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Step1:Some people claim that for the success of the interview, the interviewee should

agree with what the recruiter believes while others think that the interviewee should have
their own opinions even though the opinions might contrast the interviewer’s belief.
Which do you think is better? Give reasons and examples to support your point of view.

Vy: Hi Quân! You look worried, Are you ok?

Quân: Hi Vy! Next week I have an interview and I have a few questions. Will you help me?
Vy: Of course, I look forward to helping you with what I know.
Quân: Some people claim that for the success of the interview, the interviewee should agree
with what the recruiter believes while others think that the interviewee should have their own
opinions even though the opinions might contrast the interviewer’s belief. Which do you think is
Vy: From my point of view To be successful in the long term you should instead express your
honest opinions during an interview, presenting yourself as you are, not someone you think the
employer wants you to be.
Quân: But does the fact that you have opinions that are contrary to the interviewer have a
negative effect on your impressions? I don't think it's easy to express your own opinion in an
Vy: Of course, disagreeing with an interviewer isn’t always easy. There is an imbalance of
power, and you risk giving the impression that you’ll be difficult to work with or making the
interview uncomfortable.
Quân: yeah. But I think if you only completely agree with the employer's opinion to successfully
get the job.It can lead to assumptions and misconceptions that grow and fester once you’re in
the role.
Vy: That's true! For instance, if the interviewer uses method A that is always used in the
company, but you believe that method B will give job performance better results. And he or she
says, “That will never work here,” then you know what you might be up against if you get the
role and want to make a change.
Quân: That's an absolutely great idea. Thank you for your answer. It will help me a lot.
Vy: I’m so glad that it helped you. Good bye
Quân: Bye

Step2: When people succeed, it is entirely because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do
with their success. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give
reasons and examples to support your point of view.

Vy: Hi Quân! You look worried, Are you ok?

Quân: Hi Vy! I'm writing an essay, can you help me answer some questions?
Vy: Of course, I look forward to helping you with what I know.
Quân: When people succeed, it is entirely because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with
their success. What do you think of this?
Vy: I think I totally disagree with this view. For me, every achievement in life has the
participation of luck. Of course I'm not denying someone's effort, but you know, it's hard to
achieve something without luck.
Quân: That's true! Luck plays an important role in achieving success. A lot of people have
worked hard, but they still don't have a promotion at work because of a lack of luck.
Vy: Yeah. I believe without luck people won't be able to get even a job. For instance, when
people looking for a job, they are searching them on newspapers and magazines and they don't
know what expects them there, they only rely on luck and trying to find a suitable job for
Quân: Nevertheless, if people rely on only luck they will not get anything, truly luck is with us
but it helps only when we work hard. For example, in difficult situations when people cannot
make a choice between something, they are choosing only by their instincts and if they work
hard and learn a lot, they know which decision to make, it all comes from experience.
Vy: That’s right! We will achieve success if we have more luck and work hard every day. If you
are lazy, luck can't help you.
Quân: That's an absolutely great idea. Thank you for your answer. It will help me a lot.
Vy: I’m so glad that it helped you. Good bye
Quân: Bye

Step3: Some people claim “prevention is better than cure”. To what extent do you agree
or disagree with this saying? Give reasons and examples to support your point of view.

Vy: Hi Quân! You look worried, Are you ok?

