Property Law

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3, Define gift. How gift of immovable property effected. Can a gift be suspended? “Ganon "eu euenguig. —arenouns andr Asncnrcu erage —_peoL_qpenpLUsgiag? Qasren. enen Glam. fab Arius Gugion? PART B— (2% 7=14 marks) Answer TWO of the following in about 300 words each. Ghragacnapga Doonyng gadany Aamdped anpany 300 Genpact Alor ucflamart 4. What property eannot be transferable? Explain, erduasensuinan Genggiéacnor alan wnjpprd Gira Quang? dase. 5. “There are several modes available for acquisition of easements” — Examine the statement with illustration. “ewSufloodee Gup ua aifisdr adn” — Qe AenpApm_cny aOsgidant Gags cr pia) Aas. 6. Define ‘Lease’. Explain in what ways lease will be determined? ebpaadlonen axoqumyig, GbE Bepo} Qainsd enflainar fironchisgseoyas? PART C — (6 x 4=20 marks) Write short notes on FIVE of the following: Bereamacappe abies hp GBLussr eggs (Fixture ul Guingpsrse (b) Ostensible owner Gun afienousnart 2 3929-18/TAZB (© Doctrine of subrogation Lonppuwit 2eou.oren Gsntit@ (@) Rights and duties of vendor Alipuisfce 2 Alanon si eminaenid (©) Forfeiture of lease apes 2 flood yin (® Onerous gift GungxBear Geren (@) Prescription. Lng @isne eens PART D — (2x 6= 12 marks) Answer TWO of the following by referring to the relevant provisions of law and decided cases. cogent reasons, Gerasgacarige Grenade a1 csaustsc wip Fionallésuce anpsencners mpl pepe sryaetasias. ar i ‘Blan_wftésat. Mithun solls a property to Nithin, but subject to @ condition that Nithin should not alienate the same ‘without the consent of Mithun, Is the condition valid? Bg peng CorgPeocr PAgrG cipro Aeinid Gung) wedenpPenan Dgahér Gens) cOip.icoar Gouin ang samp PLippmenyar ApS BpBisspcoar Qeguon? 3929-18/TAZB 10. ‘Abi takes a loan of Rs. 5 lakhs from Subi under mortgage by conditional sale. Abi fails to pay the amount to Subi. Can Subi file a suit to sell mortgaged property, DI 5 ote Guns Gpreosere o9-OLdaps Pugporen gecionenpPo aromas Quppri. a SenLtoner Qprenscou w8i9L td AanGes gapdlpai. 5G oeicimionar Agnenséane sen. ionent Qenioner cSjpienen Goria expires Gps gpigu ton? Amutha orally permits Bagya the right to generate electricity and transmit the same from her lake for a sum of Rs, 2,50,000/- por month, Decide the validity of the permission, Happ erdniout penggeows MAD egg) ero. pusi— Anitia(s separ —egpgaisiei ns © 2,60,000/- Guay Uréun — craaumig, ainiGionfiuns gg Asr@sspni. Bip AqGGer Oedogub scrcrincu Fronedsayd. 4 3920-18/TAZB, Register No. I TA2B 3929-18) (For the candidates admitted during 2017-2018) LIB. DEGREE (Semester) EXAMINATIONS, MAY 2018, (bree Years Regular Course) First Year ~ Second Semester PROPERTY LAW Time : 2 % hours Maximum : 70 marks PART A — (2x 12 = 24 marks) Answer TWO of the following in about 500 words each. Geragamarne Qrdeyis gaan Bamedljinsid ‘SppNp 900 Bampsati BlenwiéaaitD, 1, When are conditions on transfer of property void but the transfer valid? Discuss with detided case laws. rGLuncgas Gonfgafleno wonsppslpanar Puidponcunci GrdanBgivignd enggfens wndmd Cedgns? BiroreAlésciL axpdemesr cn Bamsiawasd. “Nemo dat quod non habet” - Explain this maxim with exceptions? “peidgfen Qaonp endap gered eileno orrimib Garis apiyuings” - creénp cp gGiomPuSenen APB‘ Ke51 ce Blaréna\t

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