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國中 學年度 學期

英語 範圍:
2 年 班 座號: 姓名:
morning, so I won’t be late.
1. A:你在寒假期間要做什麼? 6. 我們下個月將會去賞鳥。
B:我要跟家人去日本旅遊。我們會去滑 We ______ go ______
雪並造訪東京的各景點。 next month.
A:______ ______ you _
_____ to do ______ winter 7. A:你們明天要去哪裡嗎?
vacation? B:是的,我們將要去美國旅行。
B:I’m ______ ______ _ A:______ you going _____
_____ a trip to Japan with my family. _ ______?
We will ______ ______ B:Yes, we ______ take a ___
and visited the ______ in Tokyo. ___ to the USA.

2. 你今年拿到多少壓歲錢?等等,讓我猜猜 8. A:你會跟我一起去百貨公司嗎?
看。 B:當然。我想要買些衣服。
How much ______ ______ A:______ you go to the ____
did you get this year? Wait, _____ __ ______ with me?
_ me ______. B:______ ______. I want
to buy some clothes.
3. A:你們明天會去看煙火嗎?
B:是的,我們會去。 9. A:你將會去購買禮物嗎?
A:______ you ______ _ B:會。我將帶上我所有的壓歲錢。
_____ watch the ______ _ A:Are you ______ ______
_____? ______ for gifts?
B:Yes, we are. B:Yes. I will bring all my ______
4. 填入正確的動詞形式:
1. The singer is going to ______ 10. 我和你的阿姨決定要帶你們去一座美麗
(have) a concert(演唱會)in Kaohsiung next 的公園,因為你們享受待在大自然。接著,
week. 我們將拜訪東京廣受動漫迷歡迎的景點。
2. Mrs. Carter asked her children ____ Your aunt and I ______ to take you
__ (clean) the house together. ______ to a beautiful park because
3. I’m so hungry. I can’t wait ____ you ______ being out in ____
__ (eat) the strawberry pancake. __. Then we’ll visit Tokyo’s ____
__ ______ for anime and manga
5. A:到 Sam 叔叔家要花多久時間? lovers.
A:那麼我應該一大早就前往他家,這樣 11. 我昨天花三小時在山中健行。今天我將要
我才不會遲到。 去滑雪。
A:______ ______ will it I ______ three hours _____
______ to get to Uncle Sam’s house? _ in the mountains yesterday. I ___
B:About two to three hours. ___ ______ ______
A:Then I ______ ______ today.
______ his house in the early
12. 你們拜訪日本之前,記得要攜帶厚大衣與 18. 這間圖書館週一不對大眾開放。
帽子,因為這裡的冬天非常冷。我們迫不 This library ______ ______
及待在二月見到你們了。 to the ______ on Mondays.
Before you visit Japan, ______ _
_____ ______ a heavy coat 二、文法測驗:
and a hat because the winter here is very 1. ( )That mountain isn’t open to the
cold. We can’t ______ ____ public in winter. The hiking season is
__ ______ you in February. ______ early June ______ early September.
(A) on; to (B) for; in (C) with; on (D)
13. 填入正確的答案: from; to
1. ______ Jenny going to visit
Hualien this weekend? 2. ( )A:It ___ me a lot of time to find
2. Judy and Tom ______ going to my dream job.
see a movie next Tuesday. B:So, ___ did you decide to be a cook?
3. ______ Kevin go to the (A) paid; where (B) spent; when
bookstore tomorrow morning? (C) took; why (D) took; what

14. 填入正確的動詞形式: 3. ( )A:Are they ___ eat some

1. Helping his students clean the classroom delicious cakes?
______ (take) Ben 15 minutes this B:No, they ___. The cakes are too
morning. sweet(甜的)for them.
2. The kids can’t wait ______ (play) (A) go to; don’t (B) going to; aren’t
in the playground. (C) went to; didn’t (D) go to; aren’t
3. We decided ______ (have) lunch
at a Japanese restaurant. 4. ( )It took Tina two hours ___ her
homework, but she still couldn’t finish it.
15. 填入正確的動詞形式: (A) do (B) doing (C) did (D) to do
1. Bob asked his sister ______
(take) out the trash. 5. ( )I spoke to that lady ___ of times,
2. It will take Mr. Blake half an hour __ but I still don’t know her name! Should I
___ her what her name is next time?
____ (prepare) dinner.
(A) dozens; ask (B) dozens; am asking
3. I will spend an hour ______
(C) two dozen; am asking (D) dozen; ask
(take) a bath before I go to bed.
6. ( )Julia’s birthday is next Saturday.
16. 填入正確的動詞形式:
Her father ___ have a birthday party
1. Jay spent half an hour ______ for her.
(walk) to the department store. (A) is (B) are (C) will (D) ╳
2. Mr. Lin wanted us ______ (be)
quiet. 7. ( )Fiona will ___ for her math test
3. Ms. Lee told us ______ (wait) in in the afternoon. She can’t have lunch
the classroom. with you.
(A) studied (B) studies
17. 填入正確的答案: (C) is studying (D) study
1. ______ Ken take a trip to Nantou
the day after tomorrow? 8. ( )A:Will Sara ___ to our house
2. Judy ______ going to clean the and have dinner together?
beach tomorrow morning. B:No, she won’t. She’s ___ study at
3. ______ Mr. and Mrs. Wu going home.
to visit Tainan next Sunday? (A) come; going (B) coming; goes
(C) came; went to (D) come; going to
(A) Were you in New York City before?
9. ( )Amy and Jason ___ play the (B) Will you go to the famous restaurant?
guitar after school. (C) Is your brother going to go swimming
(A) is going to (B) are going to this weekend?
(C) goes to (D) be going to (D) Are you going to visit New York City
next month?
10. ( )A:What will you do tomorrow?
B:I ___ my dad ___ the 5. ( )A:Why do these elephants in Africa
housework. go a long way to find water?
(A) helped; to do (B) will help; do B:Because it’s not the rainy season now,
(C) will help; doing (D) helped; did and ___.
A:I see.
三、對話與完成句子: (A) the fruit here is delicious
(B) the zebras will stay here until the
1. ( )My family will take a trip to
elephants come back
Singapore during the winter break, so my
(C) they are not afraid of the lions
dad told me to study the map. ______
(D) the rivers here are drying out
because he wants to choose a good one to
stay at.
(A) He was also out in nature
(B) We’ll visit the popular sights
(C) He also told me to look for some hotels
(D) He also asked me to stay at the

2. ( )A:Why are you so tired(疲勞的)?

B:Because my friends and I played soccer
this morning.
A:How long was the game?
B:___ without having a break.
A:No wonder.
(A) We didn’t play soccer until 11 o’clock
(B) We spent four hours playing soccer
(C) It took me 30 minutes to get to the park
(D) I will sleep eight hours

3. ( )A:Are you going to visit the museum

this afternoon?
B:Of course. ______
A:Really? I like the great painter(畫家).
I’m going there with you.
(A) I’m going there this afternoon.
(B) It’s important to learn to draw.
(C) There are Monet’s paintings(畫)there
(D) And I’m planning to go there with my

4. ( )A:___
B:Yes, I am. I can’t wait to see the
famous city.
A:Have a good trip.

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