Quân: Hi Vy! I'm writing an essay, can you help me answer some questions?
Vy: Of course, I look forward to helping you with what I know.
Quân: Some people claim “prevention is better than cure”. What do you think of this?
Vy: I totally agree with this view. In the current covid pandemic, hundreds of thousands of
people have died and one of the factors leading to this problem is the lack of timely preventive
actions. This leads to a complex epidemic situation.
Quân: That's true! Obviously we can't fix what happened, but we can still change the future. I
believe that if we had effective disease prevention measures in the first place and each person
had a sense of prevention, perhaps the results could have been better. Today, the incidence of
human cancer is increasing, due to unhealthy lifestyle habits and disregard for prevention that
has caused this condition.
Vy: That's right! They argue that if they are unlucky enough to get sick, they only need to go to
the hospital for treatment, because science today has advanced. However, not everyone has
enough luck and money to treat cancer, if it is cured of cancer, it will also leave a legacy later
and your life expectancy will decrease.
Quân:Before these health problems assault the people, it can be stopped by taking some
preventive measures. For example, exercise, sports, entertainment etc. can decrease the
chances to become these patients.
Vy: It can be said that "prevention is better than cure" needs to be propagated more widely in
today's society, people should consciously protect their health against the epidemic, because
the legacy it leaves is extremely heavy and worse if you do not have enough luck you can die.
Be careful!
Quân: That's an absolutely great idea. Thank you for your answer. It will help me a lot.
Vy: I’m so glad that it helped you. Good bye
Quân: Bye

Step4: Nowadays, young people often send their parents who get old to nursing homes.
Do you think this is a positive or negative trend? Give examples to clarify your viewpoint.

Vy:Hi Quân! You look worried, Are you ok?

Quân:Hi Vy! I'm writing an essay, can you help me answer some questions?
Vy:Of course, I look forward to helping you with what I know.
Quân: Nowadays, young people often send their parents who get old to nursing homes. Do you
think this is a positive or negative trend?
Vy: In my view, I think this is a negative trend. You know, although I am a young generation, I
am heavily influenced by traditional Vietnamese culture. Here, I was taught that children should
be kind to their grandparents and parents. And I think taking care of elderly parents is a sacred
thing for our children.
Quân: I agree with you. Sending parents to nursing homes in Vietnam is not common, because
here they value friendship and most consider this to be a negative job. However, this trend also
brings many positive benefits. Like the elderly in a nursing home receiving personal care with
nurses, doctors are good and very good for people with Alzheimer's.
Vy: That’s right!. But besides those benefits, there are actually a lot of disadvantages to having
fewer opportunities to see other members in their families. This would make them feel homesick
and stressful which causes negative impacts on their health. And moreover, the trend of sending
elderly parents into nursing homes also negatively affects the education of children and will lose
its traditional values.
Quân: Yes, this trend can give young people deviant thoughts such as the fact that their
children do not need to take care of their elderly parents because they already have a nursing
home. Society will grow in a negative way.
Vy: I believe that caring elderly parents is the traditional responsibility of families. Adults have to
take care of their old parents, this would not only bring closeness between members in the
family but also educate children about manners in the family.
Quân: That's an absolutely great idea. Thank you for your answer. It will help me a lot.
Vy: I’m so glad that it helped you. Good bye
Quân: Bye
Step5: Recently, while young people often consider backpacking as a thrilling way to
travel, parents only see dangers out of this trend. Do you think the advantages of this
outweigh the disadvantages?
Give examples to clarify your viewpoint.

Vy:Hi Quân! You look worried, Are you ok?

Quân:Hi Vy! I'm writing an essay, can you help me answer some questions?
Vy:Of course, I look forward to helping you with what I know.
Quân: Recently, while young people often consider backpacking as a thrilling way to travel,
parents only see dangers out of this trend. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the
Vy: In my view, if you are mature enough and can take responsibility for yourself, especially
economic autonomy. You can try backpacking at least once in your life. Because it brings a lot of
benefits when you're young.
Quân: Exactly! It can be said that backpacking brings many benefits such as very cheap costs,
meeting like-minded friends, especially when you learn to be responsible for yourself and make
your life arrangements. In addition to learning many life skills, you can see and experience the
world in a completely different way.
Vy: Backpacking is also a way for you to discover yourself, you know what you want and what
you like. You can also learn new cultures and new languages. However, it is absolutely true that
parents think that there are many dangers from this trend.
Quân: Yes! Around the benefits, there are still many disadvantages from this trend. Traveling
dust is not easy, it affects your health a lot, you can not get enough sleep or have a safe place
to sleep. You may get sick during your backpacking journey because you may have to walk in
hot or rainy weather for hours.
Vy: In particular, you may be in danger if you encounter robbers or scammers. Backpacking has
many dangers and parents don't like it. However, if you have enough experience and
knowledge, plan the trip specifically, you can completely experience backpacking.
Quân: That's an absolutely great idea. Thank you for your answer. It will help me a lot.
Vy: I’m so glad that it helped you. Good bye
Quân: Bye

