creation of a new multidisciplinary
Richard (2000), Sinclair, Amanda (1995), academic field called Accountability Studies. He
accountability has expanded beyond the basic describes that Students from broadly diverse
definition of "being called to account for one's academic backgrounds are energized about the
actions". panorama of learning, exactly how to explore those in
authority and hold them accountable.
In journalism field Starr, Paul (2012),
describes that The digital revolution has been good Behn, Robert D (2001) described that
for freedom of expression and information but has everybody wishes that the other people should be
had mixed effects on freedom of the press": It has held accountable. He adds that everybody in
disrupted traditional sources of funding, and new the accountability setting is liable for contributing to
forms of Internet journalism have replaced only a tiny attain the conformity. The compact is built on trust
fraction of what's been lost. and the desire of all parties to cooperate to produce
results they collectively desire. He further adds that
In education8, according to National Council having mutual responsibility means removing the
on Measurement in Education (NCME), distinction between accountability holders
accountability is "A program, often legislated, that and accountability holdees.
attributes the responsibility for student learning to
teachers, school administrators, and/or students. VII. CONCLUSION
Seeing a plethora of definitions of
In media, the work of Brunetti, accountability and being accountable it can be
Aymo; Weder, Beatrice (2003), accountability gains concluded that Accountability is often used as a
acknowledgments as their Econometric research synonym for responsibility, answerability,
found that countries with greater press freedom tend transparency, disclosure etc. Seems accountability is
to have less corruption. just a matter of power. Accountability is either
expected or assumed by an individual or an
VI. ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE EYES OF organization for account-giving behaviour of an
DIFFERENT RESEARCHERS individual or an organization. But rather holding
Tembo, F., (2012) argues that Researchers at someone accountable for something its good when
the Overseas Development Institute found that accountability comes from within. It will be good to
empowering citizens in developing countries to be understand accountability as a relative term, which
able to hold their domestic governments to account changes its meaning in relative contexts.
was incredibly complex in practice. Though, by
budding explicit procedures that generates change REFERENCES
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