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——|-obvious that __supply__of Power (Say a i~_|_ electric motor) is _“requiany requive te ——__| drive a refrigerator. “tcreticant 2 _ ———LHetrigerator_is_a versed heat tngine ——_|-a_heat pump. y heat ~fro —___| cond body and Ap ah QO Sub:- AAC fia poo) Topic 4. + Appticatfon Of Sewad Low - of Thermodynamics. Antrodudion :- . —___ Setond_lava. of Thermodynamics, this Process can_only. be _performe with ine ‘aid of some external. work, d+ is thus. in _a_hea is |The substance whi an = |_pump jo _extrack_heat_Frorn a. told body and to. detiver. th 40 a_hot body — catted oO fefrigecaat. : > As explored —A_«higerating machine js o device winich uail) cool ithe. tbody of _Spate | or _moiniained “at_level “belod the ben perciture _ _| of surroundings. Tr requires the heak _4o flow | frocn loro _jeenperatuve ftom, body or Space_io_sussoundings at higher temperature | compared to body “tempercitdee Tt sill violate, | tre clausius stoterneat of Second law ot LAhecmodynacarc. et _ : However, [} is _obsemed in naruce that heat —Can—only. —fovo__ftorn_higher _Henpereute_bedlg — | Ao howd benperature _sponir neatly :- | te condude that inere. emus bef of heat from, lous. tenpecature 5 thle Ine Mol poss : ter pecature._body P un iin _fransFer sahil work is dane of, Systern-— heot from (wa Htenp erature body — Feigeranon= tye Coniatsting. of Joo _evoporator; tenprestor _tondenser and —Hhrottiing » Motive Ceapacinion cle vite, Tk_is_ -Kneo9_a5_Vapour_cémprenion —Cuycte ka fotlouss {he first _lavorof _Aherenedy Meine _agd | ik does nok Niolate the second: slaw of Hnecmockynarns s Processes involved _in__tatineer. @_Heat_ G2_age atenk. hea tuorlkingSubsiance _Crefeig erent) _fronn surroundings Lat loo beooperadare: Ta cand! Prenure Pe |) The evaporokeel__sefti ecant is Comprened upto — _ Condenser. prostire Pe e-A 09 -expense_of Work __ __ Supplied M's benpecatuce! _Js__taised to Ti due toto ‘ 210-3 onder 1 oe: Surround! erature Ty Duin {the pro ra raat errancenae 5 st 7 cltgquyd: feFrigeran ods froc throttling valve. -ond__Suppued_to 219 Porabor EO ____Thus it _tornpletes_a_cycle,_ Fron 15 lao, §dige Gd’) . he Qa= Qari CO eye @e)n us io. from cGoNe! we see thako ‘hte. refrige = Machine) doernok Minlake: He i Ctausius | condiutaus ef jb _| tari 0 stokement i of “4 Reaio CEERI na | s We define CoP_of cefrigeranion syste ay _ Taio of ref qeratis Cf feos los: work input. —fTnis _alidimansionless: Quantity 1 + owever in -USA ithe chormnante of _ | fefrigecators: wand. ait tomditioning «systems, ote) enpressed iOoteems of CER 7 pe H+ Aheveneeqy io effic POH Ot ES a hebi ne | barmounk oF ath temoved::: from space in| iti Thekenal voit) sin id VAC ph Creating, Meatilation andi: Air conditions | i —Systenn—peeraWast= hour of cledtic energy “| _[2 We manufeetures of appitianea tynsumed . Parhremnet eally ) : wens Aleodiverao: 10 tergy Consumed Heat reenovtedd in =.p.hWlor Bethy jo Wallis. hour Loergy consumed ia eb guy. B-Th.O 7 = “Vn = or, Veh 3hte. BTV: neaee _ z| a Therefore a ref rig erator which... reimowes! heat pa Leth cait ak energy) consumedd | im watt will have COP as Lo Theretvet, 3 4 at BER = 342 ¥ (OPK BEE Stay Rating - L _— ° Bur toy of energy ethetenvy _ (BEE) statutocy . body Under ministry. wag formed In May 2006.09 eye This body toundhed the standard and labeling prograra of _ electric home _apypya: tes (ntludin: lefriqerators, Water i toders, air Conditioners, .gusers__ ete for benefit — OF general publi da dyi Mandatory |wotuovaity sto: Lofty. Bee Star evel sonnel Produc ib howing - jhe Newel. of. LeMerqy tLonsump}ion: “19. Heme 6F. AC LGy! Uyell Oy 2 Sheae Naess e| —___§ Joo sperificstipulanoas, kw ie Ws abosolute ve RquaNelenh NUM ber to ST! Aetording An_appiante! with last efficient andi wit stock Mnes\: Macey ya -effiictent @ \ (es the minimucn consumption ——__-$ 2 AThougis the hj Whet_steck roared app tanies | are tosttier roFiaty bu ock Our — | —teo—etanomical_io—tongcun_due_ts huge —|* star 5 ih years — gone by dur to technological innovation eg . feFrigeraro’ of gross volurne 250 litres —Manutachiced | iO=20I0 Consuming 385 ues — | nits pee 44601 nnd enay hove toe ratrecd + rors {qn ear, However, the’ game | fefrigerator in 201 sun Units tonsumPtions willbe rated 4 star du Jo technological jatovations becaute the AON (eltigevatoe prcnubatured 1A 9013 with be onsurniag teas energy than _.refn'gerci roe Manulatheed} in_2o10. : 7 + Ths th Lompariseo of apptvances for j-—thei_startatmg! cousk be done bated on ——}_Same_year Hag _roanufaeture + of on appliante pag fate Leyte [.Carmoe ReErigeratort= = He - : ; 4 | Isotherma)}, fm, |; < iE N ¥oW ie . . COMA Tsopher tna aac —E— 98, 7 LuPansion at Tr. Nous E VAN yy st nas — € f, 3 CPN) dias 4 e top. corn CTS) diagea rey +} Cycle aed ae |G | during: whic js fen. Not engine ty cle, The -processerinwelved | Carnot ‘tebe erator —cycte ave Shown oa C Land. CES) dragrams.- The working. substan assumed. as Sart ‘The processes. clovotves| clus earn heen percitu rt } expanded. foten pi Ufo iy ) Process Ca~b)+ 1 ()_Protess Gb-

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