Topic 6: Plastic bags should be banned completely to help protect the environment.
V: Hey Quân how have you been?
Q: Hi I’m fine. Actually I’m doing an interview for my course on environment issues. Can you
give me some point of view about this?
V: Sure what is it?
Q: Great so the first question is what do you think about plastic bags?
V: To answer that question, let me analyze some words. First is plastic. So plastic is one of the
materials that people use the most today. You can easily see through everyday life such as
wheels, bottles or plastic bags
Q: OK so do you think that plastic bags are a threat to the environment?
V: Actually, yes. So plastic bags are flexible and easy to exploit and can be recycled, and the
price is quite cheap so a lot of people use them. However, the current situation of garbage
disposal is quite large, so used plastic bags can be easily found on the sidewalks. Did you know
that plastic waste takes at least 450 years to nearly 1000 years to decompose?
Q: Yes I know but because plastic is so cheap and easy to apply like that. Do you think it can be
difficult to replace or ban in everyday life?
V: Currently on the market, most stores have replaced the use of plastic bags to store goods
with a new material that is paper. The cost is more expensive than using plastic as it is now. The
replacement of plastic with paper shows that people are moving in a positive direction for
environmental protection, but not everyone can do so, especially in places where the economic
resources are not high enough to replace them like other places.
Q: Thank you so much for those points of view. Finally, I have a full answer to this topic.
V: No problem. Happy for you. Well now, I have to go to class. See you later.
Q: Thanks, see you soon.

Topic 7: People eat too much sugar and salt these days.

Q: Hey Vy, how are you today?

V: Hi I’m fine, my dad was just told that he has diabetes today.
Q: Wow, I’m so sorry to hear that.
V: It’s okay. Can you tell me is it good to eat too much sugar or salt?
Q: Well, salt is sugar present in most foods, but in naturally occurring foodstuffs such as meats,
vegetables and fruit. The body mostly uses sugar as an energy source. So in general, sugar
and salt are what make the human body healthier.
V: If sugar and salt are so good like that, then why eating too much sugar and salt can be bad
for your health.
Q: I agree that sugar and salt are very good for your health. But too much sugar can cause
insulin resistance, obesity and diabetes and salt can cause water gain and high blood pressure,
which can lead to heart failure, heart attack and stroke.
V: If so, can you tell me the balance of using sugar and salt to be good for the body?
Q: So I’ve been taught that adults should consume no more than a teaspoon of salt per day and
no more than Three-quarters teaspoon of salt if you are 51 or older or have high blood pressure,
diabetes or chronic kidney disease.
V: Nice what about sugar, I think sugar should be used with the same dose as salt, right?
Q: No actually, you can absorb more sugar than salt. So according to my experience, you can
eat sugar but no more than 100 calories a day, about 6 teaspoons of sugar for women and no
more than 9 teaspoons for men.
V: thanks, so that means my dad stills can continue to eat sweets.
Q: Uh yes, he stills can eat sweets but he should consume less sweet foods, even a small
amount, depending on his doctor’s prescription.
V: Fine, I will tell my dad like that. But thanks for the advice.
Q: You're welcome. Oh, I have to go. See you later.
V: See you soon.
Topic 8: Should schools teach subjects like art and music.
V: Hey Quân, how are you doing?
Q: I’m fine. Hey can I ask you this? Why do we have to study art or music? I mean it helps us to
enjoy ourselves for some moment. It isn't difficult to study, which will need some solutions to
tasks and so on.
V: Nice question. So art and music are very creative and vast subjects. However, it is not
necessary that everyone shall be a good musician or good at art. You can devote time to main
subjects like Physics, Chemistry or Math.
Q: Oh. But don’t you see that art and music should be removed because it is kind of
unnecessary to learn?
V: Truth, but art and music can make me relax after stressful learning moments. Then who will
make music for us when the school doesn’t teach those subjects anymore. Art and music is
optimal, not unnecessary. There are singers and there are artists. Those who have a deep
aptitude for art and music and even master those subjects for that matter.
Q: However, society needs scientists and engineers to serve, so why are so many people still
studying art and music?
V: The first is about engineering. Yes, they need good engineers to draw accurate designs for
the buildings they build. However, did you know that in order to produce good engineers, they
need a good vision and imagination in the arts? Second, in the army they still hold
performances for the soldiers to see to raise morale in combat. That is a part of art and music
Q: Now I get it. So we don’t have to be good at art and music. But those subjects should still be
taught. Because they are very useful to society.
V: Yes, That's right. Now I have to go. See you tomorrow.
Q: I have to go, too. I have an art class today.
V: Have fun, bye.

