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TOW team

Teams equipped with the BGM-71 TOW (“Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire

command data link, guided missile") provide a dismounted ATGM / ATGW
capability with an effective range out to 3,750m (effectiveness / penetration
varies with the model of ammunition used).

In the observer position F8, the TOW

post is displayed (note its fairly large
and concealment becomes an issue).

Pressing N provides a magnified


F11 switches to the “Squad Leader”

view of the weapon:

Pressing N brings the Squad Leader’s

binoculars into action. This can not
be used to engage targets.
Pressing F2 moves you to the sight

Pressing N while in the sight view

toggles between the magnified and
non magnified view.

This sight features a thermal view as

well, which can be toggled by Num

Pressing N while in thermal view

gives a magnified thermal capability.

You can then “click and drag” with the mouse / use the joystick to aim and then
space bar to fire. Importantly the TOW does need to be tracked to the target
and the next target can not be engaged until the first one is destroyed / missed
and the reload sequence is complete. (rev. 2.640).

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