IT Capstone Project 1 Midterms

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Example: This investigation was conducted to determine the status of the teaching of

science in the high schools of Province A as perceived by the teachers and students in
science classes during the school year 1989-1990. The aspects looked into were the
qualifications of teachers, their methods and strategies, facilities forms of supervisory
assistance, problems and proposed solutions to problems.

The scope and delimitation should include the following:

High schools of province A. - Locale of the Study

The teaching of science. - Subject Matter

Teachers and students - Population or Universe

School year 1989-1990. - Period of the Study

To determine the status of the teaching of science. - General Purpose

For example: What are the components of intelligence?

The purpose of his/her research is_____________________.

To describe
Kinds of Related Literature are:
pertains to articles and books written by authorities giving their opinions, experiences,
theories or ideas. - Conceptual Literature

pertains to published reports of actual research studies done previously. - Research

Categories of notes are:
Summary - condensed form of the contents

Paraphrases - researcher restates the author's words in his/her own words

Quotations - exact words of the author are reproduced

Research is purposive and from the onset it must be clearly defined.
For example, measuring intelligence in Grade 5 students.

The purpose of his/her research is ________________.

To Evaluate
Research _________ are closely related to research problem.
In Scope and Limitation, it answers the questions:
Where - place where conducted or area covered

Who - persons who were involved

When - time conducted

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What - coverage of the study
Scope and Limitation section sets _________ of the study.
Objectives of the Study: This section summarizes what is to be _________ by the study.
refers to the consistency of a measure.
A __________ is as a work cited or reference list. It is a list of the sources that were
used in the research paper.
Types of Observation
This means watching and recording behavior in its natural setting. - Naturalistic

The observer is part of the scene being observed. - Participant Observation

Data Gathering Techniques are:
Is a self-report data collection instrument. - questionnaire

Is an in-depth, longitudinal examination of a single instance or event, called a case. -

Case Study Method

Is an activity of a sentient living being (e.g. humans), which senses and assimilates the
knowledge of a phenomenon in its framework of previous knowledge and ideas. -
Obsevation Method

Data collection method entails using tests. - Testing Method

Is used to prove causality. - Experiment Method

Is a questionnaire asked in a one-on-one situation. - Interview Method

sources are best and purest; they are the closest from the point of origin
Examples of reliability are:
Used to assess the consistency of results across items within a test. - Internal
Consistency Reliability

Used to assess the consistency of a measure from one time to another. - Test-Retest

Refers to how much it measures what it is designed to measure. - Construct Validity

Used to assess the degree to which different raters/observers give consistent estimates
of the same phenomenon. - Inter-Rater Reliability
sources, are reports of a person who relates the testimony of an actual witness or

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The _________ sources are compiled from or based on secondary sources.
For format on the writing of references, research papers in IT, Computer Science, and
Engineering must use the _________ citation and referencing style.
Kinds of construct validity are:
The test is compared to another, valid, test to see if it measures the same thing - Face

If at first glance of a non-expert judge, the test seems to measure what it intends to
measure - Criterion-Related Validity

If the test contains all of the pertinent components of the variable it wants to measure -
Content Validity
Match the Definition of the terms to the Concept.
showcases previous studies and publications relevant to the thesis. - review of related

this section sets parameters of the study - scope and limitation

this section summarizes what is to be achieved by the study. - objectives of the study

is as a works cited or reference list. - bibliography

Research papers in Business, Accountancy, Education, Arts and Sciences must use the
_________ citation and referencing style.
The questionnaire may contain questions that are:
Closed-ended questions - give options that the respondent must choose

Open-ended questions - does not give options that the respondent must choose
Which statement is true?
all of the above
The questionnaire should not be bulky, too long or too thick.

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