Topic 9: Do you think foreign cultures threaten the identity of the nation?
Q: Hey Vy. How are you
V: I’m fine, I just finished studying. Can you answer me this question?
Q: Sure
V: OK Is foreign culture good for our country’s traditions?
Q: Yes, but it’s also not good to say because current foreign culture compared to our country is
always ahead, it is more and more developed. Therefore, when interacting with foreign cultures,
it is also a part of making our country develop a lot.
V: I think so too. But in what way is it not good?
Q: OK foreign culture can somehow still influence the national culture such as the tradition of
eating dog meat in Vietnam.
V: OK but I think opposition to eating dog meat is also a part of helping our country become
more developed for the purpose of loving animals.
Q: Let me explain, eating dog meat does not help us to love animals more. It just makes us feel
more luxurious. There are other animals that have made great contributions to helping people
work like buffaloes. It helped us to farm a lot before modern technology and plows were created.
But people still eat it.
V: Ok. So I think not all foreign cultures are good and in line with our own traditions. Cultural
exchange can make our country more developed but also make our country forget its traditions.
Q: Yes, I’m glad you think so too.
V: Yea. Oh I got to go.
Q: See you later.
V: Ok Bye.

Topic 10: Are social skills more important than education when looking for a job?
Q: Hey Vy, busy thinking about today’s post?
V: Hi, It's kind of hard though.
Q: Yea, Can I ask you this?
V: Sure
Q: Which would you choose before social skills or education?
V: So let me make it clear first. Education is the process of learning and acquiring information
from knowledge, values. Then if you want to choose between those two. I would say it depends
on which job you will do?
Q: OK Can you tell me more?
V: For example, if you want to be a lawyer then you will have to learn a lot and mostly through
education. Lawyers will need to memorize a lot of things including the laws and details of the
laws in a set of laws. Also you will have to learn the procedures when going to court. And I don’t
only think about lawyers but also many other professions like teachers or doctors. They will
have to memorize a lot of things.
Q: Ok. But Social skills are also referred to as “interpersonal” or “soft skills.” are the ability to
interact with people through effective listening and communication. This is one of the most
important skills that I think everyone needs to develop.
V: Can you give me an example about it?
Q: When working as a waiter, which is one of the professions that requires good situational
skills, when in a day you will meet a lot of customers, they also need to think about the situation.
How do you treat your customers so they can buy your products?
V: Truthfully, education or social skills are very important things to learn.
Q: It only changes the order when in the future what job you will do.
V: Right. It’s nice to have a conversation with you.
Q: Me too. Oh I got to go. See you later.
V: Ok bye